Is it possible to weld a garbage chute in a multi-storey building. Brew can not be left

Exactly on December 31, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed the law on separate waste collection. As a result, the residents of some houses have already had to spend the New Year holidays with welded garbage chutes. People are indignant and some simply pile waste right on the steps of the entrances, under the door of the garbage room.

The President introduced amendments to the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste". The amendments legalize separate waste collection in Russia, allowing municipalities to determine for themselves whether to collect waste separately or in the old fashioned way.

Also, they can now, at their discretion, reduce the tariffs for garbage collection for citizens who sort this garbage, and accordingly increase them for those who do not.

According to experts, separate waste collection will allow 30% of all waste to be recycled. This means that the number of landfills can be reduced by almost a third.

By the way, such an experiment on separate waste collection was launched in the Moscow region and some other regions back in 2017. And, for example, the mayor of Shatura, Andrey Keller, says this directly: "The process is going hard."

According to polls, only 40% of the population supports the idea of ​​separate waste collection.

We have a lot of elderly people, I was the first to move into the entrance, I know many. We all now take out the garbage in containers, but from the ninth floor, you must admit, you don’t run into it. And sometimes even the elevator is turned off. I want to live in peace, but why do we have to fight with something all our lives? - says Vladimir Efimovich, a resident of a high-rise building in the Moskovsky district of Kaliningrad, to the portal's correspondent.

Suffer from the closed garbage chute not only pensioners, but also young people. Moms walking with children complained to us that now soiled diapers smell all night in the apartment, and before that they immediately went to the garbage chute ...


The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Sergei Donskoy, said on this occasion that citizens would have to be accustomed to a useful initiative, as they say, by force: "Garbage chutes will simply have to be welded."

“Individual officials ran ahead of the locomotive, and already in 2017 they began to weld garbage chutes in multi-storey buildings,” says Yulia Huseynova, press secretary of the Russian Bar Association for Human Rights. “This caused a storm of indignation among the residents, they began to send complaints to all instances.”

Recall: before the adoption of the law, it was possible to weld the garbage chute only by decision of the meeting of residents, this required the consent of at least 51% of the residents.

“The authorities say that they do everything as in civilized Europe,” Alexei Samokhvalov, head of the Rossiyskoye Pravo agency, comments to the portal.

Indeed, in Europe there is no garbage chute in old houses up to five or six floors high, but in modern high-rise buildings it is and is considered a sign of civilization. We, it turns out, are sliding into the cave age.

In addition, the initiative may result in a banal increase in tariffs. For garbage collectors, they will separately make a discount - a penny, and for everyone else they will increase by a ruble.

“It is clear that management companies will start “rolling in” maximum bills for everyone, assuring that no one shares any garbage,” Alexei Samokhvalov gives an example.


Residents of MKD are asking management organizations to weld up the garbage chute so that it becomes cleaner at the entrance. MA and would be happy to meet halfway, but they doubt: the GZHI can issue an order to eliminate the malfunction of the garbage chute. Elena Shereshovets tells how the UO weld the garbage chute and not be afraid of the GZhI.

Responsibility for the maintenance of the garbage chute

The garbage chute is part of the common property of the owners of the premises in the MKD. This means that the organization that manages the house should provide services and carry out work on the maintenance and repair of the garbage chute (clause 1, part 1, article 36 of the LC RF).

The listed works are obligatory for managing organizations only if the waste in the house is removed through the garbage chute - that is, the garbage chute is used. The fact is that there are several ways to remove household waste from residential buildings and from premises. They are listed in section 8.2 of SanPiN

  • through the garbage chute;
  • through containers at container yards;
  • through other containers that are designed to collect household waste.

Recall that we are talking about the common property of the owners in the MKD. This means that OSS decides whether to use a garbage chute or put a container platform in the yard and store waste there.

MA can weld the garbage chute if the owners decide so

It is up to the OSS to decide where and how to collect waste. It has the right to do this, because it concerns the common property of the MKD. The decision of the OSS is binding on all owners, even for those who did not vote (part 5 of article 46 of the LC RF). It will be a violation if such a decision is made by the managing organization.

Welding of garbage chutes does not lead to a decrease in common property, does not violate the integrity and tightness of the garbage chute shaft. When welding hatches directly, the garbage chute itself is not dismantled. Therefore, the OSS does not need to collect 100% of the votes, a simple majority is enough.

