G goldschneider the secret language of the maiden birthday. The Secret Language of Birthdays

Gary Goldschneider, Joost Elffers

Path through the stars. The key to the secrets of your destiny

Gary Goldschneider, Joost Elffers

The secret language of destiny. A personology guide to finding your life purpose

© Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers, 1999. All rights reserved

© Edition in Russian, translation into Russian. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL Classic", 2008

© Design. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL Classic", 2017


The fate of a person can be defined as a unique and highly individual thread woven into the fabric of the Universe. Individual destinies - threads are both connected with the destinies of many people, and isolated, making their own unique contribution to the entire Divine fabric. Considering fate from this angle, it is not difficult to understand that the fate of a person - a separate thread in the Divine fabric - although having no less significance than a single whole, can be difficult to distinguish against the background of all things. It is human nature to think both about the meaning of life in general and about the meaning of our own own life. For centuries, people have contemplated the vault of heaven and wondered: “Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? In each of us there lives the confidence that there is something more in life and in ourselves - a goal that goes beyond the physical plane of existence and gives our being a high meaning, included in a great and beautiful whole.

Who among us has not pondered the mysteries of fate?! And why should it be mysterious in the first place? Happy is the one who understands the meaning of life. And is there anything more worthy of pity than a lost soul, a person who wants to understand himself and his role in the world, but has not yet found it and is in mental turmoil?

Asking these questions and seeking answers to them is part of the process of discovering your purpose. Our understanding of life's purpose is destined to evolve, deepen, expand, and become more mature as we age and gain wisdom.

Reflections on life goal are part of its search and implementation. If you have begun to read this book, it means that you are already involved in the process of realizing your destiny. In finding the meaning of your destiny, you participate in its creation.

The purpose of Walking the Stars is simple: to provide answers to some of your questions to help you discover and understand your life's purpose. If you have even a brief moment of insight that is the key to developing a larger plan for your life while you are reading this book, then we, the authors, will consider our task completed and the goals of our own lives realized. After all, the threads of our lives are intertwined with the thread of your life in the process of weaving the fabric of the Universe.

Like previous books, “The Path of the Stars” examines the issues of personology and astrology to help each person realize why he came into the world, what he must learn and what he must achieve. In other words, the book treats the problems of improving the soul.

We are revealing a secret to a wide audience, for a long time known to astrologers: On your birthday, you can identify two symbolic points in the world space, known as the lunar nodes, which set the direction that a person is destined to take throughout life. Like an arrow, this line between the nodes indicates the direction of human destiny. It can be viewed as a path that everyone must travel in their own way and in their own time. The journey from the South Node to the North Node is, in essence, the goal of our lives.

What is the karmic path

The karmic path is determined by the date of birth of a person and symbolically represents a straight line drawn between two opposite nodes in which the Moon was located on that day. Each karmic path consists of a South Node - the beginning of the path - and a North Node - the destination. Unique feature This book is due to the fact that the key positions are interpreted in strict accordance with the personological periods.

All karmic paths require spiritual transformation, which can be likened to the transformation of lead into gold described by alchemists.

Your own karmic path represents spiritual growth, which is the purpose of the life that you are experiencing right now. Whether you succeed by taking fate into your own hands or not depends on you. Lines from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar come to mind:

In human affairs there is an ebb and flow;
With the tide we achieve success;
When the tide goes out, the boat of life
Dragging along the shallows of misfortune.

(Translation by N. A. Zenkevich)

Not only is it in your best interest to ride with the tides of fate, but it seems to be to your advantage to strive for it consciously: to use your free will as a strong oar towards your goal. But, of course, like many travelers, you are better off using a guiding star. The book “The Path to the Stars” will be such a star for you, where you will find advice intended only for you.

Nodes of the Moon

The karmic paths outlined in A Path by the Stars are based on the zodiac positions of the lunar nodes on a particular person's birthday.

What are lunar nodes?

These are not celestial bodies, but symbolic designations of points in celestial space. Lunar nodes- these are the points formed by the intersection of the Moon’s orbit with the Sun’s orbit, viewed against the background of stars. The point at which the lunar orbit touches the solar one as it moves into the Northern Hemisphere is called the North Node; the location of the base of the orbits during movement in Southern Hemisphere is called the South Node.

The angle between the South and North nodes is always 180°, so there is an imaginary axis, or, in other words, a straight line between them. Some astrologers believe that the influence of the South Node is akin to the influence of the planet Saturn, while the influence of the North Node is more similar to the influence of the planets Jupiter and Venus.

The lunar nodes oscillate back and forth, but in general the direction of their movement is opposite to the placement of the signs of the Zodiac, for example, the nodes move from the twenty-second degree of Cancer on a given day to the first degree of Cancer, and then into the sign of Gemini over several months.

In this book we have used averaged nodal positions to identify karmic paths because they smooth out the effect of fluctuation. Moving nodes through everything astrological signs or personological periods take approximately 18.5 years. A node stays in one or another sign for a little longer than one and a half years, and in one or another personological period it stays for approximately 4.5 months. Thus, individuals born at approximately the same time in the same year have the same karmic path.

South Node: Your Starting Point

The southern point is considered to be a reflection of the past, or more precisely, it denotes patterns of our behavior in the past. Astrologers usually believe that the peculiarities of our behavior arose in past lives. Alternatively, it can be assumed that they are psychologically determined either by conditions early childhood(social conditions), or heredity (genetic predisposition). In any case, they appear in the South Node at the beginning of life and are similar to a knurled rut life path. We tend to stick to these patterns because they are reinforced to the point of automaticity. Perhaps we have adopted certain behavioral patterns, talents and skills in past lives and are now returning to them in our present life.

