Baby boom among Russian stars. Baby boom in Russian show business: Victoria Krutaya and other star mothers

Star baby boom doesn't slow down. And it looks like 2018 will be a very fruitful year for almost every second celebrity family! Some famous mothers are still hiding their pregnancy, while others, on the contrary, have assured publicly that the joy of motherhood will soon await them. In a word, see for yourself which of the stars will become a mother in 2018.

1: Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba presented the birth of her future baby no less impressively than the royal couple. On her Instagram page, the 36-year-old actress posted touching photo, in which her daughters Honor and Haven are holding balloons in the form of the numbers “1” and “2”, and Jessica herself is holding her belly, showing that their third long-awaited baby lives there!

2: Georgina Rodriguez

The star striker of Real Madrid and the Portuguese national team, Cristiano Ronaldo, will soon become a father for the fourth time - the football player confirmed the pregnancy of his 22-year-old girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez. And this child (and it is already known that it will be a girl) will be the first to be born to a Portuguese person not from a surrogate mother.

3: Hilarie Burton

But the actor of his favorite television series “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Supernatural” and “ Ambulance" And " the walking Dead“Jeffrey Dean Morgan delayed the birth of his second child for 8 long years. Although, what does it matter if his wife Hilarie Burton is already in an “interesting” position?

4: Kate Middleton

The news that appeared in a press release from Kensington Palace in early September can be re-read endlessly: “Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their third child.” Kate is due to give birth in April, but for now she is again being treated for severe toxicosis, which accompanied her in previous pregnancies.

5: Kim Kardashian

It seems that the rule “no rating without Kim” works flawlessly! Yes, the family of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West will actually become parents again in January 2018. But considering that the first two pregnancies of the reality show star were accompanied by risks and threats to the health of the mother and future children, for the third time a brother or sister for North and Saint was entrusted to a surrogate mother.

6: Kylie Jenner

But once again, Kim won’t be able to pull the blanket of fame and sensations in the show on herself alone – competition is breathing down her back! It turns out that her little sister, 20-year-old Kylie Jenner, is also expecting with her boyfriend Travis Scott!

7: Khloe Kardashian

Do you think this is a joke? But no - throughout all 13 seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe desperately proved that she was ready for motherhood, and it happened! Wow, the third of the five famous sisters has announced her pregnancy (Khloe is expecting a baby with her boyfriend, basketball player Tristan Thompson) and it looks like the reality show ratings will go through the roof in 2018!

8: Holly Marie Combs

I wonder if the fourth child of the star of the TV series “Charmed,” Holly Marie Combs, will be born until 2018?

9: Rose Byrne

It seems that the star of the films “X-Men” and “Insidious” Rose Byrne decided to “run to the second circle without a break.” Only in last year She gave birth to her first child, Rocco Robin, to her wife Bobba Cannavale, and she is already ready to nurse her second baby!

10: Elena Zakharova

But it seems that most of all fans hope that in the new year the stork will fly to Elena Zakharova. The other day, the happy news circulated in the media that the 41-year-old actress had finally coped with the bitter loss (in 2011, her daughter Maria died at 8 months of life from meningococcal infection) and was preparing to become a mother again. The date of birth and gender of Zakharova’s future baby are still unknown, but the actress can no longer hide the fact of “expectation” behind loose outfits. Rumor has it that Elena will give the child to businessman Andrei Bolshakov, whom she has been dating for three years now.

11: Lindsay Fonseca

It seems, famous women are competing to make the most creative pregnancy announcement on social media, and How I Met Your Mother star Lindsay Fonseca, 30, has a good chance of winning. Just look at the photo she shared with her subscribers - in the photo Lindsay with a rounded belly and her husband Noah Bean are reading books for expectant parents!

12: April Love

But the 22-year-old model with the beautiful spring name April will make the singer of the hit “Blurred Lines” Robin Thicke happy in the spring of 2018. There can be no doubt, on her Instagram page the girl has already posted an ultrasound photo and several shots of her rounded tummy. By the way, for Robin the future baby will be the second.

In 2018, there is a real baby boom among celebrities. Many stars became mothers for the first time. And some were able to rejoice at the next addition to their family. Motherhood is one of the most exciting...

In 2018, there is a real baby boom among celebrities. Many stars became mothers for the first time. And some were able to rejoice at the next addition to their family.

