The journalistic style of speech is its purpose. Main features of journalistic style

The word journalistic is derived from Latin word publicus, which means “public, state”. The words journalistic (socio-political literature on modern, topical topics) and publicist (author of works on socio-political topics) have the same root as the word journalistic. Etymologically, all these words are related to the word public, which has two meanings: 1) visitors, spectators, listeners; 2) people, people.

The purpose of the journalistic style of speech- informing, transmitting socially significant information while simultaneously influencing the reader, listener, convincing him of something, instilling in him certain ideas, views, motivating him to certain actions.

The scope of use of journalistic style of speech- socio-economic, political, cultural relations.

Genres of journalism- article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratorical speech, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.

The journalistic style of speech is characterized by logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal and their corresponding linguistic means. It widely uses socio-political vocabulary, various types syntactic constructions.

A journalistic text is often constructed as a scientific argument: an important social problem is put forward, possible ways to solve it are analyzed and assessed, generalizations and conclusions are made, the material is arranged in a strict logical sequence, and general scientific terminology is used. This brings him closer to the scientific style.

Publicistic speeches are distinguished by reliability, accuracy of facts, specificity, and strict validity. This also brings him closer to the scientific style of speech. On the other hand, for journalistic speech characterized by passion and appeal. The most important requirement for journalism is accessibility: it is intended for a wide audience and must be understandable to everyone.

The journalistic style has much in common with the artistic style of speech. In order to effectively influence the reader or listener, his imagination and feelings, the speaker or writer uses epithets, comparisons, metaphors and other figurative means, resorts to colloquial and even colloquial words and expressions, phraseological expressions that enhance the emotional impact of speech.

Widely known journalistic articles literary critics V.G. Belinsky, N.A. Dobrolyubova, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.V. Shelgunov, historians S.M. Solovyova, V.O. Klyuchevsky, philosophers V.V. Rozanova, N.A. Berdyaev, speeches by outstanding Russian lawyers A.F. Koni, F.N. Gobber. M. Gorky turned to journalistic genres (the cycles “On Modernity”, “In America”, “Notes on Philistinism”, “Untimely Thoughts”), V.G. Korolenko (letters to A.V. Lunacharsky), M.A. Sholokhov, A.N. Tolstoy, L.M. Leonov. Writers S.P. are known for their journalistic articles. Zalygin, V.G. Rasputin, D.A. Granin, V.Ya. Lakshin, academician D.S. Likhachev.

The journalistic style (as mentioned earlier) includes the speech of the defense attorney or prosecutor in court. And the fate of a person often depends on their oratory and ability to speak.

The journalistic style of speech is characterized by the widespread use of socio-political vocabulary, as well as vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, culture, words from the field of psychology, words denoting the internal state, human experiences, etc.

In the journalistic style the following words are often used: with the prefixes a-, anti-, de-, inter-, time- (s-); with the suffixes -i(ya), -tsi(ya), -izatsi(ya), -ism, -ist; with roots close in meaning to the prefixes, all-, general-, super-.

The vocabulary of the journalistic style is characterized by the use of figurative means, figurative meaning of words, words with a strong emotional connotation.

The means of emotional influence used in this style of speech are diverse. For the most part, they resemble figurative means of expression artistic style of speech with the difference, however, that their main purpose is not to create artistic images, namely the impact on the reader, listener, convincing him of something and informing, transmitting information.

TO emotional means The expressiveness of language can include epithets (including those that are an application), comparisons, metaphors, rhetorical questions and appeals, lexical repetitions, gradation. Gradation is sometimes combined with repetition (not a single week, not a single day, not a single minute can be lost); it can be enhanced by grammatical means: the use of gradational conjunctions and conjunctions (not only..., but also; not only..., but and; not only …, How many). This includes phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, colloquial figures of speech (including colloquialisms); the use of literary images, quotes, linguistic means of humor, irony, satire (witty comparisons, ironic inserts, satirical retelling, parody, puns).

Emotional means of language are combined in a journalistic style with strict logical evidence, semantic highlighting of particularly important words, phrases, and individual parts of the statement.

Socio-political vocabulary is replenished as a result of borrowings, new formations and the revival of previously known words, but which have received a new meaning (for example: entrepreneur, business, market, etc.).

In the journalistic style of speech, as in the scientific style, nouns in the genitive case are often used as an inconsistent definition of the type of voice of the world, neighboring countries. In sentences, verbs in the imperative mood and reflexive verbs often act as predicates.

The syntax of this style of speech is characterized by the use of homogeneous members, introductory words and sentences, participial and participial phrases, and complex syntactic constructions.

Lecture No. 91 Journalistic style

The linguistic means and main genres of journalistic style are considered.

Journalistic style

The linguistic means and main genres of journalistic style are considered.

Lecture outline

91.1. The concept of journalistic style

91.2. Genres of journalistic style

91.3. Linguistic features of journalistic style

91.1. The concept of journalistic style

Journalistic style- this is a variety literary language, assigned to the cultural and political sphere of human activity.