We conclude: if there is a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in the MKD, the welded buckets of the garbage chute do not indicate a malfunction and the managing organization is not obliged to ensure its operability. The order of the GZhI in this case will be illegal.

If there is a decision of the OSS, the courts take the side of the MA

If there is a decision of the OSS to weld the garbage chute, the courts support the managing organizations. This is confirmed, for example, by the decision of the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District dated June 25, 2015 in case No. A56-59092 / 2014.

The GZhI conducted an unscheduled on-site inspection of compliance by the managing organization with the rules for maintaining common property in one of the MKD and found that the cover of the loading valve was welded on, the garbage chute was not working. The Inspector issued an order to eliminate the violation.

The managing organization appealed to the court with a complaint and emerged victorious. Here is how the court reasoned.

If the house is managed by a managing organization, it is responsible to the owners for the provision of all services and the performance of work to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in this house (part 2.3 of article 161 of the LC RF).

The requirements and procedure for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock are determined by Rules No. 170. According to paragraphs. "e" of paragraph 5.9.3 of these rules, the loading valve and the bucket of the garbage chute must ensure the free movement of municipal solid waste into the trunk of the garbage chute.

The owners of the premises in the MKD own, use and dispose of the common property of the house (part 2 of article 36 of the LC RF). The decision of the OSS, adopted on issues within its competence, is binding on all owners of premises in this house, including those who did not vote (part 5 of article 46 of the LC RF).

In our case, the general meeting of owners decided not to reactivate the garbage chute. That is why the court sided with the managing organization.

In Soviet times, living in a house with a garbage chute on the floor was considered happiness. The ability to dispose of waste without leaving the entrance was considered an additional convenience provided by the progress of civilization. It even got to the point that in some cases the garbage chute pipe was wound directly into the apartment, so that people would not even need to go out onto the landing.

True, it soon turned out that a garbage chute container in the kitchen or in the hallway was not the best idea. She, of course, flattered Leni, but led to the emergence of unsanitary conditions in the locations of the “window” for throwing garbage. And the constant roar of waste thrown out by the neighbors from above did not give rest to the owners of this miracle of civilization, living on the lower floors.

Today in Russia, according to the norms stipulated for developers, in every residential apartment building being built in our country, a garbage chute is simply required to be present. But people are often not happy with this idea. In many new buildings, it is decided at tenants' meetings to seal up the "windows" for waste disposal and never use them again.

Why is such a decision being made? decided to analyze all the pros and cons of modern garbage chutes in order to understand what makes people refuse this blessing of civilization.


Almost any convenience in the entire history of the development of modern society was a product of human laziness. In order not to run to the well for water, we invented plumbing, when we got tired of walking, we invented the bicycle, when we got tired of sweeping apartments with brooms, we invented a vacuum cleaner. Same with the garbage disposal. When a person was tired of running out of the apartment almost every day with a bag full of waste, he found a way to reduce the distance from the door of his home to the place of release.

So the garbage chute was born. Therefore, its main advantage is convenience. Instead of putting on warm clothes and shoes in the winter season, waiting for the elevator, running 20 or even 100 meters from the house to the garbage containers in order to throw out this unfortunate package, now it’s enough to go out onto the landing, go up to chute, open the container, throw out the bag, close it and go back to your favorite chair in front of the TV.

In many ways, a plus related to “convenience” may be the availability of this way to get rid of garbage. Do not forget that in addition to outright lazy people, it is a real boon for people with limited mobility. These include people with limited mobility. Now much attention is paid to the creation of a barrier-free environment. So the garbage chute is one of the opportunities to make their lives easier. Also, the garbage chute is often used by elderly people, for whom a simple trip to the container can become a real difficult journey.

Actually, this is where the pluses of the garbage chute end. Then some disadvantages begin, which more and more often prevail over human laziness, leaving behind those for whom the garbage chute is almost a physical necessity.


One of the main disadvantages of the garbage chute anyone will call dirt. Often, the "windows" with containers for garbage disposal are too small and part of the sewage does not fall into the garbage chute itself, but next to it. No one is in a hurry to clean up after themselves at the “latrine”, preferring to leave it to the municipal workers. Also, there are often blockages in the garbage chute, in which waste accumulates. And the garbage bin itself, which is located on the ground floor, can hardly be called a clean place.

The third minus is the noise that is created by waste flying down at great speed. Yes, you can hear them differently than in houses where garbage chutes with an outlet to each apartment are still preserved. But in the rooms located not far from the passing waste pipe, you can hear from time to time how someone from above throws out another bag of sewage.

