The creepiest places on earth (39 photos). Ghost towns in Russia: list and photos of dead towns for independent visits

On our planet there are a huge number of ghost towns, empty and creepy, frightening a traveler who accidentally wanders here with the empty eye sockets of the windows of rickety buildings...
In this rating we will present the 10 most famous abandoned cities abandoned by people according to various reasons: some were abandoned due to bloody wars, others were abandoned under the onslaught of almighty nature.

1. Buried in the sands of the city of Kolmanskop (Namibia)


Kolmanskop is an abandoned town in southern Namibia, located a few kilometers from the port of Lüderitz.
In 1908, railway company employee Zakaris Leval discovered small diamonds in the sand. This discovery caused a real diamond rush and thousands of people flocked to the hot sands of the Namib Desert, hoping to make a fortune.

Kolmanskop was built in record time. It took people only two years to erect beautiful German-style residential buildings in the desert, build a school, a hospital, and even a casino. But the days of the city's existence were already numbered.

After the end of the First World War, the price of diamonds on the world market fell, and every year production precious stones things were getting worse in the Kolmanskop mines. Absence drinking water and the constant struggle with sand dunes made the life of the people of the mining town more and more unbearable.

In the 1950s, the last inhabitants left Kolmanskop and it turned into another ghost town on the world map. Soon nature and the desert almost completely buried the town under sand dunes. Several other old houses and the theater building remained unburied, which is still in good condition.

2. The city of nuclear scientists Pripyat (Ukraine)

Pripyat is an abandoned city in the “exclusion zone” in northern Ukraine. Workers and scientists lived here Chernobyl nuclear power plant, until the tragic day - April 26, 1986. On this day, the explosion of the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant put an end to the further existence of the city.

On April 27, the evacuation of people from Pripyat began. Nuclear workers and their families were allowed to take with them only the most necessary things and documents; people left all the property acquired over the years in their abandoned apartments. Over time, Pripyat turned into a ghost town, visited only by extreme sports and thrill-seekers.

For those who want to see and appreciate the full scale of the disaster, the Pripyat-Tour company provides excursions to the abandoned city. Due to the high level of radiation, you can safely stay here for no more than a few hours, and most likely, Pripyat will remain a dead city forever.

3. Futuristic resort city of San Zhi (Taiwan)

In the north of Taiwan, not far from the capital of the state, Taipei, there is the ghost town of San Zhi. According to the developers, very wealthy people should have bought these houses, because the architecture of the buildings, made in a futuristic style, was so unusual and revolutionary that it should have attracted a large number of wealthy customers.

But during the construction of the city, inexplicable accidents began to occur here and every week there were more and more of them, until the deaths of workers began to happen every day. Rumor quickly spread the news about the bad city, which had a very bad effect on the city's reputation for the rich.

The construction was finally completed and even a grand opening was held, but no one potential clients I never bought a home here. Mass did not help advertising companies, nor huge discounts, San Zhi has become a new ghost town. Now access here is prohibited, and local residents believe that the city is inhabited by the ghosts of people who died here.

4. Medieval city of Craco (Italy)

About forty kilometers from the Gulf of Taranto in Italy, lies the abandoned ancient city of Craco. Situated on picturesque hills, it was the patrimony of farmers and plowmen, its inhabitants were engaged in agriculture, grew wheat and other grain crops.

The first mention of the city dates back to 1060, when all the land was owned by the Catholic Archbishop Arnaldo.
In 1981, the population of Craco was just over 2,000 people, and since 1982, due to bad harvests, landslides and constant collapses, the population of the town began to decline rapidly. Between 1892 and 1922, more than 1,300 people left Craco. Some left to seek happiness in America, others settled in neighboring cities and villages.

The city was finally abandoned after a strong earthquake in 1963, only a few residents remained to while away their lives in a new ghost town. By the way, it was here that Mel Gibson filmed the scene of the execution of Judas for his masterpiece film “The Passion of the Christ.”

5. The village of Oradour-sur-Glane (France) - a memorial reminiscent of the horrors of fascism

The small ruined village of Oradour-sur-Glane in France stands as a reminder of the monstrous atrocities of the Nazis. During World War II, 642 village residents were brutally murdered by the Nazis as punishment for the capture of SS Sturmbannführer Helmut Kampf by French resistance fighters.

