Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov is a millionaire for how long. Mikhail Prokhorov - a good American with a bad image

There is probably not a person in Russia now who does not know who Mikhail Prokhorov is, who ranks Despite the fact that the name of the billionaire is on everyone’s lips, he has always remained a dark horse in business.
Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov was born in 1965 year, May 3. Besides him, there was already a family member elder sister– Irina, at the time of her brother’s birth she was 9 years old. Family - intellectual employees Soviet era. Father Dmitry Ionovich, according to some sources, worked as the head of the international relations department at the State Sports Committee of the USSR, according to others - as the head of a laboratory in the Main Directorate vocational education. Mother Tamara Mikhailovna was the head of the department of polymers at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering.

My parents passed away quite early, my father at 59 years old, and my mother just a year later at 58 years old. Both died of heart disease. He was only 23 years old then. The death of his parents brought him very close to his older sister.

Prokhorov's youth.

But that was later, but for now the billionaire lived with his sister and parents in a luxurious 150-meter apartment at that time on Kibalchicha Street in the northeast of the capital. So even then, in many ways, the path of the future oligarch, like any boy from a good family, was predetermined. At the same time, he cannot be fully attributed to the golden youth of that time. His parents were not Soviet elite, and therefore did not fall into disgrace during the troubled times of perestroika.
He studied at an English special school (currently gymnasium No. 1531), which he graduated with honors in 1982. Having received the certificate, entered a prestigious university– Moscow financial institution at the Faculty of International Economic Relations (International Economic Relations). After his first year he was drafted into the army. Having served, as expected, two years, continued his studies. His classmates were Alexander Khloponin, former governor Krasnoyarsk Territory and the current presidential envoy to the North Caucasus District, and Andrei Kozlov, former deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, who was killed in an assassination attempt.

The beginning of the working journey.

Photography in the 90s.

While studying for some time worked as a loader on railway. And then he started a business that was popular at that time - he bought jeans, boiled them and sold them several times more expensive. Even organized for this company called "Regina". Alexander Khloponin also traded boiled jeans with him.

After graduating from the institute in 1989, the still future oligarch joined IBES (International Bank economic cooperation) immediately to the position of head of department. Jeans still made up the majority of his income. With the money he earned, he bought a Lada car, which at that time not everyone his age could afford.
The turning point in his career began in 1992, when he met Vladimir Potanin, and they together created one of the first private banks in Russia of that period - JSCB International Financial Corporation. Prokhorov becomes its Chairman of the Board.
The partners managed to raise start-up capital of 300 million in a few months. To do this, he and Potanin sent letters to IBEC clients with a proposal to transfer deposits to the bank they opened.
A year later, in 1993, they also created ONEXIM-, in which he took the position of chairman of the governing board. In hyperbank conditions, the bank participated in the conversion of rubles into dollars and back, due to which it quickly enriched itself. So, by 1994, the value of ONEXIM’s assets exceeded 2 billion dollars
At this time, Vladimir Potanin proposed to the state the idea of ​​replenishing the budget through loans-for-shares auctions, when shareholdings large companies, owned by the state, were transferred to the ownership of commercial banks in exchange for money.

Norilsk Nickel.

So ONEXIM became the owner of Norilsk Nickel, and purchased they cost him ridiculous money - about 170 million dollars. Then they invested $300 million in Norilsk Nickel, and for $100 million they purchased shares of minority shareholders. By that time, the debts of the Norilsk Nickel company amounted to $2 billion. The new management of the company reduced its staff by 80 thousand people over 8 years. But Norilsk Nickel shares rose from $7 at the beginning of the 2000s to almost $200 by 2007. The company's capitalization increased tenfold (from $2.5 billion to $60 billion in 2007). Norilsk Nickel has become an industry leader in just 5-8 years. M. held the positions of General Director and Chairman of the Board at MMC from 2001 to 2007.
Then the relationship between the hero of the article and Vladimir Potanin began to deteriorate. At the same time, in April 2008, Prokhorov sold his stake (25% of shares) in Norilsk Nickel to Oleg Deripaska (RUSAL). Best moment It was simply impossible to imagine - in the early autumn of 2008, with the onset of the company’s shares, they fell by half.

Present tense.

By the end of 2010, he had large stakes in the companies Polyus Gold, Russian Aluminum, the investment company Renaissance Capital, and the insurance company Soglasie. In addition, the billionaire is the owner of media assets such as RBC. Since 2010, he has owned the American basketball team New Jersey Nets, sponsored the development of the Yo-mobile hybrid car, and participated in other innovative projects.
To date fortune is estimated at 17.6 billion dollars(2011 data). And he himself moved to
The owner of two aircraft worth 45 and 28 million dollars (Falcon and Gulfstream G550), as well as the Solemar yacht 61.5 meters long. He also has a mansion in Skolkovo with an area of ​​2000 square meters.
In addition, he and his sister Irina are engaged in charitable activities through the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation established by them. They mainly support cultural, scientific and educational initiatives.
Currently - presidential candidate in the 2012 Elections.

