How to tell fortunes with old and new money. Fortune telling with matches

On New Year's Eve and Christmas, you can read cards and find out when I'll get married. Only easy options are offered for love, the magic of numbers, for the betrothed before bed, with a comb, for children, examples of fortune telling from psychics, from a book on shadows, with a candle and simple tarot, which the forum describes.

You will find out what to put under the pillow to make your betrothed dream comic fortune telling, on wealth in the company, presented different types fortune-telling on the night of the old New Year, with a comb, for the groom, for the fulfillment of desires, with names (for the name) on the numbers for the mummer. The question of whether it is possible to guess is answered, magic is described and effective conspiracies are proposed.

Is it a sin or not to guess for the old New Year?

The night of the old New Year falls on Christmastide, so fortune telling on this night is not considered a sin. Moreover, it is believed that it is on this day that you can get the most reliable and truthful result of fortune telling.

Fortune telling for the old New Year Alena Kurilova, for the future, whether there will be a child

Alena Kurilova believes that it is impossible to tell fortunes on mirrors or cards for the old New Year. This will attract you dark forces. You can find out your future by telling fortunes... on dumplings.

Add beans to regular dumplings, and those who come across this dumpling will expect a new addition to the family, a button - you will get a long-awaited new thing, salt - trials and difficulties await you, sugar - a life filled with pleasures awaits you. Place a coin in one of the dumplings - it will symbolize wealth.

Before the meal, be sure to warn guests and household members that the dumplings contain a “surprise”, so that someone does not accidentally break their teeth on them.

Fortune telling for the old New Year at home on paper, for marriage

The old New Year is considered the most favorable time for fortune telling. This is the time when you can find out about your upcoming marriage without turning to magicians and sorcerers, but by being one of them yourself.

Here's how to do it with just a pen and paper.

At midnight for the old New Year you need to take two pieces of paper. Put a cross on one of them. Then throw the leaves on the floor. If the leaf marked with a cross falls first, it means that you will get married this year.

For girls and men, fortune telling for the old New Year at home on wax (the meaning of the wax figurine)

During the old New Year, it is considered shameful for neither girls nor men to find out their future. For fortune telling you will need a bowl of water and a candle. Light the candle, wait until the wax begins to melt and drip, tilt it over the water and try to pour a shape of some kind. The results of fortune telling are judged by it. If you have any doubts about how to interpret this or that animal cast from wax, look in any dream book and you will find the correct answer in it.

Fortune telling for the old New Year for married people, for families, for children, wishes under the pillow

The best and most harmless way of fortune telling for the whole family, including children, is fortune telling on cereals. Pour some cereal into a glass, for example barley or buckwheat. Make wishes one by one and take yourself a handful of cereal from a glass. It remains to recalculate the number of grains taken. If it is an even number, your wish will come true.

You can also find out about the fulfillment of a wish if you put under the pillow the same number of sheets of paper marked with a cross and without it. In the morning you need to pull out the first leaf you come across. If there is a cross on it, the wish will definitely come true.

Fortune telling for the old New Year with a mirror, on dumplings, a ring, a well of matches

You can see your betrothed with your own eyes by looking at the old New Year into a tunnel built from mirrors directed at each other. However. It’s better not to take risks, because if you get confused and don’t close the tunnel in time, evil spirits can come out of the mirror and harm you.

Use a more fun and holiday-appropriate method - fortune-telling using dumplings. Prepare regular dumplings by putting in them, instead of filling, a coin, salt, sugar and pepper. Those who get a dumpling with a coin will have to live next year in wealth and honor, the rest of the year will bring emotions, according to their taste sensations.

You can find out whether your betrothed will meet this year with the help of an engagement ring borrowed from a woman who is happily married. It is placed in a deep bowl with grain. Then each unmarried girl takes a handful of grains. Whichever ring you come across is the first one to get married.

