Anastasia Stotskaya and her husband Sergei. Stotskaya Anastasia: scandal with Kirkorov, divorce and happy marriage Who is Nastya Stotskaya’s husband

Anastasia Stotskaya is a pop singer and actress. Nastya was born in Kyiv, but when she was 10 years old, she and her family moved to Moscow. It was here that the girl gained popularity. Anastasia Stotskaya is an interesting and talented performer, but in her biography, fans are more interested in the topic of her personal life, her husband and children, their joint photos and video. This is due to the fact that the singer’s career is now experiencing a lull, but in the family and close surroundings there's a lot going on

Stotskaya Anastasia: d childhood

Born into the family of a resuscitator and a textile artist. Since childhood, the girl showed Creative skills, so her mother sent her to a dance and vocal studio. Over time, she left her, because she and her family moved to Moscow. The reason for the move was the admission of his older brother to GITIS.

By the way, Nastya’s older brother is no less famous than her. This is Pavel Maikov, who starred in the TV series “Brigada” - one of the most popular TV series of the early 2000s.

In the Russian capital, little Nastya entered the studio at the Luna Theater. Literally immediately the young actress received her first role in children's play"Fanta-Infanta". Here the girl played 5 roles at once. The audience liked the performance, so soon the theater troupe went on tour with this successful production throughout Russia and neighboring countries.

At the Luna Theater, Nastya gained serious acting experience. Here she was lucky enough to play with famous actors. In addition, the girl sang in the academic choir. By the time she graduated from educational school, the girl was well prepared, so in the late 90s she became a student at one of the theater universities.

Actor career

As a third-year student, the girl received an offer to play main role in the musical with the original name “Lips”. The girl happily accepted the offer and began to combine training with rehearsals. At this time, eminent producers came to the capital, whose goal was to select talented actresses to participate in the new musical “Notre Dame de Paris”.

Came to participate in the casting a large number of people, but the producers immediately noticed Nastya and without hesitation gave her one of the leading roles.

Anastasia in the musical "Lips"

In the same year, Anastasia performed on the same stage in the musical “Lips” with Mark Rudinstein. It was his debut, so he invited him to it. To a famous singer I really liked the performance of an unfamiliar actress, so he invited her to one of the main roles in his musical “Chicago”. Nastya agreed. Rehearsals took her a lot of time and effort, so she often missed classes at the university. For this reason, she began to have problems with her studies. The administration even considered expelling her, but in the end, her work in the musical “Chicago” was counted as her diploma.

Anastasia and Philip Kirkorov in the musical "Chicago"

After “Chicago” Stotskaya became famous and popular. Many called her the queen of musicals. The girl’s work was also highly appreciated by Katerina von Gechmen-Woldek. She prophesied a great future for her. In 2003, Nastya graduated from a theater university and became a professional actress.

Music career

The brilliant performance of Anastasia Stotskaya in the musical “Chicago” inspired Philip Kirkorov to start producing the young artist. He noticed that the girl has not only acting talent, but also brilliant vocal abilities. He recorded the song “Rivers of Veins” for her and applied for Stotskaya’s participation in “New Wave”. Anastasia Stotskaya became the winner of the song competition; her love song caused a real sensation.

After the New Wave, Anastasia Stotskaya continued her collaboration with Kirkorov. Thanks to working together Several more songs were recorded and a solo album was released.

Most of the songs became hits, the whole country sang them. A video was also shot for the already sensational song “Veins-Arms”.

In 2003-2004, Stotskaya actively performed in different cities. The young talent was also invited to appear on magazine covers. Anastasia Stotskaya recorded not only solo works, but also joint songs with her mentor. This contributed to the emergence of rumors about their joint romance. However, neither Kirkorov nor Stotskaya commented on these rumors.

On the set of the film "Aladdin's Adventure"

Conflict with producer

Cooperation with Philip Kirkorov ended in 2007. The reason for the disagreement was scandalous photographs in which the artist, half naked, smokes marijuana. Kirkorov did not like this very much. He expressed his dissatisfaction not only to Nastya, but also to her parents.

Stotskaya did not like this interference in her personal life, so she stopped not only working with Kirkorov, but also communicating. After 2 years, Nastya and Philip made peace. They even had a joint video, but the resumption of cooperation did not happen.

Scandal at Eurovision

In 2016, Anastasia Stotskaya was included in the national Eurovision jury. However, she was expelled due to violating the rules of the singing competition. During the final run-through of the participants in the first semi-final, she began broadcasting on her Periscope page. During the broadcast, Stotskaya also commented on the performance of participants from Armenia and the Netherlands.

