Advanced training programs in technology of design activities. Advanced training course Project activities: project management technology

  • Cover for a certificate of advanced training. Purchase (optional).
  • The program “Technologies for organizing and supporting research, design and competition activities of schoolchildren” (72 hours) provides for the formation of professional competencies of a specialist in the field of implementation of project, research activities and in-depth study of subjects by students school course
    As a result of mastering the advanced training program “Technologies for organizing and supporting research, design and competition activities of schoolchildren” (72 hours), course participants will receive the following knowledge:

    • substantive and methodological foundations of the Federal State Educational Standard and requirements for the organization of design and research activities;
    • understanding innovative technologies and their pedagogical capabilities in the process of students achieving new educational results;
    • general characteristics of research and design activities;
    • main stages of carrying out scientific research and design work;
    • research and design methods.

    will acquire the skills:

    • master and apply innovative pedagogical technologies to achieve new educational results provided for by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;
    • create conditions as close as possible to real ones for gaining experience;
    • connect the material being studied with everyday life and with the interests of students characteristic of their age;
    • consolidate knowledge and skills in educational and extracurricular practice.

    will master the skills:

    • technological competence of the teacher in the context of the system-activity approach, which is the basis of the methodology of the new standard of education;
    • application of innovative technologies to achieve new educational results;
    • setting and solving cognitive problems, non-standard solutions;
    • stimulating students to independent choice goals, objectives and means of solution.

    Issued document: Certificate
    Final certification form: test

    • Section 1. Research and project activities: stages, models, levels of organization (FSES)
      • Lesson 1. Research and project activities: stages, models, levels of organization (FSES).
      • Lesson 2. Research and design work in the content of the activities of an educational organization.
      • Lesson 3. Pedagogical conditions use of design and research activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Section 2. Organization of research and project activities of schoolchildren in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
      • Lesson 1. Research activities: organization, methods, results.
      • Lesson 2. Organization of project activities of students.
      • Lesson 3. Innovative pedagogical technologies. Research and design activities in primary school(FSES NOO).
    • Section 3. Educational research and projects: classification and features
      • Lesson 1. Educational research and projects: classification and features.
      • Lesson 2. Organization of educational and research activities of students in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC.
    • Section 4. Innovation project: from concept to implementation
      • Lesson 1. Innovative project: from concept to implementation.
      • Lesson 2. Innovations in education: modern pedagogical technologies.
      • Lesson 3. Innovations in education: experimental models and practical implementation.
    • Section 5. Innovative educational projects, criteria for assessing their effectiveness
      • Lesson 1. Innovative educational projects, criteria for assessing their effectiveness.
      • Lesson 2. Innovative educational project in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Section 6. Preparing students for Olympiads in class and extracurricular activities
      • Lesson 1. Preparing students for Olympiads in class activities (using Olympiad tasks in class).
      • Lesson 2. Features of preparing students to carry out educational, research and design work for participation in all-Russian and international competitions.
      • Lesson 3. Search, research and local history activities in class and extracurricular work (FSES).
    • Section 7. Technology for organizing and conducting meta-subject Olympiads
      • Lesson 1. Technology of organizing and conducting meta-subject Olympiads.
      • Lesson 2. Project tasks as a means of forming and monitoring meta-subject results for elementary school students.
    • Section 8. Independent work listeners
      • Lesson 1. Research work: design, presentation, reflection.
      • Lesson 2. Research and project activities: forms, presentation and defense of research results.
      • Lesson 3. Research teaching technologies at school.

    Day 1

    "Project" and project management: The Triple Constraint.

    • Project participants
    • Subjects of project management
    • Project management objects
    • Achieving project management goals and project success
    • Qualification standards for project management
    • Charter (description) of the project
    • Project Management Process Space
    • Project development stages
    • Project Success Criteria
    • Corporate project management system
    • Project Management Procedures

    How to manage projects special kind management.

    • Project concept development
    • Using various project management methods
    • Project Management Fundamentals
    • Project life cycle. Project cycles. Features of project management processes
    • Main characteristics of projects
    • Project Management Standards
    • Features of industry project management
    • Aspects of project quality

    Project time management.

