Practical work on conflict management. (An example of a conflict and its analysis)

So, in interpersonal conflict great importance has the nature of the parties’ perception of the conflict situation. Reacting to the current situation, a person acts in accordance with his character traits and views. This is what explains that in the same situation different people (and groups) perform different, sometimes opposite, actions. It is clear that it is the interaction of a specific situation and personality traits that can cause conflict (or protect against it).

The inaccessibility of resolving the situation for the subject and at the same time the reluctance to enter into a conflict on this issue can lead to the so-called psychological substitution (transfer). It consists in the fact that the unachieved goal is replaced by another, which gives only visible and temporary satisfaction, often of a perverted nature. Often such substitution is expressed in drunkenness and other forms of socially disapproved behavior, which, in turn, can also cause conflict. A typical example is domestic hooliganism, which often represents the transfer of a conflict that has developed in the family or neighborhood into a completely different situation (beating up a stranger on the street, brawling in public place p etc.). This transfer also occurs in the behavior of an angry crowd looking for a victim.

The situation is the same in cases of replacement of an unsatisfied need for self-affirmation. Unable to prove his “advantages” at work and avoiding conflict there, the subject starts this conflict at home, in the family, which gives him a certain “release” and satisfies his pride. Thus, a conflict situation that has developed under one conditions and in one place is resolved - with or without conflict - under completely different circumstances.

Looking ahead a little, we can say that assessing the situation as a conflict already gives grounds and obliges all those who can and should prevent the conflict to act. This is the most appropriate moment to stop the emerging drama or tragedy. Then, as a rule, it will be too late.

A conflict situation is different from a normal, everyday situation. life situation several features. We have already discussed some of them above. - Now let’s touch in more detail on the socio-psychological atmosphere that usually accompanies a conflict situation and the conflict itself. This is social tension.

Life situation:

A young man (hereinafter referred to as MCH) and a girl (hereinafter referred to as D) have been dating for about 3 years. MCH likes to drink beer, the girl is not happy with this for a long time last year, before that she had not thought that such a problem could arise. For the first six months, D did not talk about her dissatisfaction with MCH and kept everything to herself, but in the last six months she began to express dissatisfaction and tried to offer MCH an alternative in the form of drinking alcohol once a week (this option suited her). MCH did not see a problem in the situation and, but agreed with what? With a proposal? with the offer and settled the situation. The girl hoped that the situation had been resolved, but a month later everything returned to its previous places. How, under what circumstances?

The young man found reasons (meetings with friends, colleagues, etc.) and drank alcohol as before, not paying attention to the previous agreement.

MCH continued to drink alcohol up to 3 times a week, citing fatigue at work, meetings with friends, etc. how did it resume? In what situations did this happen? the girl decided that it was useless for MCH to say anything, because he had not fulfilled their general agreement. On what basis did she decide this? The situation remained unresolved, MCH still drinks beer whenever he wants, and the girl expresses her complaints to him, but despite this everything repeats itself again and again. What does this mean?

Before this conflict, serious conflict situations were rare for M&D. And if any conflicts arose, they were quickly resolved. Usually MCH and D agreed on some kind of compromise and ended the conflict there. It is impossible to single out the main initiator of the resolution, since it was in his role that either MCH or D. But more often MCH made a compromise. How were they resolved? Who was the traditional initiator of the resolution?

Positions of the parties:

Girl: "B Lately I see him with beer very often, and it worries me and I don’t like it. I'm afraid that he will behave like his father, who drinks and leaves the house when he's drinking."

Young man: “Beer helps me relax. When I come home after work, I want to unwind and relax. And I don’t see anything threatening our future in this.”

Girl's arguments: Your father drinks, which means you will drink too.

Arguments Young man: I don’t want to be like my father, I won’t drink like him. I have a nervous job, I'm so relaxed

2. Typology of conflict

On the subject of conflict interaction:

Realistic (the initiator of the conflict, i.e. D wants to achieve a certain result)

By area of ​​origin:

Interests (with the help of this conflict, D wants to achieve the realization of his interests, and MC wants to achieve his)

By subjects of conflict interaction:

Interpersonal (conflict between two individuals. No one was involved in the conflict during the process)

By focus on the subject:

Direct (contradictions are expressed openly)

According to the duration and intensity of the conflict:

Mild, sluggish (the conflict has been going on for several months. The MC is constantly trying to get away from the conflict)

Regarding the attitude of the subjects to the conflict:

Genuine - the situation with drinking really exists and it is this situation that does not suit the girl.

Type of conflict situation:

  • - subjective, purposeful, because the girl consciously made a claim against the MC
  • 3. Structural-functional analysis of conflict

Participants in the conflict and their characteristics, roles in the conflict:

Girl: 21 years old, student, always tries to be a leader in relationships. Takes an active position in the conflict, tries to resolve the conflict to his own benefit, but at the same time offers to compromise.

Young man: 22 years old, works in the police. In a relationship, you always consult with the girl before doing anything. Takes a passive position in the conflict (because it does not perceive it as such), tries to escape from the conflict

In order to understand the main problem, the reasons and possible consequences conflict, we will use the tree method:

Object of conflict: relationship stability / shared future

Type of object: interests

Object divisibility: an object that both parties can “own” jointly.

