Joseph Murphy All the best things happen unexpectedly. Prayer in difficult situations

Joseph Murphy is a renowned philosopher, writer, and researcher in the field of positive thinking. He wrote a series famous books, including “The Power of Your Subconscious,” which is known to every serious practitioner of the power of thought.

It is Joseph Murphy who is the author and popularizer special prayers for all occasions, which are also used to fulfill desires.
Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers do not require affiliation with any denomination, but presuppose faith in oneself and the possibilities of the Universe.

Variety of Scientific Prayers

Joseph Murphy wrote many prayers and positive affirmations that you can find in the pages of his books. Each word of such a prayer is chosen so carefully that it has incredible power.
There is a huge variety of such texts. Prayers written by Joseph Murphy can be read daily, or can be said with the aim of achieving your plans.

The famous philosopher wrote prayers to attract wealth, to fulfill desires, prosperity, love, for forgiveness, for health and well-being. Those who engage in this practice have already experienced the powerful power of these texts.
Speaking about the work of Joseph Murphy, it should be noted that he wrote 35 books, and also received degrees in chemistry, pharmacology and religion. Deep knowledge and a research mindset allowed him to reach unprecedented heights, as well as create and popularize the practice scientific prayer.

Differences between scientific prayer and religious prayer

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers differ from religious texts in that they do not contain requests. According to the author, a person already has what he asks for. He also claims that there is no need to ask and wait, because the desire will be fulfilled in any case.
It is enough just to believe in its fulfillment. It is human nature to distrust higher powers. Even many religious people, when reading an ordinary prayer, wait for confirmation. Of course, each of us has doubts and we all expect guarantees.

So let our inner confidence be a guarantee that the dream will not only not escape us, but will come true in the best possible way. You don’t need to test the Universe, yourself or God, you don’t need to wait for your desire to come true, just be sure that it will come true. Real scientific prayer is direct contact with the higher forces of the Universe, a piece of which is inside each of us.
That is why the universe hears everyone’s desires and strives to fulfill them.

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers are free from dogma. They do not need to be memorized like mantras, because these texts represent a free dialogue with the forces of the universe.

Tips for repeating prayers

Scientific prayers from the books of Joseph Murphy give amazing results if you work with them correctly. The effectiveness of a prayer largely depends on how much energy is put into repeating it, what emotional response it evokes in your heart, and how pleased you are with what you say. Scientific prayer is best repeated regularly in the evening or in the morning after waking up. You should devote at least 15 minutes to this daily, and for the first results to appear, you need to practice for at least a month.
You must read the text with maximum concentration and get rid of doubts and fears. If you wish, you can rewrite the prayer in your own hand.
It is believed that this way it will become closer and clearer to you. Plus, writing it by hand will make it much easier to remember. Scientific prayers can fulfill absolutely any desire, however an important condition is that it should not have the purpose of harming anyone. Approach this process consciously, and then your plans will come true in the best possible way.

Joseph Murphy's Multimillionaire Formula

Dr. Joseph Murphy - amazing person- worldwide famous writer and lecturer, vice president International Federation New Thought. His name is included in the list of two thousand people who have achieved extraordinary heights in their field. He proposed the “Multi-millionaire Formula”, which was and is used by many outstanding people who have achieved great success in life. Here she is.

Joseph Murphy's Multimillionaire Formula:

“I realized where the eternal source of all wealth is, which never runs dry. It guides me on all my paths Divine power, and I accept all new ideas.
Infinite intelligence constantly reveals to me best ways serving my neighbors. He guides me and directs me to create products that will be a blessing and support to humanity.
I attract the best people to run your business.
I am a powerful magnet and attract fabulous wealth by providing people with products and service systems highest quality. I am constantly attuned to higher intelligence and the true essence of wealth. The highest Divine power always guides my plans and goals, and all my achievements are based on the truth that God guides and guides me in all my undertakings.
I am in a peaceful state internally and externally all the time. I'm a huge success. I am one with God, and God always succeeds. I also always succeed. And now I'm succeeding.
I quickly grasp the essence of all the details of my business.
I radiate love and goodwill to all people around me and all employees. I fill my mind and heart with Divine love, strength and energy. All those who are connected with me are the spiritual links of my growth, wealth and prosperity.
I do everything for the glory of God. I'm becoming a multimillionaire!"

Make a copy of this text and keep it next to your bed. Every morning or every evening before going to bed, do not be lazy, read these words. It is advisable that you read them thoughtfully, imagining that they have very great power.

