Ritual with green. Green candle spell: attract money

Trying to understand why untold wealth flows to some, while others languish in poverty, you inevitably wonder whether you should try money spells? After all, how can one rationally explain the miraculous luck of individuals if the conclusion about magical intervention higher powers suggests itself.

Types of conspiracies to attract money

Money magic rituals, although aimed at attracting wealth, differ in the purpose they pursue. And everyone has their own measure of wealth: one has enough to buy a bun with butter, while another dreams of a mansion on Cote d'Azur France.

There are conspiracies designed for quick money, usually small amounts needed to immediately solve material problems.

There are rituals for accumulating wealth, which involve not just the appearance of money, but also the enrichment of the entire material sphere: good studies (job), obtaining housing, career growth, salary increases, strengthening partnerships.

In addition, in a powerful way of obtaining material well-being From time immemorial, reading prayers to the saints (Spyridon of Trimifunt, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel) has been considered.

By the way, since your ultimate goal is to constantly increase your material wealth, money conspiracies should be read only on a growing, waxing moon (unless another condition is separately prescribed in the ritual).

For the sacrament you will need: a transparent container with spring (purified) water, a banknote. It is desirable that the night sky be clear (cloudless). A ritual is performed when the moon rises high enough and is reflected in the window of your house. Fill the bowl to the top with water. Holding the vessel in your hands in front of you, stand by the window so that the glow of the moon is refracted through the walls of the vessel. Read the spell words three times:

Water, water, fill yourself with moonlight. Be filled with heavenly power, wonderful grace. Sister Moon, spring water, I turn to you with my soul: help, call me for money. How much water there is in the sea, ocean, river, Let there be so much money in my wallet. Sister Moon, illuminate the water with your light, give me wealth. Amen to my deed and word.

Then raise the vessel so that you can see the moon through it and say the following:

Let the cup be full, and for me, the servant of God (my name), to forget all poverty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Now drink all the water from the container and immediately go to bed.

Prepare in advance: a green tablecloth, a candle of the same color; a wallet filled with banknotes of different denominations. Read the text late at night, placing the wallet in front of you, 12 times:

The silver moon is rising in the high sky.
It goes from west to east.
The moon grows larger every day, the barrel is rounded.
Adds light and radiance.
How true it is that at the hour of the night the daring month rises to the sky,
It’s so true that in my house the money is multiplying and being put in reserve.
I say reserve and reserve for growth.
The bars on my deed and word are strong.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Having completed the reading, do not extinguish the candle - let it burn out on its own.

Take a handful of coins in your palm and, pouring them from one hand to the other, say:

This is how coins ring, foreshadowing quick happiness, calling for great wealth. Ring, coins, pour, call to each other tenderly. Call your gossip friends from all over, let them come to my house quickly, and they’ll call you back. Amen.

Looking at the illuminated part of the moon, you can say to a paper bill:

There is so much dirt in the swamp, there are fish in the water, so much wealth for me.
Month, grow and grow, give me, the servant of God (name), wealth.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Hide the money in a secluded corner of your room, and spend it a week later.

A very miraculous ritual for attracting money, which helps to get rich and find success in business endeavors.

Take three multi-colored long candles. Each is a symbol:

  • white – you (the one who performs the ritual);
  • brown – work activity;
  • green – fruits of labor (money).

Place them on the surface so that they represent the vertices of an equilateral triangle, as follows: white - in front of you; brown - to the right of the first; green is on the left. Light each one in turn, saying:

“A flame is like a soul; the soul is like a flame” - on white;
“Profit in profit, money in money” - on green;
“Things are in business, ways are in ways, everything is smooth” - on the brown one.

This ritual acts as a kind of fortune telling about the current state of affairs in an exciting area. If they burn continuously, it means business is successful; go out - failure may occur; flicker - something (someone) is constantly creating interference.

With a sharp movement, connect the candles into one to form a solid flame. Place the resulting lamp in the center of the imaginary triangle and say:

In strength is power, in power is strength, I am with strength and with that power.

Make sure that the ritual creation melts completely. Collect the remaining charmed wax and store it as a protective magic talisman, then you will have luck in any profitable business.

For a lasting effect, you will need twenty pieces of ripe apples, picked with your own hands or bought without change.

Distribute 14 fruits to the poor, tomorrow 3 more. On the third day, take the remaining ones and take them to church. Place the apples on the funeral table and say:

Remember my poverty for peace, and let my wealth remain with me. Amen, Amen, Amen.

This plot must be read throughout the week. In return he promises strong defense from poverty and lack of funds in the family. The main thing is to choose the right period when the moon will be in the waxing phase all week. On Sunday evening with the first stars, take a bill, leave the house and, raising your eyes to heaven, say:

Just as there are countless stars in the sky, so with us (names: yours and your spouse’s) money has never been transferred. Let it be so. Amen.

