When you dream of a person who has died. Dream Interpretation - Seeing a live horse in the house

Dreams about deceased relatives are not forgotten and leave many emotions of a very different nature. It is very important to know why such dreams occur, because they are always associated with events that occur in reality.

Dream books present a lot different interpretations stories with deceased relatives. Therefore, in order to understand why such dreams occur, it is important to remember the smallest details of night dreams.

Dead relatives in a dream

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

Very often people dream of deceased relatives, but the dreamers do not talk to them.

For interpretation, it is important to consider which of your loved ones who have passed away you dreamed about:

    Grandmother portends serious positive changes in life, so you should not resist everything new that happens to you in reality; Grandfather warns that in real life you need to show wisdom when resolving issues, in addition, you need to use the experience of other people for work; A brother, brother or cousin, indicates that soon in reality you will meet a girl with whom you will build a harmonious and happy relationship; A sister portends joyful events and pleasant surprises; Mom predicts a happy life period in which luck will accompany you in all your endeavors; Father encourages you to act more decisively and actively in reality, but at the same time do not forget that dangers may await you on the way to your goal.

Deceased relatives dream of being alive

All of the above interpretations relate to dream plots in which deceased relatives appear healthy and in good spirits. A rare, good sign is a dream in which you saw both deceased parents alive and smiling. This portends the dreamer happiness in everyone life spheres and, with a successful combination of circumstances, even wealth.

Death of a deceased relative in a dream

If you see the death of a deceased relative in a dream, then this is a bad omen. Such a gloomy plot warns of possible problems with living relatives in real life. In order not to take the situation to extremes, you need to find time to meet with them as quickly as possible and resolve all the problems that most likely arose against the background of omissions and misunderstandings.

In addition, dying relatives in a dream symbolize that aggression has accumulated in your soul, which can cause a stressful state.

Contact a deceased relative

Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which you had contact with deceased relatives. A good sign is a dream in which you took something from the hands of a deceased person. This portends great happiness; the dreamer may soon become a very rich man. In other words, we can say that you can expect the favor of fate and generous gifts from it.

But it’s very bad if you gave or gave something to relatives in a dream. This promises serious losses and illness. You need to take care of your own health and try to maintain a good relationship with people in your immediate circle. You should be reassured by the fact that the unfavorable period will soon pass and life will return to its usual course.

Conversation with a dead relative - interpretation of a dream

If you are talking to dead relative in night dreams, this indicates that in reality you will receive important news. This information can radically change your life. It also serves as a warning if a deceased relative scolded you for something related to the plot of the dream. Exercise prudence in Everyday life and do not do anything rash.

Why do you dream of a conversation with a dead grandmother?

You should pay special attention to the dream in which you were talking to deceased grandmother. After such night dreams, in the near future, you will have to solve serious issues in real life. It is advisable to remember what a relative told you in a dream; this may be a hint for action in reality.

Congratulate a deceased relative

When you dream that you are congratulating your deceased relative on some event, this indicates that in real life you will perform a noble deed. Believe me, your kindness will make life around you brighter and happier.

Miller's Dream Book

So, in accordance with the interpretations of Miller’s dream book:

    The deceased father, who appeared in night dreams, warns of the danger posed by your new endeavor; deceased mother warns of a hidden illness and the need to urgently undergo a medical examination; A deceased brother in a dream indicates that someone close to you in real life needs your help.

I often dream about dead relatives

If deceased relatives often disturb you in a dream, then this may symbolize bad influence that those close to you have on you. Maybe they are trying to drag you into a dubious financial event that could end very badly.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer Vanga interprets the appearance of deceased relatives in a dream as a reflection of the injustice that surrounds you in real world. When you see that in a dream you are hugging a deceased relative, this indicates life changes, which can be both positive and negative. You should not be upset if the situation in reality does not turn out the way you would like. Your calmness, optimism and poise will help you get through a difficult period.

Vanga's dream book also deciphers a dream in which an already deceased relative dies again. This foreshadows deceit and betrayal of close friends. It will come as a surprise to you that the people you trusted long time, weave intrigues behind your back and spread gossip about you. For some time, after such a dream, you need to try not to trust anyone, so as not to let yourself be deceived.

Why do you dream of kissing a dead relative?

If you dream that you are kissing a deceased relative, then Nostradamus’s dream book indicates that you have finally gotten rid of the fears and worries that for a long time your soul was filled. This will make your life calmer.

A deceased relative is calling you to follow him

It is very important to understand why you dream about the call of the deceased. After all, if your deceased relative calls you to follow him in a dream, then this is very bad sign. And it is very important that your subconscious mind refuses such a sometimes very tempting offer. If you follow your deceased relative in your night dreams, then in real life you will soon become very ill or plunge into long-term depression, which can threaten the most unpredictable consequences.

Freudian interpretation

According to Freud's dream book, deceased relatives in a dream are a symbol of longevity. Moreover, your life will be filled happy events, you will be able to realize your ideas and achieve your goals.

Dream interpreter Loffe

If you often see deceased relatives in your dreams, then dream interpreter Loffe warns that you should pay attention to the condition nervous system. Such dreams may indicate increased excitability and excessive anxiety. Maybe you live in constant stress, which is very dangerous, as it can lead to exhaustion of the body.