You can also choose several statements from this prayer for yourself, for example: “I remain in a peaceful state internally and externally all the time. I have great success,” and repeat these words throughout the day at any time convenient for you. You will be simply delighted with the result.

You will notice that your life will become much easier and more joyful.
Everything will go smoothly and favorably for you, even the most difficult events. You have set the right direction, and life will happily rush you along these rails.

Miracle Prayers by Joseph Murphy

Effective Prayer for Prosperity

(Prayers of Joseph Murphy)

I want to tell you about one prayer that can miraculously change your life. Its effect is very strong, it always works. The results will be amazing. After reading this prayer, real miracles will begin to happen in your life - wonderful events that are now difficult for you to even imagine. They might show up distant relatives who wish to transfer part of their real estate to you, an offer may appear for new job with incredible high salary, or just some person decides to give you a gift that will change your life.

The prayer should be read in the morning and evening while half asleep. Read for about a month (although results may appear sooner). I have used it 3 times in my entire life (and all 3 times I got amazing results). At the last moment, when I was completely desperate, things happened to me that changed the whole course of my life in better side. Real miracles happened to me, in which to an ordinary person It’s even hard to believe, living his measured life.

This prayer is from the book " Magic force mind" by Joseph Murphy (a wonderful person whom I consider my Teacher in life):

"God's gifts are my gifts. I take advantage of every moment of this day to praise the Lord. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love flows from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment. Divine love is healing me now. I will not fear evil because God is with me. I am always surrounded by the sacred aura of Divine love and power. I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that the spell of Divine love and vigilance is guiding, healing and caring for all members of my family and those I love.
I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they are. There is peace at the center of my being, it is the peace of God. In this silence I feel His power, the guidance and the love of His Holy Presence. I am Divinely guided in all my paths. I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty. I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I speak go where I send them. I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that my prayer will be answered. And so it is."

Read this prayer sincerely, with feeling. And you will definitely get amazing results. This prayer is universal. Suitable for anyone and will help improve their life.

Prayer for an Amazing Future
The following prayer, used daily, will bring you many amazing results:

"I know that I model and create my own destiny. My faith in God is my destiny; this means an unchanging faith in goodness. I live in joyful anticipation of a miracle; only the best comes to me. I know what harvest I will reap in the future , because all my thoughts are Divine thoughts and God is present in them. My thoughts are the seeds of goodness, truth and beauty. Now I sow thoughts of love, peace, joy, success and goodwill in the garden of my mind. This is the Divine garden, and it will yield a bountiful harvest. The glory and beauty of the Lord will be manifested in my life. I am happy and prosperous. Thank You, Father."

Prayer for Abundant Life
Repeat the following words and it will help you solve your problems:

"I know that to prosper is to grow spiritually. God is now present in my mind, body and my affairs. Divine ideas constantly arise within me, bringing me health and wealth. I am in awe when I feel God quickening every atom of my beings. I know that He is encouraging, supporting and strengthening me now. My body is perfect form filled with energy and strength.
My business is a Divine activity and it is running successfully and efficiently. I feel an inner integrity functioning in my body, mind and my affairs. I offer my gratitude to God and enjoy a life of abundance."

Read morning and evening for 15 minutes for at least a month.

"I know that God cares about my prosperity. I now lead a life of abundance. I have everything that contributes to prosperity, progress and peace. Every day I cultivate the fruits of the spirit of the Lord within me. I am calm, balanced, sincere and peaceful. I one with the Source of life. All my needs are immediately satisfied. Now I direct all “empty vessels" to God. Everything that belongs to Him is my."


All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible world. Now I ask that they be fulfilled and that I am ready to accept this gift. I rely on the will of the Creative Power that is within me. She is the source of all blessings and miracles. I feel how my desire is imprinted in the subconscious, in order to then come true in reality, because everything we think about sooner or later happens in reality. This is the principle of our consciousness.

I feel that what I asked for will certainly come true, and therefore I am absolutely calm. There is a strong confidence in the heart that the desire will soon come true. My whole being is full of joyful excitement. I am at peace, for the Lord is peace and tranquility. Thank You, my Heavenly Father. Let it be so.

