I'm looking for a rewriter to work remotely. Rewriters required (no experience required)

Look, just an example - here is the article for a psychology website, I received 300 rubles for it. I wrote for about an hour.

Rewriting is a very common activity on the Internet.
The essence of a rewriter’s job is to rewrite finished texts for sale on special exchanges, or, as in my case, directly to the customer.
Texts can be taken from the Internet, newspapers, magazines and even from videos. The main task of the rewriter is to rewrite the selected text so that it turns out to be unique, while preserving the meaning and information contained in it. Remember how in school years you wrote a presentation in Russian lessons.

To become a rewriter you need two desires: to work and to earn money. And also four qualities of character: hard work, patience, perseverance, perseverance. You need a computer, internet, and, most importantly, you need to have the following skills:

  1. write correctly, using correct punctuation.
  2. express the same idea in different words.
  3. skillfully select synonyms for words.
  4. make up of complex sentence a few simple ones.
  5. from several simple sentences make up one complex thing.
  6. formulate thoughts clearly, concisely, in universally accessible phrases.

If you have all the above character qualities, tools and skills, then you can safely proceed, register on the exchange Etxt, and start working. If you have any questions, please refer to my instructions. It will be more difficult for those whose Russian language literacy is not up to par. But if you have desire, perseverance and hard work, you can also achieve great success in this field. In any case, you do not lose anything, but only gain: you will learn to write without errors, express your thoughts correctly, improve your speech culture and, of course, make money.

Where to start to earn your first money from rewriting?

Prepare yourself. It may take a week, but you will be protected from errors and unexpected surprises in the future. Visit all the main article exchanges, read the forums, take an interest in comments and reviews, ask me, read at least five or six articles on the topic of the work of rewriters. Along the way, you will become aware of many special terms and designations that are used in this type of activity. You will also hear expressions and phrases that representatives of this profession communicate with each other. Speak their language.

Register and also read ready-made articles, for example, on Advego exchange , put up for sale. At the same time, look at what price newcomers set for their articles, what percentage of uniqueness they offer, how much text is written and what topics are popular.

Please review orders carefully. Find out what topics are currently popular and have the most orders, what requirements customers place on performers, and what kind of payment they offer.

  1. Start online wallet. It is better if it is a ruble account in Webmoney.
  2. Carefully study the information about three or four major exchanges and register on one of them. The most popular are Etxt And Advego. I made instructions based on them.
  3. Download to your computer an anti-plagiarism program offered by the exchange with which you decide to cooperate.
  4. Select an article on a topic you like, read it carefully a couple of times, and without looking at the text, present the same information in your own words.
  5. Check your spelling in Word.
  6. Check your work for plagiarism. You can do this right online, on the exchange itself. Or download the program to your computer from the same exchanges.
  7. Achieve at least 95 percent uniqueness.

The task of a conscientious rewriter is to strive to ensure that the cherished figure is as close to 100% as possible.

If the program indicates a lack of uniqueness, do not despair, increase it, try to modify the text. Practice anti-plagiarism until you reach at least 85/90.

And only after that you can try to put your first article up for sale. Before entering the site, your article will be checked by a moderator. Be prepared for the fact that it may be returned for revision. The reasons for the return may be different: spelling errors, incorrect placement of words in the text, etc.
Exchanges offer rewriters two options:

  1. Write articles on topics that interest you and, having set your price, put them up for sale.
  2. Write articles on topics specified by the customer for a price specified by him.

In the first case, you will have to wait for someone to pay attention to your article and buy it.

To attract attention and find a buyer faster:

  • write articles on popular topics;
  • create effective headlines for your articles;
  • Don’t overprice, but don’t set too low, value your work.

In the second case, if the order is executed accurately, earnings are guaranteed. But the difficulty is that the customer sets a deadline for the execution of his order. There is always a risk, especially for an inexperienced beginner, of not meeting the deadline and losing the order. It’s even worse if your article is returned for revision and you don’t have time to correct it before the end of the assigned deadline. As a result, you will let the customer down. You can find a lot of complaints about this on forums and in reviews. It is often written that orders are first accepted by rewriters, and then they are refused. To prevent this from happening to you:

  • take orders with the longest lead time;
  • take orders only on topics in which you are well versed;
  • if you are not comfortable with discipline, but want to be a rewriter, it is better to work according to the first option;
  • do not take on short-term orders when the situation at home is difficult or nervous (for example, a child is sick or guests have arrived).

Frankly, it’s possible to make money with copywriting. The main secret here is that it should be fun to write. If the writing process seems difficult, although this is a mistake, monotonous, although this is relative, then first you need to get rid of these feelings.