By acting according to the South Node, we follow the path of least resistance. This in itself is not a problem, since the South Node gives us some innate talents and abilities. This can often explain the fact that some people quickly achieve skill in a particular field of activity and seem predetermined by nature itself to do so. If we could look into the past, we would undoubtedly be convinced of how much work it cost them to acquire these talents in one of their past lives. Although memories of past lives are not usually retained, residual effects can be detected when determining the position of the South Node.

They say that past karma is transferred to this life via the South Node. People generally tend to identify themselves with their South Node. It often symbolizes the character traits one is most proud of. For example, people whose South Node is in Aries (the sign of the Warrior) may consider themselves responsible, brave, possessing leadership abilities, and prone to making tough decisions.

The problem, however, is that the South Node is too stereotypical. Habits give people a sense of self-confidence. Therefore, most individuals prefer the familiar. This is especially true in times of stress. When we are tired, sick, unhappy, or fearful, we tend to seek refuge by reverting to our South Node patterns. Yet a person must strive for more, beyond his current abilities. For spiritual growth, we need to get out of the usual rut and try to develop new approaches to life.

Natalya Olshevskaya

The secret language of birthdays. Your astrological portrait

Your astrological portrait

We all want to know what awaits us in the future - whether our health will fail, whether our financial situation will improve, how our relationship with our loved one will be built... So much happens in life! What surprises does fate present to us! It seems that every year we must gain more and more experience and worldly wisdom. This is, of course, true, and yet no, no, and situations arise that put us at a dead end. And for some reason, rich experience does not suggest anything, and for some reason intuition is silent... What to do? Who to ask for advice? You can, of course, turn to friends, relatives, acquaintances - if they can, they will be happy to advise you best way problem resolution. What if all this is just a consequence of some more serious and deeply hidden internal conflict? What if you already long years Are you living at odds with yourself? How to establish relationships with the outside world without learning to understand yourself? After all, you can endlessly do a job you don’t like or build relationships with people with whom you have nothing in common.

Perhaps the best thing is to seek advice from astrology. With the help of horoscopes, you will learn the deepest aspects of your personality and better understand yourself and your loved ones. They will tell you when it is better to make business meetings, get married, or go on a long journey. Horoscopes will help you discover something new in yourself and your loved ones, provide guidance for action or warn against any actions. In other words, horoscopes not only help to make right choice at every moment of life, but also give detailed information O major events life, character, habits, abilities, relationships with other people. And in order to obtain the information you are interested in, you just need to know your date of birth.

This book contains the most best horoscopes: numerological, Celtic, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, zodiac, lunar and many others. In almost every one of them you will find your patron, under whose sign you were born. You will penetrate into the secrets of the starry sky, comprehend hidden meaning numbers and names, as a result of which you will solve many mysteries that life has presented to you over the years. You will understand the reasons for your failures, you will be able to solve the problems that concern you at a completely different level, and you will easily draw your astrological portrait.

Chinese horoscope

The literal name for astrology in Chinese- “the science of celestial patterns.” In the Chinese horoscope, the “celestial patterns” are formed by the rhythms of Jupiter and the Moon. It describes mainly not events, but relationships between people. The Chinese are convinced that this is what determines the events that happen to them.

According to Chinese calendar, each year within a 12-year cycle passes under the sign of a specific animal. And a person born in a particular year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which his fate is shaped.

The Chinese horoscope will not only tell you who will be your ideal life partner, but will also warn you against choosing a spouse poorly, with whom you will have constant quarrels, disagreements and misunderstandings.

Knowing your year of birth, you can easily determine your sign Chinese horoscope. However, it should be remembered that Chinese New Year does not coincide with the traditional one and comes a little later. Therefore, if you were born in January, February or March, you can relate to the sign of the “last” year.

Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat - these animals symbolize the signs of the Chinese horoscope. To determine your sign, look at the table:

In addition, in accordance with the Chinese astrological system, the Element of the year changes every 2 years. Years are divided into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin):

General Chinese horoscope

Monkey (Cunning)

The monkey is incredibly eccentric. She has a wonderful sense of humor, combined with slyness and cunning. The monkey is very sociable and often becomes the life of the party. At first glance, it seems that she gets along well with all signs, but this impression is deceptive. It’s just that the monkey is very selfish, and its kindness and helpfulness are usually feigned. In addition, she has a rather low opinion of others, despises all other signs and considers herself superior to others.

The Monkey is a very intelligent person - her thirst for knowledge is very great. She reads a lot and has deep knowledge of various areas, constantly aware of everything happening in the world. Excellent education and excellent memory allow her to assimilate and remember the slightest nuances of what she saw, heard or read. The monkey needs exceptional memory because everything is always in disarray. She is extremely inventive and capable of solving the most difficult problems with amazing speed. True, it is better for her to implement her ideas immediately, otherwise she will simply abandon them.

The monkey is distinguished by common sense and an amazing ability to fool everyone around him. She can even make fun of Dragon, which is considered the most powerful, dexterous and resilient. She laughs at Tiger, without succumbing to the power of its magnetism.

Thanks to his cunning and diplomacy, the Monkey can get out of the most difficult situation. She is very independent, nothing can be imposed or suggested to her. She doesn’t need advice, because she still makes the choice herself. The Monkey is not particularly scrupulous and will easily lie for his own personal interests. It is easy to commit dishonest acts, especially if you are confident of impunity. It is very difficult to catch her in double-dealing and fraud.