Seeing a recently deceased relative

Tsvetkov's dream book focuses the dreamer's attention on the fact that if you dreamed about a recently deceased relative, then in the real world a person will face many trials in the near future. Why deceased relatives dream is explained in different ways in different dream books. But all dreams, in any case, are warning in nature.

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Hello! I dreamed about my grandfather. During his lifetime he worked as a railway worker in Samara. And in the dream I was supposed to meet him with flowers - tulips at the station. But instead, my daughter from her first marriage, Marina, arrived by train. She is now 16 years old and lives with her mother. The train slowed down a little and Marina took a bouquet of tulips from me, there were only two of them. She said that grandfather was offended by me and that’s why he didn’t come himself, but she would see him soon and would definitely give him flowers. I asked why grandfather is offended by me? She didn’t have time to answer, she just pointed towards the station. The train left and I went to the station. There I met a woman with a small child - a boy. He called out to me - dad. But I passed by. I went to look for my house. In reality, I live in Samara on Olimpiyskaya next to the railway track. So in a dream I began to look for this street. I think I found it, but she looked different. I started looking for my 27th house. But I came across house numbers that were either higher or lower and I couldn’t find the right house. In reality, I had a story about three years ago. I ended my relationship with the woman who got me pregnant. Now we don't communicate with her. My son must be two years old. Help me understand the meaning of the dream?

I recently had a dream about it. I am in my apartment on Olimpiyskaya, which I inherited from my grandfather, a railway worker. I drink vodka at the table with my deceased grandfather. I hear it in the next room women's voices. I open the door, and there are several naked girls. I chose two slender and fair ones. They lay down on the sofa opposite the table at which the grandfather was sitting and began to have sex in his presence. Suddenly I understand that one of the girls is my daughter from my first marriage, Marina, and she is not at all embarrassed by this situation. And the grandfather says, like, if I were younger, I would also be with you. Tell me what this dream is for?

Dmitry Afonin, you are very confused story line And it’s not so easy to unravel dreams. It would be necessary to highlight the main key points: train, tulips, daughter, house, grandfather. You would need to find that wife and ask for her forgiveness, most likely that you have a son who really needs you now, perhaps he is sick. This situation will not leave you until you find out the truth. As for the other dream, there is a close connection with the child - this is your subconscious talking about shame, perhaps conscience, that you may have abandoned your child. And so you will not be able to find your home, your place in this world until you bring peace to your soul.

Hello, maybe you can explain. I need to photograph my relatives a few hours/minutes before my death. Why? For the first time I dreamed about my dad. The dream is strange - as if he is standing in a white shirt (baptismal shirt) in a clearing in the forest and in front of him are 12 druids with their hoods pulled over their faces and they are not visible, and it seems like dad, so confused, is walking towards them and they surround him and that’s it. I woke up, and 10 minutes later dad died. 6 years later I have the same dream, only now in my father’s place my aunt and now my father are standing with these people and the same thing is happening, in the morning we find out that she has died. And now again. Only the dream is different. I dream of my uncle (father’s brother) and tells me why you forgot me and don’t even call me, and I say, how are you, the family is spinning, but I remember about your birthday and he tells me, come to my birthday, I say okay, I’ll definitely come. That's it, I woke up. In the morning I find out about his death... we buried him on his birthday... Explain what kind of dreams these are???

Alyona, you have certain abilities open, and when the angel of death comes, you feel it. Don't be afraid of it, but accept it as a gift.

Asem, it’s good that you dream about an inhospitable world, because you are in different worlds, it means your way there is closed, it’s too early for you. You are not welcome there. And so this is for change. Or maybe a change in weather.

Good afternoon. Three days ago I moved to new apartment. It's a new building, no one has lived in it before. I haven’t been able to sleep peacefully for three days. I dream about dead relatives - grandparents... I wake up at night from an unpleasant feeling, although the apartment is cozy. the sleeping place is comfortable. Can you tell me what these dreams are about?

Alyona, consecrate your new home and buy an icon for your apartment. Relatives are simply protecting you, showing you that new house has no protection and light energy. This happens after construction work, demolition of buildings and erection of new ones in vacant lots.

Good evening. I often dream about my grandmother, she constantly shows me something, I very often visit her house, which we sold during her lifetime, and look for something there. More than once I had a dream that she was calling me somewhere, but for some reason I didn’t go. She looks good and has a very friendly attitude towards me. And yesterday I had a dream that she wanted to show me the place where I was born, and I had to go there by bus, and I went, this is Tobolsk. I have absolutely nothing connected with this city, I have never been there and neither have my relatives. Even in my dream I knew that I was born where I live now, but I went anyway. I felt comfortable there, quiet, calm.

Olga, your grandmother in a dream is your advisor, your search in her house is your search for answers from wisdom and your soul. The city you saw in your dream is somehow important to you or will become important in the future. Overall good sleep. Perhaps in this city you will find important answers and find peace.

Hello. Six months ago, my grandmother passed away; after suffering a stroke, she spent two months in the hospital and died there. My mother was constantly with her in the hospital all her life and all these two months, and my grandmother died in her arms. My mother and I constantly dream about her. I feel like she is in the hospital, dying, and I am organizing the funeral. And to my mother, how she either washes her, then gives her water, but she still can’t get drunk, then she just takes care of her. These are very frequent dreams give us no peace. Please explain to us.

