What is a marketing plan in nl international. Review of the network company NL International: products, marketing plan, reviews

400 240 website website http://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/marketing-plan.jpg 15.02.2019 18.02.2019

Have you ever wondered why NL international is so incredibly popular compared to other MLM companies? One of the reasons is the competent marketing plan of the NL company.

The marketing plan includes the following very important principles:

  • allows a beginner to earn money at the very start, even without his own structure
  • creates comfortable conditions for the development of your own structure (explanation below)
  • income growth does not occur linearly, i.e. when you achieve a certain result, your income increases much more than your work result increases
  • famous bonuses: auto bonus, president's school, etc.
  • income is not strictly dependent on your mentor
  • product. It has great importance and in in this case it is environmentally friendly and high quality

Marketing plan structure

The NL structure has five levels and 13 qualifications (statuses). Steps are a kind of logical division career ladder to understandable stages. And what bonuses and in what amount you will receive depends on your status. We emphasize that the difference in income and bonuses for different qualifications is only for , income for LO is considered the same for everyone.

Marketing plan: career ladder of qualifications.

We emphasize that Let's start in order.

Stage 1: start

According to the marketing plan of this stage, beginners receive their first income and begin to build their own structure. The objectives of this stage are to introduce the manager to the world of NL, understand the basics and make it clear that you can make money here.

First stage qualifications: manager - master - master elite - star

The structural income (per group volume) of each qualification is calculated according to the table below. We described in more detail how it is calculated in the article: .

marketing plan: stage 1

As we see, the income from bonuses from your team’s GO will be limited by your still small structure. At this stage, income from LO will be comparable to income from the marketing plan.

Stage 2: growth

Being in the second stage, the marketing plan tells you that you can increase your income not only by increasing your personal and group volumes, but also by growing new “Stars” in your structure. Therefore, it is beneficial for the mentor that everything works out for you and that you, as his mentee, also climb the career ladder. This is what we see in the table below:

level 2 for diamond qualifications

Second stage qualifications: star - 1 star - 2 star - ds - dt - dt1 - dt2 - dt3 - dt4 - dt5

Starting from the second stage and 2 stars qualification, you have the right to a free Mercedes, more details in our article “auto bonus: Mercedes from NL”.

Stage 3: expansion

The point is this: you yourself are already at least a diamond tutor, your structure already has its own stars. All that remains is to expand the team and generate income from the entire structure.

Stage 4: strengthening

The appearance of another bonus in sources of income.

Conditions: confirmation of qualifications from DS and above within a quarter (three months).

Bonus: 1% of the company’s turnover in Russia and the CIS is distributed in equal shares among participants who have fulfilled the 4th stage condition. This is quite a lot of money, considering that the trade turnover is more than a billion rubles.

Stage 5: stability

It's also known as the NL Millionaires' Club. Club members share 1% of the total NL trade turnover (all countries are taken into account) among themselves. Considering that the millionaires’ club includes a very limited number of people, and they share the international income, it’s scary to imagine what kind of bonus they receive at this level.

Let's sum it up

We examined the marketing plan of the NL company and clearly saw that it provides for all the principles stated at the beginning. Having completed just 1/3 of the career ladder, you can already get a Mercedes, not to mention financial well-being.

But, it would be too good to be true if it were simple. It is difficult to develop not only in a network business, but even in your profession, going from junior staff to chief specialist is a difficult task that requires your own marketing plan.

This article is for those who are looking for answers to the questions: how to start a business with NL international, where does the money come from and what needs to be done in order to start earning money in network marketing.

Networking is a profession that you have to master. Good news– for this you don’t need to study for 5 years at the institute. In our structure there is very a large number of leaders, including leaders of the NL company as a whole.

  • Your goal is to become a network marketing professional.
  • Your goal is high passive income.
  • Your goal is an auto bonus.
  • Your goal is to increase your qualifications.

Network Marketing with NL

Many people are not aware, but in the United States, 80% of the turnover of all goods and services is provided by network marketing, and every 5th millionaire made his fortune in the field of network marketing. In Japan, network marketing turnover is 90%. In Russia, only its formation is taking place.