Sick of all

10 interesting facts about Mikhail Prokhorov:

1. Height – 2 meters 4 centimeters. Shoe size – 47.
2. He blogs on livejournal, but does this with the help of his assistants; he also reads comments on paper.
3. Official place of residence is a village in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There he pays taxes of $500 million annually.
4. He plays sports every day for 2 hours, and on weekends he spends 4-5 hours training. He devotes 10-15 hours to work every day, and sleeps only 6 hours a day. Favorite sports: kickboxing, surfing.
5. At the beginning of 2007, he was involved in the so-called “Courchevel scandal”, when the police detained him in French ski resort in the company of young girls and suspected involvement in the organization international network. All charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence of a crime.
6. According to those around him, he has excellent vocal abilities and a gorgeous voice, so he often sings with friends
7. He is a fan of the group “Beasts”, according to some sources he sponsored it
8. He doesn’t drink, but he loves to eat well – he has 2 chefs working in his mansion.
9. He loves noisy parties and groups of model-looking girls.
10. Not married, no children.

Mikhail Prokhorov is one of the richest Russians and an aspiring politician who makes a huge contribution to the cultural development of Russia. Having achieved success in business, the billionaire intends to reach the heights political elite of the Russian Federation, because he promised to transfer his entire fortune to charity if he was elected president.

Since 2012, the businessman devoted himself to politics and founded the party " Civic platform", at the head of which he intended to create a fair and free civil society, strengthen Russia’s leadership in the global world.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov was born on May 3, 1965 in the northeast of Moscow in the family of the head international management Sports Committee Dmitry Ionovich and engineer Tatyana Mikhailovna. The future billionaire was the second child of his parents: the businessman has an older sister, Irina, a literary critic and publisher of the New Literary Review magazine; she also works as a TV presenter on the RBC TV channel, owned by her brother.

Mikhail Prokhorov's childhood and youth passed in the usual manner for children of that time. The future businessman was considered a diligent student at English special school No. 21, from which he graduated with a gold medal. By that time, Mikhail’s father headed the department of the Glavprofobra, so the young man had no problems with entering the prestigious MFI, and he also managed to enlist the support of the district Komsomol committee.

After completing his first year at university, the future entrepreneur decided to repay his debt to his homeland and went to serve in the ranks Soviet army. Two years later, Mikhail returned to the institute and graduated in 1989 educational institution Honours. Having received a diploma in financier, Prokhorov became a young specialist in the field of economics and, thanks to his own erudition, was able to become a successful entrepreneur already in the 90s, during the period of Gorbachev’s reforms.


The career of businessman Mikhail Prokhorov began in student years. Upon returning from the army, the young man, in parallel with his studies at the university, got a job as a loader and with the money he earned, together with his fellow student Alexander Khloponin, he organized a small but profitable business for the production of “boiled” jeans, which were fashionable during perestroika.

During the same period, the future metallurgical magnate found a high position at the International Bank for Economic Cooperation, where he headed the management department. At the same time, Mikhail was not embarrassed by the low salary, since his business was thriving - while Prokhorov was in the service of IBES, Khloponin monitored production. Prokhorov himself was involved in the sales of the “varenok”, distributing jeans among his colleagues.

In 1991, the biography of Mikhail Prokhorov was marked by his acquaintance with businessman Vladimir Potanin, with whom the future billionaire built his empire. In 1992, Mikhail and Vladimir founded the International financial company", into which, after the collapse of the USSR, the assets of the state-owned IBEC in the amount of $400 million were transferred. Along with the assets, the IFC also received the clients of the state bank.

A year later, Prokhorov and Potanin created the ONEXIM bank and became equal business partners who worked in tandem for 15 years. During the large-scale privatization of that time, bankers managed to acquire stakes large quantity manufacturing state-owned enterprises, which included “ Norilsk Nickel», oil company"SIDANKO", Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, Novorossiysk Shipping Company and others. Moreover, the partners bought these shares for a third of the cost, which instantly made the investors the richest people in Russia.

In 2006, Prokhorov expanded his holdings and established Polyus Gold OJSC. Mikhail Dmitrievich became the owner of a controlling stake in a Russian gold mining company, which is the largest not only in Russia, but also in the world.