Hello. I dreamed of an uncle who died 7 years ago. In the dream, he was repairing an old wooden fence, which had not been in this place for about 25 years. The fence fell down in one area or another. His uncle picked him up. The time of year in a dream is autumn. I didn’t see my uncle’s face, I didn’t talk to him, but I understood that it was him. He was very active, as he had been during his lifetime. What follows is a total horror story. Near the fence lay something similar to a plaster bust (head with eyes closed) a person living today whom I know well. What could this dream mean for me and this person. Let me add that I had a good relationship with my uncle. Thank you.

Hello, I dream that the deceased brother He asks for a small sum of 200 rubles, but I don’t give it, I say “I don’t have it,” because I know that he will spend it to his detriment (since he used drugs during his life). I hand him a jar of fresh strawberries and say, “Better take some berries.”
And a week before that, I also dreamed that I came home to see everyone (it was as if I was living in another place), I was getting ready to leave and I thought, “I should leave my brother 4,000,” I went into the room, and he was lying on the bed, turning to the wall, like that sad and upset. I felt very sorry for him, I leaned over to him, kissed him on the cheek and said that I wanted to leave him some money (and I gave him 2oooo, I was afraid to give more, so as not to “tempt” him to spend drugs). During his lifetime he was a very good and kind person, but weak-willed. He smiled and took the money.

Svetlana, you and your mother were very closely connected with your grandmother and loved her very much, and she loved you. After she left, you couldn’t let her go and keep her with your thoughts. And she is very worried about you and comes to calm you down in your sleep. My advice to you is to order a panakhida for the repose of your grandmother, or a magpie. Go to the grave, talk, say what, let her go and accept her death, that from now on her place is in Heaven, and love for her and memory will remain in your heart. And you must mentally let it go, feel how this burden will leave your shoulders.

Angelina, your grandfather arrives in another world, his soul feels good there. But in half a year, expect changes in your family.

Inna, a warning dream for the person whose bust you saw. He needs to be extremely careful and take care of his health. Perhaps this predicts a serious illness that can paralyze or turn into a coma... if you listen, everything will be fine with bed rest.

Olga., you miss your brother and he didn’t live the life he could have, not as bright and sweet. Live for him too! You will have tears, but if you do everything thoughtfully, without harming yourself, then there will be fewer of them.

Hello, my sister dreamed of her grandmother who died about 5 years ago. However, only she dreams about it. She came to her sister, stroked her, hugged her and said: it’s okay, when Danka (sister’s son, 7 months old) grows up, we’ll meet. This dream really scares me, I worry, but my sister usually dreamed about it when some kind of danger awaited her. It was as if someone unknown was always warning and saving my sister.

I had a dream yesterday. It’s as if I was walking through a clearing and came out into the middle of this clearing, and there were balls of blue, green and red, then out of nowhere my cousin Anna bent them into balls of blue color, and then people appeared there and my dad beat me, and then my short grandfather appeared, he died two or three months ago and all these balls scattered, and my grandfather gave me a green ball and then said something, but I didn’t hear what exactly. I have no idea what this could mean. Can you tell me what this could mean?

Hello! My cousin dreamed of my dear sister, who died a month ago. In her arms she held my 4th year old daughter. Was on my daughter extraordinary beauty coat. They entered some kind of high-rise building. The reducing sister wanted to put her daughter to sleep on the bed. Cousin left, and on the street I met my daughter who had run away from her sister. Then they took strange paths (the road was washed away by water on both sides, walked around a high-rise building along the edge of the path, there was an abyss) came out onto a flat a nice place. Please tell me what this dream is for? I'm very afraid for my daughter. Thank you.

Nastya, to interpret your dream you need to take into account many nuances and bright symbols, balls and their colors. In your dream, brightness and emotions matter. Study the interpretations of the colors red and blue, remember what emotions you experienced.

Madina, your sister is protecting your baby and you have nothing to worry about. She's like an angel to you.

I dreamed about my dead brother in a dream. We wake up in different beds, but not far from each other. I constantly complain to him about how I don’t get enough sleep and how hard it is to get up in the morning, but he says: “Yes, I understand you, I understand.” Until that moment, I met him on the street, invited him into the house, we communicated with him as if nothing had happened..... for some reason the house was uncleaned and I didn’t even have anything to treat him with, we just sat next to him, not enough We communicated, everything was calm, we didn’t swear and there was no feeling of excitement or discomfort....

Today I dreamed about my deceased grandparents. I was with them and my son, in the room where I lived with my parents as a child. Suddenly the floor began to collapse. First small cracks appeared, then a hole the size of a fist. And then a large gap appeared and the apartment below became visible. I saw how the floor under my grandmother was shaking, part of the furniture had fallen into the hole... Then everything was vague... For some reason, my son and I began to go up to the floor above, but there was no passage, we went out into the street to find another entrance.. ..What could this mean? Thank you in advance!

Maria, your dream shows that you need support now. Look for it from your loved ones and loved ones.

Marina, your dream suggests that the time has come to let go or say goodbye to what is stopping you and your son from moving forward. You will succeed.

