Monsters that live at the bottom of the ocean. Creepy monsters of the deep sea

The waters of the world's oceans hide the most incredible landscape on Earth. But the light penetrates everything a few tens of meters below the surface of the water, and the ocean depths are pitch black. When exploring the depths, new types of strange creatures are constantly being discovered. In this article we want to tell you aboutsea ​​monsters and monsters of the deep oceans.

The water temperature in such places is extremely low, sometimes reaching 2-4 degrees Celsius. The main flow of nutrients comes from above, these are organo-mineral particles, which scientists call sea snow, or the remains of dead animals, with an even more interesting name rain of corpses.

The oceans cover more than 70% of the surface of our planet, man has so far studied no more than 10% of everything that happens in the waters of the world's oceans. Today we want to talk about the inhabitants of the deep ocean, living at a depth of more than 200-300 meters. Life at such depths has left an imprint on the underwater inhabitants. For the most part, they have a transparent color, due to the lack of light, most of them have excellent eyesight, the rest are completely devoid of it. The bottom at depth is usually covered with silt, so those who move along the bottom have long stilted limbs.

Many animals use bioluminescence to light up or attract prey, some of them communicate in this way, indicate the danger that lies in wait for those who try to encroach on their lives. Thus, in the deep sea world, the means of communication by means of luminescence plays a greater role than communication by means of sounds. Thus, the inhabitants of the depths adapted to survival.

Having lowered to an incredible depth of over 400 meters, scientists stumbled upon a hitherto unknown creature, similar to a giant transparent snake, glowing along the entire length of its body. The dimensions amaze everyone, it was more than 41 meters long. This is something unimaginable, beautiful, causing respect and fear. Along the entire length of the body of this transparent snake, transparent, thin tentacles, almost invisible to the eye, hang into which not a single fish can escape. Scientists hit a dead end when they tried to classify this animal, whether it is a colonial or an individual super-organism. And yet they decided that this is a super organism that catches fish in its hanging tentacles, as seen in the photo.

Once we wrote about a rare macropin fish, which has a transparent head through which its brain is visible, the eyes are located inside the dome and directed upwards. Scientists for a long time could not understand how this fish eats if it has no idea what it is, while its eyes are directed upwards. But after much observation, scientists have found that she is able to turn her eyeballs forward. So Makropina follows a forty meter snake, and when she sees a fish stuck in the tentacles of a predator, she pulls it out, turns her eyes in front and swims further.
Unfortunately for scientists, it is not possible to catch all types of organisms they observe at a depth, so the dome of Macropina raised to the surface bursts due to pressure drop, which complicates the study of this species. Or how do you imagine lifting a snake more like a jellyfish to the surface from a depth of forty meters.
So scientists, not being able to obtain visual samples, only classify deep-sea inhabitants and draw conclusions by observing them.

In our time, scientists are very concerned about commercial fishing, when after catching tens of tons of fish that are in demand in the markets, only a small part of the catch is caught, the rest is simply thrown away. The discarded catch contains many deep-sea species that are rapidly declining in population.
Just like trees, fish bones have rings that indicate the age of fish, usually fish live for about 20-30 years, but after learning data from sections of deep-sea fish, scientists were shocked, the average age of caught deep-sea monsters was 200 years ! So it turns out, the slaves that lived for two hundred years were exterminated overnight, the restoration of the population will take much longer than their catch. According to calculations, ocean fish could be caught by the middle of the next century, a figure that horrifies scientists.

Unfortunately, by collecting the catch from the bottom with nets, fishermen catch not only fish, but also corals, which are the most important for the life of the oceans.

Next, we want to bring to your attention a video of underwater filming of sea monsters, inhabitants of the depths.

Skeptics have long believed that all large animals on Earth have already been discovered, and the statements of cryptozoologists about the real monsters that live in the oceans and are still unknown to scientists are just sensational fictions. However, eyewitness accounts, instrument readings, photographs and videos, as well as the remains of mysterious creatures washed ashore by the waves, suggest otherwise.

Ten tentacles and a powerful beak

It is hard to imagine a more terrible image than the image of one of these huge monsters, hovering in the depths of the ocean, even more gloomy from the inky liquid released by these creatures in huge quantities; it is worth imagining hundreds of bowl-shaped suckers with which its tentacles are equipped, constantly in motion and ready at any moment to cling to anyone and anything ... and in the center of the interweaving of these living traps is a bottomless mouth with a huge hooked beak, ready to tear apart the victim, caught in the tentacles. At the mere thought of this, frost cuts through the skin.

