Teacher and student: a love story between the new President of France and his wife. The wife of French President Macron: photo in her youth, biography The French President and his wife, the difference

French men are famous for their loving nature, and this is confirmed by the stormy personal lives of Francois Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy, two last presidents countries. However, they are threatening to be eclipsed by the candidate for the post of head of state, a diligent family man and one-woman man, 39-year-old former Minister of Economy Emmanuel Macron. For months now, the Western press has been enthusiastically discussing the beautiful and unusual story the love of the young politician and his wife Brigitte Tronier, who is literally old enough to be a mother to the active chosen one, being 24 years older than him..

Last November, one of the youngest, most attractive and ambitious French politicians, Emmanul Macron, announced his intention to take part in the presidential race. It is no wonder that, having barely listened to the promises of the presidential candidate, the public became interested in his biography, in particular his personal life... For many, it was a real revelation that a youthful and charismatic man, endowed with a Hollywood smile, has been happily married to his school teacher for 10 years Brigitte Tronier. But they are not babysitting children together, but Tronier’s seven grandchildren, because the politician’s chosen one is 24 years older than him. Despite the huge number of young admirers, the 39-year-old ex-finance minister still looks at his long-legged blonde Bridget with loving eyes. How did such an atypical love story begin?

First meeting

Stories about how young men fall in love with their pretty teachers do not surprise anyone - feelings, as a rule, are purely platonic in nature and quickly fade away. However, Emmanuelle Macron was from the very beginning serious about his teacher Brigitte Ozier (the surname she acquired from her first marriage - website note). When the attractive person began teaching French literature at a Christian religious school in Amiens, she was 40 years old, and besides, she was married and had three children the same age as Macron. In all respects, Bridget was no match for Emmanuel: not only did she have a settled personal life, but she also came from one of the wealthiest and most influential families in the city, which, now in its fifth generation, owns a chocolate factory with an annual income of more than 4 million Euro. Emmanuel, who grew up in a family of intellectual professors, was only 15 years old, and at the time of their acquaintance he was in the 10th grade. At first, the young man hid his sympathies, but at every lesson he amazed the teacher with his abilities and talents.

Later, Bridget also took on teaching a theater class. Emmanuel, naturally, expressed a desire to participate. In collaboration with his teacher, he wrote the script for the production and played one of the main roles in it.

“We met every Friday to work on the play. It was at that moment that we realized that we had a lot in common and were generally drawn to each other,” admitted Brigitte Tronier years later in an interview with Paris Match.

Macron's classmates noticed that he was not indifferent to the teacher. And she herself always found a reason to publicly praise his literary talents. “He wrote poems, and she read them out loud to the whole class,” a school friend of the future politician shared with Le Parisien.

However, there could be no talk of a happy ending at that time: having learned that the young man was infatuated with the teacher, his parents insisted that he finish school in Paris.

According to insiders, Emmanuel did not want to leave Amiens at all and promised Bridget that someday she would definitely become his wife. And although the woman told the guy that he would forget her very soon, Macron did not plan to give up and, with the same zeal, continued to woo his beloved, albeit from a distance.

Even after he left, they continued to keep in touch. “We could talk on the phone for hours. And I patiently explained to him why we would never be together,” Bridget recalled in documentary film about the French presidential candidate. As we see, Emmanuel still turned out to be quite convincing: when his beloved’s children grew up, she left her husband and moved to Paris. “Then I thought that if I don’t do this, my life will pass wasted,” Tronier said in a video interview.

Family life

Before officially legitimizing their relationship, Macron and Tronier simply lived together for several years. Bridget's children initially did not approve of her union with a much younger man. However, the politician still managed to win them over and establish warm, friendly relations with them.

In 2007, Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Tronier got married. On the day of the celebration, the young politician said: “Yes, we are not the most ordinary couple, but we are still together.”

They are their relationships for a long time were not advertised: only in 2014, when Macron was appointed Minister of Finance of France, did he introduce general public your beloved wife. Unlike most government officials, Emmanuel does not hesitate to demonstrate tender feelings for his wife in public. By the way, the paparazzi often “catch” the Macron couple kissing during romantic walks or at events, and their photographs now and then adorn French glossy publications.

The couple does not have children together, but this, apparently, does not upset Macron at all - he happily babysits his wife’s seven grandchildren.

