Is it possible to confirm a category without testing? Categories of doctors and their classification in ascending order, the procedure for certification of medical workers, documents and composition of the commission

As is known, the presence of a qualification category confirms the qualifications of a medical worker and affects wages. A dentist in one of the clinics in Kirov decided to get a second category, asked his colleagues for advice, but, oddly enough, it turned out that no one had medical categories. The doctor contacted the HR department, but, oddly enough, he also did not receive an answer to his request. I had to contact " Hotline» trade union "Action".

The assignment of a medical category is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 N 240n “On the Procedure and timing of certification for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to obtain a qualification category.”

Each doctor has the right to receive a category in several specialties at the same time, if they are related. The main requirement is work experience in the required specialization.

Requirements for obtaining the second category:

At least 3 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Requirements for obtaining the first category:

At least 5 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Personal appearance, including testing, participation in report evaluation, interview.

Requirements for obtaining highest category:

At least 7 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Personal appearance, including testing, participation in report evaluation, interview.

To obtain a category, a specialist must contact the regional health authority (Ministry of Health, department, committee, administration - each region has its own) and the executive secretary of the certification commission for his specialty. All questions regarding the category are resolved through the executive secretary. The doctor fills out an application addressed to the chairman of the certification commission (in case of recertification, the application is submitted four months before the due date). The application indicates passport data, the existing category (if any) and the date of its receipt, the qualification category for which the doctor is applying, consent to receive and process personal data, personal signature and date. Also, in printed form, a certification sheet and a report on the work done for the last 3 years, approved by the chief physician and the human resources department of the healthcare facility where the certified person works, are filled out. Copies of education documents (diploma, certificates, certificates, specialist certificates) are also sent to the commission. work book and assignment of the current qualification (if any), in the case of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of their change.

What is a doctor's certification report? It consists of three parts - introduction, main part and conclusion.

The introduction includes information about the identity of the doctor and the medical institution where he holds a position. The characteristics of the department, its equipment and staff structure, and the performance indicators of the department in the form of statistical data are described.

The main part consists of the following points: characteristics of the population undergoing treatment in the department; possibility of carrying out diagnostic measures; carried out medical work with the indicated results for specialized diseases; deaths over the past 3 years and their analysis; implementation of innovations.

The conclusion of the report consists of a summary of the results, indications possible problems and examples of their solutions, opportunities for improvement. If published materials are available, copies of them are attached. A list of literature used and studied over the past few years is indicated.

If the head of the organization where the specialist works refuses to approve the report, the latter is given a written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the application for a qualification category.

Documents are sent to the authority state power or the organization that created the certification commission, via postal service or provided personally by a specialist to the executive secretary of this commission.

Certification is scheduled no later than three months from the date of receipt of information about the specialist. If the data does not match the requirements for it, the documentation will be refused (no later than 7 days from the date of its registration). After eliminating the grounds that caused the refusal to accept documents, the specialist has the right to re-send the documents to the certification commission.

The secretary agrees with the chairman of the expert group of the required specialization on the timing of the examination. Members of the expert group review the certification work of doctors for the category, completing a review for each of them, displaying the following data: the level of practical skills of the specialist; participation in social projects related to the medical field; availability of published materials; self-education of the certified person; compliance of knowledge and skills with the declared category of doctors. The examination must take place within 30 days from the date of receipt of the report. The result of the review is an indicator of the possible outcome of the certification.

The secretary informs the specialist of the date of the meeting, including the interview and testing (no later than 30 days before this date). The test is considered passed when more than 70% of correct answers are received. The interview takes place by questioning the person being certified according to theory and practice, the knowledge of which must correspond to the requested qualification. The meeting is accompanied by the preparation of a protocol, which is signed by the members of the expert group and the chairman. The final decision is noted on the qualification sheet. A specialist receives the right to retake the exam only after a year. A document confirming receipt, promotion, reduction of category or refusal to assign it is given to the specialist or sent by mail by the executive secretary of the certification commission (no later than 120 days from the date of registration of the application for certification or recertification).

The decision of the certification commission can be appealed to the government body or organization that created the certification commission within one year from the date the certification commission made the appealed decision.

The certification commission may decide to extend the validity period at the request of the head physician of the medical institution. If a doctor refuses to appear for the commission, his category is automatically removed after a five-year period from the date of assignment.

Also, the administration of a medical institution can send a request to the certification commission that the doctor be deprived of qualifications or that they be upgraded ahead of schedule (specialists can apply for a higher qualification category no earlier than three years from the date of receipt of this category). In this case, documents are sent to justify the decision. The commission considers the issue in the presence of a specialist. No-show without good reason allows decisions to be made in his absence. From the date of the decision, the doctor or medical institution can appeal the result within 30 days. To do this, it is necessary to fill out an application specifying the reasons for disagreement and send it to the commission under the regional health authority (Ministry of Health, etc.).

