Ways to increase sales in trade. Technologies for increasing sales: a step-by-step algorithm for a unique strategy

Trade-related organizations have always been concerned with one question: how to increase sales. Recommend 5 the right ways!

Commerce has long been one of the most popular ways to organize your own business and become a rich person.

And, of course, businessmen different eras were concerned about one question: how to increase sales, because more sales mean more money.

Businessmen looked for various methods, sometimes their searches were crowned with success, sometimes they turned out to be completely useless.

Modern entrepreneurs associated with trade, as well as managers whose income depends on the number of sales, have one undeniable advantage over their colleagues from the past: they can not only use other people’s ideas, but also have access to various useful sites, such as like "Success Diary".

Thanks to such sites, you can get the advice you need not only about your business activities, but also about other important issues.

What determines sales volumes?

Any organization related to trade, be it a small store or large enterprise, which not only sells, but also manufactures goods, have always been concerned about one question: how to increase sales.

It was the activity of the sales department that was the main measure of the company’s success: sales are growing - everything is great, but they are falling - which means you need to look for sources to increase their volume.

And only when things were going really badly did the emphasis shift: the goal was not to increase sales, but to retain existing customers.

Certainly, main reason The reason why it is so important to keep sales volumes high is profit.

As the number of customers decreases or their purchasing power decreases, the profits of everyone, from sellers to the owner of the business, will fall.

Both large and small companies often make a common mistake: when sales fall, management begins to blame the departments responsible for them or the salespeople themselves.

This is wrong, because no matter how qualified and pleasant the seller or manager is, the buyer will not purchase the product if:

  • the store has a meager assortment - he simply won’t find what he needs;
  • there are interruptions in supplies - there are now enough stores, so you can purchase the required product elsewhere, rather than wait until it appears at your place;
  • V trading floor dirty or has an unpleasant odor;
  • the product is not advertised, etc.

What are modern methods of increasing sales volume based on?

Sales volumes can be increased if:

  1. Increase the number of clients.
  2. Increase the average bill of each client.

“If you don't take care of your client, someone else will.”
Konstantin Kushner

Depending on the problems you have, start acting in either one or several directions.

    Increase in the number of clients.

    Those who suffer the most from a small number of clients are those who have just appeared on the market and have not yet managed to win an audience, or long-registered companies that are rapidly beginning to lose their clientele due to competition or internal problems.

    When chasing new clients, the main thing is not to lose old ones.

    Often executives or creative managers decide to completely transform the company's work or change the product range, which is why old customers begin to leave.

    If you have nothing to lose (for example, there are too few clients), then you can act radically.

    Otherwise, it is better to introduce innovations smoothly.

    Increase the average check.

    Let’s say you have two dozen regular customers, but every day they buy only a loaf of bread from your store, but only three from your neighbor’s businessman. regular customers, but each of them spends 200–300 hryvnia daily in his store.

    It is clear that the neighbor’s profit is much greater.

    You need to convince your regular customers that not only your bread is delicious, but that your other products are also excellent.

5 ways to increase your sales

Experienced entrepreneurs advise not to limit yourself to any one direction (that is, not to focus only on increasing the number of customers or, having given up attracting new customers, try to convince existing ones to purchase more goods), but to act in a comprehensive manner.

There are plenty of effective ways to increase sales, but I have chosen the 5 most effective, both in the opinion of experts and in the opinion of my friend, a successful entrepreneur:

    Study the market thoroughly.

    Commerce does not tolerate haphazard actions.

    You have to study the trends modern market, the stories of your competitors, the reasons for their defeats and adapt the information received to your business.

    Create a written strategic plan.

    If filming full-fledged commercials and demonstrating them is not available to you, then use modern methods: newspaper advertisements, social media, emails, telephone information to potential clients, distribution of leaflets, etc.

    Make prices flexible.

    You know what some domestic stores do before sales: they raise prices (for example, by 20–40%), and then lure customers with attractive advertisements: “Discounts on the entire range up to 50%!”

    There are no financial losses, and clients react to the word “discount” with lightning speed.

    Carry out more promotions.

    Most buyers love them.

    In my opinion, the leader among supermarkets in creative promotions today in Ukraine is Silpo.

