Stella Baranovskaya dies. Stella Baranovskaya - biography, information, personal life

According to Katya Gordon, the actress died in agony. In recent months, Stella Baranovskaya was supported by Anfisa Chekhova, Zara and Lera Kudryavtseva, and some relatives turned away from Stella. The woman left behind a small child.

04.09.2017 10:42

Lawyer Katya Gordon announced on Instagram that actress Stella Baranovskaya had died. long time struggling with serious cancer– acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In December, a woman came to the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program and talked about the procedures she had to go through.

StarHit contacted Katya Gordon to find out how Stella Baranovskaya spent her last days. According to the lawyer, the actress was helped by her star friends - Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. However, the disease progressed and the woman’s condition did not improve.

“We have been in touch for the last few days, Stella’s child even stayed at my house... Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya told me this sad news at five in the morning. Now we are organizing the funeral... In recent days, she could not walk and experienced hellish pain,” the lawyer told StarHit.

Stella Baranovskaya had spiteful critics who treated her extremely unkindly and poisoned the actress in in social networks. Among them was Madina Tatraeva, who also took part in the filming of a talk show with Boris Korchevnikov. Katya Gordon said that such speculation is not true. Baranovskaya refused traditional methods of treatment because they did not help her.

“I want to debunk all the rumors that were circulating behind Stella’s back. They said that she allegedly refused treatment. She did not refuse treatment and underwent more than one course of chemotherapy. There is everything medical documents. It just didn’t help Stella at some point. It’s not for us to condemn a person who was in serious condition and resorted to different treatment methods,” Gordon shared.

According to the lawyer, Stella Baranovskaya did not have the significant amounts of money that spiteful critics attributed to her. “She didn’t even have her own home in Moscow,” says Gordon. The actress and Anfisa Chekhova turned to Katya to determine the paternity of her child and draw up a will. However, Baranovskaya’s plans were not destined to come true.

“We filed a lawsuit and were going to file for paternity, but Stella was in critical condition. We didn't have time to file a claim. I wrote requests for help to Stella, so that she would know that her child, who is exactly like Maxim (the alleged father of the actress’s son - Approx.), would not be abandoned, but they remained unanswered. Stella was never a charlatan and died in the wildest pain. And there was never any exorbitant money collected allegedly for pseudo-diseases. And the car was given to her by her friend Artem, with whom she had been friends since childhood,” Gordon said.

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva is also having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that Stella Baranovskaya passed away so early. She shared her grief with fans on social networks.

“The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl has passed away. I can't believe it and find it the right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials befell you on your fragile soul. Rest in peace, girl,” a friend of Baranovskaya wrote on the microblog.

In short creative biography actress Stella Baranovskaya had only one role, after which they learned about the artist and started talking about her. This is the role of a seriously ill woman who needed the help and sympathy of others. Some believed Stella, others called the game fake and unconvincing. There is no information about Stella Baranovskaya’s childhood.

The future actress was born in 1987, presumably in Moscow. Who her parents are is unknown. The girl developed a warm and family relationship not with her father and mother, but with her grandmother. None of Baranovskaya’s relatives are connected with the world of cinema, which did not stop Stella from entering the Moscow Art Theater School. But fate gave the girl too little time to make a career in cinema.


After receiving a diploma of higher acting education, Stella Baranovskaya, like most of her fellow theater graduates, starred in episodes of TV series and low-budget films. But the roles she was entrusted with were too small for the viewer to notice and remember the aspiring artist. Stella does not have a filmography list because she was not mentioned in the credits.

The only picture that is remembered when talking about Baranovskaya is the tragicomedy “Grandson of an Astronaut” and Tamara Vladimirtseva. The actress starred in the cameo role of a girl in a foreign car. But the name of Stella Baranovskaya cannot be found in the credits of the comedy.

Illness brought fame to the artist. Celebrities learned about Baranovskaya’s difficult fate: the girl’s misfortune touched the hearts of the singer and. The stars, through social networks, asked their fans to help Stella, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in America.

There was not enough money for expensive treatment. Ill-wishers also “helped”, accusing Stella Baranovskaya of faking an illness and wanting to profit from gullible fellow citizens. Haters even organized groups on social networks where they threw mud at the sick woman.

Skeptics shared rumors, saying that they saw Baranovskaya in different parts of the capital, happy and without signs of illness. Referring to photographs of the woman on Instagram taken in America and Mexico, they accused her of wasting multimillion-dollar donations on clothes and resorts. At the end of 2016, Stella Baranovskaya appeared in “ Live", where she shared details of the disease and treatment.