Is it possible to weld a garbage chute and how to do it?

What to do if you nevertheless decide to abandon this controversial benefit of civilization, but do not know how to get permission to weld all the containers leading to the garbage chute in your entrance, because an individual refusal will not solve the problem.

The decision to “sealed” the garbage chute should be made exclusively by the residents of the apartment building and cannot be imposed by the operating organization or anyone else. If you have a garbage chute in your house, and you and a large number of residents want to stop using it, you need to put this issue to a vote during the next meeting of residents. If your initiative is supported by at least two-thirds of your neighbors, consider that the job is done. All that remains is to send an application for welding "windows" for collecting garbage on the floors of the housing and communal services, and they will gladly give up the need to control the daily removal of garbage from your entrances, as well as the periodic disinfection of the garbage chute itself.

The reverse logic is also true. Often today, when you move into a new building, the garbage chute is welded up, and the managing organization refuses to start using it. Keep in mind that such actions are illegal. To change the situation, it is enough just to vote for the “depressurization” of the garbage chute. This requirement must be sent to an organization that will be obliged to fulfill your decision, taking on not only the obligation to open "windows", but also to ensure the constant removal of garbage and maintain cleanliness in the garbage chute.

By the way, the procedure for disinfection of the garbage chute should be carried out at least once a month. And they have to pick up garbage from the basement every day. Schedule shifts may be due to holidays or weekends. As for complaints, all such issues should be addressed to the State Housing Inspectorate of Moscow. It is she who monitors the correct operation of apartment buildings, including compliance with sanitary standards and rules in this area.

Garbage chute in an apartment building: law, rules of use, can it be closed

Increased comfort or a source of constant conflicts - is a garbage chute needed in an apartment building, in what cases is the developer obliged to include it in the project and is it legal to "brew" it? We offer to understand all the nuances of organizing an in-house receiver for the disposal of household waste.

Should there be a garbage receptacle in the house or not: what does the law say?

The legal problems with the chute in an apartment building arise in part because there is no separate law governing the rules for its installation, operation and disposal. When resolving the issue with the construction of an intra-access receiver, the developers rely on the current SNiPs, in particular, the rules and regulations established on January 31, 2013 and the specific clause - 9.3.

The only problem is that since the first edition, these SNiPs have been repeatedly adjusted, including the paragraph that explains when the garbage bin must be:

  • as amended in 2011 - the receiver should have been built in houses intended for pensioners and the disabled; in other cases, the issue was left to the mercy of the local authorities, who took into account the existing system for the removal and disposal of solid waste in the settlement;
  • in 2016, the rules were clarified: internal waste collection should be organized in houses for pensioners and the disabled with a height of more than 2 floors, and in all other residential buildings with a height of 5 floors.

At the same time, SNiPs allow to make an exception and not to spend money for builders to build a waste bin in a high-rise building, if daily waste disposal is organized in containers located on the street. This alternative is also approved by Rosstandart. Thus, developers are not required to include a garbage chute in the project, but its presence increases the comfort of the building and to some extent affects the cost of housing.

About the pros and cons

The system of internal reception of household waste has its pros and cons, so it is difficult to speak unambiguously about comfort: the residents of some houses rejoice, others curse their pig neighbors and dream of changing their apartment.

Let's look at the garbage chute in an apartment building objectively, and list the arguments for and against its existence.

  • convenience - you don’t have to take the garbage out into the street, which is especially unpleasant in winter or in the rain, and it’s easier for older people to go down a few steps to the nearest hatch than to go to street containers;
  • savings - often the use of an internal receiver is cheaper than the fee for the removal of solid waste from the container site;
  • aesthetics - garbage cans installed in the yard can not only spoil the appearance and annoy, but also cause inconvenience. By removing them, you can make room for an expansion of the playground, a beautiful flower bed and a few extra parking spaces.

On a note! The fee for the use of the waste chute is included in the cost of the "housing maintenance" service, which is calculated by square meters.

  • unsanitary conditions, if tenants do not follow the simplest rules;
  • the roar from the garbage thrown out on the upper floors, which is heard in the apartments;
  • an unpleasant smell in case of clogging and if regular preventive cleaning of the pipe is not carried out;
  • favorable conditions for the reproduction of not only cockroaches, but mice and rats.

Disinfection of the garbage bin should be carried out every month, and if the system is new and equipped with cleaning devices, then weekly (SNiP 42-128-4690-88, paragraph 2-2-8). The garbage accumulating in the basement must be taken out every day (the schedule is prescribed in the service contract). In case of violation of the rules, you should contact the Housing Inspectorate.

