Speech summing up. Speech by a manager at a planning meeting and corporate meeting

  • How to wish your employees a Happy New Year to give them a powerful charge of positive energy for the year ahead
  • Peculiarities solemn speech manager at New Year's corporate party
  • How not to congratulate the team
  • The main rules of a solemn speech

To make an impact with your speech you need to know How to wish your employees a Happy New Year memorable speech. For those who come to New Year's Eve, the main event is the speech of the company director. Employees are waiting for his speech, catching moments that are significant to them: who he will mention, what assessments he will give, what he will say about the prospects.

The way you think can change the structure and anatomy of your brain in the direction you want, regardless of various factors. This was proven by Estanislao Bachrach, who developed a set of exercises that, when performed, will improve your thinking abilities.

All exercises are available in our article. You will no longer have to wait for inspiration or opportunity - you will learn to work productively and come up with new ideas in any situation.

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The director understands the significance of the moment, but sometimes treats the performance as a “necessary evil”, because it puts the leader in an unusual position. He feels like an actor who is left alone with the audience, but subsequently his speech will be discussed not only by top managers, but also by ordinary employees.

A speech at a New Year’s corporate party is a public message to the team, a kind of promise. At the same time, given the festive atmosphere, the speech should not be boring and original. If you don’t prepare it in advance, but say only what comes to mind last minute, congratulations may turn out to be ridiculous. It can, like a mirror, reflect the personal problems of the General Director, which do not necessarily need to be made public.

4 examples of how not to congratulate employees

1. Narcissist. I once witnessed how, at a New Year’s party for a large pharmaceutical holding, the manager made a toast for 15 minutes. All this time, he talked only about his own successes, about the fact that in the past year he showed himself to be a real hero, pulling the company out of difficult situations. I recalled my exploits of past years (which I had already talked about in previous years). He said nothing at all about those present. In the audience, some felt out of place, others smiled skeptically and exchanged knowing glances with their colleagues.

2. Santa Claus. The newly appointed director of the production company devoted most of the toast to describing a bright future: everyone will receive a salary increase, career, new production and office premises will be built, etc. He diligently tried to convince his colleagues that he could control, if not everything, then a lot. Of course, the employees wanted to believe in this, but, knowing the real state of affairs in the company, many understood that the promises would remain just words, and were disappointed.

3. Comrade Ogurtsov. Remember the catchphrase from the movie “Carnival Night”: “I’ll say it briefly, for about forty minutes”? The head of one logistics company prolonged the toast as if he was speaking not at a New Year’s corporate party, but at a reporting meeting of shareholders. At the same time, he spoke only about facts, figures, income and expenses - and no New Year’s wishes. As a result, not a trace remained of the festive atmosphere.

4. Girlfriend. Team of one trading company was mostly female. At the New Year's party, the director, congratulating the employees, addressed them in a friendly manner: he wanted to get married as soon as possible, lose a few kilograms, decide family problems etc. Summing up the past year, he recalled facts from the personal lives of his subordinates, gave them advice in which he crossed all acceptable boundaries of decency. And he concluded his speech with these words: “I hope that in the new year the number of weddings will exceed the number of divorces, and average weight the company will decrease by 10%!”

The main rules for congratulating employees on the New Year

New Year– this is a temporary boundary that everyone without exception feels. This is a moment of concentration of expectations. It is difficult to find a more suitable situation for a leader to speak. The team is in a festive mood and the atmosphere is relaxed. Therefore, employees will receive everything you say with great enthusiasm. Take advantage of the moment!

Be sure to thank the team for their work. Assure employees that things will get even better in the future. In your New Year's toast, try to voice all the important things that you don't have time for in your daily bustle. For example, recall events that have had an impact on the company this year and express your personal attitude towards them.

Mark the growth points. By doing so, you will set the direction for your collaboration in the new year. Thus, the bank president may say: “This year the number of open accounts for corporate clients in the bank became a record. We will move in this direction."

Don't limit yourself to numbers and reports, contact specific people sitting in the room. Say what interests those who are listening: “Such results would not have been achieved if it were not for the work of the automation department, which created and successfully implemented a new program.”