Attestation sheet

1. Last name, first name, patronymic (if available) ________________________________

2. Date of birth ______________________

3. Information about education*(1) __________________________________________


4. Information about work activity*(2)

from _____ to ______ ______________________________________________________________

(position, name of organization, location)

Employee signature personnel service and the seal of the organization’s HR department,

whose employee is a specialist.

5. Work experience in medical or pharmaceutical organizations

6. Name of the specialty (position) for which it is carried out

certification for obtaining a qualification category ___________________

7. Work experience in this specialty (in this position)


8. Information about the existing qualification category in the specialty

(position)*(3) for which certification is carried out ______________________

9. Information about available qualification categories for other

specialties (positions)*(3) _______________________________________

10. Information about available academic degrees and academic titles*(4) _________


11. Information about available scientific works (printed)*(5) ________________


12. Information about existing inventions, innovation proposals,

patents*(6) _________________________________________________________________

13. Knowledge of a foreign language ___________________________________

14. Business address and work telephone number ___________________________________

15. Postal address for correspondence on certification issues with

certification commission ________________________________________________


16. Email(in the presence of): _________________________________

17. Characteristics of a specialist*(7): _________________________________



Signature of the manager and seal of the organization of which he is an employee


18. Conclusion of the certification commission:

Assign / Refuse to assign ________________ qualification(s)

(highest, first, second)

(name of specialty (position))

"___" ________ 20___ N ______*(8)

Executive Secretary

Expert group signature I.O. Last name


*(1) The level of existing education (secondary, higher, postgraduate or additional professional education), the topic of the advanced training course or professional retraining (for information about additional vocational education), name of the assigned specialty, number and date of issue of the education document, name of the organization that issued the education document.

*(2) The start and end dates of employment in the relevant position, the name of the employing organization, and its location are indicated.

*(3) The existing qualification category, the name of the specialty (position) for which it was assigned, and the date of its assignment are indicated.

*(4) Available academic degrees are indicated, academic titles and the dates of their assignment.

*(5) Only information about printed scientific works is indicated, including the name scientific work, date and place of publication.

*(6) The registration number and date of issue of the relevant certificates are indicated.

*(7) Includes performance information professional activity specialist, his business and professional qualities(including assessment of the level of responsibility, exactingness, existing skills, practical skills).

*(8) The details of the minutes of the meeting of the Expert Commission, at which the decision was made to assign a qualification category to the specialist, are indicated.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the project “Legal support for workers medical organizations V Russian Federation and monitoring current problems in the field social and labor relations in the context of reform public sector healthcare" using funds from a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society.

Work to improve the qualifications of a doctor provides for some sections, one of them is the assignment of a qualification category to a doctor. Doctors can be gradually certified for the second, first and highest categories. A doctor has the right to receive a second certification category after he has achieved 5 years of work experience in the relevant specialty. In order to be able to be certified, the doctor must submit a detailed report on his activities over the last 3 years of work.

For reporting there is no single form. Such a report is an individual creative document of the person being certified. However, the presence of an orientation program greatly facilitates the doctor’s task, without excluding his initiative.

Based on my experience, we recommend the following scheme for certification work of a doctor. The proposed scheme is not a rigid template; it is intended only to help the doctor systematize the accumulated material, analyze it, draw conclusions and set, based on the analysis, tasks aimed at further improving the work in his area.
Certification work consists of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The introduction indicates the main directions of the doctor’s work to protect the health of the assigned patient population.

The following is a brief description medical institution with its structure and organization of work and the relationship of departments with the department in which the certified person works.
The main part, in turn, is divided into several sections.

IN first section In the main part, it is advisable to characterize the department, its structure, staffing, organization of work, equipment, organization of reception and preventive activities.
Then follows in detail characterize the treatment, diagnostic and preventive work for 3 years and give its comparative assessment.

At description of therapeutic activities first of all, it is necessary to reflect and analyze the work at outpatient appointments, showing the number of patients received in the clinic and served at home, specific gravity patients admitted and preventive medical examinations performed, load per 1 hour of admission. It is necessary to analyze the incidence of temporary disability by nosological forms. Home assistance work involves the number and proportion of active and repeat calls.

Assessing the work of hospitalizing patients, it is necessary to indicate the number of hospitalized people and their composition by nosological forms, the indicator of discrepancies in clinical and outpatient diagnoses. A detailed analysis of these discrepancies and their reasons should be provided.

Analyzing diagnostic and treatment work, a list and number of procedures performed, outpatient operations, manipulations, consultations should be provided and an assessment of this section of activity should be given. Next, it is necessary to show how, in a clinic setting, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases for which patients seek help from this specialist are carried out. It is advisable to illustrate this section with a description of the most interesting cases from practice, providing examination and treatment data.

In chapter preventive work highlight the participation of the doctor in conducting annual medical preventive examinations, provide the number, proportion and structure of newly identified patients, the timeliness and completeness of taking them for dynamic dispensary observation.

