Who is Galina Yudashkina's husband? Maksakov family

Galya: dress, Brusnika; hours (hereinafter), Lady Diver Ulysse Nardin
Peter: polo, Atelier Portofino; trousers are the property of the hero; hours (hereinafter), Marine Diver Ulysse Nardin

Photo: Georgy Kardava
Producer: Arina Lomteva
MUAH: Ani Stepanyan

We thank the restaurant Christian
for assistance in organizing the shooting.

Young, beautiful and successful - Galina and Peter have not been together for a long time, but from the first day of their acquaintance they have not been separated for a minute: in the three years of their relationship they not only managed to have the “wedding of the century”, get married and give birth to a son, but also join the family business , reinvigorating the already successful enterprise new life.

Finding the spouses in Moscow is not an easy task: busy with several projects at once, they change places of residence with almost the same frequency and regularity as outfits for gossip columns. Totally agree last year Galina managed to visit over 20 places - and the lion's share of flights was on business trips. Having finally found themselves in the capital, Galina and Peter devote all their time to work, and after finishing a long working day, they rush to their son - one and a half year old Tolya, who pleases his parents not only with his easy disposition, but also with his quick wit (and there is someone like him!). According to Galina, they are not the only ones who notice the baby’s talent - wherever the young family is, Anatoly invariably collects compliments - and there will be more to come! “Tolya is really growing up to be a very smart guy,” says the proud mother. “And this is noted not only by us, but also by strangers. For our part, we try to contribute to its development, but, of course, in a light playful way. My husband has been speaking to him since birth English language, so many English words are easier for my son than Russian ones. My favorite is, of course, car. We are thinking about introducing Chinese - I am convinced that by the age of three, a child is receptive to several languages.” “In general, we have big plans for Tolya,” Galina continues, laughing. “I don’t know if he will be happy, but I’m sure that large investments will certainly yield a return.” And of course, I’m not talking about the financial side of the issue now. In general, I will support my son in any decision - the main thing is that it is a conscious, deliberate choice. I would really like Tolya to grow up responsible and purposeful, after all, the position obliges him.”

Pressure only pushes me - I love to overcome obstacles and achieve what I want.

Galina knows what she’s talking about - both she and Peter, heirs of famous families, have had to prove their own importance since childhood. And if it was a little easier for Peter - he spent part of his youth in England, where, in particular, he studied at the third largest Oundle school, then Yudashkina spent her youth in Moscow - first in elite school, then - at the Faculty of Art History of Moscow State University. Lomonosova: “All my life I have been forced to prove something to someone. I was always asked twice as much as others. It was especially difficult at the university - after relatively relaxed school years the load was colossal! I had to try - I couldn’t let my loved ones down, especially my parents. But I understood perfectly well that there was no other way - mom and dad wouldn’t come and take the rap for me. But, I must admit, such pressure only spurs me on - I like to overcome obstacles and achieve what I want.”

Galya: dress, Ermanno Scervino
Peter: clothes are the property of the hero

When she says that she is not afraid of obstacles, Galina, it seems, is not lying. And this applies not only to work tasks. The story of how Gali and Peter met is indicative in this sense. The young people had long sympathized with each other in absentia, but it was Galina who was the first to decide to establish contact. “I thought a lot about her, even asked my friends, asked them to introduce her,” recalls Peter. “And one day, while getting ready for work, I saw a message from her on Facebook.” A correspondence began, and the very next day we went together to the Van Gogh exhibition - it was the first multimedia project of this kind in Moscow, and Galya really wanted to see what it was, why such queues were forming. Inspecting the exhibition took us about twenty minutes, but then we moved to Coffeemania, where we talked for, it seems, eight hours.” “Is it really the proverbial love at first sight?” — I clarify. “I wouldn’t call the feeling that arose between us “love” - at first, it was, after all, just sympathy,” explains Galya. - But, in my opinion, at the first meeting you immediately understand whether this is your person or not, whether you can continue to communicate, whether chemistry has arisen between you or not. I immediately liked Peter - we had a lot in common: from our zodiac sign (we are both Capricorns, birthdays are a couple of weeks apart) to the area where we lived as children. We even walked in the same yards! In general, topics for conversation arose naturally, there were no awkward pauses.”

Since then, the lovers have not parted - a few months later Peter proposed to Gala, and they soon got married. The painting was modest and even intimate - preparations for the large-scale celebration were postponed for almost a year so that everything would turn out as Galina (and, to be honest, the parents of the newlyweds) dreamed. The wedding turned out to be grandiose - it seems that the whole cultural and secular Moscow was attending it. And then there was a wedding and soon - the news that the couple was expecting an addition to the family. Unlike many of their peers, who, in the Western style, postpone the birth of children indefinitely, Galya and Peter did not delay procreation - according to the spouses, they had more than enough time “for themselves” during the year that they were preparing for the wedding. “For almost a year we lived for our own pleasure,” recalls Galina. “We could go on a trip, have a spontaneous break somewhere, or just spend a weekend at home, just the two of us. Therefore, we approached the issue of having a child in the family consciously, and thoughts about whether we were in a hurry or whether the baby would be a burden didn’t even arise.”

