Why can a stomach ache due to nervousness? Symptoms and treatment of gastric neurosis

It has been scientifically proven that stressful situations are detrimental to health. Negative Impact The effect on the body is not felt immediately, this process is slow. Not only a person’s mental state, but also a person’s physical health suffers from stress factors. The gastrointestinal system is the first to be affected. As a result, gastritis is formed on nervous soil.

Could this be gastritis?

This pathology of the stomach is diagnosed in more than 50% of the population, the cause of which is nervous breakdowns, depression, and stress. Such shocks negatively affect the functions of the human autonomic system, which controls work internal organs and vessels.

Part of the vegetative nervous system is the enteric nervous system (ENS), it regulates the work of smooth muscles of internal organs that have contractile activity, plays important role in physical and mental state person. The ENS is a bundle of nerve fibers (neurons), they are located in two layers of intestinal tissue, under the influence of stress they become more vulnerable. The enteric nervous system is also located in the walls of the stomach, which is why digestion is disrupted.

When a person experiences stress, circulatory disturbances occur in the gastric mucosa and salivation changes. Failures in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract are explained by pathologies in the secretion of digestive juice and impaired contraction of the intestinal walls.

Characteristic symptoms

Stressful situations greatly affect a person’s physiological state. When a person is nervous, excess acid is released in the stomach, causing irritation of the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of symptoms that mimic heartburn. This condition, along with stress, causes nervous pain in the stomach.

Gastritis of the stomach due to nervousness can begin suddenly, and the disease can develop slowly. It damages the mucous membrane, the ability to produce acid is lost, which leads to stomach upset and digestive problems. General symptoms of gastritis of the stomach against the background stressful situation:

  • burning in the stomach, especially immediately after eating;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • lump in the throat;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • vomit;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight change;
  • hiccups and belching;
  • rumbling;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • bad breath;
  • change in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea);
  • the stool may contain mucus or blood.

Gastritis of the gastric mucosa from nerves, in addition to the main symptoms, is accompanied by drowsiness, apathy, pain in the heart, irregular heartbeat, decreased blood pressure. If your stomach hurts due to nervousness, you should take immediate action; acute attacks of pain can lead to fainting. Lack of treatment leads to vitamin B12 deficiency, which ultimately leads to pernicious anemia and ulcers.

Diagnostic methods

To diagnose gastritis of the stomach, the doctor performs a physical examination and collects anamnesis. Anamnesis collection includes information about:

  • previous problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lifestyle (tobacco use, alcohol use);
  • use of medications, herbal supplements and vitamins.

When examining a patient, take into account body temperature, tension of the stomach muscles, and type of vomit. After collecting the history, instrumental types of diagnostics are carried out:

  • gastroscopy (fibrogastroduodenoendoscopy, FGDS);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • X-ray.

Some patients are prescribed a biopsy, blood and urine donation, and pH testing. Gastroscopy is always carried out; other methods for diagnosing gastritis due to nervousness are carried out if the doctor considers them necessary. FGDS is a study of the upper gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum). Gastroscopy for gastritis allows you to evaluate the gastric mucosa.

How is the treatment carried out?

The goal of treatment for nervous gastritis is to eliminate the causes. In addition to the gastroenterologist, the patient should visit a psychotherapist. For nervous gastritis, the doctor will prescribe sedatives. Psychotropic medications that help get rid of anxiety and depression. For nervous gastritis, calming herbs help relieve stress:

  • angelica;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • tarragon;
  • valerian;
  • catnip.

Chamomile, peppermint and ginger prevent gas formation. Stress and gastritis are interconnected; you will need to learn to relax in order to prevent aggravation. Yoga and meditation will help with this.

Antibacterial agents are prescribed if gastritis was already present in the patient’s stomach, was caused by bacteria and was complicated by nervous disorders. You can take medications only in certain cases. Antibiotics are prescribed to patients with gastritis in the stomach on the nerve kidney, in whom the bacterium Helicobacter pylori has been detected.


  • Tetracycline;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Clarithromycin.

The duration of therapy for nervous gastritis in the stomach is 2 weeks. For heartburn, belching and abdominal pain, antacid medications are prescribed. Patients with nervous gastritis are prescribed the use of Gevixon, Vikair, Maalox, Rennie. For pain they take antispasmodic and anticholinergic medications:

  • No-shpa;
  • Papaverine;
  • Buskopan.

