How to use alchemy. Seven steps of alchemy

Humanity has always been interested in something mystical, mysterious, unknown. A science such as alchemy arose a long time ago, but interest in it has not disappeared to this day. And nowadays, many people are wondering what alchemy is. Let's figure it out.

The concept and essence of alchemy

The first association that comes to the mind of an ordinary person when he hears the word “alchemy” is magic. But in reality it shows how to reach the essence of all existing things. Many consider it a pseudoscience that focuses on obtaining so-called alchemical gold from ordinary metals and in this way getting rich. Many practicing alchemists indeed set themselves the goal of enrichment, but the original meaning of alchemy was to understand the whole world. True alchemists, through philosophical reflection, praise the unity of the world and claim that they take part in the cosmic process of creation.

Another association people have with the word "alchemy" is potion. And there really is some meaning in this. Alchemy involves the practice of mixing different ingredients. The most important essence of this science is that everything that exists moves and strives for development.

The history of the word “alchemy”

Answering the question of what alchemy is, you need to know the history of the origin of this science. It is believed that this science first arose in Ancient world: in Greece, Egypt and Rome, and then it spread to the East. It is impossible to say exactly what this word means because it has many roots. The first version suggests that alchemy comes from the word Chymeia, which means “to infuse”, “to pour”. This word refers to the medical practice of many ancient doctors. According to another version, the name comes from the word Khem, which symbolizes the black land, country (Egypt). Ancient Greek origins indicate a derivation from the words "hyuma" and "chemeusis" - casting, mixing, flow.

The basis and purposes of alchemy

Alchemy performs three main functions:

  1. Find a way to get gold from base metals to get rich and gain power.
  2. Achieve immortality.
  3. Find happiness.

The basis of alchemy is the use of four basic elements. According to this theory, developed by Plato and Aristotle, the universe was created by the Demiurge, who from the original matter created 4 elemental elements: water, earth, fire, air. Alchemists added three more elements to these elements: mercury, sulfur, and salt. Mercury is feminine, sulfur is masculine, salt is movement. By mixing all these elements in different orders, transmutation is achieved. As a result of transmutation, the philosopher's stone should be obtained, which is also called. Most often, obtaining this elixir is main goal many alchemists. But before receiving the treasured elixir, a true alchemist must comprehend his true spiritual nature. Otherwise, there will be no way to get the treasured philosopher's stone.

Alchemical evolution and stages of transformation of metals into gold

Famous alchemists, based on their many years of reasoning and study, came to the conclusion that from the very beginning all metals were noble, but over time, some of them became blackened and stained, which led to their ignobility.

There are several main stages in the transformation of simple metals into noble ones:

  1. Calcinatio - this stage involves the renunciation of everything worldly, all personal interests;
  2. Putrefactio - this stage involves detaching the perishable ashes;
  3. Solutio - symbolizes the purification of matter;
  4. Distillatio - consideration of all elements of purification of matter;
  5. Coincidentia oppositorum - a combination of opposite phenomena;
  6. Sublimation - means suffering after abandoning the worldly for the sake of striving for the spiritual;
  7. Philosophical hardening is a combination of the principles of airiness and concentration.

The evolution of alchemy is to let everything pass through oneself, even if it causes great harm, and then it is necessary to recover with the help of the energy that was received at the previous stage.

Great alchemists

All alchemists tried to answer the question of what alchemy is. This science has played a significant role in the history of mankind. Many philosophers have suggested that alchemy has much in common with psychology. This science helps a person to reveal himself as an individual and achieve his individual spiritual goals. Many people have been involved in alchemy since its inception. But the alchemists of the Middle Ages played a key role in this.

One of the most famous alchemists is rightfully considered Nicola Flamel (years of life 1330-1418). Nikola was born in very poor family, V adolescence went to Paris to become a clerk. He married an elderly lady, received a small capital and opened several workshops. Flamel decided to start selling books. His alchemical career began thanks to a dream in which an angel showed Flamel a book containing all the secrets. He found this book and began to study it diligently. It is not known how he was able to comprehend all the truths, but literally three years later the alchemist managed to obtain the philosopher's stone and turn ordinary mercury into silver, and after some time, gold. Starting in 1382, Nicholas Flamel began to get rich, he bought land and houses. He was involved in charity work and simply donated money. Rumors of his fabulous wealth reached the king, but with the help of bribes, Flamel was able to hide his wealth from the king. In 1418, the alchemist died. But they say that in addition to gold and silver, Nikola comprehended the secrets of immortal life. He faked his death, and he and his wife went on a trip.

Alchemist Paracelsus: brief information

Another equally famous alchemist was Paracelsus (life 1493-1541). This man was a famous physician, and many deny his role in alchemy. Pracelsus tried to find the philosopher's stone, but did not believe that it could turn metal into gold. The alchemist needed it in order to comprehend the secret of immortality and create medicines. Pracelsus believed that any person can do what nature cannot do, all it takes is time and effort. Medicine owes a lot to Pracelsus. It was this doctor who rejected the theory that epileptics are possessed by evil spirits. The scientist said that he managed to create the philosopher's stone, and he was immortal, but he died after falling from a height when he was 48 years old.

Denis Zacher: brief information

Denis Zacher (lived 1510-1556). Born into a fairly wealthy family. As a young man, he went to the University of Bordeaux to study philosophy. His mentor turned out to be an alchemist who introduced the young guy to this science. Together with their mentor, they studied and tested more and more new alchemy recipes. But they failed over and over again. Zasher quickly ran out of money, so he went home and mortgaged his property. But the experiments did not bring results, and the money simply slipped through our fingers. Denis decided to go to Paris, where he spent several years alone, studying the philosophy and recipes of alchemy. In 1550, he finally managed to make a precious metal - gold - from mercury. Denis distributed his debts to everyone and left for Germany, where he wanted to live a long and carefree life. But a relative killed him while he was sleeping and left with his wife.