Sphere of communication:

1) in a broad sense - politics, culture, mass communication: newspaper, radio, television, cinema, etc.;

2) in a narrow sense - diverse genres of newspaper speech.

Functions of speech- informative, influencing, popularizing.

Destination- a wide range of readers and viewers of the media mass media.

Specific features- information content, evidence, accuracy, open evaluation of speech, standardization, expressiveness.

91.2. Genres of journalistic style

  • Feature article - a genre of presentation and analysis of various facts and phenomena of social life with their direct interpretation by the author.
  • Article - a short story in a newspaper or magazine that reveals a particular topic.
  • The note - a short report in a newspaper on a current topic.
  • Essay - general or preliminary considerations on any subject, which the author presents in a conversational style, showing his individual position.
  • Pamphlet - a work with a topical socio-political exposure with elements of satire.
  • Proclamation - a printed appeal of a propaganda nature, including in the form of a leaflet.
  • Manifesto - appeal, declaration, appeal of a public organization, political party containing the program and principles of their activities.
  • Program - a statement of the main provisions and goals of the activities of a political party, organization, government.
  • Feuilleton - a satirical or humorous depiction of a phenomenon or person.
  • Interview - a conversation between a journalist and one or more people on current topics broadcast on television, radio or published in a newspaper or magazine.
  • Reportage - prompt notification of any event.
  • Address (welcome address) - written congratulations on the occasion of the anniversary, presented at a ceremonial meeting.
  • Resolution rally (meeting) - a summary of the final decision of the rally (meeting).

91.3. Language features journalistic style


Heterogeneity lexical composition, manifested in a combination of book vocabulary with colloquial and colloquial vocabulary.

Use of special vocabulary and terminology from various areas knowledge: politics, economics, culture, etc.

Application of commonly used vocabulary with a new expansive meaning.

Wide use of neologisms and individual author's words.

Use of foreign language vocabulary, internationalisms. Great activity of evaluative vocabulary.

Use of catchwords, proverbs and sayings.

The use of “newspaperisms” (linguistic means widespread mainly in newspaper-journalistic style) and standardized newspaper phraseology, both general language and newspaper phraseology itself).

Inadmissibility of unmotivated repetition of words, tautology.

Wide use of proper names and abbreviations.


Admissibility of simple and complex sentences only with a clear structure.

Syntactic heterogeneity of journalistic speech: a combination of book syntax (the use of complex sentences and simple ones, complicated by isolated members, introductory words and sentences, inserted constructions, etc.) with colloquial syntax (the use of incomplete sentences, parceled and connecting constructions, etc.).

The use of monotonous syntactic structures is inadmissible.

Wide use of incentive and interrogative sentences.

Activity of passive syntactic constructions.

Use of direct speech and dialogue.

Using a simple verb predicate, expressed by stable verb combinations, a personal verb to denote a generalized action.

Peculiar use of homogeneous members: pairing, repetition, gradation.

Using simple sentences specific in form and semantics as newspaper headlines.

Prevalence of nominative sentences (use of chains of nominative sentences at the beginning and in the middle of the text).

Preferable use of a complex sentence over other types complex sentence.

Low frequency of complex sentences with different types of connection.

Use of figurative means

Widespread use of figurative means with pronounced emotional evaluation.

The use of means of verbal imagery: tropes (constant for newspaper speech metaphors, metonymy, personification, paraphrase, etc.) and figures (antithesis, parallelism, inversion, anaphora, epiphora, etc.).

A deliberate “collision” of book vocabulary with colloquial and vernacular vocabulary in order to create expressiveness.

Method of presentation

Using the 1st and 3rd person forms in a generalized sense;

Generality and conceptuality of presentation;

Generality and open evaluative presentation.

Addressing the speech to a wide range of readers, which requires simplicity, clarity and accuracy of presentation.

Reasoned presentation.

Factuality of presentation.

Example text journalistic style:

Unity - friendly guys

Young bears wear red and blue ties and don’t yet know

who is Shoigu

There is a big holiday in the Saratov regional center “Unity”. In the Petrovsky district, the ranks of the “bears” were replenished with three thousand schoolchildren at once. 90 percent of Petrovka residents aged seven to fourteen years swore allegiance to the cause of Shoigu’s party.

This significant event was not at all the result of the great propaganda work of local activists-insurgents. The Petrovsky party cell came, as they say, to the ready, taking under its wing the existing youth organization for two years, the largest in the area. It was founded by the director of the House of Children's Creativity Oleg Tumkin, who has been nurturing the young generation for almost four decades. Oleg Nikolaevich says that initially he set not political, but purely educational goals.

There are 30 schools in the area, each “sculpting” a child in its own way. And in educational work there must be an ideological core, similar to the pioneers, but taking into account modern features. We gathered the head teachers and counselors and decided to unite all school organizations.