In addition to medications and soothing herbs, you should follow your diet. Irregular eating leads to the production of gastric juice. If too much of it is secreted, the mucous membrane of the organ is burned, which leads to a worsening of gastritis due to nervous conditions.

If gastric juice is secreted in small quantities, fermentation processes begin, and food with sharp edges scratches the mucous membrane. Contact with gastric juice on a scratch leads to progression of the disease.

To avoid worsening nervous gastritis of the stomach, avoid consuming:

  • citrus fruits;
  • tomatoes;
  • milk and other dairy products;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • spicy food;
  • refined and processed foods.

For nervous gastritis, you should eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. The menu is selected by a nutritionist or attending physician. Products, the use of which will help overcome gastritis due to nervousness:

  • artichoke, leafy greens, asparagus, celery;
  • garlic;
  • licorice, fennel;
  • legumes, nuts (almonds), flax-seed, buckwheat.

Be sure to eat healthy fats and proteins for nervous gastritis; they are found in eggs, fish, and poultry. Fish, such as salmon or sardines, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Any person has heard the phrase: “All diseases come from nerves” and this is not without reason. In fact, scientists have proven the fact of the impact of the negative sphere on the human body and the appearance of any abnormalities in it.

For people staying long time when under stress, the stomach hurts from nerves 3 times more often. In addition, other symptoms may appear, such as nausea and vomiting. If pain occurs due to mental stress, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, because they may be the first sign of a serious pathology.

How are the stomach and nerves connected?

It would be interesting to find out whether nerves can cause stomach pain? At the first signs of discomfort, many people begin to take various medications that can worsen their health. With strong mental overexcitation, vasospasm occurs and blood flow to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract decreases.

Over time, the surface changes. The first manifestations of gastritis may appear. Gradually, the mucous layer of the stomach ceases to function normally, and various diseases develop (gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum).

Inflammation also affects other organs of the digestive tract. Pain in the epigastric region appears, which is periodic or constant. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines can appear even with a normal diet, proper and healthy image life.

On initial stage damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the following symptoms appear:

  • abdominal pain in different areas (depending on the location of the inflammation);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • belching of air that has an unpleasant odor;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • heartburn, feeling of a full stomach;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • rapid heartbeat leading to tachycardia.

Important! If at least one of the above symptoms appears during a nervous disorder, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

Possible causes of the pathological condition

There are many factors that can provoke pain, nausea and vomiting in a person. The main ones are pathogenic microorganisms, but there are also psycho-emotional reasons: anxiety, stress and severe anxiety can lead to a decrease in the body’s defenses.

As a result, the body's resistance sharply decreases and the chance of getting sick increases several times. Hence the pain of various nature, giving into the stomach. The factors that lead to discomfort are discussed below.

Most often, the cause of pathology is bullying and ridicule from classmates and peers. In addition, teachers and parents can provide the same Negative influence on the child, due to pressure on him.

Children may also experience stomach pain at school.

Nervous gastritis

An inflammatory disease characterized by damage to the gastric mucosa, the main cause of which is nervous diseases. The mechanism of development of the disease is based on impaired circulation of internal organs due to strong emotional stress.

As a result, the motility of the organ changes and the function of the stomach is disrupted. Bacteria that have entered the cavity begin to actively multiply and a new focus of inflammation appears. In addition to the main symptoms of nervous gastritis (abdominal pain, belching, heartburn and burning sensation), general fatigue of the body, increased fatigue, drowsiness, and disturbances in heart rhythm appear.

Often patients complain that it hurts to breathe air or they imply other organ diseases chest.

Stress ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Ulcerative lesions of the gastric wall and duodenum caused by severe stress (hence the name). The principle of the disease is identical to nervous gastritis, only in the absence of the necessary treatment, erosions of various sizes begin to appear on the mucous membrane. If your stomach hurts from nerves, you should immediately consult a specialist and undergo an FGS for diagnostic purposes.

Nervous pancreatitis

Inflammatory disease of the pancreas caused by psycho-emotional stress. The mechanism of action of the disease is based on internal experiences, most often manifested in childhood. Why does inflammation of the gland occur?