Subject(s) of the conflict: Systematic consumption of beer by a young man; failure to fulfill the agreement of the MC

During the conflict, an additional subject of conflict is formed: non-fulfillment of the MC agreement. It arises after MCH violates his and D’s conditional agreement and returns to the previous situation.

Defended positions of the conflict participants:

To identify the defended positions of interests and needs of the subjects of the conflict, we will use this method of analysis as an onion:

Girl: I don’t like it when you drink beer (the fact is that MCH drinks beer. The interpretation is that the girl doesn’t like it)

MC: I don’t see anything wrong with drinking beer (fact: MC doesn’t see anything wrong with drinking beer)


Violation of the agreement on the part of the MC. Claims/criticism from a girl.

Types of conflictogens:

  • - manifestations of selfishness (D sets his own rules);
  • - violation of the rules (MC violates the established agreement);

Interests of the subjects of the conflict, needs.

From the onion method above we highlight:


  • · Maintaining relationships
  • · Guarantees for the future (will not drink so often in the future)
  • · Compliance with my conditions
  • · Keep the situation under control

Young man:

  • · Maintaining relationships
  • · Freedom of action in the future
  • · Termination of claims and control by D

Side interests:

Girl: fundamental interests (the conflict will be resolved as I propose).

MC: psychological interests (I want it to be understood that I also have the right to rest).

The main point of intersection is the interest of both parties in maintaining the relationship. In the future, this point may play decisive role to resolve the conflict. In addition, both parties care about the future, but each is thinking about their own future, because D wants MCH not to drink alcohol so often in the future, and MCH wants freedom of action in his future.

The main antagonistic point is that D wants to keep the situation under control, and MC wants to free himself from control, in addition, D wants the situation to be resolved in accordance with her ideas, and MC wants to be understood in his right to such rest. These contradictions can become a serious obstacle to resolving the conflict.


Girl: safe (wants to protect herself from behavior similar to the behavior of MCH’s father)

MC: in recognition (wants to be heard and understood)

Types of behavior of participants in the conflict:

Girl: first compromise, then accommodation

MC: always avoiding conflict, even when you compromise

Assessing the prospects of certain types of behavior for solving a problem:

To solve the problem, the most promising type of behavior is compromise or cooperation, which will help each party not to remain a “loser.” Such behavior as avoiding the conflict and adapting will only help to temporarily stop the conflict, but due to unresolution it will resume again and again.

Borders of the conflict: throughout the conflict, the borders did not change. No third parties were involved in the conflict.

Girl: setting an example of relationships in the MCH family. Addressing the future

MC: relationship with father. Making an argument about being tired at work

Side ranks:

Girl: Rank 1 opponent (speaks on her own behalf and pursues her own interests)

MCH: first rank opponent

There were no changes in ranks as the conflicts unfolded

Positive and negative functions of this conflict.


  • Conflict promotes prioritization (D has a calm future. MC has the opportunity for freedom of action)
  • · thanks to the conflict, attention is drawn to dissatisfaction or proposals that need discussion (in past conflicts the MP more often compromised, and therefore sacrificed his interests, and this conflict helped bring this problem to the surface when the MP violated the agreement)


  • · as a result of the conflict, the trust of one of the parties in the other is undermined (D, after a broken MC agreement, does not try to resolve the conflict due to distrust in the change in the MC’s behavior)
  • · conflict leads to disunity (a conflict situation in any case will place subjects on opposite sides of the “barricades”)


Performed:4th year student

Gazizullina Svetlana

Conflict resolution plan:

1. Situation

2. Description of the conflict

3. Brief description of the subjects of the conflict

4. A) Conflict scheme

B) Block diagram

5. Map of interests

6. Formulation of the cause of the conflict

7. Incident

8. Typology of this conflict

9. Strategy of behavior in a conflict between the parties (vol. Thomas)

10. Conflict resolution (removal of contradictions)

Let's consider a conflict situation using the example of a film "Inadequate people" directed by Roman Karimov.

1. Situation:

At first glance, quiet and well-mannered Vitalik( Ilya Lyubimov ), prone to spontaneous aggressive reactions, his schoolgirl neighbor Christina (Ingrid Olerinskaya ), pissing off her relatives with her cynical wit, while simultaneously becoming “good” with the help of a psychologist ( Evgeniy Tsyganov ) (Vitaly’s friend) seemingly knowledgeable and balanced, but in fact a sadomasochist; Christina's mom, worried about her daughter; boss ( Yulia Takshina ) looking for " ideal man” in Vitalika, creating a sadomasochistic couple with the aforementioned psychologist - all of them are seemingly adequate people, characters in such a seemingly eccentric and original comedy, telling about the banal love story of a schoolgirl Kristina, who grew up without a father, for her neighbor Vitaly. A conflict arises between Christina and her mother.

2. Description of the conflict:

A conflict is brewing between Christina and her mother. There is a clash of interests.