From the very beginning, Galya dreamed of a son, an heir, but Peter, like Galina’s mother, wanted a girl more. At the beginning of April 2016, the couple had their first child, Anatoly, named after Petya’s grandfather. The birth of the baby turned the couple's lives upside down, but both were ready for the changes that had happened. “It is absolutely impossible to predict what kind of parent you will be,” says Galya. - You imagine yourself in some familiar social roles - daughter, student, employee. The birth of a child reveals a person in a new way. And I am infinitely happy that Petya turned out to be such a wonderful dad. He is very loving, caring, responsible. I, unlike him, am more strict - I can scold, insist on my own. Petya plays with Tolya more and has fun.” According to the couple, their son has an extremely inquisitive character, so they always have to come up with new entertainment for him. “Every weekend we try to surprise him with something,” says Peter. — We go out of town, to parks. We recently visited the aquarium and my son was delighted.”

It is absolutely impossible to predict what kind of parent you will be,” says Galya. - You imagine yourself in some familiar social roles - daughter, student, employee. The birth of a child reveals a person in a new way.

Galina, like many working mothers, is familiar with the feeling of guilt: work takes a lot of time and effort, not to mention constant travel. “Of course, it can be very difficult: sometimes the only desire is to come home and go to bed, but you have to rush to a meeting, go to an event or fly off on another business trip. Many people say ironically: they say, oh, what a hard work- go to events! But, honestly, it’s not so simple: we don’t come there to have fun with a glass of champagne, but to work - and to work with our faces, too, which means we need to prepare for the exit: do hair, make-up, put together an outfit. It sounds easy, but finding time for this in a busy work schedule is not always possible. Especially when you have a one and a half year old baby waiting for you at home!”

Galina is just learning the skill of time management - according to the girl, she doesn’t have any special secrets for organizing time: the main thing is to be able to set priorities and clearly plan your schedule. “I try to schedule my affairs in advance so that I understand how long the journey will take, where to arrive on time, and where I might be late.” However, Galya doesn’t like to be late: according to her, everyone in the family has a “fad” for punctuality - this happened with Galina’s grandmothers, and now all family members, including Peter, follow the principle “precision is the politeness of kings.” “Sometimes you want to be late, but you can’t! We are always the first to arrive at any meetings or events,” Galina laughs. A smartphone helps her navigate time - wrist watch for a girl, rather, it is a beautiful status accessory. Unlike Peter, who values ​​not only design, but also functionality.

The main thing in our couple is love,” the spouses confess. — We grow and develop together.

The spouses are together almost around the clock - and it doesn’t bother them! On the contrary, if you have to separate even for a day, they are terribly bored. The secret of family harmony, according to the couple, is the ability to separate: only personal issues are discussed at home, all work aspects remain within the office walls. “My dad and I built our relationship on the same principle: at work, I am an employee, not a daughter. If there are conflict situations, we solve it in working order. We don’t accumulate grievances, we don’t hush up disagreement,” Galina shares her experience. At the same time, quarrels do occur in their family: according to the couple, both have explosive temperaments, which are not so easy to pacify. “It so happened that Peter, as a rule, is the first to agree to a truce,” admits Galya. - But we don’t know how to be offended for a long time! A quarrel can quickly break out and just as quickly - in a couple of minutes - subside.” Family life taught young people not only to resolve conflicts, but also to respect each other’s opinions. Mutual respect is one of the pillars on which their relationship is built, and also, of course, trust. “The main thing in our couple is love,” the spouses confess. “We grow and develop together, building relationships on the principle of mutual assistance - what one does not remember, another will remind, and vice versa.”

Despite the fact that Galya and Peter practically never separate, they each have personal time. “Even if we are in the same room, we can each be busy with our own business,” says Galya. - Especially when Petya watches football - it’s generally sacred, you can’t touch him at such moments! As for me, if I have a couple of free hours, I can go to the spa or call a massage therapist at home: I have my own master who does both relaxation and lymphatic drainage massage - the latter helped me recover after pregnancy.” It was not so easy for petite Galina (the heroine’s height is only 152 cm!) to return to her previous shape: the kilograms she had gained were in no hurry to go away on their own. But, being a motivated girl, Yudashkina decisively pulled herself together: she switched to strict diet, moved a lot, and a month after giving birth she returned to regular training. “Unfortunately, I don’t have the same constitution - I had to work hard. Proper nutrition, sports, massages - the result was achieved only thanks to an integrated approach.” Now Yudashkina keeps in shape thanks to a healthy diet (“I’m indifferent to flour, but in a restaurant I can afford excesses”), running and functional training, which, however, do not happen as often as we would like: “As soon as I get into the rhythm, there will be an urgent business trip again!”