According to Eurovision rules, judges must not voice their preferences before the results are announced. Broadcasts of secret voting are also prohibited.

The singer was involved in a scandal at Eurovision in 2016

After Nastya was excluded from the Russian national jury, the singer was very worried that because of her, the Russian participant, Sergei Lazarev, would also be disqualified. But this did not happen, the management simply replaced Nastya with another representative, and the conflict was resolved.

Personal life

Anastasia Stotskaya never advertised her personal life and photos from the family archive - in her biography she preferred to focus on creativity. At a time when she was credited with an affair with Philip Kirkorov, she secretly got married to actor Alexei Sekirin, who is known to viewers from the TV series “Happy Together.” The couple lived together for 5 years, after which they separated.

After her divorce from Sikirin, Nastya was credited with having an affair with other artists: Vlad Topalov, Dmitry Nosov. However, the girl had a real relationship only with her partner in the show “Dancing with the Stars” Alexei Ledenev. However, the romance of the young people did not last long - they separated.

In 2010, news appeared in the media that Anastasia Stotskaya married a famous restaurateur named Sergei. Nastya decided not to reveal her husband’s last name and keep it a secret. Journalists only managed to find out that the young people met in Dubai. A year later, the couple had a son, Alexander. The boy was named after his grandfather.

For a long time, Anastasia Stotskaya hid the details of her personal life. However, in 2016, she gave an interview to HELLO magazine and shared a photo from the birthday of her son Sasha. They show that it is closed family celebration passed surrounded by the closest people. Photos of Anastasia Stotskaya’s family were also published on her personal Instagram page, in which fans were able to see her husband Sergei and little son– the personal life and biography of the artist have become less mysterious.

At the beginning of May 2017, Anastasia Stotskaya gave birth to a daughter. She announced this wonderful event on her page on the social network Instagram.

She kept her daughter's name a secret for a long time. However, Nastya mentioned that she and her husband decided to name the girl in honor of a person very close to her, who is no longer alive. Today the name of the girl is already known - she was named Vera. Anastasia Stotskaya is gradually opening the curtain on her personal life: photos of her children and husband have appeared online.

May 03, 2017

These May days, the singer will become a mother for the second time (perhaps while you are reading this interview, Nastya is going to the maternity hospital). The day before important event In Stotskaya's life, we learned all her family secrets.

“I went to the ultrasound with my husband”

- Nastya, how were you? last days before giving birth? How is your second pregnancy different from your first?

- During the first pregnancy recent months I sat at home, read books, including literature for expectant mothers, and waited for my beloved to return from work. This pregnancy was completely different, because I already knew how everything was happening. I have yoga scheduled twice a week. Almost every day there are photo shoots, filming, events. I go to the theaters, explore stores with clothes for babies. Since March, I stopped playing in the play “The Flying Ship,” but events periodically appear, for example, charity events, where I can even go on stage and sing. My son Sasha will turn 6 in June - I try to spend as much time with him as possible.

— Were you worried during your first pregnancy? Are you less worried now?

“I remember, two weeks before giving birth, I stood on the balcony at night and worried: “How will all this happen? What if it starts now?” However, when it all started, the fear disappeared. Nature arranges it in such a way that all women internal resources are determined to help her during childbirth. There is no fear, but the second time is just as exciting as the first.

— Was your husband present at the birth of your first child?

- Yes, it so happened that both mother and Sergei were nearby during the first birth. This time they didn’t plan in advance whether it would happen or not. At some point, yes, he can be nearby and provide moral support, but then it’s better for Sergei to leave. Still, childbirth is not an easy process, and not every man can endure it. However, circumstances may develop differently. And I would not categorically state whether or not a man should be present at childbirth.

— Are you for or against epidural anesthesia during childbirth?

“I gave birth to Sasha in a separate room, where there was a bath with aromatic oils. Just like the first time, I will give birth without anesthesia. I believe that a child should be born naturally - as nature intended. Overcome the first difficulty and be prepared for subsequent ones. I am not a doctor, but any interventions, in my opinion, should only occur when indicated.

Anastasia and Sergei prepared their first-born Sasha for the birth of his sister. They explained that his parents would love him just as much. Photo: Personal archive

— Did you take your spouse with you to the ultrasound?

— Yes, Sergei went with me to the ultrasound. During my first pregnancy, my husband really wanted a boy, and I knew it would be a boy. This time he madly wanted a girl, and I immediately felt - . Everything was as ordered, and there was no doubt that it could be different.

— Recently, alarming information appeared that you. How are you feeling?

- Everything is fine with me. I didn’t notice the stairs behind my tummy, tripped, and fell. Luckily, there was an assistant nearby. I was a little scared, but I protected myself by leaning on my hands. Everything worked out fine. She escaped with a bruise on her knee.

