Psychological culture of the head of an educational institution. Psychological culture of a leader. Influence on the psychological climate in the team

760 rub.

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of the psychological culture of a leader and its influence on the psychological climate in the team
1.1. The concept of psychological culture of a leader
1.2. Characteristics of the socio-psychological climate in the organization
Chapter II. Empirical study of the psychological culture of a leader and its influence on the psychological climate in the team
2.1. Organization of the study
2.2. Empirical research results
Conclusions from the study


Psychological culture of the leader. Influence on the psychological climate in the team.

Fragment of work for review

6. O.Zh.
7. U.P.
8. Ya.A.
Comparative results of the characteristics of the psychological climate in two organizations are presented in Figure 1.
Rice. 1. Comparative results of the characteristics of the psychological climate in two organizations.
Based on the presented results, it is clear that the team of the first organization, where the leader exhibits a democratic leadership style, is more united, communicative, open, informed, responsible, organized and more committed to maintaining the integrity of their team than the employees of the second organization, where the leader is more directive, authoritarian .
To determine the reliability of differences in indicators of the socio-psychological climate in organizations and leadership styles, the Mann-Whitney statistical test was applied. The results are presented in Table 6.
Table 6
Results of statistical data processing (Mann-Whitney test)
Comparable indicators
Result (Ucr = 13 at p = 0.05; Ucr = 7 at p = 0.01)
Leadership style assessment
Degree of integration
Striving to maintain integrity
Many differences turned out to be statistically significant. Thus, it can be argued that the head of the second organization shows a more authoritarian style, and the head of the first organization shows a democratic and liberal leadership style. Employees of the first organization are more committed to maintaining the integrity of their group, they are more united in solving problems, are more open and informed, and consider themselves more organized and responsible than employees of the second team. Thus, the socio-psychological climate of the first team with a democratic management style is more favorable than the climate in the team of the second organization with an authoritarian management style.
Conclusions from the study
Based on the conducted research, the following conclusions can be drawn.
1. Managers in two organizations use different leadership styles. In the first organization, the leader is more democratic, he tries to make the responsibilities of his subordinates more attractive, avoids imposing his will on them, involves them in decision-making, and provides freedom to formulate his own goals based on the goals of the organization. The head of the second organization uses a more authoritarian leadership style, that is, he gives preference to the official nature of relations, maintains a distance between himself and his subordinates, which they do not have the right to violate, and imposes his decisions.
2. Based on the diagnostic results, it turned out that employees of organizations evaluate the leadership culture in the same way as managers assessed their management style: the first is democratic, the second is authoritarian.
3. Based on the results of diagnosing the characteristics of the socio-psychological climate in the teams, it turned out that the psychological climate of the first team with a democratic management style was significantly more favorable climate in the second team with an authoritarian leadership style.
4. Statistical analysis confirmed that employees of the first organization are more committed to maintaining the integrity of their group, they are more united in solving problems, are more open and informed, and consider themselves more organized and responsible than employees of the second team.
5. The socio-psychological climate of the first team with a democratic management style is more favorable than the climate in the team of the second organization with an authoritarian management style.
This study was organized to study the psychological culture of the leader and identify its influence on the psychological climate in the team.
During the theoretical analysis of the problem, the concept of psychological culture of a leader was defined. This is an integrative property of a person, which determines the significance of basic value and semantic formations and ensures management based on partnerships, competence in solving organizational problems, as well as optimal self-realization as a subject of management activity and as an individual in general. In relation to the team managed by the leader, the fusion of his personal traits, motives, and behavior is expressed in the management style. In accordance with the management style, one or another social and psychological climate develops in a group of employees.
The work provided a description of the socio-psychological climate in the organization. Socio-psychological climate is an integral concept, a socially conditioned, relatively stable system of relations of members to the team as a whole.
The socio-psychological climate is always built on interpersonal relationships and is an indicator of their condition. It does not arise spontaneously, but is the result of the efforts of many people - both managers and team members.
In the course of working on the study, a program for empirical research was developed on the characteristics of the psychological culture of the leader and its influence on the psychological climate in the team.
The study sample was determined, and the research methods were selected. The object of diagnosis was the activities of two organizations with different management styles.