Emmanuel is now completely absorbed in his political career, but his wife still teaches, but now in Paris. Nevertheless, during her husband’s presidential campaign, Bridget plays an important role: she supports Emmanuel in every possible way - she reads articles about him and, based on them, helps adjust his public image, giving him a variety of advice. And he, in turn, listens to his mentor wife and promises that if he wins, the world will hear more about the French first lady. “She will not be on the sidelines because her views are important to me. Bridget has always been there and only thanks to her presence I manage to maintain my balance,” the politician recently told RTL TV.

We can only wish him victory!

Emmanuel Macron is an interesting and mysterious person both in his political and personal life. Having gone from philosopher to finance minister, he unexpectedly becomes the president of France. Who promotes him and who helps him in all matters is a mystery that we will try to solve.

In addition, a young man, never seen in the company of women, marries his first teacher, an elderly woman. All the details and facts life path We will look at Emmanuel Macron in his autobiography.

The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, is a young and intelligent man who is so popular with the female half. Many people wonder how he could marry a woman old enough to be his mother. And after he won the presidential election, in which, by the way, his wife helped, he became the number one figure.

Of course, all the details in his life are interesting, his interests, favorite brand of clothing, height, weight, age. How old was Emmanuel Macron when he became head of the country? Everyone admires his abilities, because at thirty-six he became the youngest Minister of Finance, and at forty - the President of France.

The dream of many women at forty-one is to look flawless. With a height of 178 cm, Emmanuel weighs 73 kg. His figure is perfectly built, because in his free time he plays sports and eats the most quality products. WITH teenage years the guy stood out from his peers and looked precocious and courageous. This is confirmed by Emmanuel Macron - a photo in his youth. And now the man takes care of his appearance, he is very well-groomed and looks respectable, as he should according to his status.

One of the sources reported that Macron uses the services of a makeup artist, for which he allocates about ten thousand euros a month. It also became known that even after the elections he is not going to give up makeup in order to look decent.

Biography and personal life 👉 Emmanuel Macron

The biography and personal life of Emmanuel Macron is quite fascinating and interesting story. The boy's parents were far from politics and were involved in scientific works. His father, Jean-Michel Macron, a professor of neurology, was a teacher at the university, and his mother, Françoise, is a doctor of medical sciences. But throughout his childhood and youth, the boy was raised largely by his grandmother, Mannette, who worked as a college director. She laid the foundation in Emmanuel through which he entered adult life. It was she who instilled in him a love of art, books, classical music, and his grandson fondly remembers the close and family relationship that existed between them.

Emmanuel studied diligently and, in addition to school, was interested in sports and amateur performances. After school, they wrote plays and rehearsed scenes with their teacher, Brigitte Tronier's first and only love. She was a muse for him, and the fifteen-year-old boy in love even dedicated poems to her, gradually gaining favor with her. He also played the piano superbly and even then knew how to negotiate in such a way that no one could refuse him.

After school, Macron graduated from the Lyceum and entered the university, where he studied philosophy, which was useful to him in later life. The guy’s teaching did not end there, and he continued to develop and entered the National School of Administration, after which he was an assistant to the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur.

While pursuing his career, Emmanuel always remembered and kept in touch with Bridget. Even after for long years, the man, having turned out to be a monogamous man, was still dreaming of his first teacher. But already an adult, independent Macron, having finally made his choice, officially proposed to his beloved, and they got married. Bridget has children from her first marriage and grandchildren, whom Emmanuel calls his own and looks after them like family. In her entire political life, Bridget played a significant role, although the president himself says that his wife only supports him. Tronier always admonishes her husband, monitors his speech with which he addresses the people, and more than once gave interviews in which she veiledly promoted Mr. Macron.

According to the laws of the country, after studying at the national school of administration, the graduate was required to work for the state for ten years. Macron worked diligently for four years and gained experience as a financial inspector, but after he was invited by the Rothschilds ( richest people all over the world) to work for them, Emmanuel left without hesitation civil service and paid a penalty of fifty-five thousand euros.

Macron worked as a financier at a bank and attracted the attention of François Hollande (then President of France), who needed talented people who knew their business. At first, Emmanuel worked as an economic adviser to Hollande, and later received the post of Minister of Economy. At this time, the youngest minister introduces many laws that are liberal in nature. Also, after much infighting, the government approves a policy law called the Macron Law, which had a blow to the growth of the country’s economy. The young official, realizing that society is not satisfied with more than one party, creates his own movement “Vpred”, in which he develops a number of strategic moves to improve social status people.