I dream about the old New Year prophetic dreams. You can take advantage of this and see your betrothed using fortune telling with matches. From them you should lay out a semblance of a well, near which you should place a thimble filled with water, symbolizing a bucket. Then you should take a new towel, put it under the pillow with the words: “Betrothed! Come wash, dry yourself with a towel!” and go to bed. Your future husband will definitely visit you in your night dreams and ask for a towel.

Fortune telling for the old New Year on playing cards January 13, bridge, from Lilia Khegai, along the chain

You can tell fortunes for your betrothed for the old New Year using any deck playing cards. Take the kings out of it, and when you go to bed, put them under your pillow. In the morning, take out any one card at random. If the king is of the “hearts” suit, your betrothed will be handsome and rich, “tambourine” will be kind and affectionate, “clubs” will be military, and “spade” will be jealous and old.

IN New Year's Eve You can lure your betrothed into your dream. To do this, several twigs are rewound with hair and in the evening they are placed under the pillow with the words: “Betrothed-mummer! Come! Take me across the bridge." Go to bed and don’t say another word, otherwise you’ll startle sleep.

Lilia Khegay gave some advice, using which you can attract wealth to yourself for the whole year. To do this, take your wallet, put a few coins or bills and a pinch of cinnamon in it. Close the wallet and place it on the windowsill overnight so that it receives direct sunlight. Moonlight– it will charge your wallet with the energy of wealth and will not allow money to be transferred.

Fortune telling on a chain is popular among girls. To find out your future using this fortune telling, you simply need to hold it in your hand and then throw a gold or silver chain onto a hard surface. If it lies like a bow - for a wedding, or a ring - the year will not bring anything new, if it is in a knot - the coming year will be difficult. Sometimes the chain lays down, resembling the outline of a letter. If you managed to spot one, then the betrothed’s name will begin with it.

Fortune telling for the old new year from January 13 to 14 with a comb, with glasses, with an egg, a ring and thread, water

There is a belief that if a girl puts a comb under her pillow on the night of January 13-14 and says: “Dear betrothed! Come! Comb my hair!”, then she will dream about her future husband.

You can see the future if you pour it into a glass filled with warm water, egg white. It forms an intricate figure, by the outlines of which they judge what the new year will bring. If the protein simply settles to the bottom of the glass, nothing good is expected in the new year.

On the eve of the New Year, you can reliably find out the answer to the question that is tormenting you. To do this, you just need to hold the ring threaded on the thread. If it starts to rotate clockwise, the answer to the question is positive; if it starts to rotate clockwise, the answer is negative.

Some girls claim that on this night they can see their future even if they just stare long and intently into a glass filled with clean water.

Fortune telling for the old New Year at the church 12 times to get money, four kings

On the night of the old New Year, you can take off the “crown of celibacy” yourself. To do this, you need to come to the church at midnight and walk around it 12 times in a row. On the way to church and home, read the Lord’s Prayer to yourself and don’t talk to anyone.

A girl of marriageable age this night will be able to find out whether she will be happy in her marriage. To do this, before going to bed, she needs to put four kings from a new deck of cards under her pillow, and in the morning take out one of the cards. If it is a diamond or king of hearts– her husband will be young, handsome and rich. The King of Clubs portends marriage to a military man. King spades suit– bad husband or unhappy marriage.

So that you have money for the old New Year all year round, you should under no circumstances lend anything to anyone, no matter how much you are asked to do so.

Effective fortune telling for the old New Year for pregnancy, on a newspaper, with a lock, with a towel, on the street, on a plate, for good luck, on champagne

You can find out whether you will have children at all, or what gender your baby will be born, using needle fortune telling. To do this, thread a white thread into a needle and take it in your right hand. Protrude thumb left palm and lower the thread with the needle between your fingers several times. Then hold the thread so that the needle is positioned above the center of your palm. If it swings like a pendulum, you will have a boy, if it rotates in a circle, you will have a girl. A needle frozen in one position indicates the absence of children in the next few years.

