Western European countries. List of Western European countries: general characteristics

The European region, due to the impressive area of ​​its territory, provides for the division of states into several groups based on geography. The countries of Western Europe are traditionally popular with tourists from all over the world, due to the abundance of cultural, natural and historical attractions.

The group of countries belonging to Western Europe is traditionally considered one of the most highly developed and prosperous, since the standard of living and income of citizens here is at a consistently high level. At the same time, the region is characterized by demographic problems, Related low level fertility and insufficient natural growth.

The following states belong to such a geographical association:

  • Belgium.
  • Germany.
  • Switzerland.
  • Great Britain.
  • Ireland.
  • France.
  • Liechtenstein.
  • Monaco.
  • Netherlands.

These countries are mostly washed by the Atlantic Ocean, however, minor areas in the northern part of the region border the Arctic Ocean

Each of these states boasts an abundance of attractions, which is why it is advisable to study them in more detail.

Austria, Belgium, Germany

One of the most popular countries in Western Europe among tourists is Austria. It boasts an abundance of historical attractions, as well as interesting entertainment program. Austrian architecture deserves special mention, as it is an interweaving of different styles.

The hallmark of Austria are various fortresses and castles of the medieval period, as well as the famous Viennese palaces.

The impregnable Hohensalzburg, located near the Alps, is one of the most ancient fortresses - it is more than 1,000 years old.

The most popular cities among tourists are:

  • Vein.
  • Innsbruck.
  • Salzburg.

However, in addition to architectural sites, Austria also boasts an impressive list of ski resorts. They represent the optimal combination of price and quality, with diversity considered their main advantage.

There are over 1,000 places throughout the country that can be used for skiing. Among them there are both large sports complexes and relatively small villages, which allows each tourist to choose the right option.

Another popular destination among travelers is Belgium, which is usually included in a package tour to Europe. The small size of this country is compensated by the abundance of attractions and their diversity. While in Belgium, it is advisable to visit the famous Royal Palace, as well as St. Michael's Cathedral.

Map of Belgium with landmarks

The most popular city where most tourists come is Brussels, however, to get a complete picture of the culture and attractions of this state, it is advisable to visit:

  • Bruges.
  • Antwerp.
  • Ghent.

Each of these cities has a unique atmosphere and unique style, which makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations. In Belgium it is relatively underdeveloped leisure Therefore, the traveler is recommended to focus on sightseeing trips.

Germany appears to be one of the largest countries in the region and boasts an abundance of interesting tourist attractions. First of all, these are medieval castles traditional for Western Europe, some of which date back to the 13th century or more. early periods.

When planning to visit Germany, it is advisable to broaden your horizons by visiting not only its capital - Berlin, but also other large cities - Munich and Dresden, where tourists are welcome National parks, museums, natural attractions.

Switzerland, UK, Ireland

It seems to be a popular destination among tourists wishing to visit Western Europe. This state is traditionally famous for its ski resorts, popular among travelers. However, Switzerland also has many historical attractions and unique natural sites.

In the northern part of Switzerland there is the Rhine Falls, which is rightfully considered the largest object of its kind located in Europe

In the southwest, travelers can enjoy the beauty of Europe's largest lake, Lake Geneva. His characteristic feature crystal clear, calm water appears, which makes the pond look like a large mirror.

Among the countries of Western Europe, one cannot fail to mention the UK, which is consistently one of the most popular tourist destinations. On its territory there are many ancient castles and fortresses, as well as Gothic cathedrals that deserve the attention of tourists.

It is also necessary to mention the famous British universities, which are not only the most prestigious in the world educational institutions, but also genuine architectural monuments.

Among the most developed economically and socially countries of Western Europe should also include Ireland, which boasts a distinctive culture, an abundance of attractions and incredible beautiful nature. Despite this, this direction does not enjoy impressive popularity among tourists, in comparison with its analogues.

France, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg

When planning a trip to Western Europe, most tourists necessarily include a visit to their tour, since this state is one of the most colorful in the region. There are over 40 thousand castles on its territory, and the abundance of cultural attractions and affordable costs of recreation make the destination extremely popular.

In addition to the Louvre, Versailles and the Eiffel Tower, numerous restaurants and cafes deserve the traveler's attention, which will allow you to appreciate the features and nuances of local cuisine.