How to eliminate the internal garbage collector?

It is good if all residents follow the rules for using the garbage chute in an apartment building. Usually the main provisions are placed next to the hatch:

  • do not throw bulky garbage that will lead to blockage;
  • do not pour out liquids and food waste, but place them in a special container;
  • do not throw smoldering or burning objects, such as unextinguished cigarette butts, which can cause a fire.

But often the garbage receptacle turns into a real garbage dump in the stairwell, for the cleaning of which no one is willing to be found. A fetid smell, regular fires, sticky liquid spilled at the pipe - such a neighborhood is unlikely to please residents. Therefore, their question, whether it is possible to close the garbage chute in an apartment building, is quite understandable.

Any tenant can take the initiative to weld a garbage chute in an apartment building, but the decision is made at a general meeting of owners. At the same time, half should support the idea. None of the tenants has the right to individually weld “their own hatch”.

Important! The decision is made by the owners of the whole house, and not a specific entrance or staircase, regardless of whether it is planned to close the hatch on one landing or in all entrances.

In order for the decision not to be challenged in court, not only the support of the majority and documents proving such a decision are required, but also the following procedures:

  • putting an issue on the agenda of the meeting;
  • each owner must sign that he is familiar with the existing problem and invited to the meeting;
  • the issue of installing street containers was documented (a site was allocated, tanks were purchased, an agreement was concluded with a company for the removal of solid waste, etc.).

Important! Do not forget to check the issue of revising the payment for waste collection.

It happens that problems with the operation of the garbage bin arise not through the fault of the tenants who follow the rules, but because of the negligence of the management company. In this case, before thinking about how to close the garbage chute in an apartment building, it is worth talking with the management of the Criminal Code.

The duties of the management company include the maintenance of all common house property (Article 36 of the Housing Code), of which the entrance receiver is also a part. You need to make sure that an agreement has been concluded with the Criminal Code for the maintenance and removal of waste coming through the garbage chute. If yes, then the responsibility for the serviceability of the in-house receiver falls entirely on the shoulders of the management company.

Important! According to the law, a day is given to eliminate blockage and eliminate malfunctions of the Criminal Code.

How to restore the garbage disposal?

The reverse situation is not uncommon - the residents would like to restore the garbage chute. It is clear that the procedure will require serious costs, because you will have to update hatches that can be damaged by welding, but the main thing is to clean the pipe itself. Not all management companies are ready to take such a step, and if there is no response to the requests of the residents, they will have to go to court.

For a lawsuit to restore the functionality of the garbage in-pipe, you will also have to get the approval of half of the owners. Copies of the decisions of the general meeting must be attached to the claim.

Judicial practice shows that tenants who find themselves in one of the following situations receive a winning position at the hearing:

  • the issue of closing the garbage chute was not considered at the general meeting of residents or the above procedures were not followed;
  • plaintiffs are elderly people and pensioners who find it difficult to carry garbage to the street;
  • the closure of the garbage receptacle was temporary, for example, for the period of redecoration of the entrance, but after the completion of the work, the receptacle did not work;
  • the management company did not eliminate the blockage, preferring to simply seal the hatches and place the containers on the street.

Unfortunately, the refusal of a garbage chute in an apartment building does not always solve the problem of cleanliness and order.

How to weld a garbage chute, taking into account the interests of residents?

On July 13, the communal literacy portal published an article "" about the conflict in Vorsha between residents of one of the multi-storey buildings and local communal services, which has been going on since March of this year. The cause of the confrontation was the "welded" garbage chute in a nine-story house number 20 on the street. Jean-Paul Marat. People were not satisfied with the distance from their house to the container yard being too long.

At the same time, at first, the communal workers offered the residents of the house to install a container platform near the house, and this suited everyone ... except for the neighbors from house No. 22 on the same street. After their complaints, the city authorities quickly dismantled the site. Other nearby sites for the installation of a container site were also not suitable for various reasons: from non-compliance with sanitary standards to protests from neighbors from surrounding houses. Be that as it may, the interests of the residents of building No. 20 remain unaccounted for. A compromise solution has yet to be found.

Letters describing similar situations are not uncommon in the editorial office. Using the example of the conflict in Orsha, let's try to figure out in which cases communal organizations make mistakes, violating the law, and in which they act correctly, taking into account the interests of residents.