    • Project planning
    • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Defining milestones
    • Assignment of project owners
    • Bar charts or Gantt chart
    • Network planning: from a set of works to a network diagram
    • Designing a project network diagram: two approaches to developing network diagrams
    • Basic rules for developing a network diagram
    • Principles of constructing and analyzing network diagrams of the “OU” type
    • Estimating the start and end of work using a network diagram
    • The process of calculating network diagram parameters
    • Direct Analysis - Definition early dates start of operations
    • Reverse Analysis - Definition late dates completion of operations
    • Using the results of forward and reverse analysis of the network diagram. Network logic errors
    • Getting closer to reality through improved network graphing techniques
    • Using delays (lags)
    • Combination of delay ratios
    • Stretching operations
    • Goal setting and determination of project resources
    • Types of project constraints. Technical or logical limitations
    • Limits on the number of resources. Types of restrictions on the number of resources
    • Classification of problems scheduling
    • Resource Allocation Method
    • Relationship between estimate and scheduling
    • Time-limited projects
    • Projects with limited resources
    • Impact of scheduling resources subject to restrictions
    • Parallelization
    • Critical chain method
    • Benefit from Resource Scheduling

    Day 2

    Project marketing.

    • Modern concept of marketing in project management
    • Marketing research
    • Development marketing strategy project
    • Project marketing program
    • Project marketing budget
    • Implementation of project marketing
    • Marketing management within project management

    Organizational structures of project management.

    • Organizational structure of the project and its external environment
    • General sequence of development and creation organizational structures project management
    • Types of Project Management Organizational Structures
    • Modern methods and means of organizational modeling of projects

    Project team management.

    • Project participants and their roles
    • Effective project team
    • Team effectiveness assessment
    • Team formation
    • Motives and incentives
    • Team and leader
    • Types of communication during project implementation

    Project financial management.

    • Relationship between project management and investment management
    • Prospects for the development of project management
    • Formation of an investment plan (idea) for a project
    • The main reasons for the emergence of projects. Reasons for project idea rejection
    • Preliminary feasibility study
    • Expert assessment of investment decision options
    • Statement of Intent
    • Initial phase of the project
    • Pre-investment research. Study of forecasts. Development of investment justifications
    • Design analysis. Purpose of design analysis. Structure of project analysis (technical, commercial, environmental, organizational, social)
    • Assessing the viability and financial feasibility of the project. Stages of work to assess the viability of the project. Feasibility study of the project. The procedure for development, coordination and approval of feasibility studies for investments
    • Basic technical, economic and financial indicators included in the administrative document on approval of the feasibility study
    • Business plan. Composition of a business plan and its details. Initial information for drawing up a business plan. Business plan developers. Contents of the business plan

    Day 3

    Development project documentation.

    • Composition and order of project documentation. Bidding for the development of project documentation. Working documentation
    • Management of development of design and estimate documentation. Types of design firms. Selection of design firms. Tasks of design firms
    • Project Manager Functions
    • Automation of design work. Computer-aided design (CAD) systems

    Organization of project financing.

    • Sources of financing. Organizational forms of financing. World practice of organizing investment financing
    • Three main forms of project financing: financing with full recourse to the borrower, financing without recourse to the borrower, financing without recourse to the borrower
    • Features of the project financing system in developed countries. Sources, means, methods and participants of project financing
    • Project financing schemes adopted in developed countries. Project cycle from the bank's point of view. Monitoring project implementation and reducing project risks
    • Advantages and disadvantages of project financing
    • Prospects for using project financing in Russia

    Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects.