According to one version, the Nazis simply confused villages with similar names.
The high-ranking fascist was in captivity in the neighboring village of Oradour-sur-Vaires. The Germans did not spare anyone - neither the elderly, nor women, nor children... They drove the men to barns, where they targeted their legs with machine guns, then doused them with a flammable mixture and set them on fire.

Women, children and the elderly were locked in the church, then a powerful incendiary device was detonated. People tried to get out of the burning building, but they were mercilessly shot by German machine gunners. Then the Nazis completely destroyed the village.

6. Forbidden Island Gankanjima (Japan)

Gankanjima Island is one of the 505 uninhabited islands in Nagasaki Prefecture, and is located just 15 km from Nagasaki itself. It is also called battleship island because of the walls that protect the city from the sea. The history of settlement of the island began in 1890, when coal was discovered here. The Mitsubishi company bought the entire territory and began implementing a project to extract coal from the bottom of the sea.

In 1916, the first large concrete building was built on the island, and then buildings began to grow like mushrooms after rain. And in 1959, the population of the island had grown so much that 835 people lived here on one hectare! This was a world record for population density.

In the early 1960s, oil in Japan increasingly began to replace coal in production, and its production became unprofitable. Coal mines began to close across the country, and the Gankandjima mines were no exception.

In 1974, Mitsubishi officially announced the closure of the mines and the cessation of all activities on the island. Gankanjima has become another abandoned ghost town. Currently, visiting the island is prohibited, and in 2003, the famous Japanese action film “Battle Royale” was filmed here.

7. Kadykchan - a village in the Magadan region

Kadykchan is an urban-type settlement, located in the Susumansky district Magadan region. One of the most famous abandoned northern villages on the Internet. In 1986, according to the census, 10,270 people lived here, and in 2002 - only 875. In Soviet time coal was mined here highest quality, which heated almost 2/3 of the Magadan region.

The population of Kadykchan began to rapidly decrease after a mine explosion in 1996. A few years later, the only boiler house heating the village defrosted, and it became simply impossible to live here.

Now it is just a ghost town, one of many in Russia. There are rusty cars in the garages, destroyed furniture, books and children's toys in the rooms. Finally, leaving the dying village, the residents shot the bust of V.I. Lenin installed in the square.

8. The walled city of Kowloon (Hong Kong) - a city of lawlessness and anarchy

One of the most incredible ghost towns, now no longer existing, is the city of Kowloon, which was located near former airport Kaytak, the city where all the vices and base passions of humanity were embodied. In the 1980s, more than 50,000 people lived here.
There was probably no other place on the planet where prostitution, drug addiction, gambling and underground workshops were widespread.

It was practically impossible to take a step here without bumping into a drug addict pumped up on dope, or a prostitute offering her services for a pittance. The Hong Kong authorities practically did not govern the city; here was the most high level crime in the country.

Eventually, in 1993, Kowloon's entire population was evicted and it briefly became a ghost town. The incredible and creepy settlement was then demolished, and in its place a park of the same name was laid out.

9. Abandoned ghost town of Varosha (Cyprus)

Varosha is a district of Famagusta, a city in Northern Cyprus founded in the 3rd century AD. Until 1974, Varosha was a real “Mecca” for lovers beach holiday. Thousands of tourists from all over the world flocked here to bask in the gentle rays of the Cypriot sun. They say that the Germans and British made reservations in luxury hotels 20 years in advance!

The resort flourished, with new hotels and villas built up, until everything changed in 1974. That year, the Turks invaded Varosha with NATO support to protect the Turkish minority Cypriot population from being persecuted by ethnic Greeks.

Since then, the Varosha quarter has become a ghost town, surrounded by barbed wire, where the Turkish military has not allowed anyone to enter for four decades. The houses are dilapidated, the windows are broken and the streets of the once lively quarter are in widespread devastation. The apartments and shops are empty and completely looted, first by the Turkish military and then by local looters.

10. Lost city of Agdam (Azerbaijan)

Agdam is a city once famous for its wine throughout Soviet Union, from now on dead and uninhabited... The war in Nagorno-Karabakh, which lasted from 1990 to 1994, did not give the lowland city a chance to exist, where they used to make excellent cheese and make the best port wine in the Union.
The collapse of the USSR led to the outbreak of hostilities in many former republics.

