Quotes about rain, sad and love. Statuses about rain and love

The weather has no bad weather, that's why many people like quotes about rain. When you are in a warm and cozy room, rain is perceived completely differently. The quotes collected here will be of interest to many.

The rain cannot last forever.
Film "The Crow" (1994)

How I adore these first warm rains!
- I don’t want to upset you... but it seems to me that they don’t care that you like them so much
- I don’t care that they don’t care. I don’t love them so that they know that I love them.
Oleg Tishchenkov. Cat

If I were the rain that connects heaven and earth, forever distant from each other, could I connect two hearts?
Anime "Bleach"

When it rains, it seems that something is about to be remembered.
Ryu Murakami. Children from the storage room

One day it started to rain and did not stop for four months. During this time, we learned about all types of rain: direct rain, slanting rain, horizontal rain, and even rain that comes from bottom to top.
Movie "Forrest Gump"

With every downpour comes the hope that one morning everything will be clean again and the oldest stains will disappear, like doubts about his innocence, or the result of his mistake, or like the wound of his betrayal, or like the memory of his kisses. So we wait for the rain to fall, hoping for the best, even if we know that some stains are imprinted on our hearts forever and nothing will wash them away.
Series " Desperate Housewives(Desperate Housewives)"

What, is it raining?
- No, I think they are spitting on us from above.
Andy Warhole. Philosophy of Andy Warhol

A lot can be said about rain, aphorisms and sayings about rain reveal this topic completely.

Don't hug the walls of buildings to protect yourself from the rain. You will be overtaken there by the largest drops falling from the roofs...
Jonathan Carroll. Wedding of sticks

He took the umbrella from her hands and she pressed herself even closer to him, and happiness drummed from above.
Vladimir Nabokov. Pinhole camera

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, someone with joy and a premonition of cleansing will offer their hands to the same rain, while another will frown heavily, sweep away their sadness into a random stream and pull their cloak tighter. The weather is ours, and the rain... it just comes. Devoid of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.
Al Quotion. Improvisation spare part

What is rain? This is air with a layer of water.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

In rainy weather, it is not a sin to do something for your education.
Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades

The rain pours down with a persistence that is incomprehensible to the mind, and the air is so permeated with dampness that the roof over your head seems to be just a tribute to human conventions.
George Bernard Shaw

It was getting dark outside, and the rain was still pouring, large, heavy, leisurely rain, of which there was a lot and which was clearly in no hurry.
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Ugly swans

Rain happens in every life.
Palham Greenwell Woodhouse. Mating season

If you want a rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.
Ernie Zielinski. The art of not being alone: ​​the joys of single/unmarried life

“Letter about rain” Maxim Averin (R. Rozhdestvensky)

We hope you enjoyed these rain quotes.

Well, once again you won’t understand anything. Well look, I love you! I am the rain!

I don’t need your happiness...And I don’t need your love...I only need rain and bad weather. One. Absolutely. One....

“I really want to fall in love, especially when it’s raining outside, and you’re on VKontakte and constantly refreshing the page, but no one writes to you... “crrr cool... at least it’s raining)))

She loves the smell of coffee in the morning, pouring rain, mint cigarettes and her yellow umbrella. And she also loves you. But that doesn’t matter anymore.

...I want rain, you, long kisses and hot tea...

Sometimes, we don’t have enough words to say what we feel.... sometimes, we don’t have the strength to admit that we love.... sometimes, we can’t lower our pride and say: “wait, I need you, stay!" and sometimes we don’t even understand how dear a person is to us.... but.... when we understand, it’s too late....

[SHE LOVES: rain, milk chocolate, soap bubbles, children's laughter, black and white photo, not a lot of martinis, smile more often, strawberries and cream and HIS]..

She loved to listen to rain and rap on a record, wear a Japanese robe and draw pictures and dialogues about pleasures... and now she is gone... no...

I love rain, but only if there is someone to walk under an umbrella with, someone to hold hands with, someone to kiss, removing wet strands of hair from their face….

I will always wait for you, my beloved... I will remember, believe, live and not give up... when you are not expected and the rain is like a wall, I know there is no reason to return! I will think day and night about what You, like the light of a candle, burn alone under the blue sky.... when my ray burns from the darkness, forgive me... I will wait for you, my beloved!

You see, I can’t choose one of them - Yes, bro, it happens, but what color are her eyes? -Brown... wait, who are you talking about? - Well, you say you can’t.

Blue rains splash loudly through the puddles. I really need you now, do you hear? Come! Come hug the wind and kiss the rain! There are no kilometers between us, come! Golden threads of the sun will be on the way, I will give you poetry... Do you want it? Come! Do you want me to ruffle your hair? Shall I look into your eyes? I know you're good. It’s impossible without you!

