Porcini mushrooms at home. The task is not an easy one: technologies for growing porcini mushrooms at home

Porcini is rightly considered an ideal among his relatives. His appearance appetizing - a fleshy brown cap on a snow-white weighty leg, and the taste is excellent. It is called white because it does not darken when cooked and dried.

Until recently, there was an opinion that growing porcini mushrooms was difficult and unprofitable. Today, the myth has been refuted by many farmers specializing in this type of activity. The reason for unproductive cultivation was considered to be the programmed complex symbiosis of the fungus with trees, their strong connection with the roots, which reproduce exceptional conditions for mycorrhiza. New developments by Dutch breeding scientists have demonstrated exclusive varieties of porcini mushrooms capable of reproducing in sufficient quantities on summer cottages, in greenhouses and cellars.

Technologies and methods of cultivation. There are two varieties: extensive (in natural environment) and intense (artificially). Extensive cultivation methods:

  1. We purchase porcini mushroom mycelium.
  2. We choose a place with growing deciduous trees or coniferous species.
  3. We are preparing the area for planting. Not far from the trunk we remove upper layer soil (8–15 cm). You should get a bare area of ​​1.2–1.7 m, in the center of which there is a tree trunk.
  4. We lay a thin layer of compost on this area, and on top - mycelium particles in a checkerboard pattern (every 22–30 cm).
  5. Cover with a layer of soil. Use a sprayer to water the treated area.
  6. It is advisable to cover the area with a small layer of straw after this. To preserve moisture.
  7. Periodic watering with the addition of microorganisms is required.
  8. Be sure to cover with fallen leaves from frost. With the onset of heat, the shelter must be removed.
Cultivation of porcini mushrooms with caps. Mushrooms are harvested when the flesh turns green when bent. Soak the hats in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1.5 g per bucket of rainwater). The diameter of the pieces is 15-25 cm. We place 13-16 pieces in a bucket and add 15 pieces of refined sugar to form a nutrient medium. We lightly knead the caps so that the ripe spores get directly into the composition. Leave the resulting homogeneous mass to infuse for a day. We even use wormy and dried caps! The place for planting is prepared identically to the previous method, but the planting is different:
  • Pour the resulting composition (2.5 liters per square meter) onto the cleaned area of ​​soil on top of the roots.
  • The mushroom tissue remaining as a result of straining is laid out on top. The area is covered with earth and watered.
  • Soil moisture is constantly maintained.
  • The place is covered for the winter, and in the spring the cover is removed.
  • You should apply 6-7 buckets of water per tree trunk per week.
Planting material. Buy from reputable suppliers. Study carefully all the characteristics of the mycelium. If there is a barely noticeable ammonia smell, discard the batch of goods. The color should be orange with yellowish tint. At home, the bags with mycelium are cooled, ventilated, and then prepared for planting. They crush the filling of the bags without spoiling the packaging. Sterility is required for bookmarking. What will help increase the chance of mycelium germination:
  1. Choose mushrooms that grew under those tree species near which you plan to create a mushroom greenhouse. The trees on the site must be healthy.
  2. After picking, the mushrooms are soaked and the next day placed in the soil. Seed material cannot be stored for more than 8 hours. Frozen mycelium is unsuitable for planting.
  3. The alcohol is poured in first, mixed with water, and then the caps are added (1.5-2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water and 25 g of sugar).
  4. Before planting, the cleaned soil should be treated with a disinfectant solution. We use a mixture of tannins. For wood – 4 liters of solution. Made from tea or oak bark.
  5. The landing period is until September 15. Later the mycelium will not take root.
  6. Don't forget to water the area regularly, especially in hot summers.

The white mushroom is called “white” in contrast to the not so valuable “black” tubular mushrooms: when cut, the flesh of the white mushroom does not change, when dried it does not become darker and acquires an appetizing smell. But with all its advantages, growing porcini mushrooms is associated with difficulties, since they are capricious in terms of fruiting conditions.

The porcini mushroom grows in mature forests with lichens and mosses, where the age of the trees exceeds 50 years, in pine forests The trees must be at least 20-25 years old. On Earth, the white mushroom grows absolutely everywhere with the exception of the Australian mainland.