Seefeld at a glance

For a very long time, very little information was known about this alchemist. Since childhood, Seefeld was interested in alchemy and conducted experiments. Of course, he had little success, and ridicule rained down on him from all sides. Then he left Austria and returned only ten years later, and settled in a small town with a family who accepted him. As a sign of gratitude, he showed the owner how he learned to extract gold from ordinary metals. Soon the whole city knew that Zefeld was a real alchemist. The emperor learned about his experiments and sentenced him to life imprisonment for fraud. But soon Sefeld was pardoned, but on the condition that he would continue his experiments for the emperor. But after some time, Seefeld fled the country, and no one knows anything more about his fate. He literally disappeared into thin air.

Thanks to the information presented above, it becomes much clearer what alchemy is, what its essence is and why it is needed.

Alchemy arose in ancient times, its revival occurred in the Middle Ages, when its mysterious metaphysical (exploring the original nature of the world) knowledge was almost lost, only recipes and advice remained. In order to confirm the correctness of these recipes, a huge number of experiments were carried out in the Middle Ages. Exist historical information about alchemists who were able to accomplish what seems fantastic to us, i.e. made gold. At the same time, there are many references to alchemists who, despite great efforts, could not achieve success.

What was the purpose of alchemy?

The first thing that everyone thinks about alchemy is the extraction of gold from less noble metals for the purpose of enrichment and acquisition of power.

The second goal is to achieve immortality. Alchemists were often accompanied by many strange rumors. They said that they had found the formula for immortality. At the same time, this meant physical immortality, because this is the only form of existence that interests people in our time.

The third goal is to achieve happiness. Alchemists were looking for happiness, eternal youth or fabulous wealth.
Such ideas about alchemy are widely represented in modern literature. However, there is a completely different task of alchemy.

History of alchemy

Also in Ancient China There were alchemists, even in mythical times, in the era of the Heavenly Emperors and Lords who brought fire to earth. During this period, the Brotherhood of Blacksmiths appeared, who possessed the greatest mysteries, and, working with metals, they achieved their change.

In India, alchemy had a magical-practical nature, but it studied not only metals. Her main goal was Man. The works of Indian alchemists were devoted to the transmutation (transformation) of man, internal change.

Alchemy was also known in Ancient Egypt. The mysteries of the construction of pyramids, the stones of which are adjacent to each other without a connecting solution, the processing of diorite with copper tools (radiocarbon dating showed the presence of traces of copper), and many others have not yet been fully solved. It remains to be assumed that in Ancient Egypt they knew the formulas, methods and conditions for changing the properties of natural bodies.

The alchemical tradition of Egypt goes back to the god of wisdom and science, Thoth, who was called in Greece. Alchemy and the name of Hermes are associated with mystery; alchemy is often spoken of as a Hermetic tradition associated with mystery. Alchemical knowledge has always been kept secret, mainly as a precaution so that those who lack understanding could not use it for harm.

The ancient Egyptian alchemical tradition was continued in the philosophical schools of Alexandria. In the 7th-8th centuries, the Arabs adopted it from the Egyptians and later brought it to Europe.

IN Western Europe The development of alchemy began during the era of the Crusades in the 11th century, it was brought from the East. The name “alchemy” itself comes from the Arabic science “Al-kimiya”.

Physical, chemical and alchemical processes

Alchemy is considered the predecessor of chemistry; it is said that “alchemy is the crazy mother of the reasonable daughter of chemistry.”

Alchemy, like chemistry, works with natural elements, but their goals, methods and principles are different. Chemistry is based chemical substances, she needs laboratories, the person is a physical intermediary. Alchemy is based on philosophical and moral foundations, and it is based not only on material bodies, but also on the soul and spirit.

The ancients did not equate physical, chemical and alchemical phenomena.

For example, physical impact on the body changes its shape without changing its molecular structure. If you crush a piece of chalk, it will change its shape, turning into powder. In this case, the chalk molecules will not change.

In chemical phenomena, a molecule of a substance can be divided into different elements, for example, in a water molecule consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, hydrogen can be separated from oxygen in an appropriate way.

When an alchemical phenomenon occurs in an atom, for example hydrogen, with the help of alchemical techniques it is possible to carry out internal changes, transformations, as a result of which the hydrogen atom turns into an atom of another element. In modern times, this process is known as atomic fission.

Alchemical transformations hide a deep meaning associated with the principle of evolution, which lies in the fact that everything in nature, in the Universe, moves, develops, strives for something, has a purpose and purpose. This applies to minerals, plants, animals, and people.

The purpose of alchemical research is to find something that could speed up evolution. What may someday become gold may already be gold today, because it is his true essence. What will someday become immortal in a person can already be immortal today, since this is the true essence of a person. What will be perfect someday can already be perfect now.

This is the meaning of transformation, which is often called gold, which is a symbol of perfection, highest point development. Everything must return to its source, everything must become perfect and reach its highest point.

Alchemical knowledge has been hidden in secret for a long time, because it was dangerous for those who do not know how to control themselves, their passions and desires, who can use this knowledge for their own benefit, but not for nature and other people.

Basic laws and principles of alchemy

The basic principle of alchemy is the unity of Matter. In the manifested world, matter takes on various forms, but Matter is one.

The second principle: everything that exists in the Macrocosm also exists in the Microcosm, that is, everything that is in the big is also in the small. This allows us, by drawing analogies with processes in ourselves, to understand cosmic phenomena. The principle of Hermes: “As above, so below.” Alchemical processes and transformations do not contradict nature and do not destroy it. The transformation of lead to gold is that the purpose of lead is to become gold, and the purpose of people is to become gods.
Third principle: primary matter consists of three elements, called in alchemical terminology Sulfur, Mercury and Salt. These are not the chemical elements mercury, sulfur and salt. These concepts characterize the degrees of perfection in nature. The more Sulfur in the combination, the higher the degree of perfection. A large number of Soli, on the contrary, speaks of a lesser degree of perfection.

The alchemist's job is to change these ratios in order to transform everything into gold. But not the element of gold, from which coins are minted and jewelry is made! Everything must turn into gold, that is, reach the highest degree of perfection.