You can find out the future by reading a newspaper. Squeeze and twist it as your imagination tells you. Then place it on a plate and light it. Now turn off the light, light a candle and place it so that the plate with the newspaper casts a shadow. The outlines of the shadow are used to judge the upcoming events that await you this year. If you can't make out any silhouette, you can rotate the plate until you see something specific.

The future can also be known in a dream. To do this, they build an improvised well from matches and place a thimble with water next to it (it symbolizes a bucket). Then they take a padlock, place it near the well and lock it with a key. In the evening, before going to bed, the key is taken out of the lock and placed under the pillow with the words: “Betrothed! Come, help me unlock the well!” If there is no lock with a key, then you can put a new towel under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed-mummer, wash yourself with well water, and come to me to dry yourself!” In both cases, the person destined for you by fate must appear in your dream.

You can guess not only at home, but also on the street. If in the old New Year, when the clock strikes 12, you go out into the street and ask the first person you meet what his name is, your betrothed will also have the same name.

If you hang it on christmas tree, for good luck, a hand-made symbol of your desire, then it will certainly come true. So those who want to visit the far corners of our planet can make an airplane, those planning to have a child - a stork or a doll, or get rich - draw a fake banknote. To guarantee the fulfillment of your wishes, the created masterpieces of your creativity must be preserved until next year.

  • Fortune telling at the table for the Old New Year
  • We entice good luck in the Old New Year!
  • Old New Year, or rather New Year according to the Julian calendar, celebrated not only in Russia and other countries former USSR, but also in Serbia and Montenegro, as well as in some German cantons of Switzerland. However, it became “old” for us quite recently, 100 years ago. And before it was just New Year, a cheerful and slightly mystical holiday, when everyone wanted to at least take a glimpse into the future. The peasants were interested in the future harvest, the girls were interested in grooms, the heads of families were interested in profit, and everyone, without exception, was interested in happiness!

    What lucky signs are you missing? Maybe it's time to tell your fortune a little?

    Weather for the Old New Year: a note for summer residents

    Previously, on New Year's Day, people followed... the wind!

      If the wind blew from the south at night, the summer will be hot and dry.

      From the west - that means there will be a lot of milk and fish.

      Eastern wind foreshadowed an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

    Relative to the north wind folk signs for some reason they remain ominously silent. Let's hope he just harvests everything at once!

      A clear starry sky foreshadows a berry year, and abundant frost in the morning - a record honey harvest.

      If it’s warm outside, then summer will be rainy; if it’s snowing, then you should expect a good harvest.

    Fortune telling for the groom for the Old New Year

    Probably, there was no one in Rus' more superstitious than girls of marriageable age. They guessed at their future marriage in so many ways, as if they were going to get married ten times a year. For example, did you know about fortune telling... using bulbs?

      Fortune telling on bulbs. On the night from 13 to 14, the girls put the bulbs in a bowl of water and watched them for several days. Whichever one puts out roots faster, the owner will be the first to get married!

      Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook: these three items were placed in a bowl along with coals, pebbles, and any other debris and covered with a cloth. The girls, without looking, pulled out the first thing that came to hand from this bowl: the bread foreshadowed a rich marriage, the ring - a handsome husband, the hook - a poor or sick husband. Well, if you pulled out a pebble, don’t wait for a marriage proposal!

      Fortune telling by dog. The dog was let into the room where the girl was waiting for her. The behavior of the dog was used to judge the disposition of the future husband: caressing - and the husband will be affectionate; sniffing and walking around - the husband will be jealous and angry. And God forbid if it tries to bite!

      Fortune telling with a comb. Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the person in the dream.

      Fortune telling with eavesdropping. Future bride in the company of her friends, she slowly crept up to the neighbors’ windows and listened to what was happening in the house. They swear - and the husband will swear, they laugh - there will be fun in the family, they drink - the husband will be caught as a drunkard.

    Celebrating the Old New Year in an exclusively female company - bad omen: The year will be full of various troubles. So it’s better to invite a young man to your house, preferably from large family. It was believed that if he became the first guest in your home, the year would be well-fed, rich and prosperous.