— What was the most difficult thing during your second pregnancy?

“The toxicosis that tormented me for a month and a half was quite severe: constant drowsiness, an unpleasant headache, nausea. Rehearsals in St. Petersburg for the musical “The Flying Ship” distracted me from this state. I had a craving for sweets, but tried to replace sweets with fruit.

— Nastya, did you send your husband to the store at night for something tasty?

“I wasn’t capricious either that time or this time.” Although Sergei is always incredibly attentive. Now my husband works a lot. But, as in the first pregnancy, she brings breakfast in bed. I feel great, so I don’t need any special care. In addition, we have an au pair and a nanny for Sasha.

Nastya is not a superstitious person, so she chose a dowry for her daughter on the eve of the birth. photo: Personal archive

— Is Sasha ready to share his mother’s attention? How did you prepare your son for the arrival of his sister?

“Sasha is waiting for him to finally feel like an older brother.” We make plans together: how the three of us will walk and play. I try to spend as much time as possible with Sasha, already now I give him the opportunity to feel his importance in life little man. For example, my son and I were choosing toys for a baby. I let my son understand that I can’t cope without him, that he will be the eldest, and therefore an example.

— What is Sasha interested in and busy with at the age of six?

— Sasha goes to gymnastics. Regular training instill discipline in the boy. I recently started attending drama school. We attend these classes not to push our son to choose a profession as an artist. Theater lessons are good for developing memory, imaginative thinking, and a child’s adaptation to public speaking. From time to time Sasha goes to chess, plays the piano, and my husband and I want to send him to swimming. But we are not trying to make Sasha a mega-prodigy. Everything should be a joy. If the baby gets tired and says: “Mommy, I don’t want to,” I don’t put pressure on him so as not to discourage him. The task of parents is to give the child the opportunity to try to express himself in different areas. This way the child will understand what is interesting to him. I'm glad Sasha knows English language. For example, while walking in the yard, he communicates with the children in English: many of our neighbors, like ours, have Filipino nannies, so they speak English with the children.

“I don’t want it out of convenience, I want it out of love!”

- Who in the family? the last word?

— The final decision is made by the husband. I try to listen to my husband. I am gradually learning this wisdom. I'm not the most submissive wife (laughs). If you want something, I give you hints and competently lead you to what I need. Next to me strong man. This is precisely what won me over - his inner core, endurance, responsibility.

photo: personal archive

— You said that you met your husband during a difficult period in your life and he helped you. Did Sergei fall in love at first sight or was it just friendly support at first?

“I am grateful to fate that our paths crossed with Sergei. But it wasn’t love at first sight, neither on my part nor on his. At first we saw each other in common groups, exchanged a few phrases, but no more. And then we ended up in the same company - in Dubai, and our relationship began there. As a girl, I wanted to draw the attention of this handsome horseman to myself. And he was so modest... As he later admitted, he could not even imagine that a spectacular, famous girl like me could pay attention to him. When he realized that he was not indifferent to me, he did everything to win my heart. Our candy and bouquet period was unforgettable. Sergey knows how to look after beautifully. True, at first I doubted the seriousness of my attitude towards him, I was afraid: “What if she’s playing with me? She’s an actress after all!” But my feelings were sincere. The more I got to know this person, the more the thought became stronger in my mind: I want to start a family with him, have a child from him.

- You have been together for seven years. Have you ever had difficulties in your relationship? Who is the first to reconcile?

— There were times when it was difficult. In any normal family, such situations happen, it seems to me. The first of us to make peace is the one who is wrong. Nowadays it is customary to easily disperse, to run away if a conflict or problem arises. I think this is wrong. It is much easier to destroy a relationship than to maintain it - it’s a lot of work. The main thing is that we have love and respect for each other. If there is love, then there are emotions, jealousy, and showdowns. I am a person who lives by emotions, sensations, and heart. As my heroine Zabava sings: “I don’t want it for money, I want it for love!” I believe that I have Ideal husband and if something happens, it will only be my fault - because of my incontinence and emotionality. I am a difficult little thing, so my husband has a hard time with me. But my man is the best. If it were otherwise, then I would not have been with him, I would not have given birth to my first and second children. I always use my dad as an example for my son: Sasha knows that dad is the smartest, the bravest. I remind my son: no matter what happens, he should always turn to his dad for advice, I want the child to remember: his parents are his best friends.

