Vychegda River, Arkhangelsk region. Vychegda River

The meanders (bends) of the Vychegda River are its main feature, and a unique distinctive detail of the landscape of this section of the territory. In the photo - the meanders of the Vychegda near the city of Syktyvkar - the capital of Komi.


The Vychegda originates on the southern slopes of the Timan Ridge, in the Dzyur-Nyur swamp, from the confluence of two streams - Lun-Bozh and Voy-Vozh.

Leaking in south direction, the river describes a huge S-shaped 300-kilometer loop. In the upper reaches the valley is relatively narrow - up to 40 m. Here near the river fast current, the channel is rapids, the banks are low and marshy, there are cliffs exposing white limestone outcrops in places where karst develops. Relatively recently, there was a centuries-old taiga here, but everything along the banks has been cut down.

The upper reaches of the Vychegda are very winding, the river meanders every 100-200 m, and there are many oxbow lakes everywhere. The vegetation along the banks is mainly larch, pine, spruce and birch, with some cedar.

The first large village from the mouth is Pomozdino, connected by road to the village of Troitsko-Pechorsk on Pechora. This is an old road 140 km long; it was laid through the taiga to transport timber from Pechora in 1859. Along the Vychegda and down the Northern Dvina, construction larch was floated to, from where the timber went to Western Europe, To France.

At Pomozdin, the width of the river increases to 100 m. There is no regular navigation on the Upper Vychegda; previously, ships could only go upstream above the village of Ust-Nem in the spring, and even then not for long: navigation on the Upper Vychegda lasted only about two weeks. In summer, the Vychegda in its upper reaches turns into a shallow, narrow river that can be forded. Navigation along the entire course is complicated by the instability of the riverbed and the mobility of sands: according to these indicators, the Vychegda ranks one of the first places in Russia.

Near the confluence of the Nem River, the Vychegda valley expands to 20 km, it becomes flat, changes direction to the west, and from here the Middle Vychegda begins.

The only straight section of great length on the Middle Vychegda is the stretch, which stretches about 30 km, but man had a hand in this. In the 19th century there was a rather large bend here, which was straightened to improve navigation conditions.

In some places the river divides into branches, flowing around the islands. The shores in some places are an outcrop of layered limestone and multi-colored clays, sometimes very high: the clay slope near the village of Kortkeros rises to a height of about 40 m.

The bed of the Vychegda is mostly sandy, and during low water periods, many sandbanks open in the river, which not only narrow water flow, but also make it more tortuous. In some places, river boats have to turn 90° due to side effects. All along the banks of the Vychegda there are trees that have fallen from the washed-out bank: the river erodes the bank at a speed of up to 25 m/year.

The river is very muddy along its entire course.

The Vychegda freezes in early November, starting from the upper reaches, and within 10 days the freeze-up spreads throughout the entire river. In the fall, before freeze-up on the Vychegda, ice jams (accumulations) often occur, and then the water can rise to 4.5 m. The river opens up at the end of April.

The established division of Vychegda is into Upper (from the source to the confluence of the Nem River), Middle (from Nem to Sysola) and Lower (Sysola to the mouth).

There are many ancient villages and hamlets along the banks of the Vychegda. The water of this river and its tributaries is the main source of water supply in the Komi Republic.

The Lower Vychegda begins after the Sysola River flows into it, at the mouth of which stands the capital of the Komi Republic - Syktyvkar. This is the most Big city on the river. Until 1930, it bore the name Ust-Sysolsk corresponding to its location; later it began to be called in the Komi language: “Syktyv” is the name of Sysola in the Komi language, “kar” is a city. The first written mention of the city is contained in documents from 1586.

Below Syktyvkar, the turns of the river are no longer so steep, stretches of stretches are becoming more common, and the river is getting larger. The width of its valley reaches 40 km, and the channel approaches an average of 400 m, and closer to the mouth it already exceeds 700 m. The river is followed by rapids one after another, including the famous Parchegsky ones.

The banks of the Lower Vychegda are predominantly sandy; in some places, multi-colored clays are exposed on the cliffs: red, blue, yellow-brown and white.