This is how the English sailor and writer Frank T. Bullen described the largest, fastest and most terrible of all invertebrates on the planet - the giant squid.

In ancient times, sailors called these monsters krakens. These terrible creatures have been feared by sailors for several centuries. Sometimes all sorts of fables were told about them, for example, that sailors mistook a kraken resting on the surface of the water for an island, landed on it and woke up a dormant monster. It plunged sharply, and the resulting giant whirlpool pulled the ship into the abyss along with people. Of course, this was a clear exaggeration, but there is no doubt that krakens actually reach gigantic sizes and can be dangerous to humans.

In size, the giant squid is quite comparable to the average sperm whale, with which it often enters into a deadly fight, although it is armed with very sharp teeth. The squid has ten tentacles: eight ordinary ones and two that are much longer than the rest and have something like spatulas at the ends. All tentacles are studded with suckers. The usual tentacles of a giant squid are 3-3.5 meters long, and a pair of the longest stretches up to 15 meters. With long tentacles, the squid pulls prey towards itself and, braiding it with the rest of its limbs, tears it apart with its powerful beak.

Biologist and oceanographer Frederick Aldrich is sure that giant squids even 50 meters long can live at great depths. The scientist points to the fact that all found dead specimens of a giant squid about 15 m long belonged to still young individuals with suckers of five centimeters in diameter, and after all, on many sperm whales, harpooned or thrown ashore by a storm, traces of suckers of 20 centimeters in diameter were found ...

The most terrible collision of a man with a giant squid was written in newspapers in 1874. The steamer Strathoven, heading for Madras, approached the small schooner Pearl, which was rocking on the water. Suddenly, the tentacles of a monstrous squid rose above the sea surface, they grabbed the schooner and dragged her under the water. According to the surviving captain of the schooner, his crew watched the fight between a huge squid and a sperm whale. The giants hid in the depths, but after a while the captain noticed that at a small distance from the schooner a huge shadow would rise from the depths. It was a monstrous squid about 30 meters in size. When he approached the schooner, the captain fired a shot at him with a gun, followed by a swift attack of a monster that rammed the schooner and dragged it to the bottom.

Legendary sea serpent

If most scientists no longer doubt the reality of the giant squid, then many of them do not believe in another legendary monster - the Great Sea Serpent. Meanwhile, the first mention of the sea serpent was made two thousand years ago. Since then, the monster has been described more than once by various eyewitnesses in many languages ​​of the world. Of course, many of these testimonies are clearly fiction or exaggeration, but some of the reports are quite reliable.

One of the most reliable reports was received from the sailors of the English ship Daedalus, who, off the west coast of Africa on August 6, 1848, noticed a snake-like creature about 30 meters long near the side of the ship. The animal, which was observed for 20 minutes, swam at a speed of about 15 knots. The drawing of one of the Daedalus officers shows an animal with a head in a medium-thick tree trunk, and one of the reports indicates that the monster had long, uneven teeth.

Scientists have already found one candidate for the "title" of the Great Sea Serpent. In 1959, Dutch explorer Anthony Bruun published a description of a 1.8 meter long eel larva caught at a depth of 300 m off the coast of Africa. If the size of an ordinary eel larva is about 3 centimeters, then an almost 2-meter "baby" may well grow into a 20-30-meter monster. It is possible that such a giant eel was seen and photographed in 1965 by tourists in clear water near the Great Barrier Reef. It was a creature 20-25 meters long with a domed head and a body tapering towards the end with a long, whip-like tail. Another creature, which, according to skeptics, can be mistaken for a sea serpent, is the oar king, reaching a length of seven meters or more.

Fantastic monsters of the depths

If someone believes that the mysterious monsters that were observed in the old days in the seas and oceans have not survived to this day, then he is greatly mistaken. So, in the late 80s of the XX century, sea captain S. Lebedev told the cryptozoologist S. Klumov about a meeting with an unknown large animal in one of the Kuril straits. At first, they wanted to harpoon an unknown animal on the Dolphin whaling ship under the command of S. Lebedev, but its size turned out to be so impressive (the part of the gray back that protruded from the water reached about 15 meters in circumference) that the sailors decided not to risk it.