Private bussiness

Anastasia Stotskaya was born on October 7, 1982. Graduated Russian Academy theatrical arts. At the age of 18 she played Fleur-de-Lys in the musical Notre Dame de Paris. She sang in the M.E. Pyatnitsky Choir and played at the Luna Theater. There she was noticed by Philip Kirkorov and since 2002 he became the artist’s producer. Stotskaya played in the musicals “Chicago”, “Zorro”, “Singing in the Rain” and other musical performances. Winner of the Golden Gramophone music award. Winner of the show "", participant in the television project "".

- What is your character? They wrote that you are a scandalous girl.

— They wrote a lot about me, made up stories, to some extent even provoked by me. This is a fact... I can’t say for sure what I am. I am a polar personality, I have a lot of contradictions. Wise and naive, calm and quick-tempered, flirtatious and passionate, a domestic cat and a wild lioness, tough and at the same time vulnerable.

— Yours former producer Philip Kirkorov often spoke about you as “talent.” Are you friends now? Does your son communicate with Philip's children?

— Our children communicate on common holidays. Philip and I are friends, I love him like loved one, a friend, a teacher who believed in me and helped me reveal my potential not only on the theater stage, but also on the stage and in cinema. I never dreamed of being a singer. And since Philip Kirkorov himself offered to try himself in this field, how could he refuse? So, after the completion of the musical “Chicago”, we went to the “New Wave”, I won the Grand Prix there, and then everything started spinning and spinning. Songs, videos, tours, filming... I don’t know how my life would have turned out after theater institute, but maybe thanks to him we are talking now.

Sasha waited 9 months for his little sister to be born and for him to walk and play with her. photo: Tatiana LUCHESARNAYA

— Do you now consult with Kirkorov?

“I can call and ask: “How do you like my new song?”

— How did your husband react to the articles and “investigations” that your son Sasha is very similar to Philip? I'm already used to increased attention to yours family life?

- Well, we laughed together. How should you react? The babies are really similar: dark hair, eyes, small noses. I think that over time the children will change and the similarity will go away... People understand perfectly well that I am an artist and that is why there is such attention to my person. How many times have I asked him to be photographed with me on the cover, to walk along the red carpet, to give an interview. But Sergei is from a completely different field of activity, he is engaged in business - being in the rays of his wife’s glory is sincerely alien and uninteresting to him. Serious, modest man. In our family, one star is enough, as he says.

Expert opinion

(twice mom) helps prepare for the arrival of a new family member. Often a man worries: will he be able to feed his family and become good father? A woman is afraid that after giving birth she will lose attractiveness in the eyes of her partner...

If in the last trimester of pregnancy a man is next to a pregnant woman, then the level of the hormone oxytocin, the attachment hormone, increases in his body. Nature cares so much about a man’s interest in a relationship with the mother of his child.

Imprinting (that is, a close connection between parents and child) is formed in the first minutes and hours after birth. Therefore, it is desirable that a man, immediately after giving birth, can take the child in his arms, be close to the woman, sharing joy and happiness. For fathers, this is an ideal chance to get a strong cosmic connection with their baby. You don’t have to be present at the birth - you can just be there. With my wife in the delivery room the man is walking to support his wife and meet the baby. But it also happens that the presence of the father at the birth affects the future attraction to the woman. A woman who gives birth to a child in pain evokes respect and reverence, but this image may be desexualized in the perception of some men. Everything is very individual.

The period after childbirth - difficult time For sex life. A woman avoids intimacy because she has not yet returned to prenatal care. physical fitness. In addition, fatigue increases due to interrupted night sleep. I advise you to set aside “beauty hours” for yourself (men are selfish in these matters, the visual picture is important to them); ask your husband for small gifts and surprises, thank him for them. Do not replace the genre of personal conversation with everyday conversation about needs and obligations. Talk to your husband about his interests, try to praise him more, because constant attention He perceives his approach to the baby as a betrayal of him personally. Go somewhere for at least an hour and a half, but just with your husband. These moments create emotional intimacy: you will forget about the obligations of mom and dad and become people in love again.

Because of terrible fatigue, women often turn to their husbands with complaints and irritation. And the man already feels abandoned, because his woman pays almost all her attention to the baby. The more irresponsible a man is, the faster he will begin to take offense. Resentment is the most easy way come to an agreement with your conscience: your wife doesn’t love you as much as before, so you can stay late at work and go to a cafe. Sometimes men start looking at other women. And the wife begins to feel that she is abandoned by her husband and is taking care of the child alone, so she begins to notice the infantile traits of her partner, which irritates her. Men whom women involve in caring for the baby go through this period easier. Come up with rituals for communication between dad and child (for example, during the bathing process) - this will bring you closer together. Determine the time that your husband will spend every day with the baby.

Anastasia Stotskaya - star of musicals, popular pop singer, fashion model, bright red-haired beauty, was born in Kyiv on 10/07/1982.


