Quick reading lessons for children. Methods and exercises for speed reading

One of the most important human needs is the need for new knowledge and self-improvement. That's why people teach foreign languages, go in for sports, learn musical instruments. The development of every skill is based on obtaining information. The speed of learning something new depends on how quickly a person reads.

Speed ​​reading is an incredibly useful skill that doesn't require any special talent to master. If you have the desire, perseverance and a little time, you can easily master speed reading at home.

Why read quickly

Who will benefit from developing speed reading? The answer to this question is extremely simple. Anyone who strives to learn new things will find this skill useful. By learning how to speed read and spending a few months mastering this technique in practice, you can later save a huge amount of time.

In turn, slow reading is not always justified. Most people do not finish reading books precisely because they take a lot of time. Also, by reading slowly, there is a high chance of losing interest in the plot and again abandoning the book without finishing it.

For some specialists, reading relevant literature is part of labor responsibilities, giving you the opportunity to grow, develop and become an expert in your field. For these people, mastering speed reading techniques is a professional necessity.

What is speed reading

Let's define what speed reading is and at what speed you need to read.

The standard speed of perception is 150-250 words per minute. In this case, 1-3 minutes are spent on a page of printed text. Speed ​​reading involves mastering the skill of reading from 500 to 3000 words in the same time. True, in this case the term “read” is not entirely appropriate. Speed ​​reading in essence is analyzing the text and choosing the main thing. That is, some part of the information is simply ignored. The goal is to learn to focus on those sentences and phrases that carry the maximum meaning, and to skip “water” that does not affect the understanding of the essence.

The secret of great people

Surprisingly, the technique of speed reading appeared in the Middle Ages and was familiar to many famous people.

For example, Joseph Stalin was the owner of a huge library. Reading was a daily activity for him. He read five hundred pages of text at a time, and he liked to highlight the main ideas with pencils.

The American president was proud of his speed reading skills. It was not a problem for him to read a whole book at once.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin read very quickly. In addition, we know about his Biography, he could reproduce it almost word for word by heart with all significant dates.

Karl Marx, Napoleon Bonaparte, John Kennedy, and Adolf Hitler also used speed reading techniques. Maybe it was thanks to this that they achieved success in their business.

When will speed reading be useful?

If speak about speed reading, then one more point needs to be taken into account. This method is used mainly for reading scientific and technical literature, reports, Internet articles, news reports in newspapers, that is, material that brings new knowledge.

Poems and fiction are intended for completely different purposes. In fiction, we are not looking for answers to the questions posed, but simply enjoying the process of reading. The entire value of literary texts lies in their impact on a person’s emotions, feelings and the use of his imagination. Reading such literature quickly is possible, but absolutely pointless.

Is it possible to master speed reading at home?

Nowadays, there are many specialized courses that “for little money” promise to teach anyone to read at a speed of up to 3000 words per minute. Training sessions last from a month to three. But is it worth spending time and money on attending such courses if you can develop speed reading at home without any investment? Such independent learning even has its advantages:

  • Free choice of time for classes makes it possible to conduct training at those hours when it will be most convenient and fruitful.
  • Methods for teaching speed reading and descriptions of exercises are publicly available information that can be found in special manuals sold in any bookstore.
  • No distractions.
  • The ability to control the training time by choosing the duration of classes.

Some may be interested in the opinions of people who took courses to master speed reading. Reviews about their effectiveness are not always positive. Often, additional independent practice is required upon completion to achieve noticeable results. But the skill of speed reading itself is spoken of only with praise. Not one of those who mastered this ability regretted the time and effort spent.

Learning to read quickly. What is needed for that?

To master speed reading at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of this skill.

The first rule is not to “jump” while reading. You need to look through the text from beginning to end, without stopping and re-reading incomprehensible fragments. You will see, when you read to the end of a paragraph or page, everything that was unclear will become clear without re-reading.

The second rule is to highlight several key words in each sentence. It is not necessary to read the entire sentence or paragraph from beginning to end, it is important to catch and remember only keywords.

The third rule is not to be distracted. Speed ​​reading will not yield any results if you do not concentrate on what you are reading. The reader must be completely immersed in the process, because it is important not only to read, but also to record in memory useful information.

Why do we read slowly?

Anyone who is wondering how to develop speed reading will find it useful to know what prevents us from reading quickly.

1. Reading indiscriminately. When reading, we pay attention to everything. To get acquainted with the main idea, we spend the same amount of time as reading lyrical digressions that do not carry any semantic load and do not contain useful information. As already mentioned, to save time, the speed reading technique involves determining main idea and ignoring “water” in the text.