Prayer for business success and wealth

Now I am sending an image of success and prosperity to my deep mind, which is the law. I now personify myself with the Infinite Source of wealth. I listen to the calm, small voice of God within me. This inner voice guides all my activities. I know and believe that there are new and better ways running my business. Infinite Intelligence will suggest them to me.
I am growing in wisdom and understanding. My business is a Divine business. The Divine wisdom within me gives me the ways and means by which all my affairs are handled properly.
The words of faith that I now speak open all the necessary doors and roads for my success and prosperity. I know that the Lord will make everything that concerns me perfect. I'm on the right way because I am the son (daughter) of God.

Healing Prayers

The healing Divine presence now goes to work, transforming, healing, restoring and directing all the processes of my body, according to His wisdom and Divine nature. My entire body is cleansed and activated by the life-affirming energy of God. A divine purification is taking place in my mind and body. The joy of the Lord is my constant strength. Every part of my body is healthy and I give thanks for that. Amen.

The healing power of God is now flowing through me, healing my body. The Infinite healing Presence created me. It knows how to heal, knows all the processes and functions of my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is now moving through me, sustaining and restoring my entire being in accordance with the principle of wholeness, beauty and perfection.

prayer for a child

"My daughter (son) is under Divine protection. God loves her (him) and takes care of her (him). Divine peace fills her (his) soul. She (he) is balanced, calm, relaxed, she (him) is at ease and good. The joy of the Lord is her/his strength. The healing Presence flows through her/him and brings harmony, peace, joy, love and perfection. God is and His Presence infuses vitality, energizes and restores her/his whole being "My daughter(s) falls asleep in peace and wakes up in joy."

Here are some more prayers:
Prayer to find a good job

“Infinite Intelligence knows all my talents and opens a new door for my self-expression in the Divine order. I follow the path that the Lord clearly and definitely tells me.”

Prayer for Abundant Life

Repeat the following words and it will help you solve your problems:

“I know that to prosper is to grow spiritually. God is now present in my mind, body and my affairs. Divine ideas constantly arise within me, bringing me health and wealth.

I am in awe as I feel God quickening every atom of my being. I know that He is encouraging, supporting and strengthening me now. My body is a perfect form, filled with energy and strength.

My business is a Divine activity and it is running successfully and efficiently. I feel an inner integrity functioning in my body, mind and my affairs. I offer my gratitude to God and enjoy a life of abundance."

Prayer to attract the ideal partner.
"I feel like a man is striving for me, honest, sincere, loyal, faithful, peace-loving, happy and wealthy. All these virtues are deeply imprinted in my subconscious. At the time when I mentally imagine them, they become part of my Self and take on material form in my subconscious. I know that there is a principle of irresistible attraction, and with trust in it, I call for a man who matches the beliefs of my subconscious. I have an unshakable conviction that everything that my subconscious believes will come true. I know that I can give "Peace and happiness to this man. We have the same ideals. He wants me to be who I am, and I also wouldn’t want to change him. We will be bound by feelings of love, freedom, and mutual respect."

For peace and harmony in Everyday life
In my world everything is calm and full of harmony, for God is in me. My mind is balanced, serene and calm. In the atmosphere of goodwill that surrounds me, I feel deep, inexhaustible strength and liberation from all fears. Now I comprehend the love and beauty of the Divine presence, and I throw away everything false. I see God in all people. I abide in God, so I know that all my problems are solved. My life is God's life. My peace is the deep, unchanging peace of God.

D. Murphy's prayer to those who are married.
We are united together in the presence of God. There is only One God, One Life, One Law, One Mind and One Father - our Father. We unite in love, harmony and peace, I rejoice in the peace, happiness and success of my partner. God guides each of us in all seasons. We speak to each other from the perspective of the Divine Center within us. Our words to each other, like honey from a honeycomb, are sweet to the ear. We identify each other with our best qualities and we constantly praise them. God's love passes through us to all our households and to all people in general. We believe and know that Almighty Power and Infinite Intelligence is flowing through each of us throughout our family and that we are being positively, definitely, physically and mentally healed. We know that Divine right action occurs in every cell, organ, tissue and functions in each of us, manifesting as peace, harmony and health. We believe that everyone in our family is experiencing Divine guidance right now. God the Great Counselor leads each of us along the roads of joy and peace. The words we speak now express what pleases us and brings success wherever they are sent. Now we rejoice and give thanks, knowing that our prayer of faith is being fulfilled

Prayer to remove all curses

I call on the angels of God and all the Light Ones Divine energies and powers that can help me get rid of all curses.
If I cursed someone in my life, then I renounce all my curses! I realize all my mistakes! I consciously and forever destroy, burn with Divine Fire all my curses of the past, present and future times! From now on and forever I prohibit dark forces use my curses in their dark deeds.

