Popular names of girls born in the year. Beautiful and unusual names for girls born in the year of the rooster

During pregnancy, one of the most important questions that future fathers and mothers face is a name for a girl.

What to name a girl born in 2017

It is the choice of a girl’s name that is a more sensitive task, because you want not only to choose the most beautiful and euphonious, but also original, which will highlight the “princess”. By naming the baby one of the chosen names, parents shape his destiny once and for all, endowing the child with a certain character.

The simplest way out is to name the baby by the name of the patron, on his name day, according to the so-called calendar.

It is important to choose names that will fully correspond to the zodiac sign of the newborn baby. The best option would be those that emphasize strengths girls, according to zodiac sign.

Names for girls born in spring 2017

Girls born in spring are quite soft in nature, prone to some reflection, so when choosing girl names, you need to take this into account and choose one that will not only sound beautiful, but also enhance and feed the beauty’s temper.

So, the following names are most suitable for spring babies born in 2017:

  1. Irina is an open, sociable, lively girl with the ability to soberly assess reality. Such girls will always get what they want and agree on what they need.
  2. Tamara is a bright, original person; most often such girls find self-realization in the profession of an actress, singer, or in the media field.
  3. Christina is an honest, cheerful and open girl who fills any place in which she is present with positivity and positive energy.
  4. Alexandra are girls with a prevailing sense of justice, protectors, ready at any moment to rush to the aid of those in need. Sasha has a prevailing sense of leadership and the need for dominance, which borders on sincerity and efficiency.
  5. Ruslana is a little girl with incredible vital energy that is transmitted to everyone who is nearby. Ruslana always amazes those around her with her optimism and assertiveness, especially in matters of career and work.

Names for girls born in summer 2017

Children born in summer period, have extreme emotionality, so it is recommended to choose the most concise and simple names:

  1. Julia is euphonious and soft, which endows its owner with leadership characteristics and allows her to unleash her creative potential.
  2. Zhanna is a stubborn, wayward girl who always has her own opinion on any issue. Jeanne always says what she thinks and does not tolerate gossip, lies and hypocrisy. Such girls are wonderful housewives and faithful wives, and at the same time valuable employees At work.
  3. Svetlana is a girl with a kind and gentle character, in whom, if you work properly in childhood, the wonderful talent of a commander and even commander in chief will be revealed. These are always pronounced personalities, with high intelligence, who value cleanliness and neatness.
  4. Elena is a calm and balanced little girl, with an ever-growing sense of compassion and helping others, who amazes everyone around her with the need to restore justice.

Names for girls born in autumn 2017

Autumn girls are extraordinary, creative, artistic people who have incredible imagination. Girls born in autumn are dreamers who are recommended to choose solid names.

  1. Taisiya are girls who are able to find a compromise in any current situation. Girls with this name move through life firmly and confidently, regardless of the circumstances.
  2. Nadezhda are determined and strong people who, from childhood, have been characterized by prudence and practicality. Nadenka is an excellent housewife and good wives, loving, caring mothers, and also very hardworking in matters related to work and career.
  3. Veronica - smart and truthful girls, kind and caring, who in their youth try to suppress excessive suspiciousness and a tendency to judge based on stereotypes.
  4. Victoria is a girl who “wins” always and in everything, she is quite stubborn in character, active and mobile, and does not tolerate defeat. Girls have high sociable qualities that help them get started in life. a large number of friends, acquaintances and useful connections.

Names for girls born in winter 2017

Winter babies are naturally strong-willed and stubborn, so you need to choose them as soft and gentle to the ears as possible. For a child born in the cold season, it is recommended to choose a melodious, melodious song, which will give the baby trepidation and tenderness.

Among the most optimal for girls born in the winter of 2017 are the following:

  1. Nina is truly a royal nature, characterized by pride and pride, they are always pretentious and very responsible. Girls are very inquisitive and actively explore the world in all its manifestations.
  2. Anna is a noble girl with sophistication and grace, often possessing meekness of character, tenderness and is very attached to family and loved ones. Anya are faithful girls and wives, caring mothers and excellent housewives, they do not tolerate betrayal or deception, they prefer the truth, no matter how bitter it may be.
  3. Zoya is a balanced, calm person who perfectly finds mutual language with any person, as if picking up the keys to him. Girls with this name are endowed with excellent intuition.

Interesting and original names for girls

Fashion systematically changes and the rather boring and frequently encountered ones fade into the background, and vice versa, the most common ones become the original and interesting names for girls. IN Lately, star names have become popular, for example, such as Milana, Nicole or Elizabeth.