Towns and cities are increasingly found in these places. As a result of frequent changes in the direction of the riverbed, cities that were once built on the banks of the Vychegda (for example, Solvychegodsk and Yarensk) now find themselves several kilometers away from it. And since the river erodes the bank, river workers had to make a cut in the river bends and divert the main flow of the Vychegda away from populated areas. In the past, when there was no technical possibility for this, due to changes in the riverbed, cities and villages had to be moved - and even several times.

The most significant changes in the channel usually occur in the spring, when the current speed is highest in the year and carries maximum amount sediment Wherein highest height the flood occasionally rises to almost 8 m. And then the wide floodplain of the Vychegda is completely flooded, forming huge floods with an area of ​​tens of square kilometers. But just as quickly as it rises, the great water falls.

The Vychegda and its tributaries have long been used as a trade route to the Kama and Siberia; portages went from the upper reaches of the tributaries to the basins of other rivers. Ensuring navigation required enormous efforts: dredging, construction of stream-directing dams, dams, and relocation of the fairway. Due to the cessation of dredging, navigation is currently carried out only in the lower reaches - from the village of Ust-Kulom (693 km from the mouth) to the village of Voldino (935 km) - during the short high-water spring period.

The village of Yarensk was founded in 1384 as the Yerensky town. It stood on the northern route to the Urals, which had a beneficial effect on its development. In 1780, by decree of Catherine II, Yarensk received the status of a county town and a coat of arms. For several centuries, Yarensk was the center of a large county, first in the Siberian and Arkhangelogorod provinces, and then in the Vologda province. It was a place of exile for especially important state criminals.

The village of Ust-Vym has been known since 1373, the village of Aikino - since the beginning of the 16th century, and Ust-Kulom - since 1638. Among the most famous cities is Solvychegodsk, founded in the 14th century: in the 16th century. annual salt production there reached 11 thousand tons. In the village of Kazhim, on a tributary of the Sysol, the buildings of an 18th-century iron foundry have been preserved. In the area where the Vychegda flows into Northern Dvina stands the city of Kotlas.

general information

Location: north of the European part of Russia.

Administrative affiliation : Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk region.

Water system: Northern Dvina - White Sea.

Source: Timan Ridge.

Estuary: Northern Dvina (Kotlas).

Nutrition: mixed (melt water - 51%, groundwater - 27%, rain - 22%). Spring flood, summer and winter low water.

Freeze-up: November-April.

Tributaries: left - Nem, Northern Keltma, Southern Mylva, Lokchim, Sysola and Viled; right - Vol, Vishera, Vym, Elva and Yarenga.

Settlements : Syktyvkar - 245,313 people, Kotlas - 61,902 people, Koryazhma - 37,092 people, village. Vychegda - 12,786 people, village. Yarensk - 4441 people, Solvychegodsk - 2098 people. (2017).

Languages: Russian, Komi-Zyrian.

Ethnic composition : Russians, Komi.

Religion: Orthodoxy.

Currency unit : Russian ruble.


Length: 1130 km (900 km - Komi Republic, 230 km - Arkhangelsk region).

Pool area : 121,000 km 3 .

Water consumption: 599 m 3 /s (Syktyvkar), 1160 m 3 /s (mouth).

Source height: 400 m.

Mouth height: 80 m.

Climate and weather

Moderately continental.

Winters are long and cold, summers are short and warm.

Average January temperature : -13°C.

Average temperature in July : +17.5°C.

Average annual precipitation : 600 mm.

Relative humidity : 80%.


River navigation (piers Solvychegodsk, Yarensk, Mezhog, Aikino, Syktyvkar, Ust-Kulom).

River fishing.

Water tourism.



