Blueberry jam for the winter. Blueberry jam is considered the healthiest product

Blueberry jam is a canned product made from blueberries, boiled in a sugar solution. Blueberries are the leader in manganese content; they contain B vitamins, organic acids and are rich in atocyanins, which at the cellular level prevent the formation of unwanted tumors.

When adding sugar and boiling, most of the vitamins from blueberry jam, of course, disappear. However, in any form, blueberries are useful for those people who have to strain their eyesight.

During the Second World War, blueberries and blueberry jam were included in the diet of English pilots. A more popular way of preserving blueberries, preserving nutrients and vitamins, is blueberries pureed with sugar.

About the benefits of blueberries

Regular consumption of blueberries is a good preventive measure for preventing heart disease. Blueberries help maintain vision and improve the ability to see in the dark because they strengthen the blood vessels in the back of the eyes.

Blueberries act on blood vessels, strengthening them, which helps improve memory. Due to its effect on blood vessels, blueberries can also be used as a good anti-aging agent.

Blueberries help with genitourinary diseases: they prevent the appearance of prostate tumors at the cellular level. This is due to the fact that atocyanins in blueberries can delay the aging process in the human body.

Blueberry warns infectious diseases and can even maintain a normal weight.

Blueberry jam in cooking plays the role of filling for pies and decorating cakes. Its jam is also served with pancakes and pancakes.

Blueberry jam has strong coloring properties. In addition to temporarily turning the tongue blue-black, there is a danger of staining clear dental braces and bonding material.

Recipe "Jam with rum"

The sorted, rinsed blueberries are lightly crushed, about two tablespoons of water are added and boiled with constant stirring until the blueberry peel softens. Then add sugar in parts so that the boil does not interrupt, and after the last portion, cook a little more. Remove the jam from the stove and add rum.

Jars wrapped in a damp towel are filled to the brim with boiling jam, the edges are quickly wiped, the lids are quickly secured, the jars are turned upside down, covered with a cloth and left to cool. Then the jars are wiped with a damp cloth.

For 1 kg of blueberries: 250 - 300 g sugar, 2 spoons of rum

Recipe "Blueberries in syrup"

You need: water - 3 cups, blueberries - 5 cups, sugar - 7 cups.
Sort the berries and rinse. Bring water to a boil and add blueberries. When it boils again, add sugar. Cook for another 10-15 minutes, stirring gently. Pour hot into sterilized jars and let cool. The berries should not be boiled, but rather syrup like jelly.

Classic blueberry jam recipe

To prepare blueberry jam you will need the following ingredients: 1 kg of blueberries, 1.5 kg of sugar, 300 grams of water, 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid.

Before cooking blueberry jam, the berries should be washed, sorted and placed in boiling water for 3 minutes. Sugar and water should be mixed, boiled into syrup and strained through cheesecloth. Then, without allowing the syrup to cool, you need to pour the blueberries over them, put the syrup with blueberries on the fire and boil. Cook the jam for 30 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam. At the very end, add citric acid. Pour hot jam over prepared glass jars and roll it up immediately. Turn the jam jars over until they cool completely, then place them in a cool place.

Recipe for blueberry jam “Five Minutes”

Blueberry jam “Pyatiminutka” is quick and easy to prepare. To make jam you will need: 1 kilogram of blueberries and 1.5 kilograms of sugar.

Cover the washed berries with half the sugar and leave for 4-5 hours so that the berries release their juice. The blueberry juice should be drained, the remaining sugar should be added to it and the syrup should be boiled. Pour blueberries into the boiling syrup and boil the entire mixture for 5 minutes. After this, the jam should be put into jars and rolled up.

Recipe for blueberry jam “Five Minute Sweet”

Five-minute blueberry jam for 1 kg of berries - 0.5 kg of sugar. Pour the berries with sugar into a saucepan and heat, stirring, over low heat until the juice releases. Then increase the heat, cook after boiling for 5 minutes, then turn off and pour into hot jars. Close tightly.

Blueberry jam "Simple"

To do this, just sort and wash one kilogram of blueberries, and then place the berries in a saucepan. Add a little water and let the berries simmer over low heat.

When the mixture boils, add 300 grams of sugar and cook for some more time without ceasing to stir. Then the blueberry jam is put into jars and closed with a lid.