Among the interesting objects in France is the Normandy Bridge, which is the largest bridge in Europe

The Principality of Liechtenstein, located near Austria and Switzerland, is considered one of the most modest states in the world. Among the local attractions that attract many tourists here, the following deserve mention:

  • the city of Vaduz, where many buildings from the early Middle Ages are located;
  • Rhine River;
  • Castle Gutenberg.

Due to the small size of this country, a tourist will be able to explore the most interesting sights in a few days, which makes this destination optimal as part of a comprehensive tour.

Luxembourg also has a relatively small area, where tourists can find many interesting objects. First of all, this National Museum, which features unique exhibitions, as well as the famous Notre Dame Cathedral, which is an example of Gothic architecture.

Travelers will also be able to appreciate the Grand Ducal Palace and the city of Esch-sur-Alzette, built in the 19th century.

Western Europe is the name given to a group of European states united along certain political, cultural and geographical lines. In the years Cold War The division was established based on participation in the NATO bloc. After the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, a new division of countries took hold. The region of Western Europe now includes Belgium, Monaco, and according to some sources, according to others, this includes as many as 26 countries.

The countries of Western Europe are united not only geographical location, but also close economic and political ties. According to the form of government, about half of the countries are still monarchies, the rest are republics.

Geographical position

Western Europe occupies the western part of the Eurasian continent, washed mainly by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and only in the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula - by the waters of the North Arctic Ocean. Despite the “mosaic” nature of the relief of Western Europe, the borders between individual countries, as well as the border separating Western Europe and Eastern Europe, passes mainly along natural boundaries that do not create serious obstacles to transport connections.

The economic and geopolitical situation of the region is very favorable. This is due to the fact that,

  • firstly, the countries of the subregion either access the sea or are located at a short distance from it (no further than 480 km), which contributes to the development of economic ties.
  • secondly, the neighboring position of these countries in relation to each other is very important.
  • Thirdly, natural conditions The region as a whole is favorable for the development of both industry and agriculture.

Natural conditions and resources

The territory of Western Europe lies within tectonic structures of different ages: Precambrian, Caledonian, Hercynian and the youngest - Cenozoic. As a result of complex geological history formation of Europe within the subregion, four large orographic belts were formed, successively replacing each other in the direction from north to south (plateaus and highlands of Fennoscandia, the Central European Plain, the middle mountains of Central Europe and the alpine highlands and middle mountains occupying it southern part). Accordingly, the composition of minerals in the northern (platform) and southern (folded) parts of the region differs significantly.

The region plays a very prominent role in the world economy and world politics; it has become one of the centers of world civilization, the homeland of great geographical discoveries, industrial revolution, urban agglomerations. Western Europe is a dynamic region of the world economy, characterized by the specifics of international economic relations.

The hydropower resources of Western Europe are quite large, but are concentrated mainly in the Alps, Scandinavian and Dinaric mountains.

In the past, Western Europe was almost entirely covered with various forests: taiga, mixed, deciduous and subtropical forests. But centuries-old economic use of the territory has led to the destruction of natural forests, and secondary forests have grown in their place in some countries. Sweden and Finland have the greatest natural prerequisites for forestry, where typical forest landscapes predominate.

Western Europe. Population

In general, Western Europe (like Eastern Europe) is distinguished by a complex and unfavorable demographic situation. Firstly, this is explained by the low birth rate and, accordingly, the low level of natural increase. The lowest birth rates are in Greece, Italy, and Germany (up to 10%). In Germany there is even a population decline. At the same time, the age composition of the population is changing towards a decrease in the proportion of children and an increase in the proportion of older people. New for Europe is the influx of so-called refugees from Syria, Iraq and other countries affected by ISIS.

Before National composition The population was quite homogeneous, since the vast majority of the 62 peoples of the region belong to the Indo-European language family.

In all countries of Western Europe, the dominant religion is Christianity.

Western Europe is one of the most densely populated regions of the world; the distribution of its population is primarily determined by the geography of its cities. Urbanization level - 70-90%

Western Europe is a region of special history, culture, politics and economics. This is the core and basis of modern European Union. The fates of hundreds of millions of people, representatives of several dozen different nationalities, who, however, coexist in a single economic and political space, are intertwined here.