To write well, quickly and, ultimately, profitably, you need practice, you need work and development. After a while, you yourself will feel that writing is easy and interesting, especially when you pay for it. Subscribe to my blog updates, join group on Facebook- Let's comprehend this art together.

I hope you found the article useful and you get the most out of it. My project is trying to provide all the information about the activities of rewriters and copywriters, those who make a living by writing texts. You will find information about article exchanges, where you can register and start working, instructions for working on them, and for writing articles various types. And a lot of things.

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In this post we will talk in detail about what rewriting is and what you need to do to get your first money for rewriting texts.

The concept of rewriting (or rewriting) comes from English word"rewriting" and can be translated as:

  • rewrite
  • recycle,
  • redo.

Remember your school days- teachers often required us to retell the text in our own words, write a summary, etc. It is these tasks that most accurately define the essence of rewriting.

So, rewriting is a retelling of a text in written form (from a given source) in your own words. At the same time, the meaning of the original article should not be lost. You may need to add a little relevant information to make your work more unique.

By the way, a rewrite can be made from one or several sources! As you may have guessed, specialists involved in rewriting content are called rewriters.

Why is rewriting needed and its types?

Rewriting is needed for:

  • Processing of advertising texts for commercial companies.
  • Retelling news from a specific source. News written in your own words is not considered plagiarism, which is why such work is in great demand.
  • Writing unique SEO texts and then promoting them in search engines Oh.
  • To transform large and complex text into simpler and more readable text.

Rewriting can be superficial and deep. The first involves simply replacing words in sentences with phrases that are similar in meaning, and the second involves carefully processing the original article, changing the structure and adding information from other sources.

The second type of rewriting is more popular than the first. Accordingly, the payment for it is more substantial.

Differences between rewriting and copywriting

A newcomer to article writing may confuse rewriting and copywriting. But there are fundamental differences between the two types of work! Now we will explain what's what.

So, as a result of rewriting, a modified, unique text is obtained while preserving the original meaning. And copywriting is a much more difficult job.

The task of copywriters (people who are professionally involved in copywriting) is to create unique, exclusive and interesting content that is not perceived by search engines as rewriting.

Copywriting takes more time. To write a high-quality article on a topic specified by the customer, the author needs to analyze several sources and, based on them, write completely new job, adding your own conclusions to it (optional).

If you are just starting to work in the field of writing texts, then we recommend starting with rewriting. Once you gain experience, you can move on to more difficult work and get serious about copywriting.


To make it even clearer to you what rewriting is, we will give an example!

Let's say this is what the source text looks like:

And here is a high-quality rewrite of the source:

Where to start?

If you are comfortable with text and know how to correctly and beautifully put words into sentences, then this job will suit you. But make no mistake - there are pitfalls and certain difficulties in this area. An experienced customer, for example, accurately distinguishes the texts of professionals from the works of beginners.

Before you start working, it will be useful for you to learn about the requirements for rewriting:

1. The finished text should not contain semantic, punctuation or stylistic errors. If literacy is your weak point, then this job is not for you.

2. All sentences must be complete, integral and meaningful.

3. There should be no logical inconsistencies in the text. A person who reads the article should understand what the author meant.

4. This point is especially important. All texts you write must be checked for uniqueness! This parameter is checked in specialized programs and the customer has the right to require the author to check using one or more of them.

So where can a newbie in rewriting find a job?

It is much easier and safer to start on content exchanges. An exchange is a platform where customers and authors cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. The main advantage is the security of transactions. If a newcomer has done high-quality and unique work, the exchange guarantees payment. At first it is very important factor, since there is no risk of encountering scammers.

So, if you are interested in working with a daily payment, then register on the exchange!

As for the price of rewriting, this is a very conditional parameter. It all depends on the customer, on the exchange, on the subject of the source code and the complexity of the work.

Here is an approximate table that shows the most popular content exchanges over the past few years and the price per 1000 characters for rewriting:

You can start working immediately after registration and after passing the literacy test (if necessary). We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of each specific exchange, as they may differ slightly from each other.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. You are looking for a suitable order in the order feed.
  2. You can immediately take it to work or leave a request for execution.
  3. You do the rewriting within the deadlines set by the customer.
  4. The customer checks your work.
  5. If the client is satisfied with everything, then he pays for your text. Keep in mind that in some cases it is possible to send the text for revision. To prevent this from happening, follow the technical specifications provided by the customer.
  6. You can transfer money to your e-wallet.

Is it possible to earn money outside the exchange?

If you feel that you are ready to move from rewriting to copywriting, or for some reason you do not want to work on the exchange, then you can always cooperate with customers directly.