The schoolchildren themselves came up with the name for their club. It was in December 1999, and informed youth proposed to be called “Unity”. Now it turns out that the guys acted very farsightedly. However, it was difficult to expect anything else in an area where the entire administrative resource was working for “bearish” agitation.

Almost all teenagers under 14 years of age, and in general half of the district’s schoolchildren, have joined the organization. Parents are not particularly interested in politics, but are glad that their children are at least somehow settled<…>

(N. Andreeva Unity - friendly guys // General newspaper. No. 18, 10.24.2001)

Date: 2010-05-22 11:10:26 Views: 28581

Speeches are a functional type of literary language, widely used in the most different areas life of society. These are magazines, newspapers, radio, television, documentaries, political literature, public political speeches, the activities of various parties and all kinds of public associations.


Textbooks often interpret the journalistic style of speech as newspaper-journalistic, simply newspaper or socio-political. The name most often determines the narrow scope of functioning of this style.

Newspaper - comes from the history of the formation of speech features of political communication, since it was periodicals, primarily newspapers, that formed the main features of the journalistic style of speech. And today one can observe its fully established functioning in both print and electronic versions of the media.

Another variety - the socio-political style - shows its connection with public political life and, in addition to politics, sports, culture, ecology, the activities of human rights organizations, and so on.

If we keep in mind the concept of literature, and not linguistics, that is, the content characteristics of works, then all these branches can be linked together, since the journalistic style of speech has all the same features.

What is journalism

This type of journalism and literature examines the most pressing economic, political, legal, as well as philosophical and literary problems that concern modern life. The journalistic style of speech is capable of influencing the opinion of any existing ones to make changes or changes in their work in favor of class interests, moral or social ideals.

Journalism explores all modern life in all its manifestations - large and small, private and public, reflecting its vision in documents, art, and the press. In literature and journalism there is no better way to develop the Russian language. The journalistic style of speech is the first to indicate changes in style, demonstrate the creation of neologisms and introduce new formulas of phraseological units.

Current problems in current public life are the main topic, which is what journalism serves, being a mechanism for influencing the ideological and political aspects of activity social institutions, a means of agitation, propaganda, public education. the main role in the transmission of social information belongs to journalism.

Genres of journalistic style of speech

Verbal and written language, forms of fine graphics (caricature, poster), photography and cinematography (television, documentary films), drama, theater, as well as verbal and musical compositions, fiction and popular science literature - all these are areas where journalism reigns.

A journalistic orientation is characteristic of any genre, but the main thing here is not to confuse the concepts: the type of literature is journalism, and style is a certain function of language. The topics here can be unusually broad, the main thing is that the issues do not leave the center of public attention. Depending on the topic, signs of a journalistic style of speech may include special vocabulary that requires not only explanations, but also voluminous comments.

Many topics never leave public discussions, and therefore the dictionary of the language has already formed a certain circle of verbal units and entire phraseological units inherent only to this style. Here there is politics, information events from the sphere of activity of parliament, government, materials about elections, party events, and so on.

Stylistic dictionary

The following ready-made language templates (newspaperisms) are regularly encountered: coalition, faction, leader, candidate, democracy, bill, opposition, conservatism, federalism, radicals, parliamentary hearings, election campaign, second round, lively discussion, rating, election headquarters, lower house, parliamentary inquiry, voter confidence, public consent, parliamentary investigation.

Economists cannot do their texts without words such as investment, budget, auction, inflation, audit, arbitration, licensing, raw materials, bankruptcy, Joint-Stock Company, monopoly, labor market, stock price, customs duties and many others.

Materials on health, education, social protection, a journalist cannot construct without such phrases as: governmental support, variability of education, teacher salaries, student exchange, Remote education, scientific cooperation, unloading of the school curriculum, health insurance, benefits for medicines, the cost of living, the consumer basket, children's benefits, standard of living and so on.

Informing the population on the state of public order requires its own terminology and has its own established phrases: protecting the rights of citizens, fighting crime, the scene of an incident, trial, prosecutorial check, recognizance not to leave and others.

Interstyle connections

To create a real picture of events and convey to the reader or viewer all the impressions of the journalist, an artistic and journalistic style of speech is used. The same phrases sound different in a police report, a scientific monograph or a television report. Many words from these examples are used both in scientific and in formal business styles.

Incidents, natural disasters, accidents are covered using the following words and ready-made cliches: typhoon, hurricane, flood, earthquake, terrorist attack, hostage taking, car collision, rescue operation, environmental disaster.

War correspondents have their own vocabulary: explosives, action, mining, land mine, collision, sniper, bombing, shelling, serious injury, combat mission, civilians, casualties, destruction, and so on.

International topics are easily distinguishable from any other by the use of such words and combinations: negotiations, peace settlement, official visit, world community, multilateral consultations, tense situation, European integration, strategic partnership, peacekeeping forces, global problems, territorial integrity etc.