In 2016, Macron released his book called “Revolution” and became a participant in the presidential elections. His program was based on cooperating with the US, but at the same time having more independence and strengthening the European Union. As a result of the elections, Emmanuel advanced to the second round with rival Marine Le Pen, and on May 14, Emmanuel Macron was proclaimed President of France.

Family and children 👉 Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron's family and children are very large, although he does not have his own biological children, but at twenty-nine he had a wife who gave him three children and seven grandchildren. Emmanuel loves his family very much, babysits and pampers the youngest expensive gifts. He can often be seen in photographs with Bridget, whom he simply idolizes. It would not be surprising if he had been pursuing her for fifteen years.

The first time the couple went out together was when formal lunch with the Spanish king, to which the then Minister of Economy Macron and his couple were invited. Emmanuel is very closely connected with Bridget in his political career, because she guides him, and if not for her, it is unlikely that he would be what he is now.

It’s not for nothing that there is a saying that behind every successful man there is an equally successful woman. The couple likes to spend their free time in their purchased villa, where they had their wedding. given time the family lives in the Elysee Palace, as befits the President and First Lady of France.

Son 👉 Emmanuel Macron - Sebastian

The son of Emmanuel Macron, Sebastian, born in 1975, is two years older than his mother’s chosen one. Although Bridget talked to her son and tried to convey to him that she needs another person in her life, not his father, she still feels guilty before the children.

Sebastian is married and has children who often visit their grandparents. His mother’s divorce did not in any way affect Sebastian’s relationship with his father, Andre Louis Ozier, they communicate and come to visit each other.

Daughter 👉 of Emmanuel Macron - Laurence Ozier

Emmanuel Macron's daughter, Laurence Ozier, was born in 1977 from her first marriage to Brigitte Trognier. Currently, the girl is married, has children and works as a cardiologist. Lawrence accepted her stepfather kindly, since she herself was already an adult, sensible person and understood that only her mother could decide with whom she should live.

The girl knew Emmanuel for a very long time, from school, they even say that they studied in the same class. But Macron is doing everything to be respected and loved by the father and even grandfather in his new family.

Daughter 👉 of Emmanuel Macron - Tiffany Ozier

Emmanuel Macron's daughter, Tiffany Ozier, was born to Brigitte Tronier and Andre Louis in 1984. When her mother divorced her father, it was not a surprise for the girl, because Bridget gradually prepared her children for the fact that sometimes in life family relationships collapse and then everyone goes their own way. Parents' divorce is not a reason not to communicate with their father, so this should not bother children.

The first lady's new husband initially gained confidence in the children and throughout the entire time speaks only well of them. Tiffany even gave an interview when the media criticized Emmanuel and Bridget as a couple, and expressed her opinion about her mother’s chosen one. She was indignant at why people were so unkind to lovers if they had an age difference. “Yes, they have love, a trusting relationship, and those who don’t stop talking about it are simply jealous,” the girl said.

Wife 👉 of Emmanuel Macron - Brigitte Tronier

Bridget was born in 1953 into a large but wealthy family. Her father was engaged in business, they had established the production of confectionery products, which was inherited from their grandparents. Exquisite sweets and delicious kurabye brought considerable income to the owner. However, Bridget did not see herself as a businesswoman, and began teaching Latin and French at school.

It was at that time that the woman met her future husband, with whom she taught her subject. The guy immediately fell in love with his teacher Brigitte Tronier. The photos of the girl in her youth were so good that it is not surprising that she was accustomed to signs of attention from the opposite sex, so she did not take Macron’s sympathy seriously. However, the guy turned out to be persistent, he tried in every possible way to court her, accompanied his love home and said that sooner or later he would marry only her. Although Tronier was already married and had three children.

The teacher was also the director of the school theater, where Emmanuel stayed after school, not because he was interested in the productions, but only to spend some more time together. Bridget recalled that the guy was initially special, unlike other classmates. He was a head taller, an outwardly mature adult man who had already spoken, and having turned Tronya’s head, the couple began an affair. At that time there was terrible scandal, when everyone found out about everything, especially Emmanuel’s parents, and sent the guy to study away from his love, hoping that it would all pass.