2. Repetition of what you read. Each of us has bad habit from childhood - returning your gaze to a sentence you have just read. When does a child develop vocabulary, such repetitions are useful. But as adults, we just do it out of habit.

3. Reading to yourself. When reading aloud, we can do it faster or slower depending on the pace of reading and diction. When we read to ourselves, our brain seems to be conducting a monologue, “speaking out” the information we are becoming familiar with. The speed of text perception cannot be higher than the speed of this internal monologue. Therefore, if you decide to master the speed reading method, the first thing you need to do is “silence the internal speaker” and learn to perceive information without saying it to yourself.

4. Field of view. A narrow field of view can significantly slow down the reading process. If a person has well-developed peripheral vision, he uses it when perceiving text, which is reflected in reading speed. For those who want to master speed reading on their own, exercises to expand the field of view are mandatory.

5. Inattention can be a problem at any speed. The inability to concentrate on the reading process is the main reason that information is not remembered, no matter how fast you read. The speed reading technique involves the parallel development of the ability to abstract from external stimuli and focus on the text.

Exercises to increase reading speed

Where to start mastering speed reading? Exercise is the key to success. Regular completion of simple practical tasks contributes to the development of the qualities necessary for quickly assimilation of information.

Eliminating inner speech

It was previously mentioned that internal articulation is one of the main reasons for low articulation. There are methods to combat it:

  • Count to yourself from ten to one. Try to understand a text without losing count.
  • Do the same thing, but instead of counting, hum a song you know by heart.
  • Tap any rhythm while reading.

The principle of this exercise is to “engage your inner speaker” and learn to perceive the text without its participation.

Developing peripheral vision

If peripheral vision is developed at the proper level, a person can not waste time moving his eyes along one line from left to right, but cover it with his gaze immediately. This method of reading is called vertical. Moreover, having developed peripheral vision, you can read entire paragraphs or blocks of text at a glance.

At this stage, they will come to help. The sheet depicts a square, the length of the sides is 20 cm. It is divided into five horizontal lines and five vertical ones. Thus, we get 25 cells, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 25 in random order. The finished square is placed at eye level (distance 25-30 cm).

The exercise itself consists of concentrating only on the middle square, using peripheral vision, to find the location of all the numbers from 1 to 25, and then in reverse order.

Another exercise that helps achieve the same goal is called the Triangle. You need to select the text and print it so that each line is wider than the previous one. For example, the first line has one word, the second - two, the third - three, and so on. As a result, we get a triangle consisting of text. When reading it, move your gaze only from top to bottom. To see the beginning and end of long lines, use your peripheral vision.

Similar exercises can be performed in Everyday life without devoting special time to study. For example, while sitting at work, concentrate your gaze on some object and try to see what is happening around you. This will simultaneously be an exercise to relieve eye strain and effective method effortlessly develop lateral vision.

Learning to guess

Speed ​​reading involves selective perception of text. In order for you to ultimately receive holistic, useful information, you need to learn logic and guesswork.

To perform the exercises in this block, you need an assistant. You immediately need to select an unfamiliar text and print it. The assistant darkens some parts of the text with a black marker, and while you read it, you try to grasp the meaning. First, you can choose simple texts to read. But over time, in order to train the skill, it is better to opt for unfamiliar topics and absolutely new terminology. The amount of hidden text should also gradually increase.

You can take a book and cover part of the text with a vertical strip 5 cm wide, and then read the rest. Make the strip wider over time.

It is worth devoting one hour to this practice 3-4 times a week, and within a month speed reading will begin to develop. The exercises are within the power of everyone, although at the very beginning they may seem difficult.

At what age can children be taught speed reading?

A child's vocabulary is significantly smaller than that of an adult. When reading, he thinks, comprehends the material he has read, and spends much more time doing this. Even by hearing, children perceive fast speech much worse. Therefore, it is possible to teach children speed reading only after they learn to fully independently comprehend the text they read. This occurs around the age of 14-15 years.

As you can see, developing speed reading at home is not such a difficult task. Not only superheroes are able to read at a speed of more than 500 words per minute, but also ordinary people. Try and learn this and see from your own example the value of such a skill.

As you know, “first there was the word,” and then they began to depict it, write it, print it, and humanity already has one more problem. How to teach a child to read with less expenditure of not only physical, but also mental strength? How to turn reading into an accessible and necessary assistant?