More recently, Australian scientists conducted a scientific experiment related to the migration along the coast of great white sharks. Suddenly, their thermal sensors, according to Metro, recorded a giant monster at a depth. It swallowed whole a three-meter white shark, nicknamed Alpha, whose movements were recorded by scientists using a GPS navigator and thermal imagers. As the researchers say, science still does not know a creature capable of swallowing such a large prey without tearing it to pieces.

By the way, a megalodon could swallow a three-meter white shark without any problems. This is an ancient shark of the species Carcharodon megalodon, which lived in the seas and oceans 2 million years ago. It is believed that this shark has long since died out, but some researchers doubt this. The fact is that in 1918, Australian lobster fishermen saw a huge white fish 30 meters long in the sea. And among the teeth of the megalodon, discovered by oceanologists at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, there was one only 11 thousand years old, by historical standards - completely “fresh”. Based on the discovered remains of an ancient shark, scientists have recreated its appearance. The length of the megalodon reached 25 meters, weight - 100 tons, and the two-meter mouth of the monster was littered with 10-centimeter teeth.

The fact that incredible monsters lurk in the depths is also evidenced by a mysterious sound in the ocean, nicknamed by the Americans Bloop. It was recorded in the ocean by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency. Amazingly, the sound was so loud that it was picked up by two microphones 3,000 miles apart. According to scientists, all the characteristics of sound indicate that it belongs to a living being. Who so "yells" in the ocean, scientists do not know. None of the creatures known to science is capable of making such an impressive "scream".

For those who still doubt the presence of monsters unknown to scientists in the World Ocean, I advise you to type in the search engine only three words “monsters washed ashore” and look at pictures on this topic. You will see many photographs of the most incredible creatures; I think that after this viewing your skepticism will noticeably decrease.

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The modern ocean is home to many incredible creatures, many of which we have no idea. You never know what lies there - in the dark cold depths. However, none of them can be compared with the ancient monsters that dominated the world's oceans millions of years ago.

In this article, we will tell you about pangolins, carnivorous fish and predatory whales that terrorized marine life in prehistoric times.

1. Giant stingray

What is it: 5 meters in diameter, a 25-meter-long poisonous spike on the tail and strength enough to pull a boat full of people? In this case, it is an eerie-looking flat sea creature that has lived in salt waters from the Mekong River all the way to Australia since prehistoric times to this day.

Stingrays have lived quietly in the waters of Australia since the extinction of dinosaurs and the huge predatory sharks from which they originated. They originated in prehistoric times, but they managed to survive all the ice ages, and even the terrible eruption of the Toba volcano. They are very dangerous and should not be approached. Even if you think that they are not around, you may be wrong - they are excellent at camouflage.

They are dangerous because they can attack you with a poisonous neurotoxin spike or simply damage their vital organs. The upside is that these prehistoric monsters aren't as aggressive and won't try to eat you.

2. Leviathan Melville (Livyatan melvillei)

Earlier in this article we already talked about predatory whales. Melville's Leviathan is the most intimidating of them all. Imagine a huge orca-sperm whale hybrid. This monster was not just carnivorous - it killed and ate other whales. It had the largest teeth of any animal known to us.

Their length sometimes reached 37 centimeters! They lived in the same oceans at the same time and ate the same food as megalodons, thus competing with the largest predatory shark of the time.

Their huge head was equipped with the same sonar devices as modern whales, making them more successful in murky waters. If it was not clear to someone from the very beginning, this animal was named after Leviathan - a giant sea monster from the Bible and Herman Melville, who wrote the famous "Moby Dick". If Moby Dick were one of the Leviathans, he would certainly eat the Pequod with his entire team.

3. Helicoprion (Helicoprion)

This shark, 4.5 meters long, had a serrated lower jaw lined with teeth. She looked like a hybrid shark with a buzz saw, and everyone knows that when dangerous power tools become part of a predator that is at the top of the food chain, the whole world trembles.

The teeth of the helicoprion were serrated, which clearly indicates the carnivorous nature of this sea monster, but scientists still do not know for sure whether the jaw was pushed forward as in the photo, or slightly pushed deep into the mouth.

These creatures survived the Triassic mass extinction, which could indicate their high intelligence, but their habitation could also be the reason.

4. Kronosaurus (Kronosaurus)

Kronosaurus is another short-necked lizard that looks like a Liopleurosaurus. Remarkably, its true length is also known only approximately. It is believed that it reached up to 10 meters, and its teeth reached up to 30 cm in length. That is why it was named after Kronos, the king of the ancient Greek titans.