Friends, have you heard that Joseph Murphy wrote scientific prayers that help make wishes come true? Perhaps you have read his books, or glimpsed articles with examples of these prayers?

But most likely, if you are new to learning how the power of thought works, this is the first time you have heard about them. Today I will tell you what kind of person he is, what is the meaning of his scientific prayers and how to use them.

I immediately want to get ahead of all events and say that Joseph Murphy’s prayers are created for all occasions. They are written for both men and women. Absolutely for any area of ​​life: love, family, wealth, money, business, home, health, self-confidence, favorite thing, and so on and so forth.

Joseph Murphy is very interesting person, philosopher, writer, positive thinking researcher. He has written more than 30 books on psychological self-help and self-improvement. It was Joseph Murphy who created the term - scientific prayers for all occasions.

In his books, he told people how to fulfill their desires and popularized effective scientific prayers that bear fruit for many people who use them.

What is the difference between religious prayers and Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers?

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers do not require affiliation with any religion, but require faith in oneself and the possibilities of the Universe. They do not contain requests.

As the author himself says,
We already have what we ask for. You shouldn’t ask and wait, because your wish will be fulfilled, one way or another. It's enough to just believe. Believe in its fulfillment.
We tend to doubt and wait for guarantees. Majority religious people When saying a prayer, they look for its confirmation.

But everything is simple. The guarantee is our inner strength. Our inner confidence that we will get everything we want, that our desire will come true.

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers should not be memorized; they are free dialogues with the universe and your inner strength.

Murphy's Scientific Prayers: How to Pray?

The main thing that Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers consist of are positive affirmations.

Like the affirmations that I told you about in previous articles, they are powerful tools in changing the reality around you. All your thoughts leave a mark on your brain cells, which then, in reality, manifests itself in a certain way.

Your friends are complaining about life, your boss is always talking about the crisis and lack of money, the news is just teeming bad events. If you pass all this through yourself, your consciousness, then reality will become the same.

So what should we do?

All you need to do is turn negative thoughts into positive ones. The more often you think about good things, the more good things will be in your life.

As Mother Teresa said: “Don’t call me to a rally against the war. Call me when you go to a peace rally." Just try to think in this way.

To this end, Joseph Murphy has formulated scientific prayers for all occasions. You just need to print them out and read them every day. Or better yet, twice a day, after waking up and before going to bed. At a time when you are most relaxed. You need to devote 10-15 minutes to prayers.

If you wish, you can rewrite the prayer in your own hand. This way it will become clearer to you. Believe me, changes will not keep you waiting.

Joseph Murphy's Scientific Prayers for All Occasions

Prayer for wealth and success in business

I realized where the eternal source of all wealth is, which never runs out.

I am guided in all my paths by Divine power, and I accept all new ideas. Infinite intelligence continually reveals to me better ways of serving my fellow men. He guides me and directs me to create products that will be a blessing and support to humanity.

I attract the best people to run my business.

I am a powerful magnet and attract fabulous wealth by providing people with superior quality products and service. I am constantly attuned to higher intelligence and the true essence of wealth. The highest Divine power always guides my plans and goals, and all my achievements are based on the truth that God guides and guides me in all my undertakings.

I am in a peaceful state internally and externally all the time. I'm a huge success. I am one with God, and God always succeeds. I also always succeed. And now I'm succeeding.

I quickly grasp the essence of all the details of my business.

I radiate love and goodwill to all people around me and all employees. I fill my mind and heart with Divine love, strength and energy. All those who are connected with me are the spiritual links of my growth, wealth and prosperity.

I do everything for the glory of God. I'm becoming a rich man!
Prayer for Healing

I will restore your health and heal your wounds, said the Lord.

I know that with God all things are possible.

I believe in this and accept it with all my heart.
I know that High power turns darkness into light in me.

Now I contemplate God abiding in me. I say a prayer for healing of my mind and body.

I come into contact with the life, love, truth and beauty that is within me. I tune in to Divine love.

I know that harmony, health and peace now fill me.

Since I live and act, affirming ideal health, it becomes reality. Now I imagine a mental picture and feel the reality of my perfect body.

A feeling of calm fills me. Thank You, Father.

Prayer of Divine Love

Divine love surrounds me.
Divine peace fills my soul.
Divine light shows me the way.
Divine guidance is now mine.
Divine beauty fills my heart.
God favors me in everything!