But time did not correct anything, but on the contrary, it only spurred the lovers on; they corresponded with letters and missed each other. Bridget realized that she had stopped loving her husband and she didn’t need anyone except Emmanuel. She divorced her husband, and Macron kept his promise. And in 2007, Emmanuel Macron’s wife, Brigitte Tronier, began to live with him in a legal marriage.

President's wife 👉 France Macron age difference

For eleven years now, Brigitte Tronier has been the wife of French President Macron. The age difference still haunts residents not only of the country, but of the whole world. This topic has become so discussed that many believe that it is unequal marriage. Looking at the photo of this couple, it is difficult to say that this is a husband and wife, most likely a mother and son.

How young Attractive man could he marry a woman who is twenty-four years older than him? Why was Brigitte so attracted to Emmanuel, if there are a lot of young and beautiful girls who only dream of such a man.

In one of the sources, one psychologist explained why young men are attracted to much older women and the choice of Macron was an example. Often, such men’s mother was very caring and solved all problems and troubles instead of her son. Or, on the contrary, the boy lacked his mother’s warmth and affection and, choosing an older woman, he first of all grabs the relationship that was so lacking in childhood. One way or another, it is very convenient and comfortable for such a man to live under the wing of such a wife, who accepts him with all his shortcomings and loves him like a mother, simply because he exists in her life. Such men are easily led, they give him wise advice, self-confidence and even help in career growth, which is what we see in the couple Bridget and Emmanuel.

Orientation 👉 Emmanuel Macron. He is a gay?

For all my political career, and for Macron it started quite early. Society monitors personal life current president and more than once the paparazzi failed to catch a man with any woman. He was never accused of having affairs, except perhaps with same-sex friends, and it is very interesting to find out what Emmanuel Macron’s orientation really is. He is a gay?

In France, there are many gays in political circles; even the former Mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe, who worked for thirteen years, did not hide his gay orientation. However, the people did not approve of the decision of ex-President Francois Hollande when he approved the legalization of same-sex marriage and, among other things, taking children from the orphanage into foster care.

The fact that Macron is blue is evidenced by the facts from his biography. He invited gay activists from the United States to one of his dinner parties. He is often seen with gentlemen " blue bloods"And oddly enough, many gay men choose older wives. Rumor has it that the marriage with Brigitte Tronier is fictitious, and this woman is just a cover for Macron.

Emmanuel even had to justify himself; in one of his interviews, he said that he simply cannot be in the society of gays, since he spends his time with his wife, and if someone saw it, most likely it was his clone, the politician jokes. And even taking advantage of the opportunity, removing suspicions about gay, said that he recently filed a lawsuit against his colleague, allegedly with whom he has sexual relations. “I love my wife so much,” shares Macron, “that I will never allow her and my name to be desecrated by throwing mud at us. We loving family, in which betrayal is simply unacceptable.”

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Emmanuel Macron

According to polls, which statesmen lead active life on social networks, the French President also occupies one of the first positions. Emmanuel Macron's Instagram and Wikipedia enjoy great public interest. Of course, we can assume that he does not manage his account on his own due to his busy schedule, but there are definitely assistants who do this work.

But be that as it may, with his permission there are posted photographs of the president in public affairs and of a personal nature. Most of Macron’s Instagram photos are with his wife, who is quite older than him. But in her appearance and dressing style she is not inferior even to the beautiful Melania Trump, the wife of the US President.

Worked as a French teacher and Latin languages. Since May 15, 2017 - First Lady of France.

Brigitte Marie-Claude Tronier was born on April 13, 1953 in the north of France, in the picturesque region of Picardy. Brigitte's father Jean Tronier is the owner of a chain of confectionery stores, and her mother Simone Puyol is a housewife. The future first lady spent her childhood in the city of Amiens. There were six children in the Tronier family. Brigitte is the youngest member of the clan. The Trogniers were an influential family that owned the production of sweets, including the beloved macarons in France.

Teaching activities

Brigitte Macron began her career as a press attaché at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry located in Pas-de-Calais. Later, the woman received a CAPES certificate, which allowed her to teach the humanities in educational institutions. The First Lady worked in Paris, Strasbourg, and the Protestant school “Lucie-Berger”. Not finding the ideal place for herself, Brigitte returns to hometown.