The next morning, place the charmed banknote on the windowsill, next to three more coins. Do not touch the money for a week, but speak to it every day:

On Monday I’ll get up, on Tuesday I’ll look, on Wednesday I’ll take it, on Thursday I’ll bring it, on Friday I’ll save it up, on Saturday I’ll be happy, and on Sunday – my luck! Let it be so! Amen.

At all times, people have used magical rituals to ensure a constant flow of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, there are quite a lot of them. They differ in their methods of implementation, but each of them is aimed at gaining financial well-being.

Especially great importance has rituals performed with the help
green candle. This rich color is generally able to attract money into the house. It is necessary to carry out rituals with great faith in their fulfillment, otherwise they will not have power. In addition, you need to follow certain requirements for their implementation.

Requirements for the ceremony

Green candles are most suitable for performing such witchcraft. Since ancient times, people have used them to turn to higher powers to fulfill their requests.

When the flame burns, it becomes possible to realize the most daring ideas.

Green color is generally a symbol of prosperity, which can be not only financial. This shade can help you find health, fertility or love.

This coloring is traditionally associated with the forces of nature and growth. Therefore, it is traditionally used to improve material well-being. If you light such a candle in the house every day, then wealth will not leave the family. If a person is poor, then soon his condition will be replaced by prosperity.

Additionally, using green candles helps to attract happiness, joy and love. It imparts external and internal beauty to women, and allows men to achieve maximum financial success.

It is this shade that helps fulfill all desires related to the growth of something necessary. It resonates with natural phases that promote renewal.

Therefore, to carry out rituals to attract money, green is the best color. In general, the conduct magical ritual enables people to achieve complete well-being.

Therefore, in order to prevent money from leaving the house, it is worth putting different places a large number of green candles. They will provide an influx of positive energy, become a talisman and allow you to achieve success in all your endeavors.

In order for the ritual to attract material wealth to become effective, you need to buy a new candle. You should not use existing ones, as they quickly absorb all the negative energy that manages to accumulate in the house.

It is required to purchase a product that will be made entirely of green wax. If it is simply covered with a similar shade on top, it may not produce the desired effect.

Before performing the ritual, the candle should be smoked with mint, pine or thyme. It will be useful to place the salt solution in it for a while.

After the ritual is carried out, you should hold it in your palms for twenty minutes, transferring to it all the power of your desire to attract money into your life.

Only when there is a feeling that the candle has been filled with vital energy can you be sure that financial well-being will not leave the house.

In addition, you must follow certain rules.

Here are the main ones:

  • You should not try to get money by fraudulent means.
  • You should not deceive others by introducing them into expenses.
  • It takes a lot of effort to attract money.
  • It is worth paying attention to all the clues from the Universe.
  • You need to be determined.
  • There is no need to try to bewitch excessive wealth.
  • The ritual should be performed in secret.

You need to remember that a green candle will only help those who are really ready to work to fulfill their desires.

Ritual for quickly attracting money

Witchcraft to gain financial well-being must be performed after the new moon. It must be done in complete solitude.

You should focus as much as possible on your goal and fervently believe in achieving it.

The simplest ritual to attract money is carried out as follows.

In the light new month you need to light a green candle. You need to imagine the results of fulfilling your desire and say the words:

“I wish that the healing and harmonious energy of this candle becomes mine. Let the magic of money flow through my life. I attract money like a magnet. I am open and receptive to wealth. There is light and love around me, they protect me in all my efforts. Let everything be done according to my word.”

Then you need to leave the candle until it burns out completely. Placing certain minerals on the table for the ritual can also help fulfill the intention to attract money.

The best conductors of magical energy are:

  • Aventurine;
  • turquoise;
  • malachite;
  • nephritis;
  • opal.

If the candle does not light up immediately, then the ritual should be postponed, since the time for the wish to come true has not yet come.

If after the third attempt it still does not burn with an even flame, you need to work on yourself and your life, because the person, apparently, does not have the desired qualities to achieve material well-being.

Increased attention should also be paid to lunar activity.

Ritual for fulfilling a monetary desire

In order to attract finance, there is a more complex ritual.

At twelve o'clock at night you need to put a new green tablecloth on the table, light a candle of the same color and place it in the center.

The gaze should be directed towards its flame, and in the soul there should be desire achieving material wealth.

You need to make sure that the flame remains even. Then you need to say three times:

“The green flame is flaring up, money is coming to me. Amen!".

The spell must be pronounced loudly and clearly. At a certain sound wavelength, the desired goal comes into resonance with the influence of the Universe.

If after uttering the words the flame remains the same even, there is no doubt that the money will soon find its way to the person.

In the event that smoke or smoke comes from the fire, you need to perform the ritual again. But you should choose another day for it.

It is required to carry out the ritual with full concentration on the final goal.