Western Europe is a region distinguished by geographical, linguistic, cultural, political and national characteristics. Historically, the Western European region includes 11 countries: Great Britain, Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Monaco. However, there are many disputes about the affiliation of countries from this list. Thus, some scientists identify Great Britain and Ireland as a separate region, while others classify Germany, Austria and Switzerland as Central Europe. There is no agreement about the status of their neighbors. There is a theory of “greater Western Europe”, where Spain, Portugal, Andorra, San Marino, Vatican City, Italy, the Czech Republic and Slovakia are added to the group of countries mentioned above. On this moment The opinion of the UN prevails, which places 9 out of 11 states in this region, excluding Great Britain and Ireland.

Western Europe extends over a little over 1,231,000 kilometers, which is approximately 12-13% of the total area of ​​the Old World.


The population of the nine countries of the Western European region is approximately 202 million. It is here that the largest countries by population located entirely in Europe are located - Germany and France. Together, these two countries are home to 16% of the total population of the Old World.

Western Europe is multilingual, although there are only eight main languages: French, German, Italian, Dutch, Flemish, Luxembourgish and Monegasque. Flemish is the official language of Belgium, spoken by 58% of the country's population. Monegasque and Luxembourgish are the main languages ​​of Monaco and Luxembourg respectively. Almost every country in Western Europe, with the exception of Germany and France, speaks two or more languages. For example, Switzerland uses three state languages- German, French and Italian.

The main religion is Christianity, represented by all major faiths.

An interesting fact is that most of the Western European population lives in cities.

Brief history of the region

Modern Western Europe was formed on the ruins of the Roman Empire: the beginning of formation nation states followed immediately after its collapse. The first such state can be considered the Frankish Kingdom, formed in the 5th century AD and considered the predecessor of modern France. Modern Germany was the last to be formed; this happened at the end of the 19th century.

Despite Muslim conquests in Southern Europe, the western part of the continent always remained Christian. It was local knights who went on crusades, and it was here that Protestantism, a new Christian movement, arose in the 16th century. In the 20th century, almost all of the countries of Western Europe (excluding Switzerland) joined NATO - one of the two world military-political blocs.

Western Europe and Russia

The history of relations between Western Europe and Russia is a history of alternating friendship and rivalry. It is known for certain that contacts between Western European states and our country existed back in the 11th century: Anna, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, was married to the French king Henry I. However, economic and political ties became widespread after the “great embassy” of Peter I. Since then Since then, relations between countries have been a series of wars and participation in allied blocs, economic support and embargoes, cultural exchange and deliberate military isolation. Russia fought against Western European states in both world wars, in the Seven Years' War, in Patriotic War 1812, in Crimean War and many others. Cultural exchange reached its peak in the 19th century, when almost all of the Russian nobility spoke French and German languages. Unfortunately, this interest waned in the 20th century and has only just begun to revive in the last two decades.


The culture of Western Europe is permeated with Christian influence, the echoes of which are still felt today. Some of the main attractions of European cities are majestic Gothic cathedrals, for example: the cathedral in Cologne and Notre Dame de Paris in the capital of France.

Western Europe has always been the flagship of current trends in culture and art: in the 18th century it was classicism, in the 19th - romanticism, modernism and postmodernism in the 20th. At the moment, Western Europe, like the rest of the world, is dominated by pop culture that has been emerging since the 1960s.

Even earlier, the great French architect Le Corbusier formulated the “five starting points of architecture,” which, to one degree or another, shaped the appearance of many modern Western European cities. These are the rules: pillars, flat roofs, terraces, open plan, strip windows and free façade.


Western Europe is one of the main driving forces world economy. Today the share of the West European countries accounting for 24% of the planet's total GDP, or just under 40 thousand euros per inhabitant. The highest figure is in Luxembourg - 73 thousand per capita. The lowest figure is in France - 29.3 thousand.

The development of Western Europe directly depends on the development of its main driving forces - Germany, France and the Netherlands, which are unique “donors” of the European Union. Thus, Germany gives 12 million euros more than it receives.

The main trading partners of Western European countries include China, Japan, the USA and Russia. The main export items: machinery, equipment and computers, which indicates the orientation of the economy towards the development of high technologies. Imports are directly related to the availability of natural resources.

