What day of the week should I buy what? Shopping horoscope. An astrologer taught how to determine the best time for shopping by the moon

Giving joy to your loved ones, organizing a holiday for them, buying gifts gives great pleasure. But the most important thing is not to make a mistake in choosing a gift.

To make your purchase last longer, be of high quality and necessary, pay attention to the position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.

The moon will tell you a few simple rules, which will allow you to avoid difficulties when choosing a gift, and will also turn this process into pleasure.

The Moon and the Lunar Day Guide wish you pleasant shopping!

Upcoming holidays!

Moon in Aries



Car and other equipment
Any metal objects
Sport equipment
Children's things and toys
Bed sheets

Although It’s better to choose gifts on other days, since haste will not allow you to think carefully and choose what you need. Your desires may now be too impulsive and overly strong. These days, as a rule, attention is drawn to things that are spectacular, but short-lived.

However, The period is good for shopping if the buyer does not have extra time. He will be able to quickly navigate the selection of the right thing.

Moon in Aries ideal for choosing a gift for men. These days, it is favorable to buy any goods with masculine energy (sporting goods, tools, automotive-themed items, goods for outdoor activities).

And here household items as well women's clothing, cosmetics, perfumes , purchased these days, may turn out to be unsuitable or of poor quality.

Moon in Taurus



Car and other equipment
Any metal objects
Carpentry and plumbing tools
Sport equipment
Bed sheets
Household products
Fine things
Agricultural products
Garden equipment

A wonderful time for most purchases and general household chores. After all, the Moon is visiting Venus - the patroness of comfort, coziness, and good taste.

These days will be successful in purchasing expensive things and luxury items ( jewelry, products from natural fur). Good days to buy elegant clothes. art objects and everything. which causes aesthetic pleasure.

Well, if you want to do something truly heroic, change the furniture, buy a new cute sofa or stylish bookcase - they will probably become the center of attention in your apartment.

Moon in Gemini



Radio, tape recorder
Sports goods (bicycles, roller skates)
Children's things and toys
Bed sheets
Household products
Books, magazines
Diaries. phone and notebooks
Consumables for office equipment

You can buy everything that is not designed for long term consumption. Not a favorable time to buy real estate or furniture.

These days it’s good to buy not too expensive, but pleasant little things: jewelry, souvenirs, mirrors.

When the Moon visits the eloquent and fussy Mercury, many people become more receptive to any information they hear or see. This means that, having discovered a desire to purchase something, you need to immediately ask yourself the question: “Am I that unfortunate victim of advertising?”

Moon in Cancer



Car and other equipment
Bed sheets
Household products
Agricultural products
Residential building or land plot
Second Hand Items

Now we have an increased craving for comfort, sensitivity and emotionality. During the days when the Moon is in Cancer, it is favorable to purchase high-quality durable items that make the home even more comfortable and cozy. With this position of the Moon, it is good to choose home furniture, wallpaper and other finishing materials. What will cause a feeling of comfort and calm during this period will really create coziness in the house in the future. But you shouldn’t purchase household (or any other) appliances: they may turn out to be unreliable.

With the Moon in Cancer, you want to drink more than usual, so a package of expensive tea, coffee or a bottle of good alcohol would be a good gift and purchase. When the Moon is in Cancer, people buy necessary things for their home, such as slippers or dishes, as well as silver jewelry, dinner and tea sets, and living plants.

This is a time of activation of emotions and mood swings, and therefore the clothes that you like these days can cause irritation tomorrow.

Moon in Leo



Gifts, souvenirs

The Moon in Leo is the most best time for choosing gifts. If you plan to give someone a present, then choose it on these days - you won’t regret it. You can buy some decoration for your home. It is very good to buy gold products, precious metals and stones. Buy gifts, jewelry, decorations and things that you will rarely use.

However, on days when the Moon is in Leo, spending money needs to be seriously controlled, since at this time the Moon tends to be excessively wasteful.

This is a time of uncontrollable emotions, exaltation and bright colors - the Moon is visiting the royal Sun! You will be tempted to buy something amazing, unique and super fashionable - shoes or a dress that will dazzle those around you. Have right! But keep in mind that, most likely, you will wear these things only a few times, and not because you will be disappointed in them, but because they will quickly lose their shape and appearance. This is especially true for shoes: the Moon in Leo is the worst time to purchase them. As for clothing, an exception can be made for warm sweaters: they will really keep you warm in winter.

Moon in Virgo



Car and other equipment
Kitchen furniture
Carpentry and plumbing tools
Clothes (business suit)
Bed sheets
Household goods
Garden equipment
Medicines for the first aid kit

With the Moon in Virgo, it’s time to put things in order at home and buy things that will help organize your work. You need to purchase the necessary items for the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and other similar rooms (just not for the living room!). Shopping for hygiene and home care products will be successful. However, these days you should be most wary of pickpocketing and various scams.

The moon is in the house of the businesslike, responsible Ceres. With this position of the Moon, many people become more calculating, more attentive, analyze their impressions and sensations more carefully, and pay more attention to the practicality of the items they are going to purchase. Therefore, the Moon in Virgo favors most purchases and household affairs. As for cosmetics, at this time it is good to buy cleansers and toners, scrubs, concealing pencils, oily skin, shampoos (especially for oily hair), styling products.

Moon in Libra



Interior items
Jewelry and accessories
Bed sheets
Household products
Works of art

This is the perfect time for women's shopping. You can buy small things.

The Moon in Libra has a beneficial effect on female self-esteem, but can be detrimental to family budget. Therefore, if you do not currently have the amount necessary for shopping, then it is better to avoid stores, as there is a great temptation to spend everything down to the last penny.

With the Moon in Libra, you are good at buying clothes both for yourself and as a gift. The most favorable time to place an order for items from fashionable and stylish catalogs. You might want to look for something exceptional, not for every day. And no matter how much money you invest in this “something,” you won’t regret it later.

In this sign, the night luminary again visits Venus. This is the ideal time to purchase all types of cosmetics and perfumes, when you can unerringly choose a shampoo for any, even the most complex hair type. The right time to purchase interior items, finishing materials, since most people have an increased sense of successful combinations.

Moon in Scorpio



Interior items
Home finishing materials
Underwear (erotic)
Jewelry and accessories
Bed sheets
Household products
Recyclable materials, organic fertilizers
Second Hand Items

With the Moon in Scorpio, sometimes strange things are bought, not the same as always. For example, non-standard equipment or some “know-how”. Well, if you decide to declare a fight against cockroaches and other insects, then you need to buy traps, powders and aerosols against them on these two days. If you have been planning to throw out old furniture from your house for a long time or rearrange it, do it when the Moon is in Scorpio.

Here the Moon falls into the domain of Pluto. This period is generally unfavorable for shopping. With the exception of talismans and other occult goods, as well as sexual items, such as erotic lingerie. In another case, things that seem attractive may later turn out to be pretentious and vulgar.

Moon in Sagittarius



Goods for recreation, sports and tourism
Jewelry and accessories
Books (serious, rare)
Pets, horses, cattle
Stylish glasses

Most favorable period for shopping.

It's good to shop for imported consumer goods. It’s good to purchase sets of things in the same style and matching colors.

The right time to buy tourist packages and weekend tours.

With the Moon in Sagittarius, the imagination plays out, all thoughts strive to break out of the usual circle of existence, and we often travel out of town or visit new places. For some it’s a horse ride, and for others it’s a market on the other side of the city. Accordingly, purchases with gifts are distinguished by originality.

The Moon is visiting the respectable Jupiter. If you want to update your workplace, do it now.

Moon in Capricorn



Car and other equipment
Construction Materials
Leather products
Real estate
Rental of premises
Interior items
Home finishing materials

Here the Moon is under the influence of strict, economical Saturn. We are less emotional than usual, we are drawn to everything simple and concise. With the Moon in Capricorn it is better to do the most large purchases. Especially when it comes to technology. Shoes purchased during this period will serve you longer.

If possible, it is better to buy gifts on other days, but if you have to, try to keep them in a classic style.

Moon in Aquarius



Car and other transport
Electronics, household appliances
Computer technology
Gas equipment
Means of communication
Real estate

Favorable for buying everything new, advanced, extraordinary. Successfully select books and CDs - the choice will not disappoint later.
With the Moon in Aquarius it is good to buy an apartment.
The Moon enters the domain of independent and light Uranus. But our attention weakens somewhat, our thoughts are carried away somewhere beyond the clouds, and our logic begins to falter. Attention is drawn to everything bright and shiny, so these days you might want to spend money on trinkets, accessories, bold outfits. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Moon in Pisces



Car and other equipment
Kitchen furniture
Works of art
Nourishing and moisturizing creams
Bed sheets
Products for home comfort
Food, agricultural products
Garden equipment
Medicines and chemicals
Discs with old films or music

The Moon is visiting the owner of secrets and dreams, Neptune. This is a period of illusions and deceptions. Our attention is still somewhat scattered, and the sensitivity of things to external influences is increased. This is far from the best time for most acquisitions and business affairs that require rationalism and accuracy. The situation with clothes is ambiguous: there is a chance to buy something very stylish, although not very durable. Just don’t buy warm clothes - you’ll miss the mark, they won’t warm you well. In general, many things these days do not seem to be what they really are. they may turn out to be of poor quality, tasteless or completely unnecessary.

With the Moon in Pisces, you need to trust your feelings more, especially when it comes to nutrition, but also shopping.

Buy clothes, shoes, wallet or bag - I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the secrets of astrology and my recommendations.

In this article, I will introduce you to exactly when it is better to make purchases in accordance with the location of the Moon in the zodiac signs.

So, the moon in the zodiac signs:

Moon in Aries: you can buy equipment, piercing and cutting objects, sports equipment, tools. At this time, attention is often attracted to things that are spectacular, but short-lived. You shouldn't buy shoes because... she'll burn on her feet

Moon in Taurus. The ruler of Taurus is Venus, and she, as you know, is the patroness of beauty, so you can buy cosmetics, clothes, beautiful and high-quality things, stylish, exquisite jewelry. It’s a good time to buy seductive lingerie, perfume, moisturizing and nourishing creams.

Moon in Gemini: it is worth purchasing books, office equipment, household and Cell phones. But you shouldn’t buy real estate, furniture, cosmetics, because... possible skin irritation.

Moon in Cancer. Favorable time for purchasing a house, real estate, land, live plants and indoor flowers. Everything for home coziness and comfort: furniture, wallpaper, etc. will only bring benefits in the future. You should not buy household or any other appliances at this time.

Moon in Leo. It’s good to buy jewelry, decorations and gifts, decorative cosmetics and perfumes, as well as things that are bright and beautiful, but those that you will rarely use (for example, Wedding Dress– will definitely be the best and most beautiful). There is no need to buy shoes or clothes that you expect to buy for a long time - they may wear out quickly, with the exception of warm sweaters.

Worth buying pets andhousehold items, office supplies, items for the kitchen, bathroom, home care products, appliances, kitchen furniture, it’s good to buy a business suit for work or work clothes. Shopping for cleansing and toning products, scrubs, concealing pencils, products for oily skin, shampoos and styling products will be favorable.

Moon in Libra. At this time it is good to buy clothes for your wardrobe, purchases art objects and jewelry, all types perfumes and cosmetics, interior items and finishing materials.

Moon in Scorpio. This period is unfavorable for shopping, but these days you can throw away things that you should have gotten rid of long ago.

Moon in Sagittarius. The time is favorable for purchasing travel packages, as well as goods and related accessories for recreation, sports and tourism. You can buy cosmetics, but you should refrain from purchasing clothes and shoes.

Moon in Capricorn. This period is considered one of the best for making large purchases. Especially when it comes to technology. Shoes, clothing and leather goods, as a rule, turn out to be solid and practical. You can purchase land and real estate. However, you cannot lend money.

You can purchase household and electrical appliances, communications equipment, computer equipment, transport. It's good to buy an apartment. But you should avoid buying decorative cosmetics.

Moon in Pisces. At this time, it will be good to purchase perfumes and any things to provide comfort in your home. One of the most useless purchases at this time is shoes - they won't last long. From cosmetics, you can successfully choose any caring cream: nourishing or moisturizing.

Many of us know the signs that guide sellers in stores and markets. But if you don't stand behind the counter all day, then you need to consider signs and rituals for customers.

Then the purchased items will serve for a long time and delight the eye and heart. First of all, when planning a trip to the store, coordinate it with the numerological system proposed below. The fact is that cycles of subtle energies work according to their own celestial schedule. At one time they open the “gate” for good luck in a certain area, at another time they close it. All you need is to know what exactly you want to buy and have a regular calendar on hand. See what dates of the month are best to purchase certain products. Those days whose numbers are not indicated in the attached system are neutral for purchases. Number 4. On this day it is best to purchase precious stones. Number 5. Unfavorable day for shopping: money may be wasted, there is a high risk of overpaying or purchasing a low-quality item. Number 7. A good time to buy gifts. And it’s better to give them on the seventh day of any month. Number 13. A favorable day for signing important financial documents on purchase and sale. For example, for a house, apartment, car, cottage, yacht... It is also better to take out loans on this day. Number 14. The number 14 echoes the number 7 and is also great for buying and giving gifts. Number 18. It's best to stay away from stores. Try not to buy anything at this time, not even bread. Otherwise, the mood will be spoiled for the whole day, and the purchase will turn out to be defective, of poor quality or tasteless. Number 20. Don't pass by shoe stores. Shoes purchased on this day promise to be inexpensive, comfortable and durable. It is believed that in boots or shoes purchased under the influence of the number 20, you can meet your love and get married successfully. Number 21. The day of concluding important and large transactions concerning real estate, furniture, cars.

Meanwhile, our ancestors devoted their time to shopping Special attention, observing a clear schedule of trading days. Back in Ancient Mesopotamia, around 300 BC. the astrologer Berossus drew up a precise schedule of trade, which was published in the form of a law and strictly observed by all local residents. According to the rules of astrology, each day of the week is under the protection of a certain planet, which has a special influence on each thing.

According to the ancient theory, when you make a purchase on an auspicious day, you acquire an item fueled by positive energy that will last a long time and benefit its owner.

Monday - Lunae dies - Lunar day The Moon patronizes everyday life and the hearth, so on the first day of the week it is recommended to buy food and household supplies: napkins, brushes, brooms, garbage bags, detergents and cleaning products. It is not recommended to make large transactions related to the purchase of real estate, household appliances, cars. On Monday you should not take out loans or other loans.

Tuesday - Martis dies - day of Mars The God of War patronizes men's shopping. On this day it is good to purchase weapons, tools, fishing tackle, weights, barbells and other metal equipment. Pots and pans bought on Tuesday will last for many years. But it’s better to update your wardrobe or replenish your supplies of cosmetics on another day.

Wednesday - Mercuri dies - day of Mercury Under the auspices of the God of Trade, commercial transactions in business and personal large purchases are successfully completed. Mercury will bless the purchase of a car, apartment, refrigerator, land and other significant things.

Thursday – Jovis dies – Jupiter day Supreme God Jupiter fairly decides all earthly affairs and provides patronage to “smart” purchases. On Thursdays it is recommended to buy books, computers, televisions, and also useful intellectual household appliances, such as multicookers, washing and dishwashers, microwaves. It is not recommended to buy jewelry or impractical things; every purchase should bring tangible benefits.

Friday – Veneris dies – day of Venus The goddess of love and beauty favors the fair sex. On Fridays it's time women's shopping: cosmetics, clothes, souvenirs, jewelry and any girlish joys will only be used for good. Venus will bless even a portion of a delicious high-calorie dessert if it brings pleasure to a woman. Girls, today is your day.

Saturday - Saturni dies - day of Saturn The god of agriculture and crops, Saturn, blessed all workers on earth and preferred to spend time in the lap of nature, away from the bustle of the world. On Saturday it is better to refrain from shopping and stay at home.

Sunday – Solis dies – Sunny day On Sunday, shopping for beauty and comfort is blessed and successful. These can be home decorations, handicraft items: fabrics, clay, threads, beads and other elements for creativity. In the old days, people believed that at night, during the new moon and the first new month when the earth is covered in pitch darkness, the time comes evil spirits, which can enter the house along with the purchase. So these days lunar calendar didn't buy anything.

If you are going to buy something important and expensive, then it’s time to remember the folk signs and superstitions associated with purchases. They will help you make the right decision with your purchase and benefit from your purchase!

So, what were our ancestors guided by when they went to markets and bazaars?

  • Never buy anything with your last money, otherwise you will attract poverty, and the purchased item will not bring you joy.
  • If you have decided to spend all your money on a long-awaited item, then leave at least a penny in your wallet, so to speak, for divorce.
  • Don't buy from greedy sellers otherwise you yourself will become infected with his greed and bring financial problems upon yourself.
  • If the seller is the same gender as you- this is a bad omen. If you are a man, then buy from women. If you are a woman, buy from men.
  • If you want to bargain with the seller and lower the price, take off your hat and wipe your forehead with it. The price will be reduced according to your request!
  • Be sure to “wash” a successful purchase! This folk sign has a deep meaning. If someone used to buy something expensive, they would gather all their neighbors at the same table. Not to boast, but to avoid the envy of neighbors. Nowadays, it is customary to “wash” a purchase among close people or relatives, and not so that they do not envy, but so that the purchase lasts a long time and brings joy.
  • Don't go shopping on Monday- you will be left without money. The best days for shopping are Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Don't buy things second hand. If the item has already been used, then along with it you acquire the energy of its previous owner. Why do you need the burden of other people's problems and sins? If you nevertheless bought a used item, then cleanse it of other people’s energy. To do this, use special rituals and conspiracies.
  • Do not give money directly to the seller. Place them on the counter or table. If you transfer money from hand to hand, you may lose your money luck. Also, during the purchase and sale, do not take money from the hands of the seller - you can take his energy.

By following folk signs and superstitions about purchasing, you can attract good luck and buy the thing that will make you happy long years. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.06.2014 09:15

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