The element of porcini mushrooms is short-term thunderstorms, warm, foggy nights. It is worth noting that this variety simply cannot withstand heavy rainfall and sudden temperature changes. It grows on dry loamy and sandy soils.

If the year was fruitful, then the number of mushrooms does not depend on the illumination of the growing area; if the conditions for growth were not ideal, then the harvest will appear only in open and warm areas.

By taste qualities The porcini mushroom is recognized as one of the best. Its special value also lies in stimulating the secretion of gastric juice.

Science has found 18 types of porcini mushroom, the most popular are the first four: birch, spruce, oak and pine.

Growing porcini mushrooms

The technology for growing porcini mushrooms is not complicated, but it takes quite a lot of time and requires gardeners to be careful and persevering. The fact is that Forest mushrooms They are connected with trees by a strong symbiosis; without a partner tree they cannot form, so having trees on your plot of land to grow them is simply necessary. Ideally, your site is adjacent to a forest or has forest trees about 10 years old (aspen, oak, pine or birch). If there are no forest trees, then they need to be planted.

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Growing mushrooms from mycelium

  • you need to purchase porcini mushroom mycelium;
  • from May to September prepare the area for planting. Form a bare area 1-1.5 m in diameter around the tree trunk, removing about 20 cm of the top soil;
  • compost or peat soil 1-2 cm thick is placed on the resulting area;
  • pieces of mycelium are laid out on the ground in a checkerboard pattern;
  • the mycelium is covered with a layer of soil removed earlier, the soil is carefully watered with water (2-3 buckets are needed per tree);
  • the planting is covered with a layer of straw 20-40 cm thick, this is done to maintain humidity;
  • The humidity of the mycelium is maintained by periodic watering as the top layer of soil dries. Microorganisms can be added to irrigation water.
  • in autumn, the planting area should be covered with moss, fallen forest leaves, straw and spruce branches to protect against severe frosts, in the spring the organic “blanket” will need to be removed.

The first mushrooms will appear in the fall, a year after planting. The harvest can be harvested within 4 years, caring for the mycelium. If microorganisms are added to the water when watering, the fruiting period will increase to 7 years.

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Growing porcini mushrooms from spores

First you need to go into the forest to pick mushrooms, which will become seed material. 5-10 mature mushrooms are collected, the caps of which reach 10-20 cm. If such a cap is broken, its flesh will be colored greenish. If there are larvae in the caps, it's okay. It is better to collect mushrooms under the same trees under which they are planned to be planted.

The caps need to be separated from the legs. 5-10 collected caps are placed in a bucket of rainwater and left for a day. The caps need to be soaked immediately after collection, the maximum waiting time is 10 hours after collection. You can add sugar or alcohol to the water for soaking the caps: 15 g of sugar per 10 liters of water, 3-4 tablespoons of alcohol per 10 liters of water.

24 hours after soaking, the mushroom caps should be ground until smooth. The resulting mixture must be strained through cheesecloth, separating the pulp (mushroom tissue) and water (solution with spores).

It is necessary to prepare the area for planting: a bare area 1-1.5 m in diameter is formed around the tree trunk, 10-20 cm of soil is removed from it.

Compost or peat soil 1-2 cm thick is placed on the resulting area.

A few hours before planting, the peat is watered with a special solution for disinfection - a tincture with tanning properties (2-3 liters of solution per tree). It is necessary to water only after the solution has cooled.

Tanning solutions for irrigation:

  1. For 1 liter of solution you need to take 50-100 g of cheap tea and pour boiling water over it, when everything has cooled down - the solution is ready for use.
  2. For 1 liter of water - 30 g of oak bark, add water and boil for 1 hour. As water boils, you need to add up to 1 liter.

There are also experimental methods

Eco-friendly estate. Growing porcini mushrooms on an estate is not a myth, but a reality. The main thing is to know some of the features and then growing porcini mushrooms will be effective

Growing porcini mushrooms on the estate - uhit is not a myth, but a reality.

The main thing is to know some of the features and then growing porcini mushrooms will be effective (it would be surprising if this king of mushrooms did not have its own requirements for caring for it). There are two ways to grow porcini mushrooms. The first method is cultivation using mycelium, the second is using fresh mushroom caps.

A little about the mushroom itself.

The porcini mushroom is rightfully considered the most valuable among edible mushrooms. It has a large, fleshy cap and a thick, swollen white leg. It is tastier and more aromatic than other mushrooms. And it is called white because it does not darken during preparation and cooking. Wonderful aromatic light sauces, broths and soups, as well as many other dishes, are prepared with this mushroom.

All these qualities make it possible to call the porcini mushroom the most desirable in a mushroom picker’s basket. And if he grows in own garden, then that's even better.

Growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium

This is the first growing method in case you don’t have time to look for mushrooms in the forest. To grow this way, firstly, you need to purchase porcini mushroom mycelium. The Internet will help you find sellers.

In addition to mycelium you will need:

  • growing trees of deciduous or coniferous species, preferably not very old (about 8-14 years old, mainly oaks, pine and birch);
  • branches, moss, fallen leaves;
  • compost.

From May to September– is the best time to plant porcini mushroom mycelium.

So - everything is prepared, the season is right, we begin planting:

1. Let's prepare a landing site. To do this, near the tree trunk you need to remove the top layer of earth (10-20 cm thick) with a shovel so as to obtain an approximately round bare area from 1 to 1.5 m in diameter with the tree in the center.

2. Place either compost or soil with a high peat content 1 to 2 cm thick on the bare area, and place pieces of porcini mushroom mycelium on top. Place the mycelium in a checkerboard pattern every 25-30 cm. One package of mycelium should be enough for one tree.

3. Cover everything with the layer of soil that was removed at the very beginning. Now water the planting site. Water must be poured carefully through a sprayer so as not to wash away the soil. One tree needs 2 to 3 buckets of water.

4. I recommend covering the area for planting porcini mushrooms with a 20-40 centimeter layer of straw to maintain soil moisture at 40%. The mycelium should not dry out. The area will need to be watered from time to time to maintain the required humidity. It is recommended to add effective microorganisms to the water when watering (for example, Baikal EM-1). This increases the likelihood of germination.

5. To protect from frost, cover the area with mycelium with straw, moss, fallen leaves or spruce branches. Covering radius is about 2m. In the spring, when there is no longer any chance of severe frosts returning, remove the “cover.”

The first mushrooms will appear a year after the mycelium takes root. And so the porcini mushrooms on the estate will delight you for about 3-4 years. If you water the soil with mycelium from time to time with water containing effective microorganisms (EM), you can harvest the crop longer – sometimes even up to 7 years.

As you can see, the technology for growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium is not very complicated.

Growing Porcini Mushrooms Using Fresh Mushroom Caps

As in the first option, you need conifers or deciduous trees aged from 8 to 12 years.

And now it’s time to go to the forest for mushrooms, that is, for the so-called “seed material”. Such material is the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms and, of course, the caps. Your goal is more mature mushrooms (at least 5-10 pieces) with caps 10-20 cm in diameter. When broken, the pulp should have a slight greenish tint. If the mushrooms are infected with insect larvae, it’s not scary.

Now let's get down to the planting process itself.

Growing porcini mushrooms using caps is in some ways similar to growing the previous method, but it also has its own characteristics. To grow this way we need:

And now about this in more detail:

How to prepare the “seed material” of porcini mushrooms?

Place the porcini mushrooms collected for sowing (5-10 pcs.) in a bucket of water (preferably rainwater) and leave them to soak for a day. After steeping, mash the mushrooms with your hands directly in the bucket. You should get a homogeneous mass. Now strain this solution through a sieve or finely pore cloth. Do not throw away any remaining pulp. She will also need to be planted. Thus, you received a solution with spores and the mushroom tissue itself.

Preparing the place for sowing and the “sowing” of porcini mushrooms

The place for sowing is prepared in the same way as in the previous planting method. But the sowing process is different.

With this method of planting on a bare piece of land, it is necessary to pour a strained solution (about 2 liters per square meter) onto the roots of the tree. After watering, place the mushroom tissue that remains after straining on top of the roots. After this, cover everything with the earth that was previously removed near this tree and water it with water. As with the previous planting method, water very carefully. The amount of water per tree is 4-5 buckets.

Take care of the area as in the case of planting porcini mushrooms using mycelium. That is, keep the soil moist (especially in summer), and in winter (and especially before the first winter after planting) cover the soil around the tree. In spring, remove the covering material.

It is enough to water once a week with 4-5 buckets of water for each tree. Although it all depends on the area where you live. If it rains often, then, of course, you can reduce watering.

After a year or two, if the mycelium has taken root, you will collect your porcini mushrooms. They can be from 2 to 5 kg.

By the way, if you “sow” mushrooms in August, and the mushrooms appear the following fall, then parts of the porcini mushroom caps have taken root. Well, if mushrooms appear after 2 years, then the spores have taken root.

As with the mycelium growing method, you will be collecting mushrooms for about 3-4 years. So if you enjoy picking your own porcini mushrooms, plant them again using the same method in a few years.

What do you need to know to increase the chances of mycelium taking root?

Mushrooms may do better if you use the following tips (some of them will work for both growing methods).

When looking for mushrooms for further planting, choose mushrooms that grow near the same tree species that you are planning to plant near. That is, if an oak tree grows on your site, then look for porcini mushrooms also near the oak tree. If you have different trees on your site, then also collect “seed material” near different trees, but preferably in different bags or baskets. The trees themselves must be healthy.

After picking the mushrooms, they need to be soaked immediately (maximum 10 hours after picking) and sowed the next day. Before soaking, mushrooms cannot be stored for longer than 10 hours. They decompose quickly. You won't grow anything from frozen mushrooms, so don't even try to freeze them to plant later.

When soaking mushrooms (during preparation seed material) you can add sugar or alcohol to the water. This will help the mycelium take root better. You just need to remember that alcohol is added first, mixed with water, and only then the caps are placed for soaking. The amount of alcohol is 3-4 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water. If you use sugar, it should only be granulated sugar. Refined sugar cannot be used. You need 50 g of sugar per 10 liters of water.

2-3 hours before planting mushrooms, the bare area of ​​soil should be watered with a special solution for disinfection. But don't be afraid, these are all natural substances and your eco-garden will not suffer. But pathogenic fungi and bacteria will partially lose their hyperactivity and will not be able to harm your porcini mushrooms.

A solution of tannins is used to disinfect the area. One tree needs 2-3 liters of this solution. It can be prepared either from black tea or from oak bark. You can water the area only with a cooled solution.

You can prepare a tanning solution from:

  • from black tea

To prepare 1 liter of the finished solution, you need to pour 50-100 g of low-grade tea with one liter of boiling water and wait for it to cool.

  • from oak bark

For 1 liter of water, take 30 g of oak bark. Boil for an hour. During the boiling process, add water to the original volume.
The deadline for planting mushrooms is until mid-September. Later they will take root less well or will not take root at all. 1-1.5 months before frost, the mycelium can take root and grow. This will ensure her better wintering.

The best time to plant porcini mushrooms is August to mid-September.

And again: monitor the humidity in the area of ​​the planted mushrooms. In hot summers, water the area with mushrooms with 3-4 buckets of water once a week.

Well, now you know how to grow porcini mushrooms. It will take a little work, but this is the king of mushrooms and it’s worth it. And imagine how you watch the growth of mushrooms, without fear that someone else will pick them, because they grow on your territory...

Growing porcini mushrooms on the estate will provide you with a personal “forest” harvest. Wish good harvests and may you succeed in growing porcini mushrooms the first time. published

You don’t have to go to the forest for white ones; you can grow them on your own plot. Let's consider two methods of reproduction: from caps and mycelium. Details on how to get planting material yourself, about planting, care and tips for beginners.

Growing from mycelium

This method is used in the absence of natural mushrooms. With the Internet, it is not difficult to find mycelium. You will also need compost and growing 8-10 year old trees. It is better to plan planting activities in the period May-September.

Near the selected tree (coniferous or deciduous), the top layer (10-20 cm) is removed in a circle. The diameter of the bare area should be 1-1.5 meters, the tree is in the middle. Fill the resulting circle with compost (1-2 cm) and place the mycelium on it. It is advisable to maintain a “chess pattern” with an interval of 25-30 cm. Now we cover the planting with a layer of soil that we dug up and water it abundantly. Use a watering can so as not to wash away the soil. For one tree, 3-4 buckets of water will be enough.

The next stage is a shelter that will retain moisture in the ground. You can use straw, old fallen leaves or grass clippings. The layer is made quite thick (20-30 cm). Care consists of regular watering and maintaining humidity at the level of the planted mycelium, not lower than 50%. To improve germination, it is recommended to periodically use Baikal EM-1 or any microbiological additives for irrigation to improve fertility.

At the end of autumn, insulation will be required. The area with the mycelium is covered with moss, straw, and spruce branches. The radius should be more area landings (2 m). In the spring, the “cover” is removed. The first mushrooms appear a year after the mycelium is planted. In one place, fruiting lasts 3-4 years. This period can be extended to 7 years if you occasionally water the soil with a mycelium solution. Read on to find out how to get it.

Growing from fresh caps

Good seed material will come from mature mushrooms. Therefore, go into the forest and look for white caps whose diameter is large and open (10-20 cm). At the break, the tubular pulp should have a slightly greenish tint. In your case with insect larvae and wormy mushrooms will also fit. On the site, as in the first method, you will plant near a deciduous or coniferous tree.

Preparation of seed material

Take 5-10 mushrooms intended for sowing, place in a bucket and fill with water. In a day they will get soggy, and you will need to simply mash the mushrooms with your hands in the same bucket until smooth. After straining through a sieve, you will have a solution with spores and separated mushroom tissue.


The place near the selected tree is prepared in the same way as in the previous case. Planting will be done by watering. Just not over the entire prepared area, but directly onto the exposed roots of the tree. There should be enough solution with spores to cover 1 square meter. meter turned out to be 2 liters.

After such “sowing”, spread the mushroom tissue that remains after straining on the roots and adjacent soil. Now all that remains is to cover the planting with the soil that was removed and water it. The earth needs to be well saturated with moisture, so one tree will need at least 5 buckets of water. When watering, do not wash away the top layer, so use a watering can with a fine spray. Now cover with plant material to retain moisture. Care is the same as when planting mycelium with regular watering. For the winter, shelter is created only in the first year after planting.

In a year, if the mycelium has emerged, you will reap the first harvest. The area of ​​one tree will produce up to 5 kg of white ones. The interval from planting to harvest is exactly a year, so keep in mind that if the caps were planted in the fall, then the harvest should only be expected in the fall of next year. One mycelium will bear fruit for 3-4 years. To prolong growth it will be necessary to replant after 2-3 years.

Planting activities in the southern regions are best carried out in May-early June, in middle lane temperate climate August-early September. When collecting “planting” mushrooms, try to find them under the same trees near which you plan to plant. If you have spruce or birch on your property, then look in the forest under such species.

Soaking the caps should occur no later than 10 hours after cutting the mushroom. You can add a little alcohol (10 l - 3 tbsp) or granulated sugar (10 l: 50 g) to the water with caps. The mycelium takes root better if you spill the soil with tanning solution before planting: brew 80-100 g of black tea in a liter of boiling water. You can prepare a decoction from oak bark: 3 liters - 100 g. One tree consumes 2-3 liters of tanning water.

It is not recommended to plant mycelium at the end of September, since the probability of mycelium survival is too low. Depending on your region, you need to calculate the interval from sowing to frost of 1.5 months. IN hot weather Watering is required weekly, 3-4 buckets per plot with mushrooms.

The most valuable and nutritious among all its relatives. Growing such a source of protein at home is not very easy, but it is interesting. It will not contain harmful impurities from the air and soil, and its protein content allows it to replace meat products.

The value of porcini mushroom has been confirmed by many studies. Its “meat” is completely absorbed by the body, unlike other mushrooms.

IN different countries and areas its name changes:

  • Baby. That's what they call it in Yaroslavl and Rostov.
  • Borovik. This name was invented for it in the Middle Volga.
  • Zheltyak. In Novgorod and Perm, this is what the porcini mushroom is called.
  • Cow. They speak affectionately in Vologda and Tver when it comes to this miracle of nature.

