Eduard Uspensky and his own children. After his third marriage, Eduard Uspensky returned to his second wife

The biography of Eduard Uspensky should be well known to all fans of his work. This is a famous children's writer; the characters he created have been loved by more than one generation and still remain popular. This is Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin, Vera and her monkey Anfisa.


Coverage of the biography of Eduard Uspensky begins in 1937, when he was born in Yegoryevsk. His father was a dog handler, so there were always a lot of animals around the hero of our article. His two brothers, Yuri and Igor, also grew up in the family. The nationality and biography of Eduard Uspensky have always been of interest to fans of his talent. He was of mixed blood: his mother was Russian, and his father was Jewish.

When the boy was 10 years old, his father, Nikolai Uspensky, died. Edik grew up as a mischievous child and studied poorly. Only when he found himself in the hospital with a broken leg did he come to his senses. He began to do well at school, and was especially good at mathematics.

An important stage in the biography of Eduard Uspensky was his studies at the capital's aviation institute. Having received higher education, he went to work as an engineer. Already at that time, a passion for literature appeared in the biography of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. In his spare time, he writes stories and scripts for children.

The fact is that even at school the hero of our article was constantly fiddling with young pioneers, was their counselor, came up with funny songs and children's poems. At the university I played in KVN and participated in skits.

Having taken up writing poetry and stories for children, he published infrequently. But his humorous stories and sketches turned out to be in demand. As a result, he did not work in his profession for long.

Works for children

In the biography of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky decisive role played by representatives of Soyuzmultfilm, who drew attention to his work. At the same time, it was not easy for him to publish. He was often criticized for the lack of traits of true pioneers in his heroes. Often the censors found Uspensky's stories and tales too frivolous.

He found an outlet only at Soyuzmultfilm, where his works began to be filmed, and he himself wrote the scripts.

In the biography of Eduard Uspensky, his real popularity came in the late 70s. He begins to actively read stories and poems, and in the 80s he published a separate collection with stories about the cat Matroskin, Shapoklyak and Kolobok. At the same time, the fairy tales “The Investigation is Conducted by Koloboks” and “Guarantee Men” appear.


Uspensky was also creative on television. It was he who became ideological inspirer and the actual creator of a number of programs for children and teenagers of all ages.

He published all his new works in the Samovar publishing house, which for many years became virtually his home. So, in 2016, he wrote a play dedicated to the magical river, which was the basis for a full-fledged performance.

Conflict with Soyuzmultfilm

In recent years he has developed difficult relationship with the Soyuzmultfilm studio, which once gave birth to his works.

At the end of 2017, the hero of our article sent an open letter to President Vladimir Putin, in which he accused the studio of violating his copyright. He claimed that he did not give permission to release a continuation of the animated series about Prostokvashino. The release of new episodes was not agreed upon or approved by him.

The updated series began airing in April 2018.

Personal life

There were many difficulties in the biography and personal life of Eduard Uspensky. He was married three times. His first wife was Rimma, with whom he studied together at the aviation institute. In the biography of Eduard Uspensky, personal life is closely intertwined with his work. For example, it was Rimma who became the prototype of the old woman Shapoklyak. The writer admitted that his wife was harmful, but despite this, they were married from 1963 to 1980.

In 1968, their daughter Tatyana was born. She is a graduate of the Forestry Institute, but now works as a hairdresser. Tatyana has two children - Edward and Ekaterina. It was the cry of his daughter that once helped him come up with legendary character Cheburashka.

Elena Borisovna

In 1980, the writer married for the second time. The biography of Eduard Uspensky’s wife Elena Borisovna is as follows. She is 23 years younger than her husband, having graduated from a construction institute, she worked on television in the department involved in the maintenance of the building. At that time, Uspensky was just getting accustomed to Soyuzmultfilm. They met in a buffet.

Their relationship began when 42-year-old Eduard invited 20-year-old Elena to read his book about Prostokvashino. As you can see, the stories for children in the biography of Eduard Uspensky also influenced his personal life.

After the divorce, the writer took in his daughter Tatyana, who was 12 years old at that time.

