Name, character and destiny - the meaning of male and female names. Combination of names in numerology

Many modern parents do not think about the fact that the name given to the baby affects his character, destiny and life in general. Almost all esotericists are sure that it contains a special energy, thanks to which a person can become successful and happy, or, conversely, he will be haunted by various problems throughout his life.

The influence of a name on a person

Since ancient times people have attached great importance on what to name the child. They believed that if the baby was named correctly, he would have positive energy who will help him throughout life. The Indian tribes practiced the so-called "talking" names. That is, if a boy is named Ahiga (which means “fighter”), it means he will become a great warrior.

There is a lot of evidence that depending on what a person is named, his energy changes. Think of several people with the same names. You will probably notice that they are somewhat similar to each other. For example, women whose name is Ekaterina are more harmful than Natalya, and all Sergei are stingy. All this suggests that a name gives a person special features that characterize him as a person.

Meaning of sounds

There is also a generally accepted belief that character is influenced by certain sounds. That is, if a child is named with a name that is sonorous and pleasant to pronounce, then he will be more flexible than the one whose name hurts the ear. Sounds also, on a subconscious level, repel or, conversely, attract a person.

If the name has letter "r", its carrier will be serious or even sometimes aggressive. Karina, Sergey, Peter and other people whose names contain this sound have business acumen, will not be offended and, as a rule, are successful in business.

Soft sounds such as "la", "le" and "li", indicate a gentle character. Valentin, Alya, Elena are simple, sometimes even naive, they are gentle and do not have pronounced leadership qualities.

If a person always wants to be the center of attention, does everything to get attention, then it is likely that his name contains letters "F" or "Z".

Sounds like "S", "Sh" or "Sh" indicate detachment, these people are the opposite of the example above, they are mysterious and very calm.

In most cases, leadership qualities are possessed by people whose names include the letter a". The Alexandras, Alevtins and others will be excellent leaders; from childhood they develop similar qualities.

It’s good when the predominant sounds in the surname coincide with the name, in which case the impact on the character only intensifies.

How a name affects a person's destiny

Since ancient times, parents have turned to priests for advice to help them name their child correctly. All people believed that what the baby was named would determine its fate. Girls have never been called before male names: It was believed that she would have a hard time in life.

As for the name coinciding with the patronymic, opinions differ here. On the one hand, it is believed that if you name a baby Ivan Ivanovich, then the child will subconsciously bear responsibility for his parents throughout his life and will inevitably repeat their fate. On the other hand, this increases the strength of the kindred spirit and the boys will be closer to their father.

What to name a girl

If parents want their baby to become purposeful and independent, then the name must contain masculinity. But if they want her to be real female destiny, then accordingly the name should be exclusively female:

IN Lately, people try to name their children extravagantly in order to distinguish their child from everyone else. But sometimes such experiments are completely inappropriate. If boys endure various blows of fate much easier, then for girl unusual name can become an unpleasant cause of difficulties in life.

What to name a boy

Most parents sincerely hope that when their baby becomes an adult and successful, he will be called not only by his first name, but also by his patronymic, so they try to choose one so that they sound good together. However, we should not forget that the name must be truly masculine and fully correspond to the functions of the owner of the house, breadwinner and protector. The following criteria are met:

It is also useful to remember that children are usually named after deceased ancestors. This is a very good tradition, which will not harm the baby at all in the future, because he will only inherit best qualities ancestor It is likely that they will appear after some time. Moreover, such a tradition cements family values.

Double name meaning

Children began to be given double names when international marriages began. Neither parent wanted to give up their tradition, religion and so on. It was also believed that damage could be caused through the name. Therefore, the child was given a second one so that strengthen his energy biofield.

Nowadays, children are also sometimes called with double names, but the concept has changed. Usually children are named this way in honor of their grandparents. For example, one name is taken from parents, another from great-grandparents. In this way we honor our ancestors. This tradition is usually common in countries where there are no middle names. Such cases are extremely rare in our country.

If the name appears frequently

From the point of view of esotericism, there is nothing wrong with this, because there are more people than names. At the same time, exotic names can cause some harm to a child, especially if parents have not thought about its meaning.