    Guessing at the table

    In addition to the traditional Fortune telling on dumplings or dumplings was very popular, the filling of which included various edible and inedible items. Frankly, it seems that anything small enough to be rolled into a dumpling ends up in there! Print out the list of meanings of “dumpling investments” in advance if you decide to treat guests - have a lot of fun! Just remember to warn that the dish may contain inedible solid objects... The list of predictions is under the spoiler.

    Old New Year's fortune telling using dumplings

    • Orange - for pleasure
    • Peanuts - for a love affair
    • Cherry - good luck
    • Peas - home peace
    • Walnut - health
    • Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
    • Mushrooms - to a long and happy life
    • Big money - to big win
    • Grain - to wealth
    • Raisins - to great temptation
    • Cabbage - for money
    • Caramel - for love
    • Potatoes - for a promotion at work
    • Cranberry - to unexpected changes in life
    • Ring - for the wedding
    • Red pepper - to chagrin
    • Dried apricots - to joy
    • Bay leaf- to glory ( career growth)
    • Honey - health
    • Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
    • Carrots - for new acquaintances
    • Meat - for well-being
    • White thread - long journey (long and long journey)
    • Green thread - the road abroad
    • Thread with knots - for a difficult year
    • Black thread - a short and not very long trip
    • Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
    • Pepper - thrill
    • Ground allspice - to “spicy”, i.e. an eventful life, major changes
    • Button - for a new thing
    • Millet - futile efforts
    • Rice - prosperity in the home
    • Sugar - sweet life (light, favorable year)
    • Seeds - to new fruitful plans
    • Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
    • Cheese - to win
    • Cottage cheese - to new friends
    • Dough, beans, or fish scales - to add to the family
    • Dill - to good health
    • Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions
    • Bread - the year will be full and good
    • Chain - strengthening family ties
    • Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)
    • Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
    • Apple - to a well-deserved reward

    We entice good luck in the Old New Year!

    You don't have to rely solely on good omens; A number of rituals have been developed to ensure that the new year is better than the previous one.

    It is advisable to prepare dishes from pork, chicken or hare. Pork promised wealth, rooster dishes promised freedom, and hare meat promised success in all endeavors. If you are not ready to look for hare meat or do not like pork, then replace the meat with symbols of these animals - cookies or crackers in the form of little animals.

    On the table did not serve game or fish so that happiness does not “fly away” and “float away” from home. Crayfish and other animals that backed away or moved sideways were also undesirable - they promised the return of old problems in the new year.

    Finally, on the Internet there was a description of “the surest and most reliable way to attract money into the house for the Old New Year.” So: take two candles, one white wax and the other yellow. White will symbolize you, and yellow will symbolize gold, which will be attracted to your home. Light them up for festive table, placing on a dish 10 centimeters from each other. Close your eyes and mentally imagine how a yellow candle is attracted to a white one. Put them out and repeat the ritual the next day, placing the candles a little closer. Continue this way until Epiphany, when the candles should burn out completely. Wrap the cinders in silk cloth and hide them in a secluded place. Keep them until you have money in the house (and this, of course, will happen very soon!)

    Happy new (now definitely new) year to you!

    Prepared by Alena Novikova

    The Old New Year has always been the most magical, mystical time, when even inveterate skeptics began to believe in miracles. In the progressive age computer technology people continue to look forward to the night of January 13-14, when they can lift the curtain of time and look into the future. Even the most modern equipment cannot cope with such a task, and people so want answers to questions that are very important to everyone about love, health, family and finance.

    Where did the tradition of telling fortunes for the Old New Year come from?

    Initially, on Christmastide they only guessed unmarried girls. Most of all they were interested in the name of the future groom, his appearance, character and how soon they would get married, how many children they would have and what gender. These fortune telling were more like fun, a little scary game, but as a result, a lot of it came true.