Blueberry jelly

800 g sugar, 20 ml water, 1 kg berries

The berries are passed through a meat grinder, the crushed mass is placed in an enamel bowl with water, heated to 70 ° C and kept at this temperature for 20 minutes. After this, the blueberries are pressed. Add sugar to the resulting juice, heat the juice over low heat until the sugar dissolves and filter the mixture through four layers of gauze. After this, the jelly is boiled until the original volume is reduced by 1/4, packaged and hermetically sealed.

Blueberries mashed with sugar

For 1 kilogram of fresh blueberries, 600 grams of sugar are required.

Sort the berries, rinse thoroughly, place on a sieve to dry the berries a little. Grind the berries in a blender or through a meat grinder with half the sugar. Pour the resulting berry puree into a bowl or pan and place on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.

When the berries have evaporated, add granulated sugar to them and mix everything thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as the first bubbles appear in the mixture, remove the container from the heat. Carefully pour the pureed blueberries and sugar into clean, sterilized jars and close the lids tightly. Prepared blueberries should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Blueberries pureed with sugar for the winter

blueberries 1kg, sugar 1.5kg

Sort the berries, rinse and grind through a meat grinder or in a blender. Sprinkle with half the amount of sugar. Transfer to clean jars and top with sugar again.

When the berries have settled and the syrup has released, add more sugar on top. It should remain dry on the surface at all times. Cover the filled jars with parchment paper and tie tightly with twine. Store blueberries pureed with sugar for the winter in a cool place.

Bon appetit!!!

I recently told you that I was in St. Petersburg and there I tried the delicious blueberry for the first time and we even made jam from it. Since now my daughter lives in a region where blueberries are abundant, I decided to make a selection of interesting recipes for blueberry jam for the winter, and prepare it different ways- without cooking, five minutes, thick, as well as jelly.

Of course, someone will say that this would be better healthy berries just freeze. I agree one hundred percent that it’s freezing The best way conservation. But personally, I and my daughter don’t have that much free space in the freezer, so I continue to make jam from different berries. But I try to preserve them as much as possible. beneficial features, so I use those recipes that require a minimum amount of time for preparation, and can be made without cooking.

I’ll start my review with just such a recipe for blueberry jam, we made it when I was in St. Petersburg.

Blueberry jam for the winter - recipe without cooking

This jam retains maximum vitamins because it is not cooked at all and you can regulate the amount of sugar.

You only need to store raw jam in the refrigerator, and if you want to add little sugar, then it will not be stored in the refrigerator for long. Therefore, it either needs to be quickly destroyed (and this is not difficult, believe me, because it is very tasty), or you can put it in plastic containers, for example, in disposable cups and in the freezer. I also like to pour raw jam into ice molds, then it’s convenient to use these cubes as additives to cereals and yogurt. If there is not enough space in the freezer, then we increase the amount of sugar, so I indicate different amounts in the ingredients.


  • blueberries - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 0.5 - 1 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Blueberries are wild berries; when picked, twigs and leaves may fall in. Therefore, you need to sort out the berries or fill them with water and the debris will float up. Wash the berries under running water, let them drain and dry a little.
  2. Now the berries need to be crushed, making a puree out of it. A blender will do this job perfectly.
  3. Add the required amount of sugar and beat a little more with a blender until everything is well mixed. Keep the jam for a couple of hours at room temperature until the sugar completely dissolves.
  4. Place the jam in sterile jars, close the lids and place in the refrigerator. If you made it for storage in the freezer, then place it in plastic containers of the required size.

Raw blueberry and currant jam


  • blueberries - 0.5 kg.
  • black currant -1 kg.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the berries, dry well and chop in small portions, adding sugar. This can be done using a blender, in a food processor or using a meat grinder.
  2. Mix everything well and leave at room temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved. While the jam is standing, stir it periodically.
  3. Transfer the prepared blueberry-currant jam into sterile jars and close the lids. Since this jam is prepared without cooking, it should only be stored in the refrigerator.

I offered you jam with more currants than blueberries, but you can make it in equal proportions.

If you still prefer to cook jam and make it as simple as possible, then there is a recipe for you.

A simple recipe for blueberry jam for the winter


  • blueberries - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 0.6 - 0.7 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the berries, put them in the bowl in which you will cook the jam, add sugar and shake lightly so that the sugar spills out between the berries.
  2. I don’t like adding water to jam, so I always leave it at room temperature for several hours so that the berries release juice. It is not necessary to wait for the sugar to completely dissolve; as soon as there is enough juice, you can start cooking. Stir gently, if you want the berries to remain intact, the heat will quickly dissolve the remaining sugar.
  3. You need to cook the jam for 20 - 30 minutes, skimming off the foam. Pour hot into sterile jars and close with hot lids.