Prayer in difficult situations

God's gifts are my gifts. I take every moment of this day to praise the Lord. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love emanates from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment. Divine love is healing me now.

I want to tell you about one prayer that can miraculously change your life. Its effect is very strong, it always works.

The results will be amazing.
After reading this prayer, real miracles will begin to happen in your life - wonderful events that are now difficult for you to even imagine. Distant relatives may show up who want to transfer part of their real estate to you, an offer for a new job with an incredibly high salary may appear, or simply some person will decide to give you a gift that will change your life.

The prayer should be read in the morning and evening, while you are not yet fully awake or have not yet fallen asleep. Read for about a month (although results may appear sooner).
Prayer from the book “The Magical Power of the Mind” by Joseph Murphy

“God's gifts are my gifts. I take advantage of every moment of this day,
to praise the Lord. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love flows from me, blessing everyone,
who gets into my circle. Divine love is healing me now. I will fear no evil, because God is with me.
I am always surrounded by a sacred aura of Divine love and power.
I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that
that the spells of Divine love and vigilance guide,
healing and caring for all my family members and those I love.
I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love,
peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they may be.
There is peace at the center of my being, it is the peace of God.
In this silence I feel His strength,
the guidance and love of His Holy Presence.
I am Divinely guided in all my paths.
I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty.
I feel His river of peace flowing through me.
I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God.
God's ways are my ways. The words I say end up there
where do I send them? I rejoice and give thanks, realizing
that I will receive an answer to my prayer. And so it is.”

Read this prayer sincerely, with feeling. And you will definitely get amazing results. This prayer is universal. Suitable for anyone and will help improve their life.
I recommend that you make a copy of this text and keep it next to your bed at all times. Every morning or every evening before going to bed, do not be lazy, read these words. It is advisable that you read them thoughtfully, imagining that they have very great power.
Dr. Joseph Murphy is an amazing person - a world-famous writer and lecturer, vice president of the International Federation of New Thought. His name is included in the list of two thousand people who have reached extraordinary heights in their field, he has academic degrees in pharmacology, chemistry and religion.
In their books dr. Murphy recommends using prayer and meditation, which have been proven to be effective. With the help of scientific prayer, you can connect to the channel of Divine Abundance and receive from the Universe everything you need. The only thing you need is the sincerity of your intention.


by Dr. Joseph Murphy

© Translation. Edition in Russian. Decor. Potpourri LLC, 2012

Introduction. Miracles Happen When You Pray

This book was written to explain to readers how to gain access to the source of blessings and achieve what they want through effective prayer.

Do you know how to pray correctly? How long has it been since prayer disappeared from your daily life? In trouble, in danger, in illness, when death lurks on all sides, prayers are offered in a continuous stream - both yours and your friends. Take any newspaper and read what they write. The whole country is praying for a child who has fallen ill with the so-called incurable disease, for world peace and for miners who are unable to escape from a flooded mine. And later, when the miners are rescued, their stories will appear in the newspapers about how they prayed and sang while waiting for help; and the pilot who successfully made an emergency landing will talk about how he prayed as he landed the plane.

There is no doubt that prayer is an invariable helper during disasters, but you should not wait for them at all in order to turn it into an integral part of your life. Powerful examples of how God heard people's prayers make headlines and testify to miraculous power prayers. What then can we say about the countless meek prayers of children, about simple thanksgiving to God at the dinner table, about prayerful zeal in the name of communion with God alone?

Due to the nature of my work, I constantly have to study various methods of prayer. I have experienced its power firsthand and constantly work and communicate with many people whom it has helped. As always, the whole question is to explain to people how to pray correctly.

Prayer is personal communication with God. When a person is in trouble, it is not so easy for him to think and act rationally. He needs a simple formula that he can repeat, a phrase that is easy to pronounce and suitable for a particular situation.

The Bible always calls us to pray. You can make prayer your constant companion in life. It will keep you healthy and bring success. The forces that ensure the effectiveness of prayer are universal and operate on the scale of the Universe. The secret of why the Eternal Mind hears our prayer lies not only in the method or in the very pronunciation of the prayer. The answer is given to us according to our faith. We all draw from the same Life-giving Source. It is undeniable that a method of prayer based on an understanding of what we do and why we do it will help us achieve the subconscious embodiment of all our desires. That is why I would like to tell you about various methods of prayer and give you ready-made formulas that have worked for other people more than once.