    Even folk beliefs They consider the night from January 13 to 14 mystical. It was at this time that the gates between the two worlds open and the mysterious forces of good and evil rush to Earth. Perhaps that is why the Church has always been against any fortune-telling and magic, considering it the work of the unclean.

    How to properly prepare yourself for fortune telling for the future

    If you have decided to lift the veil into the future and look where ordinary people entry is prohibited, it is better to take this seriously, otherwise the sacrament will lose all meaning and turn into a stupid farce.

    Before starting fortune telling, girls need:

    · Realize that this is serious, don’t joke or laugh.

    · Dissolve the hair. They should be clean and smoothly combed.

    · Choose simple, loose clothing that does not have knots, fasteners or buttons. This could be a long nightgown or dress.

    · Take off your bracelets, rings, watches, earrings, belts or belts, hoops, hairpins.

    · Clearly formulate the question of interest in advance. It should be short, clear and unambiguous.

    · Do not doubt the veracity of predictions.

    Important! If a girl is guessing about her future husband, then this should not be done in parental home, and visiting someone. At this moment there should be no men in the house, only women.

    Types of New Year's fortune telling for the future

    Usually, on Vasilyev Vecher (Generous Evening), after festive generosity and cheerful congratulations, the girls gathered in the house of one of them and began the most important and exciting moment, fortune telling for the future.

    They prepared all the attributes necessary for this in advance, and thought through everything carefully so as not to miss any details. Usually several types of fortune telling were used at once.

    · Fortune telling with cups for several people. To do this, take as many cups as there are fortunetellers. One item is placed in each cup: a coin (wealth), bread (prosperity), a ring (wedding), salt (trouble), onion (tears). A little water is poured into one of the cups (life without change). Each of the girls eyes closed chooses his cup.

    · Predicting the future using a piece of paper and a candle.

    · Predicting the future using candles and water. Pour water into a large bowl. Each girl takes half a shell walnut and attaches a piece of candle to it. Candles are lit and set to float on the water like boats. Whoever's candle burns out first will get married. If the candle drowns, there will be no marriage.

    · Fortune telling “Yes-No” using wheat grains. Over a bowl of grain, the girl mentally asked a question that worried her, to which it was fashionable to answer “Yes” or “No.” After that, she took a handful of grains, poured them onto the table and counted. A paired number meant “Yes,” and an unpaired number meant “No.”

    · By the dog. They let a dog into the room where the fortune-telling girl was sitting and looked at its behavior. If she sniffs and growls for a long time, then the husband will be strict. And if he immediately runs up and caresses you, then your husband will also be kind and affectionate.

    · By the shoe. Each girl took her shoe and threw it from the yard onto the road. Then they went out and looked where the sock was pointing, in that direction and she would get married. If the sock pointed to your yard, then she will not get married this year.

    · Predicting the future using threads. Using a needle, the girls threaded three threads behind each other’s backs - red ( imminent marriage and children), white (will not get married this year) and black (unsuccessful marriage). The girls, without looking, removed one thread from their backs and looked at its color.

    · Fortune telling using a gold chain. The chain was rubbed between the palms, then right hand thrown on the table. If the chain falls in a circle - to troubles, in a knot - for difficulties, in a stripe - for luck, in a triangle - love affairs, in the shape of a bow - for a wedding, in a snake - betrayal, in a heart - love.

    · Fortune telling on dumplings with predictions. In holiday dumplings, thread was added to the usual filling (for the road), grain (for wealth), sugar (for sweet life), ring (for a wedding), pepper (for a new groom), cherry pit (for pregnancy).

    After this, returning home, the girls continued fortune-telling, but in their dreams:

    · Fortune telling with a comb. To do this, before going to bed, the girl put her comb under her pillow and said: “My betrothed, the mummer. Come and comb my hair." If you see a man in a dream, it means that you will get married this year.

    · Fortune telling about the name and character of the future husband. Before going to bed, the girl put pieces of paper with men's names and four kings from a card deck under her pillow.

