The most profitable mining on a processor. Mining using a processor (CPU mining)

This article is unlikely to be of interest to experienced miners, but to beginners who are just discovering the field digital money will undoubtedly be useful.

However, this circumstance does not mean at all that our audience will be too small, since every year the fascinating world of crypto attracts tens of thousands of new users seeking to conquer it and benefit from it. And to achieve these goals, at a minimum, you need to be able to navigate both the cryptographic coins themselves and the methods and types of their mining.

Today we will look at one of these types, namely, mining on a processor, as well as everything connected with it - hardware requirements, special software, profitability, etc.

Modern computers differ from their predecessors in much greater performance and are equipped with no less modern CPUs (central processing units), which demonstrate high operating frequencies and have several cores. As for the frequency, it reflects the ability of each core to perform a certain number of operations per second of time. An indicator of the power and performance of hardware is the number of hashes per second or, to make it clearer, the number of operations with 16-digit numbers that are performed in a second. The higher this indicator, the more productive the mining farm, regardless of whether you are mining cue ball or other digital money.

Of all the various components of your computer, only 2 elements are capable of producing power suitable for mining - the CPU and GPU, or, in other words, the central processor and graphics processor, better known as a video card.

Today, the most powerful CPUs can provide performance at 14 MN/s, while video cards (GPUs) have many times more computing power. True, they still won’t be able to work without a motherboard and central processor, and they “eat” too much electricity.

Before we talk directly about “digging” crypto, we need to draw your attention to several important points.

First, before purchasing a CPU, inquire about its frequency and mining power. As a rule, the most effective devices from this point of view are produced by manufacturers such as AMD and Intel. You can familiarize yourself with the line of both companies on the Internet; material on this topic is not difficult to find.

Secondly, your success will depend not only on a powerful processor, but also on the successful choice of a miner program. The most popular software are those that independently select the most profitable sites for mining. this moment digital currencies, although if you do not agree with their choice, you can change it as you wish. In the settings of such programs, you can specify how many cores of your PC you use for mining coins, and you can also connect a video card to the CPU.

The number of such cryptocurrencies includes both already well-known names and names that many have not yet heard of. The former include Ether, Zcash and Primecoin. We will not dwell on them; they are already well known. But let’s look at lesser-known coins in a little more detail. These are cryptocurrencies such as NiceHash, HOLD and MinerGate.

As for NiceHash, on the Internet you can find a test version of the program for its reproduction, posted by the developers. MinerGate requires installation and launch special program, and to mine HOLD you will need at least one gig of RAM, and mining is carried out using the ProtoShares Momentum algorithm.

Cryptocurrency fishing on a central processor involves a number of necessary steps, which we will now consider in the order in which they need to be taken:

  1. Selection and installation of equipment. The increased interest in the cryptocurrency sector in general and in crypto mining in particular could not but cause fierce competition among manufacturers computer equipment. It is also present among CPU manufacturers who are constantly improving their devices. The leading positions in this segment are occupied, as we have already noted, by such manufacturers as AMD and Intel.

In general, miners prefer Intel CPUs, but AMD is nipping at the heels of its main competitor, as evidenced by the company's latest high-performance 8-core processors operating frequency, which have attracted the attention of many experts. Their energy efficiency is especially noted.

