Why don't men celebrate their 40th birthday? How to celebrate your fortieth birthday - important tips

The “puppy” delights go away, optimism is replaced by realism or even pessimism. But often in return comes maturity, wisdom and poise. 40 years is the middle of life, and a lot changes...

Request. I am 40 years old. They say that at 40, life is just beginning, but I have the feeling that, on the contrary, it is ending. I received my training, found my place at work, started a family, and my children are almost grown up. It’s not clear where else to strive? Is it possible to live the second half of life with drive and meaning, or is everything now “as usual”?

40 years old is a special age

Until the age of 40, a person follows a program predetermined by society:

  • need to get a professiondecide on it
  • create a family,
  • raise children.

When this program is in place, life is much easier - it is clear what heights need to be achieved.

Girls' strong desires to get married successfully and have a child are often a “guiding star” for them.

For men, such a “star” becomes the desire to reach heights in the profession, earn money, have their own home, car.

These same desires are not alien to many young women.

When we are led by a “guiding star” and a lot works out, life is filled with special delight, inspiration, creativity, there is always a feeling that you are “on horseback”, even temporary failures are perceived as a “challenge”. When you are young, you usually have plenty of strength. We are filled with optimism and cheerfully climb to our peaks, even if sometimes we fall.

40 is the middle of life and a lot changes. In many ways, a person becomes different. It’s as if another life really begins.

1. Emotional changes.

The “puppy” delights go away, optimism is replaced by realism or even pessimism. But often in return comes maturity, wisdom and poise. Many people stop believing in love, happiness, dreams, development, friendship. Especially those who have accumulated negative experience and did not draw conclusions from his mistakes.

2. Changes in appearance.

Eat good proverb– before the age of 40 you have the face that nature gave you, then after 40 you have the face you deserve! This means that it is at the age of 40 that the emotions that we most often experienced appear on the face. Angry, greedy, pessimistic, envious people will no longer hide their “true face.” A facial mask appears on the face - wrinkles begin to draw a special pattern on the face. People who are kind, loving, and optimistic remain attractive despite age-related changes in appearance.

3. Health changes.

Around the age of 40, sores from an unhealthy lifestyle, negative emotions and actions, and hereditary diseases usually begin to “pop up”. A person does not immediately discover this - after all, everything accumulated gradually. Perhaps, because of such a restructuring of the body, it is not customary to celebrate a 40-year anniversary.

4. Lifestyle changes.

After 40, the vast majority of people begin to lead a “sedentary” lifestyle. If at 25 you could grab your children under your arm and go on a trip or send them to grandma and walk all night, then at 40 this is very rare. As sad as it is, we are sucked in by worries and affairs, and often in the evening we only have the energy to watch TV. Friends “leave”, they “settle” in their families and there are no such people anymore joyful meetings in companies as before.

We are already quite mature and experienced, but still young and energetic!

Take this motto for yourself. After all, this is really so! Despite the fact that at 40 you need to adapt to certain changes, which can be painful, it is still a wonderful age!

Here are a few rules that will help make your life bright and interesting when you are well over 40.

1. Be aware of your 4 types of changes:

Emotional changes – do not allow yourself to fall into pessimism and do not deny happiness and joyful full life. Don't say things like this: “Well, old age has come”, “What can I do at 40?”, “Who needs me at this age?” “It’s too late to start when you’re 40.” All this is not true!

Yes, your youthful fervor has been cooled by age and experience, but if you lived correctly, you have special states - WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, STRENGTH, CONFIDENCE, THE ABILITY TO BE YOURSELF. This is incredibly valuable and inaccessible to young creatures.

In our early youth, we often turn ourselves inside out just to fit in with something or someone. Now you finally allow yourself to be yourself, and others to be different!

Appearance changes – it’s time to take care of yourself and spend more time and effort on maintaining a good physical fitness and external attractiveness. And this process can be very pleasant!

Health changes – undergo a complete examination of the body, even if you feel not bad. You just have to know yours weak spots. Forewarned is forearmed! Energy reserves are depleted after 40, and it's time to replenish them. Swimming pool, skiing, dancing, fitness, etc. Pay attention to healthy eating.