There are more than a hundred local names for the king of mushrooms.

Porcini mushroom broth is more nutritious than meat broth. It stimulates the body to digest and is even prescribed by doctors in cases of food refusal.

The porcini mushroom is the king of the mushroom family. Its nutritional value is preserved and even increases after drying. The protein of fresh porcini mushroom is difficult to digest by the body, but after drying it changes into another form. In this form, it is easily absorbed by the digestive system.

Therefore, the cost of porcini mushroom is many times higher than all other representatives of the forest fraternity.

It is very pleasant to wander through the forest and, inhaling Fresh air, find a clearing with porcini mushrooms. A lot of emotions, even if a person doesn’t really like eating mushrooms.

Dense, with a thick stem and a brown cap, the mushrooms, like one-to-one twins, attract with their solidity and fatness.

But be careful! They have a double - gall mushroom. This inedible mushroom True to its name - it is very bitter. External resemblance, of course have. It is easy to recognize by its pulp. When cut, it turns pink in a few minutes. The stem of such a mushroom is covered with a mesh of a darker color than the stem itself.

Due to the barbaric attitude towards the mycelium, porcini mushrooms are becoming an increasingly rare guest on tables.

IN dry years all mushrooms become carriers of harmful impurities from the soil and air. The fact is that the mushroom is incapable, like green plants, of synthesizing for itself nutrients. He takes from environment, everything that is there.

The method of purchasing planting material is different for each mushroom grower. You can try everything and find yours only after experimenting. If the desire to get results is very strong, you need to use all acquisition methods at once.

Containers for planting and preparation of planting beds

The porcini mushroom does not like fuss and cramped spaces. Everything for its cultivation must be prepared thoroughly.
Containers for planting must be selected with the expectation that the soil layer will be at least 50 cm thick. The width of the container must be at least 30 cm.

Such containers are rarely found in garden centers. Most the best option- prepare the container yourself from any wood materials. Any boards are suitable for this purpose.

If planting is planned for a long time, then before construction the tree must be treated against rotting with preparations such as Pinotex and Belinka. Neat wooden boxes made of treated wood can be displayed both on the balcony and in the winter garden.

Another not very aesthetic, but more economical option is growing in.

Plastic bags are not suitable for this purpose. It is best to use canvas bags used for potatoes and other vegetables.

Using wooden barrels or old wooden tubs to grow mushrooms will help fit these planting containers into the country style of your winter garden. The barrel can be used either whole or half.

Preparation of the planting mixture begins a month before planting. The mass of rotted leaves is the basis of the whole mixture. It makes up 90% of the total volume. The remaining 10% is divided between dust and manure.

Important stages of bed preparation:

  • Laying leaf litter. It is laid in layers of 25 cm.
  • A layer of leaves is sprinkled with tree dust and manure
  • Then all this needs to be watered with ammonium nitrate 1%
  • After a week, maximum two, the mixture begins to warm up
  • At this time, it is mixed until uniform.
  • The substrate is placed in containers in layers 15 cm high
  • Each layer is sprinkled with a 5 cm layer of earth.
  • The bed must be at least 50 cm thick
  • In the middle of the container the thickness should be maximum
  • You can reduce it a little towards the edges

At the bottom, in order to avoid stagnation of water, you need to put a drainage layer of at least 50 cm. The same wood dust can be used as drainage. You can opt for drainage holes in the drawers to drain excess liquid.

It is a good idea to install a container under the drawer to collect excess moisture. With its help it will be possible to maintain a constant high humidity air.

The bed with landing nets of the mycelium is slightly moistened, covered with leaves and shields to maintain constant humidity.

If the appropriate temperature, soil and air humidity are maintained, the mushroom harvest will appear only next year.


The harvest is harvested very carefully, trying not to damage the main rods of the mycelium. This can be done several times per season, starting in May and ending in October.

If properly maintained, the porcini mushroom can produce two or three harvests per season. A few square meters of planting can provide big family during the whole year. Porcini mushroom can be canned, dried, and these preparations can be used as a source of vitamins and protein for more than one year.

While watching the video you will learn about growing porcini mushroom.