From a psychological point of view, it is much better when in a class or kindergarten group a boy or girl is called differently from their peers. In this case, his personality will form faster. If there are 5 children in a class with the same name, then there is nothing good about this, since they will adopt character traits from each other, sometimes not the best.

Attention, TODAY only!

Everyone knows that the fate of every child directly depends on his parents. When choosing a name, family members convey a unique message to the baby about his future. But do you know who exactly gave you your name? Did everyone in the family agree with the choice of your name, or was this decision made under pressure from your father or mother? What other names have your loved ones suggested? Were there any relatives in your family who bore your name? By knowing the answers to these questions, you will discover that your name was not chosen entirely by chance and that it is part of your family history. From this it follows that your destiny is influenced by the name.

The stories of choosing a name for a newborn are always different, but, as a rule, they have common features. Let's look at the most common options for choosing a name.


Many parents name their baby after one of their family members, even a deceased one. Sometimes it is just a coincidence of circumstances, sometimes it is an agreement between the parents, sometimes it is a long-established and unshakable decision. What will the child get from this option of getting a name? The fact that the baby bears the name of one of his loved ones will allow him to more acutely feel that he belongs to the family. The child will perceive his future more calmly, considering it more predictable, in addition, he will feel protected from his parents and other relatives, regardless of whether they are alive or have already died. The world for a baby named after a relative will be an entertaining and calm place. In the future, he will not need to look for an answer to the question “what is a family?”, since close people show him in advance an example of an “ideal home.”

The disadvantages of this method of choosing a name arise when this tradition becomes an inexorable canon, when parents impose on the child permission to be like a relative who lived a prosperous life. Such an approach is an obstacle to the child’s future self-realization, although it helps to emphasize the community and unity of the family. You should not use this method even if parents and other relatives do not live in harmony. The child receives an example of a not entirely successful family, which as a result can result in character traits such as self-doubt, adventurism and irresponsibility.

New York resident and housewife Camille Shirley Pias says she was named after her favorite aunt, but always felt some discomfort due to the rarity of the name. Camilla notes that as a child, few people pronounced her aunt’s name correctly, and Camilla herself also often faces this problem. “When someone pronounces my name wrong, I always ask, what’s so hard about pronouncing it? I knew how to pronounce it at the age of 3!”


Random choice of name occurs, as a rule, in families that do not have traditions or do not want to maintain them. The choice of name is made from the point of view of “like it or not”. A name chosen at random gives the child more ways for self-realization, but does not allow him to feel involved in the clan or family. As a rule, the influence on a child's life is exerted by the person who chose the name at random.

Many of us have wondered at least once in our lives why our parents named him that name at birth. As we get older, many of us think about the influence of a name on a person’s fate, on his character. And we don’t always like the choice afterwards. Why? Astrologers are confident that the name is the key to the soul and future person.

In ancient times, it was believed that a name had a sacred influence on a person’s destiny. Therefore, parents, wishing their child happy life, gave him “speaking” names. Vladimir - “owning the world”, Lyubomir - “love and wisdom”, Svyatoslav - “glorifying holiness, light”, Hope, Love, Faith, etc.

Astrology offers a method of analysis that allows you to find out which planets are under the influence of a name. It predisposes a person to manifest or block certain character traits.

Any word with which we associate a person can be called a name. This and full name(with or without patronymic), and variations with affectionate, diminutive suffixes, and all kinds of nicknames.

A name is a real, permanent personification of our “I”, but at home we are called one way, at work - another, and among friends an absurd nickname can “take root”. This is explained by the fact that the environment treats us differently. Everyone sees in us what interests them. If someone calls you something wrong, it means they want you to be exactly what suits them. If we don’t call ourselves by our passports, we do this probably because we want to present ourselves in the right light.

Nicknames are also not accidental. The presence of a nickname indicates that your identity has been erased. Someone wants to perceive you not as an individual, but only as their own, impersonal idea of ​​you. The mechanism for the appearance of a nickname is as follows: a trait is noticed in appearance, character, etc., and they begin to perceive you only in analogy with this trait.

The woman is getting married. There is a change of surname. In this case, she involuntarily exposes her fate to changes, reconfigures it to another level, however, she does not change her individuality, since her name remains the same. During astrological analysis, a person’s patronymic is considered together with his given name.