IN school years A lot is built on the student’s ability to work independently with a book. Provided that the student completes all homework and class assignments, the volume of reading increases with each period of school. So, when moving to the 5th grade it doubles, and by the eighth grade it triples. Wherein reading skills students remain at the same level primary classes. Then the child develops according to one of the following schemes: or spends time doing homework for five hours, acquiring various health complications; or does not prepare lessons properly, neglects reading and goes with the flow.

Various reading problems later life are explained by the fact that throughout our lives we read the way we were taught in the first grade. At the same time, we do not know how, we do not have the opportunity, desire or concept to apply more fast techniques reading.

When reading, children experience a number of problems, among which:

  1. When reading the text “to themselves,” they articulate. Movement of the lips and tongue occurs in approximately 80% of adults; most pronounce the text to themselves. In this case, the eyes stay in one place for too long, and they are able to scan the complexes.
  2. Most people rely more on hearing when reading, although vision, i.e. eyes perceive and transmit information several tens of times faster.
  3. Most children have a small field of vision. The human eye perceives information only during the stop period. How much he sees indicates the size of his field of vision. Unfortunately, most techniques do not include exercises designed to expand the field of vision.
  4. When a reader reads aloud or accompanies reading with articulation, the path of information processing becomes longer: to the hearing/speech center, speech center, and only then analysis of the information received. When using the speed reading technique, information travels a shorter path: the eyes, the speech center.
  5. During traditional reading occurs a large number of unnecessary mechanical repetitions, which result in unnecessary loss of time. While with speed reading, the reading speed increases significantly.

What is speed reading for a child?

Because the Primary School This the only place, where attention is still paid to reading technique, and its speed is measured and controlled, then it is at this stage that you need to learn how to read effectively and eliminate errors so as not to carry them with you adult life. It was precisely because of numerous errors in reading technique among elementary school students that speed reading for children arose (previously it was aimed only at adults). Most popular mistakes are: stuttering, involuntary change of letters, rearrangement of letters and syllables, underreading of endings. Such errors, together with the above-mentioned reading problems, sharply reduce reading speed and turn this process into a rather complex one. And passing reading standards often frustrates children who cannot read easily and fluently.

Speed ​​reading helps not only to eliminate these errors, but also to automatically increase the speed of reading, not due to the fact that the child is rushed, but by eliminating the “braking” moments. When nothing interferes with a child’s reading, the speed increases accordingly. Speed ​​reading provides tools that allow children to work through and correct emerging difficulties in reading, and when reading does not cause difficulties, the child takes up the book himself.

When speed reading, attention is paid to the quality of understanding and memorizing the texts read. Often children are practically incapable retell what you read, do not grasp its meaning well, paying attention only to minor details. When retelling, the child uses only words from the text, does not tell in his own words, because he is afraid that he misunderstood the meaning, and it would be much safer to use the words read in the text. Speed ​​reading approaches the solution of the problem of qualitative understanding, as well as memorizing texts, from the position of organizing such thought processes such as attention, imagination, memory, thinking. Children are provided with an algorithm for working with text, allowing them to see what is important and correctly understand what they are reading. Then the child knows what to pay attention to, what is essential. This approach makes children's reading structured, conscious, and focused on extracting information. It is important to activate the child’s memory so that it is easy to answer in class, retell texts after a while, and study new subjects.

Figurative memory is considered the strongest in children. In order for a child to imagine colorful, vivid and memorable images, it is necessary to develop his imagination, which is the main process of cognitive activity in children. junior schoolchildren. When a child can imagine images, he remembers material more successfully and learns new subjects. In addition, many parents say that their children are distracted when reading, distracted by any stimulus, and when they stop reading, they do not remember where they stopped. Sometimes it happens that the eyes are still moving through the text, but the thoughts in the head are already somewhere far away. Speed ​​reading develops attention, composure and concentration, and this improves the perception of material and its long-term memorization.

You can teach your child the basics of speed reading at home. To do this, you need to do some exercises with it regularly. It should be taken into account that the system of teaching reading, developed in educational institutions and proven over the years by practice, is a solid foundation for competent writing, studying science in the future, but at the same time this system does not contribute to expanding the possibilities of independent perception of the material. When teaching your child the basics of speed reading, you should not abandon the methods that have been proven over the years. You just have the opportunity to see what more is capable of quick method reading, which can be used from primary school.