Alchemy considers three elements Seru , Mercury And Salt in man.

Gold - this is the Higher Self , a perfect person.

Sulfur is Spirit , then the highest totality of human virtues and potentials, the highest ability to understand intuitively.

Mercury is the Soul , a set of emotions, feelings, vitality, desires.

Salt is the human body .

The perfect man gives priority to Sulfur, achieves the three elements are stable, and the higher prevails over the lower. The cross symbolizes this idea: Sulfur is a vertical crossbar, Mercury is a horizontal crossbar. Salt is the point of stability, the point of their intersection.

In alchemy there is a doctrine of the “seven bodies” of man, which was established in ancient religious and philosophical schools. Sulfur, Mercury and Salt symbolize the four lower bodies. Moreover, there is a correspondence:

Sulfur - Fire ,

Mercury in liquid state - Air , Mercury in solid state - Water .

Salt - Earth .

But here too these are the four elements of alchemists, and not the fire, water, air and earth known to us.

Alchemy believes that we know the only element - the Earth, because our consciousness is immersed in it.
You can imagine these elements like this:

  • The earth is the body,
  • Water is life force,
  • Air is a combination of emotions and sensations,
  • Fire - the ability to think, reason and understand

Three more principles:

  • The Supreme Mind is the mind for all things;
  • Intuition - instant understanding;
  • Pure will is action without desire for reward.

Philosopher's Stone

The Great Work is carried out on Primary Matter, about transforming it into Philosopher's Stone .

The practical side of the Great Work covers everything, from the body to the Soul. The work begins with the separation of the First Matter. In this Primary Matter, Sulfur, Mercury and Salt are present in a certain ratio.

  • The first stage of the Great Work is the separation of Sulfur.
  • The second stage is the separation of Mercury. Salt, as in the symbol of the cross, is a connecting element that exists as long as the cross exists. That is, the body exists as long as the spirit and soul are united, serving to express their unity.
  • The third phase of the Great Work is the new union of Sulfur and Mercury, the formation of one who no longer has differences, called the Hermaphrodite. He is first dead, his Soul asks God to give his body new life, because the union of Sulfur and Mercury is the consequence of division, separation, knowledge and union. God descends with the Soul, allowing it to enter the body, which is born a second time. In other words: consciousness was born, man awakened.

The ultimate goal of the Great Work is the Philosopher's Stone, a universal panacea that turns people into gods, suns into huge stars, and the transformation of lead into gold.

The Philosopher's Stone must be crushed into powder. For transformation into gold, it is golden-red, for transformation into silver, it is white.

Philosophy of alchemy

The philosophy of alchemy opens up two facets: theory, that is, everything related to spirit and knowledge, and practice.

Alchemical philosophy states: attention should not be paid to appearance, but to look for the deep roots and reason for everything. It is not the form that is important, but the spirit that lives in it. The philosophy of alchemy teaches a deep knowledge of nature and the ability to live with it.

On the practical side, alchemy teaches, at a certain point in evolution, to regain strength that was once previously lost, to regain the ability to rise, to accelerate one’s evolution. Alchemy allows a person to regain the once lost immortality, because a person is originally immortal.

It is not physical bodies that are immortal. Immortality is not a property of the body, it is a quality of the spirit. Immortal spirit!

In the soul of every person there is an internal laboratory, in each there lives an alchemist who turns Mercury into Gold, that is, makes his soul perfect, and has the Philosopher’s Stone, that is, the tools for obtaining the gold of perfection. From the lead of his shortcomings, every person can create the gold of his virtues.

Alchemy, in fact, has never remained a sinless art. In the Middle Ages, it was rare that an alchemist was not a necromancer, and necromancy was pure witchcraft.

Initially, necromancy (for example, among the ancient Greeks) meant only fortune telling using a dead person or individual parts of the body. But already in the Middle Ages this concept was given a much broader concept.

Thus, in “The Decameron” by D. Boccaccio, Messer Ansaldo, with the help of a necromancer, satisfies the desire of his lady Dianora and lays out for her “in January a garden as beautiful as in May.” Sultan Saladin commands his necromancer to transfer his friend Torello from Egypt to Italy, to Pavia, and he instantly fulfills his wish.

Thus, necromancers began to mean, first of all, powerful wizards who could perform real miracles. Therefore, any passionate alchemist eventually turned to a supernatural force, that is, to the Devil.

What is alchemy?

In order to more fully illuminate all the “halls” of esotericism, we need to mention alchemy. Skeptics can disown it, citing the interpretation of this secret teaching from Vladimir Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.

Of course, Vladimir Ivanovich was right, although not entirely. After all, it is known that alchemy gave birth to such sciences as physics, chemistry and biology. Perhaps it pushed scientists of the 20th century to unravel the human genome? Can't be? Maybe... maybe - how could it be!

Alchemical Code of Albert the Great

In order to understand alchemy, it may not even take years - decades... But there is a path that was discovered for you and me a long time ago by Albertus Magnus, who wrote a wonderful and intelligent research work called “The Small Alchemical Code.” Some have already read it, but most have not. In order to fill the gap in esoteric knowledge, let's begin reading the work of Albertus Magnus, dating back to the 13th century.

A warning for those who want to discover the secrets of alchemy

“All wisdom comes from our Lord and is always with him, both now and forever.” And may everyone love this divine wisdom, seek it and pray for wisdom and understanding from Him “who bestows understanding and wisdom, abundantly and without obstacles” - to everyone, without reproaching, without reproaching. He is the highest height and the deepest depth of all knowledge. He is the treasury of all knowledge, He is the treasury of all wisdom. That is why “all things are from Him, through Him and in Him”; without Him nothing can be done, without Him nothing can be accomplished. Honor and glory be to Him forever and ever. Amen.

Alchemical knowledge of the ancients

Literal translation

So, approaching this reasoning, I, trusting in the help and benevolence of Him Who is the first cause and Who is the source of all good and love, ask Him to grant my meager knowledge a particle of the Divine Spirit, so that I may be able to release the light revealed in the darkness and the story those who are immersed in sin, along the path of truth. May He who forever dwells in the highest heights of heights help me in my intended enterprise. Amen.