The fact is that common cause pathology is a lack of parental attention, bullying from peers, etc. Children begin to “eat up” their grievances, often eating sweets, processed foods, spicy and salty foods, which seem unusually tasty to them. These actions calm them down and they eat again and again.

In addition to the heavy load on the pancreas, young patients experience sudden changes in mood, their performance decreases and hormonal imbalance is noted. Signs of pancreatitis are severe girdle pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting, increased body temperature, and indigestion in the form of diarrhea.


Pain in the stomach and any part of the digestive tract caused by stress is treated in the same way as stress.

To do this, you should follow some rules that will allow you to quickly restore the normal functioning of your internal organs:

  • rest and bed rest;
  • same diet for the first week. You can refuse to eat for a while - after all, hunger allows the stomach to rest, relieving irritation and reducing inflammatory process;
  • minor physical exercise(only with the permission of the attending physician);
  • eliminate the cause of pain - get out of a stressful situation (a psychologist or good friend);
  • resort to the use of herbs: decoction of chamomile, yarrow, caraway, flax seed, etc.

Treatment can be carried out both in a hospital setting and on an outpatient basis

It is worth noting that only a qualified doctor can determine the cause of stomach pain. Sometimes the lower abdomen and other parts of it hurt due to diseases not related to the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in no case should you self-medicate, so as not to cause even greater harm to your health.

Spasmodic sensations in the abdominal area are a reflexive contraction of muscles, which is accompanied by pain. Pain syndrome manifests itself in discomfort in various parts of the abdomen. The spasmodic muscle reflex can be present in various diseases: kidney disease and gallbladder, with colitis and gastritis. In this case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe treatment. What effect do nerves have on the gastrointestinal tract and is it possible for this to cause the development of ventricular extrasystole?

Stress affects the stomach

Poor diet causes stomach cramps

Often the cause of spasms is considered poor nutrition. However, the occurrence of spasms is not always associated with nutrition and diets. Most people are of the opinion that many diseases manifest themselves faster as a result of nervous breakdowns and take a long time to heal. In relation to stomach cramps, this is justified. The stomach can hurt from nerves, since they are interconnected. Here great importance has stress resistance. Stress as the body's response to emotional outbursts, a nervous state contributes to the appearance of spasmodic sensations, neurosis disorders (gag reflexes, belching, heartburn from nerves, diarrhea and constipation, flatulence).

Stomach pain from nerves is a condition that is not systematized in the relationship between certain diseases.

Only after passing the necessary tests and diagnostics is it possible to determine the essence of the problem and establish a diagnosis. A study may show that the cause of stomach ulcers is the Helicobacter bacteria. Most often, stomach pain is due to stress or nervous breakdowns. As a rule, experts use the name “gastric neurosis” for abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach, namely: functional nervous dyspepsia, bloating and deterioration of intestinal function; variants of changes in stomach acidity can also be diagnosed.

Pain after experiences

Relationship between abdominal pain and nerves

Dejection and rebellion, melancholy and sadness, anger and rage have a negative effect on the digestive system. If the stomach or intestines respond to stress with spasmodic pain or may stop working altogether, this is not surprising. Most often, stress manifests itself in digestive problems. This serves as a source dangerous diseases, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, nervous gastritis.

So why do nerves cause stomach pain? What to do? The nervous system controls digestion. In a state of stress, the nervous system malfunctions. In this case, stress affects the digestive system, disrupting the functioning of the glands that are responsible for digesting food. The volume of gastric juice changes, the normal parameters of pancreatic enzymes (trypsin and lipase) and bile change. Namely: gastritis occurs due to nervousness.

In addition, according to signals that come from the brain, stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) enter the blood, which negatively affect the digestive system, because they secrete enzymes that change the digestive process. These hormones have a different effect on each person: some people don’t want to eat at all, while others eat more than normal. As a result, some lose weight from nervous overstrain, while others fill themselves with food in quantities that are not beneficial. Result: a malfunction of the digestive system, accompanied by stomach spasms.

The effect of stress on the gastrointestinal tract

Nerves as causes of abdominal pain

A person is prone to constant worry about problems related to health, career and financial situation. Psychological well-being always has an effect on the physiological state. Therefore, a negative emotional state contributes to a decrease in performance immune system, suppresses the body, which entails infectious diseases and abdominal pain.