Overall, the Western European economy is characterized by low unemployment, low inflation and sustainable development.


United Germany is a young state that was formed in 1990 by uniting two parts - western (Germany) and eastern (GDR). Germany ranks 62nd in the world by area and 16th by population. More than 82 million people live on its territory. Germany is in 5th place in the world in terms of GDP and 4th in terms of index human development(very tall).

Despite the fact that Germany is a secular country, 65% of Germans profess Christianity. This is a very high figure. The migration balance is skewed towards immigration: in 2013, 1.2 million people came to Germany, and 700 thousand left.

The capital and largest city is Berlin, which has a population of more than 3.5 million people. Official language The state is German. Germany is divided into 16 federal states.


France is the largest country in Western Europe by area, ranking 48th in the world by this indicator. The country's population is just over 66 million, including 2 million living in the overseas territories. In terms of GDP and HDI, France is inferior to Germany, nevertheless occupying leading positions in these indicators - 8th and 21st places in the world, respectively.

18 regions and 101 departments form the administrative-territorial division of France. Most of the population professes Catholicism. Capital and largest city is Paris - its population is about 2.2 million people. French recognized as official. It is spoken by the majority of the country's population.

Industry, agriculture, energy, mining, trade and tourism play a significant role in the French economy. The latter annually brings more than $40 billion to the treasury.

Western European countries are considered the most developed region in the world. Residents of other countries have always associated these states with beauty, wealth, serenity and prosperous capitalism. Which countries are included in the Western group, what are their characteristics and prospects, we will consider further.

The phenomenon of the emergence of European civilization has been causing conflicting opinions for many centuries. There are several theories. According to one of them, the ancient Greeks became the founders of Western European civilization. According to another opinion, its origins occurred in the 15th and 16th centuries during the period of major geographical discoveries and the emergence of capitalist reformations.

The countries of Europe have gone through a series of turning points. For many centuries this territory passed through numerous stages of development. She changed many moral principles and goals. For modern man it is the most developed region on the planet.

To the main list Western countries included powers that are conditionally divided into four groups:

  • large;
  • small;
  • smaller;
  • dwarf.

A total of about 300 million people live in all countries. Many of them are immigrants who came to the West in search of good jobs. Migrant workers account for about 20 million people.

Most of the powers of Western Europe are members of the European Union. This is the largest association of states, which is a leader in the volume of industrial and small-scale production. The countries are economically developed, so the region is considered financially secure.

Important! Western countries have a very rich culture. World famous musicians, artists, writers, and athletes were born in this territory.

Differences from other regions of the planet

The countries of Western Europe have a number of features that distinguish them from other countries of the world:

  1. Language. Almost every nation in Western Europe uses languages ​​that belong to the Germanic and Romance languages ​​for communication and writing. The most common is English. This language is considered native to almost 400 million inhabitants. Even non-Germanic languages ​​once underwent strong Germanization. These include Hungarian, Slovak and Czech languages.
  2. Alphabet. The indigenous people of the western region, as well as the colonies that were once under their control, use the Latin alphabet, which appeared in the 7th century BC.
  3. Religion. Most of the nations of Europe embrace Protestantism and Catholicism. Among the population there is a huge percentage of atheists who do not welcome any religion. Catholicism in the 10th century became independent part Orthodoxy. After 400 years, Catholics began to abuse their religious views, so Protestantism arose as a counterweight.

List of Western European countries

According to geographical location The list of Western countries includes the following states:

  • Austria;
  • Belgium;
  • Great Britain;
  • Germany;
  • Ireland;
  • Liechtenstein;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Monaco;
  • Netherlands;
  • France;
  • Switzerland.

Western powers are also located in Northern and Central Europe. Therefore, the list can be supplemented:

  • Greece;
  • Denmark;
  • Iceland;
  • Cyprus;
  • Malta;
  • Norway;
  • Portugal;
  • Finland.

The listed countries are part of the European Union.

Many people also include the United States in the Western Euroregion, New Zealand, South Korea, Australia, Canada and Japan. However, not all states meet the criteria by which they can be considered representatives of Western territories.