People come to network marketing not to earn a lot of money in 1 month, but to receive passive income that grows, regardless of your participation in the business.

It is important to master the theory and apply it in practice. It's important to understand one thing: it's yours own business and it depends only on you. Follow instructions carefully and listen to your mentor.

The secret of business in partnership with NL international

You work - there is a result.

If you don't work, there is no result.

Mentor at NL

A mentor has something that you don’t yet have. He has experience. In our structure, a mentor is called a “Free Person”, because network marketing is the only field of activity in which they will simply help you earn money.

A mentor is first and foremost a tool. And it must be used correctly.

The essence of business NL

Business in partnership with NL international: the company provides us with all the conditions for creating trade turnover. You have registered and you have the opportunity for international business in any country - you have more than 200 offices where you can come, make purchases and hold meetings, you have convenient online store, Personal Area. NL international company is 18 years old. This means that it is stable, serious and reliable, because according to statistics, bad network companies are blown away in the first 5 years. All NL products are safe, certified, they work and give results.

Any business involves selling a product and service. We have product lines on which you make turnover. Moreover, NL has such products, the need for which is not far-fetched - you can use this product every day. There is a system of work, a balanced marketing plan.

It all starts with free registration and - this gives you access to your personal account, you can make purchases, your clients can make purchases using your id number, you can register managers and clients.

Everyone has stereotypes about network marketing. The NL company has an adequate approach to business. The company does not have all the usual network special effects:

  • There are no purchases - no one forces managers to purchase products and store them at home in order to resell them later.
  • There is no need to run around with bags and catalogs - everything happens in a civilized way, through a chain of stores and an online store.
  • There is no ceiling in business, no restrictions - constant growth, in marketing - there is no such thing as what you will develop here, but not here.
  • Single price – the same price for both the manager and the client. No one will beg you for a discount, and you will not make money on your friends and acquaintances.
  • Free registration.
  • Balanced marketing is a plan in which you can really earn a lot.

Where does the money come from?

If you are interested in the question of how to earn money at NL international, then you can earn money in three directions: personal sales, mentor bonus and building a structure.

Personal selling

Personal sales - personal volume (LO) - purchases to your number id 007-000000.

You get the biggest reward from top products that really work:

  • Energy diets
  • Energy diet smart
  • Energy Pro
  • Detox
  • Energy Slim

Pv (point volume) – internal unit of measurement of turnover. Considering that the company has international status and covers different countries and currencies, the results are calculated using this pv. So that at the end of the month you don’t measure in jars, shampoos, teas, protein - you measure it in pv.

When we started the business, we did 80% of our turnover only on Energy Diet. Therefore, many still associate the NL company exclusively with Energy Diet. The company is developing, a line of quality products is being produced, and now trade turnover can be made on other products: protein, programs for weight loss and cleansing the body, teas, household and laundry products, cosmetics. You can view the entire list of products at.

All these payments are available with 200 pv per month to your id. As a result, in addition to product rewards, for 200 pv you receive:

  • 5000 in money
  • 3000 – to the gift account.

This is repeated for every 200 points.

Or you can withdraw all payments in cash if you are active at 70 pv for 3 months. But making 200 pv monthly is more profitable. And you need to teach this to your managers.

You won’t earn millions with this approach, of course. But, as you can see, it’s easy to earn 10-30-50 thousand rubles or more.

Mentor Bonus

It didn’t exist before; if it had existed, many would have immediately built structures, rather than engaging in personal sales alone.

The essence of the mentor bonus is simple: for every registered manager under you who bought products from 20 pv, you receive a reward. So for 20 pv - 280 rubles, for 35 pv - 490 rubles, for 50 pv - 700 rubles, and for 70 pv - 980 rubles.

Include 10 managers in the first line who will appreciate the benefits of the product - get up to 9800 from them. The most important thing is that the mentor bonus will be available to you monthly and will only increase. The more managers in the 1st line, the greater the monthly bonus. This is great for newbies.

Structure, network, business.

Real business and serious payments come precisely from building a structure and obtaining group volume (GV) - all the points of all managers of your structure.

You need to start rejoicing when the GO reaches 3000 pv. This qualification is called Star. The structured fee is 22,000 rubles. + mentor bonuses of about 15,000 rubles. and a reward for 200 pv of personal volume is 5000 rubles. The total is about 42,000. This is a decent salary. But ordinary students achieve such results in our structure.

And the most interesting thing is that next month you don’t have to strain to earn the same amount. This situation will repeat itself: new participants will come and the check will only grow.

There is a Diamond DS qualification, on which you receive another 3% of the turnover of the entire structure. To achieve this qualification, you must have 3 Star qualified people in your structure.

This is the first qualification for which a car bonus is available - Mercedes C class. A free car given to you by a company. Where does it come from? You generate turnover for the company. Quite large, and it’s not difficult for the company to give you a car for which they themselves will pay money, and this will not affect your check in any way.

If you are not motivated by the C class, but by the S class, then you can pick up a Mercedes of any class from the company. Some people are not motivated by 50,000 rubles, but others are. And what is described above is just the beginning. This is only a matter of your ambitions, learning ability and ability to work.

Where to get clients in NL company

  • First of all, customers are us - I use almost all of the company’s products. Why do managers use the product? Not because we are crazy networkers. And this is not spelled out in the rules, in the form mandatory condition. Managers simply know what is included in the composition, how and where it is produced. And they understand that these products are of high quality and have many advantages over goods in stores. We use a high-quality, safe product that protects your health. For it we receive good payments and make trade turnover.
  • People around – using the product, we have the opportunity to recommend. You can recommend and explain to anyone. You do network marketing every day, but you don’t even notice it: “I bought these jeans here, the food is delicious here, I’m fixing my car there, I bought a new iPhone – it’s the bomb, I recommend it.” But you do not receive payments for your recommendations. And you get it in NL.
  • Social media. Make posts on VK, Instagram, etc. IMPORTANT! You are not allowed to write in private messages strangers. This is spam. There is no need to be intrusive, there is no need to justify this myth of rabid and pestering networkers. Just blog on your page. What do you do, what product do you like, no need to write huge headlines - “Buy with my ID!!” This does not work. People are interested to see that you are an expert, you can advise what you have interesting life, and that, having become a networker, you have not become crazy.

Algorithm for success

  1. Registration.
  2. Obtaining materials No. 1.
  3. Contract activation.
  4. Receiving the most basic materials developed by our structure.
  5. Studying the product, company, work system.
  6. Recommendations and invitations to business people.
  7. Success.

There is no need to think long about the first three points. This is the start of a business. None of the leaders and managers who have reached the qualification level and achieved results will say that they regret starting to do this

For most people, this is the only opportunity to start making big money.

Network marketing is not a field where there is any luck. Don't treat it like that, will you be lucky or not? Will it work or won't it work? Maybe we need to wait?

Everything will work out. The main thing is to follow the instructions, listen to the mentor and study the materials. This is a business, a lot depends on you and your efforts.

Marketing plan NL International. How and how much you can earn in NL.

Let's look at how and how much you can earn in NL International. We will not delve into complex formulas and calculations, but will try to clearly explain and clearly show the sources of income in NL International and what amounts they can bring NL managers.

NL International partners have access to THREE sources of income at once:
1) Bonus for Personal Volume (LO)
2) Bonus for Group Volume (GO)
3) Mentor Bonus
All THREE sources of income are SUMMED. However, you decide for yourself which of them to use - there is no “obligation”!

Let's take a closer look at the reward for Personal Volume (PV) at NL International:

What is LO in NL? Why is it easy to make money on LO at NL International? How does LO influence the development of your business? How much can you earn from LO?

What is LO in NL?

Personal Volume (PV) is the SUM OF ALL purchases made through your ID:
- shopping for yourself
-purchases from customers who indicated your ID when purchasing
-as well as customer purchases using their Customer Card number issued by you.

-all purchases are cumulative
-no mandatory purchases of your own (they may not exist at all)

Why make money on LO in NL International easily?

LO is, first of all, trade turnover. The success of generating trade turnover directly depends on the demand for products. With this NL International Everything is fine. Let's look at the range NL Store brand stores And NLStar official website:

There are already more than 350 products and up to 20 new products every month!
Products from different product groups:
-household products
-body products
-beauty products
-health products
-sports nutrition
-slimming products
-drinks: teas/coffee/fruit drinks
Evaluate the scale of the assortment for yourself: https://nlstar.com/ref/LDjFE9/

What do all these product groups have in common? Most of them are used by most people, every day!
The average monthly budget of a family of 2 people (without children) for these product groups is 8-15t. rubles

NL already has more than 300 stores - you don’t need to collect orders - customers themselves go to the store, like any other and at a time convenient for them!

Highest product quality and efficiency.

Conclusion: to form a significant LO, even 2-3 customers who are happy to visit the store are enough NLStore.

How does LO influence the development of your business?

Agree, it is logical that light LO gives natural advantages and results:

New partners come into business with greater desire and quickly receive significant rewards (get established)
-Each of your Partners easily achieves high LO, which means your GO (Group Volume) is growing!

How much can you earn on LO?

You can see it most clearly in the attached photo.

To receive the first reward 560 rubles. Just 35pv is enough (and that’s only about 4200 rubles. LO!). Already at 200pv (~24000rub.) your commissions will exceed 37%!

✅Conclusion: Making money with NL International is easy thanks to the widest and most diverse range, ready-made infrastructure (stores/delivery), high percentage of remuneration and product quality.
You can earn significant money only on LO (without building a team).
Thanks to LO, it is easier to build a team, and it is easier to obtain Group Volume.

Let's talk about rewards for Group Volume (GV) at NL International:

Group Volume (GV) is your Personal Volume + the sum of the VV of all your partners on the team.
Depending on the size of the GO, you will be awarded a different percentage of remuneration:
-500pv (~60000rub.) = 4%
-1000pv = 7%
-2000pv = 14%
-3000pv = 21%!
As your team of partners grows, Group Volume will also grow, and with it the level your income!
It is worth noting separately that your income is accrued not from the earnings of your partners, but by the Company itself - everyone works for themselves and does their own business!

Briefly about the Mentor Bonus at NL International:

If you have completed the minimum network activity over the past month - LO 70pv or more, then you are entitled to receive a Mentor Bonus.
Mentor Bonus at NL International– this is a MONTHLY bonus for each active Partner attracted by you personally. The bonus amount reaches 1120 rubles. for each active manager.

Thanks to this bonus, you can receive significant money already at the start of your business - in the very first month of work!

It will also be more interesting for your partners to develop their business. Consequently, your team will grow rapidly.

Alexander Ivanov

Greetings, friends! Today I want to tell you about the company NL International, which operates in the field of network marketing. Many have probably already heard about it, because it appears on the Internet quite often.

I decided to make this review the first of a number of subsequent ones, in which we will analyze other MLM companies, their advantages and disadvantages. So, let's go...

NL International is already a fairly well-known network company that operates on the principle of direct sales. Official site www.nlstar.com.

The international brand offers a wide range of products to improve the quality of life, and also provides an opportunity for everyone to receive a good income.

It appeared in 2000 on the domestic market and three years later entered the world stage. NL International is actively developing and its products are already known and in demand in Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, France and many other countries.

For successful business, the location of the company is of considerable importance.

By the way, to select the most optimal office rental option, it is recommended to use the Roomfi.Ru portal ().

The company produces 15 brands, more than two dozen product lines, 250 product names. Currently, 250 offices and 65 stores have already been opened.
Daily online store nlstar.com accepts more than 4,000 orders.

The company's products are trusted by many famous people, such as: Ekaterina Usmanova, Timur Rodriguez, Ekaterina Seliverstova, Rasul Mirzaev, Larisa Dolina, Natalya Shulga. Maybe this is just part of a marketing plan, who knows... But apparently it works))

What does NL International offer?

WITH full list The company's products can be found on its official website nlstar.com. The leading product is the balanced nutrition ENERGY DIET SMART and ENERGY DIET.

Each serving contains all the nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the body.

The products just need to be shaken in a shaker with milk to get 12 vitamins and 11 minerals, as well as protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber.

There is a choice of thick oatmeal, “Mushroom” and “Chicken” soup, omelet, as well as “Banana”, “Vanilla”, “Coffee”, “Raspberry”, “Cappuccino”, “Strawberry”, “Chocolate” cocktails.

To eat tasty, healthy and varied meals, you can also purchase a branded plastic shaker, which is also available in stock.

ENERGY PRO – sports nutrition (energy bars and cocktails), created in collaboration with the well-known fitness model Ekaterina Usmanova throughout Russia.

She and her students use daily protein shakes and note not only their highest efficiency, but also their excellent taste.

Sports products are based on the purest hydroisolate whey protein from France.

The ENERGY SLIM line features weight loss products that allow you to find your dream figure even for those who have long despaired of seeing the desired reflection in the mirror.

In addition, the international company offers teas and drinks, fruit bars, dietary supplements, decorative and caring cosmetics, hair products, and home care products.

Why choose NL

  • Solid range of products.
  • Impeccable quality, which is confirmed by specialized experts, laboratories and scientific institutes.
  • Online store with intuitive navigation and detailed description each product.
  • Virtual shop in a smartphone.
  • Convenient business building system.
  • Unlimited earning opportunities.
  • No down payment to start working with the company.
  • Prompt delivery anywhere in the world to company offices or addresses.
  • Possibility of cooperation with the company.

Marketing plan NL International

To begin with, I would like to note that cooperation with the company can be easy and productive. Because, for example, NL does not give its partners a discount on products - everyone buys it at the same price.

Thus, there is no need to answer the question every time why “you can’t sell it to me at the price for which you buy it yourself.”

Everyone can familiarize themselves with the company’s business plan at official website. I note that 4 years ago such information was not freely available.

A distinctive feature of the company is the linearity of the marketing plan. In other words, the bonus is formed not only from all personal sales, but also from the sales of all team members.

Based on this, leadership titles are awarded. And the basis for dividing the company’s partners by qualification is precisely trade turnover.

The advantage of the company is constant motivational events, as well as training of partners.

Get instructions

NL International is not just a product, but rather a lifestyle, so heights in this business are achieved by those who are inspired by the idea and make it a part of their life.

Working with this company can be called promising business without investment, if you like this or that product line. After all, being a consumer of a product in your company is the basis of a network business and the main component of success.

Work and dissemination of information is carried out, as a rule, by many representatives online. But, of course, the traditional method of recruiting new partners through personal meetings and presentations is also acceptable.

Client Club program

Developed for the company's clients special program loyalty, which allows you to purchase products with significant discounts.

In particular, 3% of each purchase goes to a gift account. After purchases are made in the amount of 10,000, 25,000, 50,000 rubles, the bonus will be increased to 5%, 7%, 10%, respectively.

Disadvantages and reviews about the company NL International

By googling on the Internet you can find a number of both positive and negative reviews. The latter are associated, first of all, with intolerance by some people to the components included in the company's products.

I'm sure taste qualities, some protein bars would make me happy. But I admit, I haven’t tried it.

Moreover, given the composition of the NL product line, which can be seen on the labels:

“Multiprotein Complex (soy protein isolate, milk protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate), vitamin and mineral complex (potassium citrate, tricalcium phosphate, magnesium citrate, iron fumarate, silicon dioxide, manganese aspartate, vitamin B5, vitamin C, zinc citrate, vitamin E , vitamin PP, vitamin A, copper aspartate, vitamin B6, vitamin D3, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, chromium picolinate, vitamin B2, vitamin B9, potassium iodide, biotin), lecithin, palatinose, maltodextrin, inulin, citrus dietary fiber, flavorings (caramel, vanilla), cellulose gum (stabilizer), tara gum (stabilizer), Enzyme Complex (bromelain, papain), sweetener (sodium cyclamate, sodium saccharinate), beta-carotene (color), natural caramel color, griffonia extract ..."

where, in addition to vitamins, a significant part of the periodic table becomes visible, I preferred to work with 100% natural, domestic coniferous product from Siberia to another network company which you can find out about.

