Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Military Institute National Guard Republic of Kazakhstan- higher military educational institution for training officers of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

History of the Institute

Historical background for the creation of the school

With the acquisition of independence in 1992, Kazakhstan began to form its own internal troops, subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Due to the large outflow of officers from the Internal Troops of Kazakhstan to other republics former USSR, there was an acute shortage of officers. Since 1994, the leadership of the internal troops was forced to resort to such extraordinary measures as awarding officer ranks to warrant officers after short-term courses. On that historical period Internal troops guarded 56 correctional colonies throughout Kazakhstan. They also carried out patrols in large cities. This period(90s) was marked by an aggravation of the criminal situation characteristic of the entire CIS.

Creation of a school

At the beginning of 1997, the government was considering the creation of a military school to train officers for the internal troops. Cities such as Semipalatinsk and Petropavlovsk were considered for the location of the school. Due to the unavailability of the housing stock in Semipalatinsk, the choice was made in favor of Pavlodar.

On March 18, 1997, by government decree No. 349, it was decided to create a school. IN short time complex of buildings of the former Petropavlovsk Technical School of Mechanization Agriculture was converted into a complex of buildings for the future military school.

The full name of the establishment became as follows: Higher military school Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On March 17, 2009, by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 348, the “Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was renamed to the “Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”


Young men who have not passed the military service aged 17 to 21, or military personnel under the age of 25.

Currently, the Military Institute trains officers in 7 specialties according to the program of a higher military educational institution with a training period of 4 years:

  • Command tactical (platoon commander)
    • command tactical internal troops;
  • combat support specialty (platoon commander)
    • providing communications;
  • logistics specialties
    • missile and artillery support for troops;
    • engineering and technical support for troops;
    • motor transport support for troops;
    • logistics support for troops;

Since September 2009, the Military Institute, within the framework of interstate obligations, began to accept 10 representatives from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan for training.

On June 11, 2016, the 16th graduation and 4th international graduation took place at the Military Institute. Diplomas and military rank Lieutenant was awarded to 155 citizens of Kazakhstan, 9 citizens of Kyrgyzstan and 6 citizens of Tajikistan. A total of 2,900 officers were graduated over 16 years.

At the same time, 14 graduates in 2016 were sent to serve in the Border Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Also, since 2003, courses to improve the qualifications of National Guard officers have been organized at the school, through which more than 800 officers have attended.

Heads of the school

  • Dukenev, Amangeldy Rezuanovich - 1997-2001
  • Akhmetov, Sabit Kamitovich - 2001-2003
  • Karaguyshiev, Murat Kenzhegalievich - 2003-2004
  • Fatkullin, Rashid Khabibullaevich - 2004-2006
  • Akhmetov, Zhumabek Khatiollaevich - 2006-present;