Class structure

You should work with your child for 15-20 minutes three times a week. The lesson has the following structure:

  • Warm up. Reading short text(up to 100 words), after which you must ask reading comprehension questions.
  • Schulte tables. Such tables are a square on which objects are arranged in random order (usually numbers or letters). They help develop the speed of finding objects in a set order, for example, numbers from 1 to 9. For elementary school students, it is worth using tables in which the field is simply divided into equal rectangles, while the number of numbers in the table is 25 and 36, and the number of letters is 20.
  • Damaged text. First, the text needs to be cut into two parts, glued to the card, shifted by 1-2 lines. Then the tasks become more complicated: parts are cut out in the middle of the text, letters are missing at the beginning or end of the line. After reading, you need to have a conversation about the text.
  • Vocabulary work, in which exercises are performed to quickly perceive groups of words.
  • Exercises that develop logical thinking. To avoid overwork, such exercises are often based on mathematical material. You can periodically replace them with drawings on the topic of the text you read.

The first stage of classes assumes that the focus will be on eliminating such reasons for slow reading like acticulation and small field of view. Reading is performed under the condition of mechanical restraint of the articulatory apparatus, with the creation of noise and interference. Already starting from the first grade, you should work with Schulte tables; it will expand the field of vision and serve to develop attention.

The next stage involves focusing on improving the quality of reading comprehension. The damaged text is read, which is divided into 2-3 stripes, separated by 1 centimeter. They read two texts of different structures at the same time, for example, a fairy tale about animals and a story about nature. Then the child is asked to draw and remember something similar. Children in primary school often cannot see the meaning in each individual line and independently choose the pace of reading for different reading purposes. Such activities significantly improve children's ability to retell texts.


It is important to perform exercises aimed at developing and activating vocabulary, transforming words, composing sentences or a story based on given words that are not related to each other.

Don't forget about the basics of learning to read. Yes, on initial stage spend with your child general exercises, increasing reading speed. Start with the simplest ones, developing clarity of pronunciation (“cars go zh-zh-zh”, “creeps” snake shhh" etc.). Read tongue twisters and sayings with him. Read several consonants in a row in one breath, then add a vowel to them. Add words from halves using about 3-10 words and asking your child to quickly put together meaningful words from the two halves.

There are also several exercises aimed at the ability to determine desired speed reading and changing it where necessary. For example, you read “to yourself”, accompanying the reading by moving your finger along the text, the child reads aloud using your finger, i.e. keeping up with you. Naturally, you should not set the speed too high.

Call positive emotions Multiple reading exercises allow you to read. For a minute, invite your child to read the text and mark where he left off. Then he should read this passage again, naturally, as a result, a few more words will be read, which will arouse positive emotions and faith in his abilities in the child. This exercise should not be repeated more than three times.

Development of skills and qualities

To develop a skill navigate the text, use the “throw-notch” exercise. The child places his hands on his lap and begins reading the text at the command “throw”. As soon as the command “notch” is heard from the adult, the baby takes his eyes off the book, while continuing to keep his hands on his knees, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds. The adult again says the command “throw”, after which the child must use his eyes to find in the text the place where he completed reading, and continue from that moment to read the text out loud. The duration of the exercise is up to five minutes.

An interesting exercise aimed at understanding texts and developing reading skills. The text is read with a cover top part lines. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the child’s intelligence will allow him to notice a certain feature - when reading the top line in half letters, the bottom line remains completely open, so it is “advantageous” to quickly read the bottom line while it is open, and then quickly produce the finished result when it will be closed. This exercise contributes to the formation of several important educational qualities:

  • Since the reading of the bottom line needs to be hidden, silent reading develops;
  • Since several words need to be retained and stored in memory for some time, verbal-logical memory develops;
  • As the child reads a given line aloud and silently the underlying line, the ability to distribute attention and simultaneously perform at least two tasks develops.

By instilling in your child a love of reading, which is only possible if this process is carried out effectively and efficiently, you will help him in the future make it easier for him to complete many tasks, succeed in his studies and not experience a number of learning difficulties.

If you have any difficulties or problems, you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

IN Lately The topic “Speed ​​reading for children” is actively gaining popularity. Parents want to increase their child’s reading speed so that he grows up smart, studies well, does his homework, and reads faster than his classmates. The question immediately arises: at what age can a child be taught speed reading? And the answer is very simple:

Children can practice speed reading as soon as they learn to read whole words!

And our anagram simulator for children can help with this:

In this game you have to choose 1 option out of 4, in which only those letters that are part of the given word are mixed. Each round a new word is given. Remember that time is limited! The faster you look for the answer, the more points you will get at the end of the game.

