What is an upsell? Related products and secrets of their sales

27.12.2016 8853

In times of economic downturn, even the most unexpected move can be a winner. For example, introduce related products into the assortment of your shoe store. Although how unexpected is this move? Companion is an old, faithful assistant for increasing the average bill and increasing income.

Related goods are considered to be those that are used together with something already purchased, complement its properties, help to use it, and represent its replacement parts. In our shoe case, these are shoe care cosmetics, laces, insoles, socks, and so on.

What to sell?

The sale of a related product occurs after the sale of the main product, when the client said: “Yes, I’m buying.” It is quite possible that this upselling begins not at the checkout, but at the fitting bench after the client says: “The boots fit, I’ll take them.” Experienced marketers are sure: the sale of related products should be carried out after each purchase, that is, in 100% of cases of sales of the main product. In this case, you can easily achieve an increase in the average bill. But in order to establish sales of related products, it is necessary to first determine which products can be considered related to a specific product.

Of course, when forming an assortment of related products, it is worth starting from the main ones already on the shelves. If we talk about shoes, then a whole range of different products can act as “accessories”: laces, insoles, socks, various shoe care products.

And even... accessories (wallets, bags, gloves, belts), because women, as you know, do not buy individual items on their own, but model a complete image in their heads using this very purchase.

When forming an assortment of related products, pay attention not only to color scheme your shoes, but also consider different types leather from which it is made, and the expected weather for the near future.

Shoe care products are included in the category of related products

However, you should not focus only on shoe cosmetics, as most domestic stores do; it is necessary to expand the boundaries of the offer. For example, this summer the Obuv Rossii Group of Companies is developing the Westfalika Medical line of cosmetic products, which is sold in the Westfalika and Peshekhod chain stores, adding hand creams, face scrubs and accessories to the range. The new cosmetic line of hand skin care products includes 5 types of creams with different active ingredients, such as extracts of chamomile, calendula, ginseng root, wheat germ, vitamin complex. Their strategy of developing sales of related products is bearing fruit. Thus, in 2013, sales of “soputka” amounted to 865 million rubles, which is 2.7 times higher than in 2012. And in 2014, the company plans to increase sales by 70% - up to 1.5 billion rubles, and increase the share of related products in revenue to 20%.

“When choosing companion product categories, always use your imagination and think about what else might be of interest to your customers,” recommends Megan Cleary, shoe expert and author of Shoe Are You? – For example, if your store has a lot of children’s shoes in its assortment, supplement it with inexpensive small toys for children of the appropriate age, and also, perhaps, bags for replacement shoes for schoolchildren. A sports shoe store should sell well not only “sports” socks, but also small accessories such as headbands, hair ties, wristbands, etc.”

Determining the price

Choosing a price segment for a companion is not an easy task. First, determine what the average bill of your store is and, based on this amount, try to determine how much your customer is willing to spend on additional products. For an average bill of 3,000 rubles, the upper limit for the price of one unit of travel companion will most likely be 300 rubles. For a higher segment, this amount will increase accordingly.

Hunting for change.

This is an interesting move to sell travel companions, which is easily carried out by Western retailers and does not take root well in Russian realities. It's simple: when a customer buys something that costs a small amount, he rarely hands over exactly as much money as the item costs - usually the seller has to count out the change. Each time this is some insignificant amount, usually from 1-2% to 10-15% of the purchase price. But if you consider that several hundred, or even thousands of people pass through the cash register every day, then a significant amount is obtained per month. And such small goods as laces, socks or care products are good because their low purchase price allows you to make a high markup of 400-500% and, accordingly, make good money on them. If the assortment of your store is small, then you can check in advance what amounts of change most often have to be returned to the client, and select one or two popular products for each such amount. For example, if shoes cost 2,800 rubles, then most likely the buyer will hand the cashier three pieces of paper for 1,000 rubles each and wait for 200 rubles in change. It is necessary to select some product of the same or similar cost and also accompanying the shoes, for example, a care product or a transparent plastic box for storing shoes in the closet. “Remember, there needs to be a slogan to help sell the products (or boxes),” explains Melissa Potter. WHO IS SHE???. - For example, like this. A look in the eyes, a smile: “Would you like some change for your shoes? (Gesture with hand towards the rack with supplies) Your shoes will look perfect twice as long!” It is also worth trying the option when the seller does not just point out the means, but takes the appropriate one and hands it to the client.