Motherhood is one of the most exciting states for a woman. After all, the birth little man- This is a real miracle.

And although pregnancy is a challenge for every woman, it is worth it. What could be more wonderful than the birth of a new life?

So this year singer Savetlana Loboda became a mother for the second time. Replenishment also occurred in royal family Great Britain.

49-year-old Lera Kudryavtseva was also able to feel the joy of motherhood. Many other famous women also became mothers.

But the baby boom doesn't end there. Other celebrities are also expecting a new addition to their family.

For example, 44-year-old actress Maria Poroshina is expecting the birth of her fifth child.

From this short video you will find out which celebrities will also soon become a mother.

Some of these famous women did not try very hard to talk about their pregnancy and for their fans this came as a real pleasant surprise.

So, here's one of the stars happily awaiting their baby.

25.05.2018 |

The slightest changes in the lives of celebrities cause public outcry. What can we say about the birth of a child! It became known that soon 10 famous women will hold newborn babies in their arms.

Updated 11/13/2018 12:15

1. Singer Svetlana Loboda

At the end of March, singer Svetlana Loboda announced that she was taking maternity leave: “I need to prepare for the birth of my baby.” The father of the child remains unknown to the public; it is assumed that this is Ramstein lead singer Till Lindemann.

Photo: Instagram @lobodaofficial

Svetlana together with eldest daughter Eva. Loboda continued to work during pregnancy: she created new compositions and improved old ones. She walked a lot along the ocean shore, thinking about the new show.

Svetlana with her daughter Evangelina

Dmitry and Anastasia are preparing for the arrival of their baby

July 10 for a young couple. Dmitry now misses home very much if he goes to training or competitions, because now his beloved wife and little princess are waiting for him.

3. TV presenter Olga Ushakova

The mother of two charming daughters and part-time presenter of Channel One, Olga Ushakova, announced at the end of December that she was going on maternity leave.

According to the TV star, the pregnancy was going well. Olga did not know who exactly fate would give her this time.

Olga Ushakova with her husband

On April 14, 2018, Olga Ushakova gave birth to her third daughter. The birth was easy, which she reported on her microblog: “Thank you to the Lapino medical center for the excellent care!”

“Our miracle was born”

The girl has not yet told us what the baby was named or other details (height, weight, etc.).

“The first family outing went well”

It is known from Instagram that Olga is breastfeeding and “getting out into the city is like flying to Paris.” However, Ushakova is not upset, saying that “holding this little bundle of happiness in her arms is the most important thing in the world right now for her.”

4. Actress Anna Khilkevich

TV series star Anna Khilkevich is 6 months pregnant. Fans suspected this at the beginning of spring, but the girl remained intrigued until the very end. Only in April, in her microblog, the actress confirmed that she would indeed become a mother again.

Photo: Instagram @annakhilkevich

Anna's appearance has changed a lot. Khilkevich gave birth to her first child, daughter Arisha, 2 years ago in the famous medical center"Lapino". As fans suggest, the second birth will also take place there.

Anna with Arisha

On August 20 it became known that the girl was named Maria. Khilkevich tries to keep herself in shape, the actress lost weight very quickly excess weight after childbirth.

5. Singer Hannah

28-year-old Hannah, who is known for her hits “No Questions” and “Mom, I’m in Love,” was expecting her first child. Girl (Pasha), musical director of the Black Star brand.

The singer tried to limit her musical career, but in May-June. The star continued to emerge. The baby was expected in September. Hannah felt great: “No toxicosis! I love being pregnant. So much attention immediately to my humble person.”

Future parents

On September 3, the daughter of the young singer and her husband Pavel Kiryanov was born in one of the clinics in Miami. Fans claim that the girl was named Anya, which Hannah mentioned in some posts.

6. Alec Baldwin's wife - Hilary

Alec Baldwin's wife Hilary became a mother for the fourth time. 33-year-old yoga instructor and 59-year-old celebrity Hollywood actor We met at the end of 2011. A few months later they got married. In April 2013, their first child was born - daughter Carmen Gabriela. In June 2015, it was the turn of Raphael Thomas, and a little over a year later, Leonardo Angel Charles.