Finally, express your personal feelings about the team. Share your emotions: “It’s not just a pleasure for me to work with the people who have gathered in this room. I feel a sense of pride in the team, which in times of crisis is able to successfully cope with the assigned tasks. That is why I am sure that we will celebrate the next New Year with the same composition. I’m not planning any layoffs, just recruiting new people for new areas.” Ideally, after your speech, everyone should think: “It’s great that I’m celebrating the New Year in such company!”

  • Thank you letter: how to write it so that it is businesslike and warm at the same time

General Director speaks

Konstantin Komarov, Director of the Great Print printing house, St. Petersburg

It is not always possible to think thoroughly about a speech at a New Year's corporate party. However, I definitely try to think through what I will talk about so as not to be limited to a template congratulations.

In my speech I focus as much as possible on my colleagues. Our company has a small team, so I don’t have to resort to official congratulations. It is important to me that each employee feels as if I am addressing them personally.

Usually, when congratulating our employees on the New Year, I sum up our work for the past year and thank them for their achievements. I try not to focus on the negative.

How to behave during a performance

The leader must understand that in front of him there will be not just listeners, but spectators. To make an impression, you need to master your body language. This way you can convey your thoughts to the team.

Smile? Yes, definitely. You can confidently multiply the power of your smile by the number of listeners present.

Where to look during a performance? When speaking to an audience of up to 15 people, it is recommended to alternately look at each person present. Visual contact with each person should not exceed 10 seconds. In audiences of 15-50 people present, it is recommended to look at every fifth person. If more than 50 people have gathered, choose several groups for yourself - about 7-10 people (for example, managers and employees of departments), and address each group in turn.

Nonverbal gestures during speech. At the beginning of the performance, keep your arms in a natural position - along your body. Together with the first words, the hands should be moved to a “neutral” position: a half-bent state of two arms extended forward, bringing the hands together. If you are holding a gift or bouquet, place it in one hand.

How to stand? You should stand straight, straighten your shoulders, tilt your head slightly. Do not lean on the podium, chair or table. You should not sway from side to side.

When speaking, you should remember that the most popular emotions for a leader during a speech are inspiration and enthusiasm. Shareholders, business partners, the team and other listeners will be grateful to to CEO, who provides energy in his speech, with an improvement in the morale of those gathered. After all, such a performance will intrigue guests with enthusiastic listening.

Corporate party for the New Year


And the years keep passing, and people are still embarrassed to say the words they so need...

If you have to make toasts at the upcoming New Year celebration, but you have doubts about your abilities, then the best decision is to prepare them in advance. This selection of toasts for the New Year's feast will certainly help you with this.

New Year's toast No. 1

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

A few more hours - and midnight will tell us that another year has passed and a new one has begun. We know nothing about what the New Year will bring; however, we do not want to lift the veil of a hidden future.

In the last hours of the old year, our thoughts are devoted more to it than to the New Year, since all hidden human hopes and desires are in close connection with experienced past events and incidents. We demand from the future what we desire in the future. this moment. The sincerity that reigns among us adorns this evening.

Quite rightly, one Greek thinker believed that man was created from spirit. But real spirit is connected and inseparable from fun, and it is not difficult to see that we do not lack the latter.

So let's dedicate last glass in the old year to the spirit of fun that reigns among us!

New Year's toast No. 2

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

The clock has struck midnight and we are resetting or crossing out an entire year of the earthly life of our existence, a year with all its joys and sorrows, with all its hopes and disappointments. We have just stepped through the threshold of the new year, through the threshold of an unknown and hidden something, which, however, with our gaze directed towards the Almighty, we greet with the brightest, most rosy hopes. With curiosity we turn over the pages of a new book of life. Its empty pages are not covered with writing, but time, which writes the history of every day, is already ready to fill individual pages with topical incidents and deeds.

That the hour of the onset of the New Year is an important moment in our existence - every person is aware and feels this. Already in the cradle, the child feels the whistle and rustle of the wings of fast-flying time. The boy and the girl are all striving towards the new year; the young man, full of cordial hopes, can barely curb his ardent heart; the girl, with bated breath, tries to guess what the future has in store for her. Husband and wife, father and mother exchange greetings and look joyfully at the contentment reigning in the house.

Spread, New Year, your blessing over city and countryside, over the poor and the rich, shower everyone with happiness from the cornucopia! With such hope and trust in the help of the Creator, we greet each other Happy New Year, with new happiness!