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

– Pour en revenir a vos dames, on les dit bien belles. Quelle fichue idee d"aller s"enterrer dans les steppes, quand l"armee francaise est a Moscou. Quelle chance elles ont manque celles la. Vos moujiks c"est autre chose, mais voua autres gens civilises vous devriez nous connaitre mieux que ca . Nous avons pris Vienne, Berlin, Madrid, Naples, Rome, Varsovie, toutes les capitales du monde... On nous craint, mais on nous aime. Nous sommes bons a connaitre. Et puis l "Empereur! [But let's return to your ladies: they say that they are very beautiful. What a stupid idea to go and bury yourself in the steppe when french army in Moscow! They missed wonderful case. Your men, I understand, but you - educated people - should have known us better than that. We took Vienna, Berlin, Madrid, Naples, Rome, Warsaw, all the capitals of the world. They fear us, but they love us. It doesn't hurt to know us better. And then the emperor...] - he began, but Pierre interrupted him.
“L"Empereur,” Pierre repeated, and his face suddenly acquired a sad and embarrassed expression. “Est ce que l"Empereur?.. [Emperor... What is the emperor?..]
- L"Empereur? C"est la generosite, la clemence, la justice, l"ordre, le genie, voila l"Empereur! C "est moi, Ram ball, qui vous le dit. Tel que vous me voyez, j" etais son ennemi il y a encore huit ans. Mon pere a ete comte emigre... Mais il m"a vaincu, cet homme. Il m"a empoigne. Je n"ai pas pu resister au spectacle de grandeur et de gloire dont il couvrait la France. Quand j"ai compris ce qu"il voulait, quand j"ai vu qu"il nous faisait une litiere de lauriers, voyez vous, je me suis dit: voila un souverain, et je me suis donne a lui. Eh voila! Oh, oui, mon cher, c"est le plus grand homme des siecles passes et a venir. [Emperor? This is generosity, mercy, justice, order, genius - this is what an emperor is! It is I, Rambal, telling you. The way you see me, I was his enemy eight years ago. My father was a count and an emigrant. But he defeated me, this man. He took possession of me. I could not resist the spectacle of grandeur and glory with which he covered France. When I understood what he wanted, when I saw that he was preparing a bed of laurels for us, I said to myself: here is the sovereign, and I surrendered myself to him. And so! Oh yes, my darling, this is the most great person past and future centuries.]
– Est il a Moscow? [What, is he in Moscow?] - Pierre said, hesitating and with a criminal face.
The Frenchman looked at Pierre's criminal face and grinned.
“Non, il fera son entree demain, [No, he will make his entry tomorrow,” he said and continued his stories.
Their conversation was interrupted by the cry of several voices at the gate and the arrival of Morel, who came to announce to the captain that the Wirtemberg hussars had arrived and wanted to place their horses in the same yard in which the captain’s horses stood. The difficulty arose mainly because the hussars did not understand what they were told.
The captain ordered the senior non-commissioned officer to be called to him and in a stern voice asked him which regiment he belonged to, who their commander was and on what basis he allowed himself to occupy an apartment that was already occupied. In response to the first two questions, the German, who did not understand French well, named his regiment and his commander; but to the last question, without understanding it, inserting broken French words into German speech, he answered that he was a quartermaster of the regiment and that he had been ordered by his superior to occupy all the houses in a row. Pierre, who knew German, translated to the captain what the German was saying, and The captain's answer was conveyed in German to the Wirtemberg hussar. Realizing what he was told, the German surrendered and took his men away. The captain came out onto the porch, giving some orders in a loud voice.
When he returned back to the room, Pierre was sitting in the same place where he had sat before, with his hands on his head. His face expressed suffering. He was really suffering at that moment. When the captain left and Pierre was left alone, he suddenly came to his senses and realized the position in which he was. It was not that Moscow was taken, and not that these happy victors ruled it and patronized him - no matter how hard Pierre felt this, this was not what tormented him at the moment. He was tormented by the consciousness of his weakness. A few glasses of wine and a conversation with this good-natured man destroyed the concentrated gloomy mood in which Pierre lived during these last days and which was necessary for the fulfillment of his intention. The pistol, the dagger, and the coat were ready; Napoleon was arriving tomorrow. Pierre also considered it useful and worthy to kill the villain; but he felt that now he would not do it. Why? - he didn’t know, but he seemed to have a presentiment that he would not fulfill his intention. He fought against the consciousness of his weakness, but vaguely felt that he could not overcome it, that the previous gloomy system of thoughts about revenge, murder and self-sacrifice had scattered like dust at the touch of the first person.
The captain, limping slightly and whistling something, entered the room.
The Frenchman's chatter, which had previously amused Pierre, now seemed disgusting to him. And the whistling song, and the gait, and the gesture of twirling his mustache - everything now seemed offensive to Pierre.
“I’ll leave now, I won’t say a word to him again,” thought Pierre. He thought this, and meanwhile he was still sitting in the same place. Some strange feeling of weakness chained him to his place: he wanted but could not get up and leave.
The captain, on the contrary, seemed very cheerful. He walked around the room twice. His eyes sparkled and his mustache twitched slightly, as if he was smiling to himself at some funny invention.
“Charmant,” he said suddenly, “le colonel de ces Wurtembourgeois!” C "est un Allemand; mais brave garcon, s"il en fut. Mais Allemand. [Lovely, colonel of these Württembergers! He is German; but a nice fellow, despite this. But German.]
He sat down opposite Pierre.
– A propos, vous savez donc l "allemand, vous? [By the way, do you know German?]
Pierre looked at him silently.
– Comment dites vous asile en allemand? [How do you say shelter in German?]
- Asile? - Pierre repeated. – Asile en allemand – Unterkunft. [Asylum? Refuge - in German - Unterkunft.]

The Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is government agency, implementing educational programs of higher professional education, additional education and has the status higher educational institution of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Military Institute is intended for training officers of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The military institute conducts educational activities on the basis of a state license for the right to conduct educational activities in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state compulsory education standards.

The Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was formed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 349 of March 18, 1997.

This day became the school's birthday.

December 20, 1997 President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country - N.A. Nazarbayev, presented the Battle Banner to the school.

On the eve of school day By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 348 of March 17, 2009 The State Institution “Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was renamed into the State Institution “Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

The creation of the Higher Military Educational Institution of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is convincing evidence of the implementation of the Development Strategy of Kazakhstan until 2030, its first priority is national security, constant attention The head of state to the development of internal troops.

The short biography of the Military Institute within the framework of historical time can be divided into three stages.

First stage associated with the organization and creation of educational and material base and conditions for the start of the educational process, the development of temporary documents for the organization of training and education, the first intake of cadets. The educational institution was headed in different years by: Major General Dyukenev Amangeldy Rezuanovich, Colonels Akhmetov Sabit Kamitovich and Karaguyshiev Murat Kenzhegalievich, Major General Fatkullin Rashid Khabibullaevich.

Currently, the institute is headed by Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor Colonel Akhmetov Zhumabek Khatiollaevich.

Second phase in the history of the institute - 2001–2006. This stage is characterized by: bringing educational activities into compliance with legislative acts in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Under the leadership of the Commander of the Internal Troops, the Military Educational Institution Development Program for 2000-2007 was adopted. and systemic support for teaching staff for 2005-2008. During these same years, the institute developed in accordance with the State Program for Reforming the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2002–2005.

In 2007, the military educational institution entered the third stage, which is associated with the implementation of the strategic objectives of the new Kazakhstan in the new world, becoming one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world, State program development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010 and the State Program for the Development of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations for 2006-2010.

The development plans of the institute for the period up to 2010 include systematic and comprehensive measures. Since 2004, a transition to bachelor’s level training has been made, and state education standards have been developed and approved for the group of specialties “Military Affairs and Security.”

Currently, cadets are trained in seven departments. The training program provides for the training of cadets as drivers of the “Aircraft” category and computer operators.

Much attention is paid to patriotic education and motivation of cadets to study by the akim of the North Kazakhstan region, Serik Sultangazinovich Bilyalov. He established scholarships named after Sh. Ualikhanov.

For services in the development of military education, colonels Akhmetov Zh.Kh., Musyrman A.Sh. were awarded the badge “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. and the badge “Y. Altynsarin” - Lieutenant Colonels Nilov V.P., Kaliev A.K. Serbin A.G. The academic title “Professor” was awarded to Colonel Akhmetov Zh.Kh. and Lieutenant Colonel V.P. Nilov Colonel Sirotkin V.P. awarded for personal courage the medal “Zhauyngerlik Erligi Ushin”.

About twenty teachers of the institute were awarded a diploma and gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Over the course of 10 graduations, the Military Institute trained 1,751 officers, of which 154 graduated from the educational institution with honors, 20 with the badge “Askeri oku ornyn uzdik bitirgeni ushin.” Graduates of the institute annually join the cadres of the Internal Troops, serve with dignity in other troops and military formations countries. Many have been appointed to higher positions, a number of officers have been given military ranks ahead of schedule, and the first graduates are studying at military academies and military universities in Kazakhstan and Russia. The majority of battalion level officers are our graduates.

Since 2009, the Military Institute has reached the international level in training military personnel. According to intergovernmental agreements, since September 2009, 10 representatives of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan each have mastered a military specialty on the basis of a military educational institution.

The institute has a faculty for advanced training of officers. Since 2003, over 811 military officers have been trained at the faculty.

On November 11, 2005, the Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was elected as a collective member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan.

In the context of economic and social transformations in the Republic, reform of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, our main task is the development of the Military Institute and improvement of the quality of education, training of highly qualified and competitive officers, consistent with the Strategy of the Head of State at the new stage of development of Kazakhstan, defined in the Address to the People Kazakhstan.