This jam keeps well at room temperature.

Tell me what else is this easier jam, once five minutes. But no, we will cook it for a couple of days, but don’t be alarmed, it won’t take much of your time. This jam is cooked in stages of 5 minutes each, hence the name, I usually cook it according to this recipe, I really like it.


  • blueberries - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 600 - 700 gr.

How to cook:

  1. On initial stage We do everything as in the previous recipe - cover the clean berries with sugar, leave them to give juice.
  2. Place on the fire and begin to cook, first over low heat, if the sugar has not yet completely dissolved, stirring gently.
  3. When there is no dry sugar left, you can increase the heat, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the foam and leave it until it cools completely, better than a watch at 10, that the blueberries are soaked in juice.
  4. The next stage of cooking will be the same - cook for 5 minutes and leave for 10 hours. We will do four such stages in total. After last stage We will not wait for it to cool down, we will pour it into sterile jars, and it will already cool under our lids.

How to make blueberry jam and jelly for the winter

By adding gelatin when cooking jam, we get thick jam, which is very good to use in winter as a confiture for baking; gelatin also allows you to spend a minimum of time on cooking.


  • blueberries - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 0.7 kg.
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the wild berry well and add sugar, leave until it releases juice.
  2. Place the dishes on low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle dry gelatin evenly over the jam, add water, mix well and boil for literally 3 minutes.
  4. Place it in sterile jars, roll up the lids and immediately place it in the place where it will be stored, so as not to overturn it again, as the gelling process will occur.

Thick blueberry and raspberry jam for the winter

If you want another option for assorted jam, combine raspberries and blueberries, it will be healthy, delicious jam with a pleasant raspberry aroma.


  • blueberries - 500 gr.
  • raspberries - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 800 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the berries, put them in a bowl in which you will cook the jam, and cover with sugar.
  2. As soon as the berries release their juice, cook. Cook for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam and remove from heat. We will cook again as soon as the jam has cooled and again for exactly 15 minutes. Let it cool again and let it cook a third time, and then put it into jars.

Blueberry confiture with lime juice and mint - video recipe

Watch the video for another version of blueberry jam.

This is how my review of blueberry jam recipes for the winter turned out. They are not difficult to prepare, so feel free to take note of them.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace!

How lucky I am - I live literally a three-minute walk from the forest. I peck the first blueberry straight from the bush, and when we’re full, it’s time to pick and make delicious jam. And it is desirable that the berries are whole, and that the method is simple and quick. The following recipes meet these requirements: blueberry jam, five-minute, thick, without sugar, in a slow cooker, with raspberries, strawberries and lingonberries.

How to make delicious blueberry jam for the winter

We have already made compote from delicious berries, want to know the recipes - . But I’m sure you’ll agree now: it’s a must to make blueberry jam for the winter. Because the benefits in it are immeasurable. – excellent remedy to prevent heart disease, strengthen blood vessels, make memory like that of young people.

In addition, like Carlson from the cartoon, I love jam and would prefer it to any candy. That’s why I always have a large supply of treats. Today I’m sharing recipes for preparing food for the winter, and a couple at once useful tips I give:

  • Blueberries are not too tender, but be careful not to bruise them. The best and less troublesome solution is to pour cold water over the berries in a bowl. The garbage will float to the top and you will only have to select the unwanted items.
  • According to almost all recipes, jam is cooked without adding water. Decide to experiment and create a recipe yourself, exclude the water from it, otherwise the delicacy will come out too liquid, and blueberry jam tastes better when it is thick.
  • I really like adding some other berries to blueberries for variety. Strawberries, raspberries or lingonberries will do. Luckily, they ripen at the same time as blueberries.

Blueberry jam - a simple recipe

The simplest dessert you can think of, according to this simple recipe I've been cooking for more than a year now. There will be a desire to add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the jam so that the berries are whole - do not stop yourself, pour in at the very end of cooking.