And, since we’re talking about nutrition, I can’t help but ask: how does a young wife feel about performing household duties? “I really like to cook and - when I have time - I do it with pleasure. Breakfast is always on me - both for the child and for my husband and I. I love these morning hours! When I’m tired, I can allow myself to relax: go to a restaurant, order food at home. As for such everyday aspects as paying bills, we both always forget about this - in the end we have to do everything in a hurry at the last moment,” Galina laughs. Spouses, as a rule, spend weekends together - walking in the park or visiting, and more often - relaxing in a country house, enjoying the measured rhythm of life. “We are homebodies: going to a club to hang out is not for us,” explains Peter. — We love TV series very much: we “eat up” everything - from the historical “The Crown” to comedies like “Modern Family.” Of the latter, I really liked Narcos. Now we are watching James Franco’s project “The Deuce” - about the sex industry in New York in the 1970s and 1980s. We love “El Chapo”, “Silicon Valley”.

Galya: dress, Max Mara

Like everyone else, Galina has “lazy days” when she wants to take a break and get out of the crazy Moscow rhythm for a while: “Fortunately, unlike most people, I can sometimes allow myself such days of relaxation - although not more than a few times in year. Usually at such moments I stay at home and enjoy peace: I lie on the couch, watch a movie, drink tea and eat something delicious. This helps to restore strength and quickly return to duty. I don’t know how to idle for a long time - it’s important for me to stay in good shape, grow and develop, otherwise what will my son be proud of when he grows up?” There is something to be proud of: in addition to working in her father’s company, Galina launched own business— cycling studio Life Cycle. Unfortunately, now it had to be postponed - it’s not possible to split into two large projects. But Galya does not lose hope that sooner or later she will be able to return to him - it’s a very interesting idea: “I’m really infinitely sorry to give up the Life Cycle studio, but there’s a catastrophic lack of time, and considering that we all work in the same company, there’s no one to transfer for this project."

The everyday life of the spouses is inextricably linked with fashion, however, according to Galina, they approach things calmly - without passions or attachments: “When you work in the fashion industry, you see from the inside how this or that product is made, how much effort and labor is put into it, you start perceive everything in a new light. I have never been dependent on material things. My favorite decorationwedding ring, which my husband gave me: I never leave home without it.” As if to confirm her words, Galina glances at the elegant diamond ring given by Peter, and I pay attention to her impeccable manicure. The question logically arises: “When do you feel especially beautiful?” Contrary to my expectations, Galya honestly admits - after carefully getting ready: “When preparing for some kind of appearance, I do professional makeup and hair styling, and at such moments I feel especially comfortable and confident. Of course, I always want to be beautiful - and I strive for this; I want my husband and son to have the most attractive wife and mother, so that my men are proud of me.” And, judging by the look Peter gives his wife, these efforts are fully justified.

Former State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova now even those who are not interested in opera or politics know it by sight.

A young, attractive woman, a mother of three children, celebrating her 40th birthday today, is popular on the Internet in a way that she was not popular during the years of her singing and theater career and during the period of “serving time” in a building on Okhotny Ryad. The reason for this is her flight to Ukraine with her husband Denis Voronenkov, then And as a consequence of all this - a real tragic farce. Literally - dancing on bones.

Masha changes her hairstyle. Sings. Sits on the splits. Wears furs in summer. Taking pictures with Saakashvili. Now any step of Maksakova, captured by the paparazzi, is discussed as greatest event century. The unexpected “resurrection” of the late husband, who was allegedly “seen alive and well in Israel,” added to the noise.

Yes, now Maria Petrovna Jr. needs to somehow survive in a foreign land. You have to be more sophisticated. Even my mother won’t help here - it seems that the prima of the Vakhtangov Theater Lyudmila Maksakova no longer has any relationship with her daughter.

It's amazing that women's destinies All three Maksakovs are not easy. With external well-being, even wealth, family happiness it didn't come easy for them. They suffered and tossed about. They married the “wrong” men. They did stupid things. Not one of them managed to create a cozy nest the first time. So that - once and for all. But, what is even more curious, the fate of each lady included foreign husbands (and associated problems) and second citizenship. They could not do without politics and accusations of betrayal of their homeland, which made their life even more difficult...

“Where is my Carmen?”

Maria Petrovna Sr. Three-time winner of the Stalin Prize, prima of the Bolshoi Theater, performer of Russian romances.

It seems her life was meant to be full. And fate began to test the future star in childhood.

The girl was born into a prosperous family. But my father is an employee of the Volga Shipping Company Petr Sidorov— died early, and at the age of eight the eldest Marusya had to go earn money. She was paid a ruble a month for singing in a church choir. At the age of 17, Maria was already enrolled in the troupe of the Astrakhan Opera Theater.

And in the summer of 1919, a native of Austria, a famous baritone and opera entrepreneur, came to the city on tour. Maximilian Maksakov. He became the new manager of the troupe and immediately entrusted Masha Sidorova with several interesting roles. At the same time, he noted that, although she has talent and a voice, the girl cannot sing at all. She asked Maximilian Karlovich to work out with her - he had no time for her. Maria went to the Petrograd Conservatory. However, having learned from Professor Glazunov, who has a lyric soprano, hurried to return to Astrakhan.

Maria Maksakova Sr. in the opera "Lohengrin". Photo: RIA Novosti / Dmitry Korobeinikov

Maria Petrovna herself later recalled that upon returning to her homeland, she very soon became not only Maksakov’s student, but also his wife. However, the early marriage of Marusya Sidorova gave rise to many legends that would later accompany her throughout her life. later life. They even said that Maximilian connected his life with a simple poor girl at the request of his dying wife. Who knows? Maria was 18 years old at that time, he was 50.