Since 1991, Tronier has taught Latin and French at the Lycée La Providence. Two years later, the woman met her daughter’s classmate, Emmanuel Macron. The young man studied literature with his future wife, and later ended up in Brigitte’s theater class. In 1994, a young woman and a schoolboy began an affair. This would lead to a serious scandal in a small French town, so Emmanuel's parents sent him to study in Paris.

Personal life

Brigitte Tronier married banker Andre Louis Ozier in 1974. The marriage produced three children: son Sebastian, daughters Laurence and Tiffany. Despite her busy personal life, Brigitte did not give up her teaching career. This decision brought dramatic changes in Tronier's biography.

When Brigitte was 39 years old, a young boy came to her daughter’s class, Laurence. The young man and the literature teacher spend a lot of time together, discussing performances and the works of writers and poets. Adult woman and the young man became close. Things started between them romantic relationship, despite the age difference of 24 years. At that time, Brigitte was married.

Macron’s parents categorically did not like this. The future president's relatives urgently send Emmanuel to Paris to receive an education. But in his dreams, Macron imagines himself not as a politician, but as a writer. Only after the young man reached adulthood did the lovers continue to communicate. This love story knows no barriers. Leaving for Paris, Emmanuel promised to return and get married. The guy kept his promise.

Brigitte Macron with her daughters

In 2006, Brigitte decides to divorce legal spouse and the father of his children, Ozier. The woman did not grieve alone for long, as the teacher was surrounded by her own children, and later grandchildren appeared. Emmanuel was in no hurry to find love, because he believed that he had found it in Trogneux.

One fine day, the future president of France made an official marriage proposal to his beloved, but she was in no hurry to respond. Despite much thought, Brigitte agreed to become Macron's wife. After some time, the woman moved to Paris with her fiance. Emmanuel became a father and grandfather overnight at the age of 30.

Brigitte’s life experience helped Macron out more than once. Trogneux gives advice to her husband about difficult situations, work in banking sector or ministry. Thanks to this, the couple managed to establish coordinated work both at home and at work. The Macron couple's relationship is based on the principle of partnership.

Over time, Brigitte became interested in her husband’s activities, so she left her teaching career. Now the woman solves issues that do not require the attention of her husband, thereby relieving him of pressing problems.

Brigitte Macron now

Almost the entire family, including Brigitte, was involved in Emmanuel Macron's election campaign. The woman provided all possible assistance, which led her husband to the presidency. Macron claims that Brigitte "will play the role that she has always had, it will not be hidden." On Emmanuel's side were the children he adopted. On May 15, 2017, the Macron couple began new life. Brigitte became the first lady, and Emmanuelle became the first lady.

The newly appointed head of state recommended that the government develop a special status for the first lady with certain functions. But the French resisted and collected more than 200 thousand signatures on an online petition. Despite this, at the end of August, Brigitte Macron received a position in the government, albeit unpaid.

Brigitte Macron's life as First Lady is busy. Recently, a woman gave an interview to the famous Elle magazine. This issue set a sales record. Macron spoke frankly about her young wife, relationships, children, and clothing style, which is criticized by the public and fashion gurus. Brigitte is a fan of the fashion houses Dior and Louis Vuitton.

Madame Macron was even able to outshine the wife of the US President at the official meeting. appearance which is discussed by all the media in the world. The first lady of France appeared before guests and journalists in a miniskirt white. The parameters of the two ladies are close to those of the model. Brigitte Macron's height reaches 175 cm, and her weight does not exceed 50 kg.

There are many rumors surrounding the appearance of the wife of the French President. Some experts say that the woman used the services of plastic surgeons, others say there was no plastic surgery. Experienced craftsmen They believe that Brigitte’s appearance is a result of good genetics combined with professional care.

Brigitte Macron is not an active user social networks. But the woman’s photos often appear on Instagram, mainly on fan pages and on her husband’s official account.

The more confident Emmanuel Macron declares himself in the political arena, the more obvious is the fact that behind all his victories lies not only his work, but also the work of Brigitte Tronier, the woman who has been inspiring him for almost 25 years.

Brigitte Macron - First Lady of France - on the threshold of the Elysee Palace, February 21, 2018

Just before the election of her husband Emmanuel Macron, 64-year-old (at that time) Brigitte Trognier jokingly noted in one of her interviews that she really counted on winning the 2017 elections: “After all, in 6 years I will already be 70.” Macron's wife has never hidden her personal ambitions: after the elections, which, of course, Emmanuel will win, she intends to lay the groundwork for the future official position of First Lady of France...