    They even get serious, intelligent people hooked on their promotions: “Price of the week”, “Hot offer”, “ Thematic days", "Coupons for increasing points", etc.

    Make changes to how your company operates.

    See what exactly isn't working.

    Maybe it’s due to slow sellers, or your product range is outdated, or your prices are much higher than those of your competitors, or it’s time to renovate the premises, or maybe the logo is repelling customers.

    There is no such thing as an unreasonable drop in sales.

    For example, my friend told me that when she worked as a salesperson in a perfume store, customers left because the cleaning lady not only exuded the aroma of sweat, but also scrubbed the floors with such frenzy in their presence that they quickly retreated.

    So, there are no unimportant little things in this matter.

I bring to your attention a video with practical advice,

how to increase the average customer check in a store.

The above sales methods are really effective, you will see when you try to use them in combination.

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Increasing sales volume is, of course, a hot topic. True, I’m not sure that all 22 methods proposed in this article actually work. But it's worth a try.

Sales volume is the main indicator of the success of every company. And the task of the commercial department is to make this indicator as high as possible.

In this article we have collected 22 effective ways increasing sales volumes for the most common areas of activity. Let's start looking at them.

Volume of sales, or rather its increase, sooner or later begins to worry every leader. It is important to understand that increasing sales volume is a complex and multifaceted task that requires an integrated approach to solve.

In addition, there are no universal solutions in the world of commerce; for each case, you need to try different approaches. As practice shows, some solutions will be effective, while others will not bring desired result. This is fine.

But it is necessary to work thoroughly to increase sales volume. Let's focus on proven ways to increase sales.

Method number 1. Offer your customers at least three different offers

Often when new clients contact a company, it is quite difficult to predict their price range. Therefore, by offering products from only one price range, there is a possibility of not guessing the buyer’s preferences and expectations. It would be more rational to offer several options - in particular, standard, business and premium sets.

The so-called sales psychology will operate here - the buyer understands that he is offered goods for any price range. Therefore, the likelihood of ordering increases significantly. But it is important to carefully consider the proposed sets from different price niches, explaining to the client the differences between them.

Method number 2. USP or differentiation from competitors

You should analyze your possible differences in comparison with other market participants. If you differ from other companies only in the price offered, fundamental changes are required.

Possible competitive advantages may include: free and/or fast delivery, service, provision of related services, bonuses and gifts for customers, constant availability of products in stock, etc.

Method number 2. Visual commercial offers

The commercial proposal must be drawn up in such a way as to really interest the client. Namely, with a detailed description of the characteristic advantages of the provided service. For short-term promotions this Commercial offer should be supplemented with information about company promotions and discounts.

Method No. 3. Report on completed work every quarter

Clients often do not understand what exactly and how much they receive when concluding a subscription service agreement. Therefore, we decided to regularly send detailed reports, indicating information about the work performed - to improve loyalty from our target audience.

Method number 4. Promotion of services using the Internet

Thanks to the website, we were able to significantly improve the results - there we indicated all the information about special offers, posted videos with information about the features of subscription services, and explained the advantages of working with us.

In addition, we thoroughly approached the issues of search engine promotion, updating the structure, design, and navigation of the site to increase resource traffic.

Method No. 5. Improving application processing

Improvement of the CRM system includes the function of submitting an electronic application for the client, with the help of which the client can easily find out about Current state fulfillment of the application. Applications marked “urgent” are processed first, without waiting for the general queue.

Automating the processing of incoming applications allowed us to significantly increase the overall loyalty of the user audience, simplifying the tasks of the company’s engineers.

Method number 6. Increasing sales by mailing to potential customer databases

Formation of databases of people who expressed interest in our project, even if the contract was never concluded. We always ensure that our potential client databases are up-to-date, regularly adding and updating data.

Method No. 7. Development of a selling website

For modern business, the relevance of a website is difficult to overestimate; it is becoming the main means and channel for attracting customers and increasing significant sales. In order to increase the impact of the site important is given to three main elements - home page with high-quality selling text, a form for filling out an application, a form for collecting contacts of potential clients.

