Heating period: features, indicators, temperature and requirements. Duration of the heating period: features for different types of systems

The heating season is a very important and complex process that requires careful preparation. It is mainly carried out in spring and summer. On efficiency and timing preparatory work depends on the start of the 2017-2018 heating season.

Preparing for the heating season

The thermal conditions in our homes, in social infrastructure institutions, in administrative buildings for various purposes, as well as in enterprises depend on how the preparatory work takes place. different shapes property in autumn and winter period. It is no coincidence that this entire process is strictly controlled by the Department of Fuel and Energy.

To ensure the timely completion of the entire scope of work, we created special program, which clearly indicates the sequence of actions that should be performed. Among the priority points of this program are:

  • Creation in executive bodies the power of commissions whose purpose is to control the preparation, timing and volume of upcoming work.
  • Creation of a schedule of preparatory work and control start-up of heating, in order to preliminary identify all shortcomings and, if necessary, eliminate problems.
  • Drawing up estimates for all upcoming repairs and replacement of outdated equipment.

When does it start

This question concerns all city residents without exception. In this regard, it should be noted that the date for turning on the heating is adjusted every year. Many people are perplexed why constant timing for connecting heat cannot be established. Everything is explained very simply. Every year temperature regime different in one area or another. Therefore, constant updating of the schedule is required. It is impossible to set uniform deadlines for such a large country as Russia. After all, in some places frosts in Russia begin already in September, and in others only a month later. The process of starting the heating is fixed by law in all details:

Conditions for connecting and disconnecting heat

All of the above work can be regulated differently in each region of the Russian Federation. The table shows the approximate deadlines for completing the work. In each individual subject of the Russian Federation, work can be carried out earlier if the following conditions are met:

  • The rules regulate the timing of turning on the heating within the range of October 1-15. The last date is the deadline for turning on the heat.
  • The second condition for heating supply is an average daily temperature of +8 °C for five days. Delays in turning on the heat can lead to freezing of the system, which will entail considerable additional budgetary costs.
  • Turning off the heating system in each region also depends on specific weather conditions. This period begins in mid-April and lasts a whole month. It will depend on the specific forecast of weather forecasters whether you will be disconnected from the heat earlier or later. Agree that it is irrational to supply heat if it is abnormally warm outside. The heating will probably be turned off if it is above +8 °C outside for more than five days.

When will the heating be turned on in Moscow?

The last heating season in Moscow passed with some nuances. The start of the season passed without a hitch, but the heating period had to end twice. The first time the heating was turned off in accordance with existing legislation, when stable warmth set in in the capital, and the temperature did not fall below eight degrees Celsius for five days. This happened on May 1st. It should be noted that these days it was very warm weather. It was even recorded as a record heat for this time - over 25 degrees. The utility workers did their job very well and turned off the heat. However, a few days later frosts set in and it snowed unexpectedly. We had to turn on the heating again in hospitals and children's preschool institutions. This situation again raised the question: “What is the best date to turn the heating on and off?” Thus, in the spring of 2017, the preparation schedule for the next heating season shifted.

On May 15, utility services in Moscow reported that all heating networks had been turned off and preparations had begun for the new heating season. All problems that arose during hydraulic testing of the system have already been eliminated and repaired or replaced with a new one. necessary equipment. This result was achieved through the organization of a special repair service, which carried out monitoring on time necessary work and carried out timely elimination of all problems. It is necessary to carry out preventive work in 73 thousand buildings, including 7.5 thousand social facilities and 33 thousand residential buildings. As Deputy Mayor of Moscow P. Biryukov noted, the relevant capital services will be ready for the new season on August 25. It is already known from official sources that the 2017-2018 heating season in the capital will begin in the middle of the first month of autumn.