3. Conflict diagram:


- -

+ Vitalik +


4. Block diagram:


Psychologist (visiting a psychologist)

5. Map of interests:


Teenage years

The girl wants to feel treated like a full member of the family, like an adult

The feeling of being independent and making your own decisions

Go against


She cannot fully understand that her daughter has already grown up, that she is not a child, and should be treated like an adult.

The media are stuffed with information about drug addiction and alcoholism of modern youth

Hyperbolization of the situation, exaggeration of the situation

5. Reasons for the conflict:

1. Conflict of interests

- “adolescence”, Christina’s puberty period

Growing up in a single-parent family (the mother raised her daughter alone)

Youthful maximalism of Christina

Bad influence from peers (Christina’s friend, her friends, environment)

The problem of “fathers and sons” (observed throughout the entire film, the author focused on this)

Mother's distrust of her daughter Christina

Not frankness, insincerity of Christina

6.The incident occurred during a family dinner, where Cristino behaved sarcasticly and impudently with her mother and with her relatives.

7. Type of this conflict interpersonal, family, long-term.

8. Strategy of behavior in a conflict between the parties according to K. Thomas “Avoidance”.

Christina and mom try to avoid discussing conflicting issues and delay acceptance difficult decisions"for later". They do not defend their own interests, but at the same time they do not take into account each other’s interests.

9.Pros of this strategy:

The strategy can be useful either when the subject of the conflict is not very important (“If you can’t agree on what program to watch on TV, you can do something else,” writes American psychologist S. Covey)

10 disadvantages of this strategy:

When it is not necessary to maintain a long-term relationship with the other side of the conflict ( if you think that the thing you need to buy in this store is too expensive, then you can go to another store).

But in a long-term relationship, such as Christina and her mother, it is important to openly discuss all controversial issues, and not avoid existing difficulties, which only lead to the accumulation of dissatisfaction and tension.

“Leave me a little and don’t touch me”.

Unresolved conflict is dangerous because it affects subconscious and manifests itself in an increase in resistance in the most various areas, even to illness.

11. Tactical actions:
-Christina refuses to engage in dialogue, using demonstrative withdrawal tactics;
-Mom avoids using forceful techniques;
- Mom does not trust facts and does not collect them, ignores all information from Christina;
- Christina’s denial of the seriousness and severity of the conflict;
This is a situation of missed opportunities.
Personality qualities of heroes:;
- impatience with criticism - accepting it as an attack on oneself personally (Christina);
- indecisiveness in critical situations, acts on the principle: “Maybe it will work out” (Christina and mom);
- inability to prevent chaos and pointlessness in conversation. (Mom)

12. Conflict is resolved with the help of a third party, with the help of Vitalik, on whose advice the mother turns to a psychologist for help. A psychologist resolves a conflict using psychological techniques. The psychologist helps the girl cope with self-control; as a result, the girl learns to control her feelings and emotions and cope with aggression. The conflict between mother and Christina is resolved. There is a very good expression in the film: That relatives are not chosen, but we choose friends ourselves, therefore conflicts between friends are less common than family conflicts.

Conflict resolution with the help of a mediator. The mediator organizes a dialogue between the parties, that is, between Christina and her mother, films emotional stress participants in the conflict.

The art of resolving or preventing conflict negative consequences manifested in the use of diplomatic means of influence and interaction in communication. There are several strategies for dealing with conflict. Technological diversity makes it possible for each person to choose from the proposed options and means of diplomacy the most effective and efficient in each specific conflict situation.

Characteristics of the stages of conflict analysis:

1. Analysis, diagnosis of the situation. Collection of information, arrangement and thinking, assumption, comprehensive analysis of the existing problem.

2. Planning stage and its features. How do you propose to solve the problem? Thinking through all the options, anticipating possible relationships with the parties to the conflict. Which of the issues raised in the dispute are most important to you? What are the objective obstacles that prevent a constructive resolution of the conflict?

At the planning stage, it is advisable to imagine on an imaginary screen all the participants in the conflict and the location of the action. Mentally review the dynamics and possible strategies for solving the current situation. Play out an imaginary dialogue about the upcoming conflict. This will enrich your experience, activate your intuition and allow you to see the problem from the outside.

3. Stage of constructive discussion. Both sides put forward options for solving the problem and strive to reconcile opposing interests. They come to a reasonable mutually beneficial solution. Please note that:

· each negotiator pursues a dual interest (regarding the substance of the matter and the relationship between the partners);

· relationships with partners are usually linked to the problem. Separate your relationship with your partner from the essence of the matter; get down to business directly. His successful decision will improve your relationship;

· you cannot draw conclusions about the intentions of other people based on your own fears;

· It is very tempting to blame your problems on others: “...your offensive forces the other side to defend.” By assigning blame, you firmly link people to the problem;

· you need to find an opportunity for actions that are unexpected from the point of view of the other side: give a sign that is not expected, use a different method. Don't let your partner miscalculate your solution to the problem;

· you need to give the other side the opportunity to “let off steam”, provide the opportunity to free themselves from anger, fear, feelings of threat, and throw out all their grievances. This relieves tension;

· it is permissible to use symbolic gestures. A friendly note, an expression of regret, a handshake, a smile removes hostility from minimal costs, and an apology may be the cheapest and most valuable contribution in conflict resolution;

· You must be able to listen. The cheapest concession is to make it clear that your partner has been heard. Understanding does not mean agreeing;

· it is important to make a list of interests, to realize that each person (party) always has several of them. Put these interests on paper and compare them with your own;

It would be good to look at the problem with your own eyes different people. Seek mutual benefits. Look for common ground.