Maksakova’s granddaughter, her full namesake, would later say: her grandmother wanted to become a singer so much that only Maximilian could help her. He will take her to Moscow, they will live for 16 years. And until the end of her days, Maria Petrovna will call him best husband and human.

She will devote almost 30 years to the Bolshoi Theater and become the voice of this stage. And wherein long years will live in fear and not sleep at night. Shudder at every rustle outside the window. Wait for the “black funnel” to come for her sooner or later.

Maximilian Maksakov as Iago. Photo: Public Domain

The singer’s daughter Lyudmila Maksakova recalled: Maria Petrovna and Maximilian Karlovich were building a cooperative in Bryusov Lane, and one day the singer needed her husband’s passport. Having opened his document for the first time, she almost fainted: it turns out that her beloved is a citizen of Austria, and his last name is not Maksakov at all (it was just a pseudonym), but Schwartz. 1930s. There are enemies of the people and spies all around. Arrests, denunciations. She immediately closed the curtains and burned her passport in a frying pan. From then on, fear settled in her heart. And in 1936, my husband died.

After enduring a year of mourning, Maria Maksakova decided on a new relationship. While on tour in Warsaw, she met the USSR Ambassador to Poland and the founder of foreign intelligence Yakov Davtyan. But this relationship was not destined to be either long or happy. They lived only six months. Davtyan was shot, and she, as the wife of an enemy of the people, faced deportation. If not Stalin. It is known that he was a big theater lover, often went to the opera, and knew Maksakova. “Where is my Carmen?” the leader suddenly asked. And the singer was immediately taken to the Kremlin.

Is it any wonder that when 38-year-old Maria Maksakova gave birth in 1940 long-awaited daughter, rumors immediately spread throughout Moscow that the girl’s dad was “the father of all times and peoples.” Nobody knew what it really was like. Later Lyudmila Vasilievna will tell you that her mother gave birth to Bolshoi Theater soloist Alexander Volkov. But he did not want to recognize his daughter and during World War II he fled to the USA, automatically becoming an enemy of the people.

So, if Maria Petrovna had not erased Volkov from her life, Lyudmila would have faced the fate of the daughter of a traitor to her homeland. Maksakova Sr. could not allow this. And she wrote down her daughter as “Lyudmila Vasilievna.” The future prima of the Vakhtangov Theater received her middle name from a family friend Vasily Novikova- employee of the State Security Service. They say that it was he who helped Maria Petrovna and little Lyusya evacuate to Astrakhan during the war.

Then the singer had to work and raise a child. Just live peacefully. There was no great personal happiness, however. And three Stalin Prizes first degree could hardly help in its possession. And in 1953 she suffered a terrible blow in her career. A youthful, still in good shape singer Grand Theatre unexpectedly sent me into retirement.

Maksakova was 51 years old. But even at this young age she was able to start a new life. What it cost her is a separate topic. She came to the folk orchestra named after. Osipova, began to perform Russian songs and romances. And the country applauded her again. But in order to feed herself and her daughter, Maria Petrovna was forced to earn extra money by teaching students. Her daughter hardly saw her. Mother kept Lucy under a tight rein and never had a heart-to-heart talk with her. But the main lesson that Lyudmila Vasilievna received from Maria Petrovna: you have to work. And I tried to follow him.

“Knocked a man down and ran away?”

Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova, daughter of Maria Petrovna. Prima of the Vakhtangov Theater.

Strictness in education and restrictions in entertainment led to the opposite result in the life of young Lyudmila Maksakova. Having entered drama school, contrary to her mother’s advice, to become a translator and graduate from a foreign language, the aspiring actress began experimenting with her appearance. She dyed her hair and was fond of bright makeup. The taste of freedom was sweet. Lyudmila had little interest in studying. Student parties were much more attractive. It’s no wonder that the beauty quickly got married. For her sake artist Zbarsky He even left his fashion model wife.

Lev and Lyudmila were young, loved each other and their friends. There were always guests in the house. The actress went grocery shopping, cooked, and washed dishes. At the same time, the artist demanded that she take care of herself, and he himself was jealous and often started scandals. None of them wanted to register officially.

As Lyudmila Vasilievna later said, the talented artist never had 15 rubles for a stamp in his passport. And she always had a lot of work.

Lyudmila Maksakova, 1966 Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Armand

At the age of 29, Lyudmila became pregnant. It was hard to carry Maxim. And when he was born, Leo had to adopt him. He gave the boy his middle name and last name. However, the relationship with Lyudmila very soon faded away. She returned to her mother, Lev decided to emigrate to America.

My mother's mistakes taught me nothing. Fate would have it that Lyudmila studied at own experience. And the life of the son of an emigrant in the Soviet Union would hardly have been happy. Most likely, he would not have been accepted into a decent institute, would not have been accepted for Good work. Abroad would certainly be closed to him. This is how Lyudmila Maksakova reasoned before going to the registry office and... submitting documents for the de-adoption of Maxim Zbarsky. She rewrote her son's name. Lev left safely and did not have to pay alimony for 15 years in advance before leaving, as required by Soviet law. He simply didn't have that kind of money. Lev Zbarsky never even called his son. Not long ago the artist passed away.