Azerbaijan did not escape this either, whose warriors were able to seize wagons with rockets located near Agdam. They turned out to be very convenient to bomb the Armenian Stepanakert. Such actions ultimately led to a sad ending.

In the summer of 1993, Agdam was surrounded by 6,000 soldiers of the Nagorno-Karabakh Liberation Army. With the support of helicopters and tanks, the Armenians practically wiped out the hated city from the face of the earth, and carefully mined the approaches to it. Therefore, to this day, visiting the ghost town of Agdam is unsafe for life.

Previously, we compiled a list of the most beautiful cities in the world, but now it’s the turn of the scary ones. This could include countless such ugly small and medium-sized towns around the world, but these ten are the most unattractive of all capitals and major cities in the world.

It is a veritable concrete jungle or a victim of urban sprawl coupled with a lack of urban planning. If you live in one of these places, you won't agree, but here we present a completely unbiased list of cities that could be great, but are unforgivably terrible for many reasons.

10. Guatemala, Guatemala

This smoke- and crime-filled city is the capital of a rather beautiful country. The city looks more like a slum than a capital with most of the buildings on the verge of collapse.

9. Mexico City, Mexico

The city is famous for this moment, as one of the most dangerous, but even if it were a safe haven, it would not be more often visited by tourists anyway. This is one of the most polluted cities in the world and, in general, there is nothing to see there.

8. Amman, Jordan

The country's capital with one of the most fascinating historical attractions in the world (magical Petra) should only be the point of arrival and immediate departure (transition point) on your itinerary unless you like dirty, chaotic streets and ugly buildings that look like they are gradually falling down Each other.

7. Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela is known for its unusual success in international beauty pageants, as Venezuelan women are known for their love of plastic surgery, but the capital of this country has absolutely nothing to do with beauty. It's filled with slums and central regions seem completely devoid of planning and any style.

6. Luanda, Angola

It's currently experiencing an economic boom due to the recent success of the African capital, so let's hope the new development turns into something more attractive than what we see today: hideous apartment buildings dotting the skyline of what, incredibly, is the most expensive city in the world.

5. Chisinau, Moldova

The capital of Moldova is an eyesore. Industrial city, built up, for the most part, with very ugly Soviet-style buildings, most of which are dilapidated (and not particularly clean).

There are a lot of unattractive cities Soviet era V Eastern Europe, but still we expected more from the capital.

4. Houston, USA

The fourth largest city by population in the United States. Of course, there are many other disgusting American cities (it's worth mentioning similar American cities: Atlanta, Cleveland...), but this one has to win the title of the worst of them: an impoverished and homeless population (about 1 in 5 families live below the poverty line ) and cityscape without any formal division into districts.

3. Detroit, USA

Detroit is terrible not only aesthetically, but also in terms of quality of life, which explains why the city has lost a quarter of its population in a decade. One of the highest crime rates in the country may have contributed to this, but the city itself is dirty, dying, made of brick, concrete and glass. Not very nice.

2. Sao Paulo, Brazil

It seems that nature decided to give all the beauty to Rio and completely forgot about the existence of other Brazilian metropolises.
Sao Paulo might be one of the most impressive cities based on shopping and dining options alone, but there's no doubt that the city is one big concrete jungle.

The city is known for its congested highways, a fact that is enough to make Los Angeles unattractive. On top of that, there is nothing to see there when walking along the streets (if anyone walks there at all, since this is one of the most pedestrian-unfriendly cities in the world).

The only attractive thing is Hollywood and the beaches nearby. Otherwise, Los Angeles is not a pretty place at all. And since this is one of the most famous cities in the world, year after year there is no excuse for its lack of livability and beauty.

This is hell on Earth. 5 of the creepiest cities that tourists should stay away from.

Ghost towns inspire both respect and fear. Something mysterious and eternal emanates from each of them. Probably, like nothing else, they can remind you of how fleeting things can be. human life: how many destinies do their streets remember?