Basic methods of conflict resolution

The whole variety of ways and methods of conflict resolution is conventionally divided into two classes: direct (open) and indirect (hidden).

Characteristics of direct and indirect methods of conflict resolution

Direct methods of conflict resolution:

1. Directive, persistent assertion of one’s point of view.

2. Restructuring one’s own behavior and concessions, taking into account the point of view of subordinates.

3. Ignoring the conflict.

4. Cooperation and development of joint solutions.

Indirect methods of conflict resolution (have the nature of indirect hidden influences):

1. The principle of the release of feelings.

According to the observations of one of the prominent modern psychotherapists, C. Rogers, if a person is given the opportunity to freely express his negative emotions, then gradually they are replaced by positive ones and relieve tension in society. Sometimes laughter, physical relaxation, yawning, and even humor have the same effect. According to K. Lorenz, humor is one of the forms of socially acceptable aggressiveness. Instead of attacking the opponent, the partner ridicules him. P. Simonov interprets the emergence of positive emotions in the discrepancy between what was expected and what was received, which gives rise to laughter. The comic awakens feeling self-esteem, removes aggression and replaces it with intellectual superiority.

2. The principle of emotional compensation.

A person who comes to you with complaints about his enemy should be considered a suffering person. Let it be absolutely clear to you that it is not he who is the victim, but his enemy. The internal feeling of the situation that your interlocutor has makes him appear to be the sufferer. And the more he is wrong, the more actively he shields himself from his own conscience and presents himself as a martyr and victim. By showing that you consider his offended feelings, you thereby emotionally encourage your interlocutor, who, especially in this situation, will be warmed by an appropriate word of praise spoken in a conversation. And if he deserves just the opposite of censure, he should get his due in full. But kind word this is not a hindrance. Encouragement is as necessary as rosin for a virtuoso’s bow (Kozma Prutkov). This is the most powerful key to a partner's conscience. You just need to know what good traits are inherent in him. And then the appeal to the “victim” will sound, for example, like this: “You are, in general, a subtle person, acutely perceiving poetry and music. How did you manage to be so rude and tough in a conflict with...?” Or like this: “Do you know the old wisdom that of two arguing, the one who is smarter is wrong?.. And by the way, everyone considers you smart person", "Of two arguing, the one who shuts up first is smarter," "You have wonderful, inspired eyes, a kind smile. If only you could see yourself in the mirror at that moment when you insulted Ivan Ivanovich!.. Anger does not suit anyone, and especially you.”

It should be emphasized that it is impossible to flatter the conflicting person. This is easily recognized, and the flatterer evokes open or secret contempt of the interlocutor. We must talk about the good that a person really has. This is often enough to cause an avalanche of repentance and a sincere willingness to make peace.

The state of conflict sharply distorts the mutual perception of the warring parties of each other. For example, Nikolai Nikolaevich, who is in a protracted quarrel with Ivan Ivanovich, is no longer able to accept involuntary praise or unexpected approval from him. Nikolai Nikolaevich hears hidden mockery in Ivan Ivanovich’s words or imagines a cunning plan. In this case, the reconciling good intentions of one of the opponents towards the other can only be conveyed through a third person, authoritative for both. For offended person positive judgments about him on the part of the offender are an impetus for reflection, which will certainly direct thoughts towards the search for an interpersonal compromise.

4. The principle of naked aggression.

The mediator deliberately gives the warring parties the opportunity to express their dislike for each other. In public, this should be done exclusively in a disguised form: you can pit conflict partners against each other in a sports competition, debate, or game. The direct form of exposing aggression is implemented as follows: in the office, the mediator encourages the conflict partners to quarrel in his presence. As a rule, when there is a third party, the quarrel does not reach such extremes that it is necessary to literally separate the warring parties. Having allowed them to speak out, the mediator does not let them go, but continues to work based on the following principles.

The principle of forced hearing of the opponent. The mediator offers the warring parties the following instructions: “Each of you, before answering your opponent, must repeat his last remark with utmost accuracy. This gives him the right to speak.” Next, the mediator intervenes in the dialogue, insistently demanding that the instructions be followed. Usually, it turns out that those quarreling are unable to correctly reproduce each other’s remarks, since everyone hears mainly themselves, and attributes to the offender words that were not actually spoken. By fixing the attention of the conflicting parties on this fact, the mediator forces them to listen to each other in good faith. The unfamiliarity of such a situation reduces the intensity of mutual bitterness and contributes to the growth of self-criticism of those arguing.