Photo: Instagram @hilariabaldwin

Last November, the couple officially confirmed via Instagram that they would have another baby in 2018: “In the spring, our family will grow by one person. I will prepare a special cake that will tell you who we are expecting - a boy or a girl,” Baldwin’s wife wrote on her microblog.

Blue biscuit for a boy

Hilary is expecting a baby

“He's here! He’s perfect!”

Photo caption: “He is here! “He is perfect” (“He is here! He is perfection”). The newborn, whose name is unknown, weighed 3,700 at birth.

7. Hollywood star Eva Longoria

42-year-old model, actress and producer Eva Longoria, widely known for the TV series Desperate Housewives", was expecting her first child. The celebrity confirmed this fact at the end of last year, no longer hiding her rounded belly.

Longoria tried to get pregnant for many years and was already desperate to become a mother. The star even publicly stated that she was ready to raise her husband’s children from a previous relationship. Let us remind you that for Eva’s husband, businessman Jose Baston, this is already the third marriage.

Eva is expecting a boy

The actress hosted active image life: traveled a lot and attended social events. On the evening of June 19, Eva gave birth to a healthy boy, Santiago Enrique.

“Hello world! I introduce to you Santiago Enrique Bastón"

The girl gave exclusive interview prestigious publishing house, where she reported the details of the joyful event.

“My husband and I thank higher power for such a wonderful gift!”

The birth was easy at a leading Los Angeles medical center - Cedars-Sinai.

8. Actress Kate Hudson

The star of the films “Fashionable Mommy,” “Fool’s Gold” and “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” 38-year-old Kate Hudson is expecting her third baby.

She wrote about this on Instagram: “You asked where I went? She suffered from toxicosis."

Kate Hudson will soon become a mother

It is known that the world-famous actress is expecting a girl. She already has two sons from previous relationships. Kate is now married to musician Chris Robinson.

Ronnie, daughter of Kate Hudson

On October 2, 2018, 39-year-old Kate became a mother again. The baby was named Ronnie in honor of Ron's grandfather, whom the whole family loved very much.

9. Model and socialite Khloe Kardashian

Before the New Year 2017, representative famous family Kardashian, Khloe, published a photo on her microblog with the caption: “My cherished dream came true! I will become a mother in April."

Photo: Instagram @khloekardashian

33 year old model and socialite is in a relationship with 26-year-old basketball player Tristan Thompson. She once noticed that her lover dreams of putting together a basketball team from his own sons: “He wants me to give him 6 children. Let’s start with one thing,” noted Chloe.

Chloe continues to go out

On April 12, a representative of the famous Kardashian family, Khloe, gave birth to a healthy baby girl. They named her Tru. The birth took place in one of the most expensive and prestigious clinics in America – Cleveland Clinic.

"💕Happy One Month True💕"

There is information on the Internet that Chloe began having premature contractions after she learned about the inappropriate behavior of her common-law husband and the child's father, basketball player Thompson.

Khloe and Tristan

Be that as it may, the baby was born healthy, and Tristan was present at the birth. Judging by the celebrity's Instagram, the young people are doing well.

10. Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton

Replenishment was also expected in the royal ranks. In August 2017, the press service of the English court officially announced that the Duchess Cambridge Kate Middleton is preparing to become a mother again. Together with her husband Prince William, she is already raising a son and daughter.

Kate will become a mother again

Information has emerged that the royal couple is expecting a child towards the end of April. This pregnancy, like the previous two, was very difficult. Kate suffered from severe toxicosis. Despite this, she often had to appear at various social events - her status obliges her.

Status obliges

Kate and Prince William welcomed another son on April 23. The newborn boy was given beautiful name– Louis Arthur Charles. The birth took place in the private clinic of St. Mary's (a suburb of London). In that medical institution The eldest children of the royal couple were born.

"His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge"

Prince William attended the birth. A few days later, the young mother and newborn were discharged, and happy father took them home.

Kate Middleton at Meghan and Harry's wedding

The young mother is already going out into the world. On May 19 she attended a wedding younger brother her husband Prince Harry and his fiancee Meghan Markle. Fans noted that Kate looked tired, although her image was, as usual, impeccable.

11. Singer Nyusha

At the end of May 2018, the star Russian stage Nyusha stated that. The information was hidden from fans for many months. The 27-year-old singer is of the opinion that publicly reporting such important events necessary when “pregnancy can no longer be hidden.”

