Learn irregular verbs in English. Repetition is the mother of learning

Probably, many of you before the English exam had the thought that the abundance of irregular verbs is a kind of rebellion or revenge of the English on all those who, over the centuries, have attributed to them a love of order, excessive stiffness and pedantry. The nation of conservatives decided to laugh in the face of the whole world and ingrained in their speech more than one hundred irregular verbs: they say, now it’s your turn to think about how to learn Irregular Verbs.

We follow the motto “keep calm and learn English” and we hasten to please you!

Firstly, there are only about forty most commonly used irregular verbs. This is some unfortunate one and a half words a day! Secondly, the table of irregular verbs does not have to be repeated like a mantra, but it is enough to print it out and hang it in a visible place so that you can run your eyes over it repeatedly. And thirdly, the compilers of the Oxford Dictionary cannot even imagine in their wildest dreams what people in Russia do with irregular verbs!

This rhyme will help you quickly learn irregular verbs.

I'm at the buffet buy-bought-bought (buy)
First class sandwich
For him I pay-paid-paid, (pay)

In the classroom, on the desk lay-laid-laid (put)
And not at all think-thought-thought, (think)
That his neighbor will make him smarter.
And now I'm very sad -
Smell-smelt-smelt it’s very tasty! (smell)

Look, Screwtape's slingshot
Put-put-put (put) in your pocket
And begin-began-begun (begin)
Bully bully!
He's a pillow cut-cut-cut, (cut)
Brother in the bathroom shut-shut-shut, (close)
All newspapers are light-lit-lit, (set on fire)
Hit-hit-hit dog. (beat)
He ring-rang-rung (call) the neighbor
And, of course, run-ran-run. (run)
And not at all think-thought-thought, (think)
That the police will come.

Dig-dug-dug we are a vegetable garden, (dig)
Come-came-come there people. (come)
We said: "Go-went-gone, (go, leave)
This is not a farce."

We fight-fought-fought with our enemies, (fight, fight)
They are caught in a catch-caught-caught trap. (catch, catch)
Day bring-brought-brought good luck, (bring)
We get-got-got reward. (receive)

If the hares bite-bit-bitten, (bite)
Don't give them eat-ate-eaten, (eat)
They will soon learn-learnt-learnt (learn)
Dashing matches burn-burnt-burnt. (spark off)

If a friend meet-met-met, (meet)
Keep him tight-kept-kept. (hold)
Well, what if lose-lost-lost, (to lose)
That's why it's cost-cost-cost. (cost)

Airplanes fly-flew-flown. (fly)
Our children are grow-grew-grown. (grow)
Well, the wind blow-blew-blown, (blow)
He knows-knew-known about everything. (know)

Grandfather and grandmother find-found-found (to find)
Basset hound dog.
Very close to old people
The dog become-became-become. (become)
Give-gave-given grandfather to him (give)
Dear basturma -
The dog needs to be fed-fed-fed (feed)
Something tasty for lunch!
Salad and cutlets for yourself
Old people don't let-let-let. (let)
Today grandmother and grandfather
Another life lead-led-led: (lead)
Grandfather dozes in the bath with a smile,
Grandmother dwell-dwelt-dwelt in the closet, (dwell)
Dog in bed lie-lay-lain, (lie down)
Just like Saddam Hussein.

We break-broke-broken the old house - (to break)
It was very boring there.
New house we draw-drew-draw, (draw)
Build-built-built - and we’ll live. (build)

Show-showed-shown light quickly! (show)
Is the sun shining or not?
“Shine-shone-shone,” you answered. “(shine)
See-saw-seen until dark." (see)
Say-said-said and repeat: (speak)
"Swim-swam-swum we until dawn, (swim)
Spring-sprang-sprung with you we are in the water (jump)
Regardless of the weather."

I'm ride-rode-ridden very happy (to ride)
Leap-leapt-leapt for a masquerade. (jump, jump)
If the mask is take-took-taken, (take)
You are mistake-mistook-mistaken, (to be mistaken)
Don't recognize me
And don’t pull him off his horse.