    Parchega rifts

    Lakes Evty, Kadam, Donskoye and Sindorskoye

    Viola reserves, Kazhymsky botanical and Vising grayling reserves


    Settlement Karybyiv (Aikino, XI-XII centuries)


    Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands (Koryazhma, 1746), St. Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul (Ust-Kulom, 1799-1811), Resurrection of Christ (Ust-Kulom, 1857)


    Yarensky local history museum (1905)

    Kotlas Museum of Local Lore (1964)

    Museum of History and Culture of the Sysolsky District (Vizinga, 1970)

Syktyvkar city

    Stefanovskaya Square

    Opera and Ballet Theater of the Komi Republic (1958)

    National Music and Drama Theater (1992)

    St. Stephen's Cathedral (2001)

    National Museum of the Komi Republic

    National Gallery of the Komi Republic

    Finno-Ugric ethnopark

    Museum of the History of the Timber Industry Complex

City of Solvychegodsk

    Vvedensky Monastery (1693)

    Church of the Savior (1697, 1730, 1892)

    Annunciation Cathedral (1584, rebuilt in 1826)

    House of the Pyankov merchants (first half of the 19th century)

    Historical and Art Museum (1919)

    House-monument to political exiles

Curious facts

    The main version of the origin of the name of the river is from the ancient Mansi “vich” - damp meadow and “egda” - river. That is, the Vychegda is “a river flowing among low, damp, swampy meadows.” The version is all the more plausible because this description corresponds to her character for most of the course. In the Komi-Zyryan language, the name of the river sounds like Ezhva - from “ezh” - turf, young grass and “va” - river, which translated means “meadow river” and is similar in meaning to the Mansi name. Exists alternative version The translation of the name of the river from the Komi language is “yellow water”. Indeed, due to sediment, the water in the river is always cloudy, similar in color to tea with milk.

    1,137 tributaries collect water for the Vychegda, not counting streams up to 10 km long, of which there are more than 23 thousand in its basin.

    Only in three places does the depth of the river reach or exceed 10 m. In the area of ​​the Ust-Lokchim pier there is a hole 11 m deep, at the Laborom pier there is a depression 10 m deep, and the most deep hole on the river - 15 m 50 km above the city of Syktyvkar near the village of Madzhi.

    Because of large quantity bends in the riverbed, fairly strong currents and narrow riverbeds great danger for local shipping it is a suvod. This is the name given to the rotational movement of water in a river behind a bank ledge protruding into the riverbed, under a steep cliff protruding into the river. On the Vychegda, the suvod is especially noticeable; it can cover half the width of the river and easily leads a river vessel away from the fairway.

    In 1964, a meteorite was found near the village of Pomozdino in the Komi Republic, which was named “Pomozdino”. It is kept in the collection of the Committee on Meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The meteorite is oblong, small, measuring 15x5x5 cm, weighing 327 g. It is of complex origin, belongs to a rare type of meteorites, which make up no more than 8% of those found on earth. It was discovered by chance by local schoolchildren.

    In the XIV century. a few kilometers downstream from Solvychegodsk, at the mouth of the Chernaya River, stood the city of Chernigov. During one of the high floods, the Vychegda washed away and collapsed part of the coastal slope near its walls into the water. Then, year after year, the river persistently washed away the walls of the city. Chernigov residents were forced to move their houses 1.5 km downstream, establishing there new town- Choice. However, Choice was also destroyed by the river.

    Coat of arms former city, and now the village of Yarensk, approved by Empress Catherine II in 1780, represents in the upper part the Vologda coat of arms, like a provincial one, and in the lower part there is an image of a pair of squirrels jumping across a field. In the description of the coat of arms it is described as "two squirrels natural color in a silver field, meaning that the inhabitants of this city are making quite a significant trade in the skins of those animals.”

    Yarensk was a place of exile for especially important state criminals. So, in the 17th century. Vasily Golitsyn (1643-1714) was exiled here - statesman and the de facto head of the Russian government during the regency of Princess Sofia Alekseevna, whose favorite he was.

    The name of the village Kortkeros is translated from the Komi language as “iron mountain”: “kort” - “iron”, “keros” - mountain, hill. Archaeologists suggest that Kortkeros was one of the centers of local metallurgy: they found work clothes, clay crucibles for smelting iron, and stone pestles for grinding ore in the vicinity of the village. And in the vicinity of the village there are many places with an “iron” name: Kortyag (Iron Forest), Kortty (Iron Lake), Kortvis (Iron Channel).