Lifestyle changes. It’s stupid to think that after 40 years, your lot is the kitchen, grandchildren, garden (for women) or the garage, sofa, TV (for men). Yes, you don’t currently have a “guiding star” programmed by society, but you have the opportunity to create it yourself! You have FREEDOM OF CHOICE!

2. Create new guiding stars for yourself. What have you dreamed of, but never had time for? Or were you afraid? What inspires you? Let there be several of these “stars”. Traveling, dancing, creativity, self-development in any area, etc. Don't be afraid to start and learn!

If you don’t know English, and you need it, go ahead; if you haven’t learned to drive before, go ahead; if you haven’t mastered a computer, go ahead! Now just forward so as not to be pulled back!

If earlier society thought for you what to do and where to strive, now YOU THINK FOR YOURSELF! Do whatever you want! Let your activities be positive. Meet new people, go to the theater and concerts, parties and exhibitions!

And of course, share your experience! Maybe your mission is to help other people or share knowledge.

3. This, of course, is sad, but now in our society there are many adult “zombified” people who cannot (or do not want) to gain their freedom. They still have other people's programs in their heads, but they are already harmful. People get hooked on new cars, iPhones and other things, take out loans, not realizing that they pay very dearly for the momentary joy of owning a new fashionable item, and not only in money.And also health, lack of freedom, the need to work for loans.

Many people get hooked on “negative” television programs and begin to live as if everything that happens on the screen is part of their own life.

Free your life from unnecessary things! Don't chase fashionable things, watch less TV. It's all addiction! Throw “other people’s” programs out of your head and live happily! WITH YOUR LIFE!

How has your life changed since turning 40?

  • More problems, illnesses, boredom, etc. - 24%
  • Joy and freedom appeared – 15%
  • There was a desire to give and care – 38%
  • Real life has just begun! - 13%
  • I finally recognized myself - 10%.

    Birthdays in Russia are usually celebrated cheerfully, in big company friends and relatives, with toastmaster, songs, dances, an abundance of food on the tables and gifts. Round anniversaries are celebrated on a special scale; such birthdays are considered an important milestone and promise certain changes in the life of the hero of the day.

    People take their fortieth birthday especially seriously. Firstly, 40 years is a kind of confirmation of experience, life wisdom, and secondly, there is a sign that prohibits people from celebrating 40 years.

    Both men and women are afraid to celebrate this anniversary. On the eve of their fortieth birthday, they turn to various sources (from friends who have already crossed this milestone to priests in the church), wanting to find out for themselves important question: to celebrate or not to celebrate? Believe in bad omens or throw a feast for the whole world?

    Without any doubt, birthday people celebrate 20, 30, 35 years, but some people have to ignore 40 years and live this day as usual. It turns out that the magic number 40 itself is to blame, which does not symbolize anything good. For example, Moses led the Jews through the desert for exactly forty years. When a person dies, his soul leaves the mortal world only after 40 days.

    It is this day that grieving relatives spend in a special way, with memories of the deceased and a trip to the cemetery. The born baby is not shown to friends and acquaintances for 40 days. Only 40 days after the woman gave birth, she was allowed to cross the threshold of the temple. It was believed that this is exactly the amount of time a woman in labor needs to rid her soul of sin.

    In the East, they are very afraid of the number 4. Eastern people consider the number four to be a symbol of death, while zero in numerology does not mean anything, which is why 40 is considered to be a fatal number. Rarely where in Japan will you see the number 4. It is not on shops, apartments, or cars. This number can bring irreparable grief into a person’s life.

    IN Ancient Greece Due to poor medicine, people lived little, and therefore it was considered true happiness to cross the forty-year mark. And the Greek who lived to such years knew that his death was near.

    Previously, people believed that when a person turns 40, his guardian angel flies with this news to the Almighty. After all, it is believed that a person has already lived half of his life, and therefore it is time to answer to God, to sum up the intermediate, but important results of his actions committed over the long 40 years. While the angel tells the Creator about the actions of a 40-year-old man, the hero of the day himself remains on this day without heavenly protection, and therefore must behave prudently, proving that he has truly become an adult and responsible person.