The Monkey's consciousness is so flexible that it may well lead him to theft. However, one should not assume that all Monkeys are deceitful and dishonest: among them there are also completely different individuals.

Be that as it may, it is impossible to be angry with the Monkey - she is too charming and pleasant to talk to. Despite her vanity, resourcefulness, and lack of scrupulousness (qualities that help her make a career), she enjoys great success with other signs. There is an explanation for this: they are looking for rapprochement with her because of her insightful mind.

The Monkey can start enterprises of a very significant scope. She is cunning in financial transactions, smart and knowledgeable in everything. In essence, the Monkey can achieve success in any field - in politics, diplomacy, commerce. It is possible that she will achieve fame if she strictly follows her calling. She just needs to talk less so as not to bore those around her.

From time to time, the Monkey may experience financial difficulties, but, as a rule, he has a fairly good financial situation.

But in love she is unlikely to find happiness. Relationships with the opposite sex will most likely not be very successful. The Monkey is a passionate person, but she has a discerning and critical mind. She easily gets carried away, but no less easily cools down, trying to find another object for love. If they abandon her, then her innate humor helps her survive despair. Moreover, she can laugh at her own sorrows and draw appropriate conclusions.

Monkey's relationship with Goat are of a non-permanent nature. But she can be in a good alliance with dragon She will share her cunning with him, but in return she will use his power. They may be partners in business, but dragon he will have to be on guard all the time: secretly, the Monkey will certainly try to fool him. She can charm Rat and it's good to get along with her. Rat He will endure everything from the Monkey and will passionately love her all his life, even if she does not reciprocate. Love or business union with Tiger may be unsuccessful. No matter how much the Monkey laughs at him, such an alliance can turn him into a victim.

The first part of the Monkey’s life will be happy, the second – stormy and unstable, and the third – calm and, quite possibly, lonely.

Rooster (Fanfaron)

The Rooster is a true dreamer. He takes himself too seriously and loves flattery. He does not mince words and often behaves harshly and aggressively. However, victims of his aggression, as a rule, attribute such behavior to eccentricity and love of truth, so clashes usually do not arise. In some ways they are right: the Rooster really says what he thinks, but not out of love for the truth, but simply out of selfishness. He doesn’t think about the fact that other people also have pride that needs to be spared. So Rooster is no diplomat, that’s obvious.

As for the Rooster's eccentricity, this is only an appearance. Of course, he likes to be noticed and dresses to attract attention. But in reality, the Rooster is an absolute conservative in everything - from political views to personal relationships. He is always confident that he is right and always knows what he is doing. He relies only on himself, never turns to anyone for advice, although he loves to give advice himself.

From the outside, the Rooster seems like an adventurer, but this is not at all the case. All his projects are absurd and impracticable, all his dreams are unrealizable. Why not daydream and pretend to be a hero while sitting comfortably on your sofa at home? True, the Rooster cannot be called cowardly - if the need arises, he will really show courage. However, he says much more than he can do. A braggart, in a word. He is pleasant to talk to, but not very good in intimate relationships. The rooster is quite lazy, and if hard work awakens in him, it is only a few minutes later. looking strange. He always wants to do more than he can, sets himself impossible tasks and is very upset when he fails to complete them well.

And yet life forces the Rooster to be active. Nothing comes to him without difficulty - he is forced to work to ensure a decent existence. If the field of activity is favorable, he may become rich. However, he is able to extract money even from a thankless field. The Vietnamese say that since the Rooster has to “scrape with both beak and paws,” he will always find a worm, even in the desert. In a word, the Rooster is constantly at work. But if he allows laziness and daydreaming to take over, he will most likely sink to the very bottom. Although, maybe this is also one of the ways to attract attention? Rooster tends to get busy agriculture and to work that requires communication with other people. Needless to say, the Rooster loves to show off, and therefore, no matter how much he earns, he will spend every penny. He is often at financial risk. He is not an economist by nature, so bankruptcy may well befall him.

In love, he also has to work to win and keep his loved one. The Rooster can disappoint anyone, because reality, as a rule, does not correspond to the dream.

The Rooster man loves the company of women, among whom he can shine and show off, care for and feel admiration. True, things don’t go further than this. He doesn’t have too many friends—he’s not particularly interested in male society.

The Rooster woman, on the contrary, loves the company of other women, and therefore chooses to work with a female team.

Kota The rooster should be avoided. The fact is that Cat cannot stand fanfare and is angry and irritated by the bright plumage of the Rooster. Moreover, Cat despises him. He shouldn’t build a relationship with his own kind, that is, with the Rooster. Folk wisdom states that “two roosters in one house would make life unbearable.”

Throughout his life, the Rooster experiences ups and downs, both in the area of ​​finances and in the area of ​​feelings. But his old age will be happy.

Dog (Justice)

A dog is an extremely restless creature, always on the alert, guarding its territory without rest. She is closed and shows feelings only when necessary. She knows what she wants, and therefore is extremely stubborn. She has a sharp tongue, and her cynicism scares off others. The dog is ready to criticize with or without reason, finding fault with little things. However, her critical mind, skepticism, sense of humor and undeniable greatness of spirit do not allow her to get bogged down in pettiness. And yet she is a terrible pessimist and does not expect anything good from life.

The dog does not like crowds, or any gatherings in general. IN love relationships it seems cold, but this impression is deceptive. It combines all the noble traits of human nature. She is loyal, faithful, honest, possessive developed sense duty, boldly and openly opposes all injustice. You can count on her - she will never betray. A dog is better at keeping secrets than anyone.