Tips to help make your website more effective

  1. Simplify the structure: avoid piling up different types of information on one page. It is very important for clients to understand where and what to look for.
  2. We prepare 2 separate menus - a general menu (for navigating the site) and a catalog of available solutions, which are divided by business segments (in particular, “Expert. Restaurant chain”, “Expert. Club”, etc.).
  3. You should publish information (preferably infographics) about the benefits of your offers in a prominent place on the main page. In particular, it is possible to reflect a visual comparison of losses in the absence of proper automation and the possible improvement in indicators, which its presence will contribute to.
  4. You can place a link to customer reviews on the home page. A visitor who clicks on them goes to the reviews section.
  5. It is also necessary to provide space on the main page for a banner that advertises the company’s current special offers, etc.
  6. A call back button should be placed in the upper left corner of each page.

Method No. 8. Increased sales volume thanks to the right choice of promotion channels

We always recommend using advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct, advertising banner, articles about plots for sale on the main portals of your region. So, for example, a company selling land plots first briefly advertised a special offer, after which eight plots were sold.

In addition, television advertising is still quite effective today. In particular, thanks to the launch of the reality show “Construction. “Your home in 3 months,” the company was able to achieve brand recognition in a short time.

Method number 9. Organization of work of sales managers

To increase sales, we decided to apologize general scheme sales Now the manager had to demonstrate the site to a potential buyer, first bringing him to the office. And it was up to the head of the sales department to successfully complete the deal.

This principle is beneficial for each party - the manager had additional time to attract clients, while the boss achieved a larger volume of concluded transactions, since he did not have to spend time inspecting sites.

We have approved and standard scheme sales:

  • Call or request to inspect the property;
  • The manager calls to clarify plans for inspecting the site;
  • The buyer visits the site being sold;
  • Meeting between the buyer and the head of the sales department in our office;
  • Registration of the contract.

During the period March-December, we managed to sell a total of more than 100 plots of the first stage. We managed to increase sales five times compared to the same period last year. The company was able to improve its reputation, with better promotion of the following projects and related areas.

Method No. 10. Improving the quality of your services

The company initially conducted a survey of its customers. This principle allowed us to determine the preferred course of action. First of all, we started improving the quality of services, training employees, and purchasing new equipment. Clients are provided with a number of bonus services and additional gifts for the holidays.

Method No. 11. Free coupons for your first lesson

In addition to fitness services, we have launched two new business areas - health tourism and SPA programs.

Results: we achieved a 30% increase in income, receiving awards in prestigious competitions, attracting many corporate clients, sports teams. The media published news of our competitions - for additional advertising of their center.

Sales is one of the foundations of a successful enterprise, no matter what it does. Even if the products most needed by the population are manufactured, they still need to be sold. And within the framework of the article we will look at how to increase sales in retail trade.

general information

  1. First, you should take a look at the companies that offer goods delivery services. It is quite possible that the supplier sells food products quite expensively and you can find companies on the market with a more favorable pricing policy. In this case, it will be possible to reduce the selling price.
  2. You should experiment when placing goods and see what is most often taken together.
  3. You should pay considerable attention to the identified patterns and try to turn them to your advantage.

Unconventional ideas

The greatest attention in in this case the following approaches should be taken into account:

  1. Sensitivity to trends. Let's look at an example. When winter ends, the demand for rolled metal products for houses, sheds, fences, etc. increases. Mutual advertising, gifts and recommendations can be used for additional effect.
  2. Exactly the same, but better. The essence of this approach is that there is a choice of goods that are similar in cost. In such cases, the highest quality is selected. Using such a “background” can be of great service.
  3. More expensive means better. Many people think that the more a product costs, the better it is. And this is often true. In other cases, they simply make money from it.
  4. Symbiotic partnership. Think about where is the best place to place a retail outlet? Here are a couple of combinations: pharmacy and grocery store or auto parts and bicycles. Related areas can help very well in increasing sales levels.

And if you are interested in how to increase sales in the retail trade of flowers or other fast-moving items, then the last option will be literally ideal for growth. If you think about it, you will find a good place you can do it almost everywhere.

Automated sales systems

This is a popular way to organize, customize and increase the efficiency of work with a client when it is carried out in several stages. Let's say there is an online clothing store. Is it possible to improve its performance? How to increase sales in clothing retail during a crisis and difficult times?

An automated sales system will help with this! With its help, you can facilitate the establishment of contact, clarification of requirements and requests, registration of requests, their processing and implementation, including delivery. Also, an automated sales system helps in after sales service and subsequent interactions. There are a large number of benefits and useful features that they can offer.