San Zhi, Taiwan. This ghost town was not included in our rating because... was demolished in 2008

Ghost towns from around the world

In 1995, almost 3,200 people lived in this town. Almost the entire population of the village were oil workers and their families. On May 28, 1995, a strong earthquake occurred on Sakhalin, which killed 65% of the population - 2040 people. Nowadays, on the site of the village there is a chapel, a memorial and a cemetery where the dead are buried.

10. Body (California, USA)

An abandoned gold mining town, Bodie was founded in the late 19th century. But it did not exist for long - already 20 years later, in 1900, the population of the town decreased by 10 times: world gold prices fell and the gold rush began to wane. The fate of Bodie was finally decided by a fire in 1932 - the center of the town burned down and its existence gradually ceased.

In 1962, the California State Historical Park was founded on the territory of the town. Bodie does not have a fascinating history of its disappearance, but it is one of the best-preserved ghost towns in the United States, and therefore is of particular interest to tourists.

9. Chaiten (Chile)

In 2008, as a result of Chaiten, the village was almost completely evacuated. The story seems to be quite prosaic, but the town covered in ash looks impressive.

8. Craco (Italy)

This settlement on the rock was deserted after another earthquake that occurred in the last century: it turned out that the rock under the city was gradually collapsing and could collapse at any moment. For this reason, there are no official tours to Krako. But there are plenty of unofficially curious people. Moreover, filmmakers have taken a liking to this town, using it as a unique backdrop.

7. Hashima Island (island)

This island is also called Gunkanjima. Initially it was a piece of rock in the sea, but in early XIX century, coal was discovered on it: deposits began to develop rapidly, and the first buildings began to appear on the island. IN best years Hasima had a population of 5,259. Despite the fact that the island itself measures 160 x 480 meters (0.063 km²).

In addition to industrial buildings, there were 30 residential buildings, 25 shops, a school and 2 swimming pools on Khasim. But don’t rush to imagine a piece of paradise - during the Second World War, many Chinese and Koreans were forced to work on the island. Due to harsh working conditions, many died before reaching old age.

Over time, coal mining declined and the mines were closed in 1974. As a result, the most densely populated place in the world has turned into a ghost town.

6. Namie (Japan)

On March 11, 2011, a strong earthquake followed by a tsunami occurred, which led to an accident at the Fukushima I nuclear power plant. The town of Namie was evacuated as a result of this accident. On Google Maps you have the opportunity to “live” plunge into the atmosphere of an abandoned city and see what it looks like in our time.

5. Centralia (USA)

About 1,000 people lived in Centralia. In 1962, the city council hired firefighters (!) to get rid of garbage in one of the city's open mines. The firefighters couldn't come up with anything better than setting the waste on fire. And everything would have been fine, but the fire ignited abandoned coal deposits.

For a long time no one paid attention to this, but in the early 1980s (yes, all this time the fire continued to burn underground!) an underground fire began to come out sideways to the city residents. The peak point of this problem was the fall of 12 year old boy into the hole that formed underneath him - fortunately, the child was saved. In 1984, $42 million was allocated to resettle the town's residents. Over time, the city was completely deserted.

This city, which is also called Centralia, became the prototype game world in the game Silent Hill. In 2006, a film was made here based on the game.

4. Oradour-sur-Glane (France)

It's a pretty sad story. During the Second World War, French partisans captured one rather important German. And they executed. The Germans were offended and destroyed almost the entire population of Oradour. Wiki can tell you the details. In a nutshell: everyone was burned, including women and children.

As a result, the town was declared a martyr city and today it is a memorial center. It is interesting because it preserves the spirit of the 40s. Although this spirit is accompanied by a darker history. It’s sad, but after the war no one was actually brought to justice for this massacre.

3. Famagusta (Cyprus)

Famagusta is not the most famous ghost town, but it is truly amazing. Sometimes it is mistakenly called Varosha. In fact, Varosha is not the whole city, but the popular tourist quarter of Famagusta.

In the 1970s, about 50,000 people lived in Famagusta. It was one of the most famous tourist centers in Cyprus. But in 1974, Turkish troops occupied the town. As a result, many Greeks fled their homes. In 1975, the city's population was 8,000, all Turks. And although, according to data for 1998, the population returned to 50,000, the tourist area of ​​​​Varosha remains closed and deserted to this day, having paused in 1974.