  1. Creating an electronic wallet. When you finally decide on the crypto you want to mine, go to its developer’s website and download a special software for storing mined coins, in other words, online wallet(like a BTC wallet). This software is installed on HDD your farm. The next step is to synchronize the downloaded program with the network. And to complete the process, you need to get the wallet address. You will need it when setting up the bat file (launch file).
  2. Downloading the CPU miner program. In order to dig for digital currencies, you need a special tool. This, of course, is not a pick or a shovel, but a special mining program that will do this work for you. Of the several hundred cryptographic currencies that currently exist, only a few dozen are suitable for mining on a CPU (by the way, this includes the cue ball), and of these dozens only small share brings profit to the miner. And for each such money there are its own mining algorithms and its own miner programs, from which you need to choose the most suitable one for the type of your processor and the chosen crypt, and download it. Thus, you will acquire a reliable assistant that will bring you profit.
  3. Launch file (bat file). And finally, let's turn to creating a bat file. This is the so-called launch file, which determines the configuration of the entire mining process. This is a file in text format, it sets the defining parameters of the process of “digging” the crypt and contains all the necessary information (for example, the address and identifier are entered here, it is written here how many cores of your computer you are willing to allocate for mining, maximum power, etc. .).

The economic feasibility of mining cryptocurrencies in one way or another, without a doubt, interests users in the first place, and this is understandable, because people go into this “business” not for the sake of sport, but in the hope of profit.

The success of such an enterprise depends on many factors. What matters here is the power of your equipment, the costs of purchasing it, creating a farm, and uninterrupted supply of electricity, as well as its price. If we consider all this in complex, then it becomes obvious that mining on a CPU is more accessible than on ASICs or video cards.

However, accessibility does not mean profitability. For example, cue ball can also be mined on a processor, but the effectiveness of such an activity will be zero, or even bring you losses due to the ever-increasing complexity of the process. Even if you spend a lot and buy powerful modern hardware, you still won’t be able to make money, and you won’t even recoup your costs. After all, the BTC algorithm assumes that the reward is halved after every 210,000 blocks mined. Today, each block is rewarded with 12.5 BTC and miners do not suffer losses only due to the jump in the value of this digital currency, but given the volatility of this market, it is, to put it mildly, imprudent to expect that the cue ball will continue to break records for rate growth.

Therefore, I would like to give advice - before spending money on a farm, take the time to thoroughly study the market, try to find the latest and most reliable information. After all, the digital money market is very volatile and cryptocurrency, which was profitable yesterday, can greatly disappoint you today.

The type of mining discussed in this article is more affordable in terms of the necessary investments in hardware; it is less energy-consuming, but is much inferior in speed to the same video cards.

The CPU is quite reliable equipment, and it can always be used in your own PC. Mining on it is characterized by the ability to simultaneously perform diverse tasks, while GPU mining is characterized by processing large volumes of the same type of information.

The disadvantage of mining cryptocurrencies using CPUs is their limited power. This applies to even the most modern processors. In addition, they require modern components ( latest versions motherboards, high-speed RAM, etc.), and this pleasure is not cheap.

To begin with, we will give an example of calculating the profitability of mining a coin such as Monero on an 8-core Ryzen 1700X CPU (AMD).

So, the maximum processor overclock is 4 GHz. It costs around 370 USD and consumes 95 W. You will have to invest $300, if not more, in purchasing additional components. Mining the Monero cryptocurrency using this equipment will bring you one and a half dollars per day, which will allow you to return your investment in about 247 days, and this is very good result for CPU mining. But if CPU mining is compared with mining on a video card, then the former loses greatly both in speed and profitability.

WITH technical point From a perspective, mining on a processor at home is quite possible, but this is if we consider the issue somewhat divorced from the current reality. But the reality is that the complexity of the mining process has already reached those limits where mining is no longer possible for ordinary computers.

Some experts believe that CPU mining has become obsolete and there is no point in doing it. But there is another point of view, which is that it is ineffective to mine a well-known and popular crypto on a processor, but it is very possible to work with new digital coins. True, one cannot count on big profits in this case. But on the other hand, Bitcoin was also once worth a penny. Who knows, perhaps one of the young cryptocurrencies will also take off over time.

In general, if you are a beginner and are not yet very well versed in the cryptosphere, then why don’t you first turn your attention to cloud mining– and you don’t need a lot of money, and some kind of income will “drip in”, and there will be time to delve deeper into the topic. Think about it and good luck!