Spell-spelt-spelt any word. (to spell)
Speak-spoke-spoken him again. (speak)
Sweep-swept-swept from the hut the dirty linen, (sweep up)
Hang-hung-hung in the hut an ax. (hang, hang)
Throw-threw-thrown grenades deftly, (throw, throw away)
Set-set-set on the floor rifle, (put, install)
Shoot-shot-shot aimed, accurately, (shoot)
Just don't kill your neighbor.

Lend-lent-lent to the doctor a penny: (to lend)
He mean-meant-meant to buy a turkey, (mean, mean)
Sell-sold-sold her for three rubles, (sell)
Send-sent-sent to friends a nesting doll. (send)

Hear-heard-heard orchestra is wonderful, (hear)
Feel-felt-felt fear in vain, (feel)
Fall-fell-fallen don’t strive (to fall)
Rise-rose-risen and figure it out. (get up, get up)
Wear-wore-worn feather on a hat. (wear)
Write-wrote-written a cantata for us. (write)
Have-had-had is a simple motto, (to have)
Win-won-won is a solid prize. (win).

Drink-drank-drunk an awful lot (to drink)
Our neighbor's uncle Goga,
He forget-forgot-forgotten (to forget)
About family and work,
Because have-had-had (have)
He's in an awful lot of trouble.
He's like do-did-done, (to do)
When you're very drunk!
One day he fell-fell-fallen (fall)
Straight from our balcony
Write-wrote-written on the wall, (write)
Ride-rode-ridden on an elephant, (ride on horseback)
And one day break-broke-broken (to break)
Our house has eight windows,
And recently bite-bit-bitten (bite)
Aunt Vita is at the entrance.

I sleep-slept-slept and dream: (sleep)
I've just been bear-bore-born. (to be born)
Stand-stood-stood cheerful pop, (stand)
His thick forehead!
Shake-shook-shaken beard, (shake)
He talks to himself:
This child strike-struck-struck, (strike)
Or maybe sink-sank-sunk. (drown)
Spend-spent-spent he is wasting his time, (wasting)
Freeze-froze-frozen him I. (freeze)
Leave-left-left I am my native land. (to leave, leave)
Choose-chose-chosen another house, (choose)
About which dream-dreamt-dreamt, (dream)
And now hold-held-held. (own)
If you are already wake-woke-woken, (wake up)
Drink-drank-drunk plain water, (drink)
Do-did-done your exercise, (do)
Make-made-made weeding of the beds. (do)
Drive-drove-driven car quickly. (drive)
Hide-hid-hidden is not coming soon. (hide, hide)
Don't hurt-hurt-hurt, (hurt) anyone
There, you see, you'll get lucky.

One eccentric was looking for the treasure,
A whole month of dig-dug-dug, (dig)
Find-found-found finally (find)
Metal casket
And, of course, think-thought-thought, (think)
That he will live richly.
Take-took-taken he ax (take)
And he tore the lock off the casket.
Before opening,
Go-went-gone home to sleep, (go)
And all night in my sleep there's an eccentric
Drive-drove-driven Cadillac, (to drive, to drive)
Eat-ate-eatten pineapples (eat, eat)
And smoked sausages
Fly-flew-flown in the clouds, (fly)
Keep-kept-kept your treasure in your hands, (keep)
Spend-spent-spent money down the drain, (spend)
Build-built-built yourself a hacienda. (build)
But awake-awoke-awoked (wake up)
He doesn't speak a word, speak-spoke-spoken, (speak)
Run-ran-run at full speed, (run)
Find-found-found in the casket... ax (to find)

Now you can easily remember all the irregular verbs thanks to these verses.

Here it is, here it is - the school of my dreams!

How was the language gymnastics? Now relax and, as a reinforcement of the material, watch the competition performance of the UK representative at Eurovision 2014 - the winner of the “Irregular verbs-2013” ​​competition.