2. Detroit (USA)

Detroit is the most majestic city on our list. Unlike any other candidate in this ranking, Detroit was a huge metropolis. In the early 1950s, it was home to just under 2 million people. Nowadays, it is home to about 700,000 people.

It would seem like a lot, but at the same time, the economic decline of the city turned out to be so rapid that a huge number of factories and majestic office buildings now stand as empty ghosts. Former city rock and the center of the automobile industry has turned into a provincial, dying town, from which everyone who can is chosen is chosen.

1. Pripyat (Ukraine)

It was logical to give first place to a city that became famous thanks to one of the biggest man-made disasters of the 20th century. The town was founded in 1970. Until April 27, 1986, 50,000 people lived in Pripyat. Having existed for only 16 years, the city turned into an abandoned ghost due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

And this is the original Pink Floyd video, which they filmed in the infamous Pripyat.

Abandoned cities of Russia, located outside of modern reality, appeared on the map of the country during political, economic and geological transformations. No one still knows how many there are in total.

How might they be interesting?

Ghost towns in Russia have become the basis for the founding of a new layer of a unique apocalyptic culture. It arose at the turn of the millennium, which was greatly facilitated by the increasing popularity of themes and the end of the world. Currently, the abandoned cities of Russia attract more and more adventurers, photographers, film directors and writers. In such dark places, creative people hope to find inspiration of an unusual nature.

Extreme tourism is also becoming very popular. Standard attractions, about which everything is already known, do not arouse such interest among avid travelers. A modern tourist is more of a researcher than a passive observer. In addition, the opportunity to share what they see using the World Wide Web brings incredible satisfaction to everyone who wants to separate themselves from the “gray mass.”


When listing abandoned villages in Russia, the first thing that comes to mind is this particular settlement. It is the most famous of all similar places in the Magadan region. The population of Kadykchan began to decline rapidly in 1996, when an explosion occurred at a local mine. Almost six thousand people left this locality. A few years later, the only boiler house in the village stopped operating, after which it became simply impossible to live there.

Carpets and dishes were left in houses, cars in garages, toys in kindergartens.


Describing dead cities Russia, one cannot fail to mention this settlement. The abandoned place was abandoned in 1996. Coal was mined on the territory of Halmer-Yu. In 1994, just over four thousand people lived there.

With the country's transition to market economy The question of the feasibility of the city's existence was raised. The Russian government decided to stop the operation of the mine, and two years later - in 1995 - to completely liquidate Halmer-Yu. It was not possible to carry out the process in accordance with international standards. The reason is that it required a lot of money. As a result, local residents were evicted with the support of riot police. The security forces simply knocked down doors and forcibly herded people onto trains to Vorkuta. Not all citizens were provided with apartments.

Currently, the territory of Halmer-Yu plays the role of a military training ground.

Old Gubakha

Among the main attractions of this settlement- Mariinskaya Cave, located four hundred meters from the now empty reinforced concrete plant. Currently, Old Gubakha, like many other ghost towns in Russia, is at the mercy of nature. Everything is overgrown with trees, bushes and grass - buildings, roads, and central square. The following buildings are of particular interest to adventurers: the cultural and business center, the NKVD building and the hospital.


This one is located on the territory of the Komi Republic. In 2007, it was inhabited by four hundred people. The now abandoned settlement began to decline after an explosion at a local mine. This sad event happened in 1998.

The gloomy houses that once served as camp barracks now stand completely alone. It’s especially scary in Industrial at night, when the wind blows through the empty buildings. The ashes of the houses leave an indelible impression (some of them were burned under the supervision of firefighters during the liquidation of the village, others were destroyed deliberately).


Most of the able-bodied men - residents of this village - worked at a mine called Shumikhinskaya. By decision of the management it was abolished in 1998. All workers were left out of work. The miners banged their helmets on the local administration in Gremyachinsk for three months, but the protests led to nothing.

In the winter of ninety-nine heating system the village was defrosted. People were forced to leave their homes.

The appalling condition of the village's buildings is due to a heat supply disaster. Water penetrated into the masonry of empty houses, which naturally froze during the cold season. With the onset of spring, the walls began to rapidly collapse. Currently, the buildings look like they were after an earthquake or bombing. The looters are not asleep: they are constantly taking out the surviving materials from Yubileiny.