Speed ​​reading course for children

Exercise from the course

Let's start with the simplest words

To read whole words, it is better to start with the smallest words, for example: House, Hedgehog, Cat, Dog, Ditch. The child should learn to read them at speed, each word separately, preferably on a separate screen or sheet of paper. You can also cover unread words with another sheet of paper.

If three-letter words are read easily and quickly, then you need to go straight to a little more difficult words: Dad, Mom, Rama, Ivan, Masha, Misha, Table, Chair and so on..

After the child begins to quickly read 4-letter words, we move on to 5-letter words. Try to choose easier and more understandable words first, then slightly more complex ones. Along with words of 5 letters, you can sometimes give words of 4 or 3 letters to raise the child’s interest, since they are easier.

Let's move on to phrases

After the child has learned to read phrases, you can safely start reading children's books. The brighter and more colorful they are, the better. If you instill in your child an interest in books now, then later they will be more interested in reading school and educational literature. And there is a greater chance that the child himself will read books that interest him.

Use as many senses as possible

If you can show, illustrate words with pictures and pronounce the words yourself, so that the child remembers it as best and quickly as possible. The more senses that are used, the better! If a child is just learning to read, then you can first give him words with pictures, and when he learns to read them, then the same words, but without pictures.

Important at the same time, pronounce the words themselves after the child has read them. If he reads them slowly, then let him read them first, and then, looking at the word, repeat it 2-3 more times. Pictures with words can be made as a presentation on the computer and, if necessary, opened on a tablet or phone. The main thing is that the words are large and easy to read. The words should not blend into the background or image. When you walk on the street, let your child quickly try to read the names of stores.

Take breaks

You need to practice for 10-20 minutes, giving the child time for a short break. After a good workout, the break should be 20-30 minutes, no less, so that the brain has time to form new neural connections. This greatly increases efficiency.

During the break:

  • it is forbidden: read, write, watch TV, play games, sit with your phone or tablet.
  • you can and should: relax, take a walk, breathe fresh air, eat (if the time has come, there is no need to eat again), play with soft toys, ride the car and so on.

Download exercises for free

In order for your children to learn to read whole words, we have prepared for you special presentations with words, consisting of separate pictures, which you can download to your computer, tablet or phone for free to show to your children:

Fast reading technique

This was one of the articles in the course, which is suitable for both children and adults. Sign up for our course to learn how to read quickly using a special program.

Our course is based on hemisphere synchronization techniques and secret techniques fast acceleration reading, traditional exercises for developing speed reading, psychology and discussion of the best questions from course participants with detailed answers to them.

When synchronized, working together both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception intensifies many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill several birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Speed ​​up brain function, improve attention and concentration
  3. Read a book a day and finish your work faster

Trainers for the development of speed reading

Train right now on this page, for free and without registration.

Schulte tables


We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special assignments and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting tasks.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson helpful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

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Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

Games for developing speed reading in children

Children love to play most of all, and this is natural. Game learning is more effective than traditional learning for both children and adults. Therefore, we strongly recommend using special educational games to increase reading speed, memory, attention, improve mental arithmetic, and so on.

Speed ​​Comparison Game

  1. Develops memory
  2. Improves attention
  3. Speeds up reaction and thinking

In this game you need to compare the figure shown on the screen with the previous one as quickly as possible, answering the buttons “Yes” - similar or “No” - not similar.

Game "Visual Search"

  1. Develops voluntary attention
  2. Improves concentration
  3. Improves attention span

Figures will appear on the screen, among which you need to choose a unique one that is in no way similar to other figures. Some figures may differ in just one small detail, which you need to learn to quickly find. With each successful round the difficulty increases and more points are given :)

Game "Find a Pair"

In this game you will need skills such as the ability to search for the necessary objects among others, speed of thought, reaction, comparison skill, search skill. And the game, in turn, will help develop these skills to a higher level. Excellent brain development game, like all other exercises from this site. Register and develop with us!

Game "Visual Geometry"

I recommend a game that is among the free ones available immediately after registration - “Visual Geometry”. This exercise will help speed up your train of thought, increase memorability and memory. With each level the game becomes more difficult. Great game for brain development. How many levels will you be able to complete? Shall we check?

Letters and numbers game

Now you see a screenshot from brain development games“letters and numbers”, which will require your: attentiveness, reaction, intelligence.

Game "Number Reach".

Also in memory improvement Number Reach can help you. The player is given time to memorize the number, after which the player must reproduce it. The game starts with two-digit numbers, then the number of numbers increases.