Common irritable bowel syndrome in combination with overstrain and anxiety, as well as nerve disorders, in addition to everything can cause nervous gastritis.

There are nerve-related reasons why abdominal pain begins:

  • Anxiety.
  • Fear and stress.
  • Extreme agitation.
  • Constant fainting.
  • Melancholy.
  • Prolonged and prolonged stress.

Signs of stomach diseases

When the stomach hurts due to nervousness, a person experiences not only pain in the lower abdomen, but also gastric dysfunction:

  • I have a stomachache;
  • pancreatitis;
  • lower abdomen hurts;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • blood and mucus discharge in stool;
  • vomit;
  • regurgitation (acid reflux that irritates the stomach lining);
  • bloating;
  • stomach growls;
  • belching and excess gas accumulation.

Most symptoms last for two to three days. An exacerbation of gastritis due to nervous conditions may occur. When the painful condition becomes protracted, it causes severe discomfort and creates problems for Everyday life. If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Self-medication does not help

Prevention and therapy

Stomach pain from stress shocks is treated with medication. In addition, a person needs to change their lifestyle and avoid stressors. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • drugs to normalize stool;
  • antiemetic medications;
  • medications that affect mental processes, mainly higher nervous activity;
  • antacids, which protect the gastric mucosa from the action of hydrochloric acid and bile;
  • for people suffering from nervous anxiety and painful sensations, with psychological overstrain (nervous stomach), medications are prescribed that relieve feelings of oppression and depression;
  • herbal medicines.

Stomach diseases can be cured medicinal plants. Herbal plants will help get rid of the effects of gases on the gastrointestinal tract: chamomile, peppermint and ginger. Fennel, catnip, valerian, tarragon, anise and angelica are herbal plants with a relaxing effect.

Medicines for stomach pain

It happens that a person has difficulty moving due to stomach pain due to nervousness.

In order to relieve stress and gastritis, you need to calm down and get used to living on a positive note and not getting nervous.

There are other ways to get rid of stomach pain that occurs during stress:

  • Ginger or its root has a calming effect on the stomach and relieves irritation of its mucous membrane. Helps with cramps and poor digestion of food.
  • Mint relieves stress and strengthens the nerves. Used to improve food digestion and protect against indigestion.
  • Soda is used to eliminate colic, treat intestinal spasms, and works as an antacid that relieves heartburn and the gag reflex.
  • Rice will help get rid of stomach ailments due to neurosis and loose stools. Rice normalizes stool and absorbs toxins.
  • Breathing exercises to calm the nerves and normalize the heartbeat. Helps relieve fatigue and tension.


Now you know that nerves can cause stomach diseases. You should be more attentive to your psycho-emotional state in order to avoid serious illnesses stomach.

It is necessary to adhere to a healthy and proper lifestyle. If symptoms of disease appear, you should consult a doctor who will select the appropriate treatment method for you.

My stomach hurts from nerves, can something like this happen? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yes – it can. However modern man often does not attach importance to this fact, drowning out episodic attacks of pain and other accompanying symptoms with medications.

These actions are fundamentally wrong, ignore the connection emotional state with the development of diseases it is impossible. IN in this case the phrase “all diseases are from nerves” takes on an unambiguous connotation, it becomes an axiom. In this article you will learn why your stomach hurts due to nervousness, what it means, and how to deal with it.

The connection between stress and stomach diseases

Important! Doctors have long proven that our emotional state affects our health. This means that systematic exposure to stress and emotional upheaval not only aggravates the course of the disease, but may also be the cause of its development.

You can often hear people say: “My stomach hurts when I’m nervous.” From a physiological point of view, doctors explain this by the fact that during a negative emotional outburst (strong feelings, anger and other situations), blood circulation in the gastric mucosa is disrupted.

At moments when the mucous membrane ceases to receive the required volume of blood, its work is disrupted, and with systematic stress, damage to the mucous membrane occurs. In turn, this leads to the development of a number of pathological processes, including gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Even more often, painful sensations make themselves felt if a person with an existing stomach disease begins to get nervous. In this case, poor circulation leads to aggravation and progression of the pathological process; pain and other symptoms are much more common.