You can find clients on ad sites (for example, Avito), in specialized groups in in social networks and even through acquaintance. For authors who produce high-quality content, finding customers is most often not a problem.

To everyone who thinks that rewriting is a crap job where you can make money by simply rearranging words, I would like to say that this approach is disastrous for future specialists. You must be conscientious about your work - only in this case will you be able to grow professionally.

And a few more tips:

  • Remember that you must have at least a superficial understanding of the topic you are going to write. You should not take a job related to law or medicine if you do not have the appropriate education.
  • Improve yourself and don't stop there! Once you master the skills of rewriting, you can move on to a more complex field - copywriting and earn more substantial sums.

And finally, we will show you a video tutorial on rewriting!

Well, now you know everything about rewriting and you can start earning money too. We wish you good luck!


Rewriting is rewriting the original text in your own words while preserving the original meaning. There is a concept of uniqueness of the work performed, which is determined by a number of special programs. There are also several other criteria that the finished text must meet. The rewriter’s job is to process the source text and bring it to the required parameters. To start work, you must find a customer, which can be done in several ways: register on the exchange; find a customer by posting advertisements on various boards; post your resume on sites like Superjob, headhunter and others; send letters to site owners with commercial offer about filling their resource with content.

Customers can provide the source material for rewriting themselves, or they will offer only the topic and order the required amount of text. In the second case, you will need to independently search for the source text for further processing. To complete this task, you will need to contact any of the search engines - Yandex, Google, Rambler, Mail and others. You should select the appropriate text and rewrite it while maintaining the semantic load.

The source, the so-called material that is subject to processing, may differ in volume from the required finished version, so you should keep within a limited number of characters while maintaining the meaning. That is, in some cases you will need to reduce information or turn to additional sources. To count the characters, you can use the functionality of the Word program, or copy the text into any “plagiarist”. Such programs automatically provide information about the number of characters with and without spaces.

The resulting article should be re-read and edited. That is, typos, punctuation, grammatical and stylistic errors should be corrected.

In addition to the required work, customers are asked to enter “keywords” that need to be evenly spaced throughout the text, they may also ask to insert links, images, subheadings or lists - all these requirements should be fulfilled, since not only the success of the site being filled depends on the correct design of the text, but also payment for work. If the customer is satisfied with the rewriter’s texts, he can provide a good amount of work and increase the payment. Such aspects are important both when working on the stock exchange and when working directly with customers.


The work of a rewriter on an exchange implies that the exchange will take a certain percentage of the rewriter’s earned funds, but this is the price of security and a guaranteed volume of orders.

Working through an exchange is convenient not only because the volume of orders is usually large, but also because each exchange provides a rating. If the quality of the rewriter’s work increases, then the level of payment for the work will increase, which is very pleasant.

Helpful advice

In order not to be left without payment for work, start creative activity It’s better to go to a copywriting exchange, because if there is an unjustified refusal to pay, you can go to arbitration, to the administration of the exchange, and protect your honor and receive the due remuneration.

If you work directly with the customer, you should take an advance payment for the work if a large amount of work is being performed, or wait for payment for each item before taking on the next order.

With the development of trade on the World Wide Web, many offers have appeared that allow you to work without leaving the volume. Working as a rewriter is one of the vacancies for remote earnings on the Internet, consists of writing different texts for the site. Even without work experience, beginners with knowledge of the language and the ability to write correctly can become well-paid freelancers.

Who is a rewriter

When a person starts looking for vacancies for remote work, he often comes across concepts such as copywriter and rewriter. For most, these terms do not make a difference, but it still exists. Rewriting a text involves working with the source text; a person retells in his own words what he has read from other sources. There may be several other articles on this topic. The main thing in the rewriting profession is to achieve high uniqueness. This parameter is checked using special program or on websites.

Copywriting and rewriting

Both of these concepts involve writing unique content, but the principles of working with these formats are different. Employers, as a rule, indicate in their requirements what format they need, but sometimes even the customers themselves do not fully understand the difference. What is rewriting, if we describe this type of text writing? in simple words:

  1. The author collects information on a given topic, reads articles from other sources, and searches for parts of the text that fit the specifications.
  2. Next, the rewriter rewrites the collected materials in his own words. From school curriculum this is very reminiscent of a presentation where the text is rewritten in your own words.
  3. The main task is to replace words that are suitable in their meaning as much as possible, so that there are no repetitions of entire pieces of text on the Internet. This determines the uniqueness parameter of the article; the higher it is, the better.
  4. If you simply copy different pieces of other texts, then the uniqueness will be very low; the section of the article where 4 words in a row coincide is no longer considered unique.