The principle of expanding the spiritual horizon of those disputing. Encouraging the conflicting parties to quarrel for a long time in his presence, the mediator records the quarrel in one way or another (it is advisable to have a tape recorder, video recorder, hidden video camera). Then the quarrel stops and the recording is played. As a rule, the warring parties are depressed by what they heard, because they begin to understand that they behaved unworthily, or at least ugly. Against this background, the mediator begins to sort out the quarrel, mercilessly punishing the selfishness and dishonesty of the argumentation of each of the conflicting parties. Then he calls out to spirituality both and exposes everything petty, unprincipled and primitive that accompanied or caused the conflict. Before those quarreling, they plan life values higher order, spiritual goals, in the pursuit of which those quarreling are essentially not mutually hostile, but united. The conversation ends with a call to focus on these high values ​​and goals, leaving behind wounded pride and petty personal scores.

Features of means, methods and techniques of defense in conflicts

When there are suspicions that a partner is using subterfuge tactics, it is advisable to:

1) separate the person from the problem. Do not attack for using illegal tactics, since if the partner takes a defensive position, it will be more difficult to convince him, defeat him, and frustration and irritation will appear. Question tactics rather than personal integrity;

2) focus on interests, not positions;

3) invent mutually beneficial options, offer an alternative.

"Dirty" methods and trick tactics.

Deliberate deception. It is a misrepresentation of facts, authority, or intent. False facts are expressed in false statements. Don't let anyone use your doubts for personal gain; check the facts, which will significantly reduce the risk of fraud.

Questionable intentions. If intentions are doubtful, include clauses in agreements (contracts) that ensure the fulfillment of obligations.

Failure to fully disclose facts is not deception. Undisclosed information narrows the interaction between partners.

Psychological warfare. This tactic is designed to make you feel uncomfortable and to create a subconscious desire to end the negotiations quickly (creating stressful situations, personal attacks, the usual "good guy, bad guy" ploy). For example, you are being attacked. Someone from the same company supports you. You are in his debt and agree to all his proposals, revealing your cards in the negotiations. Thus, one takes a hard position, the other a soft one. The concession is small and is perceived as a favor. One threatens, and the other helps. This is manipulation. Ask the “good guy” about his principles: “I’m willing to pay what the “bad guy” demands, but convince me that this is the fairest price.”

Threats. This is pressure that stimulates a negative reaction in the partner and makes negotiations difficult. By maintaining composure, you can become the master of the situation:

· taking on the role of a “parent”, force your partner to justify himself by putting him in the role of a child” (according to E. Bern);

· taking on the role of a “parent”, try to give an unobtrusive lesson or look at the conflict from the perspective of a truism - socially established moral norms: “All people should understand each other”, “If a person has promised, one must fulfill...”. At the same time, it is effective to use the “Yes, but...” technology;

· postpone the conversation until another time, thereby delaying the climax in time, use the withdrawal tactics;

· having assumed the role of an inexperienced “child”, transfer everything into the mainstream of chance or permissiveness, and if the situation allows, then as a joke or flirting.

Prevention is a more legal method. You can only respond to threats if they are real. You can neutralize them with the help of false threats or completely ignore them as irrelevant: “Your voice is being recorded,” “What number are you dialing?”

Calculated delay. Postpone the matter until the opportune moment arrives to resolve it. But waiting for the right time is a costly game.

Faced with a firm choice: “Take it or don’t take it.” We need to find ways to ignore this. Continue talking as if you didn't hear the sentence, or change the topic of conversation. Don't be a victim. Use clarifying questions: “How to evaluate this proposal?”, “How to evaluate this behavior?”, “Is your goal expressed in achieving reasonable agreement?”, “Is it better to defend a principle or illegal methods?”, “What do you mean by benefit?” .

1. Maintaining the level of self-esteem by reducing the importance of an unachieved goal: “no - and it’s not necessary.” “Green grapes” tactics, when the inability to achieve success is argued by the unpreparedness of partners.

2. A calm attitude towards the received blow, as if it were expected: “I was hit, but I knew it.”

3. Demonstration of the inexhaustibility of reserves: “I will still have situations...”

4. Self-flagellation and turning to your partner for help: “You have golden hands, but everything is falling apart for me,” “Can you tell me how to do this?”

5. Extreme conscientiousness using the “Yes, but...” method. A demonstration of enthusiasm that is drowned in demagogic considerations: “I absolutely agree with you, we should, but what do you say about this aspect?”, “I thought so too, but there is such a problem here... How do you feel about it? ".

6. Attributing the reason for inaction to another or provoking rudeness in order to justify one’s inaction, for example, a conversation between a husband and wife:

I'm working, and you're lying on the couch.

I would have helped, but you didn't ask...

This is the position of a boat that is being rocked: they can sink the boat and drown themselves along with it.

Methods of psychological defense in conflicts:

1. Denial comes down to the fact that information that is disturbing and can lead to conflict is not perceived.

2. Repression - getting rid of internal conflict by actively turning off an unacceptable motive or unpleasant information from consciousness.

3. Projection - unconscious transfer (attribution) own feelings, desires and inclinations that a person does not want to admit to himself, understanding their social unacceptability, to another person.

4. Identification - the unconscious transference to oneself of feelings and qualities inherent in another person, inaccessible, but desired for oneself.