Dynamic clinical observation patients with chronic diseases is characterized by the number of patients registered at the dispensary, their composition according to nosological forms, movement among dispensary registration groups, and indicators of disability.

It is necessary to present the volume and nature of medical and health-improving events(outpatient and inpatient preventive treatment, sanitary-resort treatment, etc.) and show their effectiveness in a group of patients undergoing dynamic dispensary observation for 3 or more years.

IN fourth section It is necessary to characterize the health education work carried out by the doctor over 3 years and show its effectiveness.
Fifth section must be devoted to work on scientific organization labor, indicate which proposals were implemented and what effect was obtained.

Sixth section It is advisable to devote the report to the doctor’s work to improve professional skills. It should be indicated whether the doctor underwent advanced training in various cycles and workplaces, when, for what time and on what topics, it is necessary to describe the scientific and practical work carried out by the doctor for reporting period, its results (published articles, presentations and presentations at various conferences, etc.).
It is necessary to indicate which way doctor participates in public life team.

In conclusion, brief remarks are made reasonable conclusions about the work done over 3 years and ways to further improve the activities of the certified person are outlined.

To summarize briefly the above, then you get the following diagram.
1. Introduction.
2. a brief description of clinics and ENT departments.
3. Characteristics of the department’s personnel.

4. Reception characteristics:
a) the number of those accepted in the department and personally certified;
b) the number of people served at home and personally certified;
c) load for 1 hour;
d) data on appeal by nosological forms (in%);
e) call handling data (in%);
e) number of active calls (in%);

g) the number of planned and emergency hospitalized patients, where, according to nosological forms, how long they wait before hospitalization;
h) the percentage of discrepancies between diagnoses and the hospital and analysis of discrepancies;
i) the average duration of disability of patients in the department and for the person being certified;
j) the same for nosological forms;
k) the number of patients under dynamic observation according to f. 30 and principles of their observation and treatment. Results (efficiency);
l) movement of dispensary patients and analysis of their disability;

m) average duration of disability during exacerbations of the disease in patients on the f. thirty;
o) the average number of days for which the exacerbation lasts (taking into account that the person is retired and does not work);
n) the number of medical examinations and the detection of diseases (in% and by nosology);
p) timeliness of registration at the dispensary;
c) percentage of dynamic surveillance coverage;
r) number of outpatient operations and which ones;
y) number of procedures and which ones.

5. Organization of knowledge improvement.
6. Increased knowledge of civil defense.
7. Number of complaints, reprimands, comments, thanks, etc.
8. Participation in the public life of the clinic - where, in what capacity.
9. Treatment and diagnostic work.
10. Goals and objectives for the future.
11. Conclusion.

The report is signed by the person being certified and dated. His signature is certified by the chief physician of the clinic and sealed with the official seal of the institution.

Any doctor who plans to continue working in medicine, sooner or later is faced with the need to present documents indicating that he has been assigned a certain qualification category (also known as the category of doctor). How to make sure in advance that right time and did you have the right category of doctor in the right place?

How to get the category of a doctor (theory of basics)

There are several levels of the medical hierarchy: specialist (assigned after completing an internship), second, first and highest category of doctor.

There is also a certain sequence in assigning the category of doctor.

Thus, in order to qualify for the second category of doctor upon completion of the internship, a specialist must have a total experience in the specialty of at least five years. To be assigned the first category, at least seven years of medical experience in the chosen specialty is required. Well, you can get the highest category of doctor no earlier than after ten years of work.

In addition, every five years, every doctor, regardless of title and regalia, is formally required to undergo certification. This is accompanied by the assignment of a category to the doctor or confirmation of his qualification category.

But this is all theory, but in practice the situation looks much more complicated... or, conversely, easier - it all depends on the angle of view.

Why is it necessary to assign a category to doctors?

First of all, being assigned a category is prestigious! Assigning a category changes the attitude of colleagues and patients towards the doctor, makes it possible to attract the attention of the administration and take a higher position on the career ladder. It’s not for nothing that receiving the highest category of doctor is almost always indicated on business cards, badges and door signs.

Secondly, there are ambiguous professional situations when assigning a category (especially the highest) allows the doctor to avoid moral (or even economic) responsibility to patients and their relatives: in case of failure, you can “hide behind” authority, saying that the situation was so difficult that even such a highly qualified specialist could not provide assistance (what if there was less experienced doctor?!). Unfortunately for patients (and fortunately for doctors), such arguments often help...

And thirdly, it is financially beneficial: each subsequent assignment of a category to a doctor adds about 50-70-100 hryvnia per month to the salary.

Deadlines for assigning a category to a doctor: select the desired starting point

The system of regular certifications “once every five years” allows for an approximate calculation of the time required to obtain the highest category of doctor.