The actress had to decide to film and make revelations because of bullying and an avalanche of accusations. A certain Madina Tatraeva was especially zealous in this, calling Baranovskaya a charlatan. Madina’s posts on social networks hurt the dying Stella, forcing her to justify herself and refute the lies.

Personal life

If you believe Stella Baranovskaya’s star friends, who helped her with money and collected funds for treatment, the actress had an affair with a certain Maxim Kotin, the son of wealthy parents. Kotin’s mother is Irina Winter, interior designer and art director of the Mosfilm Gallery. Photos of the woman end up in gossip columns. In Vogue magazine she talked about her luxurious garden near her house. According to Katya Gordon, judging by her Facebook profile, Winter has famous and wealthy friends: gallery owner Aidan Salakhova, lawyer, artist.

Igor Kotin, Maxim’s father, formerly headed the media department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. The man’s name is on the list of founders of a capital company investing in energy. Katya Gordon wrote to Maxim and his parents about Stella Baranovskaya’s troubles, talked about her son and grandson, and showed pictures of the terminally ill woman and six-year-old Daniil. But there was no answer, correspondence with Ekaterina was blocked.

Saved on social networks joint photos Stella Baranovskaya with Maxim Kotin, but they cannot become proof of his paternity. We did not have time to complete genetic testing and other legal actions. When Stella Baranovskaya was in the hospital, Daniil was taken in by Katya Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. Stella's grandmother is very old and cannot take care of the boy.

Illness and death

Stella Baranovskaya celebrated New Year's Eve 2015 with her boyfriend in America. I felt unwell on January 1st. She came to the clinic with a fever and sore throat. Three days later, after a biopsy, the woman was given a terrible diagnosis: cancer. Doctors prescribed chemotherapy, but Stella was unable to complete the full course due to severe intolerance.

Stella’s mother, Larisa Kryuchonkova, lived in the ward with her daughter when she was undergoing chemotherapy, and saw Stella’s torment. The producers of the “Live Broadcast” project contacted a clinic in the USA, where they are treated using the detoxification method. The hospital nurse confirmed that Stella Baranovskaya was treated by them. Baranovskaya refused chemotherapy and resorted to alternative medicine. In Mexico, Stella was promised an injection that would kill cancer cells.

For unknown reasons, the meeting with the doctor fell through. Then there were metaphysical techniques. Weiland Rodd, ex-husband singer, treated Stella Baranovskaya with a diet: juices, vegetables and fruits. The woman resorted to treatment with chlorophyll and spirulina. For a while the patient felt better and it seemed to her that she was cured.

In the summer of 2017, the disease returned. The actress was dying a painful death from leukemia; doctors called her condition hopeless. Stella's kidneys and liver failed. According to the grandmother, her granddaughter’s heart stopped in the early morning of September 4. Baranovskaya’s friends took charge of organizing the funeral. It is unknown who little Danya will stay with. Stella did not have time to file a lawsuit against the boy’s father.

Blood cancer still killed the young actress Stella Baranovskaya, who became last years a fairly well-known media person.

30-year-old actress Stella Baranovskaya is not very well known to the general public as a performer of bright roles. Although she starred a lot in television series and films, she did so in small episodes and was often not even mentioned in the credits. For example, she played a girl with a foreign car in the 2006 tragicomedy “Grandson of an Astronaut,” directed by Andrei Panin.

Her illness brought much greater fame to the girl. And to be even more precise - an allegedly miraculous healing from cancer. Stella herself announced this in numerous interviews and television broadcasts.

Moreover, Stella was accused of uncleanliness. The fact is that Baranovskaya collected money for her treatment through social networks, and when she announced her recovery, she was accused of fraud, saying that there was no cancer, and she was collecting money for herself to live a beautiful life.

Stella Baranovskaya, who announced her recovery from cancer, died from cancer

Moreover, photos have appeared on the Internet in which a seemingly healthy Stella spends time on vacation, moreover, in expensive overseas resorts.

Baranovskaya even had to go on air and make excuses, trying to prove that she really had the disease.

Stella Baranovskaya, who announced her recovery from cancer, died from cancer

And with her death she proved everything to everyone...

As it turned out later, Stella hastened to announce her recovery.

On New Year's Eve 2016, Stella felt unwell and developed a fever that did not subside for another three days. However, she did not immediately go to the doctors. At the beginning of January 2016, American specialists carried out all the necessary examinations, diagnosed her with leukemia and prescribed chemotherapy. “I had a biopsy. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia was diagnosed. I was prescribed pediatric chemotherapy and was told that there was a high chance of recovery, since I was not yet 30 years old,” said Stella.