Despite all my arduous wanderings through numerous lands and provinces, cities and castles, wanderings inspired by my interest in the science called alchemy, despite also the fact that I thoughtfully talked with learned people and sages, the guardians of alchemical wisdom, who use it, to explore your subject fully; Even though I devoured their writings one after another, constantly bowing again and again over the works of the sages, I did not find in them the essence of what these sages proclaimed in their writings. I studied the alchemical books in two ways, trying to understand in them both what speaks in favor of the men who wrote them and what speaks against them, but I found that these books are worthless, meaningless and useless.

In addition, I also discovered that many scientists: rich people, abbots, bishops, canons, experts in natural philosophy - as if they were completely illiterate, failed, having spent a lot of fruitless efforts and ended up going bankrupt. And all only because, carried away by their art, they were unable to stop in time or turn away from the path they had begun.

However, I still had hope. I continued to work non-stop. I continued to spend the funds I had and, traveling through cities, monasteries and castles, I continued to observe. But he watched, reflecting, for, as Avicenna says:

" it possible? But if this cannot be, then how can this not be?

I persistently studied the alchemical works and reflected on them, until at last I found what I was looking for, not through my own meager knowledge, but through the divine Spirit. But as soon as I began to distinguish and understand what lies beyond nature, I began to follow more closely and with greater care the procedures of digestion and sublimation, dissolution and distillation, softening, roasting and condensation in alchemical and other works. I did this until I was convinced that transformation into the Sun and Moon was possible, and the alchemical Sun and alchemical Moon turned out to be better than natural gold and natural silver in testing and processing.

That is why I, the most insignificant of philosophers, set out to clearly expound the true art, free from error, for my like-minded people and friends; but in such a way that they see and hear what is hidden to them and remains invisible, inaudible and incomprehensible. That is why I ask you and conjure you in the name of the Creator of all things to hide this book from the ignorant and foolish. I will reveal a secret to you, but I will hide this secret of secrets from others, for our noble art can become an object and source of envy. Fools look ingratiatingly and at the same time arrogantly at our Great Deed, because it is inaccessible to them themselves. That is why they consider our Great Deed disgusting, but they believe that it is possible. Consumed by envy of those who do this, they consider the workers of our art to be counterfeiters. Don't reveal the secrets of your work to anyone! Beware of strangers! I tell you twice: be careful, be persistent in your labors, and in the event of failures, do not become discouraged in your zeal, remembering the great benefit to which your work leads.

And now in this small volume I will tell you briefly and simply about how you should have acted when conceiving such a great art. But first, I will point out to you all sorts of deviations, mistakes and stumbling blocks that stand in the way of the devotees of this art. Many people, even almost everyone, stumble over these obstacles.

I have seen quite a few who with great care carried out the sublimation procedure, which usually takes place with certainty, but did not complete it, stumbling over a lack of understanding of the original principles.

I have also seen others who started out well, but were prone to drinking and other nonsense. And they didn't follow through.

I saw, for example, those who were good at boiling, distilling and sublimating. But the path was long, and they lacked patience. That is why they left the matter unfinished.

I also came across people who fully mastered the true art and who skillfully and patiently performed various operations, but lost their volatile principles during sublimation, because their vessels were full of holes. Having doubts, they did not go further.

Among those I met there were those who wanted to get to the goal of our art, but in their impatience to wait for the end of the matter, they were too quick in making sublimations, distillations and dissolutions. As a result, the volatile principles turned out to be decomposed, defiled (rubiginatos), and aqueous solutions and distillates - shaken and agitated. And so the faith of these impatient people in the truth of our art collapsed.

There were also those who patiently moved forward, but failure awaited them along the way, because they lacked the endurance and firmness befitting their occupation. For, as the poet said: If mortal fears seem to you in noble work, then knowledge of the essences of many things will not help, - emptiness awaits you as a result.

Our art is not for the poor, because everyone who takes up the business should have enough money for at least two years. So, if someone happens to make a mistake and then starts all over again and continues what he started again, this someone should not fall into poverty. Meanwhile, I have witnessed just the opposite more than once.

I have met masters who managed to carry out clean, good, repeated sublimations - up to five times. But that was where their skill ended. If they went further, they fell more and more into error and deception: they bleached the copper, adding five or six parts of silver to it, fooling themselves and others equally.

I have seen people who sublimed volatiles and then, condensing them, precipitated them, hoping with their help to color copper or tin. When nothing was imprinted on copper or tin and there was no penetration of colored condensed volatile “principles” into the metals, they were overcome by doubt about the truth of “art.”

I have seen those who precipitated and condensed the volatiles, applying a penetrating oil until it penetrated into the substantial mass. They then added one part silver to one part copper. At the same time, the copper was bleached, becoming similar to silver in terms of malleability and other tests (examinationem), and in terms of whiteness it could withstand two or three times the test and still was not perfect, because the copper, before bleaching, was not fired and not cleaned. impurities. No wonder Aristotle says:

“I do not believe that metals can be transformed into one another without first being transformed (transformari) into prime matter, that is, reduced to the state of ash by burning in fire. That’s when transformation is possible.”

Finally, I saw such wise men who sublimated and precipitated powders and volatiles, prepared solutions and distillates from these powders, condensed them, precipitated them, and fired metals, bleaching and painting their masses. After this, they were returned to their solid state and color, indicating that they had become the Sun and the Moon, in terms of malleability and other tests, better than natural gold and natural silver.

Seeing, however, such a countless number of those who were mistaken and lost, I decided that I must write a true and many times tested book, the best “of similar ones” written by all the other philosophers among whom I worked and created. There will be nothing in this book of mine that I have not seen with my own eyes.

Science of alchemy

How metals appeared

With the help of alchemy, metals contained in minerals that have been damaged are revived, and imperfect ones become perfect. It should be noted that metals differ from each other only in their accidental (external) forms, but not in their essential (essential) forms. Consequently, depriving metals of their manifestations is quite possible.