Perhaps this will help sell more, perhaps it will hinder. Unfortunately, in in this case you won’t know without testing…” What is the economic impact? Let's figure it out. Let's say 12 pairs of shoes are sold per day, and let's say every fourth customer buys shoe polish in change. Total, 600 rubles per day, 18 thousand per month, 216 thousand per year. Not bad at all for such a simple trick. In addition, if you give the seller the right to reduce the price of goods purchased for change (within the limits you set), this will further motivate buyers: “Don’t you want to get this magnificent product instead of 240 rubles in change?” English remedy for shoes that costs 350 rubles? Surely he will!

“Buy it for your husband.”

You can try another option for more expensive purchases - the slogan “Buy something for your husband,” which, among other things, gives the woman a moral justification for spending. So the girl will be able to tell her husband not “I bought myself Italian boots,” but “I went to buy you socks (or, for example, sandals for the summer) ... and at the same time I bought myself boots.”

Places you need to know

An axiom of merchandising states that small related products should be located in the impulse purchase zone, that is, near the cash register, where a person is already mentally prepared to spend money. A larger companion should be placed next to the product it complements: a bag next to shoes, a wallet and gloves next to a bag. Alexander Levitas, author of the book “More Money from Your Business,” advises: “If it is not physically possible to place a related product next to the main one, internal navigation can help you out - a sign with an offer to buy a related product and information on how to find it in the store " However, keep in mind that it is not enough to simply lay out goods or advertisements for services in plain sight, or beautifully place them on a counter or in a display case. Moreover, it must be actively offered. The seller must look the buyer in the eye and say: “Buy this too!” This is not difficult, and in commercial terms, sometimes it literally works wonders.

Laces can also be included in the range of related products

How to offer

Think about it: your business sells a certain product or service, and what related products or services do you sell? Do your salespeople offer them to everyone who makes a purchase? If not - why? How much money are you losing on this?

Don't push it!

Why don't you sell? To this question, sellers often answer that they do not do this because buyers are offended and believe that they are being “sold” an unnecessary product. Remember how often, when you find yourself in a store as a buyer, you feel like you are being sold unnecessary things. Alexander Levitas describes well the difference between selling and “steaming”: “If I buy cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and pickled olives, and the cashier asks me: “Do you want a toilet brush at a discount?” – in such a situation, you really get the feeling that something is being sold to you. But if the same cashier had looked at the items in my cart, realized that it was an obvious salad set, and offered a related product - for example, she would have asked: “Do you want olive oil for a salad at a discount? or “Do you want salad dressing at a discount?”, then even if I hadn’t bought anything, I would remember that the person at the checkout thought about me, offered exactly what I needed at that moment.”

Show interest.

In a shoe store, sales associates must be able to determine why the person came to the store. For example, a girl buys sandals in early July. It would be logical to ask her if she is going on vacation to the sea, and, having received a positive answer, offer cute beach flip-flops or a bright ankle bracelet. A man purchasing boots for hiking in the mountains will probably be interested in warm, wear-resistant socks or a hiking backpack.

At the same time, the consultant must clearly understand what the client should focus on. There are three strategies for offering goods: up-sale, cross-sale and down-sale. For accompanying products, as a rule, the latter is used, down-sale (the so-called “up-sale”), when the client is offered a cheaper product that complements the one already purchased. But if we're talking about about buying an expensive pair of shoes, it is worth offering a high-quality, expensive cream to care for them, emphasizing that this way the new thing will last longer.

From big to small.

Companions should be offered in descending order of price: from the most expensive to the cheapest product. There is such a high probability that the client will stop at expensive offer, thus bringing you greater profits. To the question: “Do you want more cream (socks, insoles)?” Most people's most common answer is "No." Therefore, it is better to replace it with a call to action: “Let us select insoles for you!” or “Let’s take some water-repellent spray,” to which the person will most likely reflexively agree.

Assemble the kit.