It seems that in order to become a guru in the field of irregular verbs, there is everything: a convenient table, a catchy English rap, and a cheerful almost children's poem. Only one thing is missing: an answer to the question, how to learn this verse and an auxiliary ditty for this?! Maybe you have the answer?

Greetings, my dear readers.

IN modern world everyone wants to do everything quickly. Get a high position at work, instantly fly from one end of the world to another, quickly learn a new language. But you can’t fool the laws of nature. Although you can try.

Today I will touch upon perhaps the most important and painful topic for any amateur in English: how to remember irregular verbs in English. Or rather, how to do this as quickly as possible and, preferably, forever.

Have you encountered such a problem?

I'm sure so. That's why I prepared it for you 7 simple and effective ways , how to memorize these nasty “irregular” verbs as quickly as possible.

Biggest mistake

But I want to start a little differently - with the most important mistake that many English language learners make. And it consists in the fact that the majority trying to cover all 170 words in 1 day. How long did it take you to learn to walk, huh?

Our brain is designed in such a way that what you learned today will go into long-term memory only after a day, or even a couple. Of course, if you have a test tomorrow and you need to learn the words, then you can do it overnight, but the day after tomorrow you will simply forget most of them.

Therefore, be prepared for the fact that it will take you at least 1 week to remember the necessary vocabulary.

I won't forget to remind you about the cool stuff Lingualeo course, designed specifically for memorizing English irregular verbs . All of them are available when purchasing a Premium account in this service. If this is your first time hearing about Lingvaleo, then you can read about it. There she tells “what and how and why”!

Well, now, perhaps, let's move on to the methods themselves.


  • Grouped tables.

Most words in English are similar in form. And in fact, if you group the words correctly, then all 170 can be quickly learned in a week. I have prepared for you examples of such groups that will help you significantly reduce your time. Here is one such group:

See other groups of verbs with pronunciation.

Take one group of words or several small groups to master them in a day. On the way to work, during lunch or breakfast, spend 10-15 minutes on these words and you will not notice how by the evening you can easily remember their forms without the help of cheat sheets.

  • Poems and songs .

Forward and with song, gentlemen!

Songs and a wide variety of videos are excellent language learning aids. Many people have probably seen rap videos where you can learn the necessary words in 3 minutes in a fun and easy way. If you haven't encountered anything like this yet, I'm giving you this chance. Combine useful and interesting.

Little children remember a lot with the help of songs and poems, both in their native language and in English. Take them as an example. Poems help you quickly learn vocabulary, putting everything in the closest corners of long-term memory.

Today there are dozens of poems on the Internet where, if not in 5 minutes, then in a couple of days of active repetition you can learn the most frequently used groups of words.

  • Exercises, exercises and more exercises.

I once had a lazy student. Well, lazy. She was very diligent, she always did homework and all additional exercises. But getting her to sit down and learn a table of irregular verbs or related prepositions was absolutely impossible.

And then we found a simple solution: we started doing more exercises! Where are these nasty words found most often? Of course, in . We worked, it seems, more than a couple of hundred texts, until all the most widely used verbs were brought to automatism.

To be honest, this method is not the most optimal in terms of timing. But in 2 weeks of constant practice you can master verbs perfectly.

  • Reading.

When you read any text - emphasize forms of the verbs you need. Most often, we don’t even notice how much we miss while reading. Once you start paying attention to them, every time you encounter them, you will remember them.

Take simple texts- best of all, or fairy tales where most of the text is written in the past tense - and analyze. At a minimum, your subconscious will be pleased that it still encounters what you teach in practice.

  • A Tale of Your Beloved.

Vocabulary is remembered best - and this applies not only to children, but also to adults. One of the simplest games is to make up stories about yourself. Come up with stories as often as possible, as incredible and interesting as possible. For example,

Once upon a time there was a king, who saw a beautiful princess and fell in love with her…

And so come up with the most incredible stories about yourself, your friends and acquaintances. The more incredible and memorable the story, the easier it will be for you to learn the irregular verbs used in it.

  • Cards.

A way as old as time to quickly learn not only irregular verbs, but also any foreign vocabulary. Use cards. On one side write the explanation of the word, and on the other its form. And in general, you can come up with any type of card that is convenient for you to use.