There were no musicians in Anastasia’s family, but there were creatively gifted people. Her mother was a talented painter, painted fabrics, and sewed beautifully. Anastasia’s father is a doctor, worked in the intensive care unit, saved people’s lives. The girl inherited extraordinary creative abilities from her mother, and learned to love life and make independent decisions from her father.

Anastasia in childhood

Nastya showed her acting talents from the very beginning early childhood. However, not only she - her brother, the popular actor Pavel Maikov, also began performing on stage in his childhood. So their love for the stage and creativity runs in the family.

Already at the age of 4, Nastya began attending classes at a music school, and after them she enjoyed studying in one of the best dance ensembles in the city, “Kiyanochka”.

In 1992, in order to provide children with a decent future and help them fully realize their innate talents, the family decided to move to Moscow. There Nastya goes straight to secondary school and continues to make music. But after some time, my mother found out about the enrollment of children in the music and theater school at the Luna Theater and took her daughter there.

Literally a few months later, the young talent was appreciated, and she received the main role in the children's musical “Fanta Infanta”. Or rather, several roles at once - according to the script, the girl was supposed to transform into very different images. And the little girl surprisingly easily coped with such a difficult acting task. With the theater troupe she went on her first tour of Russia and neighboring countries.

The theater studio turned out to be an excellent school acting. Young talents staged very complex performances, in which many performed vocal parts on their own. In fact, fully formed professional artists emerged from its walls. Therefore, the question of what to do after receiving the certificate did not even arise.

Carier start

In fact, the beginning of Stotskaya’s theatrical career coincided with her enrollment in the first year of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, where the talented actor Sergei Prokhanov became her leader. She immediately began playing in various performances and often went on tour with the choir. Pyatnitsky, where she started singing at school. Then she dyed her hair bright red and became even more noticeable.

But the stellar year for the singer was 2002, when she made a brilliant debut in three musicals at once. First, with his mentor Sergei Prokhanov in the provocative musical “Lips” based on Nabokov’s story. Then she herself went to the casting, during which the troupe was selected for the production of Notre Dame de Paris.

And when a friend invited her to “Lips” saw the performance of the young artist, he immediately offered her one of the main roles in his musical “Chicago.” Naturally, the young actress could not refuse a star of such magnitude. The workload was simply inhuman, but Anastasia was so happy and absorbed in her new roles that she was ready to work 25 hours a day.

Shortly before the premiere of “Chicago,” the young singer began to have serious problems with her studies - she simply did not physically have time to attend lectures, although she was a full-time student. The question of expulsion has even arisen. But Philip Kirkorov stood up for Anastasia and invited teachers to the premiere of the musical. As a result, they counted the artist’s work as a diploma and transferred her to the next year.

Solo career

My solo singing career Stotskaya began after the troupe of the musical “Chicago” returned from a large tour, having traveled almost half the world. The initiator of Stotskaya’s new project and its main producer was the same Philip Kirkorov.

He chose several songs for Anastasia’s debut album and shot her first video for the song “Veins-Rivers”, which became business card artists.

He persuaded Anastasia to perform at the prestigious festival of young performers in Jurmala, although Nastya herself believed that she, as an already promoted performer, did not need the “New Wave”. However, the mentor was right. It was there that the girl declared herself as an accomplished solo performer. And immediately after the festival she went on tour in this capacity.

For some time, Stotskaya did not work with Kirkorov, because she felt that her mentor was interfering in her personal life. He assessed the girl’s protests as an outbreak of star fever. Without his support, Stotskaya’s career as a singer began to gradually fade away. However, she successfully realized herself as a model, including for men's magazines.

However, in 2009, the long-awaited reconciliation for everyone (including the singer’s fans) came, which resulted in a new rise for Stotskaya. At the same time, she began to appear frequently on television. She takes an active part in various music programs and popular shows. During my creative activity Stotskaya has already released seven full-length albums.

Personal life

The singer’s personal life was almost not discussed by journalists. Although after Anastasia started solo career under the auspices of Kirkorov, everyone started talking about the fact that it is not only creativity that binds these artists. But no one managed to get confirmation of the rumors.

Only much later did journalists learn that in 2003 Stotskaya’s quiet and modest wedding with Alexei Sekirin took place. Anastasia had known him for many years - they studied together at school at the Moon Theater. But the marriage turned out to be shorter than their previous acquaintance, and in 2009 they divorced.