However, she does not strive to become someone’s confidant, just as she is not eager to confess to someone. Her speech is not very developed - it is often difficult for her to express her thoughts. But she is a wonderful listener and, at the same time, incredibly smart. The dog inspires trust and respect, which is quite justified. Her devotion knows no bounds - even to the point of self-denial. She is willing to do whatever she can for others.

Any injustice causes her to protest, and she strives with all her might to correct the situation. The dog sincerely suffers when misfortunes happen around; worries about the past, present and future. Fortunately, she has the intelligence to figure out where to intervene and where not to. She will never confuse good with evil. At her core, she is a philosopher who suffers for an idea and is not interested in money.

The dog is generous and selfless. Regardless of whether she lives on the street or in luxury, the intellectual principle predominates in her. She can easily do without material well-being and even with it, it does not strive for special chic. However, if she needs money, she will be better able to provide herself with it than others.

A dog can be a good leader, active public figure, priest, educator. She manages people well, has incredible work ethic and integrity.

In love relationships will always have a crystal clear reputation. It’s a pity that such an honest and reasonable creature constantly has difficulties on the love front. And it’s all because of her eternal anxiety.

A dog can be happy with Horse which will give her the opportunity to prove herself in exchange for her own independence. WITH Tiger they are waiting great adventures– they can fight side by side in the name of justice. The dog will successfully help him while remaining in the shadows. WITH dragon she won't get along - he's too proud to accept her critical and caustic mind. Whims, selfishness and frivolity Goats The dog just can't stand it. But a Dog can find peace only with a complacent and serene A cat.

The Dog's life is marked by impermanence. Troubled childhood, difficult youth, mature age with a touch of skepticism and old age, filled with regrets about what could not be brought to life.

Pig (Good Old Time)

The Pig has a knightly character. She is gallant, helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can calmly trust her - she will never betray you or deceive you. But it is not difficult to deceive the Pig herself - she is so naive and gullible. She seems defenseless, but in reality she is not that weak.

The Pig has few friends, but she keeps them throughout her life and is capable of great sacrifices for them. She is very attentive to those she loves. Women of this sign love to give gifts and organize small holidays. They are excellent housewives.

If the Pig sympathizes with someone, he will always make concessions, will not object or argue, even if he is sure that he is right. She does not like litigation because she knows that due to her honesty and impulsiveness, she will lose to someone who is less scrupulous.

A pig can choose any profession, as he will prove himself to be a conscientious and hardworking worker everywhere. Thanks to his sensitivity, he can achieve success in certain types of art, such as poetry and literature.

As for the material side, the Pig will always be provided with what it needs for a living wage. She will have a job and money, and for this she will not have to expend much effort. In addition, throughout her life she will receive assistance, thanks to which she will be able to reach the highest financial spheres. Popular wisdom says: “Food is always delivered to a pig with a second thought, so that it becomes fat and can be eaten in new year holidays" This is why the Pig needs to be careful and not trust anyone - they can take advantage of her at any moment.

The same situation arises in the Pig in his personal life. She will often be loved, but no less often she will be fooled. She faces many experiences and disappointments. The Pig woman will be a good mother.

The Pig calmly accepts its failures, and the shortcomings of others with great patience. Pig - good player, but at the same time he behaves impartially and never reveals a spirit of competition.

She always wants to be sure that she is right and is ready to endlessly ask herself questions about how honestly and loyally she acts in a given case.

The pig is unusually sincere - to such an extent that it is capable of disarming its opponents. Lies only in extreme cases and only for self-defense. True, she does this very ineptly: there is not a penny of cunning in her. The pig is helpless against hypocrisy and does not know how to justify itself. She always believes what she is told, while she always tries to provide evidence for her statements. The pig is very cheerful in society, and often even a little dissolute. At first it is difficult for her to decide to speak, but when this happens, it is difficult to stop her - she will not remain silent until she has exhausted the topic.

Like Monkey, The Pig is drawn to knowledge. Reads a lot, but indiscriminately. She looks like a knowledgeable person, but in reality this is not entirely true. If you check her knowledge, you will notice that it is not as significant as it seems.

The pig is prone to epicureanism, but under its complacent appearance it hides will and even authority. She performs any task with all the strength she is capable of. This inner strength is so great that no one can resist it. Before making any decision, the Pig weighs the pros and cons for a long time - so long that it may seem that she is not very decisive. But once the Pig makes a decision, nothing can stop him. And she hesitates simply to avoid complications.

Co snake It’s better for her not to have anything in common so as not to become dependent. Goat will abuse her kindness. The life of a Pig is best associated with cat - with With this, she will be more likely to avoid disputes, which she does not like so much.

The first phase of the Pig's life is relatively calm. But in the second, problems may arise in married life. Moreover, no one will guess about her experiences. The pig is so modest and timid that he never resorts to outside help, and she herself is looking for a way out of any situation. Final stage her life can be called happy and comfortable. But in many ways, the fate of the Pig depends on this circumstance: if it was born long before the Chinese New Year, it will avoid troubles, but how closer date her birthday for the holiday, the more likely she is to be “eaten.”

Rat (Aggressiveness)

The Rat is born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. If, at first glance, she seems calm, balanced and cheerful to you, do not believe your impression. Beneath the apparent ease lies constant excitement. Try talking to her for a long time, and you will begin to feel nervous and restless. We can say that the Rat is a typical choleric person.