As Emerson said, prayer is “the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view.” The Bible teaches us to focus our thoughts and attention on the contemplation of certain truths, such as the following: “. ..whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if there is any excellence or if there is anything worthy of praise, think about such things.”(Philippians 4:8). A prayer heard by God is essentially the desire of your heart embodied.

We all pray because desire is prayer. We all want health, happiness, security, peace of mind, true self-expression and so on, but most of us are unable to achieve clearly defined goals.

As a university professor recently confided to me: “I know that if I can change my mental attitude and direct it in the right direction, then my ulcer will not open again. But I don't know how to do this - I don't have the appropriate method. My many problems are running through my mind, I’m desperate, I feel like a failure, I’m suffering a lot.” This professor passionately dreamed of health; but he lacked knowledge of those psychological and spiritual mechanisms that would allow him to realize his dream.

Armed with the methods and formulas presented in this book, you will be able to see firsthand the correctness of the ancient biblical truth: “...whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you.”(Mark 11:24). Again and again, Jesus categorically, persistently, and unequivocally states that our job is to believe, and the rest will follow. And therefore, behind every prayer that will be heard, there is faith, which is based not on the authority of a particular religion, denomination, institution, sect, church or private individual, but on the understanding of the One Creating Law, which moves the whole world along with everything that is in there is.

To believe means to accept something as a fact. The subconscious, by its nature, acts creatively and, depending on how a person thinks, arranges the circumstances and events of his life in the image and likeness of his mental attitudes, which proves the validity of the biblical formula: “ are the thoughts in his soul, so is he..."(Proverbs 23:7).

God hears a prayer not because the person saying it believes in this or that; prayer is heard when the subconscious reacts to a mental picture or reflection of the Spirit. This belief works the same in all religions of the world, and that is why all religions are psychologically true. Whether a Buddhist, a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew, their prayers can equally be heard. And if this happens, it is not at all because they profess this or that dogma and creed, belong to a certain religion and church, perform rituals, participate in divine services, say standard prayers and spells and make sacrifices at the altar, but solely by faith or through the Soul's acceptance of what they are praying for.

Life is faith, and faith, in a nutshell, is a thought in your head. As a person thinks, feels and believes, such is the state of his mind and body, as well as all the circumstances of his life.

There is and operates only One Source of Creation in the world; it is he who is responsible for each of us, regardless of faces. Responsiveness is in His nature. And once you start using simple methods, outlined in this book, you will discover a certain power within yourself that can pull you out of despair, illness, loneliness, discord and poverty and show you the direct path to freedom, happiness and health. This Creative Mind existed long before you and I were born and before the existence of any churches in general; great absolute truths lives precede any religions. With such thoughts in your head, I strongly advise you, as you read the following chapters, to master this wonderful, magical, healing, transformative power that will heal your mental and physical wounds, declare the freedom of the soul numbed by fear, and completely deliver you from the humiliating poverty, failure, adversity, deprivation and mental turmoil. The only thing you need to do for this is to unite intellectually and emotionally with this Creative Power, and let miracles happen when you pray!

Chapter first. Prayer gives hope for a happy future

There is nothing complicated about prayer. Anyone who reads this book and learns to apply the principles set forth in it will be able to pray profitably for himself and for his loved ones. True prayer is based on universal principle: “As it comes around, so it will respond.” Thoughts are the germ of actions, and in full accordance with the nature of thinking, an answer comes to your thoughts from the depths of the Subconscious. Think good, and good will come to you; plan evil, and evil will come to you...

When you pray, you introduce a certain mental attitude or image into the One Creative Soul, which readily accepts everything that you consciously call the truth. The Creative Law knows exactly how to turn thoughts into reality, and will begin to work out those mental attitudes that we ourselves ask it. The result of his labors appears before us in the form of events or phenomena. Below are examples of effective prayer.

He believed in God

Our local newspaper published an article about how a young man during Korean War miraculously saved himself from certain death by repeating the verses of the 23rd Psalm. Bullets whistled around him, all his comrades were killed, and his knees shook as he lay and prayed out loud: “The Lord is my Shepherd; I will lack for nothing: He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters, He strengthens my soul, He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake...” His soul was filled with grace and faith, and he arrived safe and sound to where he again found safety and freedom. The Eternal Mind in him responded to his fervent prayer.