So, after five years, the medical specialist will have his first certification, after which he will certainly be assigned a second category. Then the next certification is in another five years. During this process, you can apply for assignment to the first category (we do not even consider the possibility of simply confirming the second category of a doctor). In another five years we will receive the highest category of doctor.

Total: a year or two of internship plus fifteen years of work (three certifications). Typically, a doctor is awarded the highest category at the age of forty to forty-five. But…

But if a young doctor is not inclined to wait for “mercy from nature”, but is ready to fight for his professional ambitions and other respectable aspirations associated with the assignment of a category, then the same calculation of the time required to obtain the highest category of doctor may look different!

Since the internship is part of the work experience in the specialty, after three to four years of work a young specialist can apply for assignment to the second category.

After another two years, you can be certified to receive the first category of doctor (seven years of total work experience in your specialty allows this). Well, three years later, your experience will be ten years, which gives you the right to be awarded the highest category of doctor.

Thus, if you have the desire (and some favorable circumstances), you can achieve the highest category of doctor at thirty-three to thirty-five years old!

Assignment of the highest category in ten years - how this is done in practice

Of course, desire alone is not enough to assign the highest category. You need to work hard and constantly improve your professional level. And be sure to discuss the possibility of assigning a category with the administration of your medical institution in advance: after all, you cannot do without its participation in matters of obtaining the category of a doctor.

As a rule, there are no obstacles to obtaining the second category of doctor within a five-year period (including internship training). The management is even interested in the young doctor quickly ceasing to be a “specialist with a minimum level of responsibility.” If only because after assigning a category, he can be entrusted with a larger amount of work.

It is more difficult to assign the first category of doctor. It is advisable to inform in advance not only the administration of the clinic, but also the city (or better yet, regional) specialist in his field about the desire to obtain the first category of doctor. And not only within the framework of observing formalities, but also according to a sober calculation: since these people are part of the certification commission, they can both contribute to solving the problem of assigning a category to a specific doctor, and vice versa.

The requirements for obtaining the first category of doctor are more stringent (more self-report, printed works are encouraged, including those written in co-authorship).

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the reference, which is included in the self-report and signed by the head of the department (polyclinic) and the head physician, the following phrase is required: “the administration requests the assignment of... a category to the doctor and guarantees its payment.” Thus, if there is a gaping hole in the clinic’s budget, the accelerated assignment of the category of doctor to an employee may be postponed...

One more feature. If scheduled certification courses every five years are free, then extraordinary courses (as in the case of obtaining the first category of doctor after seven years of work) will most likely be paid for yourself. Because speeding up the certification process is a personal matter for each of us and the costs associated with assigning a category are entirely borne by the initiator of the process.

The issue of extraordinary assignment of the highest category after ten years of work (including internship training) requires even more effort than obtaining the first category of doctor. Firstly, it requires mandatory coordination not only with the administration of the medical institution, but also with the regional specialist (who, in turn, notifies the head of the regional health department, who is the chairman of the certification commission). The most stringent requirements apply to both sufficient self-reporting and co-authorship in printed publications. Plus pay all costs yourself...

How to best justify expedited category assignment

Your plan to obtain the highest category of doctor in ten years will require painstaking work on this problem for ten years. After all, the reasons why they will meet you halfway in the issue of assigning the highest category must be compelling...

But let the fact that there are precedents for assigning the highest category after nine years of work (including internship studies) set you in an optimistic mood. A doctor awarded the highest category, about whom we're talking about, became the author and co-author of more than forty published works, prepared his Ph.D. thesis, and for several years periodically served as head of a department at a regional hospital.

So, if you are seriously aimed at extraordinary assignment of the highest category, then:

  1. The hospital management and the regional specialist should know about your desire to achieve a category assignment.
  2. The chances of being assigned the category of doctor increase significantly if you are the only one in your area of ​​specialty in the clinic, especially in the central district hospital (in this case, you are automatically a district specialist, which means that the regional health department is sure to know about your professional existence).
  3. It is much easier to achieve the highest category if you have an academic degree or are engaged in scientific work.
  4. Working in a large city or regional hospital also simplifies the assignment of the highest category of doctor.
  5. Do you agree, if assigned the first or highest category, to be involved in the air ambulance? Then your chances of receiving the desired category of doctor increase even more.
  6. Do you plan to head a department or service (are you in the reserve of the hospital administration), are you ready to actively participate in the organization of new departments or divisions of the hospital?
    1. In this case, assignment to the highest category is mandatory!

      Be persistent and consistent in the matter of assigning the highest category and your plans will definitely come true. We wish you to always strive to improve your qualification level and achieve success in achieving your goals!