The unlimited subject matter of the journalistic style also determines the variety of vocabulary, which is why journalism is in this sense the richest variety of literature.

Definition of speech style

The scientific-journalistic style of speech limits the meaning of words to a concept - clearly defined, stable, emphatically unemotional. Conversational speech is mobile and vague. Artistry reveals internal meaning words, its imagery.

Journalism, in addition to the emotional component, gives the word an evaluative character, forms an attitude towards the event in question, since this type of literature deals with purely socio-political issues of our time.

The very subject of discussion - politics, social life, economics - always concerns the interests of almost every person. This means that the journalistic style of speech cannot be indifferent and indifferent. Examples of publications about prices, inflation, ethnic conflicts - they are not characterized by streamlined formulations and sluggish expressions.

Publicist's tasks

Social and political phenomena, their processes and trends require constant assessment. Journalism always actively intervenes in life and shapes public opinion. Here it is important not just to passively register events, but to participate in them, defend your ideas openly and passionately, and evaluate the facts. Newspaper speech uses a number of specific means and methods to achieve expression.

The form of expression can be different - from emphasized intellectual presentation to direct agitation. Also effective is the method of restrained, calm and demonstrative presentation of the essence of a phenomenon or process. The choice of medium depends on the stylistic skill of the journalist, on how rich the Russian language has endowed him. The journalistic style of speech has dual characteristics in connection with the various functions of the publication - informational and purely influencing - which are very unevenly distributed among genres.

Genre distribution

Types of works that are relatively stable in theme, composition and style are divided into approximately three groups.

  • Information genres: report, interview, reporting, note.
  • Analytical genres: review, review, review, correspondence, article, conversation.
  • Artistic and journalistic genres: pamphlet, feuilleton, sketch, essay.

Let's start from the end. The artistic and journalistic style of speech is characterized by the greatest expression. The information genre is dry. The analytical genre is the same, but only to a superficial glance.

Analytical review

The text of the journalistic style of speech can be contradictory and ambiguous. One of its main functions is to “brainwash” the reader with the help of the media. The author uses extreme accessibility of presentation and, of course, a subjective assessment of the situation, which, however, certainly embellishes the journalistic style of speech. Examples of the analytical genre:

  • Given: village Experimentalovka. A local resident tested a certain chemical on his chicken, causing it to lay a golden egg.
  • First option: Discovery of the century! In a terrible outback, in the almost complete absence of the most basic civilization, a resident of the village of Experimentalovka came up with a drug with which you can make chickens lay golden eggs! Our Kulibins can do anything, even the greatest alchemists of all times and peoples could not invent a better way! The experimenter refuses to comment for now, because he suddenly started drinking from the joy of the discovery. However, we can say with confidence that it is on such heroes that our land rests! Stabilization of the economy is ahead, moreover, leadership in gold mining and the production of products from it!
  • Second option: Apocalypse! The world is shocked by the discovery of a drunken knacker from Experimentalovka! Selfish goals led this maniac to inhuman cruelty towards poor, defenseless creatures! A resident of a remote village filled his chickens with an unknown chemical solution in an attempt to get the philosopher's stone. The chickens took the gold, but that didn’t end the chicken’s torment. The immoral experimenter did nothing to help the victims of his experiments and went on a drinking binge. Such a discovery is fraught with many events that cannot be avoided. Judging by the nature of the actions of the newly minted “scientist”, he will try to take over the world.

Other analytical genres

Articles, reviews and other analytical genres are distinguished not only by imagery and emotionality, but also by logic and evaluation. The expression of appeal is not alien to them. Linguistic means must correspond to the task set by the genre: socio-political vocabulary, syntactic constructions various types, journalistic style of speech.

This characteristic also applies to scientific reasoning: a deep social problem is posed, it is analyzed and solutions are evaluated, and the conclusions are generalized. The material is constructed sequentially, according to a strict logical scheme, and special general scientific terminology is used. So, journalistic style of speech.

Examples of texts

Information genre:

  • An emergency occurred in the village of Experimentalovka in the Inexperienced District of the Test Region. A local resident's hen laid a golden egg. Perhaps the chicken was not alone, the data is being checked. There is information that a chemical solution of unknown composition was tested on chickens. There have been no comments from the rural experimenter yet.

Artistic and journalistic genre:

  • If you are overtired by eating dry scientific style, washed down with the duplicity of the journalistic, when you want to get enough of light and rich food and quench your thirst with a cocktail of bright images and emotional shades, you simply need an artistic and journalistic style of speech.

The first three texts stemmed from one not very real-life incident. Nevertheless, the examples of texts given above will help to recognize the journalistic style of speech, despite the variety of genres.