Edward and Elena had no children together. In the 90s they took adopted daughters-twins - Svetlana and Irina, who had disabilities due to kidney problems.

Eleonora Filina

IN short biography It is necessary to tell Eduard Uspensky about his third wife - the host of the TV show “Ships Came into Our Harbor.” They worked together on this project, and soon they began an office romance.

The divorce from Elena turned out to be loud and scandalous. The writer’s second wife constantly appeared on television, condemning his behavior. She was offended by her husband who left her after 23 years of marriage.

Uspensky’s health at that time had deteriorated, as he was diagnosed with cancer. In 2003, he and Elena divorced. Edward went to Germany, where he underwent chemotherapy. His third wife, Eleanor, was nearby at first, but then returned to Russia, essentially leaving her husband alone in a foreign country with a fatal disease. Uspensky did not comment on this act to journalists for a long time. Only later did he admit that it was all due to large debts that Eleanor wanted to pay off using his savings. They divorced in 2011.

Eleanor left Uspensky for to a young lover, who was 30 years younger than her. She took out a loan so her boyfriend could open a business, but it failed. Uspensky's ex-wife owed 6 million rubles.

Filina herself denies these accusations, claiming that she simply could not get along with the oppressive Uspensky. According to her, she had long wanted a divorce. The only thing that stopped her was the writer’s serious illness.

The fact that Uspensky really had a difficult character is confirmed by many of his friends and colleagues. Not everyone could get along with him. The writer almost never wrote to order, because he could not stand it when strangers edited his work. Because of his intransigence, he often entered into conflicts and spoiled relationships with many influential people. At the same time, it is worth recognizing that without his inherent integrity, Uspensky’s characters would not have been born as we all know them today. The author himself gave them this unique look.

At home he always had many animals and birds, which the writer took care of with pleasure. Last years Uspensky lived in his country house and Moscow apartment, working under intense pressure every day.

IN free time he preferred to watch foreign TV series on medical topics; his favorite was “House M.D.” with Hugh Laurie in the title role.

It is known that Uspensky adored the work of Oleg Tabakov. That is why I entrusted him with voicing one of my most favorite characters - the cat Matroskin.

Last years

In April 2018, Uspensky gave an interview, from which it became known that his second wife Elena had returned to him, and they began living together again. Having forgiven each other old grievances, they began to live in harmony, not remembering the past. They hoped that the writer would be able to cope with the illness.

On August 14, 2018, Uspensky died in his home in Moscow from cancer, which he had been fighting for many years. Treatment in Germany did not bring the desired results, the disease receded only for a short time, and then returned with renewed vigor.

According to the stories of his daughter Tatyana, the day before he became ill. The writer lost consciousness. Was called ambulance, but the doctors were powerless to help him.

Eduard Uspensky was 80 years old. He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

He passed away at the age of 81 Russian writer Eduard Uspensky. He gave millions of people the heroes of Prostokvashino, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and other favorite characters.

But what kind of husband and father was the great storyteller? At times the script of his life could be used as a basis family drama or even a real soap opera.

The first wife and the image of Shapoklyak

With his first wife, Eduard Uspensky studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute, she quickly captured the attention of the then young man, and in 1963 they got married. Rimma gave birth to her husband’s daughter Tanya and was there when Uspensky began writing cartoon scripts, poetry, and then his world-famous books.

They lived in marriage for 18 years, and it seemed that nothing foreshadowed the sad development of events, but Edward fell in love with someone else. Uspensky met his second wife in the cafeteria of the animation studio.

Rimma did not expect such a turn of events. In addition, after the divorce, the writer took his daughter with him, and Tanya grew up in a family with a stepmother, who was able to become her friend.

Cheburashka’s father did not remember very flatteringly about his first wife:

“The prototype of the old woman Shapoklyak was my first wife - a harmful lady in all respects. Now I’m just wondering how we managed to live together for eighteen years! Although, to be completely honest, Shapoklyak also has my features. My character is also not angelic.”