The Rat is a brawler and a gossip. Loves to sit in warm company and gossip. This is probably why she has more acquaintances than real friends. She never trusts anyone and does not like to share her experiences and problems with anyone. The Rat strives to extract benefit and profit from everything. She is a gambler and a gourmet, does not want to limit herself in anything and at the same time constantly worries about her future. Yes, she lives very actively in the present, but she also thinks about how to ensure her old age. The Rat woman is generally distinguished by a pronounced passion for hoarding, often completely unnecessary. True, she accumulates things rather than money. She spends her money quickly - you can often see her at some sale.

The Rat has a very well developed imagination. She can be a talented creator, but more often she becomes a sharp critic. This quality pushes some Rats onto the path of dangerous destruction - they destroy everything in order to please themselves and criticize. The Rat is petty, but honest. She goes to the end in all endeavors, even if they are doomed to failure. The Rat succeeds only if it manages to suppress its eternal discontent.

Any Rat prefers to live by cunning rather than by labor. She achieves a lot in life at the expense of others - those who work hard for her. True, laziness can turn her into a “stationery rat,” and then she herself will have to work hard for someone else. The Rat can succeed in business, politics, and art. In general, she is much more willing to do mental work than physical work.

The Rat is a gourmet, a drunkard, a gambler. In a word, she does not limit herself in anything. If he lends, it is not disinterestedly. But at the same time, she is not alien to sentimentality - she is capable of generosity towards the one she loves. In love, the Rat shows its best sides.

The Rat will be lucky if he casts his lot in with dragon He will give her his strength, and she will share her critical mind with him. WITH Bull The rat will feel at peace and safe. She better avoid witchcraft spells Monkey– she can only laugh at her. You should not enter into a relationship with Horse– she is too selfish and independent to tolerate the possessive nature of the Rat. If a Rat man marries Fire Horse(1966), it will be a real disaster. It’s good that the year of the Fire Horse occurs once every 60 years - this reduces the danger.

The second part of the Rat's life will be stormy and fraught with troubles. For example, she may lose her entire fortune by getting involved in an unsuccessful business. And yet her old age will be as calm as one could wish for. In general, it all depends on when the Rat was born - in summer or winter. If in the summer, then she will be forced to search for food. And let her pay attention to the traps placed on her path - they are quite dangerous.

Bull (Work, family, homeland)

The Ox is patient, silent, reserved and slow. He has an original mind and a balanced character. One of his main trump cards is the ability to provoke people to open up. The Ox is a contemplative and, perhaps, that’s why he loves solitude. The Bull does everything thoroughly, methodically and persistently - to the point of fanaticism. He is often a hypocrite, so those around him are often dissatisfied.

It seems that such properties of nature clearly indicate that the Ox is a phlegmatic person. But no - he is choleric! The bull is reserved, but at the same time obsessed. He is rarely enraged by anything, but when he is angry he is terrible. It’s better not to even try to resist him - it’s dangerous. Behind the external equanimity lies stubbornness: the Ox does not tolerate any failure. In general, woe to anyone who gets in his way.

Ox – boss, leader. And, if necessary, his silence is replaced by extraordinary eloquence. The Ox does not tolerate any innovations, or indeed anything that can shake his calm. He is one of those who ridiculed avant-garde artists, new jazz, miniskirts and tight trousers - none of his family members would dare to go against the conventions and traditions that he adheres to.

The Ox man is a true hard worker who will always ensure the well-being of his family. As a rule, he has his own business or is a person of a free profession. It is better for him not to choose a profession related to travel, they unsettle him. In commerce and public relations he doesn’t navigate very well, they are difficult for him.

The bull is rarely understood by others - he is too stubborn. He loves his family, is proud of his children and is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his loved ones. At the same time, he is extremely despotic and uses power without any tact for the sole reason that he is the head of the family. The Ox will never become a romantic, but will be a gentle and devoted friend. For him, there is nothing more important than marital fidelity; he never betrays his feelings.

The Ox cannot understand the difference in views with those around him, and therefore does not understand the reasons for many of his problems. His old age will be calm if he can eliminate a number of difficulties that will arise in his declining years.

The ideal marriage for the Ox is Rooster– the union of two conservatives will be magnificent. The bull will allow Rooster to shine, and this is the most important thing. WITH Rat it will be good for him too: having fallen in love with the Bull, she will be faithful to him until death. Snake, even if he cheats on the Ox, he will never leave him. Monkey will charm the Ox, but in order to please her, he will have to call on all his fantasy and imagination to help. WITH Goat It’s better to be careful - she’s capricious, flighty and fickle.

Under no circumstances should the Ox connect his fate with Tiger- he will not withstand the pressure and pressure and will leave. Even the Ox mother will never be able to reach an understanding with her child. om-Tiger.

A bull born in winter is happier: he will have less work. Those born in summer will have to work hard all year.

Tiger (Energy)

The tiger is quick-tempered and undisciplined. He always rebels against his superiors, trying to take the reins of power into his own hands. It was the Tigers who made real revolutionaries and leaders. If the Tiger actually becomes a boss, he does not always deserve the trust placed in him. Before following him, it is better to think carefully - lest he lead to disaster. The Tiger's taste for risk borders on recklessness.

It is quite difficult to resist the Tiger's magnetism - he knows how to make his subordinates obey. They respect him, they obey him, they are afraid to tell the truth to his face.

Like a true fighter, he is ready to sacrifice himself for the cause. Being an absolute egoist in small things, he is capable of selflessness in great matters. Because of his stubbornness, he is constantly in conflict with someone. The tiger does not trust anyone, but if for some reason he suddenly listens to good advice and shows caution, then he can achieve great success.

The Tiger will make a talented military leader or business manager. The main thing is that he does not become a criminal, because he is attracted to all types of activities that involve risk. Tiger women will also always be the first to declare war on the familiar in the name of gaining some right.