Now guess where this monster lived. If your assumption was related to Australia, then you are absolutely right. The head of the Kronosaurus was about 3 meters long and it was able to swallow an entire adult human. In addition, after that, there was room inside the animal for another half.

Also, due to the fact that the flippers of kronosaurs were similar in structure to the flippers of a turtle, scientists concluded that they were very distantly related and assumed that kronosaurs also got out on land to lay their eggs. In any case, we can be sure that no one dared to ruin the nests of these sea monsters.

5. Dunkleosteus

Dunkleosteus was a ten-meter predatory monster. Huge sharks lived much longer than dunkleostei, but this did not mean that they were the best predators. Instead of teeth, Dunkleosteus had bony growths, like some species of modern turtles. Scientists have calculated that their bite force was 1500 kilograms per square centimeter, which put them on a par with crocodiles and tyrannosaurs and made them one of the creatures with the strongest bite.

Based on the facts about their jaw muscles, the scientists concluded that the Dunkleosteus could open its mouth in one fiftieth of a second, absorbing everything in its path. As the fish matured, the single bony dental plate was replaced by a segmented one, which made it easier to get food and bite through the thick shells of other fish. In the arms race called the prehistoric ocean, the Dunkleosteus was a real well-armoured, heavy tank.

6. Mauisaurus (Mauisaurus haasti)

Mauisaurus was named after the ancient Maori god Maui, who, according to legend, pulled the skeleton of New Zealand from the bottom of the ocean with a hook, so that only by the name you can understand that this animal was huge. The neck of the Mauisaurus was about 15 meters long, which is quite a lot compared to its total length of 20 meters.

His incredible neck had many vertebrae, which gave it a special flexibility. Imagine a turtle without a shell with a surprisingly long neck - this is what this terrible creature looked like.

He lived during the Cretaceous period, which meant that the unfortunate creatures that jumped into the water to escape the velociraptors and tyrannosaurs were forced to come face to face with these sea monsters. The habitats of the Mauisaurs were limited to the waters of New Zealand, which indicated that all the inhabitants were in danger.

7. Shellfish (Jaekelopterus rhenaniae)

Not surprisingly, the words "sea scorpion" evoke only negative emotions, but this representative of the list was the most creepy of them. Jaekelopterus rhenaniae is a special species of crustacean that was the largest and most intimidating arthropod of the time: 2.5 meters of pure clawed terror under the shell.

Many of us are terrified of small ants or large spiders, but imagine the full range of fear experienced by a person who would not be lucky enough to meet this sea monster.

On the other hand, these creepy creatures became extinct even before the event that killed all dinosaurs and 90% of life on Earth. Only some types of crabs survived, which are not so scary. There is no evidence that the ancient sea scorpions were venomous, but based on the structure of their tail, we can conclude that perhaps this was indeed the case.

8. Basilosaurus (Basilosaurus)

Despite the name and appearance, they are not reptiles, as it might seem at first glance. In fact, these are real whales (and not the most intimidating in this squeak!). Basilosaurus were the predatory ancestors of modern whales and ranged from 15 to 25 meters in length. It is described as a whale, somewhat resembling a snake due to its length and ability to squirm.

It is hard to imagine that, while swimming in the ocean, one could stumble upon a huge creature that looked like a snake, a whale and a crocodile at the same time 20 meters long. The fear of the ocean would stick with you for a long time.

Physical evidence suggests that basilosaurs did not have the same cognitive abilities as modern whales. In addition, they did not have the ability to echolocate and could only move in two dimensions (which means that they could not actively dive and dive to great depths). Thus, this terrible predator was as stupid as a bag of prehistoric tools and would not be able to follow you if you dived or made landfall.

9. Liopleurodon (Liopleurodon)

If there was a water scene in the Jurassic Park movie that included several sea monsters of the time, the Liopleurodon would definitely appear in it. Despite the fact that scientists argue about the real length of this animal (some claim that it reached 15 meters), most of them agree that it was about 6 meters, with the pointed head of Liopleurodon occupying a fifth of the length.

Many people think that 6 meters is not so much, but the smallest representative of these monsters is able to swallow an adult. Scientists have recreated a model of Liopleurodon's fins and tested them.

In the course of their research, they found that these prehistoric animals were not so fast, but they were agile. They were also able to make short, quick and sharp attacks similar to those made by modern crocodiles, which makes them even more intimidating.