    The sign advises you to live this day without incident. This advice is especially addressed to men: not having intuition as developed as women, they, not suspecting danger, can bring disaster upon themselves. Evil forces can take advantage of a person’s vulnerability. Not everyone is able to resist evil and sense danger. That's why people shouldn't celebrate their 40th birthday.

    40 years is also perceived by astrologers as a dangerous date. The fact is that at this age a person is under the protection of the planet Uranus; on a person’s astromap, Uranus during this period begins to confront itself, which leads to serious and not always positive life changes. A person begins to panic, get nervous, doubts arise in his soul, a 40-year-old person, being under the influence of the planets, can completely change his direction in life. Illness and poverty can add to the spiritual crisis.

    Superstitious people tell terrifying stories about how people celebrating their 40th anniversary found themselves in the very epicenter of terrible disasters: from a broken arm on that day to death loved one. Psychologists call this escalating the situation, because similar things can happen to a person on any other day, and unpleasant events on the 40th birthday can be considered an ordinary coincidence.

    The Church's opinion on acceptance

    The Orthodox Church has always considered superstition a sin. The priests will tell you that celebrating a 40th anniversary will not affect a person’s destiny in a negative way. More important for the church is the number 33. It was at this age that Christ was crucified on the cross. But even this date is not prohibited by the church.

    Of course, the number forty is often mentioned in the Bible, and everywhere it is associated with sad events, but it in no way relates to a person’s birthday. The only thing the church warns against on the day of celebrating the fortieth anniversary is the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, obscene language and ungodly acts.

    Is it possible to celebrate a man's 40th birthday?

    When asked why a man’s 40th birthday is not celebrated, the sign gives one clear answer: celebrating this date threatens the man with death. It's all because of the story of an astronaut who cheerfully celebrated his anniversary, after which malfunctions occurred on the ship, and his spaceship crashed. The man died. Superstitious people will tell thousands more similar stories, when a man, having thrown a feast in honor of a round anniversary, suddenly died.

    Science has no evidence, but people stubbornly continue to believe in the fatal number. After all, the guardian angel of a 40-year-old man, having flown away with a report to God, may not return, and then merciless death begins to play jokes on the man. It is unknown how the dangerous fight will end, so concerned relatives try to cautiously congratulate the men in the family on their 40th anniversary.

    Is it possible to celebrate a woman’s 40th birthday?

    Women who do not celebrate their 40th birthday believe in a superstition that says that vigorous celebration of this date can lead to health problems. After all, at 40 years old female body starts to work completely differently. Menopause is just around the corner, which is accompanied by an increase in extra pounds, the appearance of wrinkles on the face and gray hair.

    During this period, the woman becomes hot-tempered and more susceptible to depression. And if you also celebrate 40 years, then the inevitable menopause will be even more difficult to survive, because your health will deteriorate so much that coping with the problems will be problematic. Therefore, some women are afraid to invite guests to their fortieth birthday. Although most women, oddly enough, do not pay any attention to this sign and have real fun, marking a special milestone in their destiny.

    What could be the consequences after the celebration?

    Even a person who does not take superstitions seriously gets in a bad mood when friends and relatives tell him that under no circumstances should he celebrate his 40th birthday. In this section, it is worth reading the entire list of life disasters that, according to superstition, can happen to a person after he celebrates his fortieth birthday. It’s worth doing this in order to forget about it once and for all, and not take legends from superstitious acquaintances to heart.

    After a person turns 40, he faces misfortunes in life. Strange things will supposedly begin to happen to him that will not bring anything good. Signs predict the person who celebrates his imminent death after the holiday. This is mainly why 40th birthdays are not celebrated.

    Celebrating 40 years can bring upon yourself terrible diseases, which will be difficult to get rid of. The stormy celebration of this date threatens the hero of the day with poverty, depression, and loss of life guidelines.