It is worth clearly imagining what it is desirable to achieve when performing the ritual. It is necessary to completely free the consciousness from extraneous influences and follow all the rules for its implementation.

The best day of the week for its departure is Wednesday.

Ritual for a constant flow of cash

In order for prosperity not to leave the house, you need to carry out a certain multi-stage ritual. It is carried out in the first three days after the new moon.

You should purchase twelve green candles. At twelve o'clock at night they need to be placed on the table in the form of an arc and a large number of banknotes placed nearby.

When the moon appears in the sky, you need to light the candles from left to right. After everything is burning with an even flame, you need to look at the month and say three times:

Just as you, silver friend, keep growing and expanding your sides, so my wealth cannot be counted, growing and growing. Let them grow and come, and add wealth to the house. There is and will never be an end to them. Just as full-flowing rivers have no translation, so wealth will never end in my life.

Then, from right to left, the candles are extinguished and left on the window to receive the energy of the moon.

Afterwards you should show increased attention, since the desire will be fulfilled only as opportunities for big earnings. Wealth will not fall from the sky on its own.

If you take advantage of the chances that begin to present themselves, the money will come every day.

Professional success will increase, and business will go up. Especially great success awaits those who care not about their pockets, but the well-being of their loved ones.

In order to help achieve your goal, it is advisable to first fumigate the room with special witchcraft herbs.

The best conductor for spells is smoke from:

They help attract wealth into the house and prevent it from disappearing. Regular fumigation of the premises also allows you to protect your home, increase your income and ensure constant prosperity.

You should also place a bag of plants next to the green candle.

It is the ritual that can help a hardworking and purposeful person achieve his goal of attracting money.

However, it is worth remembering that the desired chance will present itself only once. To gain a second opportunity, the ritual must be performed anew.

But you shouldn’t turn to witchcraft for help too often. Asking for help from higher powers is allowed only in cases of extreme need and for good purposes.

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Green candles for attracting money create exactly the level of vibration that is necessary for attraction cash flows to a person who resorted to the help of candle magic.

The whole point is that green color symbolizes prosperity, wealth, fertility and abundance. It is no coincidence that banknotes are a means of payment different countries, often painted green.

When is the best time to use candle magic?

A ritual to attract money should always be performed during the waxing phase of the Moon, since it is a rite of growth. As soon as the growing lunar crescent appears, you can begin monetary rituals, until the full moon.

Green candles for money work most effectively on Fridays.

The most popular rituals using a green candle

First option

For quick attraction money (if you urgently need to make a very expensive purchase or have unplanned expenses), you can use the following ritual. It will require:

  • Cinnamon.
  • Green and yellow candle.
  • Jasmine oil.
  • Crystal of golden opal, alexandrite, aventurine or opal.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Any fiat currency.

Having placed a green candle in front of you, make an inscription on a currency bill with a pencil: “urgent amount” (indicating the required amount of money) and run a crystal over it. A yellow candle is placed on the right side, the fire of which should fall into the field of view when looking at the flame green candle.

The crystal is placed in front of both candles. While lighting them, they simultaneously recite the text of the spell: “Money will come to me. They'll be here in required quantity by the time I need. The money will come to me very quickly. I thank the Lord for your help. I need money in the amount of (name the quantity) by (such and such) date.”

This text is spoken for ten minutes. The ritual is performed every day until the candles are completely burned out.

Second option

To return the money, they use another ritual. Several coins and paper bills are placed around the green candle, after which the green money candle is lit. Looking at its flame, one imagines a greenish haze emerging from it.

After some time, the candles are extinguished, and with the help of money charged in this way, they pay for purchases. In order for the money spent to return to the previous owner, from time to time they light the candle used in the ritual, which will play the role of a magnet, attracting both old and new funds.

Third option

To attract additional money and material prosperity, proceed as follows. You need to stock up:

  • Laurel or rose (as incense).
  • Oil of clove, bergamot or orange.
  • Not one candle, but three at once (green, red and orange).

To attract money, a green candle is placed in front of you, and the rest are placed on the sides. All candles are burned on the same day. With candles and incense burning, the following spell is pronounced: “I am worthy of the good that I ask for. May abundance come to my home. May prosperity always be with me. May all my deeds be crowned with success. Everything I dream about will definitely come true.”

While repeating the spell, they imagine everything they want to possess (this is very important). The ritual is repeated over the next three days.

Common tradition

The ritual of attracting money is used in the culture of many peoples of the world. In order to never experience ruin and deprivation, it is customary for them to light three green money candles at once every week (on Wednesdays). For the same purpose, orange (or yellow) candles are burned on Thursdays. It is important to maintain regularity and not miss a single week. In this case, the result will be as strong as possible.