    • Efficiency of the investment project
    • Overall project effectiveness
    • Efficiency of participation in the project
    • Basic principles for assessing project effectiveness
    • General scheme for assessing project effectiveness
    • Initial data for calculating project efficiency
    • Cash flow project. Project Cash Flow
    • Accumulated cash flow. Cash flow from investing activities
    • Cash flow from operating activities
    • Cash flow from financing activities
    • Key project performance indicators. Net income (NI). Net present value (NPV). Internal rate of return (IRR). Need for additional financing (PF)
    • The need for additional financing taking into account the discount (PDF)
    • Indices of profitability of costs and investments, payback period of the project. Financial condition indicators
    • Evaluating the effectiveness of an investment project
    • Assessment of the socio-economic efficiency of the project. Assessment of the commercial effectiveness of the project. Assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise's participation in the project. Assessment of project effectiveness by structures more than high level. Budget efficiency
    • The influence of risk and uncertainty in assessing project effectiveness. The concept of risk and uncertainty. Methods for assessing the sustainability and effectiveness of a project under conditions of uncertainty and risk: integrated assessment of project sustainability, calculation of break-even levels, method of parameter variation, assessment of the expected effect of the project taking into account the quantitative characteristics of uncertainty

    Project cost management.

    • Basic principles of project cost management
    • Project cost. Processes of the project cost management system: project cost estimation, project budgeting, project cost control
    • Project cost estimation. Types of cost estimates and their purposes. Project cost structure. Cost estimation technique. Types of costs: obligations, budget costs, actual costs
    • Project budgeting. Budget submission form
    • Types of budgets depending on the stage life cycle project: budget expectations, preliminary budget, revised budget, final budget, actual budget
    • Project cost control methods. Basic project cost control indicators: required for completion (NDZ), estimated cost (PC)
    • Traditional project cost control method and earned value method
    • Cost reporting. The process of movement of reporting information in an organization

    Project budgeting.

    • Methods for forming project budgets: top-down budgeting, bottom-up budgeting, a combination of bottom-up and top-down methods
    • Implementation of budgeting for Primavera Enterprise projects (top-down and bottom-up budgeting and their combinations)
    • Comparison of budget estimates obtained using bottom-up, top-down budgeting techniques and their combinations
    • Project budget control

    Day 4

    Project control and regulation.

    • Goals and content of project control. Project control system. Requirements for the control system. Conditions effective system project control. Principles for building an effective project control system. Control processes (main and auxiliary)
    • Monitoring of project work. Control methods: simple control method, detailed control method, 50/50 method, milestone method. Control criteria and required data
    • Measuring progress and analyzing results. Scales used to measure progress depending on the specific work being performed
    • Making decisions. Possible options for action if the project deviates from the plan: search alternative solution, cost revision, deadline revision, work scope revision, project termination
    • Change management. General change control. General change control inputs. General change control procedures. Results of general change control. General change control functions. Change Control Cycle

    Project risk management.

    • Basic concepts of project risk management
    • Identifying and assessing risk in a project
    • Identifying sources of risk
    • Project risks. Risk analysis methods. Management of risks
    • Risk and uncertainty, conjecture and costing
    • Qualitative risk analysis
    • Quantitative risk analysis
    • External and internal factors impact on the project
    • Analysis using correction factors and tolerances
    • Risk Analysis mixed type. Risk response
    • Reducing or maintaining risk
    • Risk transfer Risk participation
    • Contingency planning
    • Risks associated with fulfilling the work schedule
    • Methods for reducing project risks
    • Creation of reserves for unforeseen circumstances
    • Estimated reserves. Management reserves. Responsibility for project risks

    Solving problems related to project implementation.

    • The inevitability of problems arising during the implementation of the project
    • The problem of lack of information when making decisions
    • Deciding when and how to solve a given problem
    • Logic and intuition in problem solving
    • Target group method
    • Force analysis method. Ishikawa diagram
    • Pareto analysis. Cumulative Sum Method

    Project quality management.

    • Modern quality management concept
    • General requirements for quality management systems
    • Certification of quality management systems
    • Enlarged project quality management scheme
    • Environmental management in projects

    Completion of the project and dissolution of the team.

    • The role of monitoring in common system project management
    • Monitoring and risk management
    • Recommendations for completing the project
    • End of the project. Completion of work and dissolution of the team. Project checks
    • Post-project evaluation

    List of cases covered in the course:

    1. Project planning and marketing (Gantt chart. Network planning. Identification of resources. Goal setting. Project marketing program. Marketing management within project management).
    2. Project team management (Team formation. Team effectiveness assessment. Team and manager. Types of communication in the process of project implementation).
    3. Project financing and project risk management (Project financing and methods of financial assessment of a project. Principles of risk management for oil and gas projects. Scheme for quality management of an oil and gas project).