One victory for two: Brigitte and Emmanuel after the announcement of the preliminary results of the first round of elections, evening of April 23, 2017

In July 2016, being finance minister in Francois Hollande’s team and having virtually no chance of realizing his own political ambitions, 38-year-old Emmanuel Macron nevertheless decided to hold his first rally. The politician chose a fashionable area on the left bank of the Seine as the location of the event.

A couple of hours before the crowds arrived, Emmanuel rehearsed in front of his team, members of his own political movement En marche - a movement neither right nor left, but one that, according to Macron himself, could radically change the entire policy of the Republic. “We are the party of hope,” the politician declared to his few listeners.

From time to time, Macron’s speech was interrupted by an authoritative female voice, inserting remarks like “Watch your voice, don’t lower it.” It was the voice of Brigitte Macron, dispensing advice to her husband, just like a theater director to the young actor. Even later, he will politely ask her: “Darling, tell me what’s wrong with my speech. Are the sentences too long?”, and then, without any embarrassment, he admits in front of entire crowds of people: “Brigitte always says that my speeches are too long.”

Emmanuel Macron's wife, Brigitte Trognier, August 31, 2016

Before Macron, no elected president had done this, but Emmanuel is determined: today Brigitte’s activities are regulated by a special Charter of Transparency, but there is no way the Macrons will convince the French that they definitely need a First Lady like Bribri.

Emmanuel promised that the position of First Lady "will not be paid for with taxpayer money," but still emphasized: "If you are elected president, then the person who lives with you still has to play some role."

Macron said his wife will play important role and during his presidency.

Macron and his wife during the visit of the royal couple from Spain, June 2, 2015

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron at the College Royal et Militaire de Thiron-Gardais exhibition, summer 2016

What Brigitte does not want to focus on is the 25-year age difference with Emmanuel. She is now 65 years old. Before her husband was elected president, she worked as a Latin teacher and French literature at a private Jesuit school and did not at all hide the fact that Emmanuel himself had once been her student.

Like her husband, Brigitte Tronier, known as "Bribri", was born in the town of Amiens in northern France and also comes from a bourgeois family that owned famous local pastry shops scattered throughout the city. At the age of 20, she married banker Andre-Louis Ozier, with whom Brigitte gave birth to three children. Before studying to become a teacher and getting a job at a prestigious Jesuit school, she worked as a press attaché at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Pas-de-Calais.

Brigitte at the Christian Dior Haute Couture FW15/16 show, July 6, 2015

Brigitte at the Louis Vuitton FW16/17 show, March 9, 2016

“I never considered him my student,” Brigitte once admitted to writers Caroline Derriere and Candice Nedelec, who published a book about famous couple Les Macron. When rumors began to circulate about the relationship between the teacher and the student, Emmanuel’s parents sent the boy to a prestigious lyceum in Paris. But love, as they say, is not subject to either time or distance.

Brigitte Tronier, about 20 years ago

Emmanuel Macron, about 20 years ago

More than ten years later, the lovers finally got married. Their wedding took place at the town hall on the fashionable beach resort Le Touquet, where Brigitte inherited a luxurious villa, which today serves as the couple’s second home.

During his wedding speech, Emmanuel thanked Brigitte's parents and children for their support of their union. The young groom admitted that although he and his beloved are not a “normal couple,” they are still a “real couple.” Brigitte herself currently has seven grandchildren. Of course, they don’t call Emmanuel grandfather, but they address him with the affectionate English “daddy.”

Brigitte Tronier with daughters (from her first marriage) Laurence and Tafani, at an event in support of presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, April 17, 2017

Brigitte first came into the spotlight in 2014, when her husband was appointed finance minister in the Socialist government of Francois Hollande. It is interesting that she did not give up her teaching career in one of the best Catholic schools in Paris, saying only one phrase to her students: “You will hear a lot of things - both truth and lies. But I will never talk about it."

A year later, Brigitte left school, declaring that she wanted to devote herself to her husband’s career. She immediately began attending planning meetings and a short time became an integral part of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, knowing everything about the affairs of the institution.

Macron and his wife at a charity dinner, February 22, 2017

Emmanuel Macron answered questions from surprised journalists only: “Her opinion is important to me,” implying that his wife’s constant presence with him was not negotiable.