I want romance. I want warm summer rain, to walk barefoot on wet grass. I want to smile and cry with happiness. And your loved one is nearby. Walk like this in the rain holding hands. Kiss. This is happiness!

I love rain... it reminds me of you... just as cold, strong and free... Statuses about rain and love

The girl says to the guy: - I love cakes! - It would be better if she loved me! - I love you too! - You said that as if I were no better than cakes! - No, better, of course! You don't make my belly grow! Wait though....

I know that time will lick away all the pain, You won’t be afraid, I see. After the rain, two black cats on a wet roof came closer.

Yes, because in the rain I fly in the clouds, because in the rain I carry you in my arms, because in the rain we don’t need umbrellas, the three of us will remain - Rain, me and you...

She loves too, but her lips will not utter these words out loud, she is used to pretending that everything is fine, and only her friend knows that the rain has not stopped yet.

I wandered alone through the dark streets, getting wet in the drizzling rain. Is it really true that true love has not been invented in this huge world...

And he? He forgot her. He forgot! After all, he doesn’t know how to love! And only the loud patter of cold rain on his window, on a cold autumn evening, made him remember her name and her forever in love BLUE EYES...

She doesn’t believe in love anymore, she remembers his eyes, assuring herself that everything was a lie. He looks at the autumn rain and cries with it... he forgets what happiness is, not hoping to meet it again, and every time he says that everything is fine, although his heart is breaking from pain and melancholy.

She loved warm summer rain, and he loved winter blizzards. She loved warm coffee, and he loved cold cola. But there was one “but”, at the same time they loved each other.

Love is like a small cloud, it flies in the clouds across the sky, imposes romance, but once it reaches warm place, it begins to melt and falls to the ground as rain, and then disappears without a trace and you will no longer see it in the sky! Still, other clouds will fly by, but they will fall in other places, so every love is unique...

If my kiss was a drop of rain, then I would give you a shower.

Love is when you look at the rain and you are not sad at all...!

And outside the window, it’s raining, then snow... And it’s time to sleep, and I can’t fall asleep... Still the same yard, still the same laughter... And only you are missing a little...

I love vanilla dreams, coffee, rain and...

-Loves, doesn’t love... loves, doesn’t love... loves... - Ver, maybe that’s enough? This is already the tenth flower! Well, he loves you! - Wait! There are still Misha, Roma, Dima, Vova, Oleg and Sasha left...

Statuses about rain and love

The selection includes quotes about rain and rain:

  • For example, I really love it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable. Erich Maria Remarque, "Three Comrades"
  • In rainy weather, it is not a sin to do something for your education. Erich Maria Remarque, "Three Comrades"
  • It’s an awkward feeling when, having gotten wet in an unexpected downpour in one place, you get off the bus ten minutes later in another, where bright sun and there is no sign of rain.
  • Paris smells best when it rains. It's the smell of wet chestnuts. "Sabrina"
  • Do you want to hide from the rain? Rise above the clouds!
  • It hasn't rained for a long time... about 15 minutes already)))
  • Are you worried about snow or rain!? - Meanwhile, they don’t mind hugging you at all! Asov Arsen
  • A girl walks through the puddles barefoot, her Chinese shoes have disappeared in the rain...
  • Sign: washed the car - it will rain, charged the air conditioner - it will rain and snow.
  • Rain is not just heavenly water. I think rain is always some kind of sign... Elchin Safarli, “There without going back”

  • While we are in an armchair by the fireplace, the rain outside the window is not wet at all.
  • Rain is when the sky is covered in fragments of puddles.
  • The rain makes flowers grow and it makes the snails happy. "Parisian Story"
  • The rain pours down with a persistence that is incomprehensible to the mind, and the air is so permeated with dampness that the roof over your head seems to be just a tribute to human conventions. Bernard Show
  • He took the umbrella from her hands and she pressed herself even closer to him, and happiness drummed from above. Vladimir Nabokov, Camera Obscura
  • If you see bubbles in the puddles during the rain, it means you have nothing else to do.
  • Once, when I was little, my grandmother and I went to a summer cafe under open air to have lunch. Then it started to rain. It took me three hours to finish the broth.
  • If you dream of a rainbow, be prepared to get caught in the rain
  • One day it started to rain and did not stop for four months. During this time, we learned about all types of rain: direct rain, slanting rain, horizontal rain, and even rain that comes from bottom to top. "Forrest Gump"
  • There is a revelation in the rain - hidden tenderness and the ancient sweetness of an approximate drowsiness, an artless song awakens with it, and the soul of the sleepy nature trembles. Federico Lorca