    State budgetary professional educational institution Arkhangelsk region


    (State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Arkhangelsk Region “VLT”)



    Arkhangelsk region "VLT"

    _______/O.G. Antonova/




    Dvinskaya 2017

    Work program of general education disciplinedeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary vocational education by profession 01/43/09 Cook, confectioner, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12/09/2017 No. 1569.

    Organization-developer: State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Arkhangelsk Region "Verkhnetoemsky Forestry College"

    Developer: Aglinskaya N.V., teacher of the Arkhangelsk Region State Budgetary Educational Institution “Verkhnetoemsky Forestry College”

    at a meeting of the subject (cycle) commission

    Protocol No. 8 of 04/03/2017

    Chairman _____ (Aglinskaya N.V.)

    signature transcript





    1.1 Scope of application of the program of the academic discipline “Technology of project activities”

    The work program of the academic discipline is part of the main educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education by profession 43.01.09 “Cook, confectioner.”The program can be used for studying in professional educational organizations and organizations additional education.

    1.2 Place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

    applies to general educational disciplines (offered by educational institutions) training programs for qualified workers and employees.

    1.3 Purpose and planned results of mastering the discipline:

    The purpose of the discipline: development of research competence of students through their mastery of methods of scientific knowledge and skills in educational, research and project activities.

    Main goals:

    formation of a scientific-materialistic worldview of students;

    development of cognitive activity, intellectual and creativity;

    development of independent skills scientific work;

    teach students to follow the requirements for the presentation and design of scientific research materials and perform work in accordance with them;

    teach the culture of working with the materials used;

    teach thoughtful argumentation and culture of reasoning, the ability to present and defend your work.

    Upon completion of the discipline, students should know:

    fundamentals of methodology for research and design activities;

    structure and rules for registration of research and project work.

    Students should be able to:

    formulate the topic of research and project work, prove its relevance;

    make up individual plan research and design work;

    highlight the object and subject of research and design work;

    determine the purpose and objectives of research and design work;

    work with various sources, quote them correctly, prepare bibliographic references, compile a bibliographic list on the problem;

    select and apply in practice research methods that are adequate to the research objectives;

    competently draw up theoretical and experimental results of research and design work;

    review someone else's research or project work.

    1.4 Number of hours to master work program academic discipline:

    maximum study load students 72 hours, including:

    mandatory classroom teaching load for students is 48 hours;

    independent work of students 24 hours.


    2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

    2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline

    Name of sections and topics

    Volume in hours

    Level of assimilation





    Topic 1 The role of science in the development of society.


    Education, scientific knowledge, scientific activity. Education as a value. Choosing an educational path. The role of science in the development of society. Features of scientific knowledge. Goals and objectives of the discipline

    Topic 2 general characteristics design and research activities.

    Content educational material


    General characteristics of project activities. General characteristics of research activities.

    Topic 3

    Sources of information and working with them

    Contents of educational material


    Methods of obtaining and processing information. Types of information sources. Use of catalogs and search programs. Bibliography and annotation, types of annotations: reference, advisory, general, specialized, analytical. Drawing up a plan for informational text. Formulation of plan items.

    Abstracts, types of abstracts, sequence of writing abstracts. Notes, note-taking rules. Citation: General requirements to the cited material; rules for formatting quotations. Review, review.

    Practical lessons

    1 Use of catalogs and search programs.

    2 Note-taking. Citation.

    3 Drawing up a plan for informational text.

    Topic 4

    Research methods

    Contents of educational material


    General characteristics of research methods and their classification. General scientific research methods. Methods of empirical research. Methods of theoretical research.

    Topic 5 Project.

    Contents of educational material


    Types of educational - research and scientific - research work.

    Project. Features and structure of the project. Types of projects: abstract, practical or experimental. Project planning. Project stages. Forms of project activity products and project presentation.