How St. Petersburg solves heating problems

Preliminary heating switch-on dates northern capital- first ten days of October. However, it must be said that the weather can make adjustments to these plans. The experience of the long previous heating season (242 days) once again confirms this. The most early The start of the heating system is considered to be the first of October. Until the tenth of October, the entire housing stock of the city, as a rule, is always connected to heat. First of all, heat is provided by health authorities, kindergartens, schools and other important facilities of the metropolis. Housing is connected to heat gradually from October 5 to October 10. It gets cold in Northern Palmyra already at the end of September, so many people resort to electric heaters even before the start of the heating season.

As stated by the Chairman of the Energy Committee A. Bondarchuk, due to the longest heating season in the last 37 years, 2016-2017, the timing of preparatory work for the new season has shifted somewhat. Let us remember that due to cold spring Heating in the city was turned off only on May 19.

Twenty-nine thousand buildings need to be prepared for the upcoming season, of which twenty-three thousand are housing. For these purposes, 66.6 billion rubles will be spent. Budget allocations will reach 13 billion rubles. Last year, similar expenses amounted to a smaller amount - 55.1 billion rubles.

A selection of the most important documents upon request Start of the heating season(regulatory legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more).

Regulatory acts: Beginning of the heating season

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.2011 N 354
(as amended on February 23, 2019)
"On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings"
(together with the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”) 5. If thermal energy for space heating needs is supplied to the in-house engineering systems through centralized networks of engineering and technical support, then the contractor begins and ends the heating period within the time limits established by the authorized body. The heating period must begin no later than and end no earlier than the day following the end of the 5-day period, during which, respectively, the average daily outside air temperature is below 8 degrees Celsius or the average daily outside air temperature is above 8 degrees Celsius.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Beginning of the heating season

With the beginning of the heating season, various reception centers receive a huge number of requests from residents regarding the lack of heating or lukewarm radiators in their apartments. The main reason is that management companies do not have time to adjust the heating system in all the houses they manage at once. In addition, the situation is complicated by accidents on main pipelines and at entrances to multi-construction roads. As a rule, within 10 - 14 days everything returns to normal. That’s when cases of poor-quality heating come to light, which have completely different reasons.

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Thus, when adopting the updated heat supply scheme for the city of Perm until 2030, the norms of the current legislation were violated. In the process of the so-called updating of the scheme, two sources of thermal energy were actually “crossed out” from it, which led to a disruption in the start of the heating season in some microdistricts of the city. The heat load of these sources was redistributed in favor of a competing organization. These circumstances led to interference in the process of updating the scheme of the Prosecutor's Office of the city of Perm (the head of the city administration was presented with a proposal to eliminate violations of the law), the Office of the Antimonopoly Service for the Perm Territory (a decision was made and an order was issued to the administration of the city of Perm to eliminate violations of the antimonopoly legislation), as well as lengthy legal proceedings regarding the legality of the actions of the Administration of Perm and its head, as well as the order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on approval of the updated scheme. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation carried out an inspection regarding the presence of signs of a crime under Art. 169 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Obstruction of legal business and other activities.”

As soon as the temperature drops by at least 10 degrees in the fall after the heat subsides, the apartments of many residents become cold. At this time, many people warm up electrical appliances, activate the air conditioners in heating mode. At the same time, everyone wants to know when the heating will be turned on.

Many citizens do not trust utility services and believe that they are deliberately trying to delay the heating season in order to save money. However, there are clear regulations that determine when the heating should be turned on.

Start of the heating season

To dispel the doubts of many citizens, it is enough to simply refer to Government Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011. This Resolution states (in paragraph 5) that the beginning of the heating season is determined by two factors:

  1. The air temperature outside drops below +8 degrees.
  2. This temperature lasts for at least five days.

If these conditions are met, and the temperature for five days is at +7 degrees, then on the next (sixth) day the radiators in people’s homes should be warm. By law, the heating season begins between October 1 and October 15. Unscheduled heating activation is possible if the above conditions are met. However, even if after October 15 the air temperature outside is about 10 degrees, the timing of heat supply to citizens’ homes may be delayed, so it is better not to rely on dates. It is necessary to take into account the average daily air temperature outside, which lasts for five days.

Heating under contract

If residents are not satisfied with the conditions or time when the heating will be turned on, then they can draw up an agreement with the organization that services their home and supplies heat. The contract can specify a specific start and end date for the heating season. Then heat will be supplied to houses strictly according to the dates specified in the contract, and the air temperature outside will not matter at all.

However, such an agreement must comply common sense, and the start and end dates of the heating season should be within reason.

Normal temperature in the house

Many residents demand that utility companies start the heating season, despite the fact that the air temperature in their apartments is normal. In this regard, citizens want to know at what temperature the heating is turned on in their apartments. SANPiN specifies the permissible temperature range in apartments for cold and warm seasons. Compliance with the temperature ranges specified in SANPiN is prerequisite for home service companies, and if the temperature does not meet the standards, then you can file a complaint (we’ll talk about this below).

In accordance with the standards, the temperature in the warm season is 20-28 degrees for rooms. In cold weather:

  1. 18-24 degrees for rooms.
  2. 18-26 degrees for the kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

In addition to the acceptable range, a range is also determined optimal temperature. These two concepts are different from each other. Acceptable is a temperature that does not contradict the rules. The optimal temperature is one that is close to the ideal value. With it, residents feel as comfortable as possible, so they are recommended to insulate the facades and do everything possible to maintain the optimal temperature in the apartment.

It is believed that the optimal value for rooms is 22-25 degrees in warm weather. In cold times, the range of optimal values ​​is lower - 20-22 degrees. In the toilet, bathroom, and kitchen, the optimal temperature is 19-21 degrees. It is these indicators that must be taken into account when determining compliance with air temperature standards in residential premises. We have almost figured out at what temperature the heating is turned on in apartments. But what if the utilities fail for any reason? You don’t have to suffer in a cold apartment if you suddenly don’t turn on the heating. Where to complain and what to do in this case?

If heat is not provided for a long time

In many regions, for any reason, heat may not be provided even after the onset of the heating season in all respects. In some cases, the heat supply stops altogether at the very peak of cold weather. Therefore, every tenant should know what to do if the heating is not turned on, where to complain, and most importantly, how.

So, first of all, you need to contact a company that supplies heat specifically to your home. This could be a homeowners association or a management company. Before contacting, you should make sure that the heating equipment is in working order. Considering that there is practically nothing to break in the batteries, you can skip this step and immediately proceed to report the lack of heat to the responsible company.

Filing a complaint

Alternatively, you can call a company representative and measure the temperature in the house in his presence using a regular thermometer. It is advisable to take measurements in each room, and if the readings do not fit into the permissible temperature range, then a report can be drawn up about the unacceptably low temperature. Next, along with this act, a complaint is filed against the management company, which is responsible for supplying heat to the house.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a company representative can use his own thermometer to measure the temperature. It is necessary to ensure that the measurement is carried out at a distance of 1.5 meters from the floor and 1 m from the wall. If the thermometer readings seem suspiciously high, you can take measurements in parallel with your thermometer.

It is advisable to draw up the act that is attached to the complaint in the presence of neighbors. Let them also put their signatures under it. The complaint to the responsible organization must be submitted in two copies, one copy must be kept for yourself. The company representative must also sign two copies.

For each hour that the temperature does not meet the standards, the payment for heating is reduced by 0.15% of the payment (monthly). So it is in the interests of the management company itself to arrange heat supplies to the house as soon as possible.

When is the law not on the tenants' side?

It is worth noting that the law provides emergency situations, which may occur when setting up heating equipment in a boiler room. “Downtime” is possible for 24 hours (for a month in total) with a minimum temperature in the apartment of +12 degrees. If the thermometer drops to +10 degrees, then “downtime” is possible for no more than 8 hours per month. There may be no heating for 4 hours a month at temperatures below +8 degrees in the room.

These are the norms provided by law. And if during the course of a month residents experience frequent interruptions in the heat supply, then they definitely need to respond.

Is heating possible "with your own hands"?