  • Joints ache - it means rain... teeth ache - go to the dentist... girlfriends ache - it means drinking!
  • Outside the window it's raining... Was someone really sent to look for snowdrops in January again?
  • Some people enjoy the rain, others just get wet. Bob Dylan
  • From school essay: “Large drops of rain ran down the pubic glass.”
  • Don't hug the walls of buildings to protect yourself from the rain. You will be overtaken there by the largest drops falling from the roofs... Jonathan Carroll, “Wedding of Sticks”
  • Every autumn I waited for it like Boldino, but usually only rain came.
  • Summer rain. First - how light touch. Then stronger, more abundant. He pounded on the sidewalks and roofs, like the keys of a huge piano. Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine
  • It’s great that December has arrived, I’ve been wanting rain for so long.
  • When it rains, it seems that something is about to be remembered. Ryu Murakami, "Children from the Locker"
  • When it rains endlessly, drought doesn't seem like such a disaster.
  • Just when you think you won't see rain again, it smells so amazing. "Smallville"
  • Who are the old-timers? These are people who don't remember anything. “Even old-timers don’t remember such severe frosts, such a prolonged drought, such heavy rains.”
  • This is some kind of Indian summer... stingy with warmth like a man, but crying like a woman.
  • I bought some summer clothes, Sunglasses— it’s raining outside and plus 12. I feel like if I bought a swimsuit, it would snow!
  • Their dreams moved in time only to the soft rustling of the rain on the roof, in time with each other's even breathing. Poppy Bright, "Drawings in Blood"
  • It’s such a summer these days... You go out into the street in the morning - and in addition to the expressions prohibited by law, only one thing comes out: “What, again?!”
  • If you want a rainbow, you have to put up with the rain. Ernie Zielinski
  • One day I didn't want to go outside while it was raining. So June passed.
  • If you are so old and the sand is falling off you, don’t despair! Sprinkle cement on yourself and stand in the rain! A first-class monument is ready!
  • It turns out that the weather also has favorite days of the week. For example, the rain, like us, is looking forward to the weekend, it’s a pest!
  • The rain washed over the world, and this rustle seemed cleansing, although some stains could never be washed away. Dean Koontz, "Dark Rivers of the Heart"
  • He was waiting for me in the rain. I will never forget this. It was raining, I was late, and he was waiting for me. So simple. But it is impossible to forget this! Renata Litvinova, “Own and Belong”
  • Rain sounds completely different to a person on the street and to a person in the house.
  • Under the sound of the rain, I hear the laughter of the sun. Leonid Sukhorukov
  • Rain is the time when the number of compliments addressed to Russian road potholes increases significantly, because they disguise themselves as puddles.
  • I lost the weather control panel, if I found it, please return it and don’t play around with the cold, rain and snow!
  • For a person under an umbrella, the probability of putting the umbrella away depends not on raindrops, but on the frequency of encountering people with folded umbrellas.
  • The most accurate weather instrument is a towel hung outside the window. If it’s wet, it’s raining; if it’s swaying, it’s windy; if not, it’s stolen.
  • Even the rain laughs and does not cry, The whole world has become brighter and cleaner... How sometimes it means a lot to the heart And such a trifle as “I missed you”

I like autumn, when it certainly rains, there are wet naked statues, and black leaves certainly stick to them, and on the unpaved earth, ordinary, natural, dark yellow leaves lie and cover the dirt.

Renata Litvinova

These feelings from the past sometimes come back to me. Together with the then sound of the rain, the then smell of the wind...

Haruki Murakami

Do you like getting wet in the rain? Of course, few people like this. But, I advise you to try. At least once a year, you should get wet! On a summer day, after the sweltering heat, warm rain is very welcome. The main thing is to take the first step. The most difficult thing is at the beginning, then it will pass. It's like when you want to go into the water, but you can't decide. It seems cold to you, you walk up to your knees and stop. But the slower you move, the more painful the process is for you. Sometimes, most in a painless way What you don't dare do is take a running start.

Chuck Palahniuk.

With the beginning of autumn, ponds and even puddles have a thoughtful expression on their faces. The rains become smaller and longer along themselves.

Mikhail Baru

I walked through the October forest. The quietness of autumn was soothing. I wanted it to last a long time With this clarity, with the rains, With the long, dull days, With the nakedness of the trees, With the sharpness of their lines, And with some strange feeling of Loneliness in which you find Pleasure... This is how I understand autumn.

Alexander Glezer

I am no more lonely than a loon laughing loudly on a pond, or Walden Pond itself. Who shares the loneliness of this pond? Meanwhile, its azure waters reflect not the demons of melancholy, but heavenly angels. ... I am no more lonely than a mill stream, or a weather vane, or the North Star, or South wind, or April rain, or January drops, or the first spider in a new house.