In addition, in addition to impaired blood circulation in the mucous membrane, one more negative effect can be identified that occurs after stress. With neuroses of various types, shock covers the entire body, which causes a decrease in the body's immune forces, which can also lead to the development of certain stomach diseases.

Pain and discomfort in the abdomen or stomach, arising from nervousness, were even given a conditional medical concept - gastric neurosis.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Constant exposure to nervous shock can lead to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or aggravate existing pathologies. However, in addition to this, several specific types of nervous tension can be distinguished, after which the stomach may hurt:

  • Fear.
  • Worries or concerns related to problems at work, family, study, etc.
  • Concerns about loved ones.
  • A feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s actions, status, standard of living.
  • Overexcitement associated with upcoming events, including pleasant ones.
  • Received psychological trauma.
  • State of hysteria.
  • Feeling of apathy.
  • Prolonged depression.

Read also Increased acidity stomach: symptoms, folk remedies for treatment

Any form of emotional stress, with the exception of experienced joy, is stress for the central and peripheral nervous system.

All these types of stress can be aggravated by accompanying factors such as poor sleep, fatigue (physical and emotional), poor diet, etc.

What are the dangers of nervous stomach pain?

As mentioned earlier, systematic exposure to stress is the main cause of the development of various pathological processes in the body. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract suffer the most from nervous conditions, that is, stress can lead to the development of the following diseases:

  • Gastritis, initially in acute form, but soon the disease may develop into a chronic one.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • Development of oncology.
  • Stress affects the secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, which causes pancreatitis to develop.

If at the same time a person does not eat properly, violates the diet, consumes junk food, alcohol, the likelihood of developing diseases increases even more.

Clinical picture of gastric neurosis

Of course, the main clinical sign of the problem under discussion is pain in the stomach or abdominal cavity. The nature of the painful sensations varies, in some cases it is sharp stabbing or cutting pain, in others it is a dull, squeezing and aching pain.

However, in addition to painful sensations, there are a number of symptoms that make themselves felt due to nervousness:

  • Diarrhea or constipation, sometimes these conditions alternate.
  • Feeling of nausea, which may be aggravated by vomiting.
  • Attacks of heartburn for no apparent reason and an accompanying sour taste in the mouth.
  • A feeling of heaviness and bloating, followed by belching and flatulence.

It is worth noting that as soon as the stress passes, the symptoms subside or dissipate on their own the very next day. If clinical signs bother you excessively often, last a long time, do not depend on stress and do not go away on their own, we can say that some kind of stomach disease has developed due to nervousness.


What to do if your stomach often hurts due to nervousness? In such cases, you should seek help from a doctor, primarily a gastroenterologist. The specialist will collect anamnesis, find out what precedes the painful sensations, and prescribe diagnostic measures to exclude or confirm diseases. Diagnostics involves the following activities:

  1. Initial examination of the patient with palpation of the abdominal cavity to identify the location, intensity and nature of pain.
  2. Bacteriological analysis of stool.
  3. General and biochemical blood test.
  4. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy – gives a graphic picture of the condition of the stomach and its mucous membrane. In addition, FGDS allows you to take a sample of gastric juice and perform a biopsy of organ tissue.

Nerves cause stomach pain in most people, but many of them do not understand that nerves are to blame for their problems. Such patients try to cope with pain using various drugs, but such therapy usually does not bring relief. It is necessary to consider the influence of stress on the development of pain in the human stomach and what could cause this condition.

Cause of pain in the gastrointestinal tract

Can stomach pain be caused by nerves? Scientists have found that under stress in anyone, even a healthy person, circulatory disturbances occur in the mucous membranes of the gastric tract. The lining of the stomach cannot work normally under stress, which leads to the development of abdominal pain of varying intensity.

Stress provokes the appearance and development of pathologies such as ulcers, pancreatitis or gastritis. Every person is subject to stress. If it is due to work or domestic troubles, then the stomach begins to ache due to the fact that negative changes occur in the stomach. This organ gradually loses its functional qualities.