  • Modernization of healthcare in the Russian Federation. The purpose and objectives of the program.
  • Modernization of healthcare in the Russian Federation. Introduction of modern information systems and standards of medical care.
  • Sanitary statistics: definition, sections, role in assessing public health and the activities of health care institutions. Organization of statistical research and its stages.
  • Comparative characteristics of methods for collecting statistical material.
  • 15. General and sample population. Formation methods. The concept of representativeness.
  • 16. Main elements of the first, second and third stages of the study. The concept of a unit of observation.
  • 17. Features of clinical and statistical research. Errors in statistical research.
  • 18. Relative indicators in sanitary statistics: types, calculation methods. Practical use.
  • 19. Graphic images in sanitary statistics.
  • 20. Average level of the trait. Average values: types, properties, practical application. Mean square deviation. Assessing the reliability of the research results.
  • 21. Diversity of a characteristic in a statistical population: criteria characterizing the boundaries and internal structure of a variation series, their practical application.
  • 22. Methods for studying the relationship between phenomena and signs, practical application. Assessing the strength and nature of the correlation. Pairwise and multiple correlation.
  • 23. Standardized indicators. Stages of the direct standardization method. Practical use.
  • 24. Public health. Definition. Modern ideas about health as the most important characteristic of living standards.
  • 25. Public health. Development of concepts of health and illness. Factors influencing population health, health functions.
  • 27. Lifestyle – concept, main elements influencing the health of the population.
  • 28. Lifestyle and living conditions of the population of the Russian Federation.
  • 29. Epidemiology as a branch of public health and healthcare that studies the ways of occurrence, spread and measures of public prevention of diseases.
  • 30. Risk factors, their signs, classification. Risk groups for developing diseases. Basic indicators for assessing disease risk.
  • 31. Healthcare – concept. Social functions: management of living labor, reproduction, personal development.
  • 32. Prevention: concept, types, use of the preventive method in the work of medical organizations. Issues of prevention in legislative documents.
  • 33. Rehabilitation: concept, types, modern features of organizing rehabilitation assistance to the population.
  • 34. Lifestyle and living conditions of the population of the Russian Federation. Lifestyle categories. The influence of lifestyle on the health of various groups. Centers for promoting a healthy lifestyle for citizens, their functions.
  • 35. Demography: concept, main sections. Using demographic data to characterize population health.
  • 36. Medical demography. Social and hygienic problems of demography.
  • 37. Patterns and trends of demographic processes in the world.
  • 38. Population census and methodology. Basic demographic data for Russia and the Krasnodar Territory.
  • 39. Indicators characterizing population reproduction: calculation methods and assessment. Levels by country of the world.
  • 40. Current trends in population mortality in economically developed and developing countries.
  • 42. General and age-specific mortality of the population: calculation methods, causes of death in various age groups.
  • 43. Infant mortality: study methods, causes. Characteristics of infant mortality in Russia and the Krasnodar region.
  • 44. Perinatal mortality: study methods, causes. Modern approaches to registration and assessment of perinatal mortality in Russia.
  • 45. Fertility: study methodology, assessment of the indicator, level by country of the world.
  • 46. ​​Average life expectancy: concept, level by country, data for the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 47. Indicators characterizing the health of the population.
  • 48. Types of age structure of the population. Medical and social aspects of the “aging” of the population.
  • 49. Morbidity, pain, pathological involvement: concept, calculation method. Methods for studying morbidity, their comparative characteristics.
  • 50. Morbidity by appeal: study methodology, types, registration forms, structure.
  • 51. Morbidity according to medical examinations: study methodology, registration forms, structure.
  • 52. Morbidity based on causes of death: study methodology, registration forms, structure.
  • 53. “International statistical classification of diseases and health-related problems”: history of creation, principles of construction, significance in the work of a doctor.
  • 54. Tuberculosis as a socially significant disease, forms of tuberculosis, place in the ICD system - 10. Dynamics of tuberculosis incidence, factors contributing to the increase in incidence.
  • 55. Planning and organizing care for patients with tuberculosis. The most important methods for diagnosing and preventing tuberculosis. Dispensary registration groups.
  • 57. Risk factors contributing to the growth of diseases of the circulatory system. The most important measures to prevent diseases of the circulatory system.
  • 58. Organization of medical care for patients with pathology of the circulatory system. An integrated approach to combating circulatory diseases.
  • 60. Epidemiology of malignant neoplasms, forms most common in men and women. Dynamics of morbidity, structure of morbidity, and mortality from cancer in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Basic measures to prevent carcinogenic hazards
  • 62. Planning and organization of medical care for cancer patients. Oncology dispensaries
  • 63. Groups for dispensary registration of cancer patients. Dispensary observation of cancer patients, purpose. Plus see question 63