    Skeptics who look at life soberly say that after a stormy celebration of the fortieth birthday, a person faces only a hangover and an empty wallet. In their opinion, 40 years can be celebrated just like any other date.

    How can a superstitious person celebrate his fortieth birthday?

    If you continue to believe in omens or are inclined to trust them just in case, so as not to aggravate the situation, but you still want to celebrate the anniversary, then in this case there will be a way out of the situation.

    Calling for a visit cheerful company, say out loud that you have gathered to celebrate the end of your 39th year of life, and not the beginning of your fortieth birthday. Invite fewer guests to your anniversary so as not to have an overly noisy party. It is advisable to call those people whom you are always happy and completely trust. Those people who can cheer you up and make you laugh.

    You can celebrate your anniversary not on your birthday itself, but a little later. This is a common practice for people working on weekdays. After all, common days Birthdays are usually celebrated on weekends for most guests, so that you can completely relax and not think about the upcoming work.

    You can come up with a specific theme for this case. For example, to celebrate not a fortieth anniversary, but a merry New Year. After all, the hero of the day is really starting a new and important year in his life.

    It’s up to everyone to decide whether to celebrate their fortieth birthday or to abstain. If doubts do not leave you alone and poison your life before important event, then psychologists advise spending your birthday alone with yourself. This is a reason to reflect on the past years, to outline further actions, try to solve psychological problems, it is better to think about the good, and it is better to accept unpleasant memories and not put them far into the subconscious, otherwise they will make themselves known later. You can spend part of the day on such thoughts, and in the evening call your closest people and sit quietly in a pleasant environment.

    Many people know that celebrating your fortieth birthday is highly discouraged, otherwise you could end up in trouble. However, this is just a superstition, and whether to follow it or not is a personal matter for everyone. Some people do not pay attention to such things, consider such beliefs to be absurd and do not believe in any negative consequences, others sacredly believe everything that is said and follow every belief, while others are skeptical about such statements, do not think that it is true, but try to avoid possible negativity just in case. Because it's only popular belief, then there are no scientific evidence Is it really impossible to celebrate the anniversary or are these empty words?

    However, many people ask the question, “Is it possible to celebrate a 40th birthday?” There are many opinions, especially about celebrating the fortieth anniversary among women and men; astrologers and clergy also express their opinions. Whether you believe it or not is up to you to choose.

    Why can't we celebrate our 40th birthday?

    • If you ask fortune tellers this question, they will say without any doubt that the number 4 is a sign of death in Tarot cards. But what does the number 40 have to do with it then? The bottom line is that the number 4 is absolutely identical to 40, and this will lead to disastrous consequences and death.
    • In ancient times, a person who lived to be 40 years old was considered quite old. Old age meant imminent death, so such an age was not celebrated so as not to bring death closer to oneself.
    • There is another explanation, which is precisely the most truthful and convincing. The fact is that the age of forty is considered the time when spiritual changes and rethinking of life occur in a person. At this moment, the guardian angels leave the person; they no longer help or protect him, since the person has gained wisdom over the years of his life. This guess is the most plausible, but still there is nothing wrong with celebrating a birthday.
    • For unknown reasons, the celebration of the 40th anniversary is associated with various misfortunes, failures and even death. For example, someone cites incidents from their life, but such troubles can be just an accident, since anything can happen to a person every day, regardless of age, place of stay and type of activity.
    • It is believed that for women, celebrating their fortieth birthday can lead to unpleasant consequences. This is due to the fact that a number of changes occur in a woman’s body at the age of 40, at which time the so-called menopause approaches. A woman loses the opportunity to give birth to children, she notices accelerated aging of the body, skin and soul. This condition is accompanied by stress, depression, hysterics, etc. A woman’s skin ages, wrinkles appear on it, her hair turns gray and general state becomes not the same as before. This is where the saying comes from that women should not celebrate their 40th birthday, otherwise in this way she will attract old age even faster.
    • When for women the celebration of forty years is associated with the loss of youth and the onset of old age, then for men such an event will lead to more serious consequences, namely death. It is believed that if a man celebrates his 40th birthday, this will be his last anniversary. He will not be able to live to 50, since he will be hampered by health problems, and perhaps an accident will solve everything, but such things are serious jokes, so men prefer to abstain from such a holiday. Perhaps this is connected with the story about one astronaut who celebrated his birthday before going into space, and then something went wrong during takeoff, the equipment suddenly failed, and the astronaut died suddenly. Whether this is true or not, men still remember that forewarned is forearmed.
    • However, the clergy formed their own opinion, absolutely opposite to everything said above. They believe that there is nothing bad in the number 40, it cannot cause any trouble, because a person himself is the creator of his own happiness. The Church does not approve of such superstition, since they believe that, regardless of the person himself, he will live as long as he is allotted in heaven.