This settlement was once the center of tin mining in Chukotka. Living conditions there were extremely difficult due to the unfavorable climate. Since 1994, the resettlement of Iultin began. It is noteworthy that people left this place in great haste, as if an emergency evacuation was being carried out. That is why this place, like many other dead cities in Russia, attracts those who like to stare at the lived-in empty apartments. Naturally, looters often visit Iultin.


This settlement is located on the territory of the Okha district of the Sakhalin region. This is one of the most famous oil and gas fields. Local wells produced as much black gold as the entire Okha oil field.

The development plan for the workers' village of Kolendo was approved in 1963, but the life of this settlement was short-lived - just over thirty years. In 1996, due to an earthquake in Neftegorsk, people began to be resettled. Now there is not a soul in Colendo.


Many abandoned cities and villages in Russia are accessible to visit, which cannot be said about Nizhneyansk. This settlement is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Even the most ardent fans of extreme travel do not dare to visit this empty village - it is located too far away. That is why stories about Nizhneyansk are increasingly being told to verify the veracity of which most are unable to do so. The notorious daredevils who visited this place claim that they have never seen anything more terrible. Nizhneyansk is a ready-made backdrop for chilling horror films. Gray blocky two-story buildings stretch into long, gloomy streets. Silhouettes periodically appear in windows with broken glass. Or maybe these are just rags, disturbed by cold winds?

Fin whale

Some abandoned cities in Russia were top-secret sites in the past. So Finval is just an invented name. The real name of the bay, which became the habitat of Navy officers, is Bechevinskaya. On its territory, a four-story dormitory (popularly called a “wonderhouse”), two three-story buildings with officers’ apartments, and a store were erected. In addition, barracks, a headquarters, a galley, a diesel substation, a garage, a boiler room and a warehouse were built.

The garrison was disbanded in 1996. There are no military personnel in Finval now. Only bears and foxes roam the desert streets.


Many abandoned cities in Russia were home to military personnel. Among them is Alykel. After the withdrawal of the air squadron, it simply died out. There is very little information about the city. Collecting data is incredibly difficult due to the closed nature of the place. Currently, multi-storey buildings and an airport remain on its territory.


The city occupies a special sad place in the list of “Abandoned Cities of Russia”. Photos of this settlement on Sakhalin spread throughout the world overnight. And for what reason? The fact is that at one in the morning on the twenty-eighth of May 1995, a powerful earthquake (ten-magnitude) occurred there, as a result of which more than two thousand people died. Just one push turned dozens of houses into a shapeless pile of building materials. Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations did everything possible to unblock the survivors. Hours of silence were periodically arranged, since the moans of the victims were not so easy to hear. Of course, there were also looters, rummaging through piles of household belongings and clothing in search of something valuable.

The surviving Neftegorsk residents received free housing in other cities and financial assistance. Young people were given the opportunity to study at any university in the country for free.

Now on the site of Neftegorsk there is only a dead field, all that remains of the once prosperous city of oil workers.


Abandoned cities of Russia, the list of which is updated from time to time, can tell a lot of interesting things about the history of the state and its citizens. Unfortunately, looters mercilessly destroy the original spirit of such places. When visiting ghost towns, be respectful of such an unusual historical heritage.

Ghost towns are scattered all over the planet and silently keep their secrets. The creations of human hands, abandoned by people, stand deserted and silent for decades. They are not destroyed, they are simply abandoned - at one point people left them due to insurmountable reasons. This could be due to the threat natural disaster, man-made disaster, war or economic crisis.

This list contains the most famous ghost towns in the world!

1 Pripyat, Ukraine

Perhaps the most famous ghost town is Pripyat. This city in Ukraine is relatively young - it was built in 1970. In 1986, about 50 thousand people lived there, the first park was opened, and the infrastructure was actively developing. And one day - April 26, 1986, the city was evacuated due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This city is still full of radiation, so excursions and groups of stalkers enter its territory only occasionally.