The tiger is never directly interested in material well-being, but he will not remain broke.

The Tiger has an exceptional destiny, full of incredible events and unexpected situations. He is very emotional and capable of strong feelings. True, being very passionate, he is rarely happy in love. The Tiger woman, as a rule, has many love adventures, which often do not end well.

We all want to know what awaits us in the future - whether our health will fail, whether our financial situation will improve, how our relationship with our loved one will be built... So much happens in life! What surprises does fate present to us! It seems that every year we must gain more and more experience and worldly wisdom. This is, of course, true, and yet no, no, and situations arise that put us at a dead end. And for some reason, rich experience does not suggest anything, and for some reason intuition is silent... What to do? Who to ask for advice? You can, of course, turn to friends, relatives, acquaintances - if they can, they will be happy to tell you the best way to resolve the problem. What if all this is just a consequence of some more serious and deeply hidden internal conflict? What if you have been living at odds with yourself for many years? How to establish relationships with the outside world without learning to understand yourself? After all, you can endlessly do a job you don’t like or build relationships with people with whom you have nothing in common.

Perhaps the best thing is to seek advice from astrology. With the help of horoscopes, you will learn the deepest aspects of your personality and better understand yourself and your loved ones. They will tell you when it is better to make business meetings, get married, or go on a long journey. Horoscopes will help you discover something new in yourself and your loved ones, provide guidance for action or warn against any actions. In other words, horoscopes not only help you make the right choice at every moment of life, but also provide detailed information about the most important events in life, character, habits, abilities, and relationships with other people. And in order to obtain the information you are interested in, you just need to know your date of birth.

This book contains the best horoscopes: numerological, Celtic, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, zodiac, lunar and many others. In almost every one of them you will find your patron, under whose sign you were born. You will penetrate into the secrets of the starry sky, comprehend the hidden meaning of numbers and names, as a result of which you will solve many mysteries that life has presented to you over the years. You will understand the reasons for your failures, you will be able to solve the problems that concern you at a completely different level, and you will easily draw your astrological portrait.

Chinese horoscope

The literal name of astrology in Chinese is “the science of celestial patterns.” In the Chinese horoscope, the “celestial patterns” are formed by the rhythms of Jupiter and the Moon. It describes mainly not events, but relationships between people. The Chinese are convinced that this is what determines the events that happen to them.

According to the Chinese calendar, each year within a 12-year cycle is marked by a specific animal. And a person born in a particular year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which his fate is shaped.

The Chinese horoscope will not only tell you who will be your ideal life partner, but will also warn you against choosing a spouse poorly, with whom you will have constant quarrels, disagreements and misunderstandings.

Knowing your year of birth, you can easily determine your Chinese horoscope sign.

However, it should be remembered that the Chinese New Year does not coincide with the traditional one and comes a little later. Therefore, if you were born in January, February or March, you can relate to the sign of the “last” year.

Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat - these animals symbolize the signs of the Chinese horoscope. To determine your sign, look at the table:

In addition, in accordance with the Chinese astrological system, the Element of the year changes every 2 years. Years are divided into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin):

General Chinese horoscope
Monkey (Cunning)

The monkey is incredibly eccentric. She has a wonderful sense of humor, combined with slyness and cunning. The monkey is very sociable and often becomes the life of the party. At first glance, it seems that she gets along well with all signs, but this impression is deceptive. It’s just that the monkey is very selfish, and its kindness and helpfulness are usually feigned. In addition, she has a rather low opinion of others, despises all other signs and considers herself superior to others.

The Monkey is a very intelligent person - her thirst for knowledge is very great. She reads a lot, has deep knowledge in various fields, and is constantly aware of everything that is happening in the world. Excellent education and excellent memory allow her to assimilate and remember the slightest nuances of what she saw, heard or read. The monkey needs exceptional memory because everything is always in disarray. She is extremely inventive and capable of solving the most difficult problems with amazing speed. True, it is better for her to implement her ideas immediately, otherwise she will simply abandon them.

The monkey is distinguished by common sense and an amazing ability to fool everyone around him. She can even make fun of Dragon, which is considered the most powerful, dexterous and resilient. She laughs at Tiger, without succumbing to the power of its magnetism.

Thanks to his cunning and diplomacy, the Monkey can get out of the most difficult situation. She is very independent, nothing can be imposed or suggested to her. She doesn’t need advice, because she still makes the choice herself. The Monkey is not particularly scrupulous and will easily lie for his own personal interests. It is easy to commit dishonest acts, especially if you are confident of impunity. It is very difficult to catch her in double-dealing and fraud.

The Monkey's consciousness is so flexible that it may well lead him to theft. However, one should not assume that all Monkeys are deceitful and dishonest: among them there are also completely different individuals.

Be that as it may, it is impossible to be angry with the Monkey - she is too charming and pleasant to talk to. Despite her vanity, resourcefulness, and lack of scrupulousness (qualities that help her make a career), she enjoys great success with other signs. There is an explanation for this: they are looking for rapprochement with her because of her insightful mind.

The Monkey can start enterprises of a very significant scope. She is cunning in financial transactions, smart and knowledgeable in everything. In essence, the Monkey can achieve success in any field - in politics, diplomacy, commerce. It is possible that she will achieve fame if she strictly follows her calling. She just needs to talk less so as not to bore those around her.

From time to time, the Monkey may experience financial difficulties, but, as a rule, he has a fairly good financial situation.