Building a sales system

A lively mind, sensitivity to the market and quick wit provide ample opportunities. But to improve performance, it is necessary to take care of building a sales system. It will allow you to understand the structure of goods sold in the picture of the overall assortment and analyze intermediate results.

Using an automated sales system as a basis will significantly streamline the available information. In addition, it will be easier to build relationships with clients, from the first call to the issuance of an invoice. The ability to make accompanying notes also helps significantly. In addition, they may have various add-ons such as the ability to send instant messages or emails.

Various tools for increasing sales

Let's look at a case where something is retailed through the World Wide Web. Only we will pay attention not to websites, but to social networks. These are quite popular sites where there are a large number of people, and all of them are potential buyers.

According to opinions quite large quantity people, the presence of a company representative who provides feedback through social networks increases the number of sales by a third of the existing turnover. You should not neglect various pleasant bonuses and souvenirs that can please customers with their availability. It could also be an offer to make an additional purchase along with the product.

Consider this case: a person buys a computer, and they offer him a router at a reduced price or even give it for free. You just have to adhere to the rule that an additional service should not cost more than the main purchase. You can also use the establishment of a certain purchase threshold.

It should be noted that in this case there is no specific model of interaction and you can work here within the framework of your imagination. The general gist is something like this:

  1. When the cost of purchases exceeds a certain amount, then the buyer will receive a gift, a coupon for a drawing, or free shipping. Although it may be something else.
  2. When two goods are purchased, the third one is given free of charge.

Non-standard models

Overall list in various ways I could go on for quite a long time. And it wouldn’t hurt to try to use your imagination and come up with something new that will help increase sales. Finally, you can remember this:

  1. Payment of change in goods. This technique cannot be called widespread, but it is still quite interesting. So, when a buyer pays for a product, he receives change not in money, but in some small change. For example - chewing gum, candy or matches.
  2. Multi-colored price tags. This technique is used in cases where it is necessary to draw attention to a certain product and show that it is special. For example, that a food product will soon spoil, and therefore it is sold at a discount.
  3. Limited time price. It has a strong motivating influence on buyers, literally forcing them to buy the product at the moment.
  4. Possibility of return. There's a pretty neat trick here. There is a law that requires you to accept a product back if it is returned 14 days after it was purchased. You can further play on this. It is enough to offer customers that if they don’t like the product, they can return it after 14 days.
  5. Hints on price tags. In addition to the cost, in this case it is useful to post information about what is included in this particular product.


It is impossible to say exactly how effective these measures will be. A lot depends on the practical implementation and many different aspects. But there is no doubt that there will be a result. The main thing is to build a strategy. There is no need to put everything in a heap and pile one thing on top of another. If something happens, you can always use one thing first, and then something else. In addition, you can time various special moments to coincide with dates like New Year, summer season, etc.

But in pursuit of the number of sales, one should not forget about the minimum required price. Because the client, of course, is a valuable person, but it is not good to work at a loss. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a golden mean. And if one person leaves, you should not be sad, but you need to concentrate on the rest of the people who are in the status potential client.

Ilyukha Sergey

For a year now, all sellers have felt that crisis phenomena are occurring in the market. Customers come to the store less often and buy fewer and cheaper goods. Sales and income are falling and expenses are rising. And the reason for this is not only sanctions, the depreciation of the ruble, the complication of access to loans and their rise in price. The reason is that all these factors act simultaneously. Let's consider technologies for increasing sales in such a situation.

In this article you will read:

  • What technologies for increasing sales work effectively?
  • Step-by-step algorithm for a unique sales strategy

Technologies to increase sales, which all market players use today, have become ineffective. The reason is that the conditions of the game in the market have changed. And those who understand the new rules earlier and learn to work effectively in a new situation will be able to grow in a crisis.

What has changed in the market?

  1. Customers’ incomes have decreased, current expenses have increased (utilities, gasoline, tuition fees)
  2. Imports from traditional markets came under sanctions
  3. Supplies of goods from new markets have not yet been established
  4. Prices for imported goods have increased significantly
  5. Due to the rise in the cost of loans and a decrease in revenue, almost all companies experienced financial difficulties

The situation is similar to rescuing drowning people after a shipwreck. If you flounder in place and wait for help, you might drown. We must swim to the shore! “The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.”