Many residents cannot wait for the heating to be turned on. They are trying to independently adjust the heat supply to their home. different ways. Someone is digesting the pipe system, and someone is trying to connect it to the power supply.

Situations also often arise when residents replace indoor radiators with multi-section ones. This helps to insulate the room, but the rest of the residents suffer from this, since excess heat remains in the apartment of the person who installed the multi-section radiator.

Sooner or later, such interference will become known to the relevant services, and then the violator will face a substantial fine.


Now you know when the heating will be turned on. There is no specific annual date at which batteries should become hot. It depends on the outside air temperature. That is, if the temperature outside remains at +7 degrees for five days, then on the sixth day the batteries should become hot. It's that simple. Therefore, you don’t even have to think about whether the heating will be turned on due to the cold weather. They will definitely turn it on, but only on the sixth day.

Payment for public utilities is growing every year, especially in times of economic crisis. Unfortunately, nothing similar can be said about their quality. When citizens give a significant part of their hard-earned money to ensure comfortable living conditions, public utilities tend to show dishonesty on all fronts of their work.

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If, during self-measurement, you determine that the temperature norm is lowered, you should inform the Emergency Dispatch Service about this. If the disruption of heat supply is not caused by natural factors (for example, an accident on a heating main), the dispatcher calls an emergency team to the house, drawing up an official measurement report.

The measurement must be carried out by a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents. The act contains the following information:

  • date of its preparation,
  • characteristics of the apartment,
  • composition of the commission,
  • device data,
  • temperature values,
  • signatures of all commission members.

The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the apartment, and the other with the housing and communal services employees carrying out the measurements.

Air exchange rate

Air temperature is not the only parameter that directly affects the comfort and safety of people living in the house. Air exchange is important for the body: the presence fresh air, ventilation of residential and non-residential premises.

This parameter is also regulated by SanPiN regulations. Thus, the required air exchange rate for a living space with an area of ​​18 m² is 3 m³/h per square meter, for a kitchen - three times more.

Air exchange rate is a characteristic determined by the ratio of air removed or supplied from a room per hour to the volume of this room.

How to measure the coolant?

The coolant in the central heating system is hot water , flowing from the tap.

You can measure its temperature different ways, but the simplest one is measuring tap water temperature with a thermometer, poured into a glass.

It is also possible to measure pipe temperature. The value of this parameter should be 50-70°C.

Responsibility of utilities for violation of temperature standards

If the indoor temperature in winter is below normal, what should you do?

By law, citizens have the right to demand reducing heat charges by 0.15% for each hour that utilities fail to comply with your temperature standards. After carrying out simple calculations, you can establish that after 4 weeks of providing low-quality home heating services, the payment for it is reduced by more than 90%. Of course, utility companies will not voluntarily agree to such a recalculation, and therefore we must go to court.

An application for recalculation of heating fees to the Management Company can be downloaded.

History knows examples when citizens managed to defend their rights. So, in 2014, a resident Perm region recovered 136 thousand rubles from utility services for failure of utility services to comply with their obligations to provide her home with heat.

Temperature standards in the apartment. Watch the video:

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but winter- a busy time for both residents and utilities.

Everything related to the heating season raises a lot of questions among the population, contradictions, opinions and disputes.

Start of the heating season

Winter comes every year, but its appearance every time - surprise. The beginning causes a certain tension among the population.

People do not trust utility services, believing that they delay the supply of heating. To resolve all issues, just contact Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.2011 N 354.

In point 5 The above Resolution states that the timing of the start of the heating period depends on two circumstances:

  • average air temperature drops within a day below +8 ºС;
  • this situation is repeating itself 5 days in a row.

On the sixth day, heating should be supplied to the apartments. The rules are clear and extremely clear. An exception to the general picture is the situation when residents agree and specify in the contract with the organization supplying heat a specific date for the start and end of the heating supply.

In this case, the supply and shutdown of heating will be carried out in accordance with the contract. However, such a system of agreement must approximately comply with generally accepted standards and common sense.