Meditation on God

One elderly woman, who regularly listened to the radio program I hosted in Southern California for many years, once wrote to me that thanks to Sunday prayer therapy classes she learned to pray. According to her, she took a piece of paper and scribbled on it everything that she was told about God: that God is the Eternal Mind, Infinite Love, Omnipotence, Eternal Wisdom, Indescribable Beauty, Absolute Harmony, Creative Intelligence. And this knowledge helped her put her body in order and normalize her work internal organs, be filled with vitality and energy. Every day for five to ten minutes she concentratedly reflected to herself about these properties and attributes of God, mentally imagining how these truths were absorbed into her flesh and blood. Less than a month had passed, and her malignant tumor had resolved, which was clinically confirmed by x-rays and a doctor’s examination.

This woman did not try to directly treat her tumor, which was a materialized consequence of her previous mental attitudes. But as she became more and more deeply imbued with these truths, corresponding changes took place in her body. Thinking about God and His love, she “squeezed out” the pessimism drop by drop until, finally, her illness completely passed.

The Art of Prayer

If you want to become a master in the art of prayer, then you need to cultivate in your soul a certain idea, some kind of plan or goal. And soon you will have real evidence that all your thoughts were heard. Nevertheless, do not stop praying even when the result is already in sight. You must continue to pray with the deep conviction that you are tapping into a fundamental psychological and spiritual Law that will grant you eternal grace in answer to your prayer. Remember: whatever you think about and whatever you perceive as a fact, it inevitably grows in your subconscious and comes to life. Knowing what you are doing and why you are doing it will give you faith and a strong foundation in your prayer life.

Prayer is an inner metamorphosis

In prayer you experience an inner metamorphosis; you begin to understand what truth is, and your Spirit is rebuilt to correspond to this truth. Prayer reveals to you the truth that God is the Most High and Almighty in resolving all human problems. No matter what kind of difficulties you are facing or how difficult your situation may seem, prayer can lead to a harmonious resolution and ordering of your affairs in accordance with God's order.

Prayer is not some act of asking God for anything and is not an attempt to change the will of God. Prayer just changes the conditions within you. Prayer is rather the own effort of a person who is an ardent believer and is convinced that God, who is the Eternal Mind, will hear his prayer and reward him according to what thoughts are in his head. The answer to prayer is within ourselves, for it is said: “According to your faith it will be rewarded to you.” Prayer is the Presence of the Spirit of God in your life and in all your affairs. It is the conviction that God is where you are.

You pray when you think about God and His Love and Wisdom and when you feel one with him. In addition, you pray when you read the Bible or other spiritual books or meditate on the spiritual truths contained in them.

Many people pray hundreds of times during the day, mentally imagining that while they are going about their business, God is hourly and every second directing, instructing and acting through them, and most importantly, keeping them in all their ways. Prayer is often called By the presence of the Spirit of God, which means you need to realize that the Reason and Wisdom of God perform their action with the help of yourself, and then a problem that has long seemed insoluble will be solved overnight. This state of mind transforms suffering and torment into peace of mind. The presence of the Spirit of God within us is achievable and real, if in all matters you are guided by the Golden Rule of Morality and live according to the Laws of Love.

God always hears our prayers

Right actions are always the fruit of right thoughts. The specific thought is to know and understand that from now on you are guided by God or the Eternal Mind and that it is He who knows the answer. And therefore you can safely say that you know the answer. " And it shall come to pass, before they call, that I will answer..."(Book of the prophet Isaiah, 65:24). When you pray to get an answer and solve your problem, it is foolish to neglect the obvious things and not do what tells you common sense. Take all practical measures that seem necessary to you. Say that the Lord is guiding you, and the measures you take will be determined and dictated by God's Wisdom, the faith of which lives and reigns in your soul.

In prayer, you mentally contact the God within you. You consciously appeal to His Wisdom, Power and Eternal Intelligence, so that He will help you cope with all your difficulties and troubles, resolving them all in the proper order - first the most pressing ones, and then the rest. To pray correctly in order to be heard and to receive help in solving all problems means to feel and understand that the best answer to all your questions is known only to God who dwells in you, since this is the honest truth, and you will certainly recognize it, for it is said: “ He never fails."

What does it mean to pray to God

The Bible says: “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and in truth.”

(John 4:24). To worship- this means to consider something worthy of being given the highest honors. You must show utmost devotion to the Spirit within you, recognizing It as the Supreme Power, Cause and Essence of all things. The spirit is faceless... outside of time and outside of space, ageless and immortal. The childhood concept of God as a grandfather seated on a heavenly throne must give way to the understanding that God is the Mind and Spirit within each of us who animates and sustains all. God is life. We don't see Life, but we feel that we are alive.