From the book “Speeches and Toasts for All Occasions” by V. D. Efendi, 1900

New Year's toast No. 3

Celebrating the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is interpreted, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: “Live and rejoice!” Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!

New Year's toast No. 4

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and the cups of our souls with wonderful feelings

New Year's toast No. 5

Champagne. The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerines. All this gives rise to associations with the New Year in a person’s soul. But what is New Year without a dream and wish made during the chimes. So let's drink to make all our wishes come true.

New Year's toast No. 6

May we have so many good and happy events, there are so many good and wonderful deeds, as many lights are burning in our New Year’s garland! Here's to the New Year!

New Year's toast No. 7

There is an ancient statue called "Opportunity". It depicts a man standing on tiptoe, which symbolizes the brevity of the moment of opportunity. He has wings on his legs, meaning that a person can fly using opportunity. Him long hair- a symbol of benefit gained through opportunity, and on the back of the head a bald spot is a symbol of loss when opportunity is lost. Opportunities come and go. So let's drink so that we don't miss our opportunities in the new year!

New Year's toast No. 8

I hope this New Year comes with gifts for each of us. Anyone who wanted to buy a new car will finally buy it. Anyone who wanted to make any discovery will make it.

Those who wanted to find love will find it. Let everyone get their happiness. So let's drink to the new, bright things in our lives! For the New Year.

New Year's toast No. 9

As you know, a person learns all his life. He learns every year, and every year, probably, he becomes a little smarter... Which means, for sure, the years also learn something - from a person and from each other. So let's drink to everyone next year I learned only good things from the previous one! So let's drink to the fact that the coming year will be better than the previous one, but much worse than the next!

New Year's toast No. 10

Life is beautiful even when tears are streaming down your cheeks. So let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that in the coming year tears will flow down our cheeks more often, but only tears of happiness!

New Year's toast No. 11

Dear friends!

A few more hours - and midnight will tell us that another year has passed and a new one has begun. We know nothing about what the New Year will bring, however, we do not want to lift the veil of the future hidden from us. In the last hours of the old year, we think more about it than about the coming year, since all desires and hopes for the future are connected with what has already been lived and experienced. Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

New Year's toast No. 12

The New Year holiday is the apotheosis of contrasts: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but lights sparkle at home, fun, warm, a decorated Christmas tree, festive table

May the new year, no matter how the winds and adversities rage around you, let your home and soul be light and cozy. May all our wishes come true in the new year!

Let's raise a glass to these!

New Year's toast No. 13

Life is like a New Year's garland - as soon as one light bulb burns out, all the others go out. If one thing doesn’t work out for a person, everything falls out of hand. So let's drink to the garland bright events in our lives it shimmered with all the colors and never burned out! Here's to not burning out next year!

New Year's toast No. 14

Let's drink so that in the New Year everyone will be wise, kind, cheerful, and talk to each other more kind words and wished you plenty of happiness and good health!

New Year's toast No. 15

Twice for the same ones... New Years are not coming! You cannot celebrate the same New Year twice... So let's drink to the timeliness, inevitability and uniqueness of this recurring holiday! Here's to the New Year!

New Year's toast No. 16

One man fell asleep and had a dream: next to him a beautiful woman. I woke up - no one was there. So let's drink so that all good dreams come true in the New Year!

New Year's toast No. 17

New Year is a holiday of contrast: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but at home it’s sunny, fun, warm, the Christmas tree is decorated, the table is festive. Let's drink to the fact that this contrast will be carried through the whole year, and no matter how the winds and storms rage, no matter how uncomfortable it is around, your soul will always be sunny and warm!

New Year's toast No. 18

At this table all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

New Year's toast No. 19

I wish everyone gathered here that in the new year there will be love, worries, and doubts in your life, so that it never occurs to you that you have missed something in this life.

New Year's toast No. 20

According to popular belief, there are moments when wishes expressed out loud come true. These are the first minutes of the new year, when we look into the future with hidden hopes and desires. May our problems be resolved in the new year, may we gain strength and get rid of ailments. For the fulfillment of our desires, for everything good, inspiring and beautiful. For our happy future! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

New Year's toast No. 21

One sage said: “The most amazing thing about a person is that he often grieves over the lost state, but as his life passes, he is not upset.”

Let's drink so that every day of the new year passes brightly and usefully.