However, after a while she stopped chemotherapy courses, as it was very difficult for her emotionally. She began trying to cure cancer in unconventional ways. The woman traveled to Mexico, where she was promised an injection that would kill cancer cells. The meeting with the doctor did not take place. After this, Baranovskaya tried to be treated by people practicing metaphysical techniques.

During treatment, Stella was supported by her son. “My child was with me all this time, and went through all this with me,” said the actress.

Stella was also helped in her treatment by her celebrity friends - Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and singer Zara. However, the disease progressed and the woman’s condition did not improve.

Katya Gordon, who took part in the fate of Baranovskaya, said: “We have been in touch for the last few days, Stella’s child even stayed at my house... Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya told me this sad news at five in the morning. Now we are organizing the funeral... In recent days, she could not walk and experienced hellish pain.”

“I want to debunk all the rumors that were circulating behind Stella’s back. They said that she allegedly refused treatment. She did not refuse treatment and underwent more than one course of chemotherapy. All medical documents are available. It just didn’t help Stella at some point. It’s not for us to condemn a person who was in critical condition and resorted to various treatment methods,” Gordon added.

According to Katya, Stella Baranovskaya did not have the significant amounts of money that were attributed to her: “She didn’t even have her own home in Moscow.”

In recent days, Stella Baranovskaya was going to file a lawsuit against the father of her son, who is not involved in raising the child, but did not have time.

Irina Winter regularly appears in gossip columns and tells glossy publications about her garden. Photo: Personal page hero publications on social networks

A scam in which a person announces a fundraiser for treatment of an imaginary serious illness, occurs quite often. In April, we wrote about 20-year-old Kelly Schmall, a student at Northern Kentucky University, who spent almost a year lying to her parents and roommates that she had stage 3 stomach cancer. As a result, a criminal case was opened against her and she faces up to 10 years in prison.

Stella grew up without a father - her parents were not married. In fact, she grew up without a mother - she was literally raised by her grandmother from the first days of her life. Lidia Petrovna Kryuchonkova herself said that her mother gave Stella to her right in the maternity hospital, while she worked and arranged her personal life.

Stella Baranovskaya actress filmography. Detailed data as of 02/10/2018

Lawyer and journalist Katya Gordon, who took part in the fate of Baranovskaya, said: “We have been in touch for the last few days, Stella’s child even stayed at my house... Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya told me this sad news at five in the morning. Now we are organizing the funeral... In recent days, she could not walk and experienced hellish pain.”

I stopped believing her the moment she went to Miami to be treated with chlorophyll and infrared radiation. The clinic where she was treated is registered as a massage parlor,” Madina said.

“When she was discharged with her mother and Danya, they had nowhere to live. They stopped at my house... At that very moment she experienced betrayal loved one. The groom didn't even lift a finger to help her... We had several long conversations in the kitchen. What Stella experienced in her 30 years, some people do not experience in a hundred years. So many betrayals, so many difficult situations,” said the nurse.

Lera Kudryavtseva expressed condolences to Stella Baranovskaya’s loved ones. She noted that the disease was stronger than Baranovskaya, reports.

The actress announced her illness during the “Live” program. After collecting funds, the actress was accused of fraud. In particular, the “Live Broadcast” program stated that the woman spends money on entertainment, not on treatment.

“We have been in touch for the last few days, Stella’s child even stayed at my house... Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya told me this sad news at five in the morning. Now we are organizing the funeral... In recent days, she could not walk and experienced hellish pain" (the author's spelling and paragraphs have been preserved. - Ed.), - said Katya.

StarHit contacted Katya Gordon to find out how Stella Baranovskaya spent her last days. According to the lawyer, the actress helped her star friends are Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. However, the disease progressed and the woman’s condition did not improve.

In the short creative biography of actress Stella Baranovskaya there was only one role, after which they learned about the artist and started talking. This is the role of a seriously ill woman who needed the help and sympathy of others. Some believed Stella, others called the game fake and unconvincing. There is no information about Stella Baranovskaya’s childhood.

Who will educate little son deceased woman, unknownPhoto: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network

Gordon accused blogger Madina Tatraeva, who called Baranovskaya a “fraudster,” and journalist and entrepreneur Maxim Kotin, who, according to her, was the father of Baranovskaya’s child and did not care about him, for the fact that “her death was difficult.”

Stella Baranovskaya actress biography. Urgent news.

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Actress Stella Baranovskaya died at the age of 30. Katya Gordon wrote about this on her Instagram. It is known that the actress had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. According to Gordon, in recent days Baranovskaya could not walk and experienced severe pain. The girl's heart stopped at five in the morning on September 4. She left behind a five-year-old son. Stella Baranovskaya’s illness became known at the end of 2015. She got up heat, which lasted three days. However, the actress did not immediately go to the doctors.