10. Megalodon (Megalodon)

The Megalodon may be the most famous creature on this list, but it's hard to imagine that a school bus-sized shark actually ever existed. Nowadays, there are many different scientific films and programs about these amazing monsters.

Contrary to popular belief, megalodons did not live at the same time as dinosaurs. They dominated the seas from 25 to 1.5 million years ago, which means that they missed the last dinosaur by 40 million years. In addition, this means that the first people found these sea monsters alive.

The home of the megalodon was the warm ocean that existed until the last ice age in the early Pleistocene, and it is believed that it was he who deprived these huge sharks of food and the opportunity to breed. Perhaps in this way nature has protected modern humanity from terrible predators.

11. Dacosaurus (Dakosaurus)

Traces of the existence of dacosaurs were first found in Germany. These predatory creatures, resembling a hybrid of reptiles and fish, dominated the ocean during the Jurassic period. Their remains were found on a vast territory from Russia to England and Argentina.

Although this sea monster is compared to modern crocodiles, its length averaged about 5 meters. Its huge and unique teeth have led scientists to conclude that dacosaurs were at the top of the food chain in their time.

12. Nothosaurus

Despite the fact that the body length of nothosaurs was only 4 meters, they were aggressive hunters. Their mouths were full of sharp teeth and they ate mostly fish and squid. It was believed that nothosaurs were the real experts in ambush and their bodies were ideal for sneaking up on the victim and taking her by surprise. It is generally accepted that notosaurs are inextricably linked with pliosaurs, another genus of marine predators. The remains found indicate that they lived in the Triassic period more than 200 million years ago.

Material translated from site:

Did you know that terrible creatures live at the bottom of the ocean? The truth is that we know more about our universe than we do about the oceans on our own planet. In fact, even to this day, we are discovering new creatures lurking in the depths where no sunlight even penetrates. To be honest, some of these deep sea dwellers are pretty creepy. Here are 25 scariest sea monsters you didn't know about!

25. Tongue Eating Crustacean

We'll start small. This terrible creature penetrates the fish through the gills, eats its tongue, and then sticks to the place where it used to be.

24. Chimera

Photo: wikimedia commons

The Rat Fish or Ghost Fish, the Chimera is known as one of the most ancient fish in existence today. They live very deep, in the dark, so the appearance of this monster is sure to be reflected in your nightmares. Just look at that face!

23. Corrugated Shark


With a triple row of sharp teeth, this deep sea shark can wreak havoc on anything it catches. Plus, she just looks creepy.

22. Terrible Claw Lobster


This lobster, discovered in 2007 off the coast of the Philippines, was named very accurately. Look at those claws! This guy could cut you into pieces like a cheese.

21. Water Bear


While most of the creatures on our list are quite large, these are quite tiny. Even... microscopic! What is strange about them is their durability. They can survive in almost any temperature and can also live without water for more than ten years!

20. Mola Mola


Also known as Sunfish or Moonfish, sounds good, doesn't it? But, think again, because she weighs over 900 kg! And while the fish won't attack you (it feeds on jellyfish), it can be quite intimidating when you see the fish with the heaviest bones coming towards you!

19. Giant squid

Photo: pixabay

These monsters can grow up to 18 meters in length. And their eyes are as big as beach balls! And yes, their food habits are as bad as you can imagine. They grab their prey with their tentacles and then stuff it into their beak. The squid then crushes it with its tooth-covered tongue before the food enters the esophagus. It is very similar to a meat grinder.

18. Pelagic bigmouth shark


Discovered in 1976, this huge shark attracts plankton with the light it emits from its mouth. Don't swim into the light!

17. Galper eel


Given that these marine creatures live at depths of thousands of meters, little is known about them. But, we know for sure that the huge jaws of the fish allow it to swallow prey as large as itself.

16 Goblin Shark


Just one look at this shark will make most of us shudder. What's more, the mouths of the truly terrifying creatures seem to detach during the hunt in order to grab their prey more quickly.

15. Grenadier


Although the Grenadier looks a little strange, the disgusting factor is not always commensurate with appearance. This deep sea fish emits a terrible odor due to its high levels of trimethylamine oxide.

14. Pike blenny


Although this fish is practically harmless to humans, when the dog is in danger, it opens its huge mouth to scare off predators. Whether you're human or not, one look at this would make you get the hell out of there as soon as possible.