  • 65. Alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, smoking and their impact on health. Problems, ways to overcome, prevention.
  • 66. Health care authorities, structure and functions.
  • 67. Unified nomenclature of healthcare institutions.
  • "On approval of a unified nomenclature of state and municipal healthcare institutions"
  • 2. Special types of healthcare institutions
  • 3. Health care institutions for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being
  • 4. Pharmacies
  • 68. Main types of outpatient clinics.
  • 69. Main types of hospital organizations.
  • 70. Basic types and principles of operation of dispensaries.
  • 71. Emergency medical care, blood transfusion and sanatorium and resort institutions according to a unified nomenclature.
  • 72. Structure and organization of the clinic. Performance evaluation indicators. Current trends and problems in organizing outpatient care for the population.
  • 73. The main tasks of a polyclinic operating independently or as part of a joint hospital. Functions of the accounting and medical statistics office of the clinic.
  • 74. Local doctor-therapist: size of the area, workload standards, sections of work. Therapeutic site passport. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of a local physician-therapist.
  • 75. General practitioner: size of area, workload standards, sections of work. Therapeutic site passport. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a general practitioner (family doctor).
  • I. Characteristics of the medical therapeutic area
  • II. Characteristics of the population attached to the medical (therapeutic) site
  • 76. Inpatient care to the population: principles of organization, current trends and problems.
  • 77. Structure and organization of hospital work. The procedure for referral and discharge of patients. Performance evaluation indicators. The concept of “optimal” bed capacity.
  • 78. The work of a doctor in a hospital: main sections, performance assessment indicators. The main functions of a medical document in a hospital are medical records.
  • 79. Functions of the medical commission (subcommittee) of a medical organization.
  • 80. Clinical examination: concept, groups of clinical registration, use of health care facilities in the work.
  • 81. Dispensaries: types, forms, methods of work. Dispensary registration groups in oncology and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries.
  • 82. Medical and preventive care for the rural population: principles of organization, features, current trends and problems.
  • 83. Stages of providing medical care to the rural population, the volume of medical care at different stages. The work of a general practitioner.
  • 84. The role of regional (regional) medical institutions in medical care of the rural population.
  • 85. Regional (regional), republican hospitals: categories, structure, organization of work.
  • 86. The main tasks of the obstetrics and gynecology service. Medical institutions providing medical care to women.
  • 87. Structure and organization of work of residential complexes, performance assessment indicators, estimated levels of indicators.
  • 88. The work of an obstetrician-gynecologist in a residential complex: size of the area, workload norms, main sections of work, performance assessment indicators.
  • 89. Inpatient maternity hospital: structure, main tasks, performance assessment indicators, estimated levels of indicators.
  • 90. Continuity in the activities of a residential complex, a maternity hospital, a children's clinic.
  • 91. Types and forms of medical activities. Conditions for providing medical care in the Russian Federation.
  • 92. Primary health care to the population - concept, principles of organization.
  • 93. The procedure for providing medical care - concept, basic elements.
  • 94. Standards for the provision of medical care in the Russian Federation - the concept, the role of standards in the provision of medical care.
  • 95. Palliative care.
  • 96. Examination of temporary and permanent disability. The procedure for filling out and issuing a certificate of incapacity for work.
  • I. General provisions
  • 97Question. - 100 questions
  • 101. Social insurance: concept, basic principles, types of benefits.
  • 102. Types and forms of social insurance and security.
  • 103. Object and subject of health insurance. Rights and obligations of subjects.
  • 104. Relationships between health insurance subjects.
  • 105. Insurance risk: concept, types. Conditions for payment of compensation to the insured.
  • 106. Medical personnel, training system, specialization and improvement, certification and certification of doctors.
  • What is needed for category certification?
  • 1. Have an idea of ​​the procedure for obtaining qualification categories.
  • 2. Meet the qualification requirements for your specialty.
  • 3. Undergo training to update existing theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • 5. Write a certification paper.
  • 6. Submit the necessary documents to the certification commission.
  • 109. Program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • 110. Types and conditions for the provision of medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation, standards for volumes and financial costs.
  • 111. Criteria for the quality and availability of medical care provided to the population within the framework of the program of state guarantees for the provision of citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Healthcare: concept, role in society. Key core values ​​of healthcare in countries with different types of healthcare systems.
  • Factors that determine the nature of the health care system. Factors determining the medical needs of the population.
  • Models of healthcare systems around the world. Characteristic. Advantages and disadvantages.
  • 1 Type. State-budgetary.
  • The inability to independently comprehend the results of one's activities is a reflection of intellectual and professional wretchedness.