But in love she is unlikely to find happiness. Relationships with the opposite sex will most likely not be very successful. The Monkey is a passionate person, but she has a discerning and critical mind. She easily gets carried away, but no less easily cools down, trying to find another object for love. If they abandon her, then her innate humor helps her survive despair. Moreover, she can laugh at her own sorrows and draw appropriate conclusions.

Monkey's relationship with Goat are of a non-permanent nature. But she can be in a good alliance with dragon She will share her cunning with him, but in return she will use his power. They may be partners in business, but dragon he will have to be on guard all the time: secretly, the Monkey will certainly try to fool him. She can charm Rat and it's good to get along with her. Rat He will endure everything from the Monkey and will passionately love her all his life, even if she does not reciprocate. Love or business union with Tiger may be unsuccessful. No matter how much the Monkey laughs at him, such an alliance can turn him into a victim.

The first part of the Monkey’s life will be happy, the second – stormy and unstable, and the third – calm and, quite possibly, lonely.

Rooster (Fanfaron)

The Rooster is a true dreamer. He takes himself too seriously and loves flattery. He does not mince words and often behaves harshly and aggressively. However, victims of his aggression, as a rule, attribute such behavior to eccentricity and love of truth, so clashes usually do not arise. In some ways they are right: the Rooster really says what he thinks, but not out of love for the truth, but simply out of selfishness. He doesn’t think about the fact that other people also have pride that needs to be spared. So Rooster is no diplomat, that’s obvious.

As for the Rooster's eccentricity, this is only an appearance. Of course, he likes to be noticed and dresses to attract attention. But in reality, the Rooster is an absolute conservative in everything - from political views to personal relationships. He is always confident that he is right and always knows what he is doing. He relies only on himself, never turns to anyone for advice, although he loves to give advice himself.

From the outside, the Rooster seems like an adventurer, but this is not at all the case. All his projects are absurd and impracticable, all his dreams are unrealizable. Why not daydream and pretend to be a hero while sitting comfortably on your sofa at home? True, the Rooster cannot be called cowardly - if the need arises, he will really show courage. However, he says much more than he can do. A braggart, in a word. He is pleasant to talk to, but not very good in intimate relationships. The Rooster is quite lazy, and if hard work awakens in him, it is in a somewhat strange form. He always wants to do more than he can, sets himself impossible tasks and is very upset when he fails to complete them well.

And yet life forces the Rooster to be active. Nothing comes to him without difficulty - he is forced to work to ensure a decent existence. If the field of activity is favorable, he may become rich. However, he is able to extract money even from a thankless field. The Vietnamese say that since the Rooster has to “scrape with both beak and paws,” he will always find a worm, even in the desert. In a word, the Rooster is constantly at work. But if he allows laziness and daydreaming to take over, he will most likely sink to the very bottom. Although, maybe this is also one of the ways to attract attention? The Rooster is inclined to engage in agriculture and work that requires communication with other people. Needless to say, the Rooster loves to show off, and therefore, no matter how much he earns, he will spend every penny. He is often at financial risk. He is not an economist by nature, so bankruptcy may well befall him.

In love, he also has to work to win and keep his loved one. The Rooster can disappoint anyone, because reality, as a rule, does not correspond to the dream.

The Rooster man loves the company of women, among whom he can shine and show off, care for and feel admiration. True, things don’t go further than this. He doesn’t have too many friends—he’s not particularly interested in male society.

The Rooster woman, on the contrary, loves the company of other women, and therefore chooses to work with a female team.

Kota The rooster should be avoided. The fact is that Cat cannot stand fanfare and is angry and irritated by the bright plumage of the Rooster. Moreover, Cat despises him. He shouldn’t build a relationship with his own kind, that is, with the Rooster. Popular wisdom says that “two roosters in one house would make life unbearable.”

Throughout his life, the Rooster experiences ups and downs, both in the area of ​​finances and in the area of ​​feelings. But his old age will be happy.

Dog (Justice)

A dog is an extremely restless creature, always on the alert, guarding its territory without rest. She is closed and shows feelings only when necessary. She knows what she wants, and therefore is extremely stubborn. She has a sharp tongue, and her cynicism scares off others. The dog is ready to criticize with or without reason, finding fault with little things. However, her critical mind, skepticism, sense of humor and undeniable greatness of spirit do not allow her to get bogged down in pettiness. And yet she is a terrible pessimist and does not expect anything good from life.

The dog does not like crowds, or any gatherings in general. In love relationships it seems cold, but this impression is deceptive. It combines all the noble traits of human nature. She is loyal, faithful, honest, has a developed sense of duty, boldly and openly opposes all injustice. You can count on her - she will never betray. A dog is better at keeping secrets than anyone.

However, she does not strive to become someone’s confidant, just as she is not eager to confess to someone. Her speech is not very developed - it is often difficult for her to express her thoughts. But she is a wonderful listener and, at the same time, incredibly smart. The dog inspires trust and respect, which is quite justified. Her devotion knows no bounds - even to the point of self-denial. She is willing to do whatever she can for others.

Any injustice causes her to protest, and she strives with all her might to correct the situation. The dog sincerely suffers when misfortunes happen around; worries about the past, present and future. Fortunately, she has the intelligence to figure out where to intervene and where not to. She will never confuse good with evil. At her core, she is a philosopher who suffers for an idea and is not interested in money.

The dog is generous and selfless. Regardless of whether she lives on the street or in luxury, the intellectual principle predominates in her. She can easily do without material well-being and, even if she has it, does not strive for special chic. However, if she needs money, she will be better able to provide herself with it than others.

A dog can be a good leader, an active public figure, a priest, or a teacher. She manages people well, has incredible work ethic and integrity.