5. Rationalization is a pseudo-reasonable explanation by a person of his desires and actions, which are actually caused by reasons, the recognition of which threatens the loss of self-esteem.

6. Inclusion - alleviating internal conflict by empathizing and comparing one’s misfortune with the misfortunes of others. At the same time, the significance of the traumatic factor is overestimated.

7. Substitution - transfer of an action aimed at an inaccessible object to an action with an accessible object (for example, take away the soul).

8. Isolation - isolation within the consciousness of traumatic factors. Unpleasant emotions are blocked from accessing consciousness. This type of defense resembles alienation syndrome, which is characterized by a feeling of loss of emotional connection with other people, previously significant events, or one’s own experiences.

Overcoming psychological defense

Overcoming is a set of techniques that can be successfully transferred to professional activity. Using techniques for overcoming psychological defense, a person can have an acceptable (from the point of view of law and morality) impact on another person included in the system of professional relations. The process of overcoming psychological defenses a certain person- this is not a forcible imposition of one’s will, but providing assistance in solving complex life problems.

The structure of the actions of a specialist who overcomes the psychological defense of a partner in professional communication can be represented by a system of the following operations.

1. Identify the objective and subjective components of a professional situation that can influence the content and form of psychological defense of a communication partner.

2. Prepare arguments and tactics aimed at destroying the psychological defense of a mistakenly taken position.

3. Enter into psychological contact with your communication partner, and then offer to consider the current situation together and make a multifaceted system analysis its components. At the same time, it is advisable to show this situation from the positions of different people interested in its resolution. It is advisable to demonstrate and highlight options for solving the problem positive sides. In this case, the partner becomes confident that he himself has come to a solution to his problem.

Demonstration of arguments aimed at overcoming an erroneously constructed defense system must be carried out consistently and with the utmost tact. In this case, you can successfully use the “small steps” technique, i.e. gradually, from evidence to evidence, analyze the situation, giving the partner time to comprehend the analysis process. This will allow him to gently lead him to solving the problem in objectively justified forms. Providing assistance in the processes of overcoming psychological defense can not only neutralize negative attitude partner, but also to rebuild it into a positive fixed attitude towards long-term contact interaction.

Conflicts are an integral part of people's lives.

The ability to behave competently in adverse circumstances is the key to calm and self-confidence.

For this reason, it is useful for any person to study examples of what conflict situations can be and how to resolve them.

Concept and psychology of conflict management

- what it is? In short, this is clash of interests, opinions and views.

As a result of the conflict, a crisis situation arises in which each participant in the conflict seeks to impose his point of view on the other side.

Conflict not stopped in time may lead to open confrontation, in which the subject of the dispute is relegated to the background and the ambitions of the parties come first.

As a rule, as a result of a conflict, there are no losers or winners, since all participants expend effort and ultimately do not receive positive emotions.

Special danger represent internal conflicts when a person is tormented by conflicting thoughts and desires tearing him apart. Protracted conditions internal conflicts often end in depression and neuroses.

A modern person needs to be able to recognize a beginning conflict in time, take competent steps to prevent the conflict from growing and eliminate it at the inception stage.

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to extinguish the conflict immediately, it is necessary to be able to build the correct and get out of conflict wisely with minimal losses.

How does it arise?

As a result of numerous studies, it has been determined that most conflicts arise without the corresponding intentions of their participants.

Often people involuntarily react to the conflictogens of other people, or they themselves are a source of conflictogens, as a result of which a stressful situation arises.

Conflictogens- words, actions, deeds leading to conflict. They arise when the participants have any psychological problems, or are used purposefully to achieve their goals.

Most conflictogens manifest themselves for the following reasons:

  • thirst for superiority. The desire to prove one's worth;
  • aggressiveness. Initially aggressive behavior towards other people caused by a negative emotional state;
  • selfishness. The desire to achieve your goals at any cost.

How do conflicts arise? The real reasons and resolution methods:

Popular methods for resolving situations

Most effective strategies which are most often used in practice to resolve conflict:

About ways to resolve conflicts in this video:

Resolution Methods

From a scientific point of view, there are specific methods for resolving conflict:


Most often used in the professional field. These include:


How to resist aggression and successfully resolve conflict? Similar methods of conflict resolution are more used in communication.

For successful resolution situations using constructive methods is necessary to form an adequate perception of the situation among the participants, arrange them for open interaction, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, and jointly determine the root of the problem.

Construction styles include:


Allows each side to feel like a winner. A similar effect is achieved when the parties agree to abandon their original positions, reconsider the situation and find a solution that satisfies everyone.

The method can only be used if the parties to the dispute demonstrate flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.


The most peaceful, mature way resolution of the situation.

The parties decide on mutual concessions in order to eliminate the negative factors that caused the dispute.

Such behavior of people allows not only to peacefully resolve emerging contradictions without harm to anyone, but also to build long-term communication connections.

Way out of the conflict

How to get out conflict situations? To get out of this unpleasant situation the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Stop using words or taking actions that provoke a negative response from your opponent.
  2. Do not react to such behavior on the part of your interlocutor.
  3. Show affection towards another person. This can be done using gestures, facial expressions, and words. Smiling, patting the shoulder, shaking hands, and using polite phrases all help smooth out arguments.

