About giving colored eggs for Easter. The tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter

The Easter egg is a symbol of the spring holiday, along with Easter cake and cottage cheese. These bright symbols of the Holy Resurrection of Christ are known to every person since childhood, but perhaps not everyone knows why eggs are painted at Easter.

There are many versions and explanations - starting from a beautiful legend and ending with everyday necessity. will tell you about the most common ones.

Legends, versions, assumptions

The egg symbolizes life, rebirth, and the tradition of painting eggs for Easter goes back to ancient times. The first mention of colored eggs is found in a 10th-century manuscript found in the library of the Greek monastery of St. Anastasia.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

According to the manuscript, after the service on Easter, the abbot distributed blessed eggs to the brethren with the words: “Christ is Risen!”

But the answer to the question of when and why they began to paint eggs is still shrouded in mystery.

Legend has it that Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius to announce the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ.

According to ancient custom, gifts were presented to the emperor, and Mary Magdalene brought Tiberius a chicken egg as a gift with the words: “Christ is Risen!” However, Tiberius did not believe her words, objecting that no one can be resurrected, just as a white egg cannot turn red.

And as soon as the last word flew from his lips, a miracle happened - the chicken egg brought by Maria turned completely red. The color red symbolizes the blood shed on the cross by Jesus.

According to another legend, the tradition of painting eggs was started by the Virgin Mary, who painted eggs to entertain Jesus Christ when he was still a baby.

It has long been believed that the blessed Easter egg should be the first meal after a 40-day fast. Therefore, one of the simple and vital explanations also has a right to exist.

In particular, during Lent, believers limit their food intake and do not consume meat and dairy products. This fact did not affect the chickens, and they continued to lay eggs out of habit. To protect eggs from spoilage, they were boiled, and various dyes were added during cooking in order to subsequently distinguish a boiled egg from a raw one.

There is also an assumption that the custom of dyeing eggs for Easter is associated with the pre-Christian celebration of spring. For many peoples, the egg was the personification of life-giving power, therefore, in the customs and beliefs of the Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, the egg was a symbol of birth and rebirth.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Mordasov

Perhaps the tradition of painting eggs for Easter appeared and became established as a combination of several of the above versions. But in any case, a painted Easter egg is very beautiful, useful, and is an integral part of the holiday.

Originally the color was only red, symbolizing the blood of Christ. And the most common dyes for coloring eggs were naturally easily accessible, such as onion peels, cherry bark, beets, and so on.

In Georgia, eggs have been dyed with roots for a long time. medicinal plant Madder (Rubia tinctorum), which is popularly called "endro".

Over time, eggs began to be painted in other colors, using natural or food dyes. A chicken eggs began to be replaced by wooden, chocolate or made of precious metals and stones.

The color of the egg depends on what it is painted with, and the color itself also has meaning: red is a royal color, reminiscent of God's love for the human race, and blue is the color Holy Virgin, it is associated with kindness, hope, love for one's neighbor.

White is a heavenly color and symbolizes purity and spirituality, while yellow, like orange and gold, symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Green, like a fusion of blue and yellow flowers, means prosperity and rebirth.

Multi-colored and painted eggs give a cheerful mood and are the basis Easter games. Everyone loves to play games related to Easter eggs, especially children. The most famous games are egg rolling and egg beating.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Easter in 2018 falls on April 8th. On this day, Orthodox believers will give each other decorated eggs. Read what the Easter egg symbolizes and where this tradition came from in our Questions and Answers section.

Why do we paint an Easter egg?

In Christianity this tradition is sacred symbol sacrament, and every bearer of faith must observe it. In the code of church laws from the 13th century, it was said that the abbot could punish the monk who did not eat a colored egg on Easter Sunday, since in this way he cast doubt on the apostolic traditions and did not honor the Son of God.

One of the hypotheses for coloring eggs for Easter is associated with Mary Magdalene. So, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Mary decided to convey this good news to Emperor Tiberius himself. It was impossible to go to the emperor without gifts, and she had nothing; she took a chicken egg with her as a symbolic gift. She chose a chicken egg, as it always symbolized life, a new stage in development. And when Mary told the emperor that Jesus Christ had risen, the emperor laughed hard and said: “This is as impossible as your white egg turning into red.” Immediately after his words, the chicken egg brought by Maria turned red. The color red symbolizes the blood shed on the cross by Jesus.