Hello! I dreamed quite a strange dream, I don’t even know how to interpret it. I dream about my uncle, according to whom yesterday it was 9 days, but I calculated incorrectly and forgot about it, I thought it was today, but it turns out it’s not, and he himself reminded me of it. Closer to the point. We dream that he is at our house, in the yard, for some unknown reason they could not bury him, although he lived far away and the funeral was there, but he turns out to be at our house. The coffin is not closed and here he lies dead, someone is doing something around my family, but everyone is minding their own business, only my mother walks around him crying, correcting everything (as in reality, she is still crying and cannot accept it ), then he turns the coffin, then he drags it a little further, then it’s closer and the weather is unclear, it’s even difficult to determine the time of day, and then the uncle is here. who is dead and lying in a coffin, rises a little and asks to leave him alone, because they have already said goodbye and asks: “well, that’s enough already, leave me, bury me already.” At this strange moment I wake up. By the way, uncle, cousin, but I was the only one who had a dream the day before his unexpected death, I already knew that he would die, no matter how scary it was, I was afraid to sleep because of this, I didn’t sleep at night, but in the morning, at the beginning of eight o’clock I went I lay down in less than an hour. We were informed that he died at this time. I can’t understand why I had this dream.

I dreamed that after a dream I woke up, it all happened in a dream. Turning around I saw a man, either in a shirt or in a red and white checkered coat. Uncontrollable fear gripped me, a scream and the entity headed for the exit. What could this mean?

Marina, now the imprint of the events that happened partially haunts you, but the most important thing is that your mother needs you, support her and be there, she really needs it, even if she doesn’t show it.

Nikita, your dream is difficult to interpret with few details. Pay attention to the main symbols and after familiarizing yourself with their meaning, you can find the answer.

Hello! I dreamed of my grandmother, who passed away almost a year ago. We loved each other very much. The dream is short, but incredibly emotional. I am next to some person and suddenly I see that my grandmother is sitting next to me. I am so glad to see her, I rush to hug her tightly, and she hugs me tightly and we are both very happy. Then I wake up from a very vivid emotion. How can you interpret this dream, please tell me? Thank you

Hello! Over the last 2 weeks, I began to often dream about all the deceased relatives (grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother) and best friend. I don’t remember my dreams exactly, but there is no negativity in them. I had fun with my friend, chatted with relatives, I was happy, but I don’t remember what they talked about. It’s embarrassing that I started dreaming about it so often. Every night - a different relative. Great-grandmother died more than 10 years ago and it seems she had never dreamed about it before in her life. What could this mean?

I dreamed about my dead dad; in 15 days it will be a year since he’s been gone. Me, grandma, grandpa and dad. My mother has not appeared in my life for a long time, we sit. They were not happy that he came to us, but I was glad, but a little worried. Moreover, he did not come to us as a common person, but as a spirit. Dad did not speak and was serious, not smiling. Then he abruptly stood up from his chair, stopped in the middle of the room, and began to evaporate, but I stopped him. It was already almost transparent. I ran up to him, we hugged, I started crying terribly, and he disappeared. After that I woke up. I want to tell you a couple more important details: 1. we were in our current apartment. 2. There was no dog that we got a year ago. 3. The apartment was the same as it is now, but the chairs on which the adults sat and I stood were the same as before the fire, now they are new.

Hello, please tell me what it means to see your late father in a dream, I often see him in my dreams. So tonight, he lay with his mother on an armchair and smoked a cigarette, although in life he hated smokers. And above them there is some kind of broom driven to the wall. He asks me, says straighten the broom - it will fall, and in some places the broom starts to burn as if from a cigarette. I take a broom, run out, and in the kitchen I drink some kind of compote on the table, but I’m not satisfied anymore, and in the house a distant relative scolds me to go to her home and drink there. Then I see myself in the kitchen, fiddling with the water tap and putting all sorts of sponges in places...

My husband died 4 months ago, I really miss him and cry, I can’t calm down, but today I had a dream deceased mother, in a dream I told her that I really miss my husband, she just listened to me, said something, but I don’t remember what, but it seemed to me that she seemed to calm me down, and it seemed like my husband was in the next room, and I only saw his hands, I often see them, I dream of my husband, but I don’t see his face, he’s always silent, he just strokes his head, and as if he’s sorry, tell me what I need to do so that I don’t drown him in tears, it’s very hard for me without him, and I suffer greatly.

Aida, your father wants to protect you from disappointments and sorrows that can overtake you in love. Be restrained in expressing your feelings, pay more attention to your family and home.

Irina, your dream expresses your grief, you have no one to share it with... in a dream you subconsciously seek help and consolation from your mother, and she shows you that your spouse is already in another world, he is calm there, he has nothing to say to you, after all, he is no longer with you on Earth and this is irreversible. You need to accept this and let go of all your feelings, leave only love for him in your heart, remember all the good things he brought into your life. Learn to move on with your life, he would like that...

I dreamed of my grandfather being happy, his eyes were radiant, he was smiling. O handed me a gift - a beautiful, fragrant, fragrant soap. Why such a dream?

Why did the Dead Man dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Why a dead person dreams depends on who he is to the dreamer. If this:

  • Seeing your dead father - beware of gossips - someone is building an insidious plan behind your back.
  • If the deceased person is your mother, in the future you will commit an act that you will have to repent of.
  • Dream about uncle/aunt spiritual development. You are too down-to-earth and do not attach importance to self-development.
  • Brother/sister - in reality a quarrel with these people may occur.
  • If you dreamed of an unfamiliar dead person, it’s time to reconsider your views on life and abandon old principles.
  • Seeing a dead friend means that in reality you will encounter injustice and deceit.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did Dead people dream about?