    The interlocutor immediately acquires positive attitude and the situation is soon resolved.

Examples of conflict situations

In society

Best resolved using constructive methods.

For example, neighbors of an apartment building may enter into a conflict caused by the distribution of parking spaces in the courtyard area.

Some neighbors will insist on organizing clear markings, according to which each car is assigned specific place for parking. Other residents will advocate for the possibility of free placement of cars.

In this situation most effective methods dispute resolution will be building dialogue, joint resolution of the situation through compromise.

Residents just need to organize a meeting and decide that part of the area in the yard is allocated for individual parking, and the other part remains for supporters of free parking.

Between employees

It is better to solve using structural methods.

For example, employees of the same team may come into conflict due to inability to work together in the same direction.

Each person defines for himself a range of responsibilities that is not approved by his colleague. The result is the emergence of a conflict situation and ineffective teamwork.

The manager of the employees involved in the dispute needs to apply methods of clarifying requirements, setting goals and assigning rewards.

Each employee will be explained the principle of his work, a clear spectrum job responsibilities. In front of colleagues joint goals will be set, upon achieving which they will receive the promised reward (bonus, promotion, etc.).

How to resolve conflicts correctly? Find out from the video:

Completion Forms

What is the form of ending a conflict? A conflict of interest can be resolved as follows:

  1. Permission. The prerequisites may be that the parties desire to end the dispute and not return to it in the future. To finally resolve the conflict, it may be necessary to involve third parties. This is especially true in the field of professional relationships.
  2. Attenuation. The dispute may cease to be relevant for one of the parties or for all participants in the process. In the first case, the second party does not find a response to its own words and actions and is forced to end the conflict. In the second case, the parties simultaneously decide that they do not want to continue the dispute due to fatigue, the end of the arguments, loss of interest in the subject of the dispute, etc.

    This type of conflict is not always completed, since when a new stimulus arises, the dispute can resume with renewed vigor.

  3. Settlement. The parties come to a compromise and reach mutual agreements. As a result, the dispute is resolved through constructive dialogue and effective interpersonal interaction.
  4. Elimination. The basis of the conflict is eliminated, transformed, modified, etc. In other words, the subject of the dispute ceases to be relevant at the current moment in time and the fact of a conflict of interests automatically disappears.
  5. Growing into a new dispute. Unexplained contradictions on one issue can become a source of new conflicts generated by the primary dispute. This effect is especially often observed when a remark made by one of the spouses on any issue develops into a mutual exchange of reproaches.

Completion is not always resolution

Does ending a conflict always mean resolving it? It is important not to confuse the concepts of ending a conflict situation with its resolution.

Ending the conflict- this is the moment of completion of the parties’ actions at the current moment in time, the termination of the dispute for various reasons (attenuation, escalation into a new dispute, etc.)

Closing a dispute at this time does not guarantee that it will will not arise again after some time. This is due to the fact that the source of the conflict has not been resolved, and the parties have not achieved any result.

Conflict resolution involves the conscious use of methods and techniques aimed at correcting the negative situation that has arisen.

A resolved conflict allows the parties to reconcile and no longer return to the subject of the dispute.

Thus, conflict can arise in any area of ​​a person’s life. as a result of a clash of his interests with the interests of other people.

There are many ways to resolve conflict. It is important to be able to put them into practice before the situation reaches a serious level.

Learn how to communicate with other people if you have different points of view on certain issues in this video:

Federal Agency for Education

Omsk State Technical University




discipline: "Conflictology"

Submission date: December 21, 2009

Omsk 2009

Analysis of a conflict situation

In my work, I examined the conflict between two young officers Pyotr Andreevich Grinev and Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, serving in the remote Belgorod fortress on the border of the Kyrgyz-Kaisak steppes, described in the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter” (Chapter IV “Duel”)


The conflict I am considering is an interpersonal one, as it arose between two young people and affected their interests.

Conflicts arise when needs are not met. According to A. Maslow's theory, needs can be grouped into five hierarchically related levels: physiological, safety and security, social, esteem needs, self-expression needs. It is obvious that the conflict between Grinev P.A. and Shvabrin A.I., like many other conflicts of that time, arose as a result of dissatisfaction with their need for respect, which is considered spiritual.

The cause of the conflict was an unpleasant situation, described by the author as follows: “Here he took the notebook from me and began to mercilessly analyze every verse and every word, mocking me in the most caustic way. I couldn’t stand it, I snatched my notebook from his hands and said that I would never show him my works.” More precisely, it was a pre-conflict situation that developed into a conflict due to insults to feelings on the one hand and accusations of lying on the other, i.e. natural clash of spiritual interests of people. From this we can conclude that the causes of the conflict are both objective and subjective in nature. Moreover, subjective reasons begin to operate when the pre-conflict situation develops into a conflict. In a dispute, as in a quarrel, there is no one person to blame; two sides always quarrel, and therefore there is no need to relieve anyone of responsibility and find out who started it first.