In my opinion, those companies that also deserve attention are those that are suitable for the majority of people who make purchases on the Internet, and that can be used as a main or additional direction, in parallel with one or another grocery business.

Among these I include CashBack service Switips, the benefits of which I wrote about here in Telegraph.

This is where I end and will be glad to receive feedback from you so that I can understand how useful the material was.

Subscribe to updates, including Telegram channel so as not to miss new interesting articles and reviews of other network companies.

P.S. I recommend paying attention to free training on Automation of cold contacts, which will help you create a System for attracting partners to your team on full autopilot online. The system works for any company.

P.P.S. By the way, now it is possible to buy shares without leaving home through, as well as open an Individual Investment Account (IIA) remotely.
To buy a small block of shares for testing, you can use the button below:

Buy shares online

This part of the review about NL International discusses the business system and the possibility of making money with this company. If you are interested in products (Energy Diet cocktails) and an overview of the MLM company itself, then go to. So let's start, NL International is perhaps one of the most interesting companies direct sales from the point of view of building a business and earning opportunities. Unfortunately, the word interesting here does not mean promising. Just a marketing plan, and the payment system itself of this project They are quite different from anything I have seen before, and deserve at least careful attention.

Advantages of network marketing with NL International

As mentioned above and as written on the website (the official website of NL International can be found at nlstar.com), this corporation is an association of several MLM companies operating in different countries taking into account regional characteristics and mentality potential clients. And this is a very smart decision, because most of the negative reviews about foreign projects(such as Agel, Amway, etc.) is precisely due to the use of American and European sales methods, which are very poorly combined with the way of thinking of domestic buyers.

Earning money in network marketing

Moving on, the next advantage of NL International is the absence of an initial fee when entering an MLM company. After all, in the same Amway, in order to have the right to sell their products you have to pay 50 dollars. And in some other projects using network marketing, for example, Nht Global, even more.

One more unique feature NL International has no system of discounts for partners. That is, both customers and distributors pay a fixed price when purchasing products. Thus, project representatives are automatically freed from long explanations about why they cannot sell products to their friends at the price at which they buy them themselves. But this is one of the biggest problems of American network marketing. On the other hand, this feature also has disadvantages. For example, in order to receive money for sold products, you need not only to sell them, but also to fulfill the remaining conditions of the business plan. And that’s what we’ll focus on later in the review.

Marketing plan NL International

To begin with, I would like to note the fact that any information about the company’s business plan is available either to registered distributors or to those to whom they have entrusted this secret. That is, open information there is no information about him on the Internet. Which is quite strange. After all, attempts to hide a marketing plan are usually made in either one or other forms. And NL International presents itself as a high-quality MLM project. And in general, today more than 30% of Russians have already been somehow connected with network marketing and want to evaluate for themselves the pros and cons of the company in which they plan to build a business.

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  • New products from NL International- The network company NL International, which recently acted as the general sponsor of the Olympics, presented to its clients...
  • Latest events at NL International- Spring at NL International began with a rise in product prices. This was reported on the official website of the organization...

*** This paragraph is already outdated, and since about mid-2013 you can find a detailed marketing plan on the official website of NL International.

Because when you look at a marketing plan together with the company’s distributor, he may miss or intentionally hide very important nuances. In general, when I was unable to find the NL International marketing plan either on the official website or on the distributors’ websites, the rating of this MLM project in my eyes dropped significantly. Well, okay, the Internet has always been considered a concentration of pirated products, so with some effort, the main characteristics of the business plan of a given mlm company can be found.

So, NL International uses a linear marketing plan, the main highlight of which is a cumulative bonus (a cumulative group volume is quite rare in network marketing; out of more than 100 companies reviewed on this site, no more than five have it, for example, Ra Group ). This bonus includes all purchases made by the distributor and his team for the entire time he worked for NL International. And in the future it is used to obtain qualifications, for example, the first STAR leadership title can be earned if you have it.