In 2007, disagreements began between Potanin and Prokhorov, and the partners decided to divide the business. The “divorce” process was complex, loud and unpleasant, so only a year later the oligarchs managed to come to a compromise and find a solution to the issue of division of assets that suited the entrepreneurs.

In 2008, Mikhail Prokhorov decided to invest in the media business. The billionaire became one of the founders of the media projects “Live!” and RBC, and also invested money in the production of the hybrid and low-budget Yo-mobile. Photo Russian oligarch began to be recognized in the world.


Having achieved brilliant success in business, the metallurgical magnate decided to change his direction and set his sights on politics. In 2011, he headed the Right Cause party, into the development of which he invested $100 million of his own funds. But a few months later, Prokhorov came into conflict with some regional representatives of the party, as a result of which he left it. The Right Cause scandal forced the businessman to disappear from public politics for several months, where he returned after some time as a candidate for the post of President of Russia.

The basis of Mikhail Prokhorov’s election program was the calculation of a confrontation with the main contender for the presidency, Vladimir Putin, as well as the announcement of new ideas for the global fight against corruption in the country. According to the results of the presidential elections in 2012, the businessman-politician took 3rd place among the candidates, gaining almost 8% of the votes. These indicators, according to experts, are an application for the status of a serious politician in the future.

The loss in the presidential elections did not break the political spirit of the billionaire; Prokhorov decided to continue his career in this direction, without giving up the idea of ​​breaking into top ranks political elite. In 2012, Mikhail Prokhorov created the Civic Platform party and became the leader of the political agenda. The main goal The “Civil Platform” was the creation of a strong and professional faction in the State Duma, where the party intended to enter as a result of the 2016 elections. However, in March 2015, Prokhorov decided to leave the party.

Personal life

The personal life of Mikhail Prokhorov over the years is the subject of discussion in Russian society. The billionaire arouses such interest among people due to his characteristic weakness - his love for the female sex. However, the metallurgical magnate has never been married and is considered one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia.

A tall, stately man (Mikhail’s height is 203 cm) the man is always the center of attention of the fair sex. More than once the media reported that Prokhorov would marry a simple girl from the Krasnoyarsk Territory or Italian actress Monica Bellucci, and is also ready to connect his life with other very famous women, but this never happened.

There were also rumors that Prokhorov had a daughter. Some Russian publications actively fueled public interest with publications of this kind, especially during the election campaign, but such assumptions turned out to be fabrications of the yellow press.

The oligarch himself assures that he is easily ready to part with freedom and give his heart the only woman who can love him, and not the wealth that comes with him. The billionaire’s numerous chosen ones would happily try on the status of “Mikhail Prokhorov’s wife,” but he is in no hurry to tie the knot.

At the same time, the businessman-politician leads active image life and gets carried away different types sports: kickboxing, windsurfing, alpine skiing, sports aquabike. Mikhail Prokhorov also pays attention to the cultural and sports development of the country. For this purpose, the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation was created, which is headed by Irina, the billionaire’s sister. Mikhail provides financial support to the hockey, football and basketball divisions of CSKA, and heads the Russian Biathlon Union.

Wealth and income

In 2015, Mikhail Prokhorov's fortune was estimated at $9.9 billion, which allowed him to take 10th position on the list richest people Russia according to the financial and economic magazine Forbes.

According to the income statement he submitted during the 2012 presidential race, the billionaire owns a plot of land and a residential building in the Moscow region with a total area of ​​25 thousand square meters, as well as 4 apartments in Moscow, the total area of ​​which is 1000 square meters. At the same time, Prokhorov owns two megayachts Palladium and Solemar, a Gulfstream G550 aircraft and the Brooklyn Nets basketball club, whose value is estimated at $1.5 billion.

Mikhail Prokhorov now

The Russian public closely follows news from the life of a billionaire. In June 2017 in Russian media Information has appeared that Mikhail Prokhorov will play himself in the film “What Men Talk About.” Details of the episode in which the billionaire will participate have not been disclosed.

It is assumed that filming will take place in Moscow. The creators of the film will be Sergei Selyanov’s film company STV and the Strela film studio. The STV company refused to name the amount of Prokhorov’s fee.

Surprises await viewers of the new part of the franchise, but characters already beloved by TV viewers, performed by Leonid Barats, Alexander Demidov, Kamil Larin and Rostislav Khait, will also appear on the screen. This time bosom friends will spend time talking on the way to St. Petersburg. In the film release we're talking about that at some point the characters will have to “worry about Mikhail Prokhorov.”