Affectionate addresses such as “pussy”, “bunny” are similar to nicknames, but do not humiliate a person, since the reason for such addresses lies in a different area.

Another argument confirming the existence of a connection between a name and a person’s character and destiny: many famous writers, artists, actors and politicians took pseudonyms for themselves. Perhaps they intuitively felt: in order to reveal their creative potential and personality, they need to correct their fate in this way.

Check it out, maybe your name is fraught with many tempting opportunities that you have not yet discovered.

To determine the planet of a name, you need to decide which interpretation of it is most significant for you. Imagine, imagine what you would call yourself: Katerina, Katya, Katyusha, etc. Remember how you introduce yourself to a group of friends or what they call you. In a work environment and in other official situations, you are no longer “Katerinka”, but “Ekaterina Nikolaevna”. This is a different name, which means another patron planet.

Make a calculation different options. The secret name will indicate the tendencies under which you follow your destiny. The name your friends call you leaves the same imprint on you as your secret name, but it places emphasis on the area of ​​relationships. Your name and patronymic will show your focus in public, official relations. Your first name, patronymic and last name will open up your view of your relationship with society, where you are not an individual, but a citizen. But you need to remember, the main thing is the name with which you identify yourself.

Table of correspondence between name letters and numbers (see illustration).

If, when adding numbers corresponding to the letters of a name, the sum is represented by complex number, then the numbers that make it up are added until you get prime number, from 1 to 9. Example: 9+5=14; 1+4=5.

1. Sun

Gives initial cheerfulness. If you feel sad or upset, it will only be for a minute. The names of the sun radiate light, warmth, and kindness. Only a smile should become a component of your facial expressions. you are always in sports uniform. Try to be on top! If you do not follow what is prescribed by your name, cheerfulness will change to apathy. Friends and colleagues will become a source of grief, and feelings will bring nothing but worries. Try not to show your problems; help others, prove to them their independence. People are drawn to your name.

2. Moon

The name of the Moon recommends being soft, at first glance, even naive. You sometimes need to play the role of a weak woman, but this is nothing more than a mask that your role requires you to wear. The name with which you are endowed has a sense of mystery and secrecy. Main recommendation: do not have bad habits and emotions. The names of the Moon fill fate with emotions and passions, sudden changes in situations and mood swings. It is better for you to make decisions based on intuition, instinct, which a “lunar” person does not have. Fate gives women whose names are ruled by original femininity and a penchant for romance. The main thing for bearers of lunar names is not to succumb to emotions or excessive demonstration of feelings. Please note that the name gives you easy suggestibility.

3. Mars

A woman with this name is strong, active, with masculine persistence and firmness. Your tenacity is combined with a particularly attractive appearance. You are temperamental, your name obliges you to take initiative, regardless of the fact that you are tired of restraining your dynamism. It's difficult, but make the effort for your own good. The main thing is don't be lazy. Lack of activity and strength of character can lead to deprivation or to situations in which you cannot do anything, and for people like you, this is dangerous, since names endow destiny with dynamism. The name gives you the peculiarity of getting back on your feet after the most difficult trials and shocks. A great name for enterprising and independent individuals.

4. Mercury

Mercury, ruling your name, advises you to be sociable and an interesting conversationalist - this is your strong point. You are perfectly erudite, you know how to show off your intelligence and show your wits. People may often turn to you for advice. Do not deny others the opportunity to “cry into your vest.” Your inherent communication skills will lead you to success and goal achievement. brings a special charm to fate - interesting trips, exciting meetings with different people. You will have the opportunity to learn a lot, get a good education, explore foreign languages. Intellectual abilities, the ability to “grasp on the fly”, quickly do a lot of things, will allow you to occupy warm place under the sun. The danger of such a fate is to “talk out” your happiness. Don’t forget the saying “a tongue without bones,” and know that not all people around us are favorable to us.