It is possible, therefore, also through the art of alchemy to create a new substance, just as all varieties of metals are formed in the earth from the mixture of sulfur and living silver or fetid earth. In fact, the child in the mother's womb shrinks weakly due to the disease of an incorrectly located uterus, and in addition, it is also affected by infection. And although the sperm is healthy, the child, however, is born a leper only because the uterus has been damaged. Likewise, metals are subject to deterioration either from the impurity of sulfur or from the fetid earth. This is where the features that distinguish one metal from another come from.

When pure red sulfur comes into contact with living silver in the belly of the earth, how long or short does gold begin, either from the duration of the “contacts”, or from the digestion that nature facilitates.

When pure and white sulfur comes into contact with living silver in a pure land, silver is conceived, which differs from gold in that the sulfur in gold is red, and in silver it is white.

When, however, red sulfur, spoiled and burnt, comes into contact with living silver in the earth, copper is conceived, which is no different from gold, except that in gold the sulfur is healthy, but here “in copper” it is spoiled.

When white sulfur, spoiled and burnt, comes into contact with living silver in the earth, tin is born. It (as established experimentally) crunches on the lips and easily liquefies. And this happens because living silver was poorly mixed with sulfur.

When white sulfur, spoiled and burnt, comes into contact with living silver in the fetid earth, iron is conceived.

When, finally, sulfur, black and spoiled, comes into contact with living silver, lead is conceived. Lead, as Aristotle said, is “calcined gold.”

It seems that enough has already been told about the origin of metals, and also about the fact that they differ from each other only in their external manifestations, being essentially identical.

All that remains now is to check the evidence of philosophers and authorities and see whether they confirm that the art of alchemy is a true art. Then we will have the right to challenge those who claim otherwise.

Albert the Great

And today pure metals are used extremely rarely. Using additives, hundreds of alloys with different properties are obtained...

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Witch Hunter's Manual

The Holy Book is the highest attribute, symbolizing and practically representing the personal connection between the operator and God.

Grimoire "Book of Shadows"

Every manuscript, scripture, book consists of texts or their symbolic designation. The Holy Book is no exception here. It consists entirely of theurgic prayers and magical spells. What are the requirements that Esoteric Spiritual Law places on this most important scripture?

This article examines in detail the basics of alchemy - the great counter-science of sciences, which, according to Carl Gustav Jung, was the forerunner of depth psychology. To understand alchemy, we first need to understand the historical context in which it existed.

The beginning of the Middle Ages. The Inquisition is raging throughout Europe, people are forcibly thrown into a state of schism (Christian dualism of spirit and matter is, in fact, a philosophy of schizophrenic schism, which has already shown its inferiority). Everything earthly, material, and sensual is given over to the devil’s competence and is postulated as an obstacle to salvation. All philosophical and religious teachings that adhere to other, healthier positions are destroyed as heresies (see my article on the Ophites). However, “in the unconscious” the need to compensate for the one-sided collective attitude remained, and alchemy became its hidden expression.

Alchemy, in contrast to Christianity, rushes into matter, towards metals and primary elements, in order to achieve salvation through their transubstantiation, while a Christian strives to escape from matter. The Christian directs his soul to God beyond the material, while the alchemist seeks the God hidden in matter. The God of the Christian is perfect, and salvation is achieved through turning to perfection - the God of the alchemists needs man as a liberator from the shackles of the elements. A similar idea had already been found in some Gnostic views, as well as in the system of Kabbalists, and at that time it was reborn from the collective unconscious. Jung cites numerous alchemical parallels in the symbolism of Christ and the philosophers' stone (otherwise known as the "son of the philosophers"). Even the very name “philosopher’s STONE” points to Christ, who in the gospel allegories is called “the stone rejected by the builders, but which became the cornerstone.” Also common allegories of Christ and stone are the pelican, unicorn, etc. Anyone interested in this issue more deeply should read Jung's work Psychology and Alchemy.

However, there is an important difference: while Christ after the ascension is identified only with the spiritual world, the "philosopher's stone" is both spiritual and material, i.e. born from the lowest "prima matter". By the way, again, some alchemists drew a parallel between Christ, born in a manger in a very ignoble environment, with the philosopher’s stone, which is created from the lowest, primary matter, “the darkness of Egypt,” becoming, as a result of alchemical manipulations, the king of kings and the God of Gods. Such parallels, of course, are not accidental and have the deepest psychological significance. The unconscious, not being able to directly compensate for the one-sidedness of the Christian medieval myth, compensated for it indirectly through the rich and complex symbolic series of alchemy, the meaning of which the alchemists themselves, for the most part, had no idea!

The question arises: how is this possible? How can it be that a person, being the bearer of any ideas and views, does not know the meaning of what he preaches and does?

Jung stated more than once: “The trouble with the alchemists is that they did not know what they were saying.” This paradox can only be understood in the context of the teaching of archetypes, which are present whether we are aware of their meaning or not.

Not everyone is capable of directly perceiving psychic reality. For the vast majority, the mechanism of psychological projection works, when one’s own psychological process is attributed to an object whose properties are still unknown.

In alchemical problems, this mechanism is very complex, since there is a relation to a very deep layer of the “collective unconscious”, the eternal archetypal forces of which will always remain a secret of mysteries for a person. Archetypes are activated in special situations - this could be a spiritual crisis or psychotic break, intense spiritual practice or prolonged solitude. The alchemist in this regard was an ideal subject: having left society for his laboratory (where people, out of superstitious fear, preferred not to look), he found himself alone with his unconscious. There is no doubt that prolonged solitude contributed to its activation. Dealing with metals and elements, he did not have scientific knowledge about them, and therefore they turned out to be an ideal “screen” for the projection of the contents of the unconscious.

Thus, in studying alchemy, we first explore the unconscious archetypal aspects of the psyche that were projected onto them. In this respect, alchemy is related to astrology. Just as an astrologer projects his mental processes not into the stars, and, having good contact with the collective unconscious, can quite accurately predict the future (sincerely thinking that he is reading the stars), the alchemist projects archetypes onto metals and elements, being completely convinced that he is working with pure matter, but in fact he is manipulating aspects of his own psyche, projected all onto the same matter.