New Year's toast No. 22

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation through time! Congratulations on this chic, fast-moving, beautiful, powerful... holiday and means of transportation!

New Year's toast No. 23

Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there's always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

New Year's toast No. 24

Celebrating the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is interpreted, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: “Live and rejoice!” Let's drink to the joys that life gives us.

New Year's toast No. 25

Come on, when it’s half past 12, let’s shout:

New Year! New Year!

Why is this?..

And let our neighbors think that the New Year has come to us early.

May all good things come to us at least a little earlier!!

New Year's toast No. 26

Every person has an unquenchable candle of his soul. But this candle is often covered with an impenetrable cap. So let's drink so that in the new year the light of our soul will freely reach our friends.

New Year's toast No. 27

New Year is the brightest, most beautiful and fun party. A green decorated Christmas tree with colorful toys, sparkling and shiny, splashes of champagne, general excitement and joy. Let's raise our glasses so that we all have the same life in the New Year - colorful and sparkling, promising and generous, like the New Year holiday.

New Year's toast No. 28

Let's drink to the fact that every next New Year our festive table will be more and more bursting with food, the phone will be more and more ringing with congratulatory calls from friends and more and more children and grandchildren will give us gifts.

New Year's toast No. 29

The year goes by, goes into a century -
Fast time, eternal running.
Don't look back, don't wait:
Only the army of years gone by.

Only seconds of missing groans,
Yes, New Year's glasses are ringing.
Only yesterday - time was born,
Only yesterday - happiness swirled.

Just yesterday! It was, yes - away.
Dawn again, midnight again...
The Kremlin chimes strike again,
again from the times of passing...

The minute has come, the hour has come
we raise our glass
For the New Day, for the New Year,
Over time, an inaudible move.

New Year's toast No. 30

Now, summing up the results,
Let's sigh sadly about the past:
Probably the gods helped
We have to cope with the enemy all year!

Today, celebrating the New Year,
Let's have fun!
We wish each other happiness,
Someone who doesn't love will fall in love.

Who's money more life glad -
Let him become rich this Year!
Now it’s not a sin for us to drink,
For us, for everyone and for success!

New Year's toast No. 31

On your threshold all gray with a beard
Old year - old, very old,
He leaves us, he waves his hand at us
And wishes you good luck in everything!

But someone came - someone quietly called,
Three white horses at the door,
It's exactly midnight - the New Year has arrived.
Pour champagne into glasses!

I raise my glass - congratulations again,
My dears, Happy New Year!
Always do good and give love,
Despite the years and weather!

New Year's toast No. 32

Happy New Year,
And today I wish you
To this year
Tears were not in use
So that friends appreciate
And the family loved
More often awards were given
So that diseases do not attack.
That's the point. And we'll be alive
We'll get the rest
By acquaintance or by connections,
Thank you for the salary.
Don't be sad, keep your nose up
Well, let's drink to make it come true.

With the new team in advance. On the eve of your first working day, set aside 1-2 hours of free time for this. Ask your family and friends. Think about your look: what clothes you will wear, what accessories will go with it, what you need to take with you (fountain pen, Notebook, folder, etc.). All things should be modest, harmonious with each other and meet corporate requirements.

Compose short story about myself: age, Family status where did you study, previous place work, hobbies, positive and negative qualities etc. Most likely, you will not voice most of your autobiography. But having a prepared text, you will not be confused when you hear an offer to tell about yourself. Practice your speech in front of a mirror.

Leave the house early in the morning. Being late on the first working day is unacceptable. Walk some of the way. An energetic walk in the fresh air will help you calm down, collect your thoughts and have a positive outlook.

Before starting work, please visit the HR department. In small organizations, it is customary for a new employee to visit the director directly. These people will choose the way they represent you. to the team.

Getting to know the entire team at the same time This is done when a new manager is installed, or in very small companies where interaction between employees is very close. In this case, the specialist personnel service or the head of the organization will state your last name, first name and patronymic, position, outline your responsibilities and area of ​​responsibility.

IN large companies All present members of the work collective will not be introduced to you by name, because it will take a lot of time. In the process of work, you will independently learn the names and patronymics of your colleagues. In teams of no more than 20 people, you will most likely be introduced to each employee personally. Try to remember the names and main responsibilities of your colleagues. Later you will learn more about them, but now it is important to understand what questions will bind you.