Second wife - wife forever (almost)

Ouspensky's second wife was 22 years younger than him - he was 42, and she was 20! Surprisingly, her parents had nothing against their union.

Elena was not familiar with the writer’s work, and the first works she read by him were stories about Prostokvashino.

“I fell under his spell,” Elena recalled. - He was 42 years old at the time; he and his wife were on the verge of divorce; by that time they were no longer living together. I moved to Eduard Nikolaevich. And immediately became a mother. He took in his 12-year-old daughter from his first marriage, Tanya. She was both a friend and a nanny for her at the same time.”

Elena did not give birth to her own children, but she and Eduard adopted two girls at once - Ira and Sveta, who had kidney problems, which is why they later received disabilities.

When, after 20 years of marriage, Edward decided to leave the family for another woman, it came as a shock to both his daughters and Elena. She was essentially left alone and continued to care for her daughters, who required constant medical supervision.

Third wife and scandalous separation

Uspensky met his third wife on his original program “Ships Came into Our Harbor.” He needed an assistant, and colleagues from “ Good morning“volunteered to help and sent a tall, slender girl who captivated the writer.

While Elena was at home with the children, Edward spent almost all his time with his assistant Eleanor. Their romance began quickly.

“How could I interfere with Eduard Nikolaevich, especially if he and Eleanor have crazy love? And in general, it is much easier to endure a divorce than, God forbid, death loved one. And he’s a good father,” Elena recalled.

At first, everything was fine with Uspensky and his third wife, but then problems began. Eleanor had a son from a previous relationship, but accepted him as her own new husband I couldn't.

The woman recalled that her child constantly listened to complaints about him and was often to blame simply for being there.

However, all disagreements stopped when the writer was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Fortunately, then the disease was overcome. Eleanor followed her husband to all hospitals and rehabilitation centers. But this did not help save the relationship.

The couple broke up, and there is still no clear answer to the question “who is to blame?” no one gave it. Some say that Eleanor found another man, so she decided to leave, but she herself claims that she simply could not stand the harsh and sometimes even tyrannical attitude of her husband. The writer’s friends also sometimes commented on such statements and confidently said that there was definitely no need to talk about assault.

Return of the husband

But no matter what they say, apparently, his most beloved, reliable woman has always been and remained until last Elena, second wife. It was to her that Ouspensky returned after breaking up with Eleanor.

Elena forgave and accepted, and later helped fight the newly appeared terrible disease- cancer, this time - prostate cancer. The writer ultimately lost the fight with him.

Eduard Uspensky's wife regrets marrying him

The third wife of Eduard Uspensky, Eleanor Filina, met the writer on Russian Radio. It was very easy for Filina to work with Uspensky, but Eleanor called her marriage to him a mistake.

“Seven years have passed since we broke up. We had the happiest creative union. Unfortunately, ours turned out to be not so ideal family life“- Filina admitted on the air of the program “Let Them Talk.”

For a long time, Uspensky struggled with stomach cancer, which eventually defeated him. Fatal disease caught the writer at the moment when he was on the verge of divorce from Filina. At that time, the press often wrote that Eleanor left her husband in a difficult situation. She called such information a lie.

“None of the close relatives, much less the press, knew that Uspensky was ill. We left for Germany. There I lived with him in the same room for a month. The operation was completed and the rehabilitation was over. The illness was reported only upon returning home. By the time we finally broke up with him, he had gone into remission. After that, the disease did not bother my husband for six years,” said Eleanor in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program.

Prokhor Chaliapin, who was present in the studio, advised Filina to ask for forgiveness from ex-spouse, arguing that at one time Eduard Nikolaevich told others about how his beloved Eleanor betrayed him. She did not want to talk about this topic and asked Prokhor “not to start a farce.”

Until the end of his life, Eduard Uspensky did not forgive his third wife’s betrayal

The famous writer Eduard Uspensky died on August 14 at the age of 81. The creator of stories about Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and the village of Prostokvashino died in his home in New Moscow. In recent years, the writer lived alone, with his third wife, TV presenter Eleanor Filina; he divorced in 2011 amid scandal. Eduard Nikolaevich convicted his wife of treason and was never able to forgive her until his death.