13 Giant Isopod


Found at depths of nearly 2,000 meters, these scavengers can grow up to 3 meters or more in length. Moreover, they existed even before the dinosaurs. How? They know how to survive. For four years, these creatures can go without food. Even if they won't eat you, just imagine that you stumble upon such a creature in the depths of the sea. In fact, this is just a sea cockroach, which is larger than a person in size. And we are afraid of cockroaches when they are only a few centimeters in length ....

12. Fanged fish

Photo: wikimedia commons

These bad guys live at a depth of 5000 meters. Here, the water pressure can crush a person. If you don't get squashed, get ready to be mashed to a pulp by your horrible teeth. In fact, this aptly named underwater monster boasts the largest teeth relative to its body size of any fish.

11. Crooked Tooth Fish

Photo: wikimedia commons

This creepy fish has hooked teeth that help it catch its prey. In addition, she lives at incredible depths where sunlight does not penetrate. So if you ever happen to see this terrifying creature, its glowing skin and nightmarish teeth are likely to leave you with terrible memories!

10. Black Dragonfish

Photo: wikimedia commons

With razor-sharp teeth, this alien-like fish lives deep in the ocean and generates its own light.

9 Giant Spider Crab


Sometimes we are just afraid of size. Having descended to a depth of 300 meters, you will find the largest crab on Earth. It can reach 4 meters!

8 Pacific Snakefish

Photo: wikimedia commons

Living miles below the surface of the ocean, these creatures boast teeth so big they can't even close their mouths.

7. Squid is a vampire


Its name, Vampyroteuthis infernalis, literally translates to "vampire squid from hell". Why? This underwater squid lives underwater where no sunlight can penetrate, and if you attack it, the squid will turn inside out, exposing dozens of thorny spines. What could be worse? Imagine if a person did this...

6. Drop fish


While this creature won't hurt you, it can make you want to go deep sea diving. The blobfish has even been called "the ugliest creature" and looking at this photo, it becomes clear why. She is so disgusting that it becomes scary!

5. Johnson Melanocete (Humpback Monkfish)


This deep-sea monster lures its prey with a glowing stick that protrudes from its head.

4. Grimpoteuthys (Octopus Dumbo)

Photo: wikimedia commons

While they may look quite cute, these guys are known for wrapping their prey in frill-like "hands" before they eat it.

3. Eye-like-a-barrel fish (Ghost fish)

Photo: wikimedia commons

This completely crazy-looking deep-sea creature has a transparent head, allowing the fish to look up with its barrel-like eyes. Imagine that while you are swimming in the depths of the ocean, a transparent head with two disgusting eyes inside approaches you. Although this fish will not eat you, its disgusting appearance is enough to regret this meeting.

2. Stargazer fish


They burrow into the ocean floor, exposing their bulging eyes-balls. When an unfortunate fish swims up, they ... eat it.

1. Black Liver

Photo: wikimedia commons

Possibly the scariest creature on our list, this fish can swallow prey more than twice its size and 10 times its weight.

Mankind is trying with all its might to know the solar system, and then the entire universe. It seems to people that somewhere there are the most important secrets and riddles that must be unraveled without fail. But how much do we know about our own planet? She is still able to surprise not only ordinary people, but also famous scientists, presenting various surprises. After all, stories appear every now and then, where monsters unknown to science appear, terrifying and awe of the entire population of the planet. They seem to have entered our world from another reality. But is it really so? What is it, the animal world of our planet? And is there a place for various monsters in it?

The real monsters of the world - who are they?

Human civilization has populated the planet so densely that it has forced out many representatives of the animal world to the most remote corners of the Earth. Some of them simply disappeared from the face of the planet, while others are threatened with extinction. Animal rights activists are doing their best to preserve rare species of animals, but monsters that mankind has been talking about for many centuries do not appear in any official list.

If you carefully study all the eyewitness accounts, you may get the impression that monster animals have always existed. They were seen by people of different professions and social status, and each such meeting was accompanied by fear from contact with something unknown. Only at the end of the nineteenth century, scientists began to take evidence of encounters with monsters seriously and even tried to take photos and videos of these extraordinary creatures. Every documented evidence of the existence of monsters issued to the society was carefully studied, but most often it was classified as a falsification. Until now, the scientific world has not been able to get real confirmation of the fact that we do not know everything about the creatures that live on the planet. But this does not bother adventurers who are ready to spend a lot of time on expeditions to take one good shot and give the world the truth.

Monster classification

The most famous monsters in the world have long had their own classification. Seekers of the unknown have divided them into the following three categories:

  • underwater;
  • ground;
  • anthropoid.