    In the morning, without looking, she pulled out one piece of paper with a name and one card. This determined the groom’s name and his character.

    · Prediction by frozen water of the number and gender of future children. In the evening, the girl put a ring in a glass, filled it with water and put it out in the cold. At night before going to bed, I took a glass into the house and looked at how many tubercles and depressions formed on the surface of the ice. The bumps mean boys, and the hollows mean girls.

    At the end of all rituals, do not forget to thank the Higher Powers for their help and support, for helping you find out the future.

    If you use candles in fortune telling, they should not burn out completely. You need to look at the flame, relax, imagine yourself happy and then put out the fire.

    Predicting the future using a piece of paper and a candle.

    When starting this fortune telling, you need to light a candle in complete silence and say the phrase over it: “I am open to heaven. I'm waiting for a sign and will listen to you. Old year, New Year, what happiness will bring me?”

    After that take Blank sheet paper and move it clockwise over the flame, but not too close so that the paper does not catch fire. When the drawing on paper describes a full circle, you need to look at it carefully.

    If you look at any paired objects on traces of soot, then soon you will meet your loved one, peace and harmony in your relationship.

    All squares and rectangles, stairs predict monetary profit.

    If a sheet of paper bursts into flames, then this is a sign that you need to be careful and careful. You need to take care of your health and relationships with loved ones.

    In any case, in all predictions you need to see only a good omen. On the Old New Year all our thoughts go to To the Higher Powers, so they should only be joyful and positive.

    Fortune telling has been a favorite pastime for a huge number of people since time immemorial, but it is especially popular during Christmas time - the Old New Year and Epiphany.

    For centuries, people believed that fortune telling was particularly accurate and reliable during the Old New Year and Epiphany. This means that every person can lift the veil into the future and find out what awaits him during Christmas time, and quite independently.

    And although the Church condemns any attempts to find out the future with the help of divination and magic, people have been guessing and continue to guess. The unknown and mystery have always attracted people, so many rush to these holidays tell fortunes for your betrothed, for the future, or perform a ritual to attract money and good luck.

    Fortune telling for the future and for the betrothed has always aroused the greatest interest among girls who longed to find out the name of their future spouse, or what is even “cooler” - to see his reflection in the mirror or in wedding ring.

    Sputnik Georgia asked what rituals and fortune telling for the betrothed and for the future were performed on the Old New Year and Epiphany and which of them were the most popular.

    Fortune telling

    In the old days, Christmas evenings were dedicated to divination and fortune-telling; accordingly, everyone who wants to look, according to the traditions of their ancestors, into their future, can do this before the Epiphany, on any evening, including on the night of the Old New Year.

    You can choose any fortune telling. The most popular of them are fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish, for the future and, naturally, for the betrothed or betrothed.

    In the old days, fortune telling was done on everything that came to hand - on rings, mirrors, beans, shoes, rice, onions, brooms, apples and even on fence boards, which is not difficult to do in our time.

    The girl, with her arms outstretched, tried to grab as many boards in the fence as possible, and then counted them - an even number indicated imminent marriage, and an odd number indicated loneliness.

    For the betrothed

    It is very easy to find out the name of your future husband - you just need to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to tell him his name.

    On Old New Year and Epiphany, girls could not only find out the name of their betrothed, but even see his face in the mirror. To do this, in the midnight darkness, they sat down between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see their betrothed.

    Girls also wondered with a mirror on the street. Standing at the crossroads with your back to the month, looking in the mirror and wishing: “Betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.

    People considered fortune telling on the night of the Old New Year to be the most truthful, and they said that it was at this time that you could see your future spouse in a dream.

    In particular, the girl let down and combed her hair, then put the comb under the pillow, calling magic words future spouse: “Betrothed, come and comb my head.”

    And it was possible to find out what kind of betrothed one would be by fortune telling with card kings. To do this, on the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, you need to put cards with images of kings under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, pull out one card.