What does a dead person dream about from a psychological point of view? Death is the rejection of something. It is likely that through the image of a dead person you are freeing yourself from something unnecessary and outdated. These could be relationships, responsibilities, grievances, hopes.

Seeing a deceased person you know means getting rid of negative memories and emotions in reality. You are oppressed by remorse or some memories. If you know the character of the deceased, analyze him. A dream may indicate that it is time to eradicate certain traits in yourself or, on the contrary, develop them.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a dead person?

Why see a dead person alive in a dream in the context of a love relationship?

  • If a young man or husband dreams of being dead, the relationship will be subjected to severe testing in the near future. Here you need to decide for yourself - to prevent an unfavorable outcome of events or to go in different directions.
  • Why do you dream of a dead husband who came to life for a widow - to a new acquaintance, and maybe even to marriage.
  • If you dream of a dead young man who in reality has health problems, he will soon recover, which will have a positive effect on your relationship.

The meaning of a dream about deceased relatives (Mayan Dream Interpretation)

  • Dreaming of deceased relatives alive can only mean that you have set your goals in life incorrectly. You have poorly organized your life, you are making serious mistakes and you will need to call on all your willpower to correct them.
  • If you hear deceased relatives talking to you, you should listen to their advice, because this is the subconscious or Dear people from the past give you advice on what to do next with your life. You need to be very careful about dreams where you see your deceased relatives alive.
  • Also, a deceased person with a baby in his arms may dream of a change in the weather. A long dead person dreams of important events in the family in reality.
  • If you dream of a dead person you know, you don’t know how to compromise, negotiate peacefully with your loved ones, and that’s why you will face serious tests. You need to learn to prevent quarrels, otherwise they cannot be avoided, especially if you saw a deceased friend in a dream unhappy or sad.
  • If you suddenly dream deceased friend– if she tells you about someone’s death or tells you some sad news – brace yourself – it will happen in reality. If a friend simply complains about something or is sad, sad events in life await you, which you should already prepare to experience.
  • A deceased friend follows you in a dream, asking for something - perhaps she did not have time to do something during her lifetime and her soul now cannot find peace. Order a prayer service, say out loud that you have forgiven her for everything and she has no need to suffer. If you know something that she could ask you for during her lifetime, try to do it.
  • If a deceased person cried in a dream, it means success in his career and business connections.
  • A deceased friend calls you to follow her - a deception on the part of loved ones, which you did not suspect, will be revealed.
  • Why do you dream of a dead person who says that he is alive? To see a dream about him means that soon they will turn to you for help, ask you for a loan. You need to treat such people the same way you would treat your brother - be sure to help them.
  • Seeing a dead brother alive and naked means wealth and prosperity.
  • Why do you dream of a dead person in a coffin - to receive important news or a change in the weather. If you have been expecting someone for a long time to visit, long-awaited guests will come to you.
  • If you made a coffin with your own hands, you will receive a promotion at work and an increase in salary.

The meaning of a dream about a Dead Man (Muslim dream book)

  • Dreamed of a dead person being drunk - If someone sees a dream that he embraced a dead man in his arms, or threw his hands around his neck, this means longevity.
  • If someone sees a dream about piles of dead people asking for food, it means that he saw erring people or heretics.
  • If someone sees a dream that a dead person is calling him, but the very face of the dead man is not presented to his gaze, but hears only his voice and goes in the direction of that voice, his death is near.
  • If he sees a dead man sleeping or naked, it means the repose of the deceased in the next world.

The meaning of the dream about the One who left this world (according to Nostradamus)

  • Seeing, touching or hugging a deceased person means deceiving fears and getting rid of them in reality.
  • Why do you dream of a dead person who is calling you - don’t go, if you go with him, it means you will become seriously ill or lose yourself, plunge into depression.
  • A dead person revived in a dream is aware of his anxiety - he has no peace in the next world; seeing a dead man naked means the complete repose of his soul.
  • Hearing the voice of the deceased is a sign of illness or warning.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where the Buried were dreamed

Dreams about the dead, according to Loff, do not carry much meaning. Perhaps their images are associated with memories, psycho-emotional factors. Most likely, this is how sadness and longing for a departed person are expressed. Why do you dream of dead people, a lot of corpses - a sign of fear, excessive suspiciousness, imbalance, increased excitability and stress.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Dream about a Dead Man

  • A dream in which dead people and children are present predicts a change in the weather.
  • Dreaming of placing coins on the eyes of a deceased person foretells that in reality you may suffer from vile actions.
  • If you dreamed of placing a coin on one eye of a deceased person, you will be able to partially defend your position.
  • A dream about a dead person who is alive in reality - you should expect unpleasant actions or news from him.

How to understand a dream in which you saw deceased relatives

  • Dreaming of deceased relatives or friends warns that you will encounter some kind of test or loss on your way.
  • Hearing the voice of a deceased person in a dream foretells bad news.
  • Seeing the eyes of a deceased person in a dream means that you should be more vigilant and careful in financial matters.
  • Talking with a deceased person in a dream - pay attention to your health.

A change in weather is the most common interpretation of a dream where dead alive. Especially if these are unfamiliar people who did not play a significant role in the dreamer’s life. For example, a deceased neighbor or former colleague. Also, such dreams can foreshadow changes in the dreamer’s life, but the changes are minor.