Journalism is called the chronicle of modernity, since it fully reflects current history and addresses the topical problems of society - political, social, cultural, everyday, philosophical, etc. Newspaper-journalistic (journalistic) style speeches are presented on the pages of newspapers and magazines, in materials of radio and television journalism, in public lectures, in the speeches of speakers in parliament, at congresses, plenums, meetings, rallies, etc.

Texts belonging to this style are distinguished by a variety of topics and linguistic design. On the one hand, the same genre, for example, the reporting genre, will be significantly different in a newspaper, on radio and on television. But, on the other hand, a newspaper report differs significantly from other newspaper genres - information, essay, feuilleton, etc.

However, all genres of journalism have many common features that allow them to be combined into a single whole. And these common features due to their common function. Texts of journalistic style are always addressed to the masses and always perform - along with information - an influencing function. The nature of the impact can be direct and open. For example, at a rally, speakers openly call on the masses to support or reject this or that decision of the government, this or that speaker, politician, etc.

The nature of the impact may be different, as if hidden behind the outwardly objective presentation of facts (cf. information programs radio, television). However, the very selection of facts, their more or less detailed consideration, the nature of the presentation of the material also provide for a certain impact on the masses. By its very nature, journalism is called upon to actively intervene in life and shape public opinion.

A characteristic feature of journalism is also that it influences not just one person, but the masses, society as a whole and its individual social groups. In the journalistic style, the author's individuality is manifested much more strongly than in the scientific, official and business styles. However, in this case, the author manifests himself not only as a specific person (with his own unique characteristics), but also as a representative of society, an exponent of certain social ideas, interests, etc.

Therefore, the main feature, the dominant feature of the journalistic style is social evaluation, which is manifested both in the selection of facts, the degree of attention to them, and in the use of expressive language means.

In general, the journalistic style is characterized by a constant alternation of expression and standard, the constant transformation of expressive means into a standard and the search for new expressive means of expression.

For example, metaphors cold war, iron curtain, perestroika, stagnation, thaw almost immediately turned into socio-political, standardly used terms.

Such confrontation and interaction between expression and standard is quite natural. The influencing function determines the constant desire of journalism for expression, but the need for expressive and visual means conflicts with the need to quickly respond to all modern events. Standards, being ready-made speech forms, are correlated with certain socio-political and other situations. And a text constructed in a familiar, standard form is easier to write and easier to digest. It is no coincidence that such stereotypes are most often found in those genres that require an economical and concise form and that are operatively related to the event itself: an official message, information, a press review, a report on the work of parliament, government, etc. In other genres (essay, feuilleton, etc.) there are fewer speech standards, original expressive techniques come to the fore, and speech is individualized.

The standard informative means used in the journalistic style include the following:

Language means Examples
Socio-political vocabulary. Society, citizen, patriotism, reform, democracy, parliament, debate.
Terminology of science, production and other social means. As the Institute's specialists say terrestrial magnetism Russian Academy, main flow of solar matter passed away from the Earth... At the beginning of the century there was a peak of eleven years solar activity cycle. In 6 days the number of requests for medical assistance those suffering from illnesses of cardio-vascular system.
Book vocabulary of abstract meaning. Intensify, constructive, priority.
Proper names. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the G8 in Canada. After talk of a possible resignation, the Italian coach "Spartak" gave his club the best match of the season. The president V.V. Putin addressed the forum participants.
Abbreviations, that is, compound words. UNESCO, CIS, UN.
Newspaper clichés, that is, set phrases and whole sentences. Difficult political situation; reserves for increasing efficiency; reach design capacity.
Polynomial phrases. Together with the delegation she went to the DPRK working group to prepare proposals for the modernization of Korean roads.
Complete sentences with direct word order. Yesterday, Minister of Railways N. Aksyonenko, at the head of the delegation of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, flew to Pyongyang.
Complex and complicated sentences with participles, participial phrases, plug-in structures, etc. It is expected that during the ministerial meeting a number of issues related to connecting the Trans-Korean Railway with the Trans-Siberian Railway will be resolved.

Among the expressive-influencing means, it is necessary to highlight the following:

Language means Examples
Language level: Vocabulary and phraseology
Vocabulary of various stylistic colors. Puncture a politician inexperienced in intrigue; to one of the regional police departments of Khabarovsk the man rammed cannon; The Pentagon watches with helpless despair as Chinese experts gutted top secret plane; light up the fire the state machine is not for weak.
Newspaperisms, that is, units that are widely used in this area and almost uncommon in other areas. Achievements, steady, initiative, machinations, curbing, atrocities, military, outrages, unanimously, unity.
Paths, that is, figures of speech in which a word or expression is used in figurative meaning in order to achieve greater expressiveness.
a) Metaphor, that is, the use of a word in a figurative meaning based on the similarity of two objects or phenomena. Election marathon; political farce; reserve of racism; political solitaire.
b) Metonymy, that is, the use of the name of one object instead of the name of another object on the basis of an external or internal connection (contiguity) between these objects or phenomena. Gold(meaning “gold medals”) went to our athletes. London(meaning “the government, the ruling circles of Great Britain”) agreed to participate in the military operation together with Washington(meaning “government, ruling circles of the USA”).
c) Synecdoche, that is, a type of metonymy in which the name of a part (detail) of an object is transferred to the entire object, and vice versa - the name of the whole is used instead of the name of the part. In this case, the singular number is often used instead plural and vice versa. The presentation was dominated by crimson jackets(instead - wealthy people, conventionally called now new Russians). Protection(instead - the defender) demands the full acquittal of Rokhlin's widow. Even the most discerning buyer you will find something you like here.
d) Epithet, that is, an artistic, figurative definition. Dirty war; gangster prices; barbaric methods.
e) Comparison, that is, a trope consisting in likening one object to another based on a common feature. snow dust pillar stood in the air. It was noticeable that the “best teacher in Russia” was worried when he went on stage like a first grader.
f) Periphrasis, that is, a trope consisting of replacing the name of a person, object or phenomenon with a description of their essential features or an indication of their characteristic features. Foggy Albion (England); king of beasts (lion); creator of Macbeth (Shakespeare); singer of Gyaur and Juan (Byron).
g) Allegory, that is, an allegorical depiction of an abstract concept using a concrete, life-like image. Such a quality of a person as cunning is shown in the form of a fox, greed - in the form of a wolf, deceit - in the form of a snake, etc.
h) Hyperbole, that is, a figurative expression containing an exorbitant exaggeration of the size, strength, meaning of an object or phenomenon. Wide as the sea, highway; officials robbed poor tenants to the skin; ready strangle in arms.
i) Litotes, that is, a figurative expression that downplays the size, strength, and significance of the described object or phenomenon. Below a thin blade of grass you have to bow your head. Such injections into our economy - a drop in the sea.
j) Personification, that is, endowing inanimate objects with the signs and properties of a person. The ice track awaits future champions. Terrifying poverty tightly grabbed it V African country. No wonder slander and hypocrisy all life hugging each other.
A cliché of an expressive-impacting nature. People of good will; with a sense of legitimate pride; with deep satisfaction; enhance martial traditions; policy of aggression and provocation; pirate course, the role of the world gendarme.
Phraseologisms, proverbs, sayings, catchwords, including modified ones. Washington still exhibits the habit rake in the heat with someone else's hands. This faction is no stranger sing from someone else's voice. The restoration of Lensk proved that we have not yet forgotten how work with a twinkle. Lennon lived, Lennon is alive, Lennon will live!
Language level: Morphology
Emphasized role of collectiveness (use of the singular in the meaning of the plural, pronouns every, every, adverb always, never, everywhere and etc.). How to help to the farmer? This land is abundantly watered with the blood of our fathers and grandfathers. Every a person has thought about this question at least once in his life. Never The world has never seemed so small and fragile.
Forms superlatives as an expression of expression, the highest appreciation. The most decisive measures, the highest achievements, the strictest prohibition.
Imperative (incentive) forms as an expression of agitation and sloganism (imperative mood, infinitive, etc.). Summon slanderers to account! Be worthy in memory of the fallen! Everyone - to fight the flood!
Expressive use of present tense forms when describing past events: the author seeks to present himself and the reader as participants in these events. Now I often I'm asking myself, what made me in life? AND I answer - Far East. There are different concepts about everything, and there are different relationships between people. For example, in Vladivostok comes whaling flotilla "Slava". The whole city buzzing. Collects the boss of all the sailors and says: “If you, scoundrel, come tomorrow and say that you were robbed, then it’s better not to come.” In the morning someone is, of course, robbed, and blames...
Language level: Expressive syntax and rhetorical figures *
Antithesis, that is, a sharp opposition of concepts, thoughts, images. The rich feast on weekdays, but the poor grieve even on holidays.
Gradation, that is, such a construction of parts of a statement in which each subsequent part contains an increasing (or decreasing) semantic or emotionally expressive meaning. Our officials have long forgotten that they are obliged protect the people's property, preserve, increase, fight for every penny!
Inversion, that is, the arrangement of the members of a sentence in a special order, violating the usual (direct) word order. With joy this message was received. Don't leave terrorists from retribution.
Parallelism, that is, the same syntactic construction of adjacent sentences or segments of speech, including such types of parallelism as anaphora, that is, repetition of the same elements at the beginning of each parallel series, and epiphora, that is, repetition of the last elements at the end of each series. Every day a pensioner came to the district administration. Every day the pensioner was not accepted. The plant was not working on Monday - shared received for a new order money. Didn't work on Tuesday either - divided the money. And now, a month later, there’s no time for work either - divide money not yet earned!
Mixing syntactic structures(incompleteness of the phrase, the end of the sentence is given in a different syntactic plan than the beginning, etc.). Our experiment showed that Russian “wild geese” are ready to fight for either the Americans or the Taliban. If only they paid... A banknote was confiscated from a citizen detained in Kazan, which was 83 times higher than the norm. Do terrorists really have such “weapons of mass destruction”?
Connection structures, that is, those in which phrases do not immediately fit into one semantic plane, but form a chain of attachment. I recognize the role of the individual in history. Especially if it's the president. Especially the President of Russia. We did everything ourselves. And what didn’t they come up with! It’s worse when they don’t notice the person behind the clothes. It's worse when they offend you. They are being insulted undeservedly.
A rhetorical question, that is, the affirmation or denial of something in the form of a question, a rhetorical exclamation, a rhetorical appeal, as well as a question-and-answer presentation of material as an imitation of dialogue; introduction to the text of direct speech. So we won’t hear the truth from our valiant naval commanders? Get a blue outfit, inspector! Yesterday, the Minister of Internal Affairs signed a report from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on the introduction in Russia new form for its employees. A wall along the equator? Easily!
Nominative representations, that is, an isolated nominative case that names the topic of the subsequent phrase and is intended to arouse special interest in the subject of the statement. September 11, 2001. This day became a dark day in the life of the entire planet.
Ellipsis, that is, the deliberate omission of any member of the sentence, which is implied from the context. Your letters contain the truth of life. Russia is in the final of the 2002 World Cup!
Polyunion or, on the contrary, non-union in complex and complicated sentences. The team was shaken up more than once. And the coaches were changed. And the center was transferred to the right flank. And the defense was dispersed. If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