    In the old days, people believed that whichever king they got, so would the husband: the king of diamonds - the betrothed one would be desired, the king of hearts - young and rich, the king of clubs - military, and the king of spades - old and jealous.

    Where to look for a betrothed

    During Christmas time you can also find out the place where to look for your betrothed. The following fortune telling will help with this: put several multi-colored buttons, preferably the same size, into an opaque bag.

    Tune in and ask the question: “My dear, where are you?” and then take one of them out of the bag. According to the button, the answer will indicate where you will meet your destiny.

    The meaning of buttons: simple black - at work, green - in the store, brown - with friends, white - on a trip, yellow - in transport, iron - he will be in the military, with rhinestones - in the cinema, theater or village club, blue - accidentally on the street.

    Ancient fortune telling

    One of the most popular fortune telling for the Old New Year and Epiphany for young girls who wanted to know their future was “inviting the betrothed to dinner.”

    Before starting fortune-telling, the girl in an empty room covered the table with a tablecloth, put down the utensils in addition to the knife and fork, and said: “The betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.” Then she locked the windows and doors and waited alone for her betrothed.

    The howling of the wind and blows on the windows and door indicated the approach of the groom, and then he appeared, sat down at the table and began to entertain her with conversation. The girl, without moving, was supposed to silently notice facial features and clothing and not answer questions.

    Then, suddenly perking up, she asked point blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed called his name and took something out of his pocket. At that moment the girl should have said: “Forget me!” - and the groom simply disappeared.

    In the old days, people used to tell fortunes on Christmastide using a candle. They took a deep bowl and filled it halfway with water. On the edges of the bowl, pieces of paper were fastened on which questions were pre-written, such as “will I get married this year,” “will I have luck,” and so on.

    Then a small candle was attached to a small wooden plank and lit so that the flame reached the edge of the attached pieces of paper. They lowered a board with a candle onto the water and looked. The prediction was that piece of paper with a question that the candle would burn.

    Other fortune telling

    The potential bride or groom, with their eyes closed, takes out a grain from a canvas bag of beans and examines it. If there are no spots or chips on the grain, then they will soon have a wedding. And if there are spots, then their number indicates how many years to wait before the wedding.

    Fortune telling was popular among girls. future life on things. They took a felt boot and put several different objects there. For example, a piece of sugar, meaning a happy and comfortable life, a ring - marriage, a scarf - a handsome husband, a rag - a poor husband, an onion - tears, a coin - a rich husband, and so on.

    They shook the felt boots and, without looking, took out the object that came to hand first, and used it to predict fate.

    The girls and their friends were guessing using a thread. They cut the threads to the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster than others will marry first. And if the thread immediately goes out or burns only halfway, then, alas, you are not destined to get married.

    They also guessed from the book. They took a book and, before opening it, wished for the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then the book was opened and read in the hidden place. What was read was interpreted in accordance with the wish made for marriage, prosperity, future, and so on.

    In the Old New Year they also used fortune telling. On January 13, before going to bed, they wrote 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, folded the sheets neatly and put them under the pillow. Waking up, in the morning they pulled out three of them, which were sure to be fulfilled in the new year.

    Some take fortune telling very seriously, others with a bit of humor, as one of the pastimes during the holidays. And we can only wish you good luck and happiness in the coming Old New Year.

    The material was prepared based on open sources

    Traditionally best period For girls' fortune telling about the future and love, Christmas time is considered. Moreover, the most powerful days from a magical point of view are Christmas and Old New Year.

    Christmas fortune telling before bed.

    As on any other holiday, you can try to see your betrothed in a dream. For example, four card kings are placed under the pillow and the following words are said:

    “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer - dream about him in a dream.”

    It is believed that in a dream a girl will certainly see her future husband in the form of one of the kings. If the fortuneteller sympathizes with a specific young man, you can only put the king of diamonds under your pillow and ask any specific question related to it. In a dream she should receive an answer. You can use fortune telling to find out the name of your future betrothed. To do this, in the evening, write various male names and put them under the pillow. In the morning, when they wake up, they take out the first piece of paper they come across: whatever name is indicated on it, that will be the name of the future husband.