    In 1785-1822. From the Northern Keltma, a tributary of the Vychegda, to the Southern Keltma, a tributary of the Kama, the North Catherine Canal, 20 km long, was dug, connecting the Vychegda (Northern Dvina basin) with the Kama (Volga basin). The canal was used for 16 years. But due to the low level of development of the region at that time, the canal was practically not in demand, and in 1836 its operation ceased. Currently, the canal is a ditch with banks overgrown with birches. In the northern part of the canal, the remains of old hydraulic structures have been preserved.

    Until 1930, Syktyvkar wore the name corresponding to its location Russian name Ust-Sysolsk. Later it began to be called in the Komi language: “Syktyv” is the name of Sysola in the Komi language, “kar” is a city. During its existence it also bore the names Ust-Sysola, Syktyvdin, Syktyvdinpom and Kar. The possibility of renaming the city Vladimir-Lenin in 1924 and Joseph-Stalin in the 1930s was considered.

Vychegda (Ezhvakv) is a river in the north of the European part of Russia in the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk region, the second largest tributary of the Northern Dvina after the Sukhona.


Length - 1130 km, basin area - 121 thousand km².

The relief of the basin was formed as a result of repeated glaciations and especially the last transgression North Sea. The surface is flat with an average height of 120-150 m. River valleys are wide, alluvial valleys are narrow, without terraces.

The basin is composed of Permian deposits (clays, marls), Carboniferous limestone, Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks, overlain by Quaternary deposits.
Pool area covered taiga forests(spruce, pine, birch, etc.), swamps are common (swampiness up to 18.6%).

The channel is winding, the river slope is insignificant (0.000162). The Vychegda River begins on the southern edge of the Timan Ridge in the Dzyur-Nyur swamp at the confluence of two streams - Lun-Bozh and Voy-Vozh.

It is divided into Upper (from the source to the confluence of the Nem, 346 km), Middle (from Ust-Nema to the confluence of the Sysola, 489 km) and Lower Vychegda (from the Vym River to the mouth, 296 km). It flows into the Northern Dvina near the city of Kotlas. Flows through the territories of the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk region

The upper sections of the Upper Vychegda basin are a dissected hilly plateau 200-250 m high. The valley is up to 150-200 m wide, incised by 20-40 m. The channel is winding, there are many rapids, shallows, the current is fast (0.6-0.7 m /sec). The width of the river is from 15-20 m to 80-100 m, the average depth is 3 m (the highest is up to 10 m).

The Middle Vychegda basin occupies a vast plain between the Timan Ridge and the Northern Uvaly hills. In the upper section it flows through the Kerchem Valley, located between the Nemskaya Upland and the Zhezhimparma Upland. Below - along a wide flat lowland, characterized by large swamps.

On the right side of the basin there are lakes (Donty, Sindorskoe). Karst is developed (the Nem, Northern Keltma, and Vym rivers). The valley is up to 10 km wide. The floodplain is wide, usually two-sided, overgrown with meadows, swampy, with many channels (floods) and oxbow lakes. The channel is from 100 to 680 m wide, sandy-clayey with pebbles, unstable with riffles (over 120), shallows and islands. The depth on the rifts is up to 0.5 m, on the reaches 1.5-5 m. Current speed is 0.3-0.6 m/sec (summer low water) to 1.5-1.8 m/sec (high water). The Vychegda is a river with incomplete meandering.

The Vychegda River receives 1137 tributaries. Among them the largest are: Vol, Vishera, Vym, Elva, Yarenga - on the right; South Mylva, Nem, North Keltma, Lokchim, Sysola, Viled are on the left. Some of the tributaries are of great fishery importance (spawning rivers for salmon): Northern Keltma, Vym, etc.

Splavnaya. In the spring it is navigable to the Voldino pier (959 km), in the summer-autumn period - to Ust-Kulom (693 km).
In terms of riverbed instability and sand mobility, Vychegda ranks first in Russia, which complicates navigation.
Main piers: Solvychegodsk, Yarensk, Mezhog, Aikino, Syktyvkar, Ust-Kulom.


The city of Syktyvkar, the suburban villages of Sedkyrkeshch, Krasnozatonsky, the urban villages of Vychegodsky and Zheshart, the city of Koryazhma, the city of Kotlas, the city of Solvychegodsk, the district of Syktyvkar - Ezhva, the villages of Anikeevka, Anufrievka, etc.