During a crisis, a company must fight and move forward. At the same time, go faster than others. We need to use new technologies.

  1. We are moving from process management to personnel management. In the “fat” pre-crisis times, it was possible to set tasks in general, carry out a promotion, purchase, lay out, sell. The result was assessed as a whole. And if at the end of the month there was at least no a big increase, it was believed that the entire team worked well. In a crisis, it is necessary to delve deeper into business processes, it is necessary to set goals and evaluate the effectiveness of each department and each employee in achieving the goal. The way it is done with active sales.
  2. We set an ambitious but achievable goal.

What technologies for increasing sales are effective today?

First of all, increase trade turnover!

At the same time, of course, we must not forget about profitability and the budget that has to be spent on increasing trade turnover. In retail, you can also use sales increasing technologies used in wholesale trade.

Let’s say a company is faced with the task of increasing turnover during a crisis. How much can you increase trade turnover? By 1, 3, 5 percent? At first glance, this may seem like a very ambitious goal!

  1. We set goals for each department and employee to achieve the goal.

IN wholesale sales To increase turnover, they set goals for clients and goods. Retail sales technologies have long been known to everyone; everyone uses these methods. It is necessary to look for and use new tools and technologies for retail sales of goods. To solve ambitious problems, I recommend using the synthesis technique the best situation.

Algorithm for increasing sales

  1. Formulate a goal
  2. Determine the indicators that influence the achievement of the goal (decomposition).
  3. Define objectives by indicators to achieve the goal
  4. Determine ways to improve performance
  5. Create a performance improvement plan
  6. Conduct a synthesis and define tasks and a schedule for achieving the goal.

Let's synthesize the situation:

  1. Goal (increase in trade turnover)
  2. Decomposition

In order to sell a lot, it is necessary to increase all the components that affect sales volume.

The same rules apply in any trade:

Turnover = number of sales * amount of sales

To increase turnover, it is necessary to increase the number of sales and the average transaction amount (the amount of the “average check”).

To quantify the effectiveness of an offer during a crisis, we use a sales funnel, which is widely used in assessing sales performance in personal sales. The sales funnel for wholesale and retail trade is shown in Fig. 1.

As can be seen from the figure, the sales process in retail contains more stages (in order to come into contact with the buyer, he must be attracted to the store). And the formulas for calculating the sales funnel are different.

For retail:

Conversion in retail sales is determined by the ratio of those who made a purchase to the number of people who came to the store. In “personal” sales it fluctuates in the range of 0.1 - 0.5. In wholesale trade - 0.6 - 0.8. In retail trade it may tend to unity. Accordingly, to analyze the sales funnel in retail, it is necessary to use slightly different algorithms.

In active sales, a manager can increase the number of inquiries simply by making an offer more potential customers, and, with a constant conversion rate, get an increase in the number of sales.

In retail trade, the marketing department is primarily involved in attracting customers to the store. It must create an image of the store that is most attractive to the buyer. The task is complex and in this article I will not dwell in detail on the issues of creating additional traffic.

Retail conversion rates vary significantly depending on the industry. When trading in a boutique, it can be 0.5 or even 0.1. But the boutique has a consultant who makes “personal” sales and can directly influence the conversion rate.

The situation at the grocery store is completely different. As a rule, a buyer goes to a grocery store for a product that:

  • he needs
  • guaranteed to be present in this store

There may not be a consultant. At the same time, the conversion rate still tends to 1. As a rule, counting the number of store visitors who came but did not make a purchase is quite difficult and expensive. In order for the sales funnel indicator to work effectively in retail, it is necessary to set a lower limit (minimum receipt amount) at which the purchase is considered to be completed. Conventionally, 100, 200, 300 rubles. Setting a lower limit for the check amount will allow you to distinguish loyal customers from customers who did not find the product they were looking for, bought the bare minimum and left unsatisfied.

The second multiplier is the amount of sales, or the amount of the average check. IN general view The distribution of check amounts is as follows, shown in Figure 2. The figure shows an example of the distribution of purchase amounts and the average check amount for 20 purchases. At more checks, it makes sense to determine the number of checks that fall within a certain range.