5. Jupiter

The name inspires trust, your opinion is not indifferent to your loved ones, friends, even your superiors. Since childhood, you have been treated as more mature and significant than you really are. Your personality is authoritative; they subconsciously want to see you as a boss, a patron. You need to try to live up to your name and what others see in you. Be wise, fair, and able to reason sensibly. Otherwise, your environment will begin to put pressure on you, and management will show particular dislike. Jupiter is called the “planet of kings” or “the planet of great happiness.” Remember, you are a born leader.

6. Venus

The names of Venus are among the most feminine, capable of influencing the stronger sex. The name obliges you to be beautiful both in external and internal manifestations. The vibrations of the names of Venus give fate a lot of happiness, love and harmony. Most of the events in it proceed slowly. Perhaps your activities and hobbies are related to the world of art. in astrology it is called the planet of “small happiness”, so your life is filled with small daily joys. Avoid fuss, you cannot be rushed. All your life you have been trying to find something in between in solving two main problems: love and... finances.

7. Saturn

Saturn, acting on a person through a name, makes him a special person, very different from others. What this difference will be - whether negative, positive or a combination of both - depends on the person. Saturn gives you an inner core, your own special way of thinking. A person with such a name will not take anything for granted. These names give two options for expressing personality. In the first case, a person with a unique worldview, in the second, an outcast with a difficult character who values ​​only himself and despises others. These names are capable of adjusting life so that either it becomes understandable and predictable, or it turns into a continuous line of barriers and obstacles that have to be overcome with difficulty.

Saturn names make their natives self-absorbed. However, external isolation does not in any way indicate spiritual emptiness. Every person with a Saturnian name has an internal search for perfection. To not be able to provide negative influence fate, one should, without going to extremes, try to develop a positive core in oneself.

8. Uranus

The names of Uranus give the bearers unpredictability and variability. These are very freedom-loving people. Uranus is one of the most difficult planets to predict. Its influence is manifested in such a way that a person’s character or a series of events that happen to him can change with extreme speed. Today a person with a Uranian name is alert, does a thousand things, and tomorrow he is not able to make even one phone call. Such behavior is burdensome not only for the environment, but also for himself. A positive quality is the ability to instantly adapt to any new situation. Keep in mind that unexpected turns and changes can play into your hands. The main thing for Uranians is a good reaction, the ability to quickly understand the essence of things.

9. Neptune

Women's names under the control of Neptune give mystery and dreaminess. You like to build castles in the air. The name of Neptune imbues life with mystical mystery and strong feelings. You often find yourself in a world of unrealistic dreams. Such women are amorous, and in love they require a special, refined attitude towards themselves. They easily get carried away by new things and have a hard time parting with the old. Special, subtle spiritual world, an unsatisfied desire for harmony and tranquility in the feelings of the heart, lead them to depression. Don't take things too personally. Disadvantages include: slowness, wanting too much. Outwardly, the actions of Neptunians sometimes look childish, but this is just a peculiar view of life.

Name, given to a person at birth, affects his character and life. According to esotericists, the name contains a certain energy that can both help its bearer and create problems.

In ancient times, people tried to give a newborn a name that would protect him and became an assistant through life. For example, in Indian tribes it was customary to give “speaking” names.

If the boy was called Quick Fox, then he should definitely become dexterous, resilient and fast. What kind of energy do they carry? modern names, and how do they affect people?

How does it affect character?

The meaning and energy of a name can be influenced by many factors: its sound, pronunciation, associations and even numerical vibrations. When communicating with people, you may have probably noticed that many of your friends who have the same name are somewhat similar.

For example, all Katyas are harmful, Seryozhas are stingy, Sashas are kind. Such observations lead to the idea that the name really to some extent determines the character of a person and gives him special personality properties.

There is an opinion that the sound of the name determines the character person and the attitude of people around him. For example, if the name is sonorous and pleasant to pronounce, then the person’s character is good-natured and simple. If the name is associated with something rude and hurts the ear, then the person will most likely be different complex character.

The energy of a name is influenced by the sounds it consists of. Some sounds are off-putting from a person or force him to treat him in a special way. And some, on the contrary, attract only positive events to their bearer and endow him with the sympathy of the people around him.

The sound of the name

  • Sound "r" in the name symbolizes seriousness and even some aggression. Ekaterina, Marina, Karina, Sergey, Peter are names whose bearers, as a rule, have business acumen, know how to stand up for themselves and have a strong character.
  • The sounds “la” “le” and “li” soften a person's character. Elena, Alya, Angelina, Valentin - these names give people a light character, a certain naivety, tenderness and good-heartedness.
  • Sounds "zh" and "z" found in the names of people who are accustomed to being the center of attention. They are active, purposeful and know what they want from life. These are the names Zhanna, Zhora, Zinaida, Zarina, Zoya.
  • Sounds “s”, “sch”, “sh” characterize the bearer of the name as a closed, mysterious and calm person. These are the names Svetlana, Shamil, Charlotte.
  • The most common letter "a" in the name gives a person leadership qualities and a talent for managing people. Such people are open and sociable. For example, Alexander or Alevtina.

It’s good when the sound of the name is combined with the surname. If certain sounds predominate in the surname and first name, then their impact is enhanced.

In numerology

You can also find out a character by name using numbers. For numerological calculation you need to match the letters of the name with the numbers. Each letter corresponds to its own number: A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4, etc. Write your name on a piece of paper and match each letter with a number. Then put them together.

Using this number you can find out what character your name gives you.

  • Number 1– pressure, aggression, perseverance and an unquenchable thirst for achieving one’s goals. A person with such a name has a complex character. He doesn’t like to hear “no” and always gets his way.
  • Number 2- Not good auspicious number name. It means duality of nature, duplicity and deceit. On the other hand, a person may be uncertain in life or lead double life. Sometimes it's positive quality- he tries himself in different areas, he has many interests and hobbies.
  • Number 3– personifies the unity of past, present and future. A person with this name usually respects elders and family traditions. Respects the opinions of others and tries to live correctly.
  • Number 4- a symbol of balance and harmony. This name gives its bearer a calm and balanced character, the ability to think rationally and creative talents.
  • Number 6– stability and reliability. Such a person has a strong character. The bearer of the name will never deviate from the intended path, and will always follow his principles and beliefs.
  • Number 7– non-standard thinking, sometimes isolation and mystery. The person is endowed with many talents and well-developed intuition.
  • Number 8– a person gravitates towards achieving material wealth. Career and money are important to him. Good business qualities, analytical abilities and communication skills help him achieve career heights.
  • Number 9– vanity, the desire to stand out and be ahead of everyone. A person with this name loves attention to himself. This is an egoist who cares only about his own well-being.

By value

A person's character may also depend on what does his name mean. For example, most names have their own interpretation. This is what determines personality traits.

For example, the name Svetlana means “bright”. This name makes a person kind, honest and merciful. The name Peter is “stone.” Men with this name are usually endowed with strong character and willpower. Anton, whose name carries the energy of struggle and confrontation, has the character of a fighter.

Thus, some names endow a person with gentleness and calmness, others – with aggression and willpower.

How does it affect fate?

When giving a child a name at birth, parents, first of all, want it to be brought him luck and was a reflection of his personality. Name and destiny are inextricably linked with each other. In addition, a name can be associated not only with the future, but also with the past.

If you remember popular names in Russia after the revolution of '17, you can notice that many parents named their children in honor of events that happened or famous politicians– Oktyabrina (in honor of the October Revolution), Vladlen (Vladimir Lenin), Gertrude (hero of labor). Of course, such names leave their mark on a person’s life and destiny, but they carry more information about the past.

Believers choose a name for a child By church calendar . The baby receives the name of a saint, who becomes his Guardian Angel. For Orthodox Christians, this criterion for choosing a name has its basis - after all, the Angel will help and protect the child throughout his life.

The name increases its influence after baptism. The child is given a second name - the same as that of his saint or similar in sound.

Some families have a tradition naming children after one of the family members. For example, a child may receive the name of his father or deceased grandfather. For example, in order to preserve the memory of a grandfather, who led a decent life throughout his life and achieved success in his field, parents name the baby after him.

This choice has its pros and cons. On the one hand, a person bearing the name of his relative receives strong generic energy protection . From childhood, a model of reliable and strong family relationships will be formed.

On the other hand, a person can also get with this name the fate of the one after whom he was named. Even if a family member has lived a good and decent life, his influence on the bearer of this name can be negative. Everyone has their own destiny, and it is not worth sharing it with anyone.

Also, for a person bearing the name of a relative, relatives always make higher demands. He will have to constantly adapt to the opinions of his parents, who expect from him the same achievements as from the deceased family member in whose honor he was named.

It is believed that the most good name for a child, this is one that arose unconsciously among his parents. For example, a father or mother seeing a baby for the first time may immediately say a name that suddenly came to their mind.

Also, the name will bring good luck if it reflects the nationality and historical roots of the person. In this case, the person will be protected by his native land, and he will feel a sense of community with his nation.

They say that changing your name changes your destiny. Is this really true? Most likely, in this way you can significantly correct your life path and get rid of the negative influence of the old name.

The influence of a name on a person’s destiny

A person’s destiny is influenced by many things: the time and place of birth, the personality of the parents, upbringing, health and character. The name that parents give to their child plays an important role in fate.

The influence of a name on a person’s fate has been known since ancient times. A name is an integral part of a person, his “ business card"in society, his face. The saying “you meet someone by their clothes” is also true for a name, which also forms the first impression when meeting a person. The name reflects the character and inclinations of its bearer, determines his successes and failures, and influences relationships with people.

The influence of a name on a person’s character and destiny has been studied for a long time, but the mechanism of this influence is still not fully known. According to social theory, a person’s name is a certain block of information accumulated by society in the process of its development and passed on from generation to generation. Each name is a word in a language and has a specific meaning. In addition to its meaning, the name is “loaded” with information about the character and deeds of the great people who bore it.

The attitude of others towards the bearer of the name is determined by this information and, in turn, determines the formation of the corresponding character traits in the process of human development. In this case, the mechanism of suggestion operates - the meaning of the name and the expectations of others instill in the child what he should be.

Variants of social theory are the so-called emotional and sound theories. According to the emotional theory, a person’s character and his fate depend on how pleasant and melodious his name sounds to others: the more pleasant it sounds, the lighter the character and fate is more favorable. Sound theory suggests that each set of sounds irritates different parts of the cerebral cortex and causes different reactions a person under one name or another.

For the bearer of the name, a certain set of sounds constantly affects the same part of the brain, forming certain character traits. In addition to rational socio-psychological theories, a mystical approach is also widespread: attempts to decipher the secret of the name and determine its influence on fate using numerology, color range and so on.

And yet, the influence of a name on fate largely depends on how it is perceived by others. Every society has its own traditions, its own history, its own religion and its own language. The most favorable fates are for people whose names correspond to the traditions of the area where they were born and raised. On the contrary, a name that is unconventional for the society in which its bearer was born and raised can seriously spoil a person’s character and determine the unfavorable course of his fate.

Someone else's word is unusual for the tongue and ear. The information conveyed by a culturally alien name is unknown to most members of society. Such a name, unlike traditional names, is a meaningless set of sounds for others. A name that is alien to a culture is often distorted accidentally or intentionally; society does not know what to expect from its bearer and treats it warily, as if it were a stranger.

Naturally, development with a constant need to defend itself is not favorable for the child and negatively affects his developing character. Children who are given names that are rare and unusual for their linguistic environment often grow up in some isolation and become withdrawn, uncommunicative, and unsure of themselves. Life path such a person is unlikely to be smooth and favorable.

However, the influence of a name on fate is determined not only by its prevalence in its linguistic environment. To successfully choose a name for a child, you need to know what it means. When raising a child, parents consciously or unconsciously convey their expectations to him, instill in him what he should be. Ideally, these expectations should not conflict with the meaning of the name and the information it carries.

The choice of name may be unsuccessful if the child was named after a relative or some other famous person. In this case, he has the responsibility to be, if not better than the example, then at least no worse. However, a person does not come into this world in the form clean slate, and with some inclinations, different from different people. If, due to his innate qualities, he cannot correspond to a given model, this may negatively affect his fate. Also bad omen It is considered to name children after people who died early or violently.

Some names can cause a sharp negative reaction in society. For example, names worn by a commander of an enemy army, a tyrant in a totalitarian state, a negative movie character, and so on. Any of these names is a bad choice for a child and can negatively affect his destiny.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.