Western civilization

Western civilization is usually called a complex of cultural, economic and political aspects. It is characterized by constant development and the unbridled desire of a person for new achievements. It is characterized by expanded democracy, market relations, developing production.

The West is characterized by such features as prosperity, cultural wealth, and developed infrastructure. Residents of the region live in freedom, high salaries and a decent standard of living.

The West is the most advanced in the economic sphere. 25 European countries are located in leading positions in the world economy. Story economic development began after the approval in 1957 of the Rome Agreement establishing the European economic community. After this historical moment, these countries experienced rapid economic growth.

Today's Western Europe adheres to one economic mechanism. The share of these states in world GDP is 24%. There are four most economically developed powers in the region. They own 70% of GDP. This large countries, populated big amount of people.

Germany is the first of the four. Each resident accounts for more than 47 thousand dollars of GDP. The German economy is the largest in Europe. She exports greatest number machines, equipment and chemicals.

The UK is a leader in the services sector. Almost 75% of the population works in the field of insurance, banking and other services. The share of industry is decreasing every year. Today, manufacturing and mining remain the developed industries in the UK. Agriculture provides only 1% of GDP.

France is in third place. It is also represented by the service sector, as well as transport and oil and gas production.

Italy closes the top four. But the country is gradually plunging into a state of crisis, and it remains to be seen whether it will be able to regain its position. According to many experts, Italy is the weak link of the European Union, since both economic and demographic indicators are declining. In the event of a default, the state will become main reason collapse of the world economy.

Other countries

The remaining powers on the list are small-industrial. The share of GDP in these countries is much lower than that of the top four:

  • The Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium – 20%;
  • residents of Norway, Austria, Finland, Denmark and Greece get 8%;
  • for Malta, Portugal, Iceland, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Ireland the GDP is only 2%.

The vector of economic development of Western European countries is not uniform. It is characterized by leaps, rapid growth and equally rapid decline.

Today, the region has plunged into a state of crisis, which arose due to a decrease in production and trade volumes in the sphere of ferrous metal, coal mining and the textile industry.

Western countries have good scientific and technological potential, which opens up great prospects for them. Europe is accustomed to investing heavily in science financial resources, the size of which often reaches 2% of GDP. By the way, the USA invests up to 16%, while Japan invests less than the West.

Important! Today the Eurozone is actively increasing the number of nuclear power plants and producing large volumes of medicines, is a leader in certain branches of mechanical engineering and the production of communications equipment.

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Let's sum it up

The agricultural sector accounts for 8%. But the number of people involved in cultivating land and raising livestock has been rapidly declining over the years, although production volumes are growing. Germany, the United Kingdom and France remain the leaders in agricultural production.

Western Europe- a region that includes mainly the states of the Germans and Celts. One of the most developed economic regions of the planet. The beginning of the formation of Western Europe is considered to be the collapse of the Roman Empire, its division into Eastern and Western.

List of Western European countries: Austria, Belgium, Andorra, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland and France. The last noticeable changes to the map of Western Europe occurred around the 11th century; it is not for nothing that this part is considered the “old world”. The states of Western Europe are divided into four groups (large, medium, small and dwarf states).

About 296 million people live in Western Europe. And of these, approximately 20 million foreign workers, Western Europe is a kind of immigration hotspot of the world. The population of Western Europe belongs to the Indo-European language family, the Romance and Germanic groups.

The most big country in Western Europe - France, its area is 549.2 thousand km2, while it is also the richest and oldest country in this part of Europe.

Western Europe is a region that ranks first in terms of the size of small-scale economic and industrial production, in the export of goods, in gold and currency reserves, in development international tourism. Distinctive feature Western Europe is considered to have a high level of development of integration processes. The development of Western Europe as a region is determined by the contribution of all countries in the region, but mainly the most developed - France, Germany, and Great Britain.

The cultural heritage of Western Europe is a world treasure trove of extraordinarily beautiful and famous works art. In the history of Western Culture, one can trace many cultural events that remain in the memory of the whole world, as well as thousands of names of famous artists, musicians, and sculptors are associated with the countries of Western Europe.

To the very the most beautiful cities Western Europe includes: Paris, Amsterdam, London. Every year they attract millions of curious tourists. Tourist income from Western countries fills a large niche in the country's budget.