    Data collection methods.

    Usage information technologies And Internet resources in project activities. Design of the project in accordance with the requirements. Use of standard Microsoft Office programs.

    Project portfolio.

    Project protection. Preparation stages public speaking, its structure.

    Practical lessons

    4 Project planning

    5 Selecting a topic for an individual project. Determining the relevance of the topic or problem.

    6 Formulation of the goals and objectives of the project.

    7 Design of the main part of the project.

    8 Conducting research.

    9 Drawing up a conclusion.

    10 Registration of work in accordance with the requirements.

    11 Compiling a list of sources used

    12 Creating a presentation.



    Independent work of students

    Development of project stages. Selecting a topic and justifying its relevance, identifying the problem, formulating a hypothesis. Formulation of the purpose, objectives of the research, selection of the object and subject of research. Searching for information on the Internet. Creating a computer presentation.




    To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:

    1. – familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

    2. – reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance)

    3. – productive (planning and independent execution of activities, decision problematic tasks)


    3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

    To implement the training program disciplines office is used, equipped with equipment:

    blackboard, teacher's workplace, tables, chairs (according to the number of students), cabinets for storing equipment, handouts didactic material and etc.; technical means: computer, audio visualization equipment, multimedia projector.

    3.2. Information support for program implementation

    Main sources:

    1. Berezhnova E.V. Basics educational and research activities: textbook. A manual for students. institutions prof. education / E.V. Berezhnova, V.V. Kraevsky. – 10th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2015. – 128 p.

    Additional sources:

    1. Boronina L. N. Fundamentals of project management: [textbook. allowance] / Ministry of Education and Science, Russia. Federation, Ekaterinburg: publishing house Ural University 2015.

    2. Mikheeva E. V. Workshop on information technologies in professional activity: textbook manual for students of educational institutions. prof. Education - M.: Academy, 2012

    3. Stepanova M.V. Educational and research activities of schoolchildren in specialized education: Educational and methodological manual for teachers / Ed. A.P. Tryapitsyna.

    4. Chechel I.D. Research projects in teaching practice. Research activities www/direktor/ru


    Controland evaluationthe results of mastering the academic discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting theoretical classes, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments and practical work.

    Learning outcomes

    (mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

    Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes


    formulate the topic of research and project work, prove its relevance;

    Current control:

    Practical lessons


    draw up an individual plan for research and project work

    highlight the object and subject of research and design work;

    determine the purpose and objectives of research and design work

    work with various sources, quote them correctly, prepare bibliographic references, compile a bibliographic list on the problem;

    select and apply in practice research methods that are adequate to the research objectives;

    competently draw up theoretical and experimental results of research and design work;

    review someone else's research or project work.


    fundamentals of methodology for research and design activities

    Current control:

    Oral/written survey

    structure and rules for registration of research and design work

    Interim certification in the form test

    Special conditions:

    The best price for the course!
    - Guaranteed gifts for every student
    - Installment payment
    - 5% discount for online payment
    - Opportunity to graduate early. The price of training does not change!
    - The learning process is accompanied by a highly qualified teacher.
    - Possibility to return 13% of the tuition fee by submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service.

    The use of the project method by teachers in their professional activities allows students to acquire knowledge independently, develops their general educational skills (reflective, research, collaborative work, managerial, communicative, presentational; creative, skills of evaluative independence), allows them to use acquired knowledge and skills to solve new cognitive problems. and practical problems. And this is precisely the fulfillment of the tasks that are set modern society before school.The “Approximate Basic Educational Program of an Educational Institution” states that “ the course of studying all academic subjects, students will gain experience in project activities as a special form of educational work that contributes to the development of independence, initiative, responsibility, increasing motivation and effectiveness of educational activities.” Also in the “Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary general education" noted: "An individual project is carried out by a student for one or two years within the framework of study time specifically allocated by the curriculum, and must be presented in the form of a completed educational research or developed project: informational, creative, social, applied, innovative, design, engineering " Therefore, teachers of all school subjects simply need to master the project method.