Conclusion? Being the least dependent on the collective myth and the most open to the influences of the collective unconscious, the alchemist turned out to be an ideal object for perceiving the need for healing compensation for a one-sided religious myth. Alchemy, without knowing it, becomes the sole heir of Gnosticism and the forerunner of depth psychology. By postulating the creation of God through a great work from ignoble primordial matter (which ultimately becomes the stone of stones, the “third son”, resolving the age-old conflict of spirit and matter), alchemy turns, if you like, into the noble queen of all heresies, prudently masquerading as a banal gold miner ! Few people paid attention to G. Dorn’s statement that “... our gold is not the gold of the mob,” although this statement hides the true truth of alchemy.
Below is a rough interpretation of alchemical symbolism in the context of depth psychology.


An ignoble primary matter, it, as the heaviest of metals, became a symbol of powerful inertia, and the danger of being poisoned by lead fumes during smelting created the belief that a demon was certainly present in lead. (Such thinking is quite natural for medieval mystical participation, when the line between external and internal was not drawn). Psychologically, lead corresponds to initial uroboric unconsciousness or a state of severe depression. Even in modern language there are expressions such as “lead fatigue” or “lead melancholy” - extreme degrees of negativity. For an alchemist, as for anyone dealing with archetypal energies, there was a serious danger of going crazy, becoming possessed by an archetype, which in the language of alchemical allegories meant “falling into the power of demonic lead.”

However, it is from this worst substance that the master, through complex manipulations, creates the “philosopher’s stone” - the essence, the ultimate, highest integrity, the self. Jung viewed neurosis as an opportunity for potential growth, following the alchemical thesis "...where there is disease, there is a cure." The Christian thesis that God is revealed through suffering is filled with a special, secret meaning in alchemy.


For a person of medieval mentality, mercury was the exponent of Mercury - the highest and lowest God at the same time. Why? For alchemists, mercury is the embodiment of a paradox: it simultaneously behaves like a metal and like water. In addition, the ability of mercury to evaporate on its own made it, in the eyes of an initiated adept, a material embodiment of the spirit. For a modern, developed personality, such analogies look somewhat strange, but we should not forget the fact that medieval man did not have scientific knowledge, and therefore metals, being something completely incomprehensible, were an ideal screen for any psychological projections. Here are the psycho-properties of mercury:

“-it consists of all conceivable opposites. A pronounced duality, which is constantly called unity;

It is material and spiritual;

She personifies the process of transforming the lower into the higher and vice versa;

She is, one might say, the devil, a savior and a psychopomp, an elusive trickster; finally, the reflection of God in mother nature;

It is also a mirror image of the mystical experience of the alchemist, which coincides with the opus alchymicum; “ such an experience it represents, on the one hand, the Self, on the other, the individuation process, and also (due to the unlimitedness of its definitions) the collective unconscious.” (C. Jung "The Spirit of Mercury")

Considering the above quoted text, we must understand that the mercury aspect of Mercury is very contradictory and often manifests itself in any metal. This creates considerable confusion for the interpreter, however, speaking directly about mercury, most often the paradoxicality, inconsistency, and creative irrationality of the unconscious itself are emphasized. Mercury begins to literally flood our dreams like a river and turns on a special imagination when we are required to abandon our rationalism and hear what is called “the clap of one palm,” the sound of which will open the soul for healing transformation.

In addition, Mercury has an androgynous nature and in the male psyche, as a rule, manifests itself from the feminine side, as an anima, and in the female psyche it is the bearer of the male (masculine) principle as an animus.

In addition, mercury is chemically related to silver, and Mercury is equally related to the Moon, the great Goddess. Mercury (aka Hermes) is the essence, the basis of all alchemical art. Mercury paradoxically embodies the beginning and end of a great undertaking, a mentor, a guide and at the same time a trickster, an adversary and a fugitive. “We can equate the concept of Mercury with the concept of the unconscious,” Jung wrote. It is no coincidence that in alchemical texts there are a huge number of obvious and hidden parallels between Christ and Mercury, each of which represents the archetype of the Self.


Sulfur in alchemy symbolizes the active male substance embodied in matter. She is a pure type of dynamism. Like any substrate, in alchemy it has ambivalent properties: in the positive aspect it represents the fire of the sun, the light of consciousness, in the negative it is identified with the devil, hellish brimstone, with passions and lusts of all stripes. Marie-Louise von Franz suggests that the association of sulfur with the Devil and hell first arose with a monk who was experiencing sexual temptation and experiencing unbridled energy that seemed to burn to the ground - such a person could easily draw an analogy with highly flammable sulfur!

Sulfur is also associated with the substance of the Solar "redness" and therefore represents the principle of consciousness. "Sulfur represents the active substance of the sun, or, in psychological terms, the factor of motive in consciousness - on the one hand, will, which is best considered as dynamism subordinate to consciousness, and on the other hand, irresistible attraction, involuntary motivation or impulse, starting with simple interest and ending with real obsession." (Jung, MYSTERIUM CONIUNCTIONIS, par no. 151).


Salt represents the opposite of sulfur and is associated with the feminine, static principle. Like any object in alchemy, it has dual properties, forming a dialectical pair. Salt has long been associated with wisdom. This analogy of comparing the feminine principle with the deep mind is as old as the world - even among the Gnostics, Sophia was identified with the wisdom of God. Parallels can be found in Vajrayana Buddhism, where the feminine principle is associated with wisdom, and the masculine principle with mastery.