The child's father is her husband Igor Sivov. They got married a year ago, and almost immediately rumors began to circulate about the girl’s pregnancy. They said that this was even the reason official registration relationships. As it turned out, this was not true then.

Photo: Instagram @nyusha_igorsivov

On November 6, Nyusha shared the good news on Instagram: she gave birth in Spain. Igor Sivov was present when the baby was born. The parents have not yet announced the girl's name.

We wish all pregnant celebrities good health and an easy birth! And to those who have already had babies, love and patience!

Z The worldwide baby boom is not slowing down. And it looks like 2018 will be a very fruitful year for almost every second celebrity family! Some famous mothers are still hiding their pregnancy, while others, on the contrary, have assured publicly that the joy of motherhood will soon await them. In a word, see for yourself which of the stars will become a mother in 2018.

1: Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba presented the birth of her future baby no less impressively than the royal couple. On her Instagram page, the 36-year-old actress posted a touching photo in which her daughters Honor and Haven are holding balloons in the form of the numbers “1” and “2”, and Jessica herself is holding her tummy, showing that their third long-awaited baby lives there !

2: Georgina Rodriguez

The star striker of Real Madrid and the Portuguese national team, Cristiano Ronaldo, will soon become a father for the fourth time - the footballer confirmed the pregnancy of his 22-year-old girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez. And this child (and it is already known that it will be a girl) will be the first to be born to a Portuguese person not from a surrogate mother.

3: Hilarie Burton

But the actor of his favorite television series “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Supernatural” and “ER” and “The Walking Dead” Jeffrey Dean Morgan delayed the birth of his second child for 8 long years. Although, what does it matter if his wife Hilarie Burton is already in an “interesting” position?

4: Kate Middleton

The news that appeared in a press release from Kensington Palace in early September can be re-read endlessly: “Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their third child.” Kate is due to give birth in April, but for now she is again being treated for severe toxicosis, which accompanied her in previous pregnancies.

5: Kim Kardashian

It seems that the rule “no rating without Kim” works flawlessly! Yes, the family of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West will actually become parents again in January 2018. But considering that the first two pregnancies of the reality show star were accompanied by risks and threats to the health of the mother and future children, for the third time a brother or sister for North and Saint was entrusted to a surrogate mother.

6: Kylie Jenner

But once again, Kim won’t be able to pull the blanket of fame and sensations in the show on herself alone – competition is breathing down her back! It turns out that her little sister, 20-year-old Kylie Jenner, is also expecting with her boyfriend Travis Scott!

7: Khloe Kardashian

Do you think this is a joke? But no - throughout all 13 seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe desperately proved that she was ready for motherhood, and it happened! Wow, the third of the five famous sisters has announced her pregnancy (Khloe is expecting a baby with her boyfriend, basketball player Tristan Thompson) and it looks like the reality show ratings will go through the roof in 2018!

8: Holly Marie Combs

I wonder whether the fourth child of the star of the TV series “Charmed”, Holly Marie Combs, will make it to 2018 or is already about to be born?

9: Rose Byrne

It seems that the star of the films “X-Men” and “Insidious” Rose Byrne decided to “run to the second circle without a break.” Just last year she gave birth to her first child, Rocco Robin, to her wife Bobbe Cannavale, and she is already ready to nurse her second baby!

10: Elena Zakharova

But it seems that most of all fans hope that in the new year the stork will fly to Elena Zakharova. The other day, the happy news circulated in the media that the 41-year-old actress had finally coped with the bitter loss (in 2011, her daughter Maria died at 8 months of life from meningococcal infection) and was preparing to become a mother again. The date of birth and gender of Zakharova’s future baby are still unknown, but the actress can no longer hide the fact of “expectation” behind loose outfits. Rumor has it that Elena will give the child to businessman Andrei Bolshakov, whom she has been dating for three years now.

11: Lindsay Fonseca

It looks like famous women are competing to make the most creative pregnancy announcement on social media, and How I Met Your Mother star Lindsay Fonseca, 30, has a good chance of winning.

Just look at the photo she shared with her subscribers - in the photo Lindsay with a rounded belly and her husband Noah Bean are reading books for expectant parents!

12: April Love

But the 22-year-old model with the beautiful spring name April will make the singer of the hit “Blurred Lines” Robin Thicke happy in the spring of 2018. There can be no doubt, on her Instagram page the girl has already posted an ultrasound photo and several shots of her rounded tummy. By the way, for Robin the future baby will be the second.