Of course, these categories are very conditional, but they still give some idea of ​​​​how the most terrible monsters of the world look and where they live. We have collected information about those monsters that were noticed by people and repeatedly invaded their usual lives. You should start with underwater creatures, which are considered the most common.

Over the past century, enough references have accumulated about various pangolins that live in lakes. Characteristic is the fact that they are found only in freshwater reservoirs. But experts say that pangolins will feel great in sea water.

Mentions of underwater lizards are found among different peoples. Scots, Yakuts, Canadians, Kazakhs and Chinese have similar evidence. This suggests that the legend of the monsters living in the lakes has a real basis.

Scientists, after analyzing the sketches of monsters and video footage provided by eyewitnesses, came to the conclusion that they can be attributed to the last dinosaurs on Earth. They resemble ancient plesiosaurs, which lived in large numbers in the waters of our planet. These creatures had a long, elongated body with small limbs in the form of flippers and a small head. The neck of such lizards was similar in length to the body of a monster.

This structure of the monster explains why many eyewitnesses called him a snake. After all, the body and head of the monster usually appear on the surface, really resembling a huge snake.

Loch Ness Monster

If you are interested in the most famous monsters, then you have probably heard of the Scottish Loch Ness. The monster that lives in its waters is known to the whole world. The lake itself is quite picturesque, it has a depth of more than two hundred meters and is the largest in the UK.

The Loch Ness monster was discovered at the beginning of the last century. Then it alarmed the company resting on the shore, leaning out of the water. From that moment on, crowds of adventurers rushed to the lake, dreaming of capturing a mysterious monster.

Four years later, Wilson managed to photograph the monster, and these photographs alarmed the public. They were published in all newspapers and magazines, and the scientific community tried to explain the presence of a strange creature in the waters of the lake. Almost thirty years later, the Loch Ness monster fell into the lens of a movie camera, where it was clear how fast it moves under water.

A little later, another video of the monster hit all the major TV channels in Britain, and the people again rushed to Scotland in search of a sensation. Over the past hundred years, more than four thousand people have claimed to have seen the Nessie monster (as the Scots affectionately call it) with their own eyes.

Scientists believe that the monster is quite harmless and lives in a pond with his large family. According to the official version, it got into the lake as a result of the movement of tectonic plates and could not get out of the trap. During their existence, many generations of monsters have adapted to the changed habitat and food.

Lake Champlain - fellow Nessie

In Canada, there is the famous Lake Champlain, which has added to the list of places where the famous monsters of the world live. At the end of the nineteenth century, information appeared that the sheriff saw a fifty-meter snake with humps on its back in the waters of the lake. This testimony only confirmed the numerous words of eyewitnesses that have accumulated since the beginning of the seventeenth century in large numbers.

The monster was named Champ, it appeared annually on the surface of the reservoir, allowing people to record new details about themselves. Thanks to this, it turned out that the monster has dark skin, a very large body and an elongated head with bumps and growths.

Scientists could not ignore such a large amount of information about the monster, and in the seventies of the last century an initiative group was formed to study Champa. Seven years later, one of the local residents managed to photograph the monster, and the authenticity of the picture was proven in the laboratories of the Smithsonian Institute. Thanks to the availability of special technologies, scientists suggested the size of the animal, which seemed simply incredible - from five to seventeen meters.

Twelve years ago, a fisherman managed to capture the monster on video, and FBI analysts proved the authenticity of the recording. Now scientists from all over the world are trying to figure out which class of the animal kingdom Champa can be attributed to.

Ogopogo is Canada's most famous "resident"

Scientists believe that if underwater monsters can live anywhere, then it is in Canada. Numerous lakes on the territory of this country were once formed as a result of the movement of tectonic plates, and it is quite possible that some ancient monsters could remain in these reservoirs. The most famous Canadian pangolin is Ogopogo from Okanagan Lake.

This monster, according to eyewitnesses, resembles Nessie and Champa - the same long body with fins and a small head. The Indians said that one day a monster capsized their leader's boat and destroyed him. Since that time, the tribes have tried to negotiate with Ogopogo, sacrificing animals to him and refusing to fish in some parts of the lake.