Of course, the use of standard and expressive language in a journalistic style largely depends on the genre, on the sense of proportion, taste and talent of the publicist.

Subject: Journalistic style. Basics of Public Speaking


1. General characteristics of journalistic style

2. Style-forming features of journalism and linguistic means of their implementation

3. Public speech. Formation of rhetoric as a science. Types and genres of eloquence

4. Main stages of preparing a public speech

5. Logical foundations of speech. Argumentation

6. Interaction between speaker and audience

7. Types of discussion speech

1. General characteristics of journalistic style

Journalistic style (from lat. publicus– public) serves the sphere of public relations: political-ideological, socio-economic, cultural and others. This style is the most popular of all book styles, since its spread is facilitated by the media: its examples are presented on the pages of newspapers, magazines, in promptly published books and brochures, in materials from radio, film and television journalists, as well as on the Internet.

Main functions journalistic style (journalism) are informing(message) and impact, and the primary function is information. Journalism allows the mass audience to receive up-to-date information about events in the country and the world, about news from politics, science, sports, etc. Thus, information, contained in journalistic texts, specific. It is distinguished by:

    as a rule, the topicality and relevance of the issue;

    diversity of content, since journalism reflects different aspects of our life: political, economic, moral, etc.;

    intended for a mass, very heterogeneous and most often dispersed audience: after all, we read the newspaper, listen to the radio most often alone (the exception is movie viewers and partly television viewers, as well as listeners public speaking speaker, although the interests of this audience can also be very diverse;

    stylistic heterogeneity of speech (which will be discussed in more detail in § 2. of this lecture) and visual design.

No less important for journalism influence function (voluntary). After all, the author’s communicative intention includes not only a message on a particular topic, but also the hope for a response from the reader (listener), for public resonance. Along with factual information, a journalistic work also contains the author’s interpretation, assessment, and commentary. It influences our feelings and mind, and this influence is carried out due to not only emotionality, expressiveness, but also the thoughtful logic of presentation of the material. Therefore, for analytical genres of journalism (see Table 2), a system of arguments and logical judgments is mandatory. It should also be noted that influence in journalism can be both open, “straightforward”, and veiled. In the latter case, the point of view of the author (the media) can be expressed, for example, through the order of arrangement (sequence) of journalistic materials, through a graphic series, the intonation of a radio or television presenter, etc.

The influence function of journalism is traditionally closely related to such concepts as agitation and propaganda.

Agitation– this is the dissemination of operational information about current events that actively shape the life position of the mass addressee in specific situations. Campaign materials convey the ideological and emotional attitude of the author and the media to facts, events, processes, etc. A typical example of campaigning is election leaflets and videos of candidates.

Propaganda– this is an activity to disseminate fundamental ideas, knowledge that shapes mass consciousness, as well as the worldview of a particular person, giving the mass addressee value guidelines for understanding the processes occurring in society. First of all, the views held by the owner and/or editorial board of the media (as well as the socio-political forces behind it) on fundamental issues of life are popularized. For example, “glossy” publications consistently promote the bourgeois way of life.

The functions mentioned above are equally characteristic of the journalistic style and of journalism, but these terms should not be identified. The first term is much broader, since journalism, in addition to the genres presented in the media, also includes literary critical works, as well as public speeches at meetings, rallies, plenums, etc. Journalistic works are published in the form of books; and many school compositions and essays are also journalistic in nature. Thus, any person who masters the journalistic style is capable of creating a journalistic text, expressing his own opinion about certain events and phenomena. However, in our everyday consciousness the term journalism primarily associated with journalism (journalists) and politics (politicians).