Another version of Easter egg coloring says that the Virgin Mary painted eggs to entertain Jesus Christ when he was still a baby.

One of the vital and interesting versions of eating and coloring eggs is very simple. During fasting, believers greatly limit themselves in food, and to prevent eggs from being spoiled, they were boiled after forty days of fasting. In order to distinguish a boiled egg from a raw one and not accidentally eat a slightly spoiled one, it was colored during cooking by adding a variety of dyes.

Some historians believe that this tradition is not connected with one of the most significant events in Christianity. Scientists associate it with the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. Before the birth of the great ruler of the Roman Empire, one of the hens laid an egg, the shell of which was painted with red specks. The inhabitants of Rome considered this incident an omen of great events for the empire.

What does the Easter egg mean?

In Christianity, the Easter egg is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, in which eternal life was hidden. In Palestine, tombs were built in caves, and the entrance was closed with a stone, which was rolled away when the deceased was to be laid down. Tradition says that the stone with which the tomb of Jesus Christ was closed resembled an egg in outline. We know that under the shell of an egg lies new life. Therefore, for Christians, the Easter egg is a reminder of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, salvation and eternal life. The red color that eggs are most often painted in represents the suffering and blood of Christ.

What does the color of the egg mean?

red symbolizes eternal life and shed blood in the name of human salvation.

green identifies good health and revitalization of all living things with the arrival of spring.

brown- a symbol of fertile land and prosperity.

yellow– a sunny shade signifies wealth and also protects against dark forces and temptations.

orange– absence of melancholy and despondency, which is a mortal sin.

blue personifies heaven and the abode of angels.

It is also customary for Catholics to paint and give eggs for Easter. IN Catholic tradition It is customary to give not only painted chicken eggs, but also chocolate ones.

Why are Easter eggs red? The answer to this question lies in the very Easter tradition, within which the egg acts as one of the main symbols of Light Christ's Resurrection. According to legend, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, during her sermon in Rome, presented Emperor Tiberius with a chicken egg, while exclaiming: “Christ is Risen!”

In response to this, the Roman emperor objected that this chicken egg would rather turn from white to red than he would believe that anyone living on this Earth had the ability to resurrect. The ruler of Rome demanded a miracle and a miracle happened. In front of many people, the chicken egg presented by Magdalene turned red.

So, according to the Bible, or more precisely, according to the New Testament, red eggs for Easter firmly entered the tradition of the celebration and became, along with Easter cake, the main attribute of the holiday. Christians around the world began to dye eggs primarily red and other colors. There is an analogy here: a chicken egg symbolizes the birth of a new life. Christ the Savior, with his death on the cross, atoned for the sins of all mankind and gave new life. The shell of a chicken egg symbolizes the coffin, and the red color symbolizes the blood shed by Jesus Christ. There is another reason why eggs are painted red at Easter.

Second important red egg on the Holy Resurrection of Christ - the royal dignity of Jesus Christ. In the east, red was associated with royal power.

Until now, it is difficult to imagine Easter without eggs painted in different colors. Eggs, consecrated in the church early in the morning on Easter, along with Easter cake and other products, are the first product that is used to break the fast after the long and, without exaggeration, difficult Lent that precedes the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

However, there is another legend about a red egg for Easter, which sends us to Ancient Rome to Emperor Marcus Aurelius. An incident is described that occurred in 121 AD. The family of the future emperor (who was a small child at the time) maintained a huge chicken coop. One day, workers found an egg laid by a chicken in the straw, completely covered with bright red dots.

This event was perceived as an exceptionally good omen, predicting a great and bright future for the new ruler of Rome. Since then, the tradition of giving each other colored eggs arose on the territory of the empire. With the birth of Jesus Christ, and later with the fulfillment of his great mission, colored eggs (especially red) acquired symbolism of the Savior’s blood shed for humanity and eternal life for everyone who believes.

But this is not the only meaning of a chicken egg for Easter. The fact is that in Palestine, where decisive events for humanity took place with the advent of Jesus Christ, it was customary to build tombs in caves, the entrance to which was blocked with stones after the deceased was left there. The stone that blocked the entrance to the tomb, where they left the body of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross, was very similar in shape to a chicken egg. Thus, in Christianity, the Easter egg is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, in which eternal life is hidden.