Meeting the department employees and taking a tour of the organizationPerhaps this is the most common way of introducing a newcomer. Your immediate supervisor will first tell you to the team about you, then lists the names of all department employees and their job responsibilities, will show you the workplace, explain the priority tasks. A little later, for example, after lunch, you and your boss will visit neighboring departments. There, the manager will call you and explain what issues to contact this structural unit of the company about.

After the formal introduction, you may be asked to tell us a little about yourself and be asked additional questions. Now the speech you rehearsed the day before will be very useful to you.

Speak clearly and distinctly, do not use slang or parochial expressions. Answer all questions correctly, without hints or ambiguity. Say that you have certain life and professional experience. Sincerely assure new colleagues of your loyalty and desire to work for the benefit of the company.

Don't overload your speech with too personal details. For example, when talking about your family, you should not list the names and ages of all relatives. Just say that you are married and have two sons. Don't bore your listeners with a list of your awards and achievements. During your work professional quality colleagues will appreciate it. It is absolutely forbidden to criticize a previous place of work. When asked about the reasons for leaving, give a neutral answer: “I think that in your company I will be able to realize my full potential.”

What does this department do? A small professional question, for help in solving which you can turn to your colleagues, will also be a good reason for getting to know each other.

For many, the New Year traditionally becomes a time for summing up results, both personal and work. All of us, consciously or not, reflect on the question: what have we achieved over the past year?

The most advanced among us clarify: what of what was planned at the beginning of the year was achieved? In other words, if at the beginning of the year specific goals were set and plans were thought out to achieve them, then summing up the results becomes a matter of technique.

But why, in fact, summarize? This is usually done in order to evaluate the results obtained and draw conclusions for the future. The conclusions can be very diverse: from understanding “points of concentration of attention” (both for consolidating and developing success, and for correcting failures) to a complete revision of the strategy and even life values. Only very young companies can afford not to be guided by past experience, set goals and make plans from scratch. If the company already has some kind of history, then not taking it into account would be not only short-sighted, but also unwise. This article will talk about how exactly to sum up the results at the end of the year and what to do with the results obtained.

Why is this necessary?

At first glance, summing up the results for the company is not particularly difficult. However, in reality, various difficulties arise that can even lead to a complete abandonment of this practice.

Let's consider this situation using an example construction company, belonging to the medium business segment.

For a long time, the director of the company summed up the results in the format of a regular operational meeting, which was timed to coincide with the last meeting of the year. He collected statistical and financial data for the year and himself reported to the audience on the company's results for the year. At the same time, he assessed the work of each manager and set goals for the next year.

After some time, the manager began to notice that his management team was little interested in both the successes and failures of the company for the year, sometimes being frankly bored at such final meetings. Then he decided to abandon the practice of final meetings altogether.

Several years passed, and the manager began to notice that the mood in the management team was getting worse and worse. Moreover, there were no obvious complaints about anything from anyone, but the general emotional background became negative: conflicts often flared up over trifles, managers argued with each other over obvious things, the same issues were discussed many times, and Even if the decision was made by everyone, after some time the issue arose again and the discussions were repeated. The manager talked with several key managers and realized that they lacked understanding of the situation, assessment of their achievements, and clear guidelines for the future. They viewed the situation as uncertain and unstable, although in reality little or nothing had changed. The manager still summed up the results and set goals, but did not share the results obtained with the team, but simply formed a certain guideline for himself. For him everything was clear, predictable and clear. But it turned out that abandoning the practice of summing up played a cruel joke on him (and the company). However, the manager understood that it was impossible to simply return to past practice - the old problems would return.

As a result, the following solution was found: the functions of summing up and setting goals were delegated to the heads of departments (over the past years the company has grown and departments have turned into directions). Now the summing up began to take place in several stages. In November, the heads of the areas prepared a report on the work done and outlined the key tasks of the areas for the next year. Then, individually, they discussed their reports with the head of the company and finalized them taking into account his comments. A final meeting was scheduled in mid-December, at which the department heads made presentations and had the opportunity to ask questions to each other.

The new practice initially caused dissatisfaction, because... took quite a lot of time considering the need to prepare a presentation. However, within a year the new order began to be taken for granted and the general atmosphere improved noticeably.

Another mid-sized company also passed long haul looking for the best way summing up the year.