Whatever happens to us - be it good or bad - it happens only thanks to our personal connection with the Source of Life, carried out through thinking.

The Source of Life is invariably Flawless, Pure and Perfect in Itself. Under no circumstances surrender to the power of created objects and phenomena; go to the cause of all things, look for the Spirit within yourself. This Spirit or God living in you builds your life according to the properties of your soul. There is only one Life-giving Source, which forever and ever fills the chronic attitudes of your thinking and mental images in your brain. That is why you yourself generate or create all the experiences and events of your life in your own image and likeness.

This psychological law underlies all prayer, whether we engage it consciously or unconsciously.

And don’t be confused by the fact that in the Bible God is designated by the words “He” and “His.” In ancient times, Jewish mystics called God "It". Subsequently, such word usage was abandoned, since there was an opinion that in the word "It" there is a lack of due respect and reverence towards the Father of All That Is. In the Bible there are at least 76 names given to God, but these are all names of certain qualities, attributes and powers of God.

Should I kneel?

Some people practice the strictest discipline of the body, breathing exercises and gymnastics, while taking strange and absurd poses. There is not the slightest need to bow, kneel or prostrate before the Creative Law.

For this Source of Life does not look at faces; it is impossible to persuade him, bribe him, or flatter him. This is the Impersonal Law. The path to God runs exclusively through the mind and heart, and not through the body. Prayer is effective because of the sincere desire of the soul to reunite with God and reflect all His qualities, right here and now, so that we, like Job, can well say: “...and in my flesh I will see God”(Job 19:26).

Thus, in the great wisdom of the Universe, people, through prayer and the desire to comprehend God's perfection, give themselves constructive directions. This is an instinctive or from birth type of prayer inherent in us. A pious and pious person thinks correctly and acts in accordance with the good intentions that are inherent in him from birth.

Chapter two. Methods of Prayer

If you try to analyze prayer, you will find that there are many different methods. We will not discuss in this book the formal rituals of prayer used in religious services. They occupy an important place in corporate worship. We move immediately to consider techniques for personal prayer for use in daily life and in helping others.

Prayer is a clearly formulated idea of ​​what we want to achieve. In all kinds of circumstances different people An absolutely diverse approach is required, but in any case it is necessary to clearly formulate for what, for the health of whom and in the name of what purpose each specific prayer is said.


The simplest and most obvious way to express any idea is to visualize it, that is, to see it in the mind's eye as vividly as if it were happening in real life. real life. We are able to see with the naked eye only what already exists in the external world. Likewise, everything that we can imagine in our mind's eye already exists in the invisible realm of our Spirit. Any picture in our head is the quintessence of the sought after and the manifestation of the invisible. And everything that we picture in our imagination is as real as any part of our body. An idea, an image, a thought is quite real and sooner or later will appear before us as phenomena of the external world, unless we change the mental picture that has already formed in our head.

In other words, the process of thinking forms images in our heads, which, in turn, are projected on the screen of space as something visible, happening, real and given to us in sensations. The builder mentally imagines what the building he wants to build will look like. The images and thoughts in his head become something like a model according to which the house will be built - be it beautiful or ugly, a skyscraper or a squat shack. The mental image in his head emerges as clearly as if it were drawn on paper. And then the contractor, together with his employees, purchases all the necessary Construction Materials, and construction continues until the building appears in the same form in which it was already mentally pictured by the architect.

Visualization is necessary before public speaking

Every Sunday before the sermon, I conduct a visualization session: I slow down my train of thought so that my subconscious has time to discern mental images; then I mentally imagine the whole auditorium, men and women, sitting decorously in their places, and I see that they are all filled with the Life-giving Spirit. I see them all shining, happy, and most importantly free.

It all starts with an idea born in my imagination, which I calmly hold within myself in the form of a mental picture. At these moments, I seem to hear the voices of people who loudly exclaim: “I am healed!”, “I feel great!”, “I experienced instant healing!”, “I am completely transformed!” and so on. This continues in me for ten minutes or more. And during this time I feel that all these people are tabernacles God's Spirit, in which His Kingdom is realized, and that their bodies and souls are permeated God's Love… Therefore they are all virtuous, pure, full of peace and perfect. I continue to look at this picture until I actually hear the imaginary voices of the crowd praising God; then I stop looking at her and go up to the pulpit. And almost every Sunday one of these people comes up to me and says that his prayer was answered.