    Every person's birthday is a real holiday life, marking another annual cycle.

    But there are some birthdays on which luxurious celebrations are completely inappropriate. There are especially many opinions regarding the way to properly celebrate a 40th anniversary.

    As we approach our 40th birthday, everyone is wondering how to celebrate or ignore the holiday.

    The question immediately arises: is it possible to organize magnificent and loud name days? The answers to the question can be completely different.

    Note! 40th Anniversary Celebration life together has certain restrictions regarding some items.

    Wedding birthdays are a transitional moment for the entire family, affecting all family members.

    If you want to have a name day, you should listen to advice regarding the celebration itself. It is worth considering the principle of holding name days for women and men.

    There are several radically different points related specifically to gender differences and lifestyle and preferences.

    How to celebrate name days without consequences:

    How to celebrate a man How to celebrate as a woman
    Celebrate the holiday at home. They say that the energy of home comfort protects against negative influences Be sure to celebrate your name day with your closest loved ones. Even close friends should not be invited to the event.
    It is better to celebrate name days earlier or later by a few days. The holiday should be modest In addition to the restrictions in organizational issues no need to take expensive gifts
    Preparations should be as simple as possible. No need to decorate the house, cook gourmet dishes, buy expensive gifts There is no reason to be upset on your birthday. Laughter and joy must be present. You can organize a relaxing evening with beauty treatments

    Why you can't celebrate a birthday

    It is absolutely forbidden to have a noisy celebration with gifts and congratulations on your 40th birthday.

    Others do not pay attention to the signs, and quite easily ignore the warnings. Life is unpredictable, events do not depend on the principle of celebration.

    Neither religion nor folk beliefs could find a single and accurate answer regarding contraindications for celebrating the anniversary.

    Each relies on historical arguments, suggestions regarding beliefs beyond power that can punish disobedience.

    Why don't people celebrate 40 years?

    1. Women should not celebrate such an anniversary because of physiological characteristics that can affect their psychological state.

      Often at this age, women experience menopause, which provokes irritability, depression, and nervousness.

    2. For men, this age is transitional. Crises often occur, accompanied by a rethinking of the meaning of life and the past. Therefore, it is not worth highlighting the event with a celebration.
    3. Astrologers believe that at this age a person is influenced by Uranus. The planet promotes dramatic changes, which are characterized not only by positive events.

      Any glorification of Uranus leads to increased influence on a person, so you should not attract the attention of the patron of change.

    In some cultures and beliefs, the opinion regarding the holiday is different - on the contrary, it is worth attracting the attention of the Universe.

    Signs and superstitions

    Esoterics and folk signs can superficially explain why they don’t celebrate the 40th anniversary.

    There are several basic opinions that can guide you in the process of choosing the form of celebrating an anniversary, in particular 40 years.

    This number is associated with many rituals and phenomena that have left their mark on people’s consciousness. The number 40 was especially revered by early Orthodox Christians and pagans.

    Superstitions about turning 40:

    • In Tarot cards, 4 symbolizes death. The number 40 is identical to 4. It carries the same energetic meaning of self-destruction.
    • According to historical data, few people lived to be 40 years old. The age of forty marks old age, so it was not customary to attract death with a holiday.
    • In Rus' there was a custom to check the body of the deceased after 40 days after death. If the body did not decompose, then the person led righteous life and had the right to canonization.