So it's easy to track right the onset of the heating season and the legality of the actions of management companies.

Temperature standards in residential premises have been developed and enshrined in law. IN SANPiN The exact limits of permissible temperatures in apartments for the cold and warm seasons are indicated.

Compliance with these limits obligatory for all residential service companies. Maintaining acceptable, and even better in premises of permanent residence, is a guarantee of health and wellness.

IN SANPiN norms temperatures are:

If it's time warm season:

  • For rooms temperature conditions are allowed within the range from 20 to 28 ºС.

IN cold season:

  • on kitchen, V toilet, bathroom room allowed from 18 to 26 ºС;
  • For rooms 18-24 ºС.

In addition to the permissible temperature, the optimal temperature limits are determined. The difference between these two concepts is that the permissible temperature is the one whose boundaries are considered acceptable and do not contradict the rules for heating supply. Optimal temperature is a parameter close to ideal for human health.

  • insulate the apartment, if necessary to increase the temperature;
  • ventilate if the temperature is too high.

Optimal temperature for a room in an apartment 22-25 ºС in warm weather, 20-22 ºС- in the cold. In the kitchen and toilet, the optimal value is 19-21 ºС. These indicators should be used to determine compliance with temperature standards in apartments.

Where to complain if they don’t provide heat?

What to do, if the heating season has arrived in all respects, but there is no heating, or its supply is stopped in the midst of cold weather:

    • contact the company, which is responsible for heating the house. This can be either a management company or HOA. Before applying, you should make sure that all heating equipment in the apartment is working properly. If this is the case, but there is no heating, you should report this to the responsible organization;
    • take the temperature in the presence of a representative of this company. This can be done with an ordinary thermometer, in compliance with all standards. It is better to measure the temperature at least 10 minutes in each room. To prevent the thermometer from artificially heating up, it is better not to hold it in your hands, but, for example, hang. Do not measure temperature near heat sources;

Attention: It is worth making sure that the measuring instruments used to take measurements are accurate. If an employee HOA I brought my own thermometer, no one forbids residents to measure indicators in parallel with him using their own device. Take measurements strictly according to the rules - above 1,5 m from the floor and further 1 m from the wall.

  • draw up a report on unacceptably low performance temperatures, if they are recorded in the apartment;
  • write a corresponding complaint to the management company with a report attached.

Advice: It is better to draw up an act in the presence and signature of two neighbors. Write and sign the complaint at the responsible organization in two copies, so that you can keep one for yourself.

Based on the results of the written complaint, for hourly temperature non-compliance with the norm, payment for heating is reduced by 0,15% from monthly payment.

Warm radiators should be faithful companions of residents, however, there are cases of legal " just me» in heating supply:

  • no more than a day in total within one month. Provided that minimum value there will be a thermometer +12 ºС;
  • no more than 8 hours in total for the month. If the temperature drops to between +10 to +12 ºС;
  • no more than 4 hours in total for the month, if the thermometer shows the mark +8 ºС and below.

In these situations, the absence of heating is required by law. There is no point in arguing with this and filing a complaint with the responsible organization. At exceeding acceptable time limits or temperature minimums, in case of abuse in limiting the heating supply, you should Necessarily react.

Is heating “with your own hands” dangerous and why?

Residents often have ideas about improving the heating system of their apartment. Most often the decision arises about remodeling (digestion) pipe systems or illegal connection to the power supply. Such initiatives usually end very badly.

Firstly, manipulations by " insulation» of their batteries lead to disruption of the heating system of the entire house. This harms the residents of other apartments. In some cases, independent intervention in heating system ends with its breakdown.

Repairs in such cases are expensive both financially and morally. Underground connection to sources of electricity for the purpose of heating will sooner or later become known to the relevant services. Such heating fraud threatens, at the very least, fines.

The legislation provides position on the forced eviction of persistent violators.

Thus, it is not happening in the country according to some random parameters. All circumstances and conditions under which heating is supplied to houses are provided for by law. Heating should appear on 6 My world

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