As you know, each color emits its own specific vibrations, which have a big influence per person. When using candles in rituals, fortune telling, or lighting them simply to create a romantic atmosphere, we don’t even think about which candles should be used for which purposes. It turns out that with the help of candles you can attract money, love, good luck, improve your mood, restore health and even become more attractive. Experienced esotericists claim that a candle of a certain color affects a person differently. Let's figure out how candles affect our body and internal state.

Candle color meaning

White candles is a symbol of purity and purification. They are good to use for cleaning the house from negative energy, as well as during meditation and prayer. White candles are considered universal, as they can have a beneficial effect on all areas of a person’s life.

Red candles will help attract love, regain lost feelings and even increase sexual attraction. As a rule, red candles are widely used in love magic. They are used in love spells and rituals. The meaning of a red candle is passion, love, desire. In addition to love magic, red candles can be used to increase performance and physical endurance. For this it is enough before important event light a red candle.

Green candles attract money and contribute career growth. The meaning of a green candle is growth, development, harmony and health. A green candle is used for enrichment purposes and to attract good luck in work. This candle will also help restore strength, achieve peace of mind and be healed both in soul and body. This candle can be used in rituals and spells for money, and it can also be easily lit for meditation.

Black candles should be used very carefully and only when absolutely necessary. Typically, experienced magicians and sorcerers use candles of this color in their practices. In life ordinary people black candles can help get rid of damage and the evil eye, cleanse the house of negativity and cure a person of addiction.

Pink candles Recommended for use by women only. Candles of this color have a beneficial effect on female body and state of mind. They help representatives of the fair sex gain attractiveness, inner charm and femininity.

Blue candles symbolize spirituality, personal development and success. They should be used to achieve your goals in your career, study, and also to achieve higher knowledge.

Orange candles will help lift your mood and recharge with positive energy. They are used for depression, stress and to relieve fatigue.

Silver candles are used exclusively for magical rituals. They help enhance intuition and promote the development of magical abilities.

Golden candles used to achieve financial well-being and protect property. In addition, they help to gain self-confidence and help improve self-esteem.

The choice of candle color directly depends on your life goals and desires. They can be used either alone or in combination. But remember that no candle magic will help you if you do not try to solve the situation yourself. Candles are just helpers. They will only be beneficial if you are completely dedicated to your intended task. Believe in yourself and don't forget to push the buttons and

07.02.2014 14:37

Alexander Sheps uses candles in many tests in the “Battle of Psychics” of season 14. This time...

There are many magical rituals for attracting wealth and prosperity. But we will only consider those rituals for which you will need candles.

In general, the magic of candles is considered one of the most powerful, since the flame of a candle creates a special energy that fills our desire, pronounced in front of the candle. This energy helps your desire come true and you become richer.

It is believed that the color of the candle you are going to use in the ritual plays a role. So, for money rituals, green and less often white candles are used.

At midnight, light such a candle in front of you and look into its flame. Think about the wealth you want to achieve. When the candle flame becomes uniform, say the following words out loud: “Burn green fire, come to me for money!”

To enhance the effect, you can say this phrase several times as loudly as possible.

You can also place banknotes on the table around a candle. of different denominations so that the candle flame illuminates them, filling them with the energy of your desire. Place these bills in your wallet and spend them over the next few days.

Be sure that the money you spent will come back to you a hundredfold.

Ritual with two candles

To perform this ritual you will need two long thin candles, white and green. White candle represents you, and green represents your wealth.

On the first day (a better evening), place these candles on the table at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other and light. Look into their flames, imagine how your energy is intertwined with the energy of wealth, think about why you need money and what good it will bring into your life. After some time, you can blow out both candles.

The next day, place the same pair of candles closer to each other. And also think about your future wealth. Repeat the ritual every day, each time placing the candles closer to each other. When the distance between them is reduced to a minimum, twist the short stubs together into a tight knot and tie with a red or gold ribbon.

Now you and money are connected by a common energy, and wealth will find you on its own. Store candles as a talisman.

Ritual with bay leaves

This ritual is usually performed on a waxing moon and when you clearly know why you need money, for example, when you want to buy something specific.

You will need a green candle, a large metal dish, and seven whole intact bay leaves (a bay leaf seasoning that is added to soup).

So, place the candle in the center of the dish and light it. On the laurel leaves, write a word that symbolizes your desire, for example, “Ford Kuga” or “red dress.” This can be done with a pencil or marker. Then light the leaves one by one from a candle, throw them on a dish and let them burn completely.

If the leaves just char, light them again. While the candle is burning down, you can peer into the smoke from the laurel and imagine that your wish has already come true. Or walk around the apartment, carrying this dish in front of you, and let the dissipating smoke fill your entire home with the energy of money.

These are not all the rituals for attracting money; we have considered only the most interesting ones. Remember that if you decide to perform a ritual, but the candle flame smokes, it is better to postpone it until the next day or another time.