With a small child in her arms, Lyudmila continued her search for personal happiness. But also the second bright novel was marred by tragedy.

WITH Mikael Tariverdiev Lyudmila Maksakova met at the Akter sanatorium. Handsome, impressive, dressed to the nines, the owner of water skis and a Volga with a deer on the hood, the composer immediately made an impression on the actress. Both were free and ready for new romantic relationships. They only lasted three years. A beautiful fairy tale has ended car accident, in which a young stranger was injured. The young man ran across Leningradsky Prospekt near the Sovetskaya Hotel - a girl was waiting for him on the other side - and found himself under the wheels of Tariverdiev’s car.

The story that happened to the composer and actress became the basis for the film script Eldara Ryazanova"Station for two." They talked a lot about her in those years. But how it really happened, Lyudmila Maksakova and the widow Mikaela Tariverdieva tell differently.

The widow says that Lyudmila was driving, and Mikael, like a decent noble man, took the blame upon himself. The actress assures that there were a lot of witnesses - Tariverdiev himself drove the car. As Lyudmila Vasilievna said, the worst thing that night was that Mikael did not stop, but even increased speed. Apparently there was a shock. And only when some military man caught up with them and shouted: “What, you bastard, knocked down a man and ran away?!”, Tariverdiev turned around and drove to the crime scene. The composer had a famous lawyer, and he was given a suspended sentence. However, that story ruined Tariverdiev’s life. Having suffered several heart attacks, he died quite early.

German citizen, Latvian Peter Paul Andreas Igenbergs whose ancestors once left Tsarist Russia, became the first and only legal husband of Lyudmila Maksakova. A physicist and businessman, Peter worked in Moscow. According to one version, they met by chance, at the entrance. And there the man proposed to the actress. According to another version, they finally met in the apartment - at a party on the occasion of Maksakova’s conferment of the title of “honored”. However, this just doesn’t matter.

Lyudmila Maksakova. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

For a year and a half, Peter and Lyudmila looked closely at each other. Although, maybe she was looking closely. And he was so persistent from the very beginning that he was ready to run to the registry office almost the next day. As a result, he “starved out.” And when they submitted an application to Griboedovsky, they began to get on their nerves and demand the most incredible certificates about relatives up to the seventh generation.

Finally, Peter and Lyudmila signed. Although in 1974, marriage with a foreigner was considered almost a betrayal of the homeland. And her colleagues reacted differently to her marriage. Only a few found the strength to sincerely rejoice. Mostly, they were jealous. And many simply stopped communicating with her. For the upcoming tour to Greece, her name was not on the list. She became restricted from traveling abroad. They stopped inviting her to filming and photo tests. My husband had problems getting in and out. Once, when Maria Petrovna Maksakova was dying, they did not want to let him into the Union, and Lyudmila Vasilievna called Gromyko’s assistant. If my husband is not given a visa, I will throw myself out of the window,” she shouted into the phone. And Peter managed to say goodbye to his mother-in-law.

Only in this marriage, Lyudmila Maksakova later admitted, did she feel truly happy. Only with Peter did I understand what it means to be “like behind a stone wall.” He raised Maxim as his own son, although the “good people”, of course, told the truth. And on July 24, 1977, in Munich, the couple had a daughter, who was named in honor of Maria Petrovna.

Lyudmila Maksakova as Jocasta in the play Oedipus the King. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

“During the day I love United Russia, at night I love the communist!”

Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs. Daughter of Lyudmila Vasilievna. Granddaughter of Maria Petrovna.

Like Lyudmila Vasilievna once upon a time, as a teenager Maria also began to wear makeup madly, rebelled, and was offended by her mother. Once she even tried to open her veins. Lyudmila Maksakova herself spoke about this in frank interview. But she seemed to be “justifying herself”: most likely, it was only a desire to prove that she was right, to scare her mother.

“My husband Vladimir Anatolyevich is a respectable businessman with experience family life, 19 years older than me,” she said in an interview glossy magazine who, like her grandmother, became an opera singer, Maria Maksakova.

Lyudmila Maksakova with her daughter Maria (right) and grandson Petya, 1995. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

Having seen her on TV, Tyurin immediately fell in love and began to wait for Maria in the Hermitage garden. And he was probably as assertive as Maria’s future father had once been towards her mother.

Unfortunately, there are no other similarities. “His life was ready for my appearance in it: the finished frame was waiting for its gem,” Maria Maksakova expressed herself floridly in the same interview. “He offered me literally everything at once: his feelings, his home, having children... Very soon I also fell in love with him...”

Apparently he offered everything but the truth. On the Internet you can find information about Vladimir Anatolyevich Tyurin, born in 1958. He graduated from the Gnessin Music College... He has several criminal records and the nickname “Tyurik”.

The Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs several years ago gave an operational report: “Tyurin is a thief in law and the leader of the Bratskaya organized crime group.”