The patient may experience the following symptoms from stress:

  • stomach ache;
  • nausea develops, which can lead to vomiting;
  • Some people experience stomach cramps;
  • if a person had to be nervous a lot, then this condition can cause bloating and accumulation of gases in it;
  • Another sign of a negative nervous shock is the appearance of a lump in the throat.

All of these symptoms are caused by a person’s emotional state. When the brain reacts to, the stomach and gastrointestinal tract immediately respond to the impact, which can, in a certain situation, lead to the development of the disease. Ailments such as nervous gastritis, gastric neurosis, and ulcers appear.

Development of nervous gastritis and gastric neurosis

If a person solves most of his problems by experiencing severe stress shocks, then he usually develops nervous gastritis. Up to 78% of all patients with gastritis suffer from this disease. Pathology acquired by disordered nerves often provokes the development of various oncological lesions or ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main signs of this disease are as follows:

  • a person feels a lump in the throat and suffocation;
  • the patient experiences severe and fairly frequent vomiting;
  • the patient often faints;
  • increased heart rate is recorded;
  • The lower part of the stomach hurts a lot.

If a person experiences at least one of the above symptoms, he should seek help from a gastroenterologist. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to dire consequences.

If a person experiences heaviness in the stomach and symptoms of heartburn appear, then usually people take some drug and then forget about the problem. But if this happens, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, since these signs are characteristic of functional dyspepsia, which is often called gastric neurosis.

Almost all people who have suffered mental overstrain can get this disease. Often the disease develops against the background of mental trauma or an unhealthy lifestyle. A glass of alcohol or a cup of strong coffee taken on an empty stomach can provoke symptoms of the disease.

The following happens to the stomach: under the influence of any of these factors, a burning sensation develops in it with severe spasmodic pain. The patient feels fullness of the organ and discomfort. Sometimes acidity decreases, and mucus begins to accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract.

If a person has pain in the stomach area, belching, he has lost his appetite, and there is a lump in his throat, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Due to a stressful situation in such a patient, adrenaline enters the blood, and the stomach stops digesting food. This situation does not disappear even after the cause of the anxiety is eliminated. And if a person constantly expects problems and worries, then the digestion process may temporarily stop. To treat such diseases you need a psychotherapist.

Gastrointestinal ulcer

A psychosomatic disorder caused by severe stress often develops into various painful conditions. Such a patient develops a heart attack or stroke, but is most often affected digestive system, in which an ulcer can occur.

In some people, during severe anxiety, the stomach synthesizes an enzyme that increases acidity. If a person’s anxiety lasts long enough long period, then the stomach begins to process its own tissues with excess acid. This causes the development of ulcers.

Such a defeat is typical for people who are unbalanced, have an explosive nature, and are nervous about any, even the most trifling, reason. Since the work of the digestive tract depends on the emotional state of the patient, anger and aggressiveness accelerate the processes of food processing, and fear and negative thoughts provoke spasms due to a slowdown in the digestion of food.

Peptic ulcers can develop in people who take full responsibility for themselves and then demand the same behavior from other individuals. An ulcer can be caused by suspiciousness, suffering from lack of love, and self-flagellation. Such patients have a constant craving for stimulants, for example, they love strong coffee, smoke a lot, and are addicted to alcoholic beverages.

Unlike ordinary ulcers caused by excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol or constant smoking, nervous type The disease leads to the fact that after stress the patient cannot accurately determine the source of pain. Drugs for the treatment of the digestive tract do not work on such a patient, but medications designed to calm the nerves can help. Nervous ulcers are jointly treated by psychotherapists and gastroenterologists.

Treatment methods for these diseases

The following methods are used for treatment:

  1. The patient is prescribed bed rest and rest.
  2. During the first 2-4 days such a patient is transferred to special diet. Some people choose to fast because this process relieves irritation and inflammation in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment continues with prescriptions traditional medicine. Infusions of meadowsweet, decoctions of flaxseed or chamomile, caraway and yarrow are used. The use of various ones is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. Sometimes therapy requires special medications, which can only be used correctly under the supervision of a specialist.

The patient can consult a psychologist. Some doctors advise patients to do yoga. Since the pain in gastric tract, except psychological reasons, can provoke other pathologies, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the patient before treatment. Any attempts at self-therapy must be suppressed, otherwise a serious deterioration in the patient’s condition may occur.