      Examples of doctors' certification reports [go]

      Examples of nurses' certification reports [go]

    5. Write a certification paper.

    It should be said that the vast majority of certification works of doctors are uninteresting. Because usually colleagues limit themselves to a simple listing of statistical facts. Sometimes, to add volume, statistics are diluted with inserts from textbooks. Some doctors actually engage in outright plagiarism: they go to the archives, take reports from other doctors for the past years and just change the numbers. I even saw attempts to hand in sheets copied on a Xerox machine. It is clear that such a “creative approach” only evokes contempt. Well, completely stupid and lazy medical workers simply buy (for example, via the Internet) ready-made certification papers.

      What to write about in your certification report is described in the document “Approximate scheme and content certification work"

      You can find out what the certification work should look like from the file “Standards and registration requirements certification report"

    6. Submit the necessary documents to the certification commission.

    The papers that must be submitted to the certification commission are contained in List of documents for medical certification.

    List of orders for certification

    The very first order that I know of is dated January 11, 1978. This was the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 40 “On the certification of medical specialists.”

    Four years later, the USSR Ministry of Health issued order No. 1280 “On measures to further improve the certification of doctors.” The order provided for 2 types of certification: mandatory and voluntary ( more details...).

    At the beginning of 1995, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 33 “On approval of the regulations on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation." This order left only one certification - voluntary.

    In 2001, Order No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” was issued.

    After 10 years, the old order was replaced by a new one - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “ About the procedure for obtaining qualification categories", which is still in effect today.

    107. Remuneration medical workers. Principles of forming a system of remuneration for employees of budgetary institutions.

    Features of the formation of payment systems for employees of state and municipal healthcare institutions

    38. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, heads of state and municipal healthcare institutions must take into account the following when forming employee remuneration systems:

    a) an increase in wages for employees of healthcare institutions operating in the compulsory health insurance system is carried out at the expense of subventions from the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, taking into account the increase in financial support for expenses carried out within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program, as well as interbudgetary transfers from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation for additional financial support for Territorial State Guarantee Programs;

    b) making cash payments to local general practitioners, local pediatricians, general practitioners (family doctors), local nurses, local general practitioners, local pediatricians and nurses of general practitioners (family doctors) for services provided medical care on an outpatient basis; medical workers of feldsher-midwife stations (heads of feldsher-midwife stations, paramedics, obstetricians (midwives), nurses, including visiting nurses) for medical care provided on an outpatient basis; doctors, paramedics and nurses of medical organizations and emergency medical services for emergency medical care provided outside a medical organization; medical specialists for medical care provided on an outpatient basis are paid at the expense of compulsory health insurance, taken into account in terms of wage costs in the tariffs for payment of medical care, formed in accordance with the methods of payment for medical care adopted in the territorial compulsory health insurance program;

    c) the formation of staffing schedules for healthcare institutions is carried out taking into account the recommended staffing standards contained in the procedures for providing medical care and the Nomenclature of Positions of Medical Workers and Pharmaceutical Workers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 20, 2012 N 1183n;

    d) when establishing incentive payments, provide indicators and criteria for the performance of employees aimed at achieving specific results of their work, reflected in the Model Regulations on the remuneration of employees of institutions, local regulations and employment contracts with employees of institutions;

    e) in order to preserve personnel potential, increase the prestige and attractiveness of work in institutions, it is recommended to improve the procedure for establishing sizes official salaries employees by redistributing funds in the structure wages for a significant increase in official salaries.

    For these purposes, it is recommended to revise the mechanism for establishing official salaries depending on the qualifications and complexity of workers’ work, to optimize the structure and size of incentive payments, based on the need to focus them on achieving specific results of workers’ activities.

    Remuneration of health workers.

    When calculating the wages of medical workers, the accountant of a budgetary institution is primarily guided by the Regulations on the remuneration of healthcare workers in the Russian Federation. This Regulation was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 15, 1999 No. 377, as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 26, 2003 No. 160.

    Healthcare institutions receiving budgetary funding, within the allocated budgetary allocations, independently determine the types and amounts of allowances, additional payments and other incentive payments. The following may be added to the salary of medical workers:

    > salary increases;

    > bonuses for length of service;

    > surcharges for special conditions;

    > allowances for additional work;

    > incentive bonuses;

    > additional payments for night work;

    > cash payments under the state program, etc.

    The introduction of new salary levels (rates), additional payments and bonuses for the duration of continuous work is carried out within the following periods:

    1) when changing the level of remuneration, the amount of additional payment - according to the date of the order for the institution;

    2) when conferring the honorary title “People’s Doctor” and “Honored Doctor” - from the date of conferring the honorary title;

    3) when assigning a qualification category - from the date of the order of the body (institution) under which the certification commission was created;

    4) when awarding an academic degree - from the date of entry into force of the decision on awarding an academic degree by the certification commission;

    5) when changing the length of continuous work - from the day the length of service is reached, giving the right to increase the size.

    The qualifications of employees and the complexity of the work they perform are taken into account in the amounts of salaries (rates) determined on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule.

    From May 1, 2006, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2006 No. 256, the tariff rate (salary) of the first category of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of federal government institutions was established in the amount of 1,100 rubles. and inter-category tariff coefficients of the Unified Tariff Schedule were approved.

    Rates and salaries for employees of healthcare institutions are determined on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule:

    From October 1, 2006, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2006 No. 590, the categories were increased by a factor of 1.11.

    Salaries for positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers are established according to the categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule, taking into account the availability of a qualification category, academic degree and honorary title.