A few years ago in some media Tyurin was mentioned as common law husband Maria Maksakova. They wrote that he was the father of the singer’s two children: Ilya and Lyudmila. But in 2011, Maria became a State Duma deputy from “ United Russia”, and a denial appeared on the party website that she “has never been married and is not married now.” Despite the fact that already in 2012 Maria admitted that she was in a relationship with the son of a Baku musician - a jeweler Jamil Aliyev. It can be assumed that both unions were not officially registered. However, later Maria decided to completely disown acquaintance with Vladimir Tyurin, leaving her fans in the dark about who really is the father of her children.

On March 26, 2015, State Duma deputy from United Russia Maria Maksakova and parliamentarian from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov officially registered their relationship.

Wedding of Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

The singer admitted that having lived to the age of 37, she no longer hoped to ever meet a man with whom she would like to spend her whole life. “He’s probably the best thing that happened to me,” Maksakova said. “For the first time I feel like a fragile woman, I’m happy.”

They bought groceries in the same stores and stayed in the same hotels. And they even took fish from one merchant at the Dorogomilovsky market. But fate wanted to throw them into politics. And mix it there, in a large building on Okhotny Ryad. So that very soon they would part so tragically.

The trials began even before the wedding. In December 2014, the Moscow Department of the RF IC sent materials to the State Duma about depriving Voronenkov of parliamentary immunity. A criminal case was initiated against him for raider takeover buildings in the center of Moscow. In April 2015, a month after the wedding, Maria had nervous soil there was a miscarriage - she lost twins. But a year later the couple had a son Ivan.

That day, an announcement appeared in the State Duma: on the occasion of the birth of the first inter-factional child, the buffet was open for free. Who composed the ditty remains a mystery:

My lips are the color of apricot, and I sing clearly.
By day I love United Russia, by night I love communists!

They remembered her to Maria Maksakova for a long time. Then it seemed to the lovers that everything would be fine. He called her “my star”, she called him “Denechka”. They believed in themselves. And in the Lord. They even got married in Jerusalem in November 2016. But this did not save them either.

Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov were deprived of their deputy mandates. They fled to Ukraine. He received citizenship of this country (later Maria will say that her husband is “half Ukrainian”). And on March 23, 2017, less than two years after the wedding, the disgraced

Politics, emigration and an “unreliable” husband played a cruel joke on the third representative of the Maksakov family. For her dual citizenship (Germany and Russia) that surfaced, Maria was expelled from the party. Gnesinka and Mariinsky Theater hastened to fire her.

“Well, thank you, Lord!” Lyudmila Maksakova told reporters about the death of her son-in-law.

An emotional outburst, of course. But you won’t envy her now. Whatever Mary is, whatever she does, she is her daughter.

“Let her publicly retract her words if she wants me to talk to her,” Maria answered. And then she stated that the journalists had quarreled with her mother.

“There is such a place in the Bible: the living will envy the dead...” she cried in an interview and assured that she stayed alive only to raise Vanya.

Then there will be other confessions. That Denis was the best husband in the world. That she thanked him for every day she lived. Appreciated every moment. And then, in March, she was in very, very pain. Although someone tried to see “not enough mourning” in her appearance.

At 39 years old, Maria Maksakova was left a widow with three children. What conclusions will she draw from this story? Will she be able to be happy again?

Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov: first photo shoot with their son Anatoly

Over the past year, the lives of Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov have changed dramatically. The birth of a son and the decision to independently develop the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin - these events occurred in their family at the same time

Italians like to repeat: “Found a family, found a treasure.” The success of fashion giants Fendi, Armani, Trussardi and Missoni - the best for that proof. In each of these cases, the prosperity of the brand is the result of coordinated work big family. It's impossible to imagine them recruiting for... leadership positions according to the advertisement. So the master of Russian fashion, Valentin Yudashkin, decided to involve the younger generation in his work: recently his daughter Galina became the art director of the brand, and her husband, Pyotr Maksakov, is responsible for its promotion on the international market. The guys are careful about traditions, but still decided to change the fashion vector. “We have started rebranding! Now we are focusing more on the younger generation, but at the same time we are trying to maintain our corporate style,” says Galya. The youngest member of the family, one-year-old Tolya, is also in action. When the boy was six months old, he attended the Valentin Yudashkin show in Paris and even walked on the catwalk with his mother. Galina and Peter told HELLO! about the new stage in their lives.

Galya, Petya, how was your first year as young parents?

I'll say this: every week it's new baby. He's growing so fast. I want to be with him every minute, but work doesn’t allow it.

It's been a fun year! But Galya is right: I want to be with my child much more often, and not leave and come home when he is sleeping. It's a pity that we miss so many moments.

Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov with their son

It must have been difficult at first?

We were warned that there would be a catastrophic lack of sleep; we were prepared for this mentally, but not physically. (Smiles.) Anatolka slept well from birth, but it was still difficult for me to get up and feed him at night. For the first couple of months, Petya and I walked around like zombies.

Marina Vladimirovna, Galina’s mother, immediately told us: “On the first night, as soon as you arrive home, come running to me.” And so it happened! And not because we wanted to sleep, we were just scared: was our son lying correctly, how was he breathing? But now this jitter is no longer there. I quickly felt confident in the role of a father, although they say that men come to this later. I can feed him myself, hold him in my arms. I never had any fear of “breaking” my child.