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Mr. Hal here. In this article I want to touch on an old and banal topic: “mining on a processor.”

I'll start with this question: Do you really think CPU mining is already an old and uninteresting topic?

If your answer is " Yes“, then you are already a “veteran” in cryptocurrencies..

If your answer is " No“, then it’s not difficult to guess that you are a beginner, your brain is not yet spoiled, you have a lot of questions and an ocean of enthusiasm!

Well, our rotting community needs fresh minds and ideas!

One way or another, people who want to understand at least a little the principle of real mining, but do not have even the simplest ASICs, begin to try to lure on existing computer hardware (processors and video cards).

And those who have powerful gaming video cards are lucky, but this is a topic for another article. Subscribe to my blog to receive an email about the publication of a new article.

CPU – mining on the processor

I don't know why, but I used to get it all wrong GPU(mining with video cards) with CPU.

These abbreviations most often indicate which mining program is intended for what.

In other words, if you download the GPU, then in any case mining will start with the video card.

I’ll say right away that there is no point in mining with the SHA256 algorithm your processor. I don’t even want to discuss this, you’ll understand later.

But it always makes sense to try to mine another cryptocurrency with a processor using other algorithms.

Where to mine on a processor

There are two options: look for the most suitable algorithms, cryptocurrencies, mining pools, or use a convenient service for all this.

This is the service I use ]]> ]]> – the project is already more than a year and truly convenient and believe me, people make money here.

If you want, I will write about minergate in more detail in new articles.

So, there is a tab “ Web mining" There we find the button “ start" and start mining on the processor.

Cool, yeah?

I warn you right away, your computer will begin to slow down a little. Well, what did you want - mining baby!

The rapidly growing interest in cryptocurrency has made mining incredibly popular. To mine digital coins, it is enough to have a high-performance computer equipped with a modern central processing unit (CPU), the frequency of which directly determines the size of the reward.

To engage in crypto mining using a CPU, you must have:

  • powerful central processor;
  • suitable motherboard;
  • high-speed RAM;
  • HDD;
  • efficient cooling system;
  • power unit;
  • monitor.

After that, a wallet suitable for storing a specific cryptocurrency is installed, as well as software (miner) that allows you to mine the selected cryptocurrency.

Which processor to choose for CPU mining

Among existing CPU manufacturers, the clear leaders are AMD and Intel. Competing with each other, companies tirelessly delight PC users with their advanced developments. Just look at the 8-core processor presented by AMD developers. In addition to the fact that this CPU contains enormous computing power, it is considered the most economical in terms of energy consumption.

Processors listed in the table - the best choice for CPU mining in 2017:


Power (kH/s)

Frequency (GHz)

Intel Core i5-3570K


Six-core AMD Phenom II X6


Eight-core AMD Ryzen 1700X


Intel Core i7-3770


What cryptocurrency can be mined using a processor?

CPU mining is great for crypto mining ZCash, Ethereum, Primecoin, as well as less popular altcoins and shitcoins:

  • MinerGate - mining this altcoin involves installing special software that allows you to get involved in the mining process;
  • HODL - to mine this coin you need to have 1GB of free space random access memory, and the peer-to-peer network itself uses a rather rare algorithm - ProtoShares Momentum;
  • NiceHash - requires the installation of a special utility that works in test mode.

Best CPU Mining Software

Mining cryptocurrency using a central processor is impossible without installing a so-called miner - a program that allows you to work within a particular peer-to-peer network. The following utilities are great for mining popular crypto coins:

  • Eobot - mines Dogecoin, bitcoin;
  • CPU-miner - configured for the Litecoin platform;
  • Ufasoft Miner - used to earn BitForce, Roll-Ntime, SolidCoin, TeneBrix;
  • GUI miner - “mines” exclusively Bitcoin;
  • 50MINER - litecoin and bitcoin;
  • Jgarzik CPU miner - works only with Bitcoin.