Step one. Explanatory work

Conflicts arise where explanatory work is not carried out or is carried out for show.

Within the framework of the Concept for the management of municipal waste and secondary material resources in the Republic of Belarus for 2014-2020, approved by order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of July 7, 2014 No. existing housing development, - said Andrei ROMASHKO, Head of the Housing Department of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of Belarus. - Part 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 180 of the Housing Code of the Republic of Belarus provides that decisions, with the exception of decisions on the alienation of common property and the reduction of common property, are made with the consent of a simple majority of the total number of participants in joint household ownership.

Step two. Closing the garbage chute: actions in the interests of residents

The meeting of residents, at which the decision to weld the garbage chute and equip the container site will be made and documented, will become an argument for the organization of housing and communal services in the event of a conflict situation. Also, this document will be needed if it becomes necessary to provide, for example, in court, evidence that the communal services acted in the interests of the residents.

Given that the waste disposal system of a residential building as a whole is common property for all participants in joint household ownership, the procedure for using the garbage chute can be determined by a simple majority of the total number of participants in joint household ownership.

However, in accordance with subparagraph 4.6 of paragraph 4 of the Regulations on the authorized person for the management of common property, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 2005 No. 342, the authorized person has the right to dispose of common property in the interests of participants in joint household ownership.

The Executive Committee and the housing department have a reasonable right to decide on the closure of garbage chutes, acting in the interests of residents. Moreover, this is provided for by the state program “Comfortable housing and a favorable environment” and decisions made at the state level on the gradual abandonment of garbage chutes in residential buildings, - says Anatoly, head of the department for coordinating activities in the field of handling secondary material resources. SHAGUN.

All activities should take place taking into account the interests of citizens, their timely informing about the actions of communal services. The decision to close the garbage chutes goes hand in hand with the creation of a container site. If there was a site, then there are no prohibitions on its use.

Subparagraph 1.1 of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 14, 2010 No. 538 “On Certain Issues of the Activities of Owners’ Associations and Developers’ Organizations” determines that common property can be managed in one of the following ways:

- directly by participants in joint household ownership, if several participants in joint household ownership own no more than ten real estate objects;

- a partnership of owners or an organization of developers;

- an authorized person for the management of common property, appointed in accordance with this Decree and other legislative acts.

In accordance with Article 175 of the Housing Code, if the participants in joint household ownership do not choose a method of managing common property within the time limits established by the Code, an open competition is held by the local executive and administrative body to select an authorized person.

If the open tender did not take place, the local executive and administrative body shall appoint an authorized person within fifteen days.

Step three. Remoteness of the container site

If the tenants do not want to see the area under their windows, there is a simple explanation for this - poor quality content and unaesthetic appearance.

An example of rusty containers near the house number 54 on the street. Shevchenko clearly proves this. But at the same time, citizens should not abuse their right to the detriment of others. Therefore, the container site could well remain at the originally planned location in the green area near the house number 22 on the street. Marat. It is optimal, although not mandatory, to reach the agreement of all parties.

When deciding to close the garbage chute, it is imperative to provide a place for installing a container platform. Naturally, questions arise about the remoteness of the site, its location in accordance with the standards. To solve them, local administrative and executive bodies should be involved. On the one hand, it is necessary to bring this place as close as possible to the residential building where the garbage chute is closed, on the other hand, to ensure compliance with sanitary requirements.

As for the container site near the house number 22 on the street. Marat, the decision on its arrangement has already been made. Complied with all sanitary and technical standards. But due to complaints from residents, the structure was dismantled. That is, the decision was canceled and a new one was adopted. And what about the residents of the house number 20 on the street. Marat, who were satisfied with the original version? Has anyone taken their opinion into account? Or are there no elderly people, disabled people, families with small children in the house? It is clear that it can be a boon for hundreds of people, someone does not like it: it allegedly spoils the view from the window. Although modern container sites look aesthetically pleasing. In addition, this site can be made closed. This requires a strong-willed decision of the authorities.

Decree of the Ministry of Health of Belarus dated November 1, 2011 No. 110 “On approval of sanitary norms, rules and hygiene standards “Hygienic requirements for the maintenance of territories of settlements and organizations” establishes requirements, including for container sites and containers for collecting municipal waste. According to the rule, capitalized in paragraph 17, the container site should be located at a distance of at least 20 m from the windows of residential buildings. At the same time, paragraph 1 states that the rules and hygienic standards do not apply to the territories of the existing development, with the exclusion of the possibility of deterioration in sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic living conditions in these territories in terms of distances from container sites for collecting solid waste, - notes Anatoly SHAGUN.