Were you present at the birth? Not every man will dare to do this.

Yes, but at the very important point Galya asked me to leave.

I think childbirth is such an intimate moment. There is nothing for a man to do there!

Petya, you speak to your son in English, and Galya speaks Russian...

Yes, we immediately decided to communicate with him in two languages, so that later there would be no problems and we would not have to learn quickly. Many people told us: “Well, how can this be? It’s still early! He’s very small.” No. On the contrary, children under three years old very quickly absorb all the information, and now we see that Tolya understands everything perfectly. If I say, “Come to me,” he comes. And if Petya shouts a minute later: “Come to me!” - he runs towards him.

Indeed, he learns everything very quickly and clearly knows what he wants. If he needs a car, he will go to her. If he falls along the road, he will get up and walk again. The purposeful fellow is growing.

During the shooting, Anatoly was not capricious at all: he smiled, looked at the camera on command, and as soon as Frank Sinatra started singing on the radio - New York, New York..., immediately started dancing

The birth of Anatoly coincided with the rebranding of the Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House. Accident?

Of course, we didn't wait until the baby was born to start making changes. (Smiles.) It’s just time. We will make the brand more modern.

Yes, we retain our corporate identity, but now we are looking towards millennials and are starting to actively work with Western audiences.

English Vogue wrote that new collection Valentin Yudashkin was created for young and stylish residents of the metropolis.

Yes, the collection is really different from what we did before. She's daring in a way, but still elegant. We used leather, velvet and organza. The key element of the collection was the Orenburg scarf, but not in its usual form: the scarf was dyed and made into tops, shorts and jumpers. The collection received good feedback. This means that we are not working in vain.

Galya, you have recently held the post of art director of the Fashion House. Tell us what are your responsibilities?

We have a small team, so there are a lot of responsibilities. I work with stars, attract young bloggers to collaborate and am developing a new line of accessories - it will be more focused on a young audience. We will also soon open a flagship store on Kutuzovsky Prospect - after a major renovation. It will be in high-tech style, like many boutiques of world brands in Europe.

Galina and Peter got married in September 2014, and they claim that during this time they never quarreled. "We are both very rational people and we are used to solving all issues before they become a problem,” explains Galina

Petya, you also entered family business and now you work at the Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House. What responsibilities do you have?

I do everything boring in the company! (Laughs.) I manage the systematization of processes within the company, the dissemination of business plans, communication with our international partners and the development of new lines.

Did you yourself want to work in the fashion industry or did Valentin offer to continue the family business?

I love fashion because it's one of the biggest drivers of the economy and it's all very interesting to me. Moreover, many world houses are family businesses. Look at the American brand Ralph Lauren or Italian brand Trussardi - where all family members work for the company. And, no matter what anyone says, no one is as interested in developing the business as his heirs.

The Valentin Yudashkin show in Paris has been taking place for 25 years. Last year, Valentin could not be there for health reasons and you, Galya, had to present the collection alone. It must have been hard?

Of course, despite the fact that I have been observing the process since childhood. No one has ever placed such responsibility on me. I remember how my dad called a few days before the show and said: “Galya, I’m not coming!” I suspected that this was possible, but until the last moment I believed that he would be able to fly to Paris. So I pulled myself together and did everything not to let him down.

How is Valentin feeling now?

Great! More energy than all of us. Dad is already actively working and traveling. The illness forced him to pull himself together and take action. He proved that we simply cannot be defeated.

This year has not been easy for you. Recently it became known that Denis Voronenkov, the husband of Petya’s aunt, Maria Maksakova, was shot dead in Kyiv...

Denis Nikolaevich and I were not close and saw each other only a couple of times in our lives. This is all very unpleasant. Of course, I sympathize with my aunt, but he is a grown man and knew what he was saying and doing, and understood what it could lead to. As a human being, I feel sorry for him, because he is a son and a father... We are always ready to support Masha, we are relatives.

Petya, you have a big friendly family. It’s difficult to even call People’s Artist Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova a grandmother, but she is already a great-grandmother. How does she feel in this role?

I never called her grandma. For us she is just Luda.

Lyudmila Vasilyevna immediately warned us: “I don’t really like children.” But when she saw Tolya, she admitted that he conquered her.

Yes, now she happily walks with him and reads fables to him. Our parents are so active that they will give us a head start! (Laughs.) Their cheerfulness was passed on to Tolya. On the second day he began to smile! Typically, children begin to show emotions only in the third month.

It seems to me that after the birth of his grandson, dad changed a lot: he became softer. He enjoys playing with our son when he has time. Our Tolik is not problematic, and parents get a thrill from communicating with him.

Since everything is so simple and easy for you, are you thinking about a second child?

We already want it! Why wait?

Having gotten married, Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov united two famous dynasties. For the first New Year's dinner at the family mansion, Valentin Yudashkin invited HELLO! and new relatives: Peter’s grandmother Lyudmila Maksakova, his mother, Ekaterina Dobrynina, and sister Anna, December 2014

Are there those among us who have not read secular news at least once? Or just not interested in life famous people? Didn't keep track of their fates? Often, in such searches for information, we try everything on ourselves, fantasize and dream, receiving a charge of energy and an incentive to action. This is the second year that a name has regularly appeared in the tabloids: Maksakov Petr. They talk about his family and discuss his achievements.