Journalism exists in both written and oral forms. Since today they watch and listen much more than they read and write, radio and television journalism takes on special importance in modern conditions. In addition, there are journalistic genres that combine verbal and visual components: posters, caricatures, television and radio broadcasts, theatrical drama productions, etc.

What types and forms of journalism are you most familiar with? What TV and radio programs do you prefer?

What do you read from the modern press?

2. Style-forming features of journalism and their linguistic means


The scope of use and the main functions of journalism determine its most important stylistic features, presented in table. 1

Table 1

Main style-forming features of journalistic style



functions style-forming features

The essence of the concept



Reflection of new socially significant information about reality: facts, events, processes, etc.


Correspondence to reality, objectivity.


The combination of the novelty of the information being communicated and the speed of its verbal presentation


Focus on a form of presentation of information that is understandable to the mass addressee or target audience



Communicatively appropriate manifestation of the author’s individuality in the text


Expression in the text of any idea, direction in views and intentions; bias, partiality


Expression of conflicting ideas, opinions, judgments; dispute when discussing any problems


Expression of a call to action in the text

Of course, style-forming features manifest themselves in speech works of different genres differently and not to the same extent. As already noted, journalistic messages are based on a wide variety of information; This factor, as well as differences in the way the material is presented, gives rise to a variety of genres. The typology of the main genres of journalism is given in Table. 2

table 2

Main genres of journalism

Genre Types



Note, chronicle, correspondence, informational interview, report, quick poll, press conference, obituary


Article, analytical interview, media review, journalistic investigation, review, review, commentary, round table, dispute


Brochure, leaflet, poster, debate

Artistic and journalistic

Essay, feuilleton, essay, pamphlet, parody, satirical commentary

Now let's talk in more detail about some of the style-forming features of journalism in relation to different genres.

Due to documentary we should dwell on such a concept of journalism (and journalism) as fact-news. After all, there are many events happening in the world, but not all are selected for coverage. The selection criteria are their scale, conflict potential, and ability to arouse interest among a wide audience.

One of the important components of documentation is factuality, which involves indicating the place, time and circumstances of the fact, event, as well as their participants. Credibility, so necessary in information and analytical journalism, is to a lesser extent characteristic of artistic and journalistic, as well as propaganda genres. In essays, for example, a certain amount of fiction is acceptable; feuilletons, pamphlets, and leaflets tend to use exaggeration (hyperbole) or, conversely, understatement (litotes). But they say about a report that it reflects reality in the least distorted form.

Naturally, in journalistic works both of these properties are “supported” by non-linguistic means: video, photographs, audio recordings, etc.

Efficiency journalism (especially in relation to the work of the media) is due to a number of reasons, including the presence of competition “in the news market” and the frequency of publication (broadcasts, programs). And from a technological point of view, it is associated with the method of recording and transmitting information. So, if we talk about the placement of journalistic materials in the media, we should keep in mind that among the existing four subsystems of journalism (print, radio, TV and Internet media), the least efficient, precisely for technical reasons, is print (newspapers, magazines, books and etc.). And the fastest ways to respond to events are the Internet and radio.

In addition, to create analytical materials, and even more so artistic and journalistic works devoted to a particular problem, much more time is needed than to write informational texts.

Availability A journalistic text is largely relative in nature, and this quality can only be assessed taking into account the addressee. Accessible text is the level of complexity of which (in terms of informative content and compositional and speech design) corresponds to the background knowledge and intellectual level of the addressee. In other words, the publicist must be sure that the terms, borrowings, precedent texts, etc. he uses must be understandable to the potential reader (listener). Of course, certain expressions in the text of a sports (economic, political, music, etc.) observer may not be understandable to a wide audience, but this fact itself does not indicate a violation of communicative norms by the author.

One of the main qualities of journalism is expressiveness. The fact is that the main task of a publicist is not only to awaken interest in his oral or written speech, but also to maintain this interest. After all, it is the expressive speech of a publicist that we regard as successful and effective.

Expressiveness consists of many “components”, the main ones being expressiveness, evaluativeness and imagery. Expressiveness- this is an expression of the subjective attitude of the author of the text to the subject of speech and/or to the addressee through the use of unusual and/or unexpected linguistic and speech means in a given situation. The antipode of expressiveness is everything standard, familiar, expected, and the most typical means of expressing the standard are speech stereotypes (For more information about speech stereotypes, see lecture No. 6, § 6.4). Evaluativeness implies the expression of a positive or negative assessment of the subject of speech. And in general, for journalistic style is characterized by open, unveiled expression the author’s point of view, his assessment of facts, processes, etc. Imagery as an artistic reflection of reality, of course, is characteristic of artistic and journalistic genres (This concept is explored more deeply in lecture No. 10, § 10.3.).