The structure of the conflict is understood as a set of stable connections of the conflict, ensuring its integrity, identity with itself, difference from other phenomena of social life, without which it cannot exist as a dynamically interconnected integral system and process.

In any interpersonal conflict, the main actors are people. Moreover, the degree of their participation in the conflict can be different: from direct opposition to indirect influence on the course of the conflict. Based on this, the following are identified: the main participants in the conflict; support groups; other participants.

Main participants in the conflict. They are often called parties or opposing forces. These are those subjects of the conflict who directly carry out active (offensive or defensive) actions against each other. In the conflict I am considering, the main participants are two young officers - Grinev Petr Andreevich and Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich. The initiator was Shvabrin AI, who mocked a young man in love. Perhaps he did not intend to conflict with his comrade, but simply wanted to have a little fun, make fun of him, without expecting a violent reaction in response to his barbs. It cannot be said that any of the participants had advantages or high level possibilities for resolving the dispute. Perhaps the only advantage of Shvabrin AI is his emotional state, composure and equanimity.

It should be noted that the parties did not have support groups. Perhaps this role could have been played by seconds in the duel, but Ivan Ignatievich, invited by Grinev, refused and expressed his dissatisfaction with the current situation.

By his refusal, he included himself in the group of “other participants” who have an episodic influence on the course and results of the conflict. Thus, Ivan Ignatievich became the first person to influence the course of the conflict, telling commandant Vasilisa Yegorovna about the upcoming duel, on whose orders the first attempt at a duel was thwarted.

Savelich played the main role in the outcome of the conflict, diverting the attention of Pyotr Grinev, as a result of which he was defeated and wounded.

Subject of the conflict- this is an objectively existing or imaginary problem that serves as the basis for the conflict. This is a contradiction, because of which and for the sake of which the parties enter into confrontation. In my example, the contradiction between the young people was their attitude towards one girl, one’s comments about her and the other’s disagreement with this.

The object of the conflict was the desire to possess the love of one girl, to marry her.

Microenvironment of the conflict- a remote Belgorod fortress on the border of the Kyrgyz-Kaisak steppes, the commandant’s house, his family and immediate circle.

Functions of conflict

The functions of conflict are dual. The same conflict can play a positive and negative role in the lives of opposite, conflicting parties; it can be constructive and destructive at different moments of its development.

Design functions include:

    trying on sides, because at that time a duel was a matter of principle. Perhaps the duelists got excited during a quarrel and regretted their words and actions, but they could not retreat and abandon the duel;

    development of personality and interpersonal relationships. If resolved constructively, conflict allows a person to rise to new heights, expand the scope and methods of interaction with others. In my example, this is expressed in the fact that the relationship between Grinev and Marya Ivanovna Mironov changed after the conflict, becoming closer, more careful and tender.

The following functions are deconstructive:

1. injury and subsequent illness of Pyotr Andreevich;

2. change in opinion about Alexey Shvabrin for the worse.

Dynamics of conflict.

Latent period (pre-conflict situation)

The emergence of an objective problem situation - there is a contradiction between subjects, but it is not yet realized and there are no conflicting actions. This is the very beginning of the conflict, when Shvabrin said that “my song is not good” and began to analyze each verse in turn, thereby causing a feeling of annoyance and resentment in Pyotr Grinev.

It should be noted that neither side made any attempts to resolve the objective situation by non-conflict methods (persuasion, explanation, requests, information).

The open period is often called the conflict itself.

The incident is the first clash of the parties, which occurred when Shvabrin spoke unkindly about Pyotr Andreech’s lover, openly slandering Masha Mironova. Thus, the original subject of disagreement was lost, the conflict expanded, and moved to deeper contradictions and personal feelings.

The first two stages reflect the development of a pre-conflict situation, when the importance of one’s own desires and arguments increases and mental tension increases.

The third stage is the beginning of escalation.

Escalation (from Latin scala - ladder) is a sharp intensification of the opponents' struggle, this is the level of mental response when rational behavior is replaced by emotional behavior. Its sign was a narrowing of the cognitive sphere in behavior and activity, a transition to more primitive methods of reflection, which was expressed in insults, accusations of lying and challenges to a duel. That is, forceful action replaced useless discussions.

At the fifth stage"sacred values" are at stake, everything higher forms beliefs and higher moral obligations. The opponent becomes an absolute enemy and only an enemy, devalued to the state of a thing and deprived of human traits. At the moment of escalation of a conflict, a person is often driven by aggression - i.e. the desire to cause harm or pain to another. Based on this, the duel can be considered the fifth stage.

Ending the conflict transition to finding a solution to the problem. The main forms of ending a conflict are resolution, settlement, fading, elimination or escalation into another conflict.

The conflict between Grinev and Shvabrin ended in a duel, as a solution to the problem and a response to resentment and insults, which resulted in the injury of Pyotr Andreevich.

Post-conflict period includes stages - partial and complete normalization of relations between opponents.

As such, the post-conflict period in this situation is difficult to highlight and comment on, due to the fact that the author did not devote space to its description. But judging by the author’s words: “I made peace with Shvabrin in the first days of my recovery,” we can say that there was a complete normalization of relations between the young people.