What parameters directly affect the store’s turnover?

  • Number of customers (receipts) in the store as a whole
  • Number of checks for an amount exceeding the minimum amount
  • Conversion rate
  • Average check amount for the store

Rice. 2. Information about the amount of the receipt for the store as a whole.

The store's assortment consists of an assortment of product categories. On general level sales are influenced by two groups of employees: a marketer who determines positioning, a strategy for attracting customers and a general promotion policy, and category managers who solve the same problems, but at the product category level.

When managing sales in a product category, the conversion rate is equal to the ratio of the number of “receipts” containing products of this category to the total number of receipts in the store. (This coefficient is also called the category penetration coefficient). The conversion rate is calculated based on information about the number of receipts that contained at least one unit of product from a given category.

Calculation of the amount average sales(average receipt) in a product category should be calculated as the ratio of the amount of sales in the category to the number of “receipts” in which the product was present (Fig. 3).

To assess the quality of work in a category, you must use two parameters:

  • Category Conversion Rate
  • Average bill amount in the category

Rice. 3. Information on sales of the product category.

We divided the general task of increasing turnover into intermediate tasks: increasing customer flow, increasing the average check in the store and by category, increasing conversion in the store and by category. Different departments and employees are responsible for these indicators. Now you can set specific tasks for them.

We will set the tasks using an example close to reality. The current state of affairs in the store is as follows:

Table 1. Current value of indicators.

Objective: Increasing trade turnover.

To increase trade turnover you need to:

  • in each product category, increase conversion and average check amount. The task is assigned to category managers;
  • create an additional flow of customers by conducting advertising companies and marketing campaigns. The task is carried out by the marketing department;
  • increase conversion and the average check for the store as a whole by properly allocating advertising budgets and helping category managers achieve their target indicators in categories. The task is carried out by the marketing department.

We set a goal: over the next 6 months, increase each of the indicators by 5% (a completely feasible task!). The target list is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Target list for increasing trade turnover.

We define a plan for improving performance.

We make a list of necessary activities:

1. activities aimed at increasing the number of store visitors

  • informing customers about promotions aimed at attracting new customers
  • holding promotions to encourage repeat purchases
  • carrying out loyalty programs
  • celebrations
  • promotions that shape the store’s image and overall customer loyalty, etc.

2. measures aimed at increasing the average check and store conversion

  • provision of cumulative discounts
  • sale of sets
  • providing a discount upon purchase for a certain amount

3. activities aimed at increasing conversion in the category:

  1. Cross merchandising
  2. Additional product display
  3. Carrying out price promotions
  4. Participation in sets and promotions held in the store as a whole
  5. Activities aimed at increasing the average bill in the category:
  6. Discount for a set in a category
  7. Discount for quantity of goods
  8. Incentivizing the purchase of more expensive goods
  9. Any type of marketing activity

Each manager is required to draw up an action plan for 6 months.

Based on the action plan, we draw up a monthly plan for achieving indicators. When drawing up a plan, we take into account seasonality and sales statistics, since the task of our technologies is to increase sales in retail trade in addition to seasonal and other factors.

Table 3. Monthly plan by indicators.

At the first stage of technology application retail sales goods, when setting the task, we considered the growth of trade turnover by 5% as an ambitious goal. At the same time we knew general set methods, but were not ready to use them purposefully and evaluate the effectiveness of selected retail sales technologies.

We have created the best situation to increase trade turnover:

  • We determined which indicators affect trade turnover
  • We found out which departments and employees influence the values ​​of indicators
  • We assigned a task to each department and employee
  • Created an action plan to achieve the goal
  • We drew up a plan to achieve the goal for each indicator

Now you need to create a master plan for the store.

Table 4. Plan for increasing trade turnover.

Table 4 shows that our plan for growth individual indicators by just 5% can increase store turnover by 10%. If the growth plan for all categories is fulfilled, then the growth in trade turnover could be 16% due to the synergistic effect. At the same time, a specific performer is responsible for the growth of each indicator.

The same technique can be used to solve the problem of reducing costs, increasing profits and other tasks facing the company.