There is another trick to increase the total cost of the purchase. The seller combines several different products that are related to each other into a set and sells this set as an independent unit of goods. The trick is that not only is it more profitable for the seller to sell the set, but it is also often more profitable for the buyer to purchase it all at once, rather than in parts. The main thing is that the kit is put together successfully: there is everything you need, there is nothing superfluous, all the components are combined with each other. It is advisable to allow the buyer to change the configuration of the kit within reasonable limits: replace something, add something, remove something. This increases his motivation to buy, but try to make sure that the changes do not reduce the total cost of the set.

Wallets, bags, gloves, belts look organically in the shoe retail assortment

Give a discount.

Don't forget about "incentives" too. First of all, this is a discount on a specific product or group of products when purchased in excess of a certain quantity. True, it is better to present such a discount as a “gift”, but everyone loves gifts and does not like to quickly count in their head. Want an illustration? Please! Compare three promotional offers: “Three pairs of shoes for the price of two,” “33% discount when buying three pairs of shoes,” and “Buy two pairs of shoes, get the third one free!” Agree that the last proposal looks much more tempting, although all three are absolutely identical in meaning.

Give a favor.

Well, another way to encourage purchases is free service associated with the purchased product. For example, “When purchasing shoes for an amount over 5,000 rubles, sticker of anti-slip plates on the soles is free!” And don’t forget to “loudly” inform the buyer about the reward that awaits him in the event of a big purchase. Write about this on the sign above the cash register, on the price tags of the goods, on big poster behind the seller's back. Remember your customer's needs, and he will buy from you whatever you offer him!

FACT: On average, 25% of buyers respond to an offer to buy related products.

In times of economic downturn, even the most unexpected move can be a winner. For example, introduce related products into the assortment of your shoe store. Although how unexpected it is, this...

Shoes Report Editorial Board

Additional products or services for customers may be paid or free. In any case, they perform two tasks:

  • attract customers to your company;
  • increase your company's profits (cross-selling).

What free additional products or services do customers value?

Additional products and services increase customer loyalty and differentiate the company from its competitors. For example, clients will appreciate:

  • provision of interest-free installment payments (this service is offered even when selling inexpensive goods, for example, shoes);
  • delivery of goods and additional work related to it, such as installation and configuration;
  • free product testing, the opportunity to try the product;
  • trade-in service, when the company picks up the client’s old product for free and provides a discount on a new similar one;
  • ordering goods via the Internet and delivering them to the client’s home or office;
  • inexpensive gifts for the main product;
  • engraving on products;
  • extended warranty period;
  • free product repair in case of breakdown.

How to understand what your customers will appreciate. Sometimes customers themselves suggest little things, so don’t be shy to ask what they’re missing. A simple way is to regularly go with your employees to competitors’ stores and look at their work through the eyes of ordinary consumers, try to buy something. Then have everyone write down what they would improve on their competitors. Compare these reports with the state of affairs in your company: you probably have similar problems. As a result of such campaigns, your employees will have many suggestions for improving the quality of service. More often, new ideas arise from employees who are in contact with clients. Encourage staff to come up with little things that improve service, and reward them for successful suggestions.

Example: sales managers of a company from the b2b sector suggested that management make delivery free for all clients without exception. As a result, the loyalty of customers who previously bought goods in small quantities and came to the office themselves to buy them has increased significantly. Some time later, these clients gave the company another idea. They asked if it was possible to pay for the goods without leaving the office. The same managers found a solution: they suggested hiring a delivery driver who would drive the cash register and accept money from clients. As a result of innovations, the volume of purchases increased threefold.

Examples of additional goods and services that European companies practice

The above examples can be implemented by any Russian company, regardless of the field of activity.

1. Free consultation. Sellers of a network of photographic and video equipment stores in Germany and the Netherlands offered each client who bought a camera of a certain model a half-hour conversation with a consultant. He explained how best to use the camera. The office of a British company selling ready-made panel houses now has jobs for an interior designer and a florist specialist. They provide free consultations to home buyers who have entered into a deal on interior home improvement issues.

2. Free measurements. German sales company finishing materials and carpets takes free measurements at the client’s home, and when purchasing material at a certain amount delivers your order free of charge.

3. Product customization. In a small town in Switzerland, a local confectioner began providing a new service: he uses hot melted chocolate to write the names, dates and wishes of customers on cakes and pastries.