Being the wife of a minister, Brigitte, madly in love with literature and theater, constantly visited everything cultural events in Paris. She helped her husband make connections, even managing to organize two social events in one evening. With the start of the presidential race, her support for her husband only intensified, and, according to one insider from Macron’s team, Brigitte still stands by him strongly.

Today, Macron actively brings his wife into the world and allows the paparazzi to photograph them together and publish thousands of their pictures in newspapers and magazines. France has not seen such behavior, when a politician himself actively talks about his personal life, since the time of Nicolas Sarkozy, who decided to “imitate the Kennedys” in relations with his already ex-wife Cecilia.

The presidential couple before the banquet in honor of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, March 19, 2018

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Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron - photo shoot on the eve of the first round of elections

“If I were 20 years older than my wife, no one would say a word about the legality of such a relationship,” Macron told reporters from the newspaper Le Parisien. “People say that our relationship is unreasonable just because my wife is older.”

The Macrons on ski resort, April 12, 2017

French economist Marc Ferazzi, who was best man at the couple's wedding and is now a member of Macron's team, described their relationship this way: “Yes, they are not exactly a traditional couple. But they fell in love with each other 20 years ago, and since then their feelings have only grown stronger. Their story is very simple and you have to accept the fact that people can just fall in love so much that their love never wanes.”

Brigitte herself is also not silent. At a rally in Strasbourg, for example, she said that her place has always been next to her husband. “I was always close to him. For 20 years. It’s strange that you are constantly surprised that spouses can always be near each other. In this case, the time has come for change,” summed up the wife of the then presidential candidate. Well, it seems that in May 2017, France received not only its youngest President in history, but also one of its most politically active and ambitious First Ladies.

Brief profile: Brigitte Macron, wife of Emmanuel Macron

The Presidential couple receives the Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg at the Elysee Palace, March 19, 2018

Age: 65 years old

Career: Teacher of French literature and Latin in private Catholic schools in France. Head of the school theater.

Highest point of popularity: Brigitte performed on stage with her husband after he led the first round of the French presidential election as his supporters chanted: “Brigitte! Brigitte!

Failures: her older siblings' disapproval of her decision to leave her first husband. Brigitte later admitted that her family soon fully supported her relationship with Emmanuel.

Brigitte about Emmanuel:"I was fascinated by his intelligence."

Emmanuel about Brigitte:“We are a non-classical family, that’s true. But there is no less love in our family.”

Emmanuel Macron is the President of France, who won the 2017 elections, former Minister of Economy and Industry in the administration, leader of the Forward! party.

The future politician was born on December 21, 1977 in the city of Amiens into a professorial family. The boy's father, Jean-Michel Macron, taught neurology at the University of Picardy, and his mother, Françoise Macron-Noguez, worked as a doctor.

As a child, Emmanuel attended the Jesuit Lyceum in his hometown, and then went to study in Paris at the Ecole Normale Lyceum. After school, the young man graduated from the University of Nanterre-la-Défense, Institute of Political Studies. A versatile young man, unlike his peers, devoted two years of his life to working together with philosopher Paul Ricoeur. From 2002 to 2004 he attended the National School of Administration.


In 2004, Macron got a job in the administration of President Jacques Chirac as an inspector of finance, where he worked for 4 years. After the change of power in 2007, Macron became assistant rapporteur of the Commission for the Improvement of Economic Growth under the leadership of Jacques Attali.

In 2008, the young politician begins to engage in investment banking. The intelligent economist was invited in 2008 to work at Rothschild & Cie Banque, where Macron, having carried out a number of transactions for the resale of European companies, increased his net worth to several million euros.


As a member of the presidential administration in 2006, Emmanuel Macron became a member of the Socialist Party, but lasted only three years. Macron, while dealing with economic and investment issues, monitored the political situation in society. As a member of the government of the current president, a representative of the Republican party, in the next elections Emmanuel takes the side of the candidate from the Social Democratic movement.

In 2012, Macron's rapid career in Hollande's government began. Emmanuel is appointed deputy Secretary General President, and two years later the banker becomes Minister of Economy. There was such a post important for a biography of Macron.

In the new place, the politician introduces a number of laws that are liberal in nature. In 2015, after a series of disputes, the government adopted the Macron Law, which was aimed at stimulating the growth of the country's economy by liberalizing a number of sectors of the economy. The bill resulted in strikes and discontent among transport workers and workers, but big business was the winner.