While the company was small and belonged to the type family business, when all the employees knew each other outside of work and spent a lot of time together, the results were summed up almost daily and everyone was aware of the events taking place in the company. At the same time, every corporate event (New Year, company birthday, and even executive birthdays) was used to discuss successes and develop ways to solve problems. The company grew, and this practice became poorly implemented.

Then we tried to make two parts at a corporate New Year’s party: official and festive. For several years this gave good results.

However, this practice had to be abandoned when the company grew so large that company-wide parties became impossible. The format of an annual conference to sum up the results of the year was introduced, where representatives of all departments were delegated, not only managers, but also ordinary employees. The procedure for selecting representatives to the conference took several years to crystallize. As a result, delegates became employees who had special achievements in the past year, whose successes were included in the unit's report. Thus, if questions arose regarding the manager’s report, the authors of the ideas or achievements answered them. Also, a brochure “Results of the Year” was prepared for the conference with more detailed reports in all areas. The text of the brochure was also posted on the corporate website for public study.

Several conclusions can be drawn from these examples.

  • The format for summing up the results of the year in the company should be clearly defined. The results will not sum up by themselves; you need to choose the most suitable procedure for a particular company.

The following types of procedures can be used:

  • written reports from departments on the implementation of assigned tasks, publication of the “Results of the Year” brochure or posting of the final report on the company’s website;
  • reporting meeting with presentation by heads of departments of reports on the work done;
  • reporting conference with the invitation of ordinary employees;
  • a speech or interview by the first person summing up the results of the year (on the pages of the corporate press, on the intranet or on corporate radio);
  • meetings of company managers with labor collectives;
  • brainstorming to sum up the results of the year and develop directions for further development.
  • If the procedure used has ceased to bring results and causes dissatisfaction with the manager or employees, then it is better to reconsider it and choose another, more adequate one for the situation.
  • There is no need to waste time on summing up the results. The time saved will result in the need to spend time on smoothing in the future conflict situations, “calming” employees, explaining guidelines and the situation.
  • Summing up can be a good team-building procedure: understanding common successes brings people together and inspires.

Engage your staff!

It is very important to involve staff in summing up the company’s performance for the year. Everyone contributes to the work of the company, and everyone should participate in summing up the results. Then the overall result will be considered as the sum of everyone’s efforts. Therefore, it is worth summing up not only the company, but also each employee. Ideally, the department’s report should be based on the reports of each employee, and here staff self-assessment is important. You can suggest the following reporting form:

The main innovation of such a report is the presence of self-assessment on the quality of work performed. To do this, you need to determine the scale and criteria for the quality factor. The scale can be anything, but it is better not to use a five-point scale due to the inevitable associations with school grades.

Variants of scales for assessing employee performance

From 1 to 10, where 10 is the maximum quality level, and 1 is the minimum.

From 1 to 7, where 4 is the average level of quality, less than 4 is below average, above 4 is above average.

From 1 to 3, where 2 is at the level of existing standards, 1 is below the expected level, 3 is above the expected level.

From 1 to 4, where 4 is excellent quality, 3 is good quality, 2 is satisfactory quality, 1 is poor quality.

From 0.5 to 1.5, where 1 is at the level of the prescribed standards, less than 1 is worse than the prescribed standards, more than 1 is above the prescribed standards.

The quality factor will be determined by checking whether the work results meet or fail to meet certain quality criteria, such as:

  • deadlines;
  • the effectiveness of negotiations (the presence of certain recorded agreements);
  • the need for improvements and alterations, etc.

If an employee has a plan according to which he works during the year, then you can enter coefficients of compliance and non-compliance of work results with the plan (the so-called completion percentage). It is very convenient to develop plans in Microsoft Project (a project management program in which you can develop plans, allocate resources among tasks, analyze the scope of work and track the execution of tasks).

Analysis indicators

To sum up the company as a whole, it is important to decide in advance on the analysis indicators. Quantitative indicators and their dynamics relative to quantitative indicators of previous periods are very important. Moreover, the number of such indicators should be relatively small (7 plus or minus 2), so that any employee can remember them and proudly tell that, for example, the number of visits to the company’s website over the year has doubled and amounted to an average of 1000 visits per year. day.