In one of the last interviews he gave to the “Live Broadcast” program, Uspensky told the details of his separation from his ex-wife, with whom he had lived together for 10 years. The children's writer said that he was very upset about Filina's betrayal. According to the writer, the journalist acquired a 19-year-old lover. The young man lived in Uspensky’s house, and his wife spent fabulous money on her gentleman. “, to sausage factories. He's a fool, stupid. “I can’t forgive her for this,” Ouspensky exclaimed angrily then.

The writer did not tolerate the behavior of the TV presenter: he filed for divorce, and also stopped funding the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor,” where he had previously met future wife. Filina tried to justify herself and in response accused the writer of drunkenness and assault, and also intended to sue him for part of his property. As a result, Uspensky turned to his second wife, Elena, for help.

Children's writer divorces his TV presenter wife in scandal

Children's writer divorces his TV presenter wife in scandal

49-year-old Eleonora FILINA, the third wife of Eduard USPENSKY and his co-host on the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor...”, filed for divorce. She is tired, she says, of living with a despot who, moreover, constantly humiliates her son Vlad from a previous marriage.

If you believe Filina when Cheburashka’s “dad” is drunk (and he, they say, has been drinking heavily all his life), it becomes unbearable. Eleanor, who is almost a quarter of a century younger than her husband, went to the clinic with nervous breakdowns and left her husband several times. But she came back. Last year, when Uspensky discovered a malignant tumor, his wife took pity on him and did not start a divorce. And he, barely feeling better, took up the old one.

I can't stand it anymore! - Philina shared with me. - The situation has long become dangerous. When Edward begins to insult me, I worry about my son, in front of whose eyes this is happening. Vlad is 16, and he does not want to silently endure insults. Uspensky provokes him. IN Lately he often repeated that he hated my son.

When Eleanor and Eduard Nikolaevich began their romance, the boy was six years old. But even then the child irritated the children's writer.

He didn’t put the phone back in its place - it was a scandal, he took out the batteries from the remote control, he didn’t put on his slippers - another scandal! Edward once said: “The traces of his vital activity irritate him,” sighs Filina.

At the same time, the elderly storyteller dreamed of having a child together with his young wife. But she, seeing how her husband treated the children, did not dare to get pregnant.

“Once Uspensky raised his hand against me,” Eleanor continues. - And then he said: “What’s wrong with that? Yesenin also beat his women.” When my husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer, I forgot all the grievances. Thank God, Ed managed to cope with the disease. He is a strong-willed person, takes care of his health, and swims a lot in the pool. A couple of months ago, Uspensky, when we no longer lived together, began spreading rumors through mutual friends that he had another woman. I think it's a bluff to hurt me even more.

Golden cage

Uspensky himself refused to comment on his wife’s words. Then I turned to a family friend - a 41-year-old children's writer Valentina Postnikova:

I have known Eduard Nikolaevich since childhood - he was close friends with my dad, who invented Karandash and Samodelkin. I know all three of Uspensky’s wives. The first - Aunt Rimma, who gave birth to the writer's daughter Tanya - became the prototype of Uncle Fyodor's mother from the books about Prostokvashino. He had a hard time divorcing her. He was drinking, so Rimma kicked him out. The second wife is Elena, a housewife, a sweet, kind woman. I truly loved him. They had twin daughters. We survived together Hard times when Uspensky's books were not published. He abandoned Lena when he met Eleanor. Uspensky is a tyrant. A talented person, he writes wonderful books, but he is unbearable in everyday life. He doesn't notice anyone except himself. I never liked children. However, other storytellers also sinned with this - Sergey Mikhalkov, Andersen.

According to Postnikov, Filina understood that she would not be happy as a woman with Uspensky, but decided to marry his money.