Numerical coverage

  1. Develops memory capacity
  2. Improves semantic memory

Remember the numbers shown to you and reproduce them in in the right order. You can use the keyboard.

Bottom line

In this article, we discussed speed reading for children and learned that a child can be taught speed reading immediately after he learns to read whole words. And so that he can learn this faster, we have developed a special simulator that not only a child, but also an adult can train with!

Training on such a simulator helps you quickly learn to read words. All you need to do is choose desired mode and start training. Don't forget to sign up for our course.

Whether you're reading a textbook in a philosophy seminar or reading the morning newspaper, reading may seem tiresome. Master the technique quick reading to complete this task much faster. Speed ​​reading will worsen your understanding of the material, but with proper practice you can partially overcome this defect.


Part 1

Learn to read faster

    Stop saying words to yourself. Almost every reader mentally pronounces the text (subvocalization) or is distracted by repeating the word. This helps the reader remember the terms, but also slows down the reading speed. Here are some ways to minimize this habit:

    Cover the words you have already read. When reading, your eyes often return to the words you've already read. Basically, these are short-term movements that do not improve understanding in any way. Use a bookmark to cover words after reading them, breaking yourself of this habit.

    • These "backslides" also occur when you fail to understand the material. If your eyes jump back a few words or lines, it's a sign that you need to slow down.
  1. Let's move on to eye movement. As you read, your eyes move in jerks, stopping on some words and skipping others. Reading only happens when your eyes stop. If you reduce the number of movements per line of text, you will learn to read much faster. But be careful—studies have been done that reveal the limit to what a reader can see at one time:

    • You can read eight letters to the right of your eye position, but only four to the left. This is about two or three words at a time.
    • You notice letters 9-15 spaces to the right, but are unable to read them.
    • Ordinary readers cannot read the words on other lines. Learning to skip lines and still understand the material is extremely difficult.
  2. Reduce the amount of movement your eyes make. Typically, your brain decides where to move your eyes based on how long or familiar the next word is. You'll be able to read faster if you train your eyes to go to specific places on the page instead. Try the following exercise:

    • Take a bookmark and place it above a line of text.
    • Draw an "X" on the bookmark above the first word.
    • Draw another X on the same line. Place it three words further for good understanding, five words further for simple texts and seven words to review key points.
    • Continue drawing X's at the same spacing until you reach the end of the line.
    • Try to read the line as quickly as possible, lowering the bookmark down and concentrating only on the text under each “X”.
  3. Read faster than you can understand the text. Many programs are built on the principle of increasing reading speed using reflexes, so that the brain gradually learns to adapt to the new pace. This method has not been thoroughly studied. Your speed of moving through the text will undoubtedly increase, but you will understand little or nothing. Try this method if you are looking to achieve maximum speed reading, and hope that a few days of practice will help you understand the material better. Here's how to do it:

    • Follow the text with a pencil. Come up with a phrase that will take you exactly one line of text to pronounce at a calm pace.
    • Try reading for two minutes at the speed of a pencil. Even if you don't understand anything, concentrate on the text and keep your eyes open for a full two minutes.
    • Rest for a minute and then speed up. Now try reading for three minutes, but now the pencil should cross two lines while you pronounce the phrase.
  4. Use speed reading programs. If the above methods do not help you achieve your goal, try rapid sequential visual presentation. According to this technique, the phone application or computer program shows the text one word at a time. This allows you to choose any reading speed. But don't increase the speed too high, otherwise you won't be able to remember most of the words. This method is useful for quickly browsing the news, but not while studying or reading for pleasure.

    Part 2

    Quickly view text
    1. Know when a quick review is warranted. This reading method can be used for general familiarization with the text without deep understanding. You can quickly scan the newspaper to find interesting article or identify key points by reviewing the textbook before test work. A quick glance does not replace a full reading.

      Read titles and section headings. Read only the chapter titles and any subheadings at the beginning of large sections. Read the titles of all news articles or contents in the magazine.

      Read the beginning and end of the section. All paragraphs in textbooks usually contain an introduction and conclusions. For other types of text, read the first and last paragraph of the chapter or article.

      • Read faster if you are familiar with the topic, but don't try to beat yourself. You will save yourself time by scrolling through unnecessary text, but it is still important to understand the meaning of what you read.
    2. Circle the important words in the text. If you want to learn more, then instead of just reading, quickly skim through the text with your eyes. Now that you've got the hang of the section, you'll be able to highlight key words and highlight important areas. Stop and highlight the following words:
