Questions for a children's quiz for 6 years old. Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems)

Frequently asked question question that arises among the parents of a future first-grader: are they 6-7 ready? summer child for school? And if you’re not ready, then how to correct it? necessary knowledge, abilities, skills, what developmental tasks should I work on with my son or daughter at home? Some parents will entrust the solution to this problem to a kindergarten or preparatory group at school, and someone will independently take on this difficult work. And, of course, the latter will win. Neither school nor kindergarten won't be able to take into account individual characteristics every child. And nowhere, except at home, will the most comfortable, relaxed environment, so necessary for the development of the baby, be created.

How to print task cards

On any image you like, right-click and in the window that opens, select “save picture as”, then select where you want to save the card, for example, the desktop of your computer. The card is saved, you can open it as a regular image on your PC and print it to make it more convenient for you to study with your child.

Continuing the topic of the development of children 6-7 years old. Experts have identified three components of a 6-7 year old child’s readiness for school: physiological, psychological and cognitive.

  1. Physiological aspect. The developmental characteristics and readiness of the child to attend school are determined by the doctor. Of course, in case of severe health problems, nothing can be done; you will have to study in correctional classes or schools. If the child is prone to frequent colds, then parents can try to correct this with the help of hardening.
  2. Psychological aspect. Age-appropriate memory, speech, thinking. A child must be able to communicate with peers, calmly respond to comments, respect adults, know what is bad and what is good, and strive to acquire new knowledge.
  3. Cognitive aspect. There are several groups of knowledge and skills that a future first-grader should have.
  • Attention. The child must be able to work according to a model, perform tasks for attentiveness, as well as search for similarities and differences.

Attention is one of the most significant ways of understanding the world. By the age of 7, voluntary attention is formed. If this does not happen, then the child needs help, otherwise problems may arise with concentration in lessons.

Tasks for the development of attention in children 6-7 years old

Task 1. “Parts of the body”. Parent and child sit opposite each other. The parent points to his body part and pronounces its name, the child repeats. Next, the adult does a trick: he shows, for example, an eye, and says that it is an elbow. The child must notice the catch and correctly indicate the part of the body.

Task 2. “Find the differences.” One of the most popular games. You should discuss in advance how many differences there are in the selected picture. It is convenient to use a pencil to mark the found elements. If the child cannot find all the differences, you need to tell him what to pay attention to.

For example, in the following picture you need to find at least 10 differences.

Task 3. “Find the way”. The child is asked to answer a question, for example: “Which path should the bus take for the children to get to school?”

  • Mathematics and logical thinking. The child must be able to count from 1 to 10 directly and reverse order, know the arithmetic signs “+”, “–”, “=”. Also find patterns, group objects according to one characteristic, continue logical series, compose a story with a logical conclusion, find an extra object, that is, analyze, synthesize, compare, classify and prove.

Child's assignment: count the tens

Child's assignment: compare numbers, put “greater than”, “less than”, “equal” signs

Mathematics is a fundamental factor intellectual development. Logical thinking is at its core. It, in turn, develops the ability to use logical techniques, as well as build cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions based on them. That’s why it’s so important to preschool age start developing logic.

Quests for smart people

Tasks and games to develop logic for children 6-7 years old

Developmental task No. 1. Draw on clean slate paper numbers up to 10, draw the number “7” three times and the number “2” three times. Invite your child to color all the numbers 7 in Blue colour, and the numbers 2 are in green. After completion, ask the question: “Which numbers are greater? How long?" Such tasks develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare. Similarly, you can ask your child to count tennis, handball, basketball and football balls, to name which ones are more or less.

Developing logical thinking task No. 2. Find the odd one out vehicle. The child classifies objects according to one criterion: a bus, a scooter and a car run on fuel. But, of course, you first need to introduce a 6-7 year old child to the topic “transport”, tell and show what types of transport there are and who drives them.

Developmental task No. 3 . The children are given the task: “There are as many red notebooks on the shelf as there are blue ones. The number of green and red notebooks is the same. How many notebooks are there on the shelf if there are 3 green ones? This task develops the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare and organize one’s actions.

Developmental task No. 4. You can invite your child to answer trick questions. Children really like these kinds of puzzles. They help develop imagination.

On 1 leg Masha weighs 20 kg, how much will she weigh on 2 legs?

What is lighter: a kilogram of fluff or stones?

How many candies are in an empty bag?

What kind of dishes won't you eat anything from?

There were 5 apples and 3 bananas growing on a birch tree. How many apples are left if all the bananas fell?

At this age, children easily solve problems with hidden meaning, for example: “The wolf invited piglets, kids and little red riding hood to his birthday party, count how many delicious guests the wolf invited to his birthday? (you will be surprised how a 6-7 year old child will quickly answer “11 guests” to this problem).

  • Memory. You need to be able to recite a poem by heart, retell a short text, and memorize 10 pictures.

At the age of 6-7 years, voluntary memory is formed, which is necessary for acquiring a large amount of new knowledge at school. Together with figurative memory, verbal-logical memory develops, that is, what was understood is well remembered. Parents can help develop memory and prepare for school with the help of properly selected tasks.

Tasks for the development of memory in children 6-7 years old

Exercise 1. “Remember and repeat.” An adult says any words and asks them to repeat them. The number of words gradually increases.

Task 2. The child is asked to remember what is shown in the picture. Next, the picture is turned over and questions are asked: “How many people are shown in the picture? What do children play with? What is grandma doing? What's hanging on the wall? What is mom holding? Does daddy have a mustache or a beard?”

Task 3. Playing with objects. Arrange toys and objects in a chaotic order. After the child remembers their location, ask them to turn away. At this point, remove something and ask: “What has changed?” This game involves not only memory, but also attention.

  • Fine motor skills. The child must be able to hold a pen correctly, paint over objects without going beyond the contours, use scissors and make appliqués. Development fine motor skills directly related to the development of speech and thinking.

To develop fine motor skills, you can use finger exercises. The child is asked to repeat the actions of the adult. The parent puts his fists on the table, thumbs out to the sides.

“Two friends met at the old well” - the thumbs “hug” each other in turn.

“Suddenly there’s a loud noise somewhere” - fingers tapping on the table.

“Friends fled to their homes” - the fingers hid in a fist.

“They won’t walk in the mountains anymore” - thumb One hand needs to press on the knuckles of the other hand.

This hand exercise is mainly aimed at thumb, and as you know, his massage has a positive effect on brain function. Therefore, this gymnastics can be performed before classes.

  • Speech. The child must make sentences from the given words and a story based on the picture, distinguish sounds and letters.

Speech development tasks.

Task 1. Game “Opposites”. The parent names the words, the child needs to come up with a word that has the opposite meaning, for example, good - bad, open - close, high - low.

Task 2. Game “If we were artists.” A parent and a child draw a small village house. Then he invites him to complete the drawing of objects that have the sounds “r” or “r” in the word.

  • The world. The child needs to know basic facts about surrounding objects and phenomena. For example, know colors, animals, birds, seasons, names and place of work of parents, address. Children gain such knowledge by reading books, while walking, during classes with their parents and in kindergarten.

Before you start classes, you need to remember a few rules. Firstly, you should not force your child to study, you need to interest him and then he himself will call you to the table. Secondly, classes should not last long, since a 6-7 year old child cannot maintain attention for longer than 25 minutes. And thirdly, at this age the main activity is still play. A child learns by playing. Therefore, most tasks should be presented in a playful way.

Video “Logic tests for children”

Written quiz on fairy tales by Vladimir Stepanov, 2nd grade.

1 option

Last name, first name, class...

  1. What star did the Hedgehog hang on the door of Zaika’s hut in the fairy tale “Forest Stars”? Why?, because the Hare...


Written quiz on fairy tales by Vladimir Stepanov, grade 2

Option 2

Last name, first name, class...

  1. What star did the Hedgehog hang on the tree where Squirrel lived in the fairy tale “Forest Stars”? Why?, because Belka...

Result: _____ points out of 11 points. Grade: _____

Answers: Option 1

  1. What star did the Hedgehog hang on the door of Zaika’s hut in the fairy tale “Forest Stars”? Why? Orange, because Hare loves carrots
  2. What did the chickens need instead of Katya's freckles? grains
  3. What did the cat need instead of Katya's freckles? Cream
  4. Who lost the silver key? Father Frost
  5. What did Santa Claus give to the Elk Calf? Lingonberry berries
  6. What was the first order the Miller gave to the Bear? Grind flour
  7. Who was it built for? new house ik Kitten and Puppy? For Skvorushka
  8. What did Little Penguin make out of pieces of ice? Flower
  9. Who was the first to try on the Blacksmith's horseshoes? Lamb
  10. What second order did the Rooster give to the robbers to find the Master’s money? Scatter grain across the field

“5” – 10-11 points.
“4” - 7.5 - 9.5 points.
“3” – 5 – 7 points.
“2” – less than 5 points.

Answers: Option 2

  1. What star did the Hedgehog hang on the tree where Squirrel lived in the fairy tale “Forest Stars”? Why? Red, because Belka loves red strawberries
  2. What did the red puppy need instead of Katya's freckles? bone
  3. What did the birds need instead of Katya's freckles? Songs
  4. Who found a silver key in the spring? Hare
  5. What did Santa Claus give to the Hamster? Wheat grains
  6. What second order did the Miller give to the Bear? Bake pies
  7. Who had to give the new house built by Kitten and Puppy for Skvorushka? Sparrow
  8. Which cherished dream was it at Little Penguin's? Learn to fly
  9. For whom did the Blacksmith make horseshoes? Who suited them? To the foal
  10. What was the first order the Rooster gave to the robbers to find the Master’s money? Plow the field

“5” – 10-11 points.
“4” - 7.5 - 9.5 points.
“3” – 5 – 7 points.
“2” – less than 5 points.