The food is snow (43-48%), the share of underground is large (up to 35-40%), which is explained by the distribution of karst rocks (limestone, dolomite). Water content - from 162 (Ust-Nem) to 601 m³/sec (Syktyvkar). During spring floods the river rises several meters (at Syktyvkar - from 2 to 6) above the average low-water level, flooding the floodplain for many kilometers in width. Average annual water flow - near the mouth - 1160 m³/sec.
Average monthly water flow in the river (m³/s) in the area of ​​the village of Fedyakovo (65 km from the mouth) from 1962 to 1999

Interesting Facts
The ancient name of the river in the Komi language is Ezhva, which means “meadow water” Turkin A. - Syktyvkar: Komi book publishing house, 1986-144 p. (according to another version - “yellow water” Khrustalev A. // “Evening Kotlas”, 04/14/2008).
The name “Vychegda” was borne by the branded Russian Railways train No. 24 on the Moscow-Syktyvkar route. Afterwards it was renamed “Syktyvkar”.

Flora and fauna:

The area of ​​the Vychegda River basin is covered with taiga forests (spruce, pine, birch, etc.)

Fishing enthusiasts will be able to hunt the following representatives of the ichthyofauna:
Chub; Nine-spined stickleback; Common ruff; European vendace; European smelt; European grayling; Golden crucian carp; Brown trout; Bream; Burbot; Nelma; Common pike; Common minnow; Common dace; Common sculpin; Lake minnow; Perch; Gudgeon; Roach; River eel; Atlantic salmon; Common whitefish; Sterlet; Pacific lamprey; Whiskered Char; Ide.

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Nearest hotels (hotels, hostels, apartments, guest houses)

View all hotels in the area on the map

Five nearby hotels are shown above. Among them there are both regular hotels and hotels with several stars, as well as cheap accommodation - hostels, apartments and guest houses. These are usually private economy class mini-hotels. The hostel is a modern hostel. An apartment is a private apartment for daily rent, and a guest house is a large a private house, where, as a rule, the owners themselves live and rent out rooms for guests. You can rent a guest house with all-inclusive service, a bathhouse and other attributes have a nice rest. Check with the owners for details here.

Usually hotels are located closer to the city center, including inexpensive ones, near the metro or train station. But if this is a resort area, then the best mini-hotels, on the contrary, are located further from the center - on the seashore or river bank.

Nearest airports

Type Name Code City Code Distance
Airport Syktyvkar S.C.W. Syktyvkar (RU) S.C.W. 41 km.

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Nearest bus stations, railway stations, bus stops.

Name Type Transport Distance Schedule
Dodz bus stop bus 5 km.


Doji (turn) bus stop bus 5 km.


Vizyabozh (village) bus stop bus 8 kilometers.


Vizyabozh (village) settlement bus stop bus 10 km.


Kortkeros (state farm) bus stop bus 11 km.


Ust-Lemyu bus stop bus 12 km.


Kortkeros (DRSU) bus stop bus 12 km.

Geographical encyclopedia

River in the north of the European part Russian Federation, right tributary of the North. Dvina. 1130 km, area bass. 121 thousand km². Average consumption water 1160 m³/s. Splavnaya. Navigable to the Voldino pier (938 km). On the Vychegda city of Syktyvkar,... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

VYCHEGDA, a river in the north of the European part of Russia, the right tributary of the Northern Dvina. ISO km, pl. basin 121 thousand km2. Average water flow 1160 m3/s. Splavnaya. Navigable to the Voldino pier (938 km). On Vychegda. Syktyvkar, Solvychegodsk, Kotlas... ...Russian history

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 river (2073) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Right tributary of the North. Dvina; in the Komi language it is called Ežva - from ež turf, young grass and va river (see Vikhm. - Uotila, 43), therefore it is believed that the name Vychegda should contain a word with a similar meaning; Wed Khanty vanǯi grass, vanča, Mansi vānsiŋ… … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

