What can you make sheepskin coats with your hands. How to sew a vest with your own hands from an old fur coat, sheepskin coat, sheepskin, faux and natural fur for women, men, children? How to sew an elongated fur vest with and without a pattern quickly? You can make shoes.

You will need

  • - lining fabric;
  • - ruler;
  • - old sheepskin coat;
  • - threads;
  • - needles;
  • - pattern paper (tracing paper);
  • - tape measure;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - decorations for decoration.


Take a measurement: measure the circumference of the waist, chest, hips and the length of the future vest.

Build a pattern. On paper, draw a rectangle with a length equal to the girth of the chest and a width, equal to the length from the shoulder. Outline the armholes and necklines. To do this, take a ready-made vest that matches your size, attach it to the pattern, and then circle the neckline and armholes.

The status of millions of cows, sheep and lambs is determined by the billionaire value of leather products in the market: a market that turns animal skins into products sold in stores. Some environmentalists argue for the use of leather for other synthetic fabrics as a "natural" fabric.

It is likely that many consumers do not know or care about environmental issues associated with leather production. If the consumer encourages to reflect on the environmental impact of leather processing, the result can be achieved by completely replacing the leather with other materials such as natural fibers or synthetic products.

Spread or cut along the seams of the old sheepskin coat. Inspect the surface, if there are worn or shiny places on it, take this into account when cutting.

Lay the fabric inside out and transfer to the pattern. If the sheepskin coat is long, put the pattern not across (so that it approximately coincides with the front and back), but along the back. Then there will be no side seams in your pattern, this will allow your vest to look sleeker and more voluminous, in addition, it will be easier to sew it.

Mortality rates and skinning. There are several ways to kill these animals. The most commonly used is carbon monoxide poisoning, a technique in which the animal is introduced into a small box that releases an amount of carbon monoxide that will result in a slow and painful death that lasts about 30 minutes, and the use of electrodes. These electrodes only produce paralysis of the animal, which will be alive. The animal inserts an electrode through the mouth and another through the anus, the latter being accompanied by a metal rod, which, as a rule, destroys the intestines when inserted.

Cut out the details of the vest with sharp scissors. If the fur is long and difficult to mark, just pin the pattern with pins and cut the details right with it, leaving allowances for the seams. Cut off the corner of the neckline and armholes.

Prepare the lining fabric, and cut the lining according to the prepared pattern.

Sew on sewing machine the top and lining of the vest together. Connect the back to the shoulder seams of the shelf, turn the vest inside out, do it through the neck. Sew along the neck line with blind stitches.

Electrical isolation with cardiac arrest. The electrodes will be placed to draw on the brain and heart, ensuring that the lowest intensity used will cause instant loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest. However, in the case of foxes, when electrodes are placed in the mouth and rectum, the current should be applied at a minimum average of 0.3 amperes for at least three seconds.

Electrical insulation prevents damage to the skin during the killing, as the organs affected by voltage are internal. Thus, the skin can be most High Quality and receive best price on the market. The fur industry also uses stumps and traps to obtain animals. They, after falling into stumps, try to free themselves by gnawing and tearing at their own limbs, and many of them die after several days of agony. The stumps do not distinguish between an animal that is about to fall, so the animals fall into them, which will be thrown away for not being useful to them.

If the fabric is from the old sheepskin coats left, make a stand-up collar pattern. Cut out strips equal in size to the circumference of the neck and 10 cm wide. Sew them together, inside out, sew to the neck. Add decorative elements from the fur of the same sheepskin coats

Decorate your vest, otherwise it will look boring. For decoration, you can use various decorations: beads, satin ribbons, various fasteners. Experiment. Use a belt, it will give the vest an individual style, or make a belt out of satin ribbons. Add decorative elements from the fur of the same sheepskin coats by choosing the most fluffy and undamaged places.

Video: Making a straight silhouette vest pattern from fur and leather

Hunters located in the mountains are ahead of the lives of millions of animals every year. Many animals spend hours and days trapped in slow agony. The pain is such that they become selfless to run away. They will be caught like this: coyotes, martens, stoats, raccoons, lynxes, badgers, beavers, otters, muskrats and wolves.

Methods for removing animal skin. The skin of the animal is removed by carefully cutting from the upper end of the sternum to the pubic symphysis and extending the incision to the extremities without concern for injury. The skin is framed in the shade. The frame is a single-wire, horseshoe-shaped wire rod. You can get a diaper insurance form. The circle helps the skin to stretch along the structure. If you don't have a rod frame, you can tie up the skin of the limbs and try to stretch it as much as possible. In case you are tanning more than one layer of skin, they should be placed in separate racks to prevent skin from getting into the skin.

Vest makes the costume complete and elegant. He will turn a plump figure into a more elegant one, and help to hide excessive thinness. To avoid wasting time looking for and trying on the right size and cut for you, tailor this piece of clothing to your own measurements.

You will need

  • Tracing paper, measuring tape, ruler, pencil, scissors, thread, needle, sewing machine


Salt may be placed to reduce the possibility of rotting. After 30 days in the frame, they are stored in boxes until 30 is completed or proceed to tan them. Skinning is the removal of flesh, skin and fat from the skin. For this, the skin is held with the knees; It starts from the tail and lifts the skin with a nail. To remove blood and fat, wash skin with soap and water; Then rinse clean water and dry.

Vegetable and synthetic fabrics. At the destination airport, they will still have to spend almost one day without electricity or food due to customs formalities. Importers pay for them by the kilo - discounts apply to "victims" - and allocate them at prices that can reach several hundred euros per person.

Construct on paper a vertical segment AB equal to the height of the back. Measure the circumference of the waist and set aside a quarter of this value (plus 1 cm for the fit) on the BV segment.

Measure the height from the shoulder to the armpit, add 2-5 cm and measure this distance on the segment AB (to point D).

Every year, about ten million animals out of more than a thousand various kinds suffer the consequences of these exports; But not only wild fish go through these brutal procedures, but also those imported from hatcheries in other countries. Reproduction and import exotic species is a source of distribution of non-native fish. Either by escapes, releases, or because aquarists themselves dispose of them when they no longer want them, the fact is that many of these fish can end up in foreign ecosystems.

How to alter a karakul fur coat

They can severely impact individuals of native species, as well as diversity and balance, which is why they are declared " invasive species and give way to slaughter and indiscriminate hunting. Thus, they end up paying for the injustice that others have done. Don't forget that they are just living beings trying to survive. The only ones responsible for this situation are those who pick them up or bring them to a place that does not belong to them, using them as objects to use and throw.

To calculate the length of the GG1 segment, add a third of the arm circumference and another 5 mm to half the width of the back. This point will indicate the lower point of the armhole, its center will be at the level of half the width of the back, and the upper border will be at the level of the shoulder.

To build a neckline from point A, step back to the right by a third of the half-girth of the neck (plus 1 cm) and set point D. From A down, measure one third of the segment just drawn (D1). Connect D and D1 with a smooth rounded line.

This is the source of the problem and where the focus should be on the solution. Derivatives used or related to the aquarium. On the loose, with enough space, they wouldn't have more problems than the bias of the "loser"; In captivity, they instead fight to the death. Therefore, in captivity they are separated - in fact, there are special containers for their separation, called the best. Some of them, even living alone in an aquarium, begin to struggle with their own reflection due to the spatial confusion that makes them feel like they are being invaded.

The size of the darts on the back and the very need for its construction varies from the features of the figure. Its width at the level of the shoulder line is equal to a quarter or one fifth of the width of the shoulder. Its lower point will be located at the level of the upper third of the armhole on the pattern. The tuck on the front of the pattern starts at the base of the neck and reaches the center of the chest or 3-4 cm above this point. The width of the tuck can reach half the width of the shoulder.

This feature leads to the fact that battles in the battle will be held in some Eastern countries where money wagers are held, as in the case of dogs or roosters. The most common is that one of the people is killed or, at best, loses its tail or fins. Tattooed fish and other "decorative" uses.

When perceived as merely decorative objects, fish and aquatic animals can be manipulated in any manner for decorative purposes. In countries such as China, it has become an absurd fashion to have their bodies tattooed, or to be put alive into a small container to serve as a key ring. They cannot be fed and their water is not renewed, so they die after a few days.

Transfer the finished pattern to the fabric. Add seam allowances and cut out fabric pieces. Baste them by hand and try them on to check the size of the darts. If the workpiece sits well, stitch it on a typewriter - while bending the edges of the fabric in 2 “turns” by 1 cm or process with an overlock. Sew buttons to the finished vest and process the loops.

IN last years the use of fish tanks has also become popular in setting up dining centers for weddings, banquets, etc. it is the maximum expression of the reification of these people. It is not hard to imagine the stress that an animal imprisoned in such a case might suffer, the annoyance it might be subjected to, and the number of fish that would die before the end of the party or they would be discarded later.

Although we do not share the environment, although we cannot hear their cries, although it seems to us that their faces cannot express the fear, pain or weariness of the prisoner, the truth is that fish are not objects of decoration. They are animals like us who have the ability to feel and suffer, communicate and develop in their society and their environment. Just because they're different doesn't legitimize us to take them out of their place, subject them to traumatic journeys, or lift them up to live a life of deprivation designed solely to entertain us and decorate our hall.

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For a long time, stylish women's jackets have been a familiar part of our wardrobe. Long jackets, coats, cropped jackets, bolero jackets and many other models are popular today with most of the female audience. Sew a women's jacket you can do it yourself, even with a little experience in sewing. It is important to make the right pattern and follow all the recommendations for sewing a women's jacket.

In this section, we will distinguish between: decorations, ornaments and fashionable accessories. In this topic, we will briefly delve into taxidermy, decorative leather and ivory. We will also present other examples below. Taxidermy or dried animals. Taxidermy consists of emptying the dead animal so that only the skin is preserved, and the interior has a synthetic and resistant material, so that along with synthetic eyes and mouth and several layers of paint, the impression is that it is alive.

It is a very common practice used after a hunt to keep dead animals as trophies to show off. They can be seen in private homes and in a large number of bars and restaurants. Likewise, many bulls are dismembered after they have killed a bullfighter, a large number of birds are dismembered as an ornament and a trophy, and many insects, reptiles, fish, etc. saved.

You will need

  • - fabric for the jacket;
  • - lining material;
  • - synthetic winterizer;
  • - lightning;
  • - Velcro;
  • - sewing threads in tone.


Choose the right fabric for your jacket. It can be synthetic fabric, suede, denim, diftin or leather. It all depends on what season the new thing is sewn for. If it's a cold season, be sure to insulate jacket padding polyester, if this is an easy option for spring - sew on a smooth silk lining.

Dissecting an animal is a complex and complex process, but for which there are many websites and a large bibliography that many hunting enthusiasts go to. First, the animal must be "fresh", meaning it must have died recently, indicating that many animals are killed for the purpose of dissection. The skin is sutured and positioned as independent eyes, mouth, teeth and tongue. He usually dyes his hair because he loses color with a tan.

Similarly, many large mammalian skulls such as goats, cows or deer are used to decorate walls decoratively using only bone and antlers. Like taxidermy, the goal is to save trophies actual size or decoration with the appearance of a living animal, skins also perform these functions. They are used mainly as wall decorations or carpets. In many cases, even the original head morphology is preserved. They are sold in almost all large decor stores.

Decide what style of jacket you want to sew. It can be a sports jacket made of synthetic fabric or a quilted jacket with piping, a sweatshirt or a trench coat. Decide if your jacket will have a hood. If so, consider unfastening it. Many models of women's jackets are characterized by minimalism and versatility. They will look stylish for more than one season. A trench coat can be worn regardless of the style of all clothing. It looks equally good with business clothes and jeans.

Animals come either from hunting or from certain places breeding for this purpose. There are many types of animals that are used for decoration and we cannot list them all, but the most common examples are birds, bulls, deer, mountain goats, snakes, bears, etc.

Elephant tusks are known to be made of ivory, which have been and are used to make various decorative items such as figurines, frames, combs, etc. The animal most damaged by this practice has always been the elephant, which in many countries is willingly stolen, an ancient practice already performed by the Greeks, Jews and Egyptians in their peak seasons.

Take the necessary measurements from the person to whom the jacket is intended. This can be done in the absence of a model - just take a similar style jacket. Determine the length of the sleeve, the width of the model and the length of the product as a whole.

Make a pattern of the product using patterns. After attaching the pattern to the fabric, pin it with pins and cut out each part of the product separately. Cut the lining fabric the same way. If the jacket is insulated, make a pattern from the padding polyester.

Connect the details of the shelf and back of the jacket, sew them, do the same with the lining fabric or padding polyester. Sew the sleeves and process them, do not forget to insert an elastic band into the cuffs of the jacket. After you sew the main part of the jacket, sew on the synthetic winterizer, sew on the sleeves and sew on the lining.

Sew the zipper into jacket. Depending on the type of pockets (patch, side or inside), stitch to the finished product. Iron through wet gauze jacket. You can add fur or decorative edging to the winter version of the women's jacket. The fur can be attached to the jacket with Velcro or a zipper. If desired, the finished product can be decorated with appliqué, rhinestones or decorative stripes. Jackets decorated with decorative elements always look stylish on any woman.


Carefully check the ratio of measurements and patterns.

Useful advice

If you have no experience in sewing products, contact a sewing workshop.


  • sew jackets

The stand-up collar beautifully frames the neck and suits different models - from dressing gowns to elegant evening blouses. Usually, working with this simple cut element does not cause much difficulty even for beginner seamstresses. However, it is important to master the even stitch, the principles of pattern construction and some other tailoring secrets well. The simplest standing collar is considered to be a cut rectangular collar, which is made from just one or two parts.

You will need

  • - centimeter;
  • - pattern paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors;
  • - working fabric;
  • - interlining;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - needle;
  • - threads;
  • - pins;
  • - iron;
  • - button or rivet (optional).


Measure the neck line with a centimeter and draw a pattern of two identical parts of the same length (upper collar and collar). Leave an allowance of about a centimeter around the edges. If you want to make a fastener, then provide a margin of length on both sides of the collar (1.5-2 cm) - the ends of the part will overlap each other.

Please note: it is necessary to cut out a standing collar only along the shared line (in the direction of the main thread), parallel to the edge of the fabric. This will not allow the details of the cut to be deformed during further processing. Pull the sample of the working fabric in different directions: the warp thread does not stretch much, as it is quite tight.

Cut out a rectangular lining from the adhesive interlining. Take the finished collar pattern as a sample, but do not leave a supply of fabric for the connecting seams. Iron the lining material to the wrong side of the stand.

Turn over the top collar allowance so that it goes over the non-woven edge; glue it on with an iron.

Fold the stand pieces wrong side up and sew them on the sewing machine about a centimeter from the edge, doing a double stitch with 1.5 mm stitches (this will make the connecting seam stronger).

You can completely remake an old sheepskin coat with your own hands different ways. For example, a male can be converted into a female, and an adult can be converted into a nursery. It’s just that it’s impossible to remake a children’s sheepskin coat into an adult sheepskin coat due to lack of material

What will be required

  • Sheepskin coat(whole or cut)
  • Pattern. Make a sketch of the future model on paper. Take measurements from the figure. Think over all the details and start modeling
  • Pieces of leather, fur or knitted details. Pick up necessary material for work
  • furrier knife. Tanned leather is always cut with a special furrier's knife (if there is no such knife, then use a clerical one). Scissors not to be used
  • Tweezers. Needed for filling the pile when working on a furrier machine. But you will need it if you have such a machine and you know how to use it. If you don’t have it or you don’t know how to use it, it’s okay - you can sew tanned leather by hand. It is possible that the seam from the inside will not look perfect, and there will be “sewn” hairs, but on front side products will be in perfect order.
  • Hair clipper or any household hair clipper, as well as a special pet clipper. Turns on a sheepskin coat are performed after the fur is cut along the side line. Otherwise, the hem will be too thick.
  • Skin needles (or pins). Leather, including tanned, must not be swept with threads. It is advisable not to sweep the sheepskin coat at all, but immediately scribble clean. But if sweeping is still necessary, use sewing pins
  • triangular needles. If you have a large amount of manual stitching of tanned leather, purchase special triangular needles. Such needles easily pierce the skin and do not tear it. If the overlapping of sheepskin coats does not imply a large volume " handmade”, then ordinary needles are quite suitable.
  • Threads No. 180 or No. 200. They are suitable for working with tanned leather. The fact is that thin threads can cut through the skin. If you are sheathing an open cut, take reinforced threads.
  • Thimble. For safety's sake, don't forget to use a thimble. Leather, even tanned, is hard to sew, so be sure to protect your hands and fingers from sharp needles.

What and how to do

  1. Rip out the old coat, which you plan to alter, into details. If it seems to you that the material of one product is not enough, use two sheepskin coats or add any other “winter” material to the collar, sleeves and pockets: leather, fur, suede, dense textiles. Now combined models are very relevant.
  2. Lay out the pattern pieces on the front side of the skin in such a way that worn and deformed places remain outside the future details of the new item
  3. Expand the product. Pin the pattern with pins or circle the details with chalk. Remember, it is better to cut a sheepskin coat with a knife, not scissors. Carefully cut out the pieces, leaving seam allowances.
  4. Sew details. Detailed instructions for leather work can be found here.
  5. Choose finishes and accessories. Sleeves, hem, hood or collar can be trimmed with leather, suede or fur for contrast. Knitted elements are also popular today in combination with tanned leather. To make the sheepskin coat look elegant and stylish, use the original accessories: snakes, buttons, shoulder straps, large fasteners of various shapes.

Don't be afraid to experiment! Remember, you are altering an old sheepskin coat, which means you do not lose anything.

  • The skin does not tolerate unnecessary punctures, so the sheepskin coat cannot be swept with threads. Ideally, the parts should be sewn immediately on a typewriter. But if you still doubt that you will connect the parts correctly the first time, pin them together with pins, and then stitch them on the machine. Remove the pins after stitching the leather. Use triangular needles and a Teflon foot.
  • When you cut, cut from the tanned leather side, that is, not the fur side. Do not press the skin against the table. Make sure that the pile is not trimmed when trimming: the more hairs you cut, the more the seam will be visible on the finished product.

As you can see, remaking a sheepskin coat does not require any special tools. It is quite possible to get by with the usual sewing accessories. However, if you doubt that you have properly prepared for work and cannot properly reshape the sheepskin coat, contact our studio for help.For more than 7 years we have been specializing in alteration, restoration and repair of leather and fur products.