Various sources describe another interesting case related to a chicken egg and the death and subsequent resurrection of Christ. A group of Jews gathered after Jesus' execution for a meal. Among the dishes on the table were fried chicken and boiled eggs. One of those present remembered the promise of Jesus Christ to give his life on the cross, and then to rise on the third day, to which his interlocutors replied that it would be more likely that a fried chicken would come to life, and the eggs would turn from white to red. The next moment the eggs actually turned red.

P.S. According to another legend, it is believed that the Mother of God herself dyed chicken eggs as a child to please the little Savior. A painted chicken egg for Easter reminds us of the great gift of Jesus Christ given to every believer.

Millions of people around the world celebrate Easter: bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. These most striking symbols of the spring holiday have been known to everyone since childhood, but not every person knows why eggs are painted on this holiday. There are many explanations: from everyday necessity to a beautiful legend. There are many interesting customs and superstitions associated with the celebration of Easter; also interesting are the traditions that prescribe certain actions a week before the bright day and during the holiday.

Week before Easter

The week that precedes the Bright Day of Easter is called Passionate, or Great. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are considered especially important. Maundy Thursday can be called a day of spiritual cleansing and repentance, Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Holy Saturday is a day of mourning, and Easter Sunday is a day of celebration.

On Maundy Thursday (also called " Maundy Thursday") people take communion; it is also the day when eggs are painted. It is believed that on Thursday you need to wash yourself in an ice hole or douse yourself with water in a bathhouse. Housewives clean the house, believing that then it will shine all year round. On this day, the owner counted money, inspected agricultural implements, fed and watered the horses, made ice holes, and if he was hunting, he shot three times in the air. Such actions ensured success in hunting, fishing, field work and promised financial well-being.

Good Friday is a day to reflect on all the suffering that Jesus Christ endured as he sacrificed himself for the sake of the human race. This is the strictest day of fasting. On Friday you cannot wash, wash, sew, or dig. Blacksmiths do not forge nails on this day. Loaf of bread baked in Good Friday, was considered healing.

On Holy Saturday you should bless Easter cakes or Easter in the temple. This is the last day set aside for preparations for the Bright Holiday. Holy Saturday imposes some prohibitions: you cannot swear, fight, refuse help, drink alcohol, clean, work in the garden, wash, wash clothes.

And finally, the long-awaited Sunday comes - the day for which so many have been preparing, anticipating fun and treats. On the night from Saturday to Sunday you should pray in church or at home. There is a tradition according to which early in the morning children go from house to house and proclaim that “Christ is Risen!”, for which the owners give them colored eggs, sweets and other delicacies.

Easter symbols

The Easter egg is a symbol of Easter along with Easter cake and cottage cheese. The egg symbolizes life, rebirth. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the blessed Easter egg should be the first meal after a 40-day fast. Kulich personifies how Christ ate bread with his disciples so that they would believe in his resurrection. Cottage cheese Easter is made in the form of a truncated pyramid, with the letters “ХВ” written on it. It symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher and, replacing the Paschal lamb, reminds us that the time of Old Testament sacrifices has passed.

In other Christian countries Western Europe The Easter Bunny is considered the symbol of Easter. It personifies prosperity, fertility and is depicted on holiday plates, napkins, and curtains. Various sweets are baked in the shape of a rabbit.

In Armenia, fish, which is a symbol of ancient Christians, is always served at the table. Pilaf with dried fruits is also considered a dish on the Easter table. In this dish, rice symbolizes all people, and raisins symbolize those who believed in the miraculous resurrection.

So, why do they paint eggs for Easter? One explanation, quite logical and practical, interprets it this way. During the 40-day fast, the chickens did not stop laying eggs, and the owners boiled the eggs so that they would not spoil. Boiled eggs painted - this way they could be more easily distinguished from fresh ones.

Another, more poetic version of why eggs are colored tells the following story. The first Easter egg was presented by Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius. After the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, she came to the Roman emperor with the words: “Christ is Risen!” In those days it was impossible to come empty-handed, so she brought him an egg as a gift. However, Tiberius did not believe her words, objecting that no one can be resurrected, just as a white egg cannot turn red. As soon as the last word left his lips, the egg really took on a scarlet color.

Since then, the tradition of painting eggs has emerged. Originally the color was only red, symbolizing the blood of Christ, while the egg itself was a symbol of rebirth. However, later they began to be painted in other colors and chicken eggs were replaced with wooden, chocolate or made of precious metals and stones.

Their color depends on what you use to paint eggs for Easter. This can be onion skins, natural or food coloring. Moreover, color matters! White color is heavenly and symbolizes purity and spirituality. Red is a regal color, reminiscent of God's love for the human race. Yellow, like orange and gold, symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Blue color is the light of the Blessed Virgin; it is associated with kindness, hope, love for one's neighbor. Green, being a fusion of blue and yellow, signifies prosperity and rebirth. Black color is the color of sorrow and crying. It is strictly forbidden to paint Easter eggs this color.

Exchanging eggs and congratulating each other on Easter Day with the words: “Christ is Risen!” - and receiving in response: “Truly He is Risen,” - Christians profess faith in the resurrection. If the resurrection had not occurred, the new faith would have no basis and would have been in vain. But Christ rose again and thereby revealed Divine grace.

The Easter egg is stored until next Easter. At the same time, it is considered that it has miraculous power. People believed that a colored egg could put out a fire. With its help, they found a missing cow, and by stroking the ridge with an egg, the owner attracted health to the cattle. They washed themselves with the egg and rubbed it over the face so that the cheeks were rosy and beautiful.

Easter, being a big and long-awaited holiday, was filled with games and festivities. People visited each other. Easter table looked especially festive because of the tall Easter cake and colorful eggs. The desire to show yourself as a skillful housewife once again emphasizes why eggs are painted for Easter.

The question of why eggs are painted has another answer besides the usual explanation. Multi-colored and painted, they convey a cheerful mood and are the basis of Easter games. Both children and adults played games related to Easter eggs. The most famous are egg rolling and egg beating.

Other countries - different customs

Majority European countries rests during Holy Week and the weeks after Easter, since they have student and school holidays during this time. Adults can count on four holidays– from Friday to Monday. The longest vacation in Georgia is from Thursday to Tuesday inclusive.

Local customs are also interesting different nations related to the celebration of Easter. In Italy, on Sunday they go to the main square of Rome to listen to the Pope's congratulations. Italians spend the next day having picnics with friends. Noisy celebrations are held in Poland. Men walk around the city with twigs and lightly spank passing girls with them. The girls just smile in response, because, according to legend, they should become more beautiful and happier after this. Mornings in Germany begin with the search for gifts brought by the Easter Bunny. They are usually found covered with grass in baskets.

Easter is significant and great holiday for any Christian. It is transitional, that is, it is celebrated annually on different days, which are calculated in a certain way according to the lunisolar calendar. You can find out the date at any Orthodox calendar. Fun, laughter, colored eggs, Easter cakes, laid tables, glorification of Christ's Resurrection... All this is Easter - a bright spring holiday that gives hope and faith in the future.

Easter is a bright Christian holiday; all believers in our country love and look forward to it. On Easter, it is customary to color eggs, bake Easter cakes, go to visit and host loved ones and relatives. This holiday has become so integrated into our lives that many people don’t even think about where the tradition of painting eggs, blessing them, baking Easter cakes and cottage cheese came from. Below we will find out why eggs are painted for Easter. The history of this holiday goes back to ancient times, the more interesting it will be to learn about it. We will also consider modern and old ways coloring eggs.

The history of dyeing eggs for Easter

Several versions of this ancient custom have survived to this day.

The Legend of Mary Magdalene

This legend is followed by many Christians. After Jesus Christ was resurrected, the news of this spread throughout the world. Jesus has been proclaimed the Savior of the world, there is no longer any need to fear death.

This news also reached Mary Magdalena, who did not fail to inform the emperor about this Ancient Rome. Then there was a tradition on this land - it was forbidden to come to the emperor empty-handed. If a person was poor, then it was enough to bring him an ordinary egg as a gift, and that’s exactly what Mary Magdalene did. The story goes on to say that the Roman emperor did not believe the woman. After he said that the egg would not turn red, just as a dead person would be resurrected, the egg immediately took on a crimson hue, as if it was filled with blood. Hence the phrases that are usually said on holiday Happy Easter: “Christ is Risen!”, and in response to hear: “Truly He is Risen!”

According to other sources, Mary Magdalena wanted to give the egg a solemn look with the help of red and immediately depicted two letters on it, symbolizing the Resurrection of Christ.

This legend is not documented because there is no evidence of this event. But Christians love this version very much.

The Legend of the Virgin Mary

There is a version that the founder of egg coloring, so to speak, was the Virgin Mary. In this way she managed to entertain little Jesus, the color red attracted his attention. Since then, the egg has symbolized rebirth, new life, purity and purity. Whether this is so is now difficult to prove. But this legend also has supporters.

Scientists' version of the tradition of dyeing eggs

Scientists believe that Christians adopted the tradition of dyeing eggs from their pagan ancestors. And there is an explanation for this.

Our ancestors believed that the egg symbolizes fertility. In spring, when nature awakened, they painted eggs because they believed in their miraculous power - according to legend, this custom guaranteed good harvest in season. Later, various decorations on eggs and other rituals were added to this tradition.

This version does not always resonate with Christian clergy, since it has pagan roots.

There are other legends why eggs are painted at Easter. History also tells us that this custom is completely unrelated to religion. Our ancestors used to boil eggs to make them last longer. They were painted to distinguish them from fresh ones.

Which of the legends is really true is a moot point. However, this does not make the holiday of Easter cease to be loved.

Easter eggs: a bright symbol of the Easter holiday (you can dye eggs with cloth, onion peels, beet juice, stickers or special dyes)

How and what color to paint eggs for Easter?

Let's move on to a description of how and what color eggs are painted for Easter. Let's look at several ways to color them.

Ancient methods of dyeing eggs

These methods came to us from our grandmothers.

Dye eggs with onion skins

This method is considered traditional. Onion peels must first be accumulated in the required quantity - the more of it, the more intense and deeper the color of the eggs.

The husks should first be washed well, put into a saucepan and pour water into it, and set to cook. After half an hour, turn off the heat and let the water cool for several hours or even a day. As soon as you decide to start coloring the eggs, put them in the broth. You can add a little salt there first - this will prevent the eggs from cracking. It is enough to cook them for 15 minutes, then put them out. At the end, use vegetable oil - grease each egg with it for shine.

Color eggs with beet juice

First you need to prepare beet juice - a juicer will do this perfectly. Add vinegar and 2 tbsp to the juice, heat it up and add the eggs. It is better to pre-cook the latter for 4-5 minutes. This coloring lasts on average from an hour to 2.5.

Paint eggs with scraps of fabric

A very favorite method of our grandmothers. You can use pieces of fabric of the same color, or different ones - this will make the color more interesting!

The eggs are soaked in water, wrapped in cloth and tied with thread. They are then lowered into warm water and cook for no more than 15 minutes. After which it is recommended to remove the eggs and let them cool without removing the cloth from them. Use at the end vegetable oil to add shine.

Modern methods of dyeing eggs

Besides traditional way More modern options have come to dyeing eggs for Easter.

Paint eggs with special paints

You can buy them at any store. The eggs are boiled in advance for no more than 5 minutes, and then just color them in different colors. Children will also enjoy this exciting activity. You can safely experiment with patterns, indulging in your imagination.

Color easter eggs carries some meaning. Eg:

  1. Red symbolizes energy, blood, a healthy spirit, resurrection;
  2. If you paint an egg yellow, it means to convey a message of prosperity in the house, productivity, solar energy;
  3. Eggs are often painted blue - a symbol of wisdom, divine light;
  4. Green means spring, awakening, life in all its manifestations, and brown means the richness of the earth;
  5. Black is used much less often - for Easter you definitely need to paint the egg with a bright pattern;
  6. White is a symbol of faith and purity, sinlessness, pure thoughts, nobility of soul.

The choice of color depends on the message you want to convey to loved one, as well as from preferences. Easter is a great time to add a pop of color to your eggs. This can be achieved not only with the help of food colorings, but also folk ways(nettle, turmeric, coffee and others).

Paint eggs with appliques

It is not necessary to paint eggs for Easter; a beautiful applique will do. To make an egg patterned, you need to wet it and attach any flower with interesting shape. Wrap the egg in gauze and paint it any color.

Paint eggs with a marble pattern

Marbling can be achieved by adding vegetable oil or a little paraffin during the cooking process. As a result, the paint applies unevenly to the egg and the same marble effect is achieved.

There are many ways to color eggs for Easter. But this is not the main thing. Holiday Great Easter- this is an opportunity to once again ask for forgiveness from your loved ones and let go of all the bad things, be reborn, enter a new life. This was precisely the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus Christ - the cleansing of people from sins.