A river in the north of European Russia, a right tributary of the Northern Dvina. 1130 km, basin area 121 thousand km2. Average water flow 1160 m3/s. Splavnaya. Navigable to the Voldino pier (938 km). On Vychegda the cities of Syktyvkar, Solvychegodsk, Kotlas... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Vychegda- Sp Výčegda Ap Vychegda/Vychegda L u. RF Archangelsko sr. ir Komijoje… Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

Vychegda- river, pp. North. Dvina; Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk region. Name from other mans. vichegda is a damp meadow and always a river, i.e. the Vychegda river flows among low, damp, swampy meadows, which corresponds to its character for most of its course. On the… … Toponymic dictionary

A river in the Komi ASSR and the Arkhangelsk region of the RSFSR, the largest tributary of the Northern Dvina (right). Length 1130 km, basin area 121 thousand km2. It originates on the southern edge of the Timan Ridge. In the upper reaches the valley is narrow, incised at 20–40 m,… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

River of Vologda province, right tributary of the Northern Dvina; due to its size and abundance of water, many people mistake it for the upper reaches of the Northern Dvina. The river is formed in the Vologda province. in the vast parmas that make up the watershed between the V. and Pechora basins.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Reserved North/The Russian North, . This book is addressed to the origins of this vast and beautiful region on the northern borders of our country. The album describes lakes Ladoga and Onega; Onega River; Belomorye; Northern River...
  • History of the Kotlas installation site of the Sevzapenergomontazh trust under the Arkhangelsk installation department, Anatoly Ruzhansky. The place where the Kotlas pulp and paper mill, the largest in Europe, was built, has a rich historical past. The village of Koryazhma, Kotlas district, Arkhangelsk region, is the current…

The Vychegda River is part of the basin White Sea, and is considered the largest tributary of the Northern Dvina.

Source and tributaries of the Vychegda River

Vychegda begins on the Timan Ridge, which is about 220 meters above sea level, here two streams Lun-Vozh and Voy-Vozh, which flow from the Dzyur-Nyur swamp, merge.

The river has tributaries, there are many of them, 1173. Let’s name the largest and most important of them:

  • left - Sysoki, Viled, Lokchim, Nem, South Mylva, North Keltma;
  • right - Vol, Vym, Vishera, Yarenga, Elva.

Characteristics of the Vychegda River

The basin area is 121 thousand square kilometers. Its length is 1130 kilometers. The river falls from a height of 179 meters and flows into the Northern Dvina near Kotlas. The depth of the river varies, from 0.5 meters to 6 meters.

The river's topography is quite varied and changes depending on the current. At the very top there are faint hills interspersed with cliffs and voids. In the middle part, sandy shores appear, which change to clay. The lower part is sandy, through which clay or black peat appears. Pebbles and stones may already appear near the water.

Vychegda river photo

The width varies from the upper reaches, where it is different places from 15 to 20 meters, and the valleys - almost 200 meters. In the middle reaches - 80, and in the lower reaches - 30-40 kilometers, and the floodplain - reaches 11 kilometers.

Regime of the Vychegda River

The Vychegda River is fed by melting snow, precipitation in the form of rain, and groundwater. This type of nutrition is called mixed. The river becomes frozen in early November and melts at the very beginning of May. In spring, the water level often rises from 4 to 7 meters. The speed of water flow varies from the upper reaches to the lower part - from 6 to 1.8 meters per second. The riverbed is winding, the valley is wide, and oxbow lakes are often encountered.

Vychegda river. winter has come photo

Flora and fauna of the river

Coniferous forests grow along the banks, where you can find pine and spruce, and between them - birch, bird cherry, cedar, and larch. The number of fish and animals living on the shores is decreasing due to industrial emissions. The river contains Atlantic salmon, perch, bream, roach, and dace.


The biggest settlements are:

  • Kotlas;
  • Syktyvkar;
  • Koryazhma;
  • Solvychegodsk

Vychegda river photo

Tourism on the river

Fishing, recreation on the islands and shores, and rafting along the Vychegda river are common.

  • Vychegda is included in the list waterways Russian Federation, since most of its route during the shipping period is used for rafting wood, sailing ships and barges. During low water, shipping continues.
  • The Komi tribes called the river yellow water or meadow water, which is associated with wood alloys.