Golden youth

We have been watching the lives of some people since birth; we recognize some from their roles in films and on the stage, sports records, or professional achievements. And there are people whom we hear about only in connection with some secular news. And even reporters call them that: socialite, famous party animal...

Maksakov Peter does not belong to either the first or the second: special achievements and he has no outstanding talents. But also a reveler young man you can't name it either. Yes, in the company of Moscow's golden youth he is quite famous. But no more. At one time, Peter met with the daughter of Mikhail Mamiashvili (president of the Russian Wrestling Federation) Tatiana Mamiashvili. But the novel was rather superficial and hasty.

What is so attractive about this guy and why has his name been on people’s lips for the second year in a row? There are several answers to this.

Wedding of the century

First of all, the guy became famous for his marriage. Pyotr Maksakov and Yudashkina Galina - only lazy people didn’t talk about their wedding. At first, they discussed the somewhat hasty nature of the romance: they met at the beginning of the year, and in May they were already engaged. Then everyone tracked the preparations for the grand celebration - the wedding of this couple, which took place in June 2015, almost a year after the marriage was registered at the registry office.

Of course, such an event cannot fail to attract attention. Children famous names create a family. Everyone is interested in looking behind the curtain for a second: what dress the daughter of the most famous Russian designer is wearing, where the ceremony will take place, what kind of ring the bride is wearing and who the guests are. In addition, both novice designers and just amateurs (and maybe those who are preparing for a wedding themselves) are looking for ideas and examples of style and taste. Where else to look for inspiration if not at such ceremonies.

Maksakov Peter walked down the aisle a fragile miniature girl, whose dad created for her wedding dress weighing 7 kg. And before the engagement, the guy went to New York to see jewelers who restored and made adjustments to the design of the family jewel - his grandmother's ring.

As Valentin Yudashkin said: the guys had no need to play such magnificent wedding. But they both understand that they are representatives of public families, they grew up in an atmosphere of constant interest in their lives and calmly reacted to everything that happened.


If with Galina Yudashkina everything is quite simple and clear - the daughter of one of the most eminent Russian designers clothes, then Peter Maksakov a personality almost unknown to the general public. Nevertheless, his family deserves special attention. After all, his family includes diplomats, theater figures, and politicians.

But first things first. Peter's most famous relatives now are his grandmother and aunt. First - famous actress, deserved and People's Artist RSFSR Lyudmila Maksakova. It was her son Maxim who gave his mother the eldest grandson. And aunt – Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs - opera diva and an active politician. She became a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation and works on the culture committee.

On his mother’s side, Peter Maksakov is related to Anatoly Dobrynin. This young man's great-grandfather is credited with "preventing World War III." The fact is that Dobrynin served as the USSR Ambassador to the USA from 1962 to 1986. And it was at the beginning of his career, according to rumors, that he had to talk like a man with Robert Kennedy about resolving the Cuban missile crisis. It is known that Anatoly Dobrynin was an extremely delicate person. And this trait allowed him to always achieve his goals. According to reviews from close people, all members of this family inherited diplomacy and the ability to negotiate.


How did Pyotr Maksakov spend his childhood? The biography of this young man is not yet very eventful, so any interesting points his life is interesting to readers. Peter spent his childhood on Bryusov Lane in Moscow, in his grandmother’s house.

The nanny took him for a walk to the playground near the Church of the Ascension. It is noteworthy that Galya Yudashkina and her teacher also walked here. It was the Church of the Ascension that opened its doors to representatives first of the Soviet elite, and then to the elite of the new state. Therefore, from an early age, Peter saw a lot of famous people.

The boy attended primary school in Moscow, at the famous twentieth school. And then his parents decided that English education more suitable for their offspring, and Peter Maksakov (his biography is similar to the biography of any child of a famous family) further studied at Oundle. This educational institution in just over four centuries it has proven itself to be excellent.

Higher education and career

Of course, the offspring of diplomats, observing family traditions, studied at MGIMO and received an MBA there. But before that, still in England, he received a degree in psychology from the University of Durham.

Peter's career is still at the very beginning. But now he is developing several independent projects. One of them is the brand “Vodka Kremlevskaya” - a joint venture with Ilan Shor (husband of singer Jasmine). The other is the company "SMiT" - created by Peter and his friends to develop startup concepts.

It is obvious that Valentin Yudashkin also found a use for his son-in-law: at Valentin Yudashkin, Peter took the position of a business consultant.

Without snobbery

Despite the widespread opinion that representatives of the “golden youth” are great snobs, Pyotr Maksakov (the photos posted in the review confirm this) is quite democratic. He drives a Chevrolet to work, lives in the Yudashkins’ house, own house is going to build next door (so as not to waste precious time traveling through Moscow traffic jams).

According to Galina, she and her husband have a hot temper. But both learn to bypass the cornerstones and see the main thing behind the emotions - loved one and kindred spirit.