The opposite property of salt for alchemists was its bitterness, which once again confirms the paradoxical nature of alchemical thinking, for “...where there is bitterness, there is no wisdom, and where there is wisdom, there can be no bitterness” (Jung, MYSTERIUM CONIUNCTIONIS, par No. 330 ). In addition, salt, as having the property of a preservative, is correlated with the acquisition of immortality, since “salting the body” is a metaphor for acquiring an incorruptible body. However, salt at the same time defines the body as ordinary, perishable matter. Jung explained such contradictions by the fact that, unlike the “ego”, which clearly knows its limits, “the boundaries of the archetype are blurred and can be violated by other archetypes, so that there can be an exchange of certain qualities” (Jung, “MS”, par No. 660).

Jung identifies the alchemical triad (salt, mercury, sulfur) as an archetypal trinity found in Egyptian culture. Thus, sulfur represents the masculine principle, salt the feminine, and mercury the androgynous, uniting opposites together.


PRIMARY SEPARATION, the first stage of the great work begins with initial unconsciousness, when consciousness is at a very low, primitive level (the mystery of unification cannot arise unless separation occurs). The spirit (sulfur), soul (mercury) and body (salt) at the first stage are in a state of undivided unity, where the spirit is subordinate to the soul, and the soul to the body.

Hence, the first priority is the liberation of the soul from the power of matter: “...separation means the extraction of the soul and its projections from the carnal sphere and from all conditions of the environment surrounding the body. In other words, it means introversion, introspection, meditation and a careful examination of desires and their motives” (Jung , MYSTERIUM CONIUNCTIONIS, par. No. 673). That is, psychologically, the stage of liberation of the soul from the shackles of matter corresponds to the withdrawal of projections from the external world and their recognition as internal content.

Alchemists advise placing "Mercury in a sealed vessel and heating until transformation occurs." Psychologically, heating corresponds to close attention and observation, and sealing in a vessel corresponds to the extraction of projections from the object. Since we have initially equated the concept of Mercury with the concept of the unconscious, the prescription is: "Take the unconscious in its most suitable form (say, in the form of spontaneous fantasy, dream, strong emotion) and operate on it. Give him some time Special attention, focus on it and objectively monitor the changes taking place. Dedicate all your energy to solving this problem, carefully observe the process of transformation of spontaneous fantasy. The most important thing is: don’t let anything from the outside world get into her, because she already has everything she needs” (Jung, MYSTERIUM CONIUNCTIONIS, par. No. 749).

This short passage contains the whole principle of psychotherapy, the whole secret of healing and liberation. The psychologist does not bring anything new, he only teaches the analysand to see his mental complexes and not project them outside. And the change, if all necessary conditions are met, will not keep you waiting long. In dreams at this stage there are motives of struggle, confrontation, persecution, visions of fire may appear, which marks a strong tension of consciousness. Therefore, the main task is not to slip back into an unconscious state of unconscious opposites and learn to understand your projections.

CONIUNCTIO, the second stage is the process of merging consciousness and unconsciousness. If at first the main object of recognition were the shadow parts, which must be observed as if from the outside, impartially monitoring their transformation in a sealed flask, then this stage implies a meeting with the anima.

At the level of "Coniunctio" there is a flight into the unconscious (catalyzed by anima) and merging with shadow energies. The coniunctio in alchemy is symbolized by the sacred marriage of the royal couple of the Sun and Moon, Christ and the church. Also among the symbols of coniunctio are the motives for absorbing or eating like like: “The individual must come to last supper With myself; this means that he recognizes the existence of another person in himself. But if he persists in his one-sidedness, then the two lions will tear each other to pieces."

This stage poses a certain danger for the ego, since consciousness is threatened complete disappearance, dissolution in the sea of ​​the unconscious. An incorrect, unsuccessful coniunctio threatens madness. Therefore, the greatest caution is necessary during the passage of this stage. the main task analytics - to prepare the individual for a decisive and complete transformation. Here dreams abound with motifs of marriage, dissolution, flights into darkness, identification with unacceptable parts. Conclusion: you need to be able to “let go” of yourself and not interfere with the natural process of transformation.

NIGREDO. The Nigredo stage, as a rule, follows coniuctio, when the fusion of the ego with unconscious complexes has occurred; now both of them in their former form die and disintegrate. Nigredo is the level of death, decay and complete loss of any support; he is characterized by severe depression, sometimes with suicidal desires. It seems as if where "I" used to be has opened up black hole, which absorbs everything and everyone. Any attempts to hold on to the old cause even greater suffering.

The worst thing here is the subjective feeling that now this will never end. Hence, assurance is necessary that such a state is temporary and is a necessary step on the path to higher self-awareness. "Disintegration is the precondition of redemption. The participant in the mystery must experience figurative death in order to achieve transformation" (Jung, MYSTERIUM CONIUNCTIONIS, par. no. 381). In Tibetan Buddhism, at high levels, the practice of "ched" was taught, the essence of which is that the practitioner went to the cemetery at night and imagined that hungry ghosts were flying from everywhere and dismembering the adept." As far as I know, this practice is considered the most dangerous of all the practices of Tibet and is recommended only for very well prepared individuals.It can be said that the practitioner of "ched" consciously induces in himself the most powerful state of Nigredo in order to speed up the process of transformation.

As for dreams, they abound with gloomy motives of decay; Claustrophobic locked rooms, dismemberment, crucifixion, castration, falling into the mud are typical. The completion of Nigredo usually marks the appearance in dreams of the mandala motif of quaternary, holistic structures, the experience of which is perceived as sacred.

NEW BIRTH (ANDROGYN), completion stage. The opposites are united in a new “I”, which carries within itself the features of each of the conflicting substances, but is neither one nor the other. This is the level of completion of the great work, corresponding to contact with the unus mundus (one mind). There is an experience of total unity: “...if such opposites as spirit and matter, consciousness and the unconscious, light and darkness, and so on are to unite, then the union will occur in a third thing, which is not a compromise, but a new transcendental being that can be described only through paradoxes" (Jung, MYSTERIUM CONIUNCTIONIS, par. No. 765).

Mercury here becomes the embodiment of the Self, ultimate integrity, unity with being. Now latent parapsychological abilities can be activated, many synchronistic coincidences occur: "...if the symbolism of the mandala is the psychological equivalent of the unus mundus, then synchronicity is its parapsychological equivalent. Although synchronistic phenomena occur in time and space, they demonstrate a remarkable independence from both of these indispensable determinants of physical existence and therefore do not obey the law of causality" (ibid., par. No. 662).