It is worth noting that this monster was seen quite often. Especially numerous are the testimonies of eyewitnesses who crossed the lake by ferry at the beginning of the twentieth century. During this period, the monster constantly rose to the surface, and more than two hundred people spoke about it. At the end of the last century, video filming appeared, where a monster is clearly visible swimming under water. Until now, information about the next appearance of a monster periodically comes from the shores of the lake, but science cannot provide a justification for its existence.

Lake monsters: how many are there?

Today, the scientific world knows about seven lakes located in different parts of the world, where various monsters live. Three lakes belong to Ireland, where locals often see underwater monsters. For example, in Loch Ree, a large animal of an unknown species was seen even by three priests in the middle of the last century. Scientists took their testimonies seriously and at the beginning of the 2000s they assembled a real expedition to the shores of an ancient reservoir. But, unfortunately, they failed to capture the monster.

In our country, Lake Labynkyr in Yakutia became the home for the monster. There have always been legends among the locals about an extraordinary creature that lives in the depths of the lake and, in the rarest cases, looks out to the surface. In the nineteenth century, eyewitnesses called it the Labynkyr Devil, but so far no one has been able to photograph the creature.

Long-horned sabertooth - the most terrifying monster of the deep sea

In addition to monsters unknown to science, there are those that have long been studied. For example, in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a saber-toothed fish, the appearance of which can terrify any inhabitant of the planet.

Usually this monster does not grow in length more than forty centimeters, but has a dark color and a very menacing appearance. The fact is that huge fangs grow in the mouth of the fish, which do not even allow an adult to fully close its jaws. Scientists have found that the brain of this fish has two pockets that contain the tips of the fangs. This predator lives at a depth of more than five hundred meters, met him at more significant depths - he feels quite comfortable, having descended to five thousand meters.

It should be noted that this predator is very vulnerable to large fish. They eat it with pleasure, so the sabertooth prefers to hide in the water column and hunt only small fish.

Bigfoot - fact or fiction?

Yeti (as Bigfoot is also called) is a humanoid creature covered with wool and living in the mountainous regions of the planet. The Yeti is especially common in North America. The tribes of local Indians know a lot of legends about creatures of unprecedented power that lived high in the mountains and tried to avoid human eyes.

Eyewitnesses claim to have even seen entire families of Bigfoot, which allows us to draw conclusions about the abundance of this species. But, unfortunately, science has not yet received documentary evidence of the existence of these monsters.

In the middle of the last century, a short film was shot, where an unusual creature moving through the forest fell into the lens of a video camera. Specialists carefully studied the film and remained in deep doubts about its authenticity. To date, no one has been able to photograph the yeti or find its remains.

A vampire monster that lives in South America

Puerto Ricans scare naughty children with stories about the Chupacabra. It is believed that this monster lives near human settlements and destroys livestock. Chupacabra usually steals goats and drinks all the blood from them, which is the basis of his daily diet. Sometimes the monster completely tears its prey apart, but does not eat it. Locals claim that the Chupacabra feeds on the blood of rabbits, chickens, and can even steal a child.

It has not yet been possible to film the Chupacabra with a camera or video camera, but eyewitnesses describe it as a large creature with large claws and fangs. Absolutely everyone notes the huge and luminous eyes of the monster, with which he sees perfectly in the dark.

Residents of South America believe that this monster was the result of secret experiments by the US military. But the United States is in no hurry to confirm or deny this fact.

Sculpture monsters

The most famous monsters in the world can also be objects of art. In many European cities, various sculptural groups depicting devils and monsters have been installed. Some of them are historical monuments.

All the inhabitants of the planet know the monsters at the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. These terrifying chimeras sit on the facade of the building and are winged creatures with bared snouts and fangs. Parisians consider these monsters one of the most striking symbols of the city. According to some polls, they are more popular than the Eiffel Tower.

In Norway, in the city of Torheim, a cathedral was built, which with its sculptures resembles the Parisian "brother". Its facade is covered with images of various evil spirits; according to legend, it was supposed to scare away real evil spirits. Tourists say that many of the figures on the cathedral look extremely ominous.

In Brest, on Gogol Street, there is a sculpture of the devil. This unclean spirit is made extremely believable and is a symbol of the city, attracting crowds of tourists here.

Mankind has always lived side by side with various monsters. Some of them are dangerous to people, while others have done nothing wrong to them, but still strike terror into the hearts of one of their kind. Scientists are trying to catch monsters in order to finally get proof of their existence and study them as a new species of representatives of the animal world. However, the monsters are not in a hurry to become a world sensation, they continue to lead their solitary lifestyle, established for thousands of years.