With Alexey Sekirin

Then the singer was credited with a number of whirlwind romances with movie and pop stars. Either they were too short-lived, or the rumors again turned out to be unfounded, but of all the names of the alleged gentlemen, only one is reliably known - Alexei Ledenev, with whom the singer took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

With Alexey Ledenev

In 2010, Anastasia again goes down the aisle. And again in a mysterious atmosphere. Everything that is known about her current wife, this is his name - Sergey and the fact that he is successfully engaged in business.

With husband Sergei and son

A year later, the couple had their first child. But after a couple of months, Anastasia appeared on stage again, as slender and sexy as before giving birth.

Several years ago, the name of singer and actress Anastasia Stotskaya did not leave the pages of newspapers and magazines. Some of them were related to her professional activity. Her mother saw the talent of an actress in little Nastya. While still living in Kyiv, the girl was sent to a creative circle. Afterwards, the family moved to Moscow, where Nastya became a student at the studio at the Luna Theater. There she fully demonstrated her talent and managed to play roles in famous musicals.

Then followed her solo career, which Philip Kirkorov himself undertook to develop. Its beginning was marked by a victory at the “New Wave” song competition.

Next, Nastya shot several videos and recorded songs that the whole country sang. She became the winner of numerous competitions and even participated in the selection for Eurovision. But, after such success, the singer suddenly disappeared from the screens and broadcasts. It turned out that she broke up with her producer.

It seemed to her that he was interfering in her personal life and she was not going to tolerate it. After some time, Stotskaya and Kirkorov made peace, but now the girl had other priorities. She wanted a strong family.

Despite the fact that rumors about the singer’s numerous affairs appeared in the press every now and then, in fact she was married only twice. Nastya got married for the first time when she was 21 years old. Her husband was her stage and theater colleague Alexei Sekirin. The future spouses began their careers together at the Luna Theater.

The couple secretly got married in one of the cathedrals, since producer Stotskaya opposed this marriage. Kirkorov believed that this marriage would harm the career of his ward. But after the wedding, the girl did not devote less time to music, so her mentor’s fears were in vain.

The couple Nastya and Alexey looked happy, but in reality everything was not like that. The young people often quarreled. The reason for this was Alexei’s constant reproaches. According to Nastya, her husband constantly reproached her about domestic issues, although she kept the house clean and tidy. Five years later, the couple decided to file for divorce.

They separated quietly and without scandals. Alexey did not claim the apartment and other property acquired during marriage, he left everything ex-wife. Anastasia and Alexey do not hold a grudge against each other and continue to communicate.

After the divorce, the beauty was lonely for some time. According to press publications, she changed the men in her life like gloves. Only the lazy one didn’t write about her possible romance with Philip Kirkorov. Even after Stotskaya got married a second time and gave birth to two children, this topic did not lose its relevance.

The press announced the singer’s affair with Vlad Topalov and Dmitry Nosov. But Nastya did not confirm any of these speculations. When did she have romantic relationship with her Dancing with the Stars partner, she didn’t hide it. But the romance between the young people ended.

The singer always tried to keep her personal life secret. Journalists learned that Anastasia had a lover when it was time for the wedding. But they were unable to find out who managed to win the heart of the red-haired beauty.

In 2010, Anastasia Stotskaya became the wife of a businessman named Sergei. The wedding came as a surprise to her fans, because until the very moment of the wedding, nothing was known either about the affair or about the star’s future husband. The press only managed to find out that the singer’s husband is Armenian by nationality and owns a restaurant in Moscow. The couple met on vacation in the UAE.

Interesting notes:

For a long time Nastya did not show her husband’s face. According to her, Sergei is absolutely not a public person and does not like attention to his person. The singer did not name her husband’s last name even eight years after the wedding.

For the first time, Stotskaya showed her husband’s face to fans in a photograph after the birth of her son Alexander, which was born in 2011. The reason for this again was gossip. Evil tongues unanimously claimed that Nastya gave birth to a child from Philip Kirkorov, the sons of these two artists were so similar. Then the girl published a photo of her husband to make it clear who her son looked like.

In 2016, Stotskaya delighted fans good news. A new addition was expected to her family. At the beginning of 2017, the singer gave birth to a daughter. She hid this news from journalists for some time and did not even mention the baby’s name. When she grew up a little, Anastasia published a photo of the child, covering her face with hearts and said that she and her husband chose the name Vera for their daughter.

Now Anastasia Stotskaya has devoted herself almost entirely to her family. She occasionally participates in group concerts; more often she can be seen as a participant in music shows. The artist tries to protect her happiness from prying eyes.

It is hardly possible to find out the details of her family life until the singer herself tells them to journalists. But why know all the details of her personal life, because just look at Anastasia to understand that she has found her family happiness and enjoys it.