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The future actress was born in 1987, presumably in Moscow. Who her parents are is unknown. The girl developed a warm and family relationship not with her father and mother, but with her grandmother. None of Baranovskaya’s relatives are connected with the world of cinema, which did not stop Stella from entering the Moscow Art Theater School. But fate gave the girl too little time to make a career in cinema.

“My family... There are only three of us, but you are so strong... Thanks to my friends who are still there. Anfisa, Katya, Anyuta, where would I be without you... Father and mother, I forgive you for everything and you will forgive me. God is your judge, I thank you for giving me this priceless life. I'm letting you go completely. I have no more grudges. I just accepted that everyone has their own path and not everyone knows how to love. May God grant you health and happiness. It’s incredibly hard, painful and difficult for me right now. My legs no longer walk, but my heart still beats...” the presenter’s husband quotes one of Stella’s last posts on Instagram.

The actress was helped during her illness by her star friends - presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and singer Zara. They helped their friend free of charge with everything they could. IN Lately the disease progressed, and the girls feared for Stella’s life.

Katya tried to contact Daniel’s supposed biological father, Maxim Kotin, but he ignored her message. It is noteworthy that Maxim’s father, Igor Kotin, was previously the head of the media department of the Swiss company Glencore. Currently he is listed as a founder NFR Energo LLC, and his mother, Irina Wintour, is the art director of the Mosfilm Gallery.

It was because of this that Baranovskaya turned to alternative medicine. In particular, shortly before her death, the actress was treated by healer Akylbek from Kazakhstan. Her friend Anfisa Chekhova noted that after Stella’s sessions with healer Akylbek, her pain went away and she could sleep peacefully.

Stella Baranovskaya actress personal life family children. Everything that is known at the moment.

Shortly before her death, Stella Baranovskaya turned to Katya Gordon's law office in order to determine the paternity of her son Dani and draw up a will, but they did not have time to file a lawsuit. It is known that the child’s father’s name is Maxim Kotin, and the son of Stella Baranovskaya, according to Gordon, looks exactly like a man.

Joint photos of Stella Baranovskaya and Maxim Kotin have been preserved on the social network, but they cannot become proof of his paternity. We did not have time to complete genetic testing and other legal actions. When Stella Baranovskaya was in the hospital, Daniil was taken in by Katya Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. Stella's grandmother is very old and cannot take care of the boy.

- Of course, Danya will stay with me, I already have him! — Stella’s mother, Larisa Kryuchonkova, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. — The boy is going to kindergarten, he will start school in a year. And in general, he grew up with me, you know?

A separate debate erupted over whether patients should provide philanthropists with a report on the funds spent. Critics of Baranovskaya pointed out that the lack of transparency in her case not only raises doubts about the girl’s sincerity, but can also discourage people from further participation in charity. However, not everyone thought so. “If you helped, then you don’t need to ask for checks later,” said one of Baranovskaya’s defenders, a participant in the TV show “Dom-2” Katya Zhuzha, on “Live Broadcast.”

The only picture that is remembered when talking about Baranovskaya is the tragicomedy “Grandson of a Cosmonaut” by Andrei Panin and Tamara Vladimirtseva. The actress starred in the cameo role of a girl in a foreign car. But the name of Stella Baranovskaya cannot be found in the credits of the comedy.

The actress had to decide to film and make revelations because of bullying and an avalanche of accusations. A certain Madina Tatraeva was especially zealous in this, calling Baranovskaya a charlatan. Madina’s posts on social networks hurt the dying Stella, forcing her to justify herself and refute the lies.

“Stella died some kind of martyr’s death... in wild pain and worried that you, Max Kotin, even in this situation turned away from your little son. And she also cried because of your post, Madina Tatraeva, that she is a charlatan,” singer and human rights activist Katya Gordon wrote on Instagram on September 4, helping Baranovskaya officially establish the paternity of the child - Baranovskaya left behind a six-year-old son. According to Gordon, Stella's relatives did not support her - and she did not want the child to remain in the care of her grandmother after her death. “That’s why Baranovskaya asked to somehow get through to the child’s father,” Gordon said in a commentary “ Komsomolskaya Pravda" However, Gordon and Baranovskaya did not have time to file a claim to establish paternity. " Beautiful people In general, it’s hard to be unhappy - who will feel sorry for them? It's her own fault, obviously. They’ll also spit in your back,” Gordon added.

The terrible news about the diagnosis found Baranovskaya in America with her fiancé. According to Larisa Pokhilchuk, a nurse at the hospital in Minnesota where Baranovskaya went, the chosen one turned away from the girl after learning that she had cancer.

Stella Baranovskaya actress video. Detailed information.