A dead man haunts a sleeping person in a dream

The memories haunt me. A person constantly mentally returns to the past. Nostalgia and melancholy do not allow one to live in peace.

The dead man comes to life before our eyes

Such a dream foreshadows pleasant events: the visit of long-awaited guests, the return of something that seemed lost forever.

Talking to the dead in a dream

Conversations with the dead can answer many questions that torment the dreamer in real life. Often you can interpret the message literally. Sometimes deceased relatives express some complaints, their dissatisfaction. For example, when a suffering mother dreamed of her dead son, then strictly ordered not to mourn him anymore: “Mom, I’m already standing waist-deep in water from your tears.”

Sometimes the dead are silent in their sleep. The dreamer himself tries to start a conversation, but they do not make contact with him. Such a dream suggests that the deceased person who came in the dream simply has nothing to say. He wishes the dreamer all the best and came to remind him of himself.

Sitting at the same table with the dead. Such a dream can mean extremely unpleasant events: health problems or even imminent death. Especially if the dreamer’s birthday is celebrated in the company of deceased people.

The deceased is angry or sleeping - this is a dream that warns that the time has come to reconsider your behavior. There is a possibility of making a fatal mistake. The key to understanding this dream is the topic of conversation and the words spoken by the deceased.

A dead man laughs in his sleep. This means that the dreamer is on on the right track. In all his endeavors he will be blessed with good fortune and luck.

Joint walks or trips with the dead symbolize the past, which will soon remind itself.

If you dream of a photograph of a deceased person, then the meaning similar dream will tell you appearance the one shown in the photo. If the face is kind and calm, then you should not expect trouble. If the facial expression is angry, then the personal life of the sleeper may soon be tested. Parting with a loved one, various disagreements and grievances in the family are possible.

Why else do dead people dream of being alive?

You can find the key to such dreams if you carefully listen to your inner feelings and compare them with the current situation. For example, people who have died often remind those living today of themselves in this way. Through a dream they ask to be remembered.

Often the dead come in a dream to warn the dreamer about impending changes in his fate.

Sometimes the dead come in dreams because they are thought and remembered a lot. Very often relatives are deceased, but they don’t say anything. It's just the subconscious realizing the desire to see again loved one. In reality this is impossible, so dead people come alive in dreams.

Death in a dream is not a sign of a person’s death in reality and percentage prophetic dreams that literally come true is small. Close people dream of them when nothing can be changed and more often they acquire a symbolic meaning rather than a concrete one.

Usually the dream book deciphers a vision in which you see a living person, acquaintance, relative or friend dead, as a change in his life or relationship.

To understand why you dreamed about such a turn of events, pay attention to the situation in the dream, how close it is to reality, whether this can happen in reality or not, and what kind of relationship you have with the deceased at this stage of life.

Here are the most popular interpretations of what dreams of the death of a living person mean in different situations.

A relative or friend, girlfriend, someone who is close

If a dream with such a plot is seen by the dreamer at a time when a person has to undergo a test or there is a risk, then the dream book does not interpret such visions.

For example, a mother worries about her son and dreams that he has died, or her husband is far from home and her wife is worried about how he is doing. Pictures born of such thoughts do not predict anything bad, being simply a figment of the imagination. They come in dreams in order to reconcile us with loss if this happens.

Usually, after such a vision, significant relief comes and you receive good news. For example, that the risk has passed or that the husband returned home safely from a business trip.

Why do you dream of a living person close to you who is dead if you see him in a coffin or bury him? The dream book writes that most often such a vision means the end of some stage of life or a sharp change. For example, a mother dreams that her son, almost a teenager, has died and she buries the boy, cries and worries about the loss of a loved one.

This scenario in a dream shows worries about the fact that the child will soon become a young man and will no longer be the same as before.

Fear of this change is expressed in symbols of death, as well as regrets about the period of childhood, the time when the child was a boy, affectionate, spontaneous, kind and obedient.

If you are either an older brother or an uncle, then the dream book writes that this person’s life will change and not always in better side. It all depends on the real life prospects that are available to this person. For some, a deceased father or brother means his promotion or an unexpected divorce of his parents, or the departure of his father to another family; for others, it means ruin, loss of work, drunkenness and other disasters.

If this person had significant influence over you, suppressed you, tried to impose his own ideas about life, or simply controlled the situation too much, then soon his influence on your life will weaken significantly. Perhaps, due to illness, busyness or travel, he will no longer be able to openly command and ruin your life with his lectures or suppression of will.

If you saw your living older brother die, then why do you dream about this? Most often, a dream predicts a significant change in his lifestyle. For married people, the dream book foretells divorce, for single people - marriage or civil marriage, which may turn out to be a complete surprise, drinking and unemployed - a chance to get rich or just be in business. But in any case, the person will already become different or change for the better or for the worse.

Why do you dream that you have died? younger brother? The dream book deciphers such a dream as compensation for irritation towards it. Usually older children, when new member families begin to be jealous of the parents towards him or the baby begins to irritate them with screams, constant screams in the middle of the night and they dream of getting rid of him or for him to die or disappear somewhere.

In such a situation, wondering why you dream small man you shouldn’t be dead in a dream - the dream book does not interpret such a plot. However, if brother is really dear to you and in a dream he appears dead, although in fact the baby is alive, it means trouble, trouble and illness for him, experiences.