There are also programs used for mining altcoins and shitcoins:

  • Claymore CPU;
  • Ethminer;
  • Wolf's CPU miner;
  • Yam CPU;
  • Nheqminer;
  • CCminer.

The efficiency of crypto mining directly depends on both the complexity of the peer-to-peer network and the costs of equipment and electricity. CPU mining is the simplest and least energy-intensive process, requiring relatively small investments. Assembling a processor farm is much cheaper than a similar design built on video cards. However, it should be taken into account that due to the continuously growing complexity of the network, mining, for example, Bitcoin will be ineffective.

Today, perhaps the most attractive cryptocurrency for CPU mining is Monero, which is generated in a peer-to-peer network that works with the CryptoNight algorithm. To mine it, you need to download and install the XMR-Stak software.

Disadvantages and strengths of CPU mining

CPU crypto mining has three main advantages:

  • energy saving;
  • relatively low cost of equipment;
  • the ability to simultaneously solve several problems at once.

But there is also a significant drawback - the low hashrate, which makes the mining process very slow, which affects its profitability. For clarity, we can give an example using as a basis the eight-core AMD Ryzen 1700X CPU worth $370, which produces up to 4 Hhz at maximum loads. Its use in mining the Monero cryptocurrency brings a monthly income of $45, with an energy consumption of 95W. It is also worth considering the costs of additional equipment ( motherboard, RAM, etc.), which will be approximately $300. The approximate payback of such a mining kit is 250 days, which is a pretty good result. But as practice shows, a top-end video card, which costs an order of magnitude more, will pay for itself much faster and begin to bring in more significant profits.

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Hello. And so, the first article on this site, or rather instructions for mining monero on a processor. Many people ask, what about cryptocurrency mining on a CPU (processor), so I decided to write. Here we will describe in detail. Mining Monero on a CPU is not much different from mining on a video card. We will configure the miner, select a pool and wallet. You can also mine - .


There was another hardfork, if you see the message you must update your xmr miners before block 1685555 (October 18th) or they will stop working, we need to update the miners, we will redo the article in the near future.

Monero has switched to the new cryptonightv8 algorithm. We have reworked the article for this algorithm.

Mining Monero on CPU

To start mining monero on cpu you need:

1. The processor itself :)

2. Select the Wallet where xmr will be mined.

3. Select a pool.

4. Set up and download the miner.

So, let's begin. In our example, we will be mining monero on a CPU I7 8700k. For AMD processors, the cpu xmr mining setup is similar (the same thing), since the miner is universal.

Let's choose a wallet for monero. The local wallet is very tedious and is only suitable for long-term storage; for quick exchange into real money and medium storage, I recommend exchanges.

And so you downloaded the miner and unpacked it in a place convenient for you. And we have two ways.

1. Or configure xmr config when running xmr-stak.exe

2. Create the Start.bat file, we’ll do that, if you downloaded the miner from me, then it’s already created there.

After unpacking, edit the Start.bat file, and we see

U and after the xmr address that we received on Exmo, you can also add the name of the rig and email after the address. (If you do not have the Exmo exchange, and not a local wallet, you still need a Paymen ID, which you can find out on your exchange, example -u adress.paymen_id)

We don't touch the rest.

Now save and run the start.bat file.

So mining xmr + began on the processor, but most likely on a video card, if you have one. After launch, you will have 2 files created. One cpu.txt, everything is ok with it, and the second file is nvidia.txt or amd.txt. If you want mining to not occur on the video card, go to the file from the video card (nvidia.txt or amd.txt), and put it there " gpu_threads_conf": null,

If everything is configured correctly, you should have about the same.

Now you need to wait a little for the statistics to appear. Go to

And where the red arrow is, enter the address from EXMO that you specified in the config (if you have a payment id, you need to enter the address with it, example adress.payment_id), and press search.

And so here are your statistics. It will be accurate after a day of continuous mining. Let's take it in order.