You will need for jam:

  • Berry – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Usually there is a lot of debris in a wild berry, so don’t be lazy, sort it out and then rinse it.
  2. Place in a saucepan in which you will cook the delicacy, sprinkle with sugar and leave for a while so that the berry has time to release its juice.
  3. Stir with a wooden spoon (for blueberries it is better not to use a metal one) and minimum temperature start bringing to a boil. Take your time, let it come slowly.
  4. After boiling, set the cooking time to exactly 30 minutes. Do not go far from the stove, remove the foam in time and make sure that the dessert does not burn.
  5. Spread the jam while it is hot, cover with nylon lids for canning. First throw them into boiling water so that they tightly grip the neck of the jar.

Blueberry jam in a slow cooker

The multicooker has long come into our everyday life, and its versatility evokes greater respect among housewives when participating in winter preparations. Blueberry jam is no exception and the recipe is surprisingly simple. Cooking has many advantages: you don’t need to stand nearby and keep watch: you put the ingredients in and went about your business. By the way, jam from a slow cooker is thick, which is what many people achieve.

You will need for cooking:

  • Blueberries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg.
  1. Clean the berries from debris and rinse. To cook in a slow cooker, it is advisable to dry the berries a little, getting rid of excess water - the jam will turn out to be thick in consistency.
  2. Pour blueberries into the bowl, add sugar, stir well so that the sugar is completely distributed throughout the blueberries.
  3. Next, all you have to do is set the “Stew”, “Jam” mode and turn it on for 1.5 hours.
  4. Pour the prepared jam into jars - the winter preparation is ready.

Blueberry jam - recipe without cooking

Most useful preparation one that has undergone a minimum of heat treatment, then the maximum of vitamins will be preserved. I offer a recipe for jam with virtually no cooking. Afraid that dessert is in in this case will not be stored for a long time - sterilize the jar lids.


  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Select strong berries; for jam according to the proposed recipe, try not to take overripe ones. Rinse, dry slightly and add sugar.
  2. Once the juices have released, start heating the blueberries extremely slowly. The very first signs of boiling appear - turn off the heat, the dessert is ready. Pour the jam very quickly and roll it up.

How to cook blueberry jam - five minutes

The most popular cooking recipe among housewives - vitamins remain best preserved here. You can find out more by following the link - welcome.

You will need:

  • Blueberries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.7 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Clean berries need to be covered with sugar for about five hours so that they have time to release their juice.
  2. When the juice appears, start heating the berries quite slowly. When it boils, cook it for exactly five minutes and remove from heat. Do not forget to constantly stir the jam during these 5 minutes.
  3. Before the end of cooking, turn the heat high enough to bring the jam to a boil, and immediately begin pouring into jars. The workpiece is stored indoors (if rolled up) and in the cellar.

Recipe for jam with raspberries and blueberries

They ripen almost simultaneously. And they complement each other perfectly taste qualities– each creates a personal pleasant note. The delicacy will turn out incredibly fragrant, especially if the raspberries are wild raspberries. Although... a garden one would be perfect too. According to the proposed recipe, feel free to cook a dessert from strawberries, which I personally pick along with blueberries. It is also possible to cook dessert with lingonberries.


  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Blueberries and raspberries – 0.5 kg each. each.

How to cook with raspberries:

  1. Sort the berries. Raspberries are an extremely delicate berry, so wash them carefully and try not to crush them. Wash the blueberries, dry both berries a little, and add sugar.
  2. If the berry has released juice, then it’s time to start cooking. Let the jam boil over low heat. Soon the foam will begin to appear, be sure to remove it, otherwise the dessert will not be stored for long.
  3. Boil the jam for 10 minutes and set the pan aside for about an hour, let it cool slightly. The second time, cook the treat for an additional 10 minutes and place in jars.

Lemon dessert recipe video

Blueberry jam without sugar - a recipe for the winter

Just a couple of centuries ago, when sugar was in short supply and too expensive, women cooked the delicacy without sugar at all. If for a number of reasons you need to reduce the amount of sugar in your food, or completely avoid it, prepare a winter preparation according to this recipe, and the problem will be solved.

By the way, the dessert turns out thick, as many people like. It has the only significant drawback - it cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, cook in small portions; in winter, you can make a treat from frozen berries.

  • Blueberries – 1 kg.
  • Zhelfix – 15 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Scald clean berries in small portions with boiling water directly in a colander, let them drain, and place them in a saucepan.
  2. Simmer the berries over low heat until the juice appears. The first signs of boiling appear - remove and add gelfix.
  3. Stir and roll into small, pre-sterilized jars.

Blueberries for the winter in their own juice

Next option winter harvesting blueberries without sugar, so that the berries are whole. It stores well indoors, but if in doubt, add a teaspoon of sweetener.

  1. Place clean, prepared berries into jars and cover with lids.
  2. Sterilize in a water bath. The blueberries will begin to release juice and fall down. Add the next berries to the vacant space, and when they settle, place the next portion.
  3. It will take about 40-50 minutes before the jar is filled to the top and the juice completely covers the berries. Afterwards you can roll up the jars.

Blueberry thick jam – jelly

It is advisable to have thick jam - jelly in your winter bins. You will need it for baking. According to the recipe, it is suggested to take half a bag of jellyfix, but if you want to make the dessert thicker, then cooking allows it - take the full bag.

You will need:

  • Sugar – 700 gr.
  • Blueberries – 1 kg.
  • Zhelfix – half a sachet.

How to cook thick jelly:

  1. Scald clean berries with boiling water and chop them, mash them with a masher so that some of the berries remain intact, and the jelly will come out tastier.
  2. Stir blueberries and sugar and bring slowly to a boil. Before turning off the heat, add the jelly fix, stir the jam and immediately start pouring into jars. It is advisable to sterilize the jars.

Have a nice winter tea party, my dears! I picked up a video from interesting recipe, what if you like it more. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Blueberries grow mainly in northern regions. This low shrub with blue-black berries can be found in spruce, pine and mixed forests. When blueberries ripen, people who know a lot about them try to collect as many of them as possible in order to eat them fresh and prepare them for future use.

The medicinal properties of blueberries have been known for a long time. It has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects. Due to the presence of tannins, blueberries are used as an astringent for diarrhea. It contains vitamins C, A, B, as well as magnesium, calcium and manganese.

Blueberries are used in treatment gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, skin diseases, anemia. But most of all it is known as a berry that improves vision. It helps to quickly relieve eye fatigue, especially under artificial light.

Of course, it is best to eat blueberries fresh. But since summer ends very quickly in the northern regions, housewives try to prepare these berries in the form of compotes or jam.

Blueberry jam: subtleties of preparation

  • Blueberries are very tender and juicy, so they need to be picked carefully. It is advisable to collect them in dry weather and process them on the same day. To speed up the further sorting process, there is no need to pick off green, wrinkled or bird-pecked berries.
  • Only ripe berries are suitable for jam. Unripe fruits worsen the taste of jam, and overripe ones make it look like jam.
  • Before cooking, the blueberries are sorted again, removing mashed berries and other debris. Blueberry juice gets your hands dirty, so it’s best to wear thin rubber gloves.
  • They wash it in large quantities water, putting it in a colander and immersing it several times in a bowl of cold water. You can also rinse the berries under low pressure from the shower.
  • To ensure that the berries remain intact during heat treatment, they are poured into sugar syrup, kept for some time and only then boiled. To obtain jam with an almost uniform consistency, the berries are crushed with a pestle or in a blender before cooking.
  • To preserve most of the vitamins, they try not to subject blueberries to prolonged heat treatment.
  • Pretty ripe blueberries sweet berry Therefore, the optimal amount of sugar is 500 g per 1 kg of berries. But lovers of sweet desserts can add sugar to their liking.

Blueberry jam: recipe one


  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 800 g;
  • water – 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Sort out the blueberries. Fill with cold water and rinse well. Drain the water and debris. Fill with water again. Place clean blueberries in a colander or sieve and rinse in the shower, being careful not to crush the berries with your hands.
  • Leave on the sieve to drain the water, but no more than 10 minutes, otherwise the blueberry juice will begin to drain along with the water.
  • Pour enough water into the pan and add sugar. Place on the stove and bring the water and sugar to a boil over medium heat. Boil the syrup for at least five minutes. After this, it is advisable to strain it to avoid the appearance of bag fibers and other debris in the syrup. If the syrup turns out transparent, then this step can be skipped.
  • Pour the finished syrup into a cooking basin or enamel pan. Bring to a boil again.
  • Dip blueberries into syrup. Stir gently with a wooden spatula. Wait for the jam to boil over low heat. Be sure to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Let the jam simmer for 5-7 minutes, then increase the heat and, without allowing rapid boiling, cook for another 20-30 minutes.
  • Drizzle some blueberry syrup onto a cold saucer. If, when cooled, it does not spread in different directions, then the jam is ready.
  • Jam can be packaged in two ways - cold and hot. If you want to seal it hermetically, then prepare sterile jars in advance. To do this, first wash them with baking soda and rinse with water. Then sterilize in a way convenient for you: over steam, in the oven, in microwave oven. Turn the heated jars over onto a towel and let dry. Pour hot jam into dry jars, wait 5-10 minutes and then seal tightly with sterile lids. Turn the jars upside down and let the jam cool in this position.
  • If you intend to cover the jam with parchment, then leave it in the bowl until it cools completely. Place the cold jam in clean, dry jars and cover with paper.

Blueberry jam “Pyatiminutka”


  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 600 g.

Cooking method

  • For jam, select ripe blueberries. Remove twigs, debris, and unripe berries.
  • Rinse thoroughly in several waters or in the shower. Let the water drain, placing the berries on a sieve.
  • Place the blueberries in a cooking bowl or enamel pan. Add sugar. Leave for 3 hours. During this time, the blueberries will give juice and some of the sugar will dissolve.
  • Place the bowl over low heat and bring the berries and sugar to a boil. Use a slotted spoon to remove any foam that appears. After boiling, cook the jam for 5 minutes.
  • Place the bowl on the edge of the stove and let the jam cool.
  • While it cools, sterilize the jars with lids. Dry them by turning them over on a towel.
  • Place the bowl of berries on the fire again. Boil the jam for another 5 minutes.
  • When hot, place into jars. Close the lids immediately. Cool.

Blueberry jam: recipe three


  • blueberries – 4 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Sort the ripe blueberries, remove any debris and green berries.
  • Rinse under running water or in a basin. Place on a sieve to dry the berries a little.
  • Place the blueberries in a saucepan and heat over very low heat until they soften and release their juices.
  • Add sugar and stir. Bring to a boil, skimming off any foam.
  • Continue cooking for a few more minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Remove the pan from the heat. Cool the jam.
  • Pack it in sterile jars, cover with parchment or nylon lids.

Blueberry jam without cooking


  • blueberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method

  • For the jam prepared according to this recipe, take ripe or slightly overripe blueberries. Sort through them, removing debris, twigs and bad berries.
  • Rinse thoroughly in cold water, changing it several times. Let the liquid drain, placing the berries on a sieve. Leave for literally 5 minutes so that the blueberries do not have time to bruise and release juice.
  • Mix blueberries with sugar and place in a blender bowl. Grind until puree. You should not use a meat grinder for this case, as metal parts contribute to the destruction of vitamin C, which blueberries are so rich in. If you don’t have a blender, you can mash the berries the old fashioned way - in a mortar or bowl, armed with an ordinary wooden masher.
  • Place the “raw” blueberry jam into sterile dry jars and cover with nylon lids.

Note to the hostess

Hermetically sealed blueberry jam is stored in a dark place at room temperature.

The jam, covered with nylon lids, is stored in a cool, dry place without access to light or in the refrigerator.

Jam without cooking is stored only in the refrigerator. Five-minute jam is best covered with airtight lids to prevent it from souring.

If you plan to store the prepared blueberry jam for a long time, then before starting cooking you need to sterilize the jars. It is very convenient to do this in a microwave oven: pour a couple of centimeters of water into the jars and turn on the microwave for three minutes at full power. Of course, you can use any sterilization method convenient for you.

Place the jar lids in a small saucepan, fill with water and boil for ten minutes.

First you need to wash the berries, remove any twigs and leaves. You can cover the blueberries with water in a large bowl, then the leaves will float to the top and will be easy to collect. Then you need to mix blueberries with sugar and let stand for 10-20 minutes. You can do this directly in the saucepan in which you want to cook the jam.

Blueberries usually release juice easily on their own, but you can lightly crush the berries with a spoon.

Meanwhile, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and finely grate the zest.

Turn on the heat and bring the blueberries and sugar to a boil. As soon as the mixture boils, add lemon juice and zest, as well as spices: cinnamon and nutmeg (if using). Stir and continue cooking at moderate boil for 20-30 minutes. Blueberry jam must be stirred frequently, firstly, to monitor readiness, and secondly, so that it does not burn.

When the jam thickens significantly and becomes shiny, you can turn off the heat and pour the jam into jars. Remember that when it hardens, the jam will thicken a little more, so it is better not to bring it to a completely thick consistency. If you are pouring blueberry jam into sterilized jars, they must also be boiled closed with the already poured jam.