The first month of autumn brought good news: many star moms, already established and future, delighted their fans with messages about expecting a baby. There hasn't been a baby boom like this for a long time! And this makes me happy, because the birth of a baby is always happiness. Which celebrity will soon experience the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood again?

Emin Agalarov

Businessman and popular performer Emin Agalarov will soon become a father of many children. Let us remind you that in July of this year Agalarov married a model Alena Gavrilova, with whom he had a long-term relationship. And the other day it became known from media reports that Alena is pregnant.

Instagram @eminofficial

Irena Ponaroshku

The TV presenter is expecting her second child. This became known after the celebrity published on her personal blog a still from the filming of the program “Evening Urgant”, in which the tummy is visible to the naked eye. Judging by the photo, Irena Ponaroshku is infinitely happy about her “interesting position.” Gender of the child future mom hides.

Instagram @irenaponaroshku

Ksenia Sobchak

TV presenter is preparing to become a mother for the second time Ksenia Sobchak. Information about your spouse's pregnancy Maxim Vitorgan Her representative Kirill Sukhanov confirmed. The man noted that the period is still short. However, the interesting position of the celebrity is already noticeable to those around her.

Instagram @xenia_sobchak

Olympics Teterich

Daria and Arthur do not comment on this good news, but you can’t hide your changed figure from fans. When her friend, an actress Christine Asmus, published on her personal blog a video from a charity event in which Melnikova dances in a tight dress and is not embarrassed by her already quite large tummy, everything became clear to everyone.

Natalia Antonova

Will become a mother for the fourth time Natalia Antonova. The 44-year-old actress announced her pregnancy on her personal blog:

My dears, I’m going on vacation, I’m very sorry that we canceled the performances that were planned in 2018, but I think you’ll forgive me, because I’m expecting my fourth baby, I’ll definitely delight you with television premieres, and We will be able to meet in the theater on March 8, 2019 in Moscow! I love you!!!

Instagram @n.antonova

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Soon they will become parents for the second time Elizaveta Boyarskaya And Maxim Matveev. The acting couple is still silent on this matter, but Elizabeth’s father, the country’s chief musketeer, spoke on air at one of the radio stations Mikhail Boyarsky. He confirmed that his daughter was pregnant and declassified the sex of the unborn baby.

Instagram @lizavetabo

Maria Poroshina

Popular actress and mother of many children expecting her fifth child. The gestation period is still short. Let us recall that last summer in an interview with the weekly “7 Days” Poroshina said: “It’s not for nothing that the word “family” means seven “I”, seven people: parents and five children. I always want children and would gladly give birth to more.”. It also became known that Maria Poroshina divorced her husband, actor Ilya Drevnov. The actress said about the father of her future baby that he “lives outside of Russia.”

Instagram @poroshinamariyamikhaylovna

Natalia Medvedeva

There will be a possible addition to the family of the TV show participant “ Comedy Woman» Natalia Medvedeva. According to media reports, fans met the actress in one of shopping centers and noticed that she was “deeply pregnant.” Presumably Natalia is in her eighth month.

Note that until this moment Natalia managed to hide her situation: the expectant mother stopped attending social events, and on her personal blog she published only photographs from the back or above the abdomen. Fans of the actress ask her questions about her pregnancy, but Medvedeva continues to keep the secret.

Instagram @natalymedvedeva


Journalists and fans are also sure that the bride Timati- model Anastasia Reshetova- will soon give the rapper another child. The couple does not comment on the rumors, but his daughter Alice I'm already getting ready to become a big sister.

Instagram @timatiofficial

Konstantin Khabensky

According to media reports, Konstantin Khabensky will soon become a father of many children. Journalists managed to photograph Olga Litvinova, and the pictures clearly show that the actress is pregnant. The Moscow Art Theater, where Olga serves, reported that the actress stopped appearing on stage at the end of last year. theater season, although she has not yet gone on official maternity leave. And in close surroundings the actresses have already said that the baby is due in December and Olga plans to give birth to him in Moscow. The sex of the child is being kept secret for now.

Instagram @khabenskiy_konstantin

We congratulate all future mothers and fathers and wishthemeasy pregnancy!