Target: development of non-standard thinking.

Description. A pair (group) of children receives a card with five questions presented on it. After the discussion, a representative of the pair (group) comes to the board, voices a question and gives a prepared answer. The teacher invites the children to discuss other possible options.

Card 1

1. Did A. Pushkin like to listen to the radio? (In the time of A. Pushkin there was no radio.)

2. December came, three cornflowers bloomed, and then another one. How many cornflowers have blossomed? (Not at all: there are no cornflowers in December.)

3. What is a “cool thing”? (Fishing.)

4. Who is grasping at straws? (The one who drinks the cocktail.)

5. Who sits with his back to the king? (Coachman.)

Card 2

1. 7 brothers were walking, each brother had one sister. How many people walked? (8 people.)

2. My father's child, but not my brother. Who is this? (Sister.)

3. From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are there in the yard? (Two.)

4. When can you cut your hand on water? (When she is in a state of ice.)

5. What did the merchant use to buy the hat? (For money.)

Card 3

1. On what road do they drive for half a year and walk for half a year? (By water.)

2. The children made a snow woman, after which 14 wet mittens dried on the radiator. How many children have made a snow woman? (Sevens)

3. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).

4. Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend? (10 minutes.)

5. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (They weigh the same.)

Card 4

1. Which river is the scariest? (Tiger.)

2. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (Not at all.)

3. Can a whale call itself a fish? (No, because he can't speak.)

4. When a new house is built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat.)

5. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)

Card 5

1. Who throws themselves into work? (Diver.)

2. What is not in the river, but is in the lake, sea, ocean? (Letters O.)

3. Which key does not strike and does not unlock? (Note.)

4. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months.)

5. How to divide 6 pears between six girls so that each gets a pear and one pear remains on the plate? (Give one girl a pear along with a plate.)

Card 6

1. What is thrown away when there is a need, and picked up when this need disappears? (Anchor.)

2. Who is a jack of all trades? (Glover.)

3. Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain.)

4. How to write the word “mousetrap” in five letters? ("Cat".)

5. How can you read the word “mother”? (Left to right only.)

Card 7

1. How to divide five potatoes equally among two people? (Cook the puree and divide into portions.)

2. What question cannot be answered with the word “no”? ("You are alive?".)

3. To what point does the hare run into the forest? (To the edge of the forest, then he runs through the forest.)

4. What do fish and chatterboxes have in common? (Both of them open their mouths endlessly.)

5. How to make four out of three sticks without breaking them? (Add the Roman numeral IV.)

Card 8

1. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken.)

2. The name of which river is in your mouth? (Gum.)

3. What has a head but no brain? (Onion garlic.)

4. How to write “dry grass” in four letters? ("Hay".)

5. What stands between the mountain and the valley? (Letter I.)

Card 9

1. What mathematical operation teaches you not to be greedy? (Division.)

2. Can there be summer in autumn? (Yes, Indian summer.)

3. Which day of the week is neither feminine nor masculine? (Sunday.)

4. Who is upside down above us? (Fly.)

5. The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made? (Two.)

Card 10

1. Who didn’t find work on the land? (To the astronauts.)

2. Who did the proverb deprive of boots? (Shoemaker.)

3. Did Peter I like to watch TV? (In the time of Peter I there were no televisions.)

4. Grandma Masha has a grandson Sasha, a cat Ryzhik, and a dog Pyzhik. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (One grandson.)

5. The name of which river can be found among girls of almost any class? (Lena.)

How do day and night end?
With a soft sign
The magpie is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be?
Yes, the dog is sitting on its own tail, a magpie is flying nearby
What needs to be done to keep five guys in one boot?
Each of them take off a boot
What is 2+2*2?
In which month does chatty Svetochka talk the least?
In February - the shortest month
What is yours, but others use it more than you?
your name
How to find last year's snow?
Go outside immediately after the start of the new year.
What word always sounds wrong?
A person has one, a cow has two, a hawk has none. What is this?
Letter -O-
A man is sitting, but you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sitting?
On your knees
What rocks are not in the sea?
What sign should be placed between 4 and 5 so that the result is more than 4 and less than 5?
Can a rooster call itself a bird?
No, because he can't speak.
What disease has no one on earth ever had?
Is it possible to predict the score of any match before it starts?
Yes, 0 - 0
What can you cook but can't eat?
What becomes a third larger when placed upside down?
Number 6
One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many corners does the table have now?
Which knot cannot be untied?
What is the cow in front and the bull behind?
Letter -O-
Which river is the scariest?
What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?
Temperature, time
What are all the people on earth doing at the same time?
Getting older
Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible?
Both people played different games with other people.
How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?
You need to throw the egg more than three meters, then the first three meters it will fly intact.
The man was driving a large truck. The car's headlights were not on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?
It was a bright sunny day.

Where is the end of the world?
Where the shadow ends.
Man learned from spiders how to build suspension bridges, and from cats he learned camera apertures and reflective lenses. road signs. What invention came about thanks to snakes?
What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far?
Poplar fluff.
What comb can you use to comb your head?
What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don't?
What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner?
Postage Stamp.
You are sitting on an airplane, in front of you is a horse, behind you is a car. Where are you at?
On the carousel
What notes can be used to measure distance?
What won't go into the biggest pot?
Its cover.
Russian mystery. A wooden river, a wooden boat, and wooden smoke flowing over the boat. What is this?
A satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and another in 100 minutes. How can this be?
One hour and forty minutes is equal to one hundred minutes.
Name at least three animals that Moses took into his ark?
The prophet Moses did not take animals into the ark; righteous Noah did this.
In one hand the boy carried one kilogram of iron, and in the other the same amount of fluff. Which was heavier to carry?
In 1711, a new unit of 9 people appeared in each regiment of the Russian army. What is this division?
Regimental orchestra.
In first place are seagulls, followed by lapwings, starlings, and pigeons. All of them are the main culprits... What tragedies?
Plane crashes.
There is a well-known story about little boy, which, having received New Year's gift, asked my mother: “Please take off the lid. I want to pet the gift.” What kind of gift is this?
Which animals always sleep with their eyes open?
It is known that at one time eggs were exported from China on pain of death. silkworm. What animal was exported from Afghanistan in 1888 with the same risk?
Afghan Hound.
What insects have been domesticated by humans?
A problem invented by the learned monk and mathematician from Ireland Alcuin (735–804).
The peasant needs to transport a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across the river. But the boat is such that only a peasant can fit in it, and with him either one wolf, or one goat, or one cabbage. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat the goat, and if you leave a goat with cabbage, then the goat will eat the cabbage. How did the peasant transport his cargo?
Solution 1.: It is clear that we have to start with a goat. The peasant, having transported the goat, returns and takes the wolf, which he transports to the other bank, where he leaves it, but he also takes the goat and takes it back to the first bank. Here he leaves her and transports the cabbage to the wolf. Then, returning, he transports the goat, and the crossing ends safely. Solution 2: First, the peasant again transports the goat. But the second one can take the cabbage, take it to the other bank, leave it there and return the goat to the first bank. Then transport the wolf to the other side, return for the goat and again take her to the other side.
In the old days in Rus' married women They wore a headdress called kokoshnik, the name of which comes from the word “kokosh”, meaning animal. Which?
Chicken (remember what she says when she lays eggs?).
Why can't a porcupine drown?
Its needles are hollow.
To take a breath of air, dolphins are forced to surface every 15-30 minutes. Why don't they suffocate in their sleep?
They don't sleep at night.
83. Name the fifth largest country by area after Russia, China, Canada and the USA.
The man went to the market and bought a horse there for 50 rubles. But he soon noticed that the horse had become more expensive, and sold it for 60 rubles. Then he realized that he had nothing to ride on, and bought the same horse for 70 rubles. Then he thought about how not to get a scolding from his wife for such an expensive purchase, and sold it for 80 rubles. What did he earn as a result of manipulation?
Answer: -50+60-70+80=20
The only bird with ears?
The two approached the river at the same time. The boat on which you can cross can only support one person. And yet without outside help everyone crossed on this boat to the other side. How did they do it?
They sailed from different shores.
IN Chinese the combination of three hieroglyphs for “tree” means the word “forest”. What does the combination of two hieroglyphs “tree” mean?
Residents of Kansas are very fond of Russian nuts. What is it if it is known that we can find them in any market?
The Romans introduced a revolutionary innovation into the design of the fork - all subsequent models were just variations of the solution found. What kind of fork was there before this innovation?
Chinese martial artists said that fighting is for fools, but victory is for smart people. And what, in their opinion, is for the wise?
Name the language that is native to the largest number of people.
IN Ancient Rus' they were called broken numbers. What are they called nowadays?
A brick weighs two kilograms and half a brick. How many kilograms does a brick weigh?
If half a brick weighs two kilograms, then a whole brick weighs four kilograms.
For some reason, these people, returning to their homeland, brought with them branches of exotic plants, for which they received their nickname. What kind of people are these?
Pilgrims, they brought palm leaves.
In terms of production volume, bananas occupy first place in the world, followed by citrus fruits. What fruits are on the third?
In the US state of Arizona, they began to protect the desert from thieves. They steal something without which the desert is threatened with desolation and devastation. What do thieves take from the desert?
Name the plant that has the largest fruits.
Neither fish nor fowl - what was this Russian proverb originally about?
In crayfish.
In Spain they are called Portuguese, in Prussia - Russians. What are they called in Russia?

Pythons, having eaten a pig, could no longer get out of the cage.
A hedgehog has 4 g, a dog has 100 g, a horse has 500 g, an elephant has 4-5 kg, and a human has 1.4 kg. What?
Brain mass.
In 1825, the streets of Philadelphia were cleared of trash by domestic animals. Which ones?
What dish was invented in the 17th century by Marco Aroni?
What does any astronaut lose during a flight?
As you know, all original Russian female (full) names end in either A or Z: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However there is one thing female name, which does not end in either A or Z. Name it.
The Gallic priests found a fail-safe way to quickly mobilize soldiers in the event of war. To do this, they sacrificed only one person. Which one?
The last one to arrive.
Once in the city of Nice they held a competition for the most enduring smoker. One of the participants set a record by smoking 60 cigarettes in a row. However, he did not receive the prize. Why?
He died.
Humans have thirteen pairs of ribs. Who has more than three hundred ribs?
At the snake.
There is a pipe in the mouth, a tambourine in the hand, and a mug under the arm. This is how buffoons were depicted in Rus'. Everything is clear about the pipe and tambourine, but what is a mug?
Everyone knows that “you can’t wash dirty linen in public.” But what was supposed to be done with it if it couldn’t be taken out?
In what place did Russian men put on hats and mittens, regardless of the time of year?
In the bath.
How is smelt fish similar to birds?
She makes nests, laying eggs there.
Which grass is the tallest?
Name an agricultural crop that is 90% burned and 10% wasted.
The Greeks used this to protect certain parts of their body. This was made from sandalwood bark. Name it.
The first greenhouses appeared in France. Why do you think?
For growing oranges (orange - orange).
The owner of the largest horn is the white rhinoceros (up to 158 cm). Which animal has the softest horns?
This is what football referees used before they used the whistle.
What is dirty when it is white and clean when it is green?
In practice, when moving along a curve, this ball makes 5,000 revolutions per minute, and when moving in a straight line, more than 20,000 revolutions per minute. Where is this ball located?
In a ballpoint pen.
The great Hippocrates was asked: “Is it true that genius is a disease?” “Certainly,” replied Hippocrates, “but very rare.” What other property of this disease did Hippocrates note with regret?
Not contagious.
What was the name of the city in England where, in 1873, the Indian game, popular to this day, was first demonstrated?
Where, judging by the name, did the ancient Slavs attach the case for hunting edged weapons?
On the foot. This is a scabbard.
Who do the Malays catch with a locked bumboo cage with a live pig inside?
The pythons, having eaten the pig, could no longer get out of the cage.
The three painters had a brother, Ivan, but Ivan had no brothers. How could this be?
Ivan had three sisters.
Russian princes had various nicknames, which came from the names of cities (Vladimir, Chernigov, Galitsky), from bright personal qualities (Udaloy, Mudry, Kalita). What nickname did Prince Vsevolod, who had twelve children, receive?
Vsevolod the Big Nest.
In 1240 Kievan Rus The population census was conducted for the first time. Who did this and for what purpose?
Genghis Khan (to collect tribute from the population).
The year was 988... A large crowd of residents of ancient Kyiv was moving towards the Dnieper for some reason. What was the name of the road along which the townspeople walked?
988 is the year of the baptism of Rus'. The street is called Khreshchatyk.
Russia consisted of Great Russia (Russia itself), Little Russia (Ukraine), White Rus' (Belarus). What was the name of Manchuria, which was part of this state?
The Italian flag is red, white and green. What cut berry helped the Italians choose these colors?

I myself tried to ask my daughter these questions before school when she was going to 1st grade. It was very useful.

Everything that she couldn’t answer, I explained to her myself and she knew everything.

It was very useful - I share it with you, our dear users.

And don't be upset if he doesn't know much. This is fine. They are still so small and have everything ahead of them. They want too much from them nowadays.))

We simply ask the child to list something or answer a question. Go!

GROUND TRANSPORT - train, taxi, bus, tram, tractor, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, trolleybus...


PASSENGER TRANSPORT - bus, trolleybus, plane, taxi, tram, metro, motor ship...

AIRCRAFT - rocket, glider, parachute, airplane, helicopter, airship, hang glider...

RAILWAY TRANSPORT - train, metro, tram, steam locomotive, handcar, electric locomotive...

WATER TRANSPORT - raft, yacht, barge, canoe, cutter, tanker, dinghy, kayak, sailboat, motor ship, motorboat, catamaran...

MILITARY EQUIPMENT - tank, fighter, bomber...

AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT - tractor, combine, seeder...

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - excavator, bulldozer, roller, crane, grader...

PARTS OF AN AIRPLANE - landing gear, cabin, wings, tail, fuselage (aircraft body), window...

TYPES OF SPORTS - running, boxing, football, chess, wrestling, karate, volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, basketball...

WINTER SPORTS - hockey, figure skating, skiing, biathlon...

ATHLETES - runner, boxer, skier, swimmer, hockey player, football player, chess player, gymnast, speed skater, cyclist, basketball player...

GAMES - lotto, skittles, backgammon, checkers, dominoes, blind man's buff, tennis, football, hockey, billiards, badminton...

SPORTS EQUIPMENT - ball, discus, shot, javelin, parallel bars, skis, checkers...

CLOTHING - raincoat, fur coat, skirt, blouse, trousers, vest, robe, shorts, jeans, jacket, coat, pajamas, jacket, dress, sweater, jumper, shirt, sundress, sheepskin coat, T-shirt, overalls, down jacket...

DEMISEASON CLOTHING - coat, raincoat, overalls, jacket, raincoat...

WINTER CLOTHES - fur coat, winter coat, sheepskin coat...

HOME CLOTHING - pajamas, robe...

SUMMER CLOTHING - skirt, blouse, trousers, shorts, jeans, dress, sundress...

HAT GEARS - cap, beret, cap, hat, helmet, hard hat, Panama hat, earflaps, scarf, scarf, cap, skullcap...

FOOTWEAR - boots, shoes, boots, boots, felt boots, booties, slippers, sandals, low shoes...

SPORTS FOOTWEAR - sneakers, shoes, sneakers...

BAGS - bag, business card, suitcase, briefcase, handbag...

PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS - shampoo, cream, varnish, soap, lipstick, eye shadow, perfume...

TABLEWARE - saucer, vase, bowl, jug, teapot, plate, saucepan, butter dish, coffee pot, salt shaker, gravy boat, cup, sugar bowl, frying pan...

TEA Utensils - teapot, sugar bowl, tea cup, saucer, teaspoon, dessert knife..

COFFEE DISHES - coffee pot, sugar bowl, Coffee cup, saucer, milk jug, coffee spoon...

KITCHEN Utensils - saucepan, kettle, frying pan, ladle, colander...

TABLEWARE - deep plate, shallow plate, spoon, fork, tureen, knife, gravy boat, salt shaker,..


Dishes - ... (in the kitchen)
Clothes - ... (in the wardrobe)
Sugar - ... (in a sugar bowl)
Oil - ... (in an oil dish)
Salt-...(in a salt shaker)
Milk-... (in the milk jug)
Sauce - ... (in a gravy boat)
Bread - ... (in the bread bin)
Fruits - ... (in a vase)
Waffles-...(in a rusk bowl)

FURNITURE - table, chair, sofa, chest of drawers, shelf, bookcase, armchair, bed, sideboard, shelving, stool, wardrobe, bedside table, bookcase, wardrobe...

KITCHEN FURNITURE - kitchen shelves, stool, table, sideboard...

UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE - sofa, armchair...

CLOCKS - alarm clock, chimes, clocks, cuckoo clocks...

CLOCK PARTS - hands, dial, pendulum, cuckoo, battery...


When do the stars light up?
When does the nightingale sing? When does the sun set?
When is sunrise?
When is the sun at its zenith?
When do we have breakfast?
When do we have lunch?
When do we have dinner?
When do we go to bed?
When do we get up?

WEATHER - sunny, cloudy, rainy...


What time of year does it snow?
At what time of year does leaf fall?
At what time of year does ice break out?
What time of year is there high water?
What time of year does it rain?
What time of year does a thunderstorm occur?
At what time of year do leaves appear on trees?
At what time of year do birds build nests?
At what time of year do chicks hatch?
At what time of year is day equal to night?
At what time of year can you see dew?
What time of year does hail occur?
At what time of year does frost occur?
At what time of year do snowdrops appear?
At what time of year do birds fly south?
At what time of year do crossbills hatch chicks?
At what time of year does a mother bear give birth to her cubs?
What time of year do the streams flow?
At what time of year do mosquitoes appear?
At what time of year is the river covered with ice?
At what time of year do animals molt?
At what time of year do the leaves turn yellow?
What time of year is haymaking?
What time of year are winter crops sown?
What time of year is the harvest done?
What time of year are the seeds planted?
At what time of year are the sleighs prepared, and at what time the cart?


Stay for the winter (winter)
Stay overnight (overnight)
Light rain (rain)
Raindrop (rain)
Place where they spend the winter (winter hut)

BAKERY PRODUCTS - cupcake, cake, loaf, gingerbread, roll, waffles, kalach, Easter cake, pita bread, pie, pizza, crumpet, roll, muffin, drying, bagels, donuts, crackers, bagels, cookies, cheesecake...

CANDIES - toffee, lollipops, chocolate candies, caramel...

CAKES - meringue, eclair, shortbread, sponge cake, soufflé, Napoleon, potato...

CONFECTIONERY - marshmallows, halva, candies, marshmallows, fondant, chocolate, marmalade...

DAIRY PRODUCTS - cheese, kefir, butter, feta cheese, yogurt, milk, cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream, ice cream...

MEAT PRODUCTS - stew, minced meat, lard, goulash, shish kebab, ham, sausage, meatballs, cutlets, frankfurters, meatballs, sausages...

DRY FRUITS From grapes - raisins.
From apricots - apricots, dried apricots.
From plums - prunes.

NUTS - hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pine, Brazilian, cashews...


Meat cutlets - meat.
Chicken cutlets - chicken.
Fish cutlets - fish.
Cabbage cutlets - cabbage cutlets.
Carrot cutlets - carrot cutlets.
Beet cutlets - beet cutlets.
Rice cutlets - rice.


Cool, fresh, chill
Birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie
Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, hurricane, storm
Motherland, fatherland, fatherland
Cold, frost, frost;
Children, kids, guys;
Delight, admiration, joy;
Friend, buddy, comrade;
Enemy, adversary, adversary, foe;
Holiday, celebration;
Fear, apprehension, fright, horror, panic;
Lazy, lazy, slothful;
Naughty, prankster, spoiler;
Wizard, sorcerer, mage, sorcerer. Neat, tidy, clean.
Fast, agile, frisky.
Sad, melancholy, despondent, dreary.
Fragrant, aromatic, fragrant.
Wet, damp, humid.
Old, dilapidated (about things), decrepit.
Terrible, terrible, monstrous.
Beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, luxurious, delightful.
Delicious, appetizing, dainty.
Hot, sultry, burning, hot, scorching.
Cold, frosty, icy.
Marvelous, wonderful, wonderful, magical, fabulous, amazing.
Sad, sad, boring.
Polite, respectful, well-mannered, kind, tactful.
Loyal, reliable, dedicated.
Timid, timid, fearful, cowardly.
Quick-witted, smart, quick-witted, understanding, resourceful.
Stupid, unreasonable, unintelligent.
Smart, intelligent, wise, sensible.
Sensitive, responsive, sympathetic, warm-hearted.
Strong, powerful, mighty.
Bold, courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless. To be afraid, frightened, timid.
Say, say, utter.
Dusk, darken, evening.
See, observe, notice.
To be sad, grieve, despondent.
(Rain) drizzling, drizzling, falling, pouring.
To do, to make, to construct, to create, to create.
Angry, sulky, angry.
Shine, shine, sparkle.


What is made from flour? (bread)
What is made from milk? (sour cream, cream, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt)
What is made from sheep and goat wool? (threads, blankets)
What is made from wool threads? (sweater, jumper, socks, mittens, scarves)
What is made from sand? (glass)
What is made from clay? (dishes, bricks)
What is made of metal? (tools, dishes)
What is made from oil? (petrol)
What is made from cotton? (fabrics, cotton wool)
What is made from wood? (furniture)
What is made from sunflower seeds? (sunflower oil)

To beat your thumbs is to mess around.
After the rain on Thursday - never.
Give him a head wash (bath), soap his neck, head - scold him strongly.
Wolf in sheep's clothing - evil person, pretending to be kind, meek, harmless.
Having your head in the clouds means fantasizing about who knows what.
The soul sank to the ground - the man became afraid and scared.
Notch it on the nose - remember it firmly.
Making a molehill out of a molehill means turning a small fact into a whole event.
At the edge of the earth - somewhere very far away.
To eat a pound of salt is to get to know each other well.
In seventh heaven - to be in complete delight, in a state of highest bliss.
You can't see anything - it's so dark that you can't see anything.
Good riddance - go away, we'll manage without you.
To work with your sleeves rolled up is to work ardently, with diligence.


BIG - enormous - huge - enormous - gigantic - large - enormous - bulky - gigantic.

SMALL - tiny - small - tiny - tiny - tiny - miniature - like a toy.

HIGH - tall - tall - long - elongated - lanky.

LOW - short - short - short - short.

WIDE - wide - spacious - roomy - deep - thick.

NARROW - narrow - tight - small - thin.


Day - days
Subway - metro
Rope - ropes
Flags - flag
Bridge - bridges
Eyes - eye
Stream - streams
Cocoa - cocoa
Clouds - cloud
Kidney - kidneys
stake - stakes
Friend - friends
Coat - coat
Floor - floors
Skates - skate
Sparrow - sparrows
Cockatoo - cockatoo
Branch - branches
Meadow - meadows
Birdhouse - birdhouses
Brother - brothers
Chicken - chickens
Ear - ears
Coffee - coffee
Request - requests
Piano - piano
Pants - trousers
Chess - chess
Cheeses - cheese
Chair - chairs
Checker - checkers
Dragonfly - dragonflies
Ink - ink
Links - link
Son - sons
Residents - tenant
Mists - fog
Skis - ski
Pencils - pencil
Lamb - lambs
Log - logs
Badgers - badger
Ant - ants
Shorts - shorts
Scissors - scissors
Light - lights
Cereals - flakes


RED - raspberry, scarlet, burgundy, cherry, brick, ruddy, pink, pinkish, peach.

ORANGE - red, orange, apricot, copper.

YELLOW - canary, straw, egg, lemon, sand.

GREEN - greenish, herbal, salad, marshy.

BLUE - bluish, turquoise, azure, sky, sea wave.

BLUE - bluish, cornflower blue.

PURPLE - lilac, lilac, violet, gray.

WHITE - snow-white, milky, the color of baked milk.

BLACK - blackish, resin, coal.

GRAY - steel, ash, mouse,

BROWN - chocolate, coffee, cream, chestnut, brown, beige, coffee with milk.


Fur hat.
Cast iron frying pan - cast iron.
Wooden utensils - wooden.
Gold coin - gold.
Flower wreath - floral.
Clay jug - earthenware.
The table is made of plastic - plastic.
Copper candlestick - copper.
Scarf made of wool - wool.
Silk blouse - silk.


What is smooth and what is rough?
What is round and what is flat?
What is long and what is short?
What is thick and what is thin?
What is straight and what is crooked?
What is sharp and what is dull?
What is liquid and what is thick?
What is elastic and what is brittle?
What is hard and what is soft?
What is strong and what is fragile?


Homeland, fatherland - foreign land
east - west; North South
sunrise - sunset
winter summer
dirt - cleanliness
light - darkness, darkness
day Night
heat - cold
peace - war, quarrel
true False
town - village, village
good evil
benefit - harm
rich man - poor man
friend - enemy
joy - sadness, sadness
lazy person - hard worker
difficult - easy
neat - sloppy
hard - soft
truthful - deceitful
timid - brave
brave - cowardly
dexterous - clumsy
healthy - sick
White black
fast - slow
high Low
bitter - sweet
useful - harmful
cheerful - sad
deep - shallow
sharp - dull
smooth - rough
hot Cold
wet - dry
bright - dim
full - hungry
thin - thick
wide narrow
clear - cloudy, stormy
new - old
close - distant
big small
frequent - rare
go to bed - get up
heat - cool
help - hinder
laugh - cry
moving away - getting closer
speak - remain silent
to work - to idle
freeze - warm up


Sand is poured, and water...
The cutlets are fried, and the soup...
The table is set, and the bed...
Flowers are watered with water, but fire...
They put a thread into a needle, and a nail into a wall...

The rope is thick, but the rope...
Ash is strong, but oak...
Raspberries are sweet, but honey...
Pine burns hot, and birch...
Milk is liquid, but water...
The lake is deep and the sea...


The rod is a handle.
Top - mountain
Page - book, notebook.
Lead - pencil.
Keys - grand piano, upright piano.
The top is a mountain.
Book - library.
Steering wheel - car, bicycle.
Paste - tube.
Nail - finger.
Wheel - car, bicycle.
The arrow is a clock.
Finger - hand.
Hair is the head.
The roof is the house.

HUMAN BODY - head, neck, torso, chest, stomach, arms, legs...

FACE - forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth...

MOUTH - lips, teeth, tongue...

ARM - shoulder, elbow, fingers...

FINGERS - thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger.

LEG - hip, knee, foot...

The birch is tall, but the pine is still...
Iron is heavy, but lead is...
The wolf is cunning, but the fox is...
Silver is expensive, but gold is...
Copper is hard, but iron...
The threads are thin, but the hair...

OCEANS - Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic.

CONTINUES - Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.

PARTS OF THE WORLD - Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica.

SEA - Black, Baltic, Red, White, Okhotsk, etc.

CITIES - Moscow, Kyiv, Odessa, Tver, Kostroma, Sochi, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, etc.

STATES - Russia, Bulgaria, China, Latvia, Ukraine, Japan, USA, Canada, etc.

RIVERS - Volga, Oka, Yenisei, Don, Neva, etc.

LAKES - Seliger, Baikal, Balkhash, Victoria, etc.

The table can be broken, but the glass...
The water can be spilled, but the peas...
The hay is cut, and the hair...
The threads are spun, and the canvas...
The dress is being sewn, and the scarf...