    Fortune telling with mirrors

    It is no coincidence that a mirror is considered one of the most mystical objects and is used in many fortune telling. You can tell fortunes at Christmas time using a mirror in several ways. For example, you can take a mirror and go out with it to an intersection. This must be done, of course, at night. You should draw a circle around yourself and say: “Betrothed, come to me along the path, and along white snowball" After this, they peer into the mirror. As they say, you can see a variety of visions. Ideally, this, of course, should be the image of the future betrothed. If you see something bad, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer, and no harm will happen.

    Yuletide fortune-telling using dumplings

    One of the traditional Russian fortune-telling for the Old New Year is fortune-telling using dumplings. To do this, the hostess of the house, inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, some of which she puts filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what exactly the dumpling will come with, and it is by its filling that they determine what awaits a person in the coming year.

    Also, on Old New Year's Eve, girls tell fortunes on a wedding ring without stones or jewelry. The ring is placed in a glass of water. The bottom of the glass should be level. Then they light a candle and place it on the left side of the glass. Exactly at midnight they look intently into the ring, making a wish. Soon the water in the glass will become cloudy and you will see an image that will answer your question.

    Another simple fortune telling for the next year is as follows: several pieces of bread, different in size, according to the number of family members, are placed in a bowl of water. While swirling the water with your finger, say the following words:

    “Bread and water, my whole family is here. If there is trouble, separate bread and water.”

    If, looking in the morning, all the pieces of bread are together, then the whole family will be safe and sound. And if some piece is separated from the others, then that person will either leave or die.

    Fortune telling by wish held on the morning of January 14 at the church gates. They notice people entering the church - who is more of the thirteen parishioners, men or women. The desire will come true if there are more men and will not come true if more women. And if a man is guessing, then vice versa. Also for the old New Year, you can freeze water in a spoon and watch: if there are bubbles, then this good sign. He portends a long happy life. And if there is a hole in the ice, then this will lead to grief and misfortune.

    Fortune telling for the old New Year on a trough They told fortunes in the yard where they placed the trough. The girls walked towards him with their backs forward. The one that fell into the trough got married that year.

    Christmas fortune telling on a thread Unmarried girls gathered in a group, cut threads of the same length, then set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out first will get married. A bad sign It was believed that if the thread burned down only to the middle or went out very quickly, such a girl would not get married.

    Christmas fortune telling for the gender of the child Take a ring, a needle and wool thread. The ring must be held in water, the thread must be pulled into the needle. The ring is then hung on a thread and slowly lowered near the hand of the one who wants to find out the gender of her unborn child. If the ring rotates in a circle, then there will be a girl, but if it moves like a pendulum, there will be a boy. If the ring remains motionless, there will be no children.

    Fortune telling with matches for January 13-14 Usually a girl who has a certain guy in her heart makes fortunes to find out if they will be together. To do this, two matches are inserted on the sides matchbox and set it on fire. If the heads of burnt matches are facing each other, the pair should be together.

    Fortune telling by ring on January 13-14 The fortune-telling girl throws a ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, it means she will soon get married. If a man performs such fortune-telling and the ring points to the door, he will have a long business trip or leave home.

    Fortune telling on an egg for Christmas time The girl takes it raw egg, makes a small hole in it and pours the protein into a glass of water. When the protein curls, you can guess the future by its shape. The figure of a church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a rectangle means a coffin, a ship or car means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a trip (for a woman). If the protein sank to the bottom, there could be a fire in the house or other troubles in the family.

    Fortune telling on logs at Christmas time The girl needs to approach the woodpile with her back at night and pick up a log by touch. If it later turns out that it is even and smooth, without knots, the spouse will have an easy-going character. If the log is thick and heavy, the husband will be rich. If there are a lot of knots, there will be many children in the family, and if the log is crooked, the husband will be askew and lame.

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