Anastasia Stotskaya – Russian singer, actress, star of musicals. She played in the most popular metropolitan productions - “Notre Dame de Paris”, “Chicago”, “Cabaret”. For a long time, her producer was the King of Pop.

Anastasia Alexandrovna Stotskaya is from Kiev. She was born in October 1982. The future singer’s mother worked as a textile artist, and her father worked as a resuscitator. When Nastya was only four years old, her mother took her daughter to the vocal and choreographic ensemble “Kiyanochka”.

Anastasia Stotskaya lived in the capital of Ukraine for 10 years, after which her family moved to Moscow. The reason was the admission of Nastya’s brother on her mother’s side - (Bee in the series) - to the capital's GITIS. First, my mother went to Moscow to support her son, and then my father and Anastasia joined the family.

Since 1993, the Stotskys have lived in Moscow. At first the family settled in Mytishchi, in a simple working-class area. The girl studied at a regular school and went to Moscow almost every day to study dancing. One day, Nastya’s mother found a newspaper advertisement that the Moon Theater was recruiting a new troupe. We decided that Nastya should try to enroll. Seeing the girl’s abilities, Prokhanov immediately accepted her into his studio. A year later, young Anastasia Stotskaya made her debut with the play “Fanta-Infanta”.

At this time, Nastya studied at a school with in-depth study of music and choreography. Upon completion, the girl did not have to think long about where to go. It so happened that this year Sergei Prokhanov was taking a course at the Russian Academy theatrical arts(RATI-GITIS) with a degree in musical actor. He invited the talented student Stotskaya to come to him.

In the first year the girl changed her color Brown hair in red color.


When Nastya was a third-year student at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, Sergei Prokhanov offered her the main role in the musical “Lips” based on the novel “Camera Obscura”. This is how the young artist first began to combine studies and rehearsals.

At the same time, famous producers Katerina von Gechmen-Waldeck and Alexander Weinstein arrived in Moscow. They announced a casting for the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”. Many artists came to audition, Anastasia was among them. Later in her interview, Katerina said that as soon as she saw Anastasia Stotskaya at the casting, she immediately wrote the role of Fleur-de-Lys into her profile.

Another thing happened that same year significant event in the life of an artist. He made his debut in the musical "Lips". He performed the role of Segelkrans and once invited Philip Kirkorov to the performance. Philip Bedrosovich was so delighted with the acting, plasticity and voice of an unfamiliar artist that he immediately took her to the main role in his musical “Chicago”.

Because of the musical, the rehearsals of which took up a lot of Stotskaya’s time, she began to have serious problems at the institute. Nastya had to skip classes. They even wanted to expel the student from the 4th year, since she could not participate in the graduation performance due to her busy schedule. But “Chicago” was counted as Anastasia Stotskaya’s thesis.

After some break, Stotskaya returned to work in musicals. This happened in 2009. The actress performed brilliantly in the Russian interpretation of the American play “Cabaret.” The audience gave the “Russian Liza Minnelli” a standing ovation.

Anastasia Stotskaya and Philip Kirkorov in the musical "Chicago"

When they played the hundredth performance of “Chicago”, Kirkorov invited Stotskaya to start a solo career and undertook to produce it. I must say that this year was very generous for the Stotsky family: Nastya got a famous producer, and brother Pavel Maikov woke up famous after the release of “The Brigade”.

In August of the same year, the young performer won the “New Wave” in Jurmala, performing an English jazz composition, a children’s song “Orange Sky” and the song “Veins-Rivers”.

Video clip of Stotskaya “River Vienna”

Since 2002, Stotskaya, under the strict guidance of Kirkorov, has recorded several songs for her debut solo album. Many songs instantly become hits and enter all sorts of charts. After the “New Wave”, Nastya’s first video appeared for the already beloved composition “Veins-Rivers”. With this composition, Anastasia was nominated for “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year”.

From 2003 until the end of 2004, Anastasia Stotskaya actively toured. She gave almost 300 concerts. Between performances, she released two singles, which became top sellers. Russian market. The red-haired beauty was also invited to photo shoots for Vogue, Playboy, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, Harper’s Bazaar, Officiel and HELLO! Most of these photosets can be found on the singer’s official website.

In January 2004, Anastasia presented to the public new song"Give Me 5 Minutes" became a hit. A little later, a song was released, sung in a duet with Kirkorov, “And you will say...”, which hit all the charts. In the same 2004, Stotskaya, under the direction of Steven Bud, recorded her first European hit “Tease”.

In 2005, Stotskaya took part in the Russian qualifying round for the Eurovision Song Contest.

For some time, Nastya did not communicate with her famous mentor Philip Kirkorov. The reason for the disagreement was Kirkorov’s call to Stotskaya’s parents. The girl did not like this interference in her life. The fact is that in 2007, scandalous photographs of Nastya appeared in the tabloids, where she allegedly smoked “weed.” For a week her name did not leave the front pages of the yellow press, everyone was vying with each other to say that Stotskaya was a drug addict.

Anastasia Stotskaya in the show “One to One”

Two years later, the singer and mentor made peace. Proof of the improved relationship was the appearance on the eve of 2009 of Anastasia in Kirkorov’s video “Just Give Me” for the film “Love in big city" Stotskaya, by the way, starred in the second part of this story.

And in a cameo role, the singer appeared in the television series “” and.

Anastasia is a frequent guest on television. In 2011, she participated in the “Parade of Stars” on the Rossiya TV channel, where she performed the fiery song “Bamboleo”. In 2013, she appeared in the show “One on One” and reached the final, taking 5th place. In April 2014, the singer became a guest of the “Alone with Everyone” program.

In 2016, the fourth season of One to One was released. Battle of the Seasons”, in which Stotskaya also took part.

She also came to the program “ Fashionable verdict", where she acted as a star expert. There, in an interview, she admitted that she would never wear a tight dress. According to her, her figure does not allow her to do this. She was not afraid to make fun of herself, declaring that she calls herself .

She regularly helped the participants of the Star Factory. Anastasia sang “River Veins” with Anastasia, and performed the song “Cool” with her. After this, the audience sang for a long time, “The waves are beating, but it doesn’t hurt me...”. And with the participants of the 5th season of “Factory,” the singer sang the song “And You Will Say.”

Personal life

The personal life of Anastasia Stotskaya is as rich as her creative life. In 2003, the singer secretly got married in one of the Kostroma churches to an actor who is famous general public for the role of Eugene's neighbor in the sitcom. The future spouses met at the Luna Theater, where they worked together. The family broke up after 5 years, but without scandal or division of property. During their marriage, they bought a one-room apartment on Kolomenskaya in half, which Alexey left to Anastasia.

After the divorce of Stotskaya and Sekirin, news about the singer’s romances with many stars, including Philip Kirkorov, began to appear in the tabloids with enviable regularity. But only one affair between Stotskaya and Alexei Ledenev, her partner on the show “Dancing with the Stars,” is known for certain. However, this relationship ended quickly.

In 2010, it became known that Anastasia Stotskaya’s personal life had taken a serious turn: the singer married businessman Sergei. Nastya does not reveal her husband’s last name. It is only known that the couple met while on vacation in Dubai. Sergey is Armenian by origin, the owner of an Armenian restaurant in Moscow. In 2011, the couple had a son, Alexander.

When photos of the boy appeared on the Internet, it gave rise to a whole wave of conversations around him. Fans were puzzled by the striking similarity between the sons of Nastya and Philip Kirkorov. Collages began to appear regularly on the Internet, comparing Sasha and Martin. Many did not hesitate to express their assumptions that Nastya and her husband were deceiving everyone and in fact she gave birth to a child from Philip Bedrosovich.

At the beginning of 2017, it became known that the singer. May 7, 2017 Anastasia Stotskaya. The star gave birth to a daughter in one of the maternity hospitals in Moscow, where she was supported by her loving husband and relatives. Stotskaya's daughter was born with classic parameters - height 53 cm and weight 3370 g. The girl was named Vera.

The actress is an active user social networks, she constantly posts new photos and videos in “ Instagram" After the birth of her daughter, Anastasia changed her image - she cut off her hair and dyed her hair brunette. Fans also suspected the singer of plastic surgery. But she didn’t hide the fact that she regularly gets “beauty” injections.

Stotskaya first published a photo of her daughter in January 2018, and although she covered her face with a “heart,” talk began again that the baby was a copy of Kirkorov. However, the singer does not consider it necessary to prove anything to anyone. The main thing is that her husband Sergei does not pay attention to such tactless interference in their personal life.

Anastasia Stotskaya now

Literally three months after the birth of her daughter, Anastasia announced that very soon it would be possible to see her at the Moscow “Theater of the Moon”, where the premiere of the musical “The Seagull” based on the play of the same name will take place. She will play the role of Arkadina, and her son will play Treplev.

Also in 2017, Stotskaya recorded a duet with singer Edgar called “Two Rings.”

And in May 2018, news appeared on the Internet that the singer had become a victim of Internet scammers. She decided to purchase a bag and sneakers from Louis Vuitton via the Internet, transferred 140 thousand rubles, as it turned out, to the scammers’ card, but never received the goods.


  • 2003 – “River Veins”
  • 2004 – “Give me five minutes”