A significant contribution to the training and education of cadets is made by such experienced teachers as Colonels Doszhanov B.A., Levin A.Yu., Kozhakhmetov B.T. Frantsov V.A., lieutenant colonels Nilov V.P., Kaliev A.K., Serbin A.G., Bekbenbetov K., Kornilov A.A., head of the department Zhabatova Zh.K.

The training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel has become systematic at the institute. Theses were defended by colonels Akhmetov Zh.Kh., Safonov O.L., lieutenant colonel Kaliev A.K., employee Kozhagulova G.K., employee Suleimenova S.K., captain Zharylgapov E.K., colonel Kosyntaev K.B.

On April 30, 2010, he defended his dissertation for the scientific degree Doctor of Military Sciences Colonel Akhmetov Zh.Kh.

In the same year, Colonel M.E. Batyrov is scheduled to defend his dissertation. and Colonel Musyrman A.Sh.

In December 2008, Colonel Akhmetov Zh.Kh. was elected corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation. and Lieutenant Colonel Nilov V.P.; Colonel Musyrman A.Sh. and Lieutenant Colonel Kaliev A.K. - professors.

Since 2001, it has become a tradition and firmly established in the system of work to hold annual scientific, theoretical, practical conferences and seminars with the participation of representatives of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and military educational institutions of our country.

The institute has established the work of a military scientific society of cadets. Many of them took first places in competitions scientific works among higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the North Kazakhstan region.

In 2006, at the Republican Youth Forum of Kazakhstan, cadet, 2009 graduate Aslan Bikenev became the winner in the “Young Military Person of the Year” nomination.

Since September 2008, the television and radio company “Kazakhstan-Petropavl” has organized on an ongoing basis the military-patriotic program “Sarbaz” about the educational, educational and daily activities of the institute. Until this time, the channel aired 48 episodes of the program.

The institute operates public organizations: officers' meeting, councils of veterans, contract military personnel, women's council, youth initiative centers. Personnel constantly take part in military parades and All-Army meetings.

The military orchestra of the institute and its soloists are laureates of republican competitions, the military conductor of the military orchestra, Lieutenant Colonel Gennady Petrov, was awarded the title “Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The KVN team of the educational institution is a repeated winner of international and regional KVN games. The institute has a widely developed network of various clubs and sports sections.

The pride of the institute is our cadets and military personnel: international master of sports Amir Tnalin - two-time world champion in kickboxing in Greece and China; Master of Sports Azamat Nurpeisov - silver medalist of the World Kickboxing Championship in Italy (2009), medalist of the Asian Boxing Championship in India and the international tournament in Baku, champion of Kazakhstan; For the second year in a row, the Military Institute takes 1st place in sports and mass work in the troops and 2nd place in the Spartakiad of the Internal Troops.

The Institute is located at:

150009, Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk, st. Yubileinaya, 6.

Travel from the railway station by bus No. 27, trolleybus No. 4, minibus No. 5, from the city center by bus No. 4A, 11 to the “Military Institute” stop.

On September 7 of this year, at the Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first-year cadets who entered the military educational institution this year took the Military Oath. In a solemn atmosphere, 203 young cadets swore an oath of allegiance to the Motherland and the people.
“With taking the military oath, you become full members of our Military Institute. Your dream is to become an officer, it is noble and [...]

Response to the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed forces countries of Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev

In his message to the people of Kazakhstan, the Head of State reflected actual problems society and state on modern stage its development. The annual Address to the people of Kazakhstan is an important socio-political event in the life of the country. IN modern conditions globalization, information technologies and development civil society important has timely […]

On July 3, at the Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in a solemn atmosphere, the Military Oath was taken by cadets who entered military educational institutions of foreign countries.

The military oath is the basic and inviolable law of military life, the warrior’s oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Each serviceman, by accepting it, assumes responsibilities, the fulfillment of which constitutes the meaning and purpose of military service.
- Expensive […]

On August 1 of this year, a memorial dedicated to the hero was opened. The event was attended by descendants of Suyyndyk batyr, representatives of the Fund mass media, cadets of the Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, led by the Deputy Head of the Military Institute for educational and social-legal work, Colonel Saverdin Karlovich Imirov.

The initiator of the search for the burial place of Suyyndyk batyr is a professor at the Military Institute, […]