Dreams during this period are associated with the birth of a child, symbols of the fourfold and mandala. The final task: accept changes with gratitude and try, if possible, to avoid identification with the Self, because any inflationary tendencies subsequently bring serious problems.

Since development has a cyclical form, the same stages can be played out many times, and on different scales. Above, an archetypal process was described that captures the entire conscious and unconscious psyche (in such conditions, the process, as a rule, occurs in the “mid-crisis”, that is, from 35 to 40 years). However, we must not forget about small coordinates, for example, if we are talking about the integration of a relatively weakly energetically charged autonomous mental complex. The very structure of the stages of integration will remain approximately the same, but, say, Nigredo will not be an all-consuming melancholy, but a mild depression, and the finale will, accordingly, not be a cosmic ecstasy of unity, but simply a pleasant experience. Here we can most clearly see how knowledge of alchemy helps in dream analysis.


1) Alchemy represented a compensation for the one-sided Christian position, turning its attention to matter, looking for the spirit in it. Christianity, on the contrary, tries to discard matter in the name of spirit;

2) The substances with which the alchemist works are different components of the “psyche”;

3) The main theme of the alchemical quest is the creation of the “philosopher’s stone,” which is the unshakable Self, Christ-Mercury, where opposites are united;

4) Opposites in need of unification were symbolized chemically (salt-sulfur); zoomorphic (snake-bird; winged and wingless bird); anthropomorphic (king and queen, Adam and Eve); astrologically (Sun-Moon); in connection with the elements (fire-water, air-earth). Psychologically, this corresponds to the unification of consciousness and unconsciousness in the Self - “a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”

5) The unification of opposites, contrary to the Christian “ascent to heaven,” among alchemists always began with a descent into matter, where annihilation and disintegration into atoms occurred, followed by albedo i.e. cleansing and resurrection in a new quality.

6) The complexity and inconsistency of alchemical texts is due to the fact that the alchemists themselves did not know what they were talking about, and were objects, not subjects, of the “Great Work”. No person of medieval mentality could withstand the conscious perception of the idea of ​​​​the dark side of God.

7) Symbols of alchemy are often found in the dreams and fantasies of people who are not familiar with our subject, which is why knowledge of alchemy is necessary when working analytically with dreams. Alchemical stages occur on different scales throughout human existence, but are especially relevant in the “midlife crisis.”

ILLUSTRATION No. 1. Below are two illustrations of how alchemical symbols are produced in the "unconscious" modern people. The first example I give is from my own experience. IN early childhood(around the age of 13) I had a dream that I remembered forever and only much later learned that it had to do with the collective unconscious and was directly related to alchemical symbolism. Here is his description:

"I'm walking around Moscow and go to a cinema. They're showing a film about God. I enter the hall - the action immediately begins on the screen. Instantly, I kind of stop being myself and become this action. Its essence is this: some ideal God is in his world where he can do everything. The only thing he cannot do is play with the crow, which is in the center of the world. God changes the whole world with the power of thought, but does not touch the crow. Then, feeling that he is missing something, he begins pity this crow, "unchanging in the changing." God finally turns his thoughts to her, and just at that moment something happens. He is sucked into the crow, and I see (or does he?) - unfortunately, there is no adequate way to describe it impossible) - how this ideal God disintegrates into molecules and atoms. Certain levels pass in succession before my eyes, I realize that perfection has collapsed “below the level of hell,” and in some incomprehensible way I am “him” and “not-him” at the same time A click before my eyes - I again find myself in the cinema. Leaving the hall, a dying world appears before me - and at the same time, everything seems to remain the same. I am overcome with sadness and sorrow. I tell myself: the main thing is not to cry! Then a friend of mine comes up and asks: “Have you seen the film?” I answer in the affirmative, to which she remarks: “It’s strange that you don’t cry - after all, the whole world is crying after seeing this tragedy!” This is where the dream ends.

AMPLIFIATION. The beginning and end of a dream are related to the personal unconscious, so they need not be touched upon. The main part is important, the action that takes place in the cinema, because this is a rather complex archetypal drama. The archetype of “violation of a sacred prohibition” is present in almost all myths, but here it appears from a somewhat unusual perspective - the main character is not man, but God. Which directly points to the ancient alchemical wisdom: “As above, so below.” Here there is a direct parallel with the Gnostic view of “the spark of God flying into matter and dissolving in it.” In this dream, the alchemical myth of Gabritius, rushing into the arms of Beya and dissolving in her, is played out almost verbatim. Beyya in this myth represented primary matter that underwent transformation. The Crow (one of the most popular allegories of the Devil in medieval scholasticism) among the alchemists symbolized the same primary matter and the stage of Nigredo. Anyone who has carefully read the article will easily recognize in the above dream the stage of Coniunctio, which smoothly and naturally turns into Nigredo. An attentive reader may ask: if such scales are characteristic, first of all, of a midlife crisis, then why was such a process activated in a 13-year-old child, and in all its archetypal grandeur? However, we should not forget that in psychology (unlike other sciences) there are no immutable laws, but only trends. And in this case we are dealing with an exception that occurs from time to time. Such rare archetypal breakthroughs occur if the psyche is for some reason very unbalanced and therefore open to all the “winds” of the collective unconscious. In its endless reserve, the individual ego finds solutions to problems that cannot be solved by conscious effort alone.

ILLUSTRATION No. 2. The following short dream belongs to a woman who had been walking for a long time. psychological analysis. Its main problem is perfectionism and hyper-rationalism, the strict criteria of which did not allow one to experience the unconscious in all its paradoxical and antinomy. The dream marked a key turning point in the analysis. “I’m at home, I see my son breaking a thermometer and mercury spilling all over the floor. There’s more and more mercury.” I guess, that this dream It is quite clear to anyone who has read this article, so I will not repeat myself on amplification.