Also, Old Russian names for girls are becoming fashionable:

  • Pelagia
  • Praskovya
  • Seraphim
  • Vasilisa
  • and many others

Expecting a new addition to the family, young parents decide a huge number of important issues: they arrange a room for the baby, buy a comfortable crib and a functional stroller, buy a bathtub and clothes... However, with the current fullness of the children's goods market, all these moments are exciting, but solvable. This means that the most important and difficult task is choosing a name for the newborn.

Parents are especially sensitive to the choice of a name for a girl - dad and mom go through girl's names many times, trying to find the most beautiful and euphonious. When we give a child a certain name, we shape his destiny, make adjustments to his character, endow him with some traits and hide others. The simplest thing is to name the child in honor of the patron saint of his birthday, looking at the name in the calendar.

The name you choose can make adjustments to the child’s character!

But what if you simply don’t like the name that falls on that day? Moms and dads always want to choose a name for their daughter in such a way as to highlight the individuality and uniqueness of the little princess. Let's figure out together what you need to pay attention to first when choosing girl's names.

How to choose a name for a baby?

So, not only the beauty of the name is important, but also its characteristics. Studying popular female names, see how the meaning of the name corresponds to the zodiac sign of the newborn - the name should not conflict with the horoscope. It is best if it further enhances the strengths of the sign, leveling out the weak and negative characteristics. The names you like need to be compared with the time of year when the baby was born:

  • Winter girls are naturally endowed with a strong character, and to strengthen it too much strong name not worth it. For a baby born in cold weather winter months, it is better to choose an affectionate, melodious name that will give her tenderness and trembling.
  • Spring natures are prone to excessive reflection and softness, so choose not just beautiful names, but ones that can enhance the newborn’s character.
  • Summer children are overly emotional and often hot-tempered, so names for girls should be concise and as simple as possible.
  • Autumn girls– these are creative individuals, endowed with imagination and daydreaming, but a little unsure of themselves. For them, we can recommend a name with a solid sound.

Choose a name for your daughter based on the horoscope and the time of year

Choosing a name for a girl born in the year of the Rooster

Year Fire Rooster will give newborn babies perseverance, endurance, hard work, optimism, high intelligence and a very bright personality. Along with these personality traits, girls born in 2017 will be very stubborn, uncompromising and prone to excessive eccentricity. Try looking through fashionable names, choose one that will balance this complex combination.

If you are superstitious, then do not name your child the same as a deceased relative. Especially if the fate of this person was not the most in the best possible way, otherwise, every time your baby fails, you will reproach yourself for the chosen name. Don't forget that for a long time the child will not be called by a big name or patronymic, but in a diminutive form, so when choosing a name for your daughter, think about how affectionately the child will be called.

Of course, the name must be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and surname - simple surnames require equally simple, but no less beautiful names. Complex patronymics should not be emphasized with an overly intricate name, for example, Alexandra Arnoldovna or Ruslana Georgievna sounds good, but such a combination will endow its owner with a far from saccharine character. Let's look at the current fashion trends, so that you can select names in advance for a girl born in 2017.

Exotic and native Russian names have already lost their relevance

Fashionable female names in 2017

The fashion for beautiful, but already quite boring, names borrowed from foreign stars (Nicole, Elizabeth, Milana) is gradually fading away. After several years of wild popularity of native Russian names, this trend began to fade. In the new season, it is better to immediately discard such options as Seraphim, Vasilisa, Pelageya or Praskovya.

Of course, every parent wants their child to stand out from the crowd. The easiest option is to choose an exclusively non-standard name. However, many are tired of extraordinaryness, so do not forget that beautiful names can be simple: the once popular Yulia, Natalia and Elena are a rarity today, and they will definitely attract attention on the playground and at school. Now let's look at the popular female names of 2017 and their main characteristics.

Fashionable names for girls born in winter

Winter children are distinguished by good health, endurance and a stern disposition, which can be directed towards achieving their intended goal. Such children often have a strong character that can harm the child’s relationships with others. Children born in December are passionate; those born in January usually achieve their plans without any effort; Well, February girls often have masculine features. Such babies need to choose especially melodious names.

Gentle, melodic names are best suited for winter children.

So, the best female names for winter 2017:

  • Evgenia- a name that is quite rare these days. Translated, it means “noble.” And this is quite justified: Evgenia is very kind, intuitively absorbs good manners and are distinguished by highly artistic taste. This is a wonderful housewife who runs the house with an unobtrusive but firm hand. Such girls are distinguished by developed intuition, always achieve their goals and really value the attention of others, so their relatives may hear a reproach for their lack of it. Evgenia’s character is somewhat hot-tempered, but by directing this energy in a peaceful direction, you will always get excellent results.
  • Nina- more often given name interpreted as “royal”. This is not surprising - Nina truly has royal article. Such girls are proud and will never “graze the bottom”; for this they are too responsible and pretentious. Little Nina is very charming, she has a pronounced grace and tact, she loves to read and learn new things. Growing up, she is too inclined to demand perfection from others, which can cause her inconvenience due to high standards.
  • Valeria– translated from Latin, this harmonious name is translated as “strong” or “healthy”. Lera is a girl with amazing determination. Willpower helps her successfully survive any troubles and troubles; she is able to console and protect. Such a woman will always find someone to take care of, although she herself is quite vulnerable. Lerochka is an impulsive but quick-witted child. However, it is very difficult to penetrate this girl’s heart and win her affection. She definitely needs to do some kind of creativity.
  • Anna- a noble name that endows its owner with grace (it is not for nothing that it had such a meaning in Hebrew). This is a meek and gentle girl, loving family and parents. She needs to get rid of excessive sacrifice so as not to become a tool in the hands of selfish people. Annas are loyal people who do not tolerate or forgive betrayal and betrayal, so when communicating with them, forget about trying to deceive; it is best to build relationships on honesty and trust. Alas, a tendency to excessive “truth-telling” can ruin Anya’s progress up the career ladder.
  • Zoya- undeservedly forgotten name, which translates as “life.” Zoya is a very balanced person who is difficult to unsettle. Her calmness is conveyed to those around her, so in a team where there is a girl with this name, quarrels rarely occur and conflict situations. She is indifferent to any achievements, so she needs to be constantly stimulated and pushed in order to reveal her existing talents. Zoya is endowed with excellent intuition and perfectly senses any change in the mood of her parents.

Fashionable names for girls born in spring

Girls who were born in spring months, often have an indecisive disposition and tend to play it safe a hundred times before making a final decision. They are cautious and do not like sudden changes. March babies are very curious and strive for new knowledge; the main feature of April girls is calmness; girls born in May are very smart and often different angelic appearance. For spring women Often there is a lack of firmness, so the name should enhance this character trait.

For spring girls, a name that demonstrates strength of character is suitable.

Fashionable names for spring 2017 sound like this:

  • Alexandra– the translation of this name does not sound like “protector” for nothing, because Sashenka has a rare sense of justice. These are tireless individuals with a lively and assertive character, which often leads them to dead-end situations. The name endows the owner with charm and grace. The tendency to lead can develop into an overt desire to dominate the house, so this child needs to be carefully pulled back. For loved ones, Sasha is capable of a lot, among her main characteristics are: true love and attachment to parents. The productivity of such a woman is truly limitless, but this may be accompanied by overwork.
  • Tamara- the name that once bore the beautiful queen of Georgia. This is a very artistic nature that does not accept a monotonous way of life and lack of variety. Toms are often dreamers and visionaries; they are carried away by various ideas, which, however, are rarely brought to their logical conclusion. At the same time, if she is properly motivated, Toma is able to achieve good results in any business, as she is extremely committed and hardworking. This is a determined and even somewhat domineering girl, hot-tempered and assertive. When conflicts arise, Toma will rarely agree to reconciliation, but she is quick-witted and able to listen to reasonable arguments.
  • Irina– from childhood, little Iras demonstrate the ability to soberly assess the world and those around them. Such girls are rarely prone to excessive sentimentality and can even be quite tough. Irina is a sociable person; it seems that she is able to come to an agreement with any person, so the bearers of this name always achieve their goals. Irochka is a responsible and caring girl who will always be a support for her mom and dad; she appreciates the comfort of home and does an excellent job with any housework. At the same time, she is able to build an enviable career.
  • Ruslana– a name endowed with very strong internal energy. Ruslans are distinguished by their sociability and sociability, and easily gain sympathy in a new company. These are open, but rather hot-tempered and harsh personalities. At the same time, they quickly move away and after some time can logically evaluate their actions. Such a girl is a leader by nature, but she needs to be unobtrusively taught tolerance and instilled in a sense of tact. Bright and active women named Ruslana amaze with their optimism and assertiveness; they are able to build a successful career and at the same time manage a large family.
  • Christina- from the early childhood The owner of this name has an analytical approach to solving any problem. These individuals are characterized by honesty and unobtrusiveness in achieving their goals. But if Christina has set her sights on something, it will be very difficult to move her off the path. These are cheerful children who fill the home with positive energy and fun. Such girls study well, quickly absorb new knowledge and easily communicate with others. However, their tendency to changeable moods can drive them into depression, so little Christines need to be distracted from sad thoughts in time.

Fashionable names for girls born in summer

Personalities who came into this world at one of the summer months, are cheerful people and pronounced optimists. They hate pettiness, they love and know how to work, but it is very difficult for them to restrain their emotions - the actions of summer children are often based on momentary impulses. June girls are especially sensitive and kind, but unbalanced. Babies born in July are temperamental and often seek attention. August endows a woman with a good disposition and excessive pickiness.

Babies, born in summer, radiate optimism and determination

Neutral-sounding girl names are quite suitable for summer babies:

  • Elena– the bearer of this bright name (and this is how it is translated from the language of the Ancient Hellenes) is a calm and balanced girl. Lenas early acquire the ability to sympathize with their neighbors, love their home, family and parents. They almost never lose their temper and are capable of compromise. However, Elenas are often prone to tragedy and sacrifice (sometimes ostentatious) and can manipulate loved ones, drawing all the attention to themselves. Distinctive feature Such women are amazingly unpretentious and able to be content with little.
  • Zhanna- a French-language variation of the name "John", which translates as "God's gift." The double “n” endows this child with pronounced stubbornness and an amazingly early formed opinion on any issue. The owners of this name are characterized by sharp mind and resourcefulness, decisive disposition and impulsiveness. Jeanne does not tolerate gossip and is very straightforward; you can always rely on them and entrust them with any matter. The main thing in raising little Zhannochka is to direct her perseverance in the right direction, and then the results will not be long in coming. Such individuals successfully cope with household chores, combining family and career very harmoniously.
  • Julia- an undeservedly forgotten girl's name. With all its euphony and gentleness, it is capable of endowing its owner with the qualities of a true leader. Yulia is sociable, has the ability to be creative, and does not tolerate quarrels and conflicts. As children, they are vulnerable and take offense at every little thing, but they can easily be distracted and brought into a good mood. They are completely unfamiliar with envy, so feel free to share any achievements - Yulenka will always be happy to hear about other people's victories. The actions of girls with this name are often overly cautious, so she needs to be gently motivated and pushed.
  • Svetlana– a bright name that endows its owner with kindness and a light character. Since childhood, Svetochka has been a sociable and spontaneous child, but even then the makings of a real commander begin to awaken in her. These are pronounced neat people who value cleanliness and comfort. Such women are usually selfless, artistic and have a pronounced intellect. The parents of this child need to correct his self-esteem in time, as it can very quickly become inflated. Sveta's parents are treated sensitively and remain close to the family for life.
  • Ulyana– this girl has a keen sense of justice from early childhood. Such natures are characterized by integrity, self-sufficiency, energy and pronounced inner strength. Usually they are open to the world around them, so parents need to take care that during childhood no one inflicts irreparable moral trauma on this child. They grow into sensitive and soft women who are extremely delicate and tactful. Ulyana is quite easily offended, she is indecisive and tends to avoid obstacles, so she needs to strengthen her character and learn to overcome difficulties.

Fashionable names for a girl born in autumn

In the fertile autumn season, wise and pedantic personalities come into the world. They are characterized by integrity combined with diplomacy. Autumn children are rarely the instigators of conflicts - from early childhood they are distinguished by sound judgment. Girls born in September are quite flirtatious and love compliments; October babies are very sensitive to the feelings of others and will never hurt them on purpose. Children who came into the world in November are very patient and playful.

Autumn Children Need a Name That Symbolizes Confidence

For girls autumn period They need to strengthen their character, so these trendy names are suitable for them:

  • Natalia– the name, which has again begun to gain popularity, carries the concept of “native”. This is a cheerful girl who is able to warm and comfort her loved ones. From early childhood, the owner of this name knows her worth and takes both praise and reproaches very close to her heart. Natasha needs to be weaned from vindictiveness and taught to be patient. Such individuals are very proud, but not without reason: their achievements often amaze others.
  • Hope– from early childhood she is prone to determination and strength of character. Understanding little Nadya is quite difficult, because despite all her emotionality, she knows how to subjugate her feelings, so her parents should teach her to be more open. By nature, she is characterized by cheerfulness and irrepressible optimism, infecting those around her with energy. She is able to do several things at the same time, and quite successfully. Such a woman is characterized by hard work and authority in any matter.
  • Faith– a name that speaks for itself. These are smart and truthful girls who are characterized by prudence and practicality in everyday matters. Verochka has no need for excessive imagination, so you are unlikely to force this child to read. Although she is certainly kind and caring, she can be tough when pursuing personal goals. Vera needs to try to suppress suspiciousness and a tendency to stereotypical thinking - these are her main weak sides. She is an excellent housewife, so comfortable living conditions are guaranteed to everyone who lives with her under the same roof.
  • Taisiya- this name translates as “fertile.” Taya is a person who is not inclined to compromise; she resolutely follows life path and is capable of risky actions. This independent girl is characterized by a certain secretive nature, but if emotions come to the surface, then everyone will know about it. the world. You don’t have to worry that your child will ever deceive you - the owner of the name Taisiya does not tolerate lies and omissions, so you also need to be as honest as possible with her. She is an excellent organizer and a diligent student. However, she does not like to bother with housework too much - the mother will have to make an effort to make a good wife out of her daughter.

Although I am a doctor by training, first of all I am a woman. Therefore, when someone asks what to name a child, I advise you to think carefully. After all, this not only determines character traits, but also affects the fate of the baby as a whole. After all, as they say, what you name the boat... I was wondering what modern and beautiful names for girls 2017 will bring. This post will focus on exactly that.

What will a baby born in the year of the Rooster be like?

Let's see how to name a girl in 2017. First of all, we note that children who will be born in next year, will receive from their patron - the fiery Rooster - not only a bright temperament, but also a lot of energy, endurance and hard work. The child will have leadership qualities and perseverance, will be successful in school, active and sociable.⁣

Such a baby needs to be named accordingly. To cool the hot temper of girls born next year, cold names are suitable: Snezhana, Agata or Gerda. You can also soften the character if you name the baby tenderly and femininely. And here bright name, on the contrary, you can emphasize the fiery nature of the little Cockerel. In addition, names that are both masculine and feminine will suit them well: Valeria, Evgenia, Alexandra, Vladlena or Vasilisa.

Girl names by month for 2017

Over the past few years, parents have often turned to the traditions of their ancestors. Previously, the choice was less long and not so painful. They named the child according to the “saints” or months:

Popular girl names in 2017

Let's continue the review and get to know the most popular names girls in 2017. But do not forget that any of them should sound harmonious in combination with the middle name. This will save your little one from ridicule in the future, and also good combination two names will have a positive impact on her life. So, the most common girls' names in 2017 will be:

1. Anastasia;

3. Valeria;

7. Milena;

8. Miroslava;

9. Polina;

10. Ulyana.

But remember that you need to focus not on popularity, but on individuality. When our baby was born, Sophias and Eves were in vogue. My husband and I really wanted our daughter to be called Sonya, but when she was born, it became clear that this was Martha. We can say that she herself told us what to call her. By the way, we have no regrets, since in the group in the garden there are two Sonyas working with us and Sophie is growing on the floor below. So think twice before choosing only from trendy baby girl names in 2017. They, it seems to me, are very sonorous and beautiful, but any fashion is temporary, and most importantly, massive.

On this moment Questions about what names for girls in 2019 and for boys will be relevant and fashionable have become very relevant. Today you can hear quite rare and unexpected versions even from the most ancient times. This is not strange, because fashion is coming back again, so today the name that was fashionable many years ago may become the most popular.

All parents strive for their children to have the best, not like others. This applies not only to clothes, toys, home games, but also to the name. From birth or even before it begins, parents already begin to think through all the options for passport data for their child. Unfortunately, it is so customary that it is really not easy to choose a nickname, because it is for life, and sometimes the fate of a child may depend on it. In this article we will talk directly about names for girls in 2019, or rather, about their meaning, which one is better to choose for a successful future.

Today, almost every couple wants to give their baby the best and beautiful name so that in the future it brings her success and joy, but in no case brings her sorrow. So, people who know a lot about this matter argue that you really need to choose what will be beneficial, bring only joyful news through life. Also find out.


Lisa reading Varyusha
Sofia Anna Taisiya
solar rare family
Ekaterina Nastya Maria

It is also important that there is a combination with the father’s name, and the middle name does not hurt the ears. There are several specific requirements that are recommended to be followed when choosing a name.

  1. A woman's name must be consistent with her father's patronymic and surname. So, for example, Georgette Evgenievna Kuzmina is not very beautiful and in tune. Naturally, Georgette sounds beautiful in itself, but, on the other hand, it is completely inconsistent with the patronymic and surname.
  2. You should not choose too extravagant names so that in the future the girl does not feel like a black sheep, because many children, because of their too prominent nickname, are simply embarrassed and develop complexes. Accordingly, it will be difficult for the girl to meet new people in the future.
  3. A modern name should not cause difficulties in pronunciation. Therefore, experts do not recommend calling girls Katorina, Argentea, Yolanda, because they are difficult not only to pronounce, but also to read the first time.
  4. Experts also recommend that nicknames be based on the month of birth. This gives the girl the opportunity to be happy, so that no unexpected adversities spoil her fate. Few people believe in such signs, but, on the other hand, it really works; sometimes it is useful to look at the horoscope of luck according to the lunar calendar.

Meanings of female names

A girl’s name should not only be consonant, but also suit her destiny and bring good luck. Therefore, many recommend paying attention to the meaning and, if possible, reading the history of its origin.

It is also worth noting that a nickname can influence a person’s character, thus significantly changing his attitude to life and actions. By calling a girl a soft and gentle name, you automatically assign her a more loyal, gentle character. If from birth you give the child a more confident, courageous nickname, then her character will be more confident and persistent.

Popular girls' names for 2019 will be chosen by birth month. Another important fact is that the symbol of the coming year will be the Dog; accordingly, this symbol will also pass on some of its character traits to all children, and nicknames will in this case is no exception.

Experts say that a girl born in the year of the Fire Rooster will not grow up frivolous or flighty. This symbol, even despite the nickname, gives a person excellent self-organization.

Names for girls in 2019 are as diverse as last year's. There is simply a stunning number of different nicknames, and sometimes parents are simply lost in choosing for their child. But, on the other hand, for a girl church calendar You can choose 2019 without focusing on any other principles or signs.

So in the coming year the following will be relevant.

  1. Catherine and Elizabeth are two royal nicknames for girls.
  2. Alice will help the girl grow up to be a real woman, mysterious and enigmatic.
  3. Zlata is a beautiful nickname for a future lady, which will help her grow up worthy of attention, calm and balanced, which is very attractive to real men.
  4. Veronica is an independent girl who will succeed in all endeavors and will be able to find herself in a creative profession.
  5. Olesya is stubborn, purposeful, but at the same time not rude, so she knows how to calmly and beautifully communicate with people. Olesya, as a rule, has a mathematical mindset, so she always copes with the assigned task and approaches any task responsibly.

There are also some rare ones modern names for girls who can bring good luck in life, become a real guide in the future. So, in the coming year you can give your daughter a nickname such as:

  • Ruslana, which fully corresponds to the symbol of the Fire Rooster, since it very well conveys all the character traits - confidence, strong will and an unsurpassed ability to see everything through to completion from the very beginning;
  • Yana and Ulyana - forms of Yulia, become pride, can always boast of many positive features characters;
  • Taisiya - from the word mysterious, as a rule, has a beautiful appearance, responsiveness, and affectionate character, but in addition to all this, she can easily succeed in many endeavors.

The best and most popular names

Catherine Immaculate, innocent, pure Of Greek origin, meaning purity and innocence.
Anna Strong, blessed, brave Some sources translate it as God's grace in honor of St. Anna, who gave birth to a daughter through long years torment.
Anastasia Reborn, immortal, resurrected All meanings are translated exclusively from Greek language and most often assume the meaning of the name as rebirth or rebirth.
Maria Defiant, proud, great Derived from a Hebrew root that translates as “to reject.” In some sources it is translated as madam.
Sofia Reasonable, wise From Greek it means wisdom, intelligence, and some sources interpret this name as science.

Tatar names for 2019

Modern Tatar names for girls in 2019 will also be slightly different from all other past years, which is characterized by the year itself. Although the Tatar people react insignificantly to the year of the Fire Rooster, they still look closely at such customs.

So, in the coming year such Tatar nicknames as Azalea, Amina, Alina, Arina, Diana, Daria, Samira, Milana, Polina, Yasmina, Ralina, Victoria, and some others will be relevant. Many from this list can very often be heard even without unnecessary hints that this nickname is not Russian.

They have become so integrated into our customs that many do not even feel the difference. All options are beautiful, in tune with our Russians male names, so almost every middle name will sound good without standing out in spelling or reading. Also see everything about and even.