Henry David Thoreau

The wind died down, giving way to a barely noticeable fog, in which the juice of the leaves, the dampness of the earth and the salt of the nearby sea were mixed. The silence and peace that happens after a summer rain promised a quiet and piercing joy, which happens in rare moments of premonition of complete happiness.

Anton Chizh

It smelled like rain. Anxious, intrusive, although the clouds did not seem stormy. The wind rushed across the field like a playful little dog, jumping from left to right and trying to lick your cheek with its cold tongue.

Olga Gromyko

And he suddenly realized that this summer would be wonderful. It was wonderful. And pink-golden mornings, and warm rains and smells that hovered in the curtained rooms. And a bird. They saw her one day on the back of a bench under an oak tree. Beautiful and bright, like a toy, striped, with an orange crest and a crooked beak. The whole summer was like that bird.

Mariam Petrosyan

I hate the silence of rooms, it’s hard for me to enter under the roof. I love space, I love reeds, an eagle flying to catch. I want rain, I want winds, And every day I want to change my home! To fall powerless into a heavy ditch, to wander among the blind like a beggar.

Valery Bryusov

When a fierce wind blows and heavy rain pours, animals and birds feel uncomfortable. When the sun shines brightly and a gentle breeze blows, the trees and grass breathe with vigor. But we must understand: there is not a day when there is no harmony in the life of nature; There is not a day when a person’s heart is not filled with joy.

Hong Zichen

In short, when you are in the forest, you become part of the forest. All, without a trace. If you get caught in the rain, you are part of the rain. Morning comes - part of the morning. If you sit with me, you become a part of me. Like this. In short.

Haruki Murakami

Tears are the summer rains that pour into the soul.

Alfred Austin

Summer rain always carries with it the smell of the sea.

Banana Yoshimoto

In a sky without birds, it’s easy to guess the victory of your own words like “I’m sorry”, “I won’t”, as if what was considered a feeling of guilt and the fashion for dark gray became the weather in the end. Everything will be better when light rain It will charge you, because there will be nothing more, and many, too drunk, will still envy the memories and former mental torture.

And it also infuriates you when you put on such beautiful makeup, you go outside, and it’s raining, bitch!!!

And the rain is not shy, it pours and tries to hurt you more...

And outside the window it’s raining and I smile at this rain, because I love him, and he loves me...

And the sky is crying with rain both about her and about him, it will not understand why they are not together...

Walk barefoot along the road when entire rivers flow under your feet.

There is rain in the soul, a smile in the eyes; there is pain in the heart, peace on the face; and no one will know what torture it is to be like this all your life...

My heart beats again to the rhythm of the rain. I want to touch your lips and see how he smiles...

The soul blossoms in gray drops of rain...

People wait their whole lives. They are waiting for a new life, waiting for death. You wait until you fall asleep, and then you wait until you wake up. Waiting for the rain, waiting for it to end. You wait in a doctor's waiting room with crazy people and you're afraid that you're one of them...

Rain is a time of loneliness...

Rain is a consolation for those who could not love. Rain is the hope of those whom he could not forgive. Rain is the tears of those who went to heaven. Rain for those who were not happy.

Rain is when the sky is covered in fragments of puddles.

It rains for those who don't have an umbrella.

Rain on puddles, rain on roofs, rain, take the sadness higher, dissolve it in cold drops, so that you want to cry less...

Rain... Only it gave comfort - stroked her hair, her face... Hid her tears in his drops... Hid her pain...

Rain is the most important thing on Earth. It helps wash away old life and start a new one...

My soul will fly away to where there is no one. I will meet my friends by looking through the crooked glass. It's raining outside again, and again the drops are flying. I've been dying for a long time, I can't live without you...

If everyone you know is sitting in ICQ, it means it’s raining...

If the rain stops, there will definitely be sun. I know that's for sure!

If you ever leave me, leave me in the rain so that my tears cannot be seen...

If you ever leave me, leave me in the rain so I don't cry alone.

All names are forgotten, this sadness is crossed out. Today I'll be alone. Alone on Earth, and let it be. Let them pour heavy rains, Let the wind take away the pain. Today you just don’t wait, Don’t wait, I’m not with you now.

You know, the rain also comes with tears, but even that passes....

And it’s cloudy and the rain is knocking on the window, and the thoughts are hanging in my head... You know, stupid and equally disobedient thoughts, but thoughts...

When it rains, I go somewhere so that the rain pours into my face so that I can’t see my tears...

When it rains, it seems to me that angels are looking at me from heaven and crying with me.

When the Internet is turned off, there is no one at home, it’s raining outside the window - there is time to think, you understand and realize so many things at once...