Rewriters' services, as a rule, are not highly paid; the average price per thousand characters without spaces ranges from 15 to 50 rubles. A copywriter works according to a slightly different scheme. This is considered a completely original text, the person does not use source materials and writes the entire structure of the article, given in it from own experience or research. The money for such tasks is good, but to create texts you need to have knowledge in the area you are writing about. It will be difficult for novice rewriters to cope with such a task.

Types of rewriting

Exist different variants text processing to increase uniqueness. There are several types, which depend on the degree of text processing and the depth of rewriting:

  1. Superficial or light. It consists of selecting synonyms for words from the source. The structure and sections remain the same.
  2. Deep rewrite. A more complex revision of the original article is carried out, the structure is changed, sentences are written from scratch. When checking the text, good uniqueness is obtained (from 95%). The price for such high-quality rewriting is usually higher and only such texts are accepted on the freelance exchange.
  3. Translation. With good knowledge in English Rewriting services may include translation of foreign articles into Russian with high uniqueness.

Earnings from rewriting

There are many vacancies for this type of remote work, but the payment for completing tasks is often underestimated. Rewriting for beginners will not bring good income, but after gaining experience and creating a portfolio, you can start looking for a regular customer. Freelancing differs from traditional employment in that your earnings directly depend on the volume of tasks received. You create your own work schedule and what topics you are ready to write texts on. As a rule, new rewriters begin by working on a content exchange.

Where to begin

When working as a rewriter, a lot is based on reviews and examples. ready-made tasks. Customers turn to trusted and experienced copywriters more often and pay more because they are confident in the quality of the tasks completed. A person will begin to receive profitable orders if he has knowledge in the field of copyright, a portfolio and the ability to present himself. If you are not confident in your abilities and do not want to immediately scare away potential permanent employers, then you can start with platforms for selling your texts. Each freelance exchange has its own rules and rating system.

Before starting work as a rewriter, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of SEO (search engine promotion methods). You need to know what keywords are, exact and diluted occurrences, classical and academic nausea, word frequency, uniqueness. All these terms are covered in detail and information about them is easy to find. Customers will use these terms and you need to understand what they mean we're talking about.

Work as a rewriter from home

Remote work on the Internet has one big plus and minus. The advantage is that you yourself can regulate the volume of tasks and time; if it is difficult for you to work in the morning, you can write the task in the evening. The disadvantage is that a freelancer is constantly looking for a customer; high competition greatly reduces the cost of a rewriter’s work. Because of this, aspiring writers register on every content exchange to increase their chance of finding work.

The best option would be to find a regular customer from whom you can receive orders. As a rule, they become large projects (sites) on the Internet that require rewriters for permanent work. You can find them on popular exchanges or on special services. With proper rewriting skills, you can receive profitable orders on an ongoing basis.


This is an example of a closed platform that works with authors on an ongoing basis. To start working with the system, you need to go through an easy registration procedure and contact the administration on Skype. They will give you test, where the operating rules and customer requirements will be described. The author is faced with serious requirements for literacy and the ability to express thoughts. Most often the task consists of rewriting source material from the Internet, so it is well suited for rewriters.

If the task is completed correctly and all requirements are met, then you will be paid for this task and given a new one. You will be able to independently order the required amount of work every day. The initial rate is 50 rubles per thousand characters; if the technical specifications are regularly completed and there are no comments from the editors, the price for completing the technical specifications will increase. You don't have to wait for someone to buy your text; payment comes to your internal account immediately after checking the task. Payments are made to a web money wallet.

All rewriters are provided with a convenient Personal Area and a form for sending texts, which helps to carry out an initial check for compliance with the requirements: uniqueness, inclusion keywords, precise and diluted anchors. In the settings, you can mark the topics on which you would like to write articles. This is one of the most serious sites with permanent job for authors.


  • constant volumes of work;
  • high wages;
  • no competition, you receive a task every day upon request;
  • fast withdrawal of funds;
  • no commission system;
  • payment immediately after checking the task.


Rewriting exchanges

For beginners and experienced authors, special platforms that act as an intermediary between the customer and the contractor can become a source of income. They are usually called rewriting or content exchanges. There are two types of work for authors:

  • performing tasks from the employer;
  • offering your finished texts for sale.

In the first case, customers go to the resource and create their own technical task and add it to the catalog on the site. Performers review orders and take them to work if the employer has not set rating restrictions. If you did the task well. Then the customer can add you to the white list and the technical specifications from him will immediately come to you for implementation.