4. Wedding gift. One of the European furniture stores decided to enlist the support of young families. When purchasing a set of upholstered furniture for the living room, newlyweds who present a marriage certificate receive a set of electrical appliances (coffee maker, kettle, toaster, mixer and vacuum cleaner) as a gift. Sellers are confident that satisfied newlyweds will return to them again and again.

How to increase sales through additional products and services

The method in which the client is offered to purchase additional products or services is called (cross-selling). Main mistake companies is that sellers, as a rule, do not offer anything at all. The client asked something, the seller answered and fell silent. And the reason is not only the inexperience of the operators. Due to the lack of a system, employees simply do not know what to offer and how to do it correctly. To make your company make money on additional products, follow these steps:

1. Create an upsell matrix. Include popular products and additional accessories that can be offered with them. For example, you can offer a phone buyer a car charger, a holder, a screen protector, or an external battery.

2. In addition to the names of additional products and services, indicate in the matrix the main benefits for the client. Salespeople need to know the benefits by heart so they can make the right case. In addition, you can invite the seller to choose five favorite accessories for each product. This approach is better for two reasons:

  • It’s easier for a salesperson to sell what he himself believes in: the client feels confident in the employee’s voice;
  • Staff resistance to such changes will be minimal.

3. Immediately list to the client the goods and services that he can purchase in addition to the main product. Even if the customer does not buy immediately, he may return for additional goods after a while. If a client buys an expensive product, it is easier to sell him related services.

Tip: Offer clients a set of services for a fixed price.

To make money on additional services and not irritate the client, give him the opportunity to choose services from the list you have compiled. For example, a company provides 10 small services and seven large ones - invite the customer to mark any five small and two large ones among them. Moreover, any set of services should cost the same amount, which is quite acceptable for the client. Then the customer will not stock up on services, just in case, but will focus only on what he really needs. A similar option is to agree with the client that for a certain subscription fee, transferred monthly, you will solve his current problems.

Upsell(cross-selling, selling an additional product), performed by a consultant on time and in accordance with all the rules, will help to significantly increase the amount of daily revenue and average check, which cannot but worry the business owner. What motivation can a manager have to increase daily profits? Money, money and more money.

If your salary, your bonus depends on the amount you bring to the employer - this article is for you! And if you are an employer, work in retail and are thinking about how to increase sales, this article will also be useful to you. And with all this, it is much easier to make an additional sale of a product than to sell the main product, you do not need to repeat everything again - that’s it, the client’s consent to cooperate with your company has already been received!

Now let's talk about when to upsell.

Upsell The product is made only after you and the client have agreed to buy the product or service, and not before, otherwise you may lose the client!!! As a rule, experienced managers begin to offer an expensive product or service as an upsell, then a cheaper one, and only then, if the client does not agree, they return to the cheapest option.

That is, the client decided that he was buying a certain product. Fact. We offer him the same product with a bunch of extras. options or the most expensive one, that is, we overprice (upsell). We talk about the advantages and benefits of this product, compare, talk about it high quality, convenience, durability, we reduce it to , time, image, etc.

In our retail stores This technique is used quite rarely: usually the client chooses, buys, and the seller offers some small items to complement the product. And completely in vain. Usually customers come to your site, where you place locomotive goods at competitive prices. Ideally, of course, the locomotive product should be exclusive, and its price should also be moderate. The manager’s task is not to sell this cheapest promotional product (you can always sell it with ease), but to persuade the client to buy a more expensive product that is more profitable for your company. And for the same product you can also sell a bunch of additional (crossell) accessories if you have a large assortment. Here's the answer to your question, how to increase the average check.

If the client does not agree to an expensive product, we offer the product cheaper and also talk about its advantages, but less. If again the client is not satisfied, for example, with the price, we work with objections. Well, if it doesn’t help, we sell low-cost goods.

However expensive-cheap-cheap approach, often used by car sales managers, is not suitable in all cases. It is not always worth using this approach when the client chooses, for example, clothes himself. Imagine, he liked some thing, he already knows what to wear it with, and we offer another... He, of course, can buy another, but rather as an addition to the chosen item, rather than instead of it.

Another one upselling technique quite effective here in Russia, especially for customers who want to save money - selling goods at a lower price, but with a higher price marginal profit for the seller (downsell). For example, a buyer wants to purchase a certain product, but we know that there is a cheaper similar product that is more profitable for our company to sell (or for it we have more bonus). Then we tell the buyer how good a similar product is (how well and reliably it works, how long it lasts, etc.), but at the same time it also costs less. This approach is perceived positively by clients, they develop trust in such a responsive and customer-oriented seller, which allows them to build long-term trust. partnerships. Such a client will return to you more than once.

Another pretty one profitable view upsells- delivery. In fact, if you are selling large-sized goods, think about it, finding a reliable partner who is ready to periodically deliver small loads for a reasonable fee is as easy as shelling pears (add your markup to the cost of his services), because by refusing delivery you are throwing money away.

This training video will tell you how to upsell and sell additional services:

If you are a manager and you need to increase revenue, and your salespeople do not offer anything additional to customers, follow these steps:

  1. Come up with motivation for your sellers, hold a meeting and talk about it. Motivation can be financial - cash bonuses for the sale of certain goods, valuable gifts. You can organize a competition, summarize daily results and post the results in a place accessible to the manager.
  2. Print out several ready-made upsell options for managers, containing questions and phrases that can be used when cross-crossing your products. Tell employees what to offer for each locomotive product and how much money they can earn if every, for example, third customer buys an additional product. This system of financial motivation for clothing sellers also works effectively: for one item - a standard bonus, for the second - the bonus is multiplied by 1.5, for the third - by 2. Give your sellers a little extra work, and at the same time gain courage, and it won’t take long to increase your revenue wait! Do not spare money on bonuses, since there may not be additional revenue, and therefore profit, without the motivation of sellers.
  3. Provide sales training to your staff. If you are limited in finances, invite a practical trainer who will prepare and conduct training that will reinforce effective quick skills that can be put into practice the very next day. It would be good for such a trainer to visit employees’ workplaces a couple of times and help them adapt the skills acquired during the training during the first month to the real conditions of your company.
  4. Regularly review how well salespeople are performing their assigned tasks. If they try, but it doesn’t work out very well, that’s one thing, but if they completely forget about the company’s goals as soon as you close the door behind you, that’s another. Ask your friends to come to your store and check the work of the employees - you can learn a lot of interesting things. Either way, you'll have food for thought.

If you're thinking about how to increase your sales, especially in retail, pay attention to cross-selling (upselling). Each upselling technique is individual, you need to try it in practice, adjust it specifically to your work process, formulate questions, hone benefits and offers. Yes, it takes time, but the time spent as a manager will pay off significantly if you focus your efforts on developing the necessary skills. And new approaches to motivating employees will improve the atmosphere in the team and will arouse additional interest in the work of your staff, if you are a manager.

If you sell customers more expensive or additional products, you will make more profit, and customers, in turn, will also be satisfied. A good salesperson or salesperson can increase the perceived value of an item that a buyer is already willing to purchase, as well as mark up the price and increase the net profit, which benefits both parties. Salespeople who make key mistakes every time they meet with a client miss out on many opportunities. The ability to sell an upsell or an additional product is of great importance, and you can learn this if you approach each transaction wisely, use various techniques and lay the foundation for further cooperation.


Part 1

Smart approach to sales

    You must know your product inside and out. The more you know about your products, the better informed you will be about how different products can make the product your customer buys more valuable and convenient. You'll also know better how to recommend newer and better versions of a product or alternative options. People want to buy from someone who knows more about products than they do. Your goal as a salesperson is to make the person understand how he can easily improve the product he wants, and to do this you must know everything about it. Prepare thoroughly at home to sell a more expensive item.

    • If you work in a bookstore with a large fantasy section, to achieve high sales, you would read cult books in that genre. If you try to convince a buyer that Gandalf is the best character in The Goblet of Fire, you are unlikely to be a convincing fantasy book seller.
  1. “Read” your buyer. A good seller will be able to quickly select the right book for the buyer and tailor his selling methods to a specific person. It doesn't matter whether you work in wholesale or retail, the seller must provide the buyer with exactly what he wants.

    Make first contact with the buyer. Talk to him by establishing a friendly rapport, greeting him, and demonstrating your willingness to help and answer questions. Find out what the buyer wants and use that desire to begin the sales process.

    • If a bookstore visitor is interested in The Chronicles of Narnia, start the conversation by praising his taste: “Great series! What have you already read? Listen to the visitor and strike up a friendly conversation with him, if the buyer does not mind. Bring other series he might be interested in, such as The Spiderwick Chronicles or The Lord of the Rings.
  2. You must understand when it is best not to impose on the client. Most often, people complain about salespeople when they immediately try to sell them an expensive product. It’s one thing behind the counter to offer other products related to the product in a friendly manner (“Lord of the Rings”, bookmarks, etc.), but it’s another thing to immediately try to impose luxury, expensive items on the buyer, without paying attention to his interests.

    Let the client decide for himself what he can afford. You should not announce the cost of the product until the visitor is convinced that he needs this product. Choose the item that best suits the client's wishes, and let him decide for himself whether the price is acceptable to him or not.

    • Likewise, many sellers are hesitant to make an offer to a buyer who is already carrying an armful of goods. They are afraid that the client will faint when he sees the check. But this is no longer your problem. Be honest and provide the visitor with the options that you think are most useful for him, and let him decide whether he needs anything else or not.

    Part 2

    How and what else can you sell to a client?
    1. Offer the client accessories. Most the right way To sell an additional product to a visitor is to offer him products that are relevant to his purchase. If a visitor buys the first book of The Chronicles of Narnia, offer him the second: “When you finish reading this, believe me, you will immediately want to start the second. I could hardly wait!” You can also offer products that your customer might need, such as bookmarks.

      • Think about what you would want if you were the buyer. If you were buying a camera, you would want to purchase a spare battery, a case, an additional memory card, a card reader to transfer images to a computer - that is, all the things that will ensure full and comfortable use of the product.
      • IN wholesale trade try to learn as much as possible about the client's business and the products that are relevant to his purchase. You must provide the visitor with a huge selection and let him know that he can get everything he needs in one place - in your store.
    2. Consider the properties of the product. All products are different, and when selling, in particular, high-end products, it is worth telling the client about the difference in properties, emphasizing the advantages of more expensive products. Even in the case of books, you can offer the client the entire Chronicles of Narnia series with detailed illustrations and maps in a beautiful box.

      • Choose a practical product for the buyer. A student buying a computer will most likely want it to have a good video card, be able to work for a long time, weigh little and have good conditions guarantees. Expensive desktop computer that this moment is a bestseller and has a huge volume random access memory, will not good option, if the buyer wants a laptop, even if, in your opinion, the properties of this computer are better.
      • In case of wholesale sales you can offer the buyer goods in larger volumes, which will be more profitable for him. As a rule, large quantities of goods are sold at best price, so you can highlight the benefits of the acquisition more products for a longer period, as opposed to making more frequent purchases at a less favorable price.
    3. Emphasize best quality expensive goods. What is the difference between a paperback book and a hardcover book (three times more expensive)? The content will not change from appearance. So what's the benefit of having a nicer, higher quality version of the same product? It is possible that the product will have best properties, but a quality product is, first of all, more prestigious. Selling quality means selling durability, craftsmanship and style:

      • "This is a book you'll probably want to read over and over again. The paperback quickly becomes frayed and the book can fall apart, which is why it's so cheap and the font is awkward - I would find it extremely difficult to read. I'd choose this one. Great illustrations, yes and it will look better on the shelf."
    4. Do it to the buyer specific proposals and provide a wide choice. Products must be in at least three price categories so that the buyer can choose what suits him best. For his part, the client will probably choose what he considers the most valuable and profitable. Without knowing the properties of the product, he will choose the cheapest product. If you describe all the options well, you will at least give the buyer the opportunity to make a more informed choice. This way, he might spend a little more as a thank you for the information you provided.

      • Emphasize the properties, not the price of the product. Provide the item in in the best light thanks to its special characteristics, and not to the inscription on the price tag.
    5. Let the buyer feel the item. If you sell a product at retail, put it in the buyer's hands. Let him feel it, examine it and enjoy it while you talk about its properties and the benefits of an additional purchase. When you're holding something in your hand, it's psychologically harder to leave the store empty-handed.

      • When selling phones, clearly explain the different functions to the buyer. Listen to his questions and help him see the difference between phones different quality and advise in a friendly manner what is best. By providing a description of the product, you can convince the client to buy it.

    Part 3

    How to get regular customers
    1. Pay attention to the buyer. One of the most rewarding moments is not just when a customer returns to your store, but when he is looking for you. The best way to sell a lot of products is to do everything in your power to get repeat customers, no matter what you sell. If your customer gets the attention they need, they are more likely to come back again and again to a place where they are treated properly.

      • One of the best ways showing your favor to the client means, oddly enough, providing him with a cheaper (but not the cheapest) product. There is nothing more persuasive than saying in a low voice, “I know I shouldn’t tell you this, but this brand has a huge markup. This product has the same properties and, as for me, it is in no way inferior in quality. I use it myself at home.”
    2. Be prepared to hear objections. Buyers very often “automatically” react negatively to the opportunity to spend more money. Before closing a deal, take the initiative to sell the product quickly before the client changes his mind. If you sold The Chronicles of Narnia reader the first part of The Lord of the Rings, invite him to go to the checkout while he continues to look through the books. Keep your goods ready.

      Convince the client that he made the right choice. This is the most important part of this selling method. At the end of the day, the key is to validate your client's purchase in a way that makes it appear as if they thought and made the decision themselves. For example, say, “Great choice! I think you'll really like it. Come again and share your impressions!”

      • Give your client your business card or contacts so that he can contact you directly. Or at least give him a company business card and write your name on the back of it. At best, you can get your regular customer.
    3. Be yourself. There is a common misconception that extroverts are more effective salespeople than introverts. Research shows that both are equally ineffective.

There are two ways - either you increase average cost the product is the so-called Up-Sell, or you increase the number of goods in the receipt. The first method is not always available and has its limitations, for example, the client may already buy the most expensive product. Therefore, the most effective way to increase the average check, and therefore increase revenue, is to upsell the client an additional product or service. It is worth noting that not every trade Organization It gets tired of upselling, this is typical for small and medium-sized businesses. IN big business We have long understood that working with warm clients is much easier than working with cold ones. If a person has already agreed to buy something, he has morally decided to part with his money, and then it’s just a question of the amount.

Upsells through promotions

Small marketing moves like two products for the price of one are now widespread. Or when purchasing, you will be given a discount coupon for your next purchase. All of these promotions involve the customer in the process of spending money, a well-thought-out promotion will firmly hook the customer, and he will return to your store again and again.


Cross-selling is used in almost all stores. The term cross selling is often used. The bottom line is that when a client buys a product, you can sell him a lot of related products. For example, for a TV, you need batteries for the remote control, a good stereo system, network filter, screen wipes, etc. All the seller needs to do is present the right product correctly. For example, you buy an expensive TV that is packed with modern technologies, but on our power grids the voltage is extremely unstable and this can lead to damage to the electronics. To prevent such problems and save your budget, take a surge protector.


As written above, upselling is an offer to the client of a more expensive product. The fact is that marketing companies many retailers are built by luring customers low prices for the product (advertising items), and when the client comes, he is offered a more expensive alternative model.

Upselling services

Services are very effective method raise revenue. The company has services and this tool should always be used. The most important thing is that the services are in great demand among the population. For example, if you sell computers, clients will inevitably come to you asking to install software or clean your existing PC from viruses. Anyone who has worked as a salesperson knows how often a client comes to a store and asks about some service himself. It is important to understand what is relevant to you and use it in your work.

Train and motivate sellers

It is important to understand that all contact personnel must be involved in the upselling process. Sellers must know what product they should upsell for, and the seller must also know the scripts for upselling the product.

The seller must understand that he is personally being given upsells; be sure to include this point in. A disinterested seller will never burden himself with unnecessary work. Be sure to work on it.

Involve all contact personnel in upselling: cashiers, merchandisers, dispatchers. Everyone has to upsell something. When paying for goods, it will not be difficult for the cashier to offer to buy inexpensive goods on sale. In many stores, maintaining order in the checkout area is the responsibility of the cashier. Merchandisers should also ensure that accessories are displayed next to the main product, this is convenient for both the seller and the buyer.