In order to be the best in a crisis you need to:

  1. Select indicators that are important for assessing the company’s performance
  2. Determine what and who influences the value of each indicator
  3. Assess the values ​​of these indicators among competitors and industry leaders
  4. Set a goal for each indicator
  5. Using the best situation synthesis technology, develop a plan to achieve target values
  6. Determine and reserve a budget to achieve the goal
  7. Regularly evaluate the results and, if necessary, adjust the technology to increase sales.

And don’t forget to monitor the market and the actions of your competitors. They can also set ambitious goals for themselves.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds of ways that, without requiring special investments, help bring in more customers. Below is described TOP 5 best methods increase sales. This is the basis from which any entrepreneur can build.

Building a customer base is one of the best things an entrepreneur can do for their company. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct not only existing buyers, but also those who just “came in to look”.

One of good options obtain contacts of a potential client in retail trade - invite him to fill out a form and give him in return discount card, discount on first purchase, gift.

How, using your customer base? You can attract customers with promotions and special offers. One option is to target a specific customer segment and prepare gifts for them.

When a person comes for a souvenir, the manager should try to make sure that he leaves not only with a gift, but also buys something in the store. Naturally, promotions and gifts should arouse interest and be useful - this is the only way they can attract new customers and increase sales.

Calls to the buyer after the purchase

Gifts for clients still require certain investments. How can you increase your profits without investing any money at all? Show customer care. This method helps increase customer loyalty.

The point is simple– after purchasing a product or service, the manager calls the buyer and asks if everything is in order: does it work well? washing machine, whether you managed to set up the laptop, whether the goods were delivered on time, whether any additional advice is needed, etc.

Let the client know that you are always ready to help him and eliminate all shortcomings, if any.. Will a person be pleased that people care about him? Certainly! And probably next time he will again use the services of such a caring company.

Give the client more than he expects

Trade in Russia, as well as the service sector, is still below average. Try to remember where you are last time We were surprised by the impeccable service.

In our country, customers are happy that they were not rude in a store or company office. Such seemingly basic things as high speed of service, polite communication with the client and respectful attitude towards him already exceed a person’s expectations and become a reason for a repeat purchase.

Therefore, if you are thinking about it, first of all set up a service. Sell ​​goods having high level maintenance will be much easier. Unexpected surprises are also great., which were not announced.

For example, stores that sell cosmetics and perfumes often give customers mini versions of their products. The client will be pleasantly surprised by a handwritten thank you card, a discount card for the next order, a small box of chocolates or some kind of souvenir.

The method works great both in the service sector and in retail trade. People often respond warmly to such surprises and tell their friends about them, create posts on social media. networks. As a result, word of mouth works and, in addition to one loyal client, the company receives hundreds, or even thousands of new customers.

The effectiveness of the method can be demonstrated by the example of a company providing services in the music business. After the buyer purchased a certain package of services, he was offered to repost on Facebook, and in return he was given products worth a total of $100.

In five days, information about the company’s services received 250 reposts. This helped close 34 deals totaling more than two thousand dollars.

How to increase sales with promotions

Stock - effective method, helping to push people to make purchases. The main rule is to carry them out regularly.

Look at corporations like M.Video, L’Etoile, Lenta - people know that they can almost always buy something on sale, and that’s why they go there.

Other important condition- your special the offer must provide real benefits to the consumer. For example, retailers often offer buy two items and get the third free. This is especially true for clothing stores.

And in networks selling household appliances, attract customers with promotions like “exchange your old TV for a new one.”

Killer USP

Unique trade offer(USP) is what sets the company apart from thousands of competitors. “Always sober movers!”, “We will deliver pizza within 30 minutes or pay for the order ourselves,” “If you find a product cheaper, we will refund the difference” - these are examples of effective USPs that “shot” in due time.

Now such proposals occur quite often, so entrepreneurs constantly need to come up with something new.

How to increase sales using USP by 345%?

How effective a USP can be can be seen in the example of the Australian pillow company Tontine. The company was the first in the world to indicate expiration dates on pillows..

They began to put a stamp on each product with a date, after which it is better to replace the pillow with a new one. At the same time, the company launched advertising on television.

In this way, the company hoped to increase profits by a third, but the effect exceeded all expectations. Unusual idea helped increase sales by 345%.

Using the methods listed above, a company can increase sales without major investments. All these rules work and are successfully applied by both small enterprises and global giants.

However, it is worth remembering that when choosing what suits your company best.