- At the moment when she took him away, Eduard Nikolaevich began to earn large amounts, continues Valentin. - Millions of dollars in contracts poured in with the Japanese and Chinese, delighted with Cheburashka. At first, Uspensky bought Filina cars and apartments, but now there is a war between them, and he will probably leave her with nothing. Be that as it may, Eleanor worked for Eduard Nikolaevich for ten years: she washed, ironed, lived for him. And if a woman best years spent on a man, she deserves at least a beautiful parting. Uspensky is a conflicted person: war is a state in which he feels good. Constantly suing. With publishing houses, Soyuzmultfilm, factories producing Cheburashka.

Postnikov remembered that Filina complained to him too, saying that her husband couldn’t find common language with son:

I advised her to be patient, saying that the guy’s puberty will pass. Alas, now Vlad does not understand that his mother may be left alone and without funds. Uspensky was used to everyone walking on tiptoe in front of him. He is the king, he pays for everything. And suddenly some nasty teenager disrupted his usual way of life. Owl chose golden cage, but in the end she lost it. And so, you see, someday I would become a rich widow. Her grandchildren would be provided for to the end of their lives.

On August 14, 2018, it became known that the popular children's writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky had died after a long illness. This article is dedicated to him - the favorite of Soviet children. Of course, Russian children also know who Cheburashka, Uncle Fyodor, the cat Matroski and the monkey Anfiska are, but still, the new generation already has its own, other idols, and only thanks to the efforts of their parents, as well as grandparents, they do not forget cartoon characters and books from the distant 70s. So what kind of person was Eduard Uspensky, how did he live, how did he work, how did he become a writer, who covered his rear while he tirelessly published his masterpieces? It turns out that Eduard Nikolaevich was married four times, and in last time he legalized his relationship with his second wife Elena, that is, he decided to enter the same river twice and was right!

Uspensky’s third marriage did not work out; he did not break up with Eleonora Filina very gracefully; there were various mutual reproaches, exposing articles in the press, for example, Edward groundlessly accused his 48-year-old wife of having an affair. young lover. Eh, I remember the story of my mother’s divorce from her second husband, this sixty-year-old grandfather accused his peer of buying a moped not for the purpose of visiting the dacha, but in order to visit her lover in a neighboring village. Hilarious!

Old men often say something absurd. Here Eduard Uspensky, at the end of his life, giving interviews, was confused about the sequence of his marriages, who followed whom and who eventually ran away from whom, and last wife she sat next to her and calmly corrected her beloved, she wouldn’t get confused, she always had the only one! But how lucky Eduard Uspensky is that there is such a sincere person in the world as his wife Elena, she warmed him up when she found out that her ex was mortally ill, no one needed him anymore, forgotten and abandoned. Perhaps someone would accuse this woman of commercialism, but only those who do not know her at all, but it is enough to look at her a couple of times to make it clear that she is a very decent lady. Elena Uspenskaya never ex-husband she didn’t speak badly, she always admired his talent, she knew that life with creative people is not easy, so she forgave her husband a lot. In addition, Elena Uspenskaya is a very pleasant woman, I watched three interviews with her, her speech is calm, correct, this person calmly acted on the often dissatisfied, overly active Eduard, who was constantly at war with someone and conducted legal proceedings, defending his copyrights .

As a writer, I simply adore the early Eduard Uspensky. As a child, of course, like many other children, I liked fairy tales about Uncle Fyodor. Well, it’s brilliantly written, so simple, funny and witty! An independent five-year-old boy left home, taking with him a newly found talking cat, wrote a letter to his parents, settled in the village, started a farm. As a child, I was delighted with the adventures of Uncle Fyodor and his pets. Eduard Uspensky wrote about twenty fairy tales about the inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino, but only the first four seem to me the most successful, perhaps because I read the rest as an adult.

I liked the stories about Cheburashka much less, except that the old woman Shapoklyak delighted me. In the fifth grade, I even came up with a skit with her participation myself, attaching a long nose to myself, molded from plasticine, which treacherously fell off all the time. To achieve a portrait resemblance to the old woman I adored, I dressed my mother in a worn-out checkered suit, fashionable shoes from my grandmother’s youth, sewed myself a rat from the remains of a rabbit, put it in a rare reticule, the image of Shapoklyak was completed with striped blue and white football socks. My rat kept “jumping” out of the bag, scaring impressionable first-graders. But the Japanese adore Cheburashka, and thanks to the fact that they periodically buy the rights to this furry animal, Eduard Uspensky was able to build his country house.