2 Gunkanjima, Japan

Hashima Island in the East China Sea, nicknamed Gunkanjima (cruiser), was an ordinary rock near Nagasaki in the early 19th century. Coal was discovered there, so the Japanese artificially built an island and began to develop the deposit. The city was the most densely populated place on the entire planet - with an area of ​​0.063 square meters. m. lived more than 5 thousand people! The peak of activity was reached in the middle of the 20th century, and in 1974 the mines were completely closed, and the city became a ghost.

3 Kolmanskop, Namibia

The history of this city began in 1908, when one of the railway workers discovered diamonds in the southern part of the Namib Desert. The field was transferred to August Strauch, who built a German town on this site with a hospital, schools and a stadium. But the diamond reserves dried up after a couple of years, and people faced terrible conditions. The city was constantly falling asleep sandstorms, there was no water and no connection with the world. In 1954, the last inhabitants left the city, and it was left standing in the middle of the desert.

4 Famagusta, Cyprus

In the 1970s, the city of Famagusta was the tourist center of Cyprus. It was especially famous; it housed many hotels and hotels that were visited by celebrities from all over the world. Famagusta was invaded in 1975 Turkish army, which expelled the Greeks from their homes. The Varosha quarter has become a ghost town, because according to a UN resolution of 1984, only its residents can return to it. At the moment, this huge tourist area of ​​the city is slowly being consumed by nature.

5 Kilamba, Angola

Cities do not always become ghosts because they have been abandoned. Some cities were never settled, such as the huge city of Nova Cidid de Kilamba near the capital of Angola. It is designed for 500 thousand people, and more than $3 billion was spent on construction. In 2012, the city slowly began to be populated, but in fact it still remains a ghost. There are few middle class residents of Angola who could afford such expensive housing. At the moment, there is only one school there, to which people take their children from afar.

6 Tawarga, Libya

The ghost town in Libya was abandoned by local residents in 2011 due to genocide. The rebels began a real persecution of the indigenous peoples of Tawarga, which was once founded by the descendants of black slaves. In addition, this city was under the protection of the Gaddafi regime, so the rebels mercilessly destroyed the population - 1,300 people are still considered missing. Almost 30 thousand people left the city and still cannot return to their homes. The Libyan government cannot provide them with safety and protection from abuse.

7 Kayakoy, Türkiye

Near the Turkish village of Kayakoy rich story, however, this did not stop her from becoming a ghost. It was founded in the 19th century by the Greek community and had a developed infrastructure. But in the 1920s, the Greeks were forced to leave the areas belonging to the Turks, so the villagers simply left overnight. In addition, in 1957, a powerful earthquake destroyed the last islands of civilization in Kayakoy.

8 Sanzhi, Taiwan

This city can hardly be called a ghost, since in 2008 a decision was made to demolish it. Unfortunately, it belongs to those buildings where people have never settled. In 1975, it was decided to build an unusual complex of houses in the shape of UFO saucers. They were built from fiberglass and concrete, taking into account last word technology. However, in the 1980s, when the complex was almost completed, a crisis began in Asia, which led to a freeze in construction. The alien houses were abandoned, and Taiwan decided to demolish them to build a park on the site.

9 Oradour-sur-Glane, France

This village in France received the title of martyr city. Today it still stands as a silent reminder of the atrocities of the war, and a new town of the same name has been built nearby. Oradour in 1944 was inhabited by French partisans, who took prisoners German officer. In retaliation, the SS killed all the inhabitants of the village - 205 children, 240 women and 197 men. Since then the city has been a memorial center.

10 Kadykchan, Russia

One of the most famous abandoned cities in Russia is Kadykchan. It is located in the Magadan region, and was completely abandoned by people in the early 2000s. The city was built in the mid-20th century near a coal deposit, but after an explosion in 1996 the mine was closed. Residents of the village began to be slowly resettled, and in 2001 the houses were completely cut off from electricity.

Paris exists not only in France, but also in China, although it is very small. Construction of the city of Tianducheng began in 2007, when there was a fashion in China for copies of European landmarks. There is an Eiffel Tower here, three times smaller than the original, Triumphal Arch and Versailles Park. However, housing here is so expensive that the city has practically remained a ghost - despite its splendor, no one lives in Tianducheng.

All these cities are completely deserted, so they gradually fall into disrepair, and nature wins its territory back, covering the gray buildings with lush greenery.