    Specialists working in rural areas are paid 25% higher salaries (rates) compared to the salaries (rates) of specialists engaged in these types of activities in urban areas.

  • If every soldier wants to become a general, then for every carrier white coat highest degree recognition is the status of a doctor of the highest category. What does it mean? - this question is asked by many patients who would like to receive more qualified medical care.

    How to obtain the highest category of doctor?

    • Availability of higher professional education;
    • Ten years of experience in the specialty profile;
    • Leadership position;
    • High level theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
    • Availability of scientific publications in authoritative industry publications;
    • Timely and successful professional development;
    • Active participation in the life of the domestic (world) scientific community or professional medical association;
    • Knowledge of methods of treating and diagnosing patients not only in one’s own, but also in related specialties;
    • Compliance of existing qualifications with the requirements for employees of the highest category.

    The highest rank can be awarded after seven years of experience for the following categories of medical workers:

    Procedure for the commission meeting

    The decision to assign or deprive a medical category is made by certifying commission:

    1. Its meeting is scheduled within 90 days from the moment the documents for passing the qualification exam were registered;
    2. The expert group is formed at least a month before the meeting day based on the decision of the executive secretary;
    3. Invited experts review the report regarding the work of a particular specialist;
    4. Then a date is set for the meeting with notification of the specialist claiming a higher professional status (or a refusal is sent with reference to the relevant provisions of the review);
    5. Testing of a medical worker is carried out in written (testing) and oral (interview) forms;
    6. The test is considered successfully completed if the subject answers 70% of all questions correctly;
    7. The interview is conducted with the participation of relevant specialists and covers theoretical and practical knowledge;
    8. The decision to assign (refuse, deprive) qualifications is made during an open vote by a simple majority of votes (with at least 2/3 of the commission members participating in the voting);
    9. If the test fails, the applicant has the right to a second chance, but not less than after 12 months.

    What does the highest category give to doctors?

    There are several reasons why healthcare professionals may be interested in obtaining higher qualifications:

    1. Increased prestige and respect from colleagues and patients. An indication of a high position is always reflected on badges and plaques in the office;
    2. High voice weight in controversial or conflict situations. Even in the event of harm to the patient in the event of an unsuccessful operation, you can hide behind your qualifications: the case was so serious that even such a professional could not cope;
    3. Direct material interest. The salary increase turns out to be quite significant and can range, depending on the region, from several thousand to several tens of thousands. Sometimes so-called “presidential allowances” are provided (5-10 thousand rubles).

    In addition to the privileges of the lucky one, there are also pitfalls:

    • Increased level of responsibility;
    • Additional grunt work: the need to fill out piles of paperwork;
    • The need to make a report on your activities every five years (work comparable in volume to a university diploma).

    Deprivation of medical status

    The decision to deprive a person of status is made in the same manner as receiving it - within the framework of a meeting of the qualification commission. The reasons for such a disastrous verdict may be:

    • Medical error- negligence shown during diagnosis or treatment. In most cases, the offender is sent to advanced training courses. In especially severe cases, criminal liability is possible;
    • Systematic violation of medical ethics(provisions of the Hippocratic oath). Complaints from colleagues or patients are considered as evidence;
    • Corrupt practices. It was this reason that the head of the Ministry of Health named as one of the main ones;
    • Incompetence. A loss professional qualifications and lack of long-term work experience.

    In case of deprivation of the highest category, two options are possible:

    1. With the provision of another category, lower (first or second);
    2. Without providing another status.

    There are known cases of arbitrariness on the part of chief doctors who threaten to deprive categories without convening a commission. Such behavior is subject to prosecution in the labor commission or in court.

    What categories of doctors are higher?

    Medical career ladder is not limited to the concepts of ranks that are assigned for their experience. A doctor can be not only a practitioner, but also a scientist who contributes to theoretical medicine.

    After a year in internship and a couple of years in clinical residency, a young specialist can receive one of the following degrees:

    • Candidate of Medical Sciences. To obtain this title, a certified physician after graduation and postgraduate education must complete three more years of graduate school. The result of the training will be a dissertation on a current topic in the field of medicine;
    • Doctor of Medical Sciences. After receiving a PhD, a doctor can go further and try his hand at doctoral studies. The doctoral dissertation represents a fundamental treatise, something few can write. That is why there are so few doctors of medicine - a little over one hundred thousand throughout the country. Get this title in at a young age almost impossible: in isolated cases this is possible at the age of 32-33, but most often it is in later years.

    High salary, respect from colleagues and career. Approximately this picture appears in the minds of interns when they hear the coveted words “doctor of the highest category.” What does this mean in reality? by example more senior colleagues are convinced: menial paperwork, constant stress and increased responsibility. And the material benefits are very doubtful, given the modern Ministry of Health’s pursuit of the notorious “efficiency”.

    Video about a doctor of the highest category

    In this video, Dr. Vladislav Rogachev will tell you what you need to do to stop getting sick:
