Pirate themed party. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Preparing a birthday party in a pirate style

Scenario for a corporate party “Across the seas, across the waves”

Corporate party V pirate style

Preparing for the party

For a pirate party, the hall is decorated in the appropriate style.

By the way, please note that this is not the only scenario children's day birth! Here...please...read and choose! And here you will find other holidays for children!

Party in a pirate style - how to conduct it, entertainment for adults

Warm up. Tug of War

Having a team spirit is the key to good sailing, even if it is full of unexpected skirmishes and battles! Let's test the strength and dexterity of the applicants!

Props: rope, water guns.

Number of participants: double room, minimum 4 people.

Rules: all participants are divided into two teams. A control line is determined (a step beyond which is considered a defeat), at the command “march!” the teams begin to pull the rope towards themselves. Members of the winning team receive 1 coin, while the losing team is punished. Their punishment is to walk through the corridor of “pirates” armed with water pistols, withstand the water attack and continue the competition with dignity!

Game 1. Duel

Props: toy (rubber) swords or swords.

Participants: in pairs, minimum 2 people.

Essence: two pirates stand opposite each other on the edges of a narrow bench or log. Their task is to push the enemy to the ground. The pirate whose foot touches stable ground first wins and gets richer by another 1 doubloon. The loser leaves in disgrace, or tries his fate again, with a new opponent.

Quiz. Pirates Caribbean Sea- attentiveness test

There is an unwritten rule: in order to save life, you need to be attentive to the little things. Let's check how well the pirates know "Pirates of the Caribbean", how attentive are the applicants for the Black Pearl crew?

1. What was the name of the pirate who had a glass eye? (Ragetti).

2. The names of the actors, except Johnny Depp, who were in contention for the role of Captain Jack Sparrow (Michael Keaton, Jim Carrey, Christopher Walken).

3. How long is the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean 2"? (150 minutes).

4. On which island was the film filmed? (St. Vincent).

5. What was the name of Davy Jones' ship? ("Flying Dutchman").

6. How many years did Davy Jones allow Jack Sparrow to control the Black Pearl? (13 years old).

7. What animal was depicted on Barbosa's ring? (bear).

8. Where was the key to the chest with Davy Jones's heart hidden? (between the beard tentacles).

9. What was it called gambling, which Will Turner played with Davy Jones? ("Liar").

10. Who gave Will Turner a gold medallion? (father, Bill Turner).

11. What tattoo did Jack Sparrow have on his arm? (sparrow).

12. What ship did Jack Sparrow steal in the first part? (Interceptor).

13. Which sea ​​monster attacked the Royal ship navy? (Kreken).

14. The name of Captain Barbosa's monkey. (Jack).

15. How many gold medallions in total needed to be returned to the chest? (882).

For each correct answer, the pirate receives a coin; for each incorrect answer, he must give a coin from his bag.

Game 2. Search for the glass eye

Many pirates lost arms, legs, even eyes and ears in battles. One of these unlucky guys in "Pirates" was Ragetti. In one scene he even lost his glass eye. Help the loser find his missing item!

Props: glass eye; bowl with cherry tomatoes, ketchup, jelly; textile; pebbles.

Participants: everyone is interested.

Rules: a bowl with viscous contents, pebbles and an eye is covered with a cloth. Those wishing to participate are invited to put their hand under the fabric and identify the eye by touch. The one who can cope with disgust and finds the eye gets another coin!

Be sure to keep your camera nearby! You won’t be able to capture such genuine emotions from your friends anywhere else!

Game 3. "Liar's Dice"

Another game that requires quick wits and ingenuity.

Props: bones and cups.

Participants: everyone is interested.

The essence of the game: Each participant is required to have manual dexterity and the ability to deceive and detect the enemy's deception. In the game you have to guess how many dice are hidden under the cups.

In Liar's Dice, guests play with their previously earned gold coins. At this time, the presenter has the opportunity to rest or prepare the props for the next game.

Game 4. Walk the board

Props: a board set at a 45 degree angle to the ground and secured at one end only.

Participants: everyone is interested.

Rules: the participant stands on the edge of the board and is asked questions related to the sea, pirate laws, wars, etc. He answers them. After each correct answer, he can take a step forward, after an incorrect answer, the board begins to shake. If the participant fails to maintain balance, he will be eaten by sharks; if he remains standing, he will get a chance to answer one more question. The one who reaches the end of the board wins and receives another coin as a reward. The loser must drink a glass of rum in one gulp.

Game 5. Sunken Treasure

Don't feed the pirates bread, let them look for treasure! They will get the treasure both from underground and from depths of the sea. Just the next competition will give your pirates the opportunity to compete in their greed!

Props: small toys, beads, bolts, coins, etc., a shallow container with sand, sand scoops.

Participants: everyone is interested.

Rules: at the presenter’s signal “Start!” The participants in the game begin to rummage through containers of sand. Their task is to find coins using only scoops and without touching the “treasures” with their hands. All the “gold” that each pirate manages to dig up in 5 minutes will go to him!

Game 6. Shark

Props: sheets of cardboard (1 less in quantity than participants), a poster with a picture of a shark.

Rules: place sheets of cardboard throughout the garden (room), turn on music (it’s more fun this way). The Shark's task is to sit behind the poster and wait until one of the pirates "swims" too close to her hideout. If this happens, she starts hunting. Salvation is only on the “Island” (sheet of cardboard). One of the pirates who does not have time to reach the island, or there are not enough “islands of safety” for him, leaves the game, naturally, in the shark’s stomach. After each eliminated participant, the number of “islands” is reduced by one. The last survivor receives the coveted piastre.

Game 7. Sea battle

A very emotional and fun game! Especially if you have equipped a real pirate ship in your yard!

Props: cannonballs (balls or Balloons with sand).

Rules of the game: all participants are divided into two teams - the pirates of the Black Pearl and the residents of Tortuga Island. Pirates board a ship. The islanders are attacking. The task of the residents of Tortuga is to throw balls at the Sparrow pirates, and the task of the Pearl crew is to prevent at least one ball from ending up on the deck of the ship.

Option 2.

If you haven’t built a ship, for this game you can simply draw a ship on a sheet of whatman paper, making holes in different levels. In this case, the pirates' task will be to throw cannonballs (polystyrene foam balls) into the holes. The winners, as always, get a golden surprise!

Game 8. “X” is a sign of wealth

and another treasure hunting game! But you should prepare for it in advance - draw a map, post notes with hints along the route and bury a chest with treasure!

Props: treasure map, chest, pencil, leaves with riddle clues.

Participants: all guests.

Rules: Before the game starts, all participants must draw a cross on the map in the place where they believe the treasure is hidden. After the command “start!”, participants begin moving along the map route, guessing the direction indicated in the clues. An excavation is made in the places of each participant's crosses. The pirate whose intuition indicated the closest place to the real burial of the treasure wins. The winner has the right to distribute the treasure at his own discretion, distribute coins to those pirates who (in his opinion) were the most active and contributed quick search treasure.

Game 9. Captain Hook's Ring

Props: stand (mesh) with fixed hooks, rings.

Essence: From a distance of 5 steps you need to throw the ring so that it catches on the hook.

Well, the most logical way to complete the entertainment program would be a competition for the best (original, beautiful) costume, counting of gold coins (giving a gift to the richest pirate) and a collective pirate dance!

After a friendly dance, invite guests to the table! After all, you need to consolidate your victory and successful “catch” with a glass of beer, grog or rum!

Birthday of a child 6-9 years old in pirate style

This is a continuation of the pirate birthday scenario. See the beginning here.

The cake is placed in the center festive table, children eat hot. The presenter at this time sends mobile phone SMS to the pirate Klaus One-Armed and soon receives an answer: “Congratulations to the pirate (name of the birthday boy) on his birth and on the treasure he found. Now (name of the birthday boy) and his glorious team have become a thunderstorm for all seas and oceans! You are our idols!” Of course, the SMS will be sent to the phone of one of your loved ones, and he must immediately send a prepared response. The SMS should be read by the birthday boy and his guests so that the adventures seem even more real to them. After the hot meal you can play.

Pirate birthday: games, competitions, entertainment

Table card game"Sea storm". Pirates love to play cards! You need to prepare cards in advance of the same size with different images on one side and with the same backs. There should be a total of 6 cards for each player. Images on cards:

  • Pirate mark
  • Neptune (defeats everyone except Shrimp)
  • Mermaid (defeats everyone except Neptune)
  • Shark (defeats fish and shrimp)
  • Fish (defeats shrimp)
  • Shrimp (only Neptune wins - “Neptune ate too much shrimp and got a stomach ache”)

For ten cards with shrimp, you need 7 cards with fish, 5 with sharks, 3 with a mermaid, 2 with Neptune and 1 with a pirate mark. The cards are shuffled and placed in stacks of six, face down, near each player.

Rules of the game: The birthday boy begins his turn. He takes the top card from his pile and turns it over. Player by left hand also takes the top card from his pile and turns it over. Depending on the image, it is determined whose card won. The one whose card won takes both cards for himself and places them next to him in a second pile, face down. Next, the player who was to the left of the birthday boy takes the top card from the first pile and shows it to the player to his left. He raises his top card and again the participants determine whose card won.

If the cards are the same, everyone keeps their own card, but places it face down on top of the second pile. When a player runs out of the first pile, he begins to take cards from the second, and puts the newly earned cards into a new pile. And so the game goes in circles. If you get a black mark, you're lucky! If a player takes a card from his pile and it turns out to be a pirate mark, all players must give him one of their cards lying on top of the pile. When five to ten laps have passed, you can ask the players to count the cards they have. The one or those with the most cards wins.

Game "Diving to the Bottom". You can simply blindfold the players, or you can take underwater goggles or a mask and cover the glass with something so that nothing can be seen through it. You will also need various items related to marine themes: plastic fish, shells, pebbles, small anchor, etc. and so on. All this can lie in a bag in the hands of the presenter. Children do not see objects in advance. The player is put on a mask, placed one of the objects on the floor and asked to find and guess it. The player, kneeling down, looks for an object on the floor by touch, and then guesses by touch what it is. Each successful “diver” is entitled to some kind of prize.

Game "Navy style pasta". Props: large forks and long ropes. Several participants are called. Each person is given a fork and a rope. Whoever winds the pasta (rope) around the fork the fastest wins.

Dance game "Captain's Teams". Boys don't really like to dance, but you can entice them dance game. Children stand in a circle and dance. It is better to choose songs about the sea. Captain (in in this case the captain will be the presenter Jack Sparrow) giving orders - not in order, but as necessary. The guys must complete them immediately.


Left hand drive!- everyone must turn to the left and continue dancing;

Right steering wheel!– everyone must turn to the right and continue dancing;

Nose!– the circle of dancers narrows (converges to the center);

Stern!– the circle, on the contrary, expands;

Raise the sails!- everyone raises their hands up, continuing to dance;

Scrub the deck!– everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;

Cannonball!- everyone squats;

The admiral is on board!- everyone stands at attention and gives

First you need to introduce children to commands and explain how to respond to them. Then you should practice a little, and after that start playing. Those who didn’t figure it out and executed the command incorrectly are eliminated. There is no need to give frequent commands - let the boys dance!

The final part of the birthday party in pirate style

Next is dessert, that is, eating treasures. Then the children themselves will find something to do. You can invite them to sing a little pirate songs karaoke, but with your own lyrics (they must first be printed in several copies).

The song “We are pirates, devils” based on the song “We are bandito, gangsterito”

We are pirates, devils,

We are industrialists at sea.

We are not afraid of storms,

And we decorated the wave!

Our sea is rich in treasures -

many davanto values,

And for this we are recognized

Kings in oceanto.

We are pirates, we are rich

And we fired from the cannons.

Islands we find

And treasures berito.

We are pirate appetit -

All the treasures have been eaten!

And for this we are nicknamed

obzhiranto in oceanto!

The song “We are pirates” based on the song “Chunga-Changa”

We are pirates - we are a brave people!

We are pirates - at sea all year round!

We are pirates - we have fun!

We are pirates - we sing songs!

Our ship, our ship

The best in the ocean

The best in the ocean

our ship!

Our life is full of courage,

We are not afraid of boarding,

And even the big kernels

We are not afraid!

We are pirates - we have sabers,

We are pirates - there are countless weapons,

We are pirates - we will not do harm,

We are pirates - if we find the treasure.

Our ship, our ship

The strongest and most reliable

The strongest and most reliable

our ship.

We are not afraid of doodles,

Enormous sharks,

We don't shout guards,

We are pirates!

We are pirates - it's time to go again,

We are pirates - to weigh anchor.

We are pirates - we are going on a voyage,

We are pirates - we will find treasures!

Our ship, our ship

The fastest and most agile

The fastest and most agile

our ship.

We are not afraid of trade winds

And the enemies of their pirates

We will protect you from all attacks

Our ship.

Well, at the end the host will bring out a large black box, and in the box there are bonbonnieres (small boxes) with gifts for each guest. You can put small shell souvenirs, a pirate mark and sweets in the bonbonnieres.

Themed holidays: corporate parties, graduations, birthdays - bright and unusual, and therefore like appeal to everyone and are remembered for a long time, especially if during the preparation the organizers spared no effort in appropriately decorating the room, choosing props and music, i.e. took care of the “complete immersion” of guests into the atmosphere of the planned plot. The theme of pirate adventures and entertainment has become one of the most popular among both children and adults. You can take a new one as a basis theme party script "On a Pirate Ship", which contains tips on organizing a holiday and funny Games and competitions.

If it is not possible to arrange this outdoors or on a boat trip, then the room is stylized, but it is better, after all, especially in the summer season, to hold such a party on a boat. It doesn’t matter what route the ship will take, maybe even in a circle. The most important thing is that you are on a ship, and there is water around you.

Decorating and preparing a pirate party

It is advisable to decorate the ship's interior (room) like a pirate ship: a "Skull and Bones" flag, an ancient chest, candles burning in shards of pottery. On the tables - some simple pirate food in clay or wooden plates: meat, bread, pineapples, coconuts, bananas, mangoes and other fruits. Kegs of wine and beer, bottles of water. There must be a large knife on the table for slicing meat and a hammer for breaking coconuts. Laid out on the tables playing cards, on which rhymes for burime are written, it is necessary to select pirate songs. A map of the area where the events will take place is also being prepared. The map should be torn into several parts. Parts of the map are received by those participants who pass through all the obstacles while searching for the treasure. If there are no stops during the swim, the presenter hands over part of the map after each competition. If it is possible to make stops and go ashore, then after the end of each competition the presenter gives the winner a note describing the shore and the place where part of the map lies. To do this, the assistant goes ashore before the others and hides the map. After this, the leader invites everyone to go ashore.

When guests board again, they are greeted by a host dressed as a pirate and a sailor in a matching sailor's uniform. Guests are given pirate bandanas. The pirate ship is setting sail.

Game filling for a pirate party

Before each exit, the presenter hits a bell or metal plate. The host welcomes the guests on board the ship, says that the pirate ship is going in search of treasure, and asks everyone to tie bandanas as an attribute of a pirate voyage. Using dice (dice), we determine the happiest guest (For example, it will be the guest whose birthday is the sum of the dice rolled). We give the happiest one the task of shouting “Piastres! Piasters!” every 15 minutes.

Throughout the trip, we invite guests to write quatrains based on the suggested rhymes, which will be read out later. There will be competitions in the form of obstacles along the way to find the treasure. Between competitions, pirate-themed songs are played, and treasure hunters sit at tables and eat simple food.

Competition "Sea Knot"

Participants were invited to demonstrate their knitting skills maritime knots. We give everyone a rope. In 30 seconds, the participant must tie as many knots as possible, and then untie them. In this case, the participants exchange ropes.

Competition "Grab him, tie him up!"

We offer fun competitions for a pirate party, adult guests will appreciate the event with the highest score! Everyone will be delighted with the tests of courage, dexterity, imagination, culinary abilities and team spirit. All you need is a little preparation, a creative presenter and a positive mood!

Competition "Pirate's Nickname"

This competition is great for an adult pirate party. It is better to play the game at the beginning of the event. Each participant receives a piece of paper, a pen and the task of coming up with a pirate nickname. But no one should see him. Then all the sheets are put into a box. The host reads out the nicknames one by one, and the guests make guesses as to who came up with such a name. It’s good if everyone present has a sense of humor and imagination.

The invented nicknames are assigned to the pirate guests until the end of the party.

Competition "Sea Wolf Mustache"

This game can be played in two ways: while everyone is sitting at the table or by arranging a competition between teams. The presenter gives the first participant a cocktail straw and explains the task: press it with your lips to your nose and pass it to the next player. If they play at the table, then the one who dropped the “mustache” is eliminated, and if the competition is a team competition, then those who manage it first win.

Since sea robbers are gambling people, guests can be invited to test their luck. The game involves 5 people. First, the presenter invites them to draw one card from the deck. The one with the lowest is eliminated. Then, players choose one match out of four (in the order of the value of the drawn cards) - whoever gets the short one leaves the competition. In the next stage, everyone takes turns rolling the dice, and the player with the lowest number is eliminated. The presenter offers the remaining two participants to choose one of two chests. Fortune decides everything here, since in one of them there is nothing, and in the other there is a prize.

Active competitions and games

Competition "Who is more"

Coins (made of thick paper, toy or real) are scattered on the floor. Both teams and just guest pirates can participate in the competition. Task: collect as many coins as possible in 2 minutes.

Sunken Treasures Competition

Two teams compete. For each you need to prepare a deep basin of water. Place different fruits in them (according to the number of players). The pirates' task: one at a time, approach the bowl and pull out the fruit with your teeth. The hands are hidden behind the back. The team that catches all the “treasures” the fastest wins.

Competition "On boarding"

Tied to each participant's leg balloon, inside of which there is a paper coin. The players' task is to burst the opponent's balloon and take the piastre for themselves, but at the same time keep their own balloon. The one who lasts the longest and collects the most coins wins.

Competition "Wooden Leg"

Two teams compete in the competition. Players are divided into pairs and stand shoulder to shoulder on the starting line. Opposite them, at a distance of 4-5 meters, are empty bowls. The presenter communicates left leg one participant with the right of the second. Each pair receives a plastic cup of water. The task is to run (on three legs) to a bowl and pour water into it. Then they come back, and only then does the next pair run (again with a full glass of water). The winner is the team that completes the task first and spills as little liquid as possible. For accuracy, you can pour water from the containers of both teams into measuring cups and compare.

Pirate party competitions for brave and creative adults

This kind of fun is not for the faint of heart, but still worth attention. Since sea robbers lose legs, arms and other body parts in battles, you need to help one pirate find his lost glass eye. The presenter hides it in advance in a bowl with a mixture of jelly, ketchup, pebbles and spaghetti. Dishes with such savory contents are covered with thick cloth. The bravest player is invited to place his hand in the basin and find the pirate's glass eye by touch.

Of course, the participant should be given a special prize for their bravery. The process of searching for the eye should definitely be filmed or captured in a photo - such emotions are unlikely to be seen again.

Competition "Guess the Shadow"

The presenter reports that pirates are not afraid of anything, since they can recognize comrades and enemies even by the shadows. And he offers to test the skills of the party guests. One participant sits on a chair facing the wall. Behind him is a table lamp. The lights in the room are turned off, and everyone present takes turns walking in front of the lamp behind the person sitting. To complicate the task, you can change your gait, gesture, and use cool accessories (for example, a clown nose). If the player guesses which of the guests the shadow belongs to, changes places with him.

At any stage of the pirate party, adults will appreciate the Crocodile competition. The presenter asks the player any word with a maritime or robber theme (boarding, black mark, galley, etc.), which must be shown with gestures and facial expressions. You can't say anything. The one who guessed correctly receives a task from the previous player.

Food and alcohol competitions

Competition "Pirate Gourmet"

The participant is blindfolded and asked to taste different foods ( boiled carrots, raw potatoes, egg white, ham, etc.). The player who correctly guessed the most dishes wins. It is not necessary to offer participants the same sets of products.

Competition "Robbers' Feast"

Party guests are divided into two teams. In front of each person is a large glass (decanter or any other container, depending on the number of participants) with any delicious drink. This could be juice, rum-cola or something else, at the request of the company. There is a straw in the glass for each player. Task: drink faster than your opponent.

Competition "Special Drink"

Needed for competition different types juice or alcohol (preferably both), fruits, glasses, straws and decorations for cocktails. Up to four people can participate in the competition. They need to prepare an original drink from the proposed ingredients. The winner can be either the one who completes the task faster, or the one whose cocktail turns out tastier.,


“They show crooks on TV! Well, why am I worse! Ugliness!"
M/F "Kid and Carlson"

Among themed parties, some of the most popular are pirate parties. On the Internet you can find a lot of different scenarios for such parties for every taste and color. I bring to your attention a universal scenario for a pirate party, which can be held both at home and outdoors. This party is suitable for both adults and children's party. It can be done just like that or coincided with any holiday. And most importantly, my option does not involve large material costs.

I started preparing for the party about three weeks in advance. The first thing I started was studying material on the Internet and, in fact, writing my own script (). I took some ideas from other sites, but I don’t remember which ones.

A few days before the party, I gave the invitees a rolled-up scroll. The invitees are my parents and brother with his family. There were nine people in total, three of whom were children (2, 5 and 14 years old).


  • Terrible Harry is my husband
  • Mistress of the seas - I
  • Sea Amazon - our daughter, Dashenka
  • The rest of the pirates are our guests

Meeting with guests:

At the entrance, be sure to ask for the password that was specified in the invitation. For us it sounded like this: “ Shut up and let me pass! "We are pirates after all 🙂

Guests are greeted with phrases like this:

  • “Thunder strike you, whoever brought it!!!”
  • “Mock up quickly, damn it!!!”
  • "Thousand devils! Old man, we've been waiting for you!

Terrible Gary: Dear guests! Welcome aboard our schooner, the Flying Dutchman. Raise anchor!

Lady of the Seas:On our schooner it is strictly prohibited:

  • sleeping under the table, especially with snoring
  • poke your neighbor's last eye with a fork (if the fork breaks, we won't give you another one!)
  • boring and tedious faces, hari, turnips, muzzles, as well as faces will immediately go to feed the sharks!

But it's welcome great mood and excellent swearing!

Terrible Gary: I am the captain of the schooner Grozny Gary, and these are my assistants -Lady of the seas andSea Amazon.

Sea Amazon:

It's stupid that girl
It's not good on a frigate.
I am a sea Amazon
Whatever I like, I take it!

I found a short poem for Dasha on the Internet so that she too could feel involved in the holiday.

Terrible Gary: You already know our names, now let’s get to know you.

Each participant takes turns coming up with and announcing their name. If he gets stuck, other members help him (Example names: Dirty Billy, Lame Joe, Jack Ragged Ear, Shark Eater, Death to Clams). The performance of each pirate is accompanied by thunderous applause and hooting. If the party is for adults, after meeting each pirate, you can offer a glass of rum (or gin) to the health of the captain and the entire crew. Green olives are perfect for an appetizer.

Lady of the Seas: Come on, let's check if you are real pirates! Laugh for real, like a pirate! The participants laugh in turns, and then all together.

Terrible Gary: Soooo, but can you swear like pirates (not like Ukrainians and Russians)? Who knows pirate curse words? ...Well done, but not enough! Now I will teach you how to swear!

  • Freshwater clam!
  • Leech Eater!
  • Burst my spleen!
  • Piranha is in your fly, that is, by the scruff of your neck!
  • Your shackles will rattle forever!
  • You'll have to scrub the deck all your life!
  • Fore-main-browsel in your left ear!
  • Sweaty fish gut eater!

Great! I see that you are good bullies and hooligans.

But before we begin the treasure hunt, you must pass a few more tests.

Lady of the Seas: Now we will determine which of you is the most resourceful pirate. Whoever guesses the riddle first receives a black mark from the Sea Amazon.

I printed out the black marks and gave them to Dasha to cut out. The help is nice for both me and the child :). On several marks with reverse side wrote the letters that make up the word TREASURE.

Riddles competition "The Most Resourceful Pirate"

Who is Jolly Roger? (symbol of pirates, skull and crossbones)
When needed, they throw it away; when not needed, they raise it (anchor).
What tool do pirates most often use to find treasure? (with a shovel).
Name it literary hero, which spent on desert island 28 years, 2 months and 19 days? (Robinson Crusoe)
Which seas have “colored names”? (Black, Red, White, Black)
What is the name of the ship's rudder? (steering wheel)
There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. What is this? (sea)
What stones are not found in any sea? (dry)
Name the types of pirate weapons (sabers, daggers, muskets, cannons).
Which continent doesn't have a single river? (Antarctica)
The thread connecting the fisherman and the fish (fishing line).
House for indoor fish (aquarium)
What is a “flock” of fish called? (jamb)
What is SOS? (save our souls)
What is the unit of measurement at sea? (mile)
A giant swims across the sea and releases a fountain (whale)

For an adult party, the most active participants can be given a penalty :).

Accuracy competition "Dead Eye"

Each participant takes turns throwing a ball or a more complex version - a balloon into a hoop lying on the floor. The most accurate pirate gets a black mark

Contest "Sensitive Ear"

Similar to a damaged phone, but with pirate-themed words.

Contest "Strength of mind"

For the competition you will need empty matchboxes. Those wishing to participate in the competition stand in a line. Opposite each player is placed on the floor Matchbox. At the leader's signal, players blow on their boxes as hard as possible to move them as far as possible. The one whose box has moved further is given a black mark.

Contest « Save a friend from piranhas »

In each pair, we blindfold one pirate and attach clothespins to the other. On command, those who are blindfolded begin to remove the piranhas from their comrade. The couple that gets rid of the piranhas the fastest wins.

Each participant chooses a question and answers it

1. Name your favorite pirate drink:

2. Who is a pirate?

Sea Robber
The Honorable Gentleman
Office plankton representative

3. Who wrote the novel “Treasure Island”?

Daniel Defoe
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Robert Louis Stevenson
Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko

4. What is the name of a ship's cook?


5. What is the name of Captain Sparrow?

Blind Pew

6. Pirate money?


7. The name of the captain whose treasure was sought in the work “Treasure Island”

  • Flint
  • Trelawney
  • Livesey

8. Captain Sparrow's Ship

  • Flying Dutchman
  • Black Pearl
  • White Pearl
  • Unsinkable

Poem in roles

We don’t forget to give black marks to the most active participants.

After the end of the competitions, participants count their marks.

Lady of the Seas: Thousand devils, how many tags have you collected?! Only real pirates can do this! I wonder if you can handle the next task? Some tags have letters on the back that you need to use to form a word.

Terrible Gary:(after solving the word “TREASURE”)

I'm on a distant island
Many years ago
In a hole dark and deep
Buried a priceless treasure.
A couple of friends were killed with him.
Here is the cross on the old map!
Tradition tells me
To do this, because I am a pirate!

Gary betrays to the pirates map, on which the location of the treasure is marked with a cross.

Terrible Gary: Now go on a treasure hunt!

I made a map using Photoshop in accordance with the plan of our apartment, veiling the names of the rooms in this way: corridor - Island of Waiting, kitchen - Island of Pleasure, bathroom - Island of Ablutions, children's room - Island of Parrots (2 parrots live in a cage there), hall - Entertainment Island, and the loggia - Cold Springs (the party was held in January).

A map template for Photoshop can be taken from the article

She hid the treasures in a souvenir box for alcohol in the form of a chest, which was once given to her husband at work, and hid it on the loggia. In it I put: a bag of chocolates in the form of coins in gold foil, two inexpensive pirate-themed games (a walker and a puzzle), several balloons with drawings of pirates.

The treasure was found quite quickly. The children immediately began studying the “treasures”, and at this time we quickly served and set the table.

Pirate Party Menu

In any themed party, the main thing is to name the dishes correctly :).

Here are the dishes we had:

Baked feet of wild pigs (actually baked chicken legs)

Jolly Roger Salad
(Mimosa salad, in which I stuck a small pirate flag, printed on a printer and glued to a wooden skewer. Will be published soon,).

Salad “Tongue of the Chatty Pirate” ().

Sandwiches with sperm whale liver (with cod liver)

Sandwiches with shark caviar (with red salmon caviar). I know that sharks are viviparous, but this name seemed cool to me :)

Pirates' Treasures
(stuffed, rolled into bags)

There was something else, but, to be honest, I don’t remember what exactly.

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Friendly teams often organize themed events where employees relax and recharge positive emotions. A pirate party is a celebration where people of all ages will feel comfortable wearing a pirate outfit. It is important for organizers to prepare a script, fun competitions, souvenirs and menus.

How to invite guests?

A pirate party is an informal event that should be announced in an unusual way. For invitations, it is better to choose not standard white envelopes, but leaflets in the shape of a ship or a hat - this will create intrigue for the guests, and they will certainly accept the invitation. Stock up on Jolly Roger stickers that will look great on any color of paper. For the most honored guests, issue an invitation to a pirate party in the form of a corresponding message in a darkened glass bottle. Burn the paper along the edges, remember and straighten it - this will create the impression that it is several hundred years old.

The invitation text should be written with an ink pen. Place the letter in a bottle, seal it with a cork and tie it with a rope. If you want guests to be interested in how the pirate party will take place, prepare the script in advance and inform them that entertainment program There will be games and costume competitions. You can be sure that your idea will be highly appreciated, and the impressions of the event will remain unforgettable.

Pirate dress code

It won’t be difficult to find clothes for the party on your own. Ripped jeans, a bandana, a hat, leather belts and T-shirts are probably present in everyone's wardrobe. A pirate party will be very fun and interesting, the costumes for which you will make with your own hands. Donate a vest for have a fun evening and stretch it, remember and spill a cup of coffee on it. A school lace blouse will instantly become an excellent choice if you wear a leather vest or raincoat over it. Decorate a wide belt with metal clips and chains. The scenario of a pirate party for adults can be composed in such a way that the games contain elements of eroticism - leather and lace will suit the beauties. A bandana or hat can serve as a headdress.

If guests come to a party without clothes, take the initiative and provide them with clothes. First of all, prepare. Costumes can be made from a black tablecloth or oilcloth. You can trim the bottom of the clothing with scissors. Invite ladies to remove their elegant earrings and replace them with ring-shaped clips.

The role of accessories in a pirate look

At any party, clothing is important, but not the most the main role, since the completion of the image occurs through additional items. In a pirate look, there should be as many accessories as possible - these are chains with elements, and a cane. Shoes can be like Wellingtons lace-up and sandals. It is worth distinguishing between male and female pirate images. So, girls can wear a white blouse with a black corset, capris or long skirt, and on her feet - high-heeled shoes and fishnet tights. If you are hosting a pirate party in a retro style, you can choose magnificent outfits for the ladies that will allow guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of bygone centuries.

Leather belts and bracelets - something we can’t live without full image. They can be tied with metal chains or tied with rope. It would be appropriate to put large rings on your fingers or use fingerless gloves to create the look. You can ask your child for plastic sabers, pistols, binoculars and telescopes. Sew a toy parrot onto the shoulder of your jacket or vest, and if this bird lives in your house, put the cage with it in the main plan. Provide all your guests with Jolly Roger flags. Cut out the desired shape from black paper, attach it to a thin plastic or wooden leg, and stick a skeleton on top. Provide photography at an event such as a pirate party - photos taken during the celebration will remain a long-lasting memory for every guest.

What should a pirate's lair be like?

For a noisy party with big amount people should choose a spacious room. If the holiday is held in a close circle of friends and colleagues, the owner must bear responsibility for its holding country house. In order for all guests to remember the pirate party for a long time, the script should have something in common with everyone’s favorite film “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Place a decorative steering wheel outside at the entrance and tie a rope ladder. The main decoration of the interior will be black balls with pirate symbols, which can be used for themed competitions. Place skulls and treasure chests. There should be more black, leather and wood in the room. Hang a map on the wall with a cross marking the location of the treasure. For a pirate party for adults to be fun and positive, the scenario must include drinking. And taking into account the fact that pirates are noisy guys, it should be present not only on the table, but also in the interior. Place dark glass bottles around cabinets and on the floor. Make sure there are several wooden kegs of booze at the party.

Since the water element is associated with the activities of pirates, decorate the room with shells and fishing tackle, and scatter sand on the floor. Place an aquarium with live or artificial fish in a prominent place. Compasses, globes and telescopes are what will enhance the holiday experience.

Pirate-themed party: a condensed script

The correct procedure for holding a holiday is half the success, so long before the chosen day you should discuss all the conditions with the organizers. The event program includes a greeting to the guests, during which they will be initiated into pirates. If guests arrive at the party without costumes, hand them hats and other accessories at the entrance to ensure their appearance matches the theme. It often happens that not all guests know each other, in which case you should give everyone the right to a few words - everyone should introduce themselves and tell about themselves.

At the next stage, you can start having fun: from the simplest competition to the most complex. Make sure that pirate party music is always playing and allow guests to dance and sing, and then offer refreshments afterwards. For dessert, leave the treasure hunt on the map. After that, you can sit on a soft sofa and watch one of the episodes of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Give each guest memorable souvenirs, and a few days later send out e-mail photos.

Initiation into pirates

When all the guests have arrived, entertain them with the first competition. Not a single pirate party goes by without some perky questions: the scenario for it should consist not only of dances and songs, but also of logical tasks. The participant who gave greatest number correct answers, can claim the title of leader. Test your knowledge maritime terms the following questions:

  • What is the name of the pirate whose treasure everyone is looking for? (Flint.)
  • What is another name for a sea vessel? (Ship.)
  • Shark breed.)
  • What is the front part of the ship called? (Nose.)
  • Who main man on the ship after the captain? (Boatswain.)
  • What is the name of the sailors' quarters? (Cockpit.)
  • How many parts are in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean?" (Four.)
  • What does the expression "raise the Jolly Roger" mean? (Have fun.)
  • What's the biggest marine mammal? (Blue whale.)

The winner is given a hat with the image of the Jolly Roger, and from now on he becomes the leader of the gang and has the right to conduct other competitions. Music for a pirate party should be played every time a test is played to encourage guests to become more excited.

Competitions for adults

A real pirate must certainly take part in battle, even without a bloody battle. In the next competition, both men and women can participate. Each daredevil has 5 inflated balloons tied to his belt. The weapons will be plastic spoons or forks. At the command “start”, everyone tries to pierce the opponent’s ball - the winner is the one who has the largest number of intact balls left.

Celebrating a pirate party cannot be complete without alcoholic drinks, merry dancing and beautiful girls. A no limits style party is not complete without attracting the ladies. Line up several beauties, and blindfold the brave men and invite them to guess by touch who is standing in front of them. Spectators do not have the right to guess, and if after 10 seconds the name is not named, the right to guess is given to the next person.

The next competition requires preliminary preparation. One person leaves the room, the other sits on the floor, in the space between two tables. A hole for the head is pre-cut in the tablecloth. The tables are connected, the head is covered with a large cup so that the daredevil does not feel discomfort; Several more cups of the same size are placed on the surface. The newcomer is supposedly invited to find the treasure under these plates, but as soon as he gets to the head, the daredevil screams, and the observers laugh joyfully.

Competitions for children

Invite boys and girls to tie knots on a tight rope - the participant who makes the most knots within a minute is declared the winner. Don't forget to give prizes to children to get them excited. Everyone should be involved in the competitions, then they will remember the children's pirate party for a long time.

The scenario is not complete without the game “Sea figure, freeze!” - it is the most recognizable for all ages. In addition, this competition can be included in the program of a party for adults. The host of the event says the words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, naval figure- freeze,” after which each participant must take an interesting pose and remain motionless until the end.

Of course, a pirate-themed party cannot be held without sweets. The next competition is designed for older children: they will have to stuff several crackers into their mouths and try to whistle. The task is complicated by the fact that without preliminary preparation it will be very difficult to do this, so there will most likely be few winners.

Menu for hungry pirates

Dishes for a theme party may be the most ordinary, but above them appearance you will have to work hard. Pirates, as you know, spend most of their time at sea, so the menu should be composed primarily of seafood. This is exactly the case when, in addition to fish, it would be appropriate to offer a cocktail of oysters, octopus and shrimp. Salads can be served in large shells, red caviar can be served on the table in ice blocks. Place your bet on snacks or similar dishes that will not get cold and can be eaten away from the table: these are sandwiches, canapés, fondue.

In the summer, you can go outside and fry fish or bake meat in the oven. To make sure everyone remembers the pirate party for a long time, take pictures of absolutely everything. The table should be full of booze and exotic fruits. Pirates usually don't like sweets, but as a dessert you can offer a huge cake and smear it on the leader's face - this action will amuse the guests.

Search for treasure

A treasure chest is a long-awaited trophy for each of the pirates, so holding this party is unthinkable without it. Draw a floor plan on whatman paper, symbols, and mark the hiding place with a cross. Pre-purchased items can be placed in it, but it will be more interesting if each of the guests, upon entering, takes off a valuable item and puts it in a box with the condition of return.

Consider safety rules to ensure that all your household items remain safe and sound during your treasure hunt: hide antiques, glass objects, rearrange flowers and leave as much free space in the room as possible.

Pirate party: script, algorithm, competitions

At least one person must be responsible for the event: the owner of the house or the toastmaster. A small script designed for two presenters. When preparing an invitation to a pirate party, indicate to guests that the holiday will be active so that they are prepared in advance to complete collective tasks.

The girl greets guests at the entrance with the words: “Welcome aboard. The guy lets everyone in, hands them a hat or other accessory and says that he is now a full-fledged member of the team. When everyone has gathered, invite them to split into several teams and give them names - “Sea wolves", "Sea Lords" or "Filibuster". Teams will participate in competitions, and at the end of the party, the winner will be the one that completes the task best.

The next stage is the election of the leader of the pirates. This can be done by voting or holding the first competition, as a result of which the leader will be a person who has excellent knowledge of maritime terminology. After this entertainment, offer guests a snack. “Well, gentlemen, pirates, you have refreshed yourself, and now it’s time to have fun,” says the presenter and invites you to participate in other competitions. One of the organizers presents trophies for winning competitions on time.

The scenario of a pirate party for young people also involves the most long-awaited test - the fight for the treasure. “Well, now it’s time to start searching for treasures,” the second presenter announces and leads everyone to the map, on which conventional sign the cache is shown. At this time, the music turns on and the most interesting part of the event begins. When all the competitions have been completed and the treasure has been found, the hosts end the party and offer free time.