Typically, the main analysis indicators are divided into three types: financial, strategic and qualitative. Moreover, for the purpose of summing up public results, you should not go deep and unnecessarily detail the indicators used. It is important for staff and managers to first of all understand how successful the company was in the past year and what is worth paying attention to in the next year. Of course, heads of relevant departments must deeply understand the situation, but their reports are not public.

That's why from financial indicators For the purposes of summing up the year, you can use the following:

  • volume of sales(volume of sales revenue) for the year. If revenue is falling, it is important to understand the reasons for this, which may be due to, for example, the following factors:

Unsuccessful use of marketing tools (advertising, distribution channels, pricing policy, quality of service, etc.);

Technical problems (with equipment, technologies);

Human factor (team problems, personal problems of employees), etc.;

  • profit, i.e. annual revenue minus costs of production of products/services. Shows how much the company actually earns. A drop in profit can be due to the same reasons as a drop in revenue, let’s add just a few factors external environment, influencing this indicator:

Increasing production costs by increasing prices for purchased materials;

Rent increases;

Increased loan interest rates;

Increased taxes, fines;

Fluctuations in exchange rates, increases in customs duties, changes in the political situation - for companies engaged in foreign economic activity, etc.;

  • profitability- the ratio of profit to sales volume. Shows the share of profit in total revenue.

There may be several possible problem situations:

Profitability is zero, but revenue is growing. This means that the company's expenses are too high and do not allow it to reach the required level of profit. It is worth significantly revising the formation of the cost of products/services, as well as optimizing all other expenses;

Profitability is zero, and revenue is falling. Demand for products/services has not been formed or the wrong pricing policy has been chosen;

Profitability is falling, but revenue is growing. It is necessary to radically optimize all the company’s expenses, perhaps some part of the work (or maybe all) should be outsourced;

Profitability is falling, revenue is unchanged. Obviously, there is a need to increase sales;

Profitability is falling, revenue is falling. The most difficult case for the company requires a complete review of its future activities, because Current activities bring only expenses to the company.

All financial indicators must be considered in dynamics, i.e. compared to the previous year or, better yet, over several years.

From strategic indicators activities of the company that are related to the development of activities, the following are most often used:

  • number of new clients per year;
  • number of points of sale of products;
  • nomenclature of the range of goods/services provided;
  • the number of new developments/new standards or technologies, in general, the level of innovation in the company;
  • level of staff turnover.

These indicators may vary depending on the industry, but what they have in common is that they can be expressed in numerical form and their implementation affects the achievement of goals in future periods, i.e. they are forward-looking and strategic in nature.

In conclusion, let's look at qualitative indicators:

  • the company's popularity in the market;
  • level of quality of customer service, customer reviews;
  • level of staff satisfaction;
  • level of quality of products/services.

These indicators are most often obtained from the results of surveys and other studies, as well as by taking into account customer feedback, the number and content of complaints and customer complaints.

The results have been summed up. What's next?

Summing up allows you to get an objective picture of what is happening in the company: what was actually done, what results were achieved. In addition, you can see problem areas where goals have not been achieved and where events are not unfolding according to the planned scenario. Analysis of such problem areas can reveal, for example, that resources, incl. temporary ones were allocated incorrectly, that insufficient time was devoted to those areas where there are problems, or insufficient other resources were allocated.

After pouring the foundation at one of the objects, the construction of which was carried out by a construction company, it was discovered that the concrete had not gained strength, and over time the foundation collapsed. As a result, construction was suspended due to legal disputes with the concrete manufacturer, and the company suffered losses. After this incident, foremen began to take a mandatory sample of each batch of concrete: although this increases the overall preparatory stage of construction, it helps to avoid many problems in the future.

Identification of bottlenecks when summing up results can also reveal a situation where opportunities were clearly overestimated.

The same construction company decided to engage in the production of plastic windows in addition to construction and repair and finishing work. Production was established, but competition in this segment was too high, and the company was unable to achieve cost recovery even after two years.

As a result, the company's management decided to curtail this line of business and engage in those activities in which it had long accumulated experience and established a client base.

Having summed up the results of the year, we can, taking into account the obtained picture, make changes to future plans, making them more realistic and achievable. On the other hand, if a company sets goals for the year, then summing up the results becomes much easier. Therefore, the most the right decision will combine the work of summing up the year with the work of setting goals for the next year.

E. Skriptunova, I. Arzhint,

Company "AXIMA: Consulting, Research, Training"