The talented and fruitful Eduard Uspensky is also the father of the cartoon Octopuses, the red-haired Antoshka, Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers, the Koloboks who are conducting the investigation, the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa, Baba Yaga, who is always against.

And what magnificent poems Eduard Uspensky wrote! Everyone knows this masterpiece cartoon and sings the song, the music for which was written by composer Grigory Gladkov.

“I remember, crow,

Or maybe not a crow,

Or maybe a cow

Terribly lucky:

Someone sent her some cheese

I think two hundred grams,

Or maybe three hundred,

Or maybe half a kilo.”

In addition, Eduard Uspensky was one of the creators of the programs “ Good night, kids!”, “ABVGDeyka”, “Baby Monitor”, as well as programs about the author’s song “Ships came into our harbor”.

Eduard Uspensky did not dream of becoming a writer; he received a higher education at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and worked as an engineer. It is possible that Uspensky would have chosen another university and would have been able to enroll in it, but due to being taken to the police station, which, according to him, was due to childish pranks, he had to study at a less prestigious institute. The creative itch overtook Eduard Uspensky when he was still a student. Cheburashka's future father began writing notes for wall newspapers, then composing skits for local skits, and eventually began writing plays for professional actors involved in the capital's theaters. There were times when Uspensky was not published anywhere; he wrote on the table for more than ten years, but he always knew that his creations were brilliant, that people needed them. Edward went to schools and hospitals, he read his works to children and they were delighted!

In this photo, the first wife of Eduard Uspensky, this woman’s name is Rimma.

Well, what about your personal life? You know that creative people have a difficult character. How difficult everything is always for them! But nevertheless, the writer lived with his first wife Rimma for 18 years, met her while he was still studying at the Moscow Aviation Institute, married her at the age of 27, in this marriage a daughter, Tatyana, was born, from whom Uspensky has two grandchildren, in particular, I have photo of Edward Jr., he is half Chinese. Very handsome boy.

In the photo is Tatyana Uspenskaya - eldest daughter writer.

In this photo, the second wife of Eduard Uspensky together with their common daughters, twins Irina and Svetlana.

The second marriage of Eduard Uspensky lasted 23 years. Elena Uspenskaya is an unpretentious woman, with a very kind hearted, it was she who took back the already old and very sick Edward. By the age of eighty, the writer had calmed down and admitted that he needed her like air. Elena was 20 and he was 42 years old when they first met, he was not rich and famous then, so there was no commercialism on the girl’s part. Lena and Edward met on television, he was the director of a certain entertainment program, and she came by assignment after graduating from a technical school and worked in a production workshop. Eduard and Elena Uspensky had twin daughters (or did they adopt them?), the girls' health was poor, there was something wrong with their kidneys, the girls even had disabilities, but both graduated from veterinary school, where their mother also graduated at the same time. How caring this Elena is, she was completely involved in the education of her children. Irina and Svetlana loved animals very much, and so their mother decided that they should be veterinarians.

Eduard Uspensky met his third wife, Eleonora Filina, on the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor”; it was a creative union that grew into marriage. He managed to lose interest in his previous wife Elena, threw himself headlong into a relationship with Eleanor, they lived together for about ten years, as a result, the woman could not stand Edward’s difficult character, she ran away from him at night with one suitcase. The divorce was very difficult and scandalous, there were mutual accusations and resentments. The media wrote that Eleanor left her husband when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer, but it turns out that they went through this difficult path together; another type of oncology killed him famous writer. This time it was prostate cancer, which killed Eduard Uspensky.

Eduard Uspensky died surrounded by people who loved him, twin daughters, grandchildren and his forgiving wife Elena.

Eleanor Filina singer!

In this photo, Uspensky, Filina and her son from her first marriage.

Filina's youngest son, with whom his stepfather Eduard Uspensky was never able to find a common language.