If you regularly work with a large amount of information that needs to be remembered or you simply need to develop your memory to the maximum, use advice from Stanislav Matveev- record holder for memorization. This man proved that everyone is capable of more than they think.

Just 20 words a day. Just 1.5 weeks of daily study, and your lexicon will be 170 words longer.

  • Online simulators.

If a computer or tablet has become an integral part of your life, and you can’t live without it, combine business with pleasure. Nowadays you can find several games online that help you learn vocabulary in the shortest possible time.

For example, in the game you need to enter incorrect forms of verbs as quickly as possible in order to save the dog. On a wave of excitement and adrenaline, you can even remember something you didn’t know.

You can use universal online simulators to develop memory and thinking! One of these is Fitness for the brain . I talked about it in detail in. Here I will say briefly - start studying immediately! In a month you will see results not only in memorization English words, but also in many other ways!

Well, my dears, are your hands already itching to start learning new words faster? I agree, when you have at least 7 ways to do it as quickly as possible in your arsenal, you don’t want to waste a single minute.

That's why I'm sending you to amazing world irregular verbs, but before that I’ll say: if you are someone who wants to master all the subtleties as quickly as possible and know all the most interesting things from the world of the English language - welcome to my newsletter. My subscribers are the first to receive useful information. Stay up to date with events.

And for today I say to you “Goodbye!”

See you again!

If you, dear friend, are interested in learning how to memorize texts in English faster, then please

Are you learning English but can't remember irregular verbs? We tried everything, but the memory refuses to carry out all these difficult operations in your head?

Why is it so difficult to remember the three forms of verbs that are needed like air, or like a multiplication table? If children remember poems easily, why don't adults try to memorize irregular verbs in English? Poems are exactly what is needed in this situation.

Smile, sing and remember without difficulty

Short rhyming lines are a great tool for those who struggle with “irregular verbs.”

Write – written – written- write,
Bite-bit-bitten- bite;

Swim swim – swam – swum,
Begin begin – began – began,

Drown sink – sank – sunk,
Drink water drink – drank – drunk

In the morning wake – woken – woken,
In English speak – spoken – spoken,

Ring the bell ring – rang – rung,
Sing a song sing-sang-sung,

Greet guests meet – met – met,
Feed guests feed – fed – fed,

Cry weep – wept – wept And
Fall asleep sleep – slept – slept;

I need a book read – read – read,
Store in the closet keep – kept – kept;

Road to the forest lead – led – led,
The snake is crawling creep – crept – crept.

See a dream dream – dream – dream,
What does it mean mean – meant – meant?

I'm from home leave – left – left,
I'm sad again feel – felt – felt.

Tricks with irregular verbs

Of course, the British, who appreciate the classics, don’t even imagine that it’s possible to overcome irregular verbs like this the easy way. Thanks to Eugene Papusha, everyone can now remember them in the following verses:

1. The sea argues with a light breeze,
storm arise, arose, arisen (to rise, to arise)

2. Know everything: verb to be
was in childhood was, were And been (be)

3. He was born wrong.
Do not forget: bear, bore, born (give birth, bring into being)

4. If “come” is pressed against “be” -
the word will be new to us,
How become, become, become (become)

5. If "be" has "gun" -
suddenly misbehave
begin, began, commenced (start off)

6. There are no benefits from cigarettes -
they are the body bend, bent, bent (bend)

7. They won’t stop regretting
those who are with them bind, bound, bound (to tie)

8. If the hive is teased -
bees hurt bite, bit, bit (bite)

9. We urgently need to go to the infirmary
if the wound bleed, bleed, bleed (bleed)

10. I won’t reveal the secret,
what the wind blow, blew, blown (blow)

11. There are deadlines for everything in life:
everything once break, broke, broken (break)

12. I will give you one piece of advice:
we need kids bred, bred, bred (bring up)

13. The flight attendant brings tea -
in English bring, brought, brought (bring)

14. Those who built do not forget
about verbs build, built, built (build)

15. Fire gives everyone warmth
because burn, burnt, burnt (burn)

16. This is just a joke -
Everything that's needed buy, bought, purchased (buy)

17. And not the poor get, got, got (become)

18. Life will not give him any good,
who's in trouble you cast, cast, cast (throw, leave)

19. The lazy fat cat is sleeping,
he doesn't mice catch, caught, caught (catch)

20. In life, choices are often difficult.
How can we anyway choose, chose, chosen? (choose)

21. Everyone will not be happy to see you,
if often come, come, come (come)

22. For the rich, it’s not a question:
What is the price cost, cost, cost? (cost)

23. In the East there is a ritual...
The word cut - cut, cut, cut (cut)

24. Don’t dig holes for others, eccentric,
and it's not worth it dig, dug, dug (dig)

25. My son took a large cardboard
and a picture draw, drawn, drawn (paint)

26. The ladies will have a waist,
if you exercise do, did, done (do)

27. The esthete always says:
how beautiful dream, dream, dream! (dream, dream)

28. He who drinks is not a fool
loves the word drink, drank, drunk (drink)

29. If you drove a car,
are you familiar drive, drove, driven (drive)

30. If the husband came angry -
let me eat - eat, ate, eaten (eat, eat)

31. Everyone will be dissatisfied
if it hurts fall, fell, fallen (fall)

32. Our cat Pusy-Cat
loves kids feed, fed, fed (feed)

33. The poet feels in his heart...
This word feel, felt, felt (feel)

34. Any people on Earth
for freedom fight, fought, fought (fight)

35. Found a boxer knockout.
This word find, found, found (find)

36. Don’t be a fool, my advice,
so that later flee, fled, fled (to run, to escape)

37. To all countries Rollingstones
by plane fly, flew, flown (fly)

38. And their talent grow, grown, grown (grow)

39. Call home from work
I forget, forgot, forgotten (forget)

40. So that your friends don’t forget you -
not worth the debt give, gave, given (give)

41. Who is born as a postman -
day and night go, went, gone (go, walk)

42. If there is a flaw on the wall -
you picture hang, hung, hunger (hang, hang)

43. You are always a poet at heart,
if the soul have, had, had (have)

44. The sound took flight...
This hear, heard, heard (hear)

45. The treasure is not visible to the robber
because hide, hid, hidden (hide)

46. ​​Rent a convertible,
allow me - let, let, let (let)

47. Who stole the convertible?
Hey, hold on hold, held, held! (hold)

48. To everyone who loves the sound of coins -
money in the bank keep, kept, kept (keep)

49. How to make a crafty clown laugh.
knows know, knew and known (know)

50. Animal tracks in the snow
you to the den lead, led, led (to lead)

51. It’s been a year now
I am English learn, learn, learn (learn)

52. The frigate is waiting, longing, bollard...
Port ship leave, left, left (leave)

53. Can someone buy some coins for bread?
a little for me lend, tape, tape? (to lend)

54. The match burns like a star,
if a match light, lit, lit (spark off)

55. Bill, keep your nose to the wind -
smell dangerous lose, lost, lost (lose)

56. We have lunch for 100 people,
livelier make, made, made (do)

57. Realization moment
in English mean, meant, meant (mean)

58. Without separation there is no meeting,
there will be a meeting meet, met, met(meet)

59. There was a pretty cool wrestler -
on the shoulder blades put, put, put (put)

60. You are obliged from childhood
in English read, read, read (read)

61. You will be solid, like a lord,
if on horseback ride, rode, ridden (to ride)

62. Robes shine from brocade -
sun in the sky rise, rose, risen (get up)

63. To be healthy for you -
daily run, run, run (run)

64. Yesterday's neighbor's tongue
barely say, said, said (say)

65. Then we keep the secret,
since she's not see, saw, seen (see)

66. Yesterday I bought a cow,
and a goat sell, sold, sold (sell)

67. We are for you, at one moment,
letters by fax send, sent, sent (send)

68. Maria and I are one-on-one
only the sun set, set, set (come in)

69. Hey bartender, shake your shaker!
Live up, shake, shook, shaken! (shake)

70. The rain cried and passed.
The sun is bright shine, shone, shone (shine, sparkle)

71. Good at targets
I'm like a sniper shoot, shot, shot (fire)

72. People don’t rush into that house,
where the doors are shut, shut, shut (close)

74. The heart is drawn to heaven...
And I'm in the sky sink, sank, sunk (dive)

75. For seven troubles, one answer...
If only not sit, sat, sat (sit)

76. Sleep is getting closer - step by step,
babies coming soon sleep, slept, slept (sleep)

77. It’s already been 40 years
childhood Christmas tree smell, smell, smell (smell)

78. There will always be no use,
where there is plenty speak, spoken, spoken (speak)

79. Don’t save for many years -
wife's money spend, spent, spent (spend)

80. Is it worth arguing so much?
it's nerves spoil, spoilt, spoilt (spoil)

81. In the morning, coffee for the whole world
delicious smell spread, spread, spread (distribute)

82. Raising the clamor,
rain on the roof spring, sprang, sprung (jump)

83. Everything will not be good for you,
if that's the case stand, stood, stood (stand)

84. Having made everyone laugh, the cunning clown
stole sadness steal, stole, stolen (steal)

85. The ram is angry in the morning
to our gate strike, struck, stricken (strike)

86. So that you are not defeated,
you must strive, strive And striven (try, fight)

87. The word of honor is my law,
in that swear, swore, sworn (to swear)

88. If you feel hot in the summer,
so glad swim, swam, swum (swim)

89. There is an inscription on the adhesive tape:
"Only to flies take, took, taken(take)

90. How the teacher will come to us -
starts teach, taught, learned (teach)

91. Silence spring thunder
with a bang tear, tore, torn (tear, tear)

92. If silence is pure gold
turns silver tell, told, told (say)

93. If you are not a fool -
you must think, thought, thought (think)

94. Sometimes through the fire with melancholy
tigers in the circus throw, thrown, thrown (throw)

95. The fact that the descent was too steep,
Understand, understood, understood (understand)

96. Hundred-sole postman
maybe in a year wear, wore, worn (wear, wear)

97. Whoever is blind in love,
there will be later weep, wept, wept (cry)

98. After a fight there are many wounds,
even win, won, won (win)

99. The clock will never become
if they wind, wound, wound (start up)

100. Now teach without difficulty
what Eugene write, wrote, written (write)

More poetry? Of course yes!

If you think that you can stop at the above, then you are mistaken. With irregular verbs, many people compose poems on their own to help themselves and other people remember them faster. We have collected these works of art into a separate book, which can be downloaded.

But your favorite teacher may not make such “sacrifices”; he can sing, dance, and rhyme his favorite verbs.

Many students began to hate irregular verbs while still in school. primary school. After all, we simply did not know how to learn irregular verbs in English. I had to cram words without even delving into their meaning. This made it extremely difficult to consider the nature and beauty of the English language.

Today, even adult students struggle to learn irregular verbs and hate this section with all their hearts. However, it is necessary to understand that irregular verbs are high-frequency vocabulary that helps build fundamental knowledge of English.

Irregular verbs are the most commonly used in English speech and the most difficult to remember. The same verb in different times may be completely different in spelling and sound. But once you master them, you will take a good step in learning English. There are many ways to quickly learn them, the only thing I recommend is that you don’t need to learn everything and it’s impossible at once. Try to remember the first ten, if tomorrow you can easily remember how they sound and are written, move on to the next ones, but be sure to return to the ones you learned earlier.

However, there is also good news- there is no need to learn all 470 verbs. For full communication, it is enough to know only 160-180. Moreover, today we will tell you how to quickly learn irregular verbs in English and turn this activity into an interesting pastime.

  1. Use cards.

Flashcards help use visual memory. Moreover, you must make the cards yourself. After all, when you write by hand, you connect motor memory. Thus, by writing 2-3 cards and repeating the pronunciation of the verb, you will be able to remember several irregular verbs after 15 minutes. And don't forget about transcription.

Write on one side of the card the verb in the infinitive, and on the other its two forms in Past Tense and Past Participle. Also add transcription and translation as in the picture.

Working with cards is very simple. To do this, memorize the verb and look at only one side of the card. At the same time, try to tell what is written on the back. Over time, increase the number of cards to replenish your stock of irregular verbs.

It is very important to use the Russian version of the word, because many beginners try to learn how to quickly learn irregular verbs in English and learn everything. However, they are unable to translate the verb in the sentence.

How to quickly remember irregular verbs in English if they are all very unpredictable and dissimilar? Just combine them into the same groups. Form groups of verbs that are similar in sound or spelling.

In many tutorials and textbooks, irregular verbs are given in alphabetical order. However, it is not necessary to teach them this way. After all Speaking is not built in alphabetical order.


Cost of education: From 1000 rub./lesson

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Free lesson: Depends on the tutor

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Literature: Appointed by a tutor

Address: Moscow, [email protected], +7 495 741-00-33

  1. Use poems and songs.

This way of learning irregular verbs is one of the simplest and most fun. There are a lot of different poems on the Internet that help you remember all the most complex verbs.

To work using this technique, watch the following video and try to repeat the poem after the speaker. After watching this and similar videos several times in a row, you can easily learn new verbs for yourself. If you want to learn how to learn English irregular verbs, just watch the animation and repeat.

  1. Make up different stories and include irregular verbs in the story.

This is a very simple but effective training option. You can make up stories, jokes, fairy tales, etc. Use your imagination and talk about yourself in the past tense to connect as many irregular verbs as possible and learn how to learn irregular verbs in English.

For example, you could start like this: I went to the beach and found a gold coin. Then I put it in my pocket and saw the seagull. - I went to the beach and found a gold coin. Then I put it in my pocket and saw a seagull.

  1. Games and skits.

To do this, you will need several cards with irregular verbs (as in point 1). Play with friends or other students. You take turns taking a card from the deck, and the first one to call three irregular shape verb, he takes it away.

At the end, the winner is the one with the most cards. The game can also be complicated when you take a card with a verb in the infinitive, then the player needs to come up with a sentence, but with an irregular verb. This way you will understand how to quickly learn English verbs with your friends.

We would also like to offer wonderful service. In the game "Verb Dash" two dogs run a race. The player is asked to enter one of three verbs. And if the player's option is correct, then the blue dog wins.


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Verbs in the English language - the most extensive grammar topic. Here are 12 aspects of time, and countless phrase combinations, and exception words in the formation of forms that are commonly called irregular verbs. It is the latter that will be discussed in today’s material. As a rule, they are presented in the form of a large table that contains at least 170 positions. Therefore, many beginners are tormented by the question of how to quickly learn irregular verbs in English without suffering with huge printouts and without wasting energy on outdated words. Is it possible? Quite if you use the methods given in this article.

So, we have a long list of words that are new to us, each of which has 3 forms. It is not practical to teach them all in alphabetical order, since frequently used words may be at the very end of the list, and rarely used expressions, on the contrary, at the very beginning. Therefore, it will be easier and more effective to learn English irregular verbs, starting from the frequency of their use in everyday speech. To do this, we recommend using the tables from this material. In them, irregular English verbs are given with transcription and translation, and are collected in convenient lists for study of the top 50 and top 100 most used words.

Grouping words

If it’s hard for you to work even with shortened lists, and the words just can’t be remembered, then you should choose more effective method. For example, a good way to remember irregular verbs in English is to divide them into small groups based on similar features.

Identical forms

It is easiest for students to learn verbs whose infinitives coincide with the past tense and participle forms in spelling and pronunciation. There are more than a dozen such irregular verbs in English. They are so easy that they can usually be learned in just one lesson.

Infinitive= Past Simple=Past Participle Translation
let allow, give
set install
bet bet
put put
cut cut
hurt harm, cause pain
shut close
hit strike
fit try on, be true to size
quit leave, leave
cost cost
cast throw, pour (metal)
burst explode
split split
spread distribute
shed shed

Similarities between Past Simple and Past Participle

It is not very difficult to learn verbs in which only two forms coincide. By the way, they make up most of the entire list. We will divide them all into consonant groups, which will allow you to not only easily but also quickly learn English irregular verbs of this type.

Infinitive Past Simple=Past Participle Translation
1 send sent send
spend spent spend
lend tape lend
bend bent bend, bend
smell smelt smell
2 meet met meet
feel felt feel
sleep slept sleep
keep kept hold
weep wept cry
sweep swept sweep
feed fed feed
bleed bled bleed
3 read read* (pronounced "red") read
hear heard hear
lead led lead
dream dream dream, dream
leave left leave, leave
mean meant mean
deal dealt deal with
build built build
4 lay laid put
pay paid pay
say said speak
5 have had have
sit sat sit
get got receive
lose lost lose
sell sold sell
tell told tell
win won win
shine shone shine
find found find
6 understand understood understand
shoot shot fire
make made do
hold held hold
stick stuck glue
strike struck strike, strike
7 bring brought bring
fight fought fight
think thought think
seek sought search
buy bought buy
teach taught teach, educate
catch caught catch

It is worth mentioning separately a small group of verbs that have the same infinitive and participle forms.

Infinitive=Past Participle

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation
run ran run run
become became become becomes
come came come come

Consonances of different forms

We have figured out how to correctly learn similar forms, but the question remains of how to learn irregular verbs of the English language, all three forms of which are completely different. The answer is very easy - we learn them in exactly the same way as the previous words, i.e. We try to group according to similar characteristics.

Verbs starting with -own

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation
know knew known know
grow grew grown grow
fly flew flown fly
throw threw thrown throw
blow blew blown blow
show showed shown show
mow mowed town mow
sow sowed south sow

Root vowel alternation

Ending –en (n)in Past Participle

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation
eat ate eaten eat, eat
speak spoke spoken speak
give gave given give
drive drove driven drive
break broke broken break
freeze froze frozen freeze
take took taken pick up, take
shake shook shaken shake
forgive forgave forgiven forgive
ride rode ridden ride (on horseback)
hide hid hidden hide
bite bit bitten bite
write wrote written write
forget forgot forgotten forget
fall fell fallen fall

Of course, even grouped verbs represent extensive material, which, frankly speaking, is boring to memorize. For those who want to diversify their studies, we have come up with another method on how to memorize English verbs with the help of funny poems.

How to quickly learn irregular verbs in English using poetry

Studying shouldn't be boring, especially when you have the opportunity to learn grammar rules with the help of funny poems. Talented creators have managed to rhyme three forms of English verbs into funny rhymes that are very easy to learn. After all, all their text is written in Russian, and from English you only need to know correct pronunciation verb forms. Here are examples of such works.

Poem Verb translation
Drink-drank-drunk an awful lot (drink, drink)
Our neighbor's uncle Goga.
He forget-forgot–forgotten (forget)
About family and work
Because have-had-had (have)
He's in an awful lot of trouble.
He's like that do-did-done, (do, commit)
When you're very drunk!
One day he fall-fell-fallen (fall)
Straight from our balcony
Write-wrote-written on the wall, (write)
Ride-rode-ridden on an elephant, (ride, ride)
And one day break-broken-broken (break, destroy, smash)
Our house has eight windows,
And recently bite-bit-bitten (bite)
Aunt Vita is at the entrance!

Now you know several methods on how to quickly and easily learn irregular verbs in English. But they will never give 100% effect if you neglect to repeat the material you have already learned. Good way unobtrusive repetition - prepare and post stickers with several verbs around the apartment. They will often catch your eye, which will allow you not to forget the words you have already learned. And, of course, do it as often as possible practical exercises on irregular verbs of the English language online or in your workbook. Only constant practice will bring the expected results from your labors. Good luck with your studies foreign language and see you in new classes!