Watching political life from within the state apparatus, Macron came to the conclusion that none of the existing political movements does not satisfy the interests of society. Therefore, the young minister decides to create his own movement with money from private donors. On April 6, 2016, the “Forward!” party was registered. under the leadership of Emmanuel Macron. The average contribution of a party member is 50 euros, the number of registered members of Macron's social liberal party reaches 30 thousand. Among them are representatives of the clan, as well as an open participant in the gay movement, Pierre Berger, comrade-in-arms and cohabitant.

Many of Macron's opponents suggest that the presidential candidate of the Fifth Republic is an elaborate project of the leaders big business(pharmaceuticals, chemical industry, banking), who plan to achieve greater liberalization of laws through the young president.

Emmanuel Macron - leader of the Revolution program

On November 16, 2016, Macron’s “Revolution” program was published. In the book, the leader of the social liberal movement proclaims a change in the French government system and the continuation of the settlement of the country by migrants. Emmanuel Macron convinces voters of the correctness, which is economically beneficial to the state. In the book, Macron calls himself a “non-systemic politician” and reveals many secrets of the government behind the scenes. The publication broke records for distribution among the population.

Political beliefs

Emmanuel Macron supports the idea of ​​the European Union and the unity of France with neighboring Germany. The politician advocates strengthening interstate economic ties, but does not support uncontrolled foreign investment.

Macron's position on Palestine and terrorist groups is radical. Advocating for the free settlement of France by migrants, Emmanuel supports limiting the open demonstration of religious feelings of citizens. The politician plans to increase funding for the security services and police in France.

Relations with Russia

Macron plans to conduct his foreign policy carefully, without expressing obvious dissatisfaction with the hegemony of the United States, but excluding the dictates of the United States in relation to the international position of France.

Emmanuel Macron plans not to lose economic and foreign policy ties with Russia. Regarding Ukraine, the presidential candidate adheres to the Minsk agreements. Macron plans to reduce sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Since school, Emmanuel has been in love with his teacher French Brigitte Tronier. The young man was not frightened by the difference in age of 24 years, the marriage of the teacher and the presence of her three children - Sebastien, Laurence and Tiphen - the same age as Emmanuel. At the age of 17, the young man vowed to marry his beloved when he turned 30. Macron's obsessive feelings puzzled his parents, and Jean-Michel was forced to send the boy to Paris. For 13 years, the correspondence between the lovers continued, although the young, attractive and tall brown-haired man had no end to fans. In 2007, Macron proposed to Bridget, who was already divorced, and the young people got married.

Macron's wife belongs to a wealthy clan of chocolatiers in Amiens. At the moment, 64-year-old Bridget bears little resemblance to the former teacher and grandmother of 6 grandchildren. A tanned blonde with a fit figure makes a positive impression on French citizens with her outfits and snow-white smile. Free time The family spends time in their own villa in Touquet, which the newlyweds purchased in the year of their marriage. Macron cannot imagine his personal life without Brigitte: the young politician is strongly attached to his wife.

Macron emphasizes his affection for his wife, refuting rumors that he is gay. One day he filed a lawsuit against a young girl who tried to establish an intimate relationship with him. In court, Macron confirmed that he did not intend to cheat on his beloved wife, which delighted the female electorate. During the election campaign, Bridget is constantly with her husband, as evidenced by numerous photos in the press and on the Internet. Emmanuel assures that his wife will not engage in political affairs, however, will be the closest adviser in resolving government issues.

Elections 2017

On April 23, 2017, the country took place in France. 11 candidates took part in the elections, of which only two made it to the second round: the chairman of the National Front party and the leader of the “Forward!” movement. Emmanuel Macron.

Monday's news was somewhat disheartening to international observers, as the most... high ratings ended up with the youngest candidate - Macron. The percentage of voters for the former Minister of Economy was 23.75%, while for Marine Le Pen it was 21.53%.

On May 7, 2017, the second round of presidential elections took place in France. 20.7 million voters cast their ballots for Emmanuel Macron, while Marine Le Pen received 10.6 million votes. On the morning of May 8, after processing 99.9% of the ballots, the French Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the final results of the French presidential elections, in which. According to official data, he received 66.06% of the votes, and Le Pen - 33.94%.

Thus, Emmanuel Macron became the new president of France, whose victory in the elections allowed him to set a record in the history of modern France - at 39 years old, she became the youngest French head.