In love relationships will always have a crystal clear reputation. It’s a pity that such an honest and reasonable creature constantly has difficulties on the love front. And it’s all because of her eternal anxiety.

A dog can be happy with Horse which will give her the opportunity to prove herself in exchange for her own independence. WITH Tiger Great adventures await them - they can fight side by side in the name of justice. The dog will successfully help him while remaining in the shadows. WITH dragon she won't get along - he's too proud to accept her critical and caustic mind. Whims, selfishness and frivolity Goats The dog just can't stand it. But a Dog can find peace only with a complacent and serene A cat.

The Dog's life is marked by impermanence. Troubled childhood, difficult youth, mature age with a touch of skepticism and old age filled with regrets about what was not possible to bring to life.

Pig (Good Old Time)

The Pig has a knightly character. She is gallant, helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can calmly trust her - she will never betray you or deceive you. But it is not difficult to deceive the Pig herself - she is so naive and gullible. She seems defenseless, but in reality she is not that weak.

The Pig has few friends, but she keeps them throughout her life and is capable of great sacrifices for them. She is very attentive to those she loves. Women of this sign love to give gifts and organize small holidays. They are excellent housewives.

If the Pig sympathizes with someone, he will always make concessions, will not object or argue, even if he is sure that he is right. She does not like litigation because she knows that due to her honesty and impulsiveness, she will lose to someone who is less scrupulous.

A pig can choose any profession, as he will prove himself to be a conscientious and hardworking worker everywhere. Thanks to his sensitivity, he can achieve success in certain types of art, such as poetry and literature.

As for the material side, the Pig will always be provided with what it needs for a living wage. She will have a job and money, and for this she will not have to expend much effort. In addition, throughout her life she will receive assistance, thanks to which she will be able to reach the highest financial spheres. Popular wisdom says: “Food is always delivered to a pig with a second thought, so that it becomes fat and can be eaten on New Year’s holidays.” This is why the Pig needs to be careful and not trust anyone - they can take advantage of her at any moment.

The same situation arises in the Pig in his personal life. She will often be loved, but no less often she will be fooled. She faces many experiences and disappointments. The Pig woman will be a good mother.

The Pig calmly accepts its failures, and the shortcomings of others with great patience. The Pig is a good player, but at the same time he is impartial and never shows a competitive spirit.

She always wants to be sure that she is right and is ready to endlessly ask herself questions about how honestly and loyally she acts in a given case.

The pig is unusually sincere - to such an extent that it is capable of disarming its opponents. Lies only in extreme cases and only for self-defense. True, she does this very ineptly: there is not a penny of cunning in her. The pig is helpless against hypocrisy and does not know how to justify itself. She always believes what she is told, while she always tries to provide evidence for her statements. The pig is very cheerful in society, and often even a little dissolute. At first it is difficult for her to decide to speak, but when this happens, it is difficult to stop her - she will not remain silent until she has exhausted the topic.

Like Monkey, The Pig is drawn to knowledge. Reads a lot, but indiscriminately. She looks like a knowledgeable person, but in reality this is not entirely true. If you check her knowledge, you will notice that it is not as significant as it seems.

The pig is prone to epicureanism, but under its complacent appearance it hides will and even authority. She performs any task with all the strength she is capable of. This inner strength is so great that no one can resist it. Before making any decision, the Pig weighs the pros and cons for a long time - so long that it may seem that she is not very decisive. But once the Pig makes a decision, nothing can stop him. And she hesitates simply to avoid complications.

Co snake It’s better for her not to have anything in common so as not to become dependent. Goat will abuse her kindness. The life of a Pig is best associated with cat - with With this, she will be more likely to avoid disputes, which she does not like so much.

The first phase of the Pig's life is relatively calm. But in the second, problems may arise in married life. Moreover, no one will guess about her experiences. The pig is so modest and timid that it never resorts to outside help, but looks for a way out of any situation. The last stage of her life can be called happy and comfortable. But in many ways, the fate of the Pig depends on this circumstance: if she was born long before the Chinese New Year, she will avoid trouble, but the closer her birth date is to the holiday, the greater her chances of being “eaten.”

Rat (Aggressiveness)

The Rat is born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. If, at first glance, she seems calm, balanced and cheerful to you, do not believe your impression. Beneath the apparent ease lies constant excitement. Try talking to her for a long time, and you will begin to feel nervous and restless. We can say that the Rat is a typical choleric person.

The Rat is a brawler and a gossip. Loves to sit in warm company and gossip. This is probably why she has more acquaintances than real friends. She never trusts anyone and does not like to share her experiences and problems with anyone. The Rat strives to extract benefit and profit from everything. She is a gambler and a gourmet, does not want to limit herself in anything and at the same time constantly worries about her future. Yes, she lives very actively in the present, but she also thinks about how to ensure her old age. The Rat woman is generally distinguished by a pronounced passion for hoarding, often completely unnecessary. True, she accumulates things rather than money. She spends her money quickly - you can often see her at some sale.

The Rat has a very well developed imagination. She can be a talented creator, but more often she becomes a sharp critic. This quality pushes some Rats onto the path of dangerous destruction - they destroy everything in order to please themselves and criticize. The Rat is petty, but honest. She goes to the end in all endeavors, even if they are doomed to failure. The Rat succeeds only if it manages to suppress its eternal discontent.

Any Rat prefers to live by cunning rather than by labor. She achieves a lot in life at the expense of others - those who work hard for her. True, laziness can turn her into a “stationery rat,” and then she herself will have to work hard for someone else. The Rat can succeed in business, politics, and art. In general, she is much more willing to do mental work than physical work.