That is, the site in the existing residential development can be located at a distance of less than 20 m from the windows, and the main condition is to exclude the possibility of deterioration of sanitary and epidemiological living conditions. If you follow it, you can reduce the distance to 15 m. You just need to additionally and properly equip the site: install a fence, possibly arrange a roof, even lockable doors. This is all permissible in coordination with the sanitary supervision services. At the same time, the location for the site should be included in the municipal waste management scheme of the settlement.

Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Requirements for the arrangement, equipment and maintenance of residential buildings”, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of August 20, 2015 No. 95, states that in the event of the liquidation of the garbage chute, the installation of a container site in the territory adjacent to the residential building should be provided .

The size of this territory in figures is not defined in any document.

The Belarusian regulations for the placement of a container yard do not set a maximum distance from the house. For example, in the Russian Federation it is no more than 100 m, the requirement was the same in Soviet standards.

According to Anatoly SHAGUN, there are two options for resolving the conflict situation in Orsha. The first is to use the available place for waste removal, which is quite legal. The second is for the responsible persons of the housing and communal services organization to try once again to coordinate the interests of the residents of various houses and still place a new container site. At the same time, people need to be explained that there will be additional ease of use for everyone and established standards will be observed, as well as show how this site will look like.

Dmitry SINENKO, magazine "Live Like a Master", No. 9, 2017

What is a garbage chute, on what principle does it work in an apartment building? From this article, you will learn about the role played by garbage chutes in waste disposal in the realities of our country, what kind of device they have, how to use them, how they are serviced and in what cases they are brewed?

Garbage chute in a high-rise building: from A to Z

The garbage chute is designed to collect waste. This is convenient: residents do not need to leave the entrance every time to dispose of garbage. It is enough just to open the gateway (the loading valve of the garbage chute), throw out the garbage and that's it. From the apartment - steps ten, maximum, fifteen. Saves a lot of time and effort.

But where does household waste end up after that? Utilities are responsible for disposal. Each entrance has a special room where all the garbage gets. The tank installed there is regularly emptied (or should be). Untimely cleaning of the container can cause an unpleasant smell in the entrance and cause a complaint against the public utilities.

How is it arranged?

Let's try to describe the device of the garbage chute. It is essentially a pipe that runs vertically from the basement to the top floor. With a certain frequency there are branches - these are gateways into which residents throw waste. They are located either on floors or between them. A gateway is also installed at the very bottom of the garbage chute - it is closed for the period of repair or sanitization of the garbage collection room so that nothing falls on the workers' heads.

In addition, there are devices in the pipe that dampen the speed of falling debris. Still, nine or more floors of free fall are already dangerous. And the equipment will wear out quickly. That's what absorbers are for: so that falling debris doesn't cause trouble upon arrival.

Fires inside the garbage chute must be protected by a washing and disinfection system. In addition to maintaining a relatively normal sanitary condition inside the pipe, it can prevent fire. There are also automatic systems for isolating the garbage chute in case of fire.

From above - ventilation, without which you certainly can not do without. Timely cleaning and regular maintenance do not give the garbage chute a strong smell. But if the public utilities do not actively maintain cleanliness, or no one is interested in the maintenance of the garbage chute, an unpleasant smell is guaranteed.

Where is it found?

Garbage chute is a fairly common phenomenon. Most large apartment buildings are designed and built with this detail in mind - they have a garbage chute. That is, now houses with a garbage chute are common.

One "but": cleaning the garbage chute and maintaining it in a usable condition is an expensive pleasure. Not always and not everywhere the garbage chute is maintained in a fully operational condition. Alas, these are the realities of life in our country: many garbage chutes are not serviced because it is unprofitable. Indeed, it is much easier to weld the garbage chute, or rather, weld all the valves of the garbage chute on the floors and forget about it.

They often do so. In many homes where they cannot afford to maintain a garbage chute, they simply close it off. On the one hand, residents will need more effort. On the other hand, it is better than to endure an unpleasant smell due to the fact that the garbage chute is not being serviced.

And not only in Russia!

It would seem that the invention is not so complicated. But until a certain time in Europe, it was not too common. The reason is simple: the difficulty of sorting garbage. It is much more difficult with household waste there - most of it goes to recycling, so every citizen is obliged to sort their waste. But the improved design of the garbage chute has taken root in Europe and is quite actively used.