In 2016, the American press reported that Mikhail Prokhorov put up for sale 49% of the shares of the Brooklyn Nets basketball club, of which he is the owner. Already in April 2017, this information was confirmed. Article found on

Politician Date of birth May 3 (Taurus) 1965 (53) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @md_prokhorov

Businessman and politician Mikhail Prokhorov has been one of the contenders for the presidency of Russia for more than 5 years. According to the results of the 2012 elections, he took 1st place in votes among university students. At the same time, Prokhorov repeatedly put forward many interesting ideas on optimization of public administration. He built his multimillion-dollar business practically from scratch.

Biography of Mikhail Prokhorov

Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov grew up in an intelligent family. Father held a high position in Public administration By international relations, my mother worked at the Institute of Chemical Engineering at the Department of Polymers. Mikhail also has an older sister. She works as a television presenter and editor of a literary magazine.

As a child, Mikhail went to a school with in-depth study foreign languages. Having graduated with honors in 1982, the future politician submits documents to the prestigious financial institute of Moscow. But after studying there only one course, Prokhorov takes academic leave and leaves for military service in the army.

Immediately after demobilization, Mikhail was reinstated at the university and continued his studies at the Faculty of International Economic Relations. In 1988, Mikhail became a member of the CPSU party, and in 1989 received a diploma with honors.

Thanks to his excellent organizational skills and wealth of knowledge, Mikhail immediately takes the position of chief International Bank economic cooperation. He worked there for 1 year and was transferred to the International Financial Company, where he immediately took up the post of Chairman of the Board.

From 1994 to 2000, Prokhorov became president of ONEXIM Bank, and in the next few years he was entrusted with managing the assets of Rosbank. Also for about 5 years the businessman was general director Norilsk Nickel and Polyus Gold LLC.

In 2007, the businessman became the founder of a group of companies united in the ONEXIM Group fund. At the same time, he became a member of the board of supervisors of the state company Rusnanotech.

Mikhail supports sports initiatives; in the 2000s he became president of the Russian Biathlon Union. And in 2010, Prokhorov bought a controlling stake in the New Jersey Nets basketball club.

Started in 2011 political career Prokhorova. At the congress of the Right Force party, of which he was a member, Mikhail was elected their leader political movement. However, a quarter later he was removed from office; not everyone agreed with his principles of government.

In October 2012, Prokhorov publicly announced his participation in the elections and registration of his own political force"Civic Platform". Mikhail was its leader until March 2015. During the election campaign, the businessman publicly announced his intention to sell all assets and spend most of the funds on charity if he wins. Prokhorov also promoted ideas of change labor code Russia. One of his main ideas was to simplify the system of signing a collective employment contract for various periods, as well as the opportunity to work at the main enterprise at 1.5 rates.

Main directions political activity the businessman saw the stabilization of economic and social relations between Russia and European countries. Prokhorov pointed out the need for European integration of the country, as well as the introduction of a visa regime with Asian countries.

Specific project initiatives of the politician included major road repairs, as well as updating the country’s transport base in accordance with European standards. His plans also included dividing Gazprom into several enterprises and selling non-core assets.

Prokhorov also announced the need military reform. According to him, when appointed president of Russia, he will abolish compulsory conscription into the army.

According to the results of the Russian presidential elections, Mikhail Prokhorov took third place. After that, he handed over the post of party leader to Rifat Shaikhutdinov.

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Irina Prokhorova is a rare guest at social events. She is successful in her profession and devotes most of her time to work. Billionaire's niece serves as chief executive Charitable Foundation Mikhail Prokhorov. Irina also has two children: daughter Alexandra and son Mikhail. Two years ago, a successful businesswoman separated from her husband after fifteen years of marriage.

However, the childhood of the businessman’s niece was not the happiest. Her family lived quite modestly. Irina recalled an incident when she was called a “ragamuffin” on the playground.

“When I was probably eight or nine years old, I had a girlfriend whose family, by Soviet standards, lived very well: her father headed the MUR or something like that. One winter, she and I were playing our favorite game near the school. They ran away, fell on their stomachs and rolled on the ice on the asphalt. We are riding, and then grandma comes for her. He abruptly lifts his girlfriend from the asphalt and begins to scold: “You have such an expensive, beautiful coat! Do you want to be like this ragamuffin? It’s disgusting to look at her!” I was the ragamuffin. They are gone. And I still remember how I looked after them and thought: “I will grow up, and I will have so many beautiful coats that you never even dreamed of,” Irina recalled.

Today Irina lives in the Moscow region in a two-story mansion in the village of Gorki-6. Prokhorova bought the house with her husband, a former gas executive. The couple met while studying at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

“It was love at first sight, just as I wanted. The first marriage should be for love. No, the next ones too, of course, but the first one for sure. It’s always been like this for me: I see a person and immediately understand whether he’s my hero or not. Six years ago, daughter Alexandra was born, and son Mikhail was born in May 2016. And in August 2016, after fifteen years of marriage, “they became completely different people“, - shared Irina.

According to Prokhorova, youth ends at thirty to thirty-five, so a person already clearly understands what he wants from life. Irina noted that if fate separates spouses, there is no need to save the marriage for the sake of the children.

“I have seen many families where the parents did not divorce and completely destroyed the children’s psyche. Save human, friendly relations After a divorce it is much better for the children. We succeeded,” the businesswoman emphasized.

Irina herself experienced her parents’ divorce when she was one year old. Mom Irina Dmitrievna Prokhorova raised the heiress alone. “The period before I was ten or twelve years old was not fun for me. That’s why I, for example, don’t like to be in our apartment - we lived on Kibalchicha Street near the VDNH metro station. I was sick as a child, then my grandparents died one after another, which they didn’t tell me about for a long time. It was especially difficult for my mother in those years: she worked, took care of her dying parents, and raised me alone,” Prokhorova said.

Irina admitted that in life she is a very shy person. It’s difficult for Prokhorova to be in unfamiliar company. However, if a business woman is friends with someone, then this relationship is forever.

“It’s hard for me to communicate with new people, I’m a shy person. I sincerely envy those who can come to any company, immediately get acquainted with everyone and in two days already be friends. But if I have become friends with someone, I will never let that person go. My mother always told me: “In our country you cannot accumulate anything, wealth comes and goes, only education, dignity and true friends will always remain with you,” Irina noted.

Prokhorova emphasized that her mother helps her in raising the heirs of Sasha and Misha. Irina Dmitrievna comes to her daughter’s mansion on the weekend. “Mom never raises her voice. If the daughter begins to be capricious, she quietly says: “Sasha, please calm down, I’ll now tell you a story that happened to me...” She believes that this way the child will understand: adults are not some kind of ideal people who never make mistakes, they don’t cry,” Irina noted.

Prokhorova also spoke about the children’s relationship with their great-uncle Mikhail Prokhorov. A billionaire can also be strict with his household. “I remember when we were still living together in Skolkovo, Sasha was driving around the house in a children’s car and stopped by Misha’s guest room, and he just returned with friends. Everyone tells us: “Oh, Ira, Sasha, hello!” - and Misha decided to show severity and said: “Why are you skating here so late?” My daughter looked him up and down, said: “I don’t have time to talk now,” and left. Everyone laughed, and he stood there and looked at me in confusion,” Irina shared her memory.

Prokhorova said that she hates the gym, and slim figure supports by doing exotic dancing. For example, she practices triball - a mixture of belly dancing, Indian and modern dances.

Irina hinted in an interview with Tatler that she is currently in love, but chose not to name her chosen one. “But you know, they usually say: “I’m in love like I was when I was sixteen.” And now I know what to say: “I’m in love like I was at thirty-six.” These are completely different sensations,” noted Irina Prokhorova.

The American introduced Mikhail Prokhorov as a “friend of Putin”, whom the president allowed in 1995 to buy out the state-owned Norilsk Nickel for a “nickel coin.”

Then the journalist recalls how “lucky Mishka” managed to benefit from the scandal in Courchevel, when models vacationing with Prokhorov were mistaken for prostitutes.

Then the French authorities accused the Russian oligarch of human trafficking.

A year later, Prokhorov sold his stake in Norilsk Nickel, according to Stephen Colbert, on Putin's direct orders.

But on the eve of the global financial crisis Russian businessman ended up with $9 billion in cash on hand.
Colbert calls this situation "helping the bro out."
During the interview, Mikhail Prokhorov showed the American his house in the Moscow region and a separate building for practicing martial arts.

The footage shows a fountain, several pools, a sauna, Gym and kitchen.

In a Maybach car, the businessman and presenter arrived at a gym specially built by Prokhorov in Moscow, where the guest and the owner threw axes and Japanese metal stars.

The presenter found an AK-47 at the businessman’s home.

For a snack, Mikhail Prokhorov offered the American sandwiches with boiled sausage.

In response to Colbert’s question about what an oligarch can afford, Prokhorov said that “there is no need to get hung up on things.”

Then the businessman surprised the presenter by saying that he did not know where exactly his yacht was now.

The businessman said that it is not easy for him to find a suitable girl for himself.
When asked what is important to him when choosing a life partner, Prokhorov answered - love.

The story with Prokhorov’s interview collected 1 million 300 thousand views on YouTube.

Video: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