      The connection between life and death with the number 40 was especially clearly seen in esotericism.

    Psychics and witches say that basically everything depends on the person himself.

    If faith in supernatural powers and signs is great, then you should not celebrate such an anniversary. Strong Faith can become a significant energy impulse for triggering troubles and problems.

    Church opinion

    The Church has its own ideas regarding the number 40. They do not indicate Negative consequences, where the 40th anniversary poses a threat to fate. The church operates with many facts regarding anniversaries.

    Church opinion:

    • All significant incidents in the Bible are associated with the number 40, and therefore do not threaten a person with negative consequences.

      After the resurrection, the Son of God was on earth for 40 days, David reigned for 40 years.

    • It is believed that at the age of 40 a person acquires life wisdom, as a result of which the guardian angel leaves the ward.

      This birthday becomes a symbol of the transition of a person’s spiritual state.

    • In sacred writings the number 40 is often found, having special meaning for the church.

      The combination of numbers and the number itself are highly revered and extolled in the spiritual realm.

    In the church understanding, any birthday is a holiday of the soul, which requires glorification in the form of celebration.

    The main thing is that there are no excesses and rash actions, which are denied by the church.

    Attention! In the church warning there is one date that is not celebrated - it is 33 years old. The nuance applies to both women and men. At the age of 33, Jesus Christ was crucified.

    Previously, there were more warnings from the church regarding the celebration of anniversaries. Modern Orthodoxy does not see any violation of God’s Laws regarding such events.

    In some cases, even strengthening of faith and spirit is foreseen, which come to a person every year.

    Useful video

    It’s a shame that all other anniversaries are celebrated on a grand scale, but the fortieth year of birth is recommended to be ignored altogether, and for what reason, no one can really explain. This date is especially dangerous for representatives of the stronger sex. So why men should not celebrate their 40th birthday will be discussed in this article.

    Why is it not customary to celebrate the date of 40 years?

    Indeed, a date is like a date, average age, when you can sum up some results and still make a lot of plans for the years ahead, but come on, someone will definitely say that after celebrating such an anniversary, his aunt, uncle or friend had an accident, lost his job, broke up with his wife or even worse. It can be suggested that such a superstition is rooted in ancient times, because the expression: “If you celebrate 40, you won’t live to see 50” has been around for decades. The number 40 is sacred and revered in many cultures. In the Bible, mention of it occurs at least three times: for 40 years, the Jews led by Moses walked through the desert, the Great Flood lasted 40 days, and Jesus ended up in the desert for 40 days after baptism.

    Both then and today it is believed that it is on the 40th day that the soul of the deceased flies to the place of its last stay, saying goodbye to the earthly world. There is an opinion that it was this figure that formed the basis of the number system, and in eastern magic it acts as the number of death. Let it go we're talking about about the number 4, but according to the laws of numerology they are one and the same. In the Tarot, the major arcana "Death" is represented by the letter "M", and in the Hebrew alphabet it corresponds to the number 40. This should clarify the situation a little for those who want to know whether men celebrate their 40th birthday. Such a “tie” on this figure of many beliefs and traditions associated with death cannot but worry and strain, as they say today.

    Why can’t we celebrate 40 years according to the church?

    It must be said that the church condemns all these superstitions and prejudices, as well as all the others, such as the black cat, etc. More One can understand the reluctance of the birthday boy to celebrate 33 years - the age at which Christ was when he was crucified, but there are no opinions regarding the subsequent anniversary. However, especially superstitious people who do not want to give up celebrating such a date do not celebrate 40 years, but can celebrate 40 years and one day. Or get together with loved ones and relatives and have a blast, saying goodbye to the passing year of 1939. Be that as it may, it all depends on how the hero of the day himself relates to this superstition and what he is in the mood for.

    Optimistic people who go through life with a smile will shrug their shoulders and do as their heart tells them. Pessimists will blame the ill-fated holiday organized on the occasion of the 40th anniversary for all subsequent failures.