    How will the training take place?

    The distance course takes place on the virtual educational platform of My University, which provides for the organization of distance support for teachers and students. The course material is structured according to a modular principle, i.e. Each section of the program represents a holistic, logically complete thematic module. To enter the portal, each course participant is provided with a login and password.

    Documents issued:

    Upon completion of training You will receive official confirmation of successful completion of the course - Certificate of advanced training from the ANO DPO "Innovative Educational Center for Advanced Training and Retraining "My University" indicating the scope of the course - 108 hours.


    How to register for a course?

    1. You must select a start date that is convenient for you (before the “Sign up for a course” button)
    2. Click on the “Sign up for a course” button and register your “Personal Account”
    3. Make payment for training.
    4. Fill out the "Profile details" section in " personal account"(indicating the exact postal address with postal code and uploading a diploma of education).
    5. After filling out the “Profile details” section, you will be enrolled in a distance learning course (for email You will receive a notification about enrollment in the course).

    If you have any questions about the design of the “Profile Data” section, please write to email address [email protected]

    And that is not all!

    After paying for the distance learning course, you will receive 3 valuable gifts

    1 gift

    2 gift

    3 gift

    The Center for Additional Professional Education "Extern" invites you to take distance training courses on the topic “Use of 3D technologies in organizing educational, research and project activities of students within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.”


    1.1. Purpose of the program

    The educational program “Use of 3D technologies in organizing educational, research and project activities of students within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” is intended to organize advanced training for management and teaching staff of educational institutions of general education in order to prepare students for organizing and implementing activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education .

    At the end of the training, the student must have the following professional competence:

    • readiness to organize project and educational-research activities of students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, using the capabilities of 3D technologies.

    1.2. Application area

    The educational program is designed to train managerial and teaching staff educational organizations general education.

    Students will be able to apply the acquired competencies, knowledge and skills when planning and organizing management and pedagogical activity associated with the organization educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education, using the capabilities of 3D technologies.

    1.3. Planned learning outcomes

    As a result of mastering the program, the student must acquire the following knowledge and skills necessary for a qualitative change in competencies or the formation of new ones:

    The listener should know:

    • requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOOs, LLCs, SOOs for the organization of project and educational and research activities of students;
    • technology of project activities;
    • technology for organizing educational research;
    • functions of the leader of educational project and research work of students.

    The listener should be able to:

    • distinguish between types and types of teaching projects and research;
    • evaluate project and educational research work schoolchildren;
    • draw up a long-term plan for students’ educational and research activities.

    The listener must have:

    • methodology for organizing educational and research activities of schoolchildren;
    • methodology for organizing project activities of schoolchildren .

    List of teacher competencies being developed in the field of 3D technologies:

    1. Availability of general ideas:

    • about the possibilities of using a 3D pen both for three-dimensional drawing and for use in educational programs of general and additional education;
    • about the capabilities of three-dimensional modeling programs and its use in pedagogical practice;
    • about the possibilities of creating practical assignments using information technology tools;
    • about the possibilities of using the basics of 3D modeling in the educational programs of your educational institution;
    • about the possibilities of 3D printing.

    2. Knowledge of techniques for creating, preparing and printing three-dimensional models:

    • use of geometric primitives;
    • change in size and shape;
    • working with various modifiers;
    • usage various materials;
    • creation of assembly models;
    • saving a 3D model in different formats;
    • creation of a 3D model from a drawing;
    • preparing the model for 3D printing.

    3. The ability to apply an educational program module for schoolchildren to master 3D technologies in academic subjects: computer science, technology, drawing, as well as in extracurricular project activities.

    4. Labor intensity of training for the student: The total duration of the program is 72 hours using DOT.

    5. Form of training: Correspondence, using distance technologies. Distance learning involves watching video lecturesfor each module of the curriculum, self-study materials and knowledge control.

    6. Upon successful completion of additional training professional program a certificate of the established form is issued.

    Duration of training: 2 weeks, according to the program 72 hours

    A system of discounts is provided for collective applications.

    Please send your questions regarding the organization of training to email: mail .