Why, sister or grandmother, although in fact she is alive and well? Most often, such a plot predicts a change in your relationship with her. If this woman has a domineering character, puts pressure on you or demands something that you cannot fulfill, then seeing her dead in a dream is a surprise.

As a result of some circumstance, the influence of this person will be significantly weakened. For example, the eldest son or daughter will find his soul mate and leave home. It is clear that it will be more difficult to command and restore order in someone else’s family than in your own.

Sometimes death is alive , a soft and kind woman means changes in her personal life. For example, she may, unexpectedly for everyone, divorce her father or bring her stepfather into the house, find new job or completely change your lifestyle. Often after 40 years a woman begins to realize the mistakes of her life and change in different directions. A modest woman may be drawn to clubs, bars and restaurants, and a woman who constantly changes men may unexpectedly become a believer or make decisions in her personal life.

To dream that your sister has died, while just yesterday you saw her alive, means change. It all depends on the age of this girl or girl. Elder sister or a relative may get married, move out of town, or find someone different than the one you know.

Sometimes the dream book predicts her a job, a new place of residence, or changes in her relationship with you. For example, if she used to be the dreamer’s friend, to whom you can tell everything, then seeing her dead in a dream means coldness, closedness and alienation. And vice versa, the dream book writes that a closed and unapproachable person with whom it was difficult to communicate will suddenly become soft, sociable and kind.

Why do you dream that the guy or girl you like has died? The dream book writes that it will be impossible to build a relationship with him. But in some situations, if a girl simply dreamed of a young man who is pleasant, this means a change in the relationship with him or a happy omen.

Most often, seeing a loved one dead portends disappointment, news about him or from him, which will greatly upset you or kill the hope of rapprochement. For example, a girl may find out that he is seriously dating someone else or that the guy is only interested in sex and doesn’t care about love, and much more. But in any case, this person will become empty in life, bringing only disappointments and tears.

Why do you dream about seeing How is he solemnly buried? If a guy dreams of being in a coffin with flowers, then he will get married soon.

Especially with a very solemn ceremony, many wreaths and relatives.

Why do you dream that the funeral was not solemn, but you just see a black coffin? The dream book writes that the hope of getting closer to this person will soon become a thing of the past and you will separate and stop thinking about love.

If you dreamed about your wife, expect changes in your relationship with them. It is possible that the spouse will stop being affectionate as before, become secretive, or try to leave the family.

By the way, such a dream can often foreshadow betrayal or a long-term relationship on the side. The same thing means the plot that the husband dreamed about his wife.

In another situation, the dream book interprets a dream about death as a sign of changes in the home and family. It is possible that the husband will find Good work and you will live beautifully, securely, or, on the contrary, you will lose your place. If you dreamed of a dead child, do not ruin yourself with “adult” unbearable thoughts and worries.

Try to do for a while what you enjoy and want to do, as you are wasting your time in vain.
military forces. Sometimes such a dream predicts for spouses that, due to their busyness, they may lose a son or daughter, who may fall into bad company.

If you dreamed of a stranger being dead, a friend or an enemy, a neighbor, but not the closest one, the relationship with him will be empty for you and will not bring anything good.

Jewish dream book

Seeing a dead comrade- important news; see your dead mother - long life; deceased relatives- joy; dying mother - sadness and anxiety; relatives dying- rich inheritance; dying father- misfortune; dying father- shame.

Eastern women's dream book

As a rule, the dead- dream of a change in weather.

You place coins on the eyes of the deceased- this means that in reality you will suffer from the dishonest actions of your enemies.

Find out about someone's death- expect unpleasant news from this person.

Children's dream book

Congratulate the deceased in a dream- You will soon do a good deed.

The deceased gives you something in a dream- happiness, wealth and health.

Deceased relative or friend- pay close attention to such a dream: everything the dead person says pure truth, you can often hear a prediction from his lips.

General dream book

If in a dream you see or talk to your deceased father- you are in danger of making a bad deal. Be careful in your dealings, for enemies surround you. After such a dream, both men and women should fear for their reputation.

A dream in which your dead mother comes to you- indicates that excessive impressionability will serve as a source of trouble for you; In addition, this dream may mean the illness of someone close to you.

Deceased brother or other relative, or friend- mean that in the near future someone will ask you for advice or financial help.

If you dream that you are talking with some long-dead relative and he is trying to wrest some promise from you, this is a warning that a dark streak will begin in your life if you do not follow the advice that your friends give you.

Voice of the deceased- the only form of warning sent from above that the brain, which relates more to the material than to the spiritual side of existence, is capable of perceiving. But, unfortunately, the connection between the general and the individual in nature is so insignificant that people have no choice but to rely on their very subjective opinion. Catastrophic consequences could often be prevented if the human mind were able to comprehend the work of the spirit and see what is accessible only to inner vision.

English dream book

A dream in which you are visited by your deceased relatives or friends does not bode well. If they're sad- a dream means that mental anguish and difficult thoughts await you.

However, if you dream of dead people cheerful and happy- it means that everything in your life will work out in the best way.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Talk to the dead- to wealth or joy.

If someone sees themselves dead- this portends serious charges.

If the deceased is walking ahead- this means that someone will not come back.

Receive something from the deceased- for good.

If a deceased person enters the house- this is for wealth.

Give something to the dead- to losses.

Give something alive to the deceased- to prosperity.

Dream book of lovers

If you dreamed of a dead person close person - you will have to face the betrayal of your loved one.

Islamic dream book

If someone sees in a dream that he embraced a dead man in his arms, or threw his hands around his neck- this is about durability.

If anyone sees piles of dead in a dream- this means that he saw those who were mistaken or heretics.

If someone sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him, but the face of the dead man is not presented to his gaze, but hears only his voice and goes in the direction of that voice- his death is near.

If you see a dead person sleeping or naked- this means the repose of the deceased in the next world.

Lunar dream book

Seeing the dead risen- a sign of well-being.

Chinese dream book

Dead ancestors examine you or ask you for food- fortunately.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Seeing the deceased grandfather or grandmother in their former house - big problems with the health of one of your relatives on their side.

I dream of relatives who have died long ago- to important family events

Symbolic dream book

People who died in reality- those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live in our minds. IN folk superstition“Seeing the dead in a dream means a change in the weather.” And there is some truth in this - as a result of sharp changes atmospheric pressure in the form of loved ones of the deceased, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from the dead most easily penetrate into people’s dreams. physical measurements the noosphere of the earth in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e. - unawareness - which, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. However, quite often we may see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energetic support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime).

In other cases, dead people in a dream- represent our own projections, showing the so-called “incomplete gestalt” - an unfinished relationship with a given person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance - spiritual cleansing. In general, the dead are messengers from the world of the dead, guides or protectors. The dream scenario itself with the dead and what they tell us are very important. Sometimes (especially when they try to take the sleeping person to themselves, into “their” world, to kiss, take or give something to us) they inform the dreamer that he will either soon die himself, or some serious misfortune will happen to him or illness, or we are simply talking about saying goodbye to those who have passed away - they move into other, hopefully higher, non-physical dimensions. In many such cases, they seem to demand or ask for commemoration and special church service and prayers for their repose. The last aspect complements modern psychology- it is necessary to internally forgive and let go of your memory of departed relatives, acquaintances, parents (in other words: complete the gestalt - complex relationships and problems with a deceased person that were not completed during life).

To die in a dream yourself, on the contrary- to luck, peace, the end of difficult things. Unfamiliar dead people refer more to empty worries, the end of worries, or report minor illness.

Dead parents in a dream- their arrival in a person’s dream after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt at psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a consequence, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeper. At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced.

Our deceased parents- come “from there” at important periods in the sleeper’s life and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany the person to another world (this prophetic dreams O own death!). Our deceased grandparents stand apart - they come to us in our dreams at the most critical moments of our lives.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones- fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change in weather or very coldy begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illnesses and troubles/death.

Give the deceased a photo- the one in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream- happiness, wealth.

Congratulate him- do a good deed.

Eager to see him- they don’t remember him well.

Talking to a dead friend in a dream- important news.

Everything the deceased says in a dream- true, “ambassadors of the future.”

See a portrait of the deceased- spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together- happiness, wealth.

Deceased father and mother- authority, the nature of their appearance always has a particularly important, at the same time: the mother, with her appearance, most often warns against rash actions.

Father- warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

Deceased grandparent- appear in a dream before significant ceremonies.

Deceased brother- fortunately.

Deceased sister - to an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with your dead husband- trouble.

Collection of dream books

Seeing the dead in a dream- to a change in weather.
Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Unbearable Comfort"

One day, a recently deceased man saw himself in a fragrant forest full of extraordinary animals, beautiful flowers and fragrant herbs, transparent clean reservoirs.
The man walked through the forest, sat down by a tall oak tree, and the shining figure of an angel appeared before him.

The angel asked the man:
-What do you want?

The man was a little embarrassed, but answered:
- To tell the truth, I was very hungry...

– Why didn’t you say it right away!? Now I will do everything for you.

In front of the man sitting by the tree, suddenly, out of nowhere, a beautiful carved wooden table with a snow-white tablecloth appeared.
There were all kinds of dishes on it: game, fish, grapes and delicious fruits.

Having had his fill, the man asked:
“Perhaps you have a glass of wine for me?”

- Well, of course, there is as much as you want and whatever you want: red, white, for every taste.

Several clay jugs of wine appeared on the table.
The man drank the most delicious wine, listened to the nightingale's trills and wanted to rest.
In front of him, in a shady clearing, a large, beautiful bed suddenly appeared, near which stood beautiful girls with large fern leaves, waving which they created a light, cool breeze.
The man had a great night's sleep, swam in the cleanest lake, and had lunch.

The same angel appeared to him again and asked: “What do you want?”

The man unexpectedly replied:
– Thank you very much, I had a lot of rest and would like to work...

- We don't have work here. We have everything for you to have the most wonderful rest and not think about anything.
If you want - hunting, if you want - dancing, wine, girls! Everything is here for you.

And the man spent another week in this idleness, and then another and another.
After which he could not stand it and asked the angel to give him at least some work:
- I can not take it anymore! I'm terribly bored and everything around me brings me endless melancholy.

– We have everything, but, alas, there is no work. “Yes, she is not needed here,” answered the angel.

- Then send me to hell! - the man sobbed.

– Where do you think you are now?! – the angel laughed loudly.