The second option is not open to all newcomers to the exchanges, but on some sites for sale finished articles, you need to get a certain rating or pay a subscription. Then you can add an article written on any topic to the store on the site and independently set the price for it. If someone likes it based on the topic or title, the site owner can buy it, and you will receive money minus the exchange commission.


A reputable and old rewriting exchange, where many newcomers formed their portfolios and gained experience. The system works according to the scheme described above, you can take tasks and sell them own works. The calculation is carried out in dollars, the minimum amount for withdrawal is $5. For completing the work you will be awarded a positive rating, which is visible to customers and the higher it is, the more expensive your services will cost.

When you are given the opportunity to exhibit your work on the stock exchange, it will first be reviewed by an editor. This may take from a day to several, but if there are errors or low uniqueness, it will be returned to you for revision. If the same article is returned more than 3 times, then you will be denied the opportunity to sell your finished texts. It is important to choose the right topic for the text, because unpopular topics will not interest the buyer, and your work will hang in the catalog unclaimed.

  • accessible to beginners;
  • a large number of registered users;
  • convenient search directory.
  • big competition;
  • system commission for withdrawal 10%;
  • Dorogi is a little TZ.


Another well-known and old rewriting exchange that works according to the principle described above. There are a large number of performers and customers on the site, so competition is high. The cost of work differs for newcomers to the exchange and for experienced rewriters, who can take more expensive and profitable orders. The principle of accepting an order is by tender; several authors can apply for the same rewriting job at once, and the employer himself chooses who will carry out the technical specifications.


  • many tasks;
  • You can display your finished texts in the catalogue;
  • There is an opportunity for professional growth.


  • high competition;
  • low pay for beginners;
  • strict rating system.


Large exchange with big amount users and orders/works in the catalog. The opportunity to sell ready-made texts appears upon receiving a rating (1 star). You can only get it by completing the technical task from the exchange. If you are confident in your texts and do not want to rewrite other texts for pennies, you can buy your reputation for a paid subscription and immediately start submitting your articles to the catalogue. When withdrawing funds, you will be charged an exchange commission of 10%.


  • many orders (if there is a rating);
  • large base of performers and customers.


  • It’s difficult to get a rating, it’s easier to buy it;
  • the need for a paid subscription or reputation for exposure finished works for sale.


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Greetings, dear readers, site. People working on various content exchanges know very well what rewriting is and why customers need it. Despite the possible difficulties in writing such a text, this type of work is considered one of the simplest to date.

To better understand the essence of this term, it is necessary to consider it in more depth and detail. Among other things, it is worth paying due attention to the question of who rewriters are, as well as how much it costs to rewrite 1000 characters without spaces.

The concept of rewriting and its difference from copywriting

If we consider the question of what rewriting is in simple words, then this concept can be formulated as follows: rewriting is the rewriting of someone else’s material in your own words.

The author of the source article is not indicated in the completed article. The rewriter has every right to call the text he has written his own. The only thing that can be done is to indicate at the end of the material the sources from which the information was taken.

Rewriting is a job that pays daily, which is why it is so highly valued by talented authors. Of course, it all depends on whether a person works for himself, selling articles to other users, or for one (or several) customers.

Why is this type of work needed? It's simple: rewriting is great way create an absolutely competent and unique text based on material already posted on the Internet on a particular topic. In addition, such text, as a rule, adapts to the reader, making it easier to read, perceive and remember.

In general, earnings from rewriting are very interesting view work. It helps not only to reveal the topic and convey it to a potential reader, but also provides an excellent opportunity for the author himself to learn something new and interesting for himself.

Copywriting and rewriting - the main differences in concepts

Despite the visible difference, many people do not quite understand the difference between copywriting and rewriting. To avoid confusion, let's look at these concepts separately.

So, as mentioned above, rewriting articles is rewriting other people’s texts in your own words. That is, the author finds this or that source text on the Internet, carefully reads and studies it, and then presents what he has read in a language accessible to the common reader.

For example, many medical articles are often full of all sorts of terms and heavy language. So, a rewriter who is well versed in medical topics adapts the article to suit a simple person who has no special education, person. Thanks to this, even an ordinary school teacher or employee light industry(as an example) will be able to fully understand the article read and remember the most interesting and useful information for themselves.

Of course, you can register on several services at once, but be prepared for the fact that the requirements for some of them are very strict. For this reason, you will have to work hard to become one of the employees of one or another copywriting exchange.

If you are new to the field of writing texts on various topics and genres, but have great potential and a lot of free time, then you can first take special courses rewriting training by clicking on the link:

Such teachings will help you gain valuable knowledge in the field of creating high-quality and unique content, and there is no doubt that they will definitely be useful to you in the future!