Current Calculated Hashrate is your current hashrate.

Average Hashrate for last 6 hours - average hashrate (speed) for the last 6 hours.

Balance is your balance.

Unconfirmed Balance is an unconfirmed balance. After a while it will be in balance.

Then after the monero comes to you on exmo, you can exchange it for real money, more details here -. Monero's conclusion is similar.

I hope you understand how to mine monero on a processor.

I want to warn you that mining with a processor is only profitable with the CryptoNote algorithm; Monero is mined using this algorithm.

Thanks to all. Bye.

We often get a question: is it possible to mine using a processor? We answer: it is possible, but not all. In fact, there are a very limited number of cryptocurrencies that can be effectively mine using a processor. I emphasize the word effectively, because theoretically you can run any mining on a processor, the only question is whether it will be profitable.

However, there are cryptocurrencies whose hashing algorithm is specifically tailored for processors. These are the ones we will talk about. We recently wrote, but today we will talk about real mining. As an example, we chose such a useful coin as Primecoin ( Primecoin). If you are not yet familiar with it, let me tell you that it belongs to that small group of cryptocurrencies that, in addition to speculation in the market, also do something useful. IN in this case we're talking about about finding new prime numbers. Yes, that’s why it has such a name (prime in English is a prime number) and if you thought that this is not such an important activity, then you are wrong. Prime numbers these are the magical cornerstones of cryptography, and many cryptographic encryption methods are built on them.

However, let's move on to the practical part. For mining, you only need a processor and that’s it, but it is desirable that it be more powerful and more nuclear-powered. First, you will need to download a Primecoin wallet. Install it, synchronize with the network and get your primecoin address.
After that, go to this topic and download the miner.

There you can actually get all the information in English. And if you don’t know it, then read on.
After downloading the miner, you need to create a batch file to launch it. Create a text document and enter the following line into it:

primeminer_x64.exe -poolip= -poolport=1337 -pooluser=AXj9dTBUeX77sFMkw1nMhahecdzToBoMyP -genproclimit=4 -poolfee=3

primeminer_x64.exe— the name of the miner file you are running. If you have a 32-bit system, then you need to register the appropriate executable.
-poolip=— pool address, leave unchanged.
-poolport=1337— pool port, leave unchanged.
-pooluser=AXj9dTBUeX77sFMkw1nMhahecdzToBoMyP— your identifier on the pool, instead of my address you register yours.
-genproclimit=4— a parameter that indicates how many cores of your processors you allocate for mining. I warn you that the miner loads 100% percent, so either run it when you are not working, or limit the cores.
-poolfee=3— voluntary contribution to the pool owner. The number indicates your deductions as a percentage of what was mined; it can vary from 0 to 100.

That’s basically all, save the text document, rename it, for example, beeeeer.bat and run it. If you did everything correctly, a black window like this should appear.

If you have this, then everything is in order, the process has begun. If you pay attention to the second screenshot, you can find a line with the signature there.

At the end of this line there is a parameter 0.018 chains/d. This parameter shows the speed/performance of your miner. This screenshot was taken from a laptop with an i3-2350M 2.3 GHz processor, and for example on i5 desktops it is already 0.055-0.070. If we talk about performance in coins, then five i5 processors get me about a coin a day. This is certainly not a lot, but on the other hand it does not require any effort. In addition, as practice shows, cryptocurrencies tend to rise in price unexpectedly, so having a couple of coins in reserve is always useful.

How to view statistics on your miner? I must say that the dear xolokram didn’t worry too much about the design; his website is the pinnacle of minimalism. However, everything you need to know can be found there, so click the payouts button.

Voila, you see your address and opposite it - the number of primecoins that you have already managed to mine. Payments are made automatically when the amount reaches 3 coins.

Happy mining and don’t forget to support the developers, pools and generally everyone who contributes to the development of the community. And also mine useful currencies!