The study revealed that the psychological climate of a team with a democratic management style is much more favorable than the climate in a team with an authoritarian leadership style.
Employees with a democratic leader are more committed to maintaining the integrity of their group, they are more united in solving problems, are more open and informed, and consider themselves more organized and responsible than employees of an organization with an authoritarian leader.
Thus, the research hypothesis was confirmed. Indeed, the psychological culture of a leader is important factor formation of the socio-psychological climate in the team.
The results of this study can be used in organizational psychology, be the basis for the development of recommendations and programs to improve the psychological culture of managers and the socio-psychological climate in organizations, and be the basis for further research.
1. Vendrov E.E. Psychological problems of management. M., Economics, 1999.
2. Goncharova N.E. Organizational culture: Lecture notes: A guide for preparing for exams. -M., -Prior, 2007.
3. Siegert W., Lang L. Leader without conflicts. M., Economics, 1990.
4. Kitov A.I. Psychology of economic management. M., 2004.
5. Kovalev A.G. Team and socio-psychological problems of management. M., Politizdat, 1998.
6. Kozlov V.V. Corporate culture: “suit” successful business. // Personnel Management. - 2000. - No. 11. - pp. 35-38.
7. Maksimenko A.A. Organizational culture: systemic - psychological descriptions. Textbook allowance. – Kostroma: KSU named after. N.A.Nekrasova, 2003.
8. Mikheev V. Social and psychological aspects of management. M., 2000.
9. Nemov R.S. Social Psychology: Short course/ R.S. Nemov, I.R. Altunina. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. – 208 p.
10. Osipova E. Models of organizational culture. // Express Electronics, No. 4-6, 2002.
11. Parygin B.D. Social psychology / B.D. Parygin. – St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2003. – 616 p.
12. Platonov Yu.P. Psychology of collective activity. Leningrad, Leningrad University Publishing House, 1990.
13. Pochebut L.G., Chiker V.A. Organizational social psychology. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2000.
14. Workshop on developmental psychology // edited by Golovey L.A., Rybalko E.F., “Rech”, St. Petersburg, 2008. – 640 p.
15. Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests. Tutorial. Ed.-comp. D.Ya.Raigorodsky - Samara, 2001. – 360 p.
16. Robert M., Tilman F. Psychology of the individual and group. - M.: Progress, 1988.
17. Sidorenko E. V. Methods of mathematical processing in psychology. – St. Petersburg: Rech LLC, 2007.
18. Spivak, V.A. Organizational psychology / V.A. Spivak. St. Petersburg: Neva, 2008.
19. Shepel V.M. Managerial psychology. M. “Economics”. 1994. 284 p.
Annex 1
Diagnosis of a tendency towards a certain leadership style (E.P. Ilyin)
Instructions. Imagine that you are leading a team. You are asked to answer how you would implement this guidance in the situations described in the questionnaire. For each item in the questionnaire, from the three answer options (a, b, c), choose the one that best characterizes your behavior as a leader, and circle the letter corresponding to the answer.
1. When making important decisions you:
a) consult with the team;
b) try not to take responsibility for making decisions;
c) make the decision alone.
2. When organizing the task:
a) provide freedom of choice to the team members to choose the method of completing the task, leaving only general control for yourself;
b) you will not interfere with the progress of the task, believing that the team will do everything right;
c) you will regulate the activities of team members, strictly defining how to do things.
3. When exercising control over the activities of subordinates:
a) you will strictly control each of them;
b) entrust control to subordinates themselves;
c) consider that control is not necessary.
4. In an extreme situation for the team:
a) you will consult with the team;
b) take full leadership upon yourself;
c) rely completely on the team leaders.
5. Building relationships with team members:
b) you will communicate mainly if you are approached;
c) will maintain freedom of communication between you and your subordinates.
6. When managing a team:
a) will assist subordinates in their personal affairs;
b) consider that there is no need to interfere in the personal affairs of subordinates;
c) you will be interested in the personal affairs of your subordinates out of politeness.
7. In relations with team members:
a) you will try to maintain good personal relationships even at the expense of business ones;
b) will maintain business relationships only;
c) will try to maintain both personal and business relationships to the same extent.
8. In relation to comments from the team:
a) do not allow comments to be made about you;
b) listen to and take into account comments;
c) treat the comments indifferently.
9. When maintaining discipline:
a) you will strive for unquestioning obedience from your subordinates;
b) be able to maintain discipline without reminding your subordinates about it;
c) take into account that maintaining discipline is not your strong point, and you will not put pressure on your subordinates.
10. Regarding what the team will think of you:
a) you will not care;
b) you will always try to be good for your subordinates, you will not aggravate things;
c) make adjustments to your behavior if the assessment is negative.
11. Having distributed powers between yourself and subordinates:
a) you will demand that all details be reported to you;
b) you will rely on the diligence of your subordinates;
c) you will only exercise general control.
12. If difficulties arise when making a decision:
a) seek advice from subordinates;
b) you will not consult with your subordinates, since you will still have to be responsible for everything;
c) accept the advice of subordinates, even if it was not asked for.
13. Controlling the work of subordinates:
a) you will praise the performers and note their positive results;
b) you will look first for shortcomings that need to be corrected;
c) you will exercise control from case to case (why interfere?).
14. Managing subordinates:
a) be able to order in such a way that tasks will be carried out unquestioningly;
b) will primarily use requests rather than orders;
c) you don’t know how to give orders at all.
15. If there is insufficient knowledge to make a decision:
a) you will decide for yourself - after all, you are a leader;
b) do not be afraid to ask your subordinates for help;
c) try to postpone the decision: maybe everything will work out by itself.
16. When assessing yourself as a leader, you can assume that you:
a) you will be strict, even picky;
b) you will be demanding, but fair;
c) unfortunately, you will not be very demanding.
17. Regarding innovations:
a) you will be more conservative (no matter what happens);
b) if they are appropriate, then willingly support them;
c) if they are useful, achieve their implementation by order.
18. Do you think that in a normal team:
a) subordinates must be able to work independently, without the constant and strict control of the manager;
b) strict and constant control must be exercised, since one cannot count on the conscience of subordinates;
c) performers can be left to their own devices.
Processing and interpretation of test results
Key to the test
No. Answers No. Answers
1 D L A 10 A L D
2 D L A 11 A L D
3 A D L 12 D A L
4 D A L 13 D A L
5 D A L 14 A D L
6 D A L 15 A D L
7 D A L 16 A D L
8 A D L 17 L D A
9 A D L 18 D A L
For each choice made, 1 point is given.
A – autocratic leadership style;
D – democratic leadership style;
L – liberal (permissive) leadership style.
Interpretation of test results
Since in its pure form there is practically no tendency towards one of the leadership styles, we can talk about mixed leadership styles with a tendency towards one of them. Respondents most often choose answers that characterize a democratic leadership style. If there are more than 12 such answers, we can talk about a tendency towards a democratic style; if it is less and at the same time elections A prevail over L by 3 points, we can talk about a propensity towards an authoritarian-democratic style, and if elections A prevail by 3 points over A, we can talk about a propensity towards a liberal-democratic style.
Appendix 2
Diagnostics of leadership styles (A.L. Zhuravlev)
Instructions. You will be offered 27 characteristics of a leader’s activity and for each characteristic - 5 options for its manifestation. Please select one or more options that apply and check them. Please be sincere.
1. Distribution of powers between managers and subordinates:
1. centralizes management, demands that all details be reported to him;
2. the manager is passive in performing managerial functions;
3. clearly distributes functions among himself, his deputies and subordinates;
4. expects instructions from above or even demands them;
5. centralizes leadership only in difficult situations.
2. Actions of the leader in critical (tense) situations:
1. in critical situations, the manager, as a rule, switches to stricter management methods;
2. critical situations do not change his leadership methods;
3. in critical situations, he cannot do without the help of senior managers;
4. when faced with difficulties, the manager begins to interact more closely with subordinates;
5. in critical situations, the manager does not cope well with his responsibilities.
3. Contacts between the manager and subordinates:
1. a person who is not sociable enough, talks little to people;
2. regularly communicates with subordinates, talks about the state of affairs in the team, about the difficulties that must be overcome;
3. knows how to communicate, but specifically limits communication with subordinates, keeps his distance from them:
4. tries to communicate with subordinates, but at the same time experiences difficulties in communication;
5. communicates mainly with the active members of the team.
4. Productivity of the team in the absence of the leader:
1. in the absence of a manager, performers work worse;
2. the team does not reduce productivity if the leader temporarily leaves it;
3. performers constantly work outside of full force, under a different leader they could have done more;
4. productivity increases in the absence of the manager;
5. In the absence of a leader, the team works with varying degrees of success.
5. The manager’s attitude towards advice and objections from performers:
1. he himself seeks advice from his subordinates;
2. does not allow his subordinates to advise him, much less object;
3. subordinates not only advise, but can also give instructions to their leader;
4. the leader consults even when circumstances do not particularly require it;
5. If performers know how to do the job better, they tell their manager about it.
6. Monitoring the activities of subordinates:
1. controls work from case to case;
2. always very strictly controls the work of subordinates and the team as a whole;
3. while monitoring the work, always notices positive results and praises the performers;
4. When monitoring, he always looks for shortcomings in the work;
5. often interferes with the work of performers.
7. The relationship between solutions to production and socio-psychological problems in the process of team management:
1. he is only interested in the implementation of the plan, and not in the attitude of people towards each other;
2. when solving production problems, tries to create good relationships between people in the team;
3. not interested in work, approaches the matter formally;
4. pays more attention to establishing relationships in the team rather than performing production tasks. assignments;
5. when necessary, protects the interests of his subordinates.
8. The nature of the manager’s orders:
1. orders in such a way that one wants to obey;
2. the manager does not know how to give orders;
3. the manager’s request does not differ from an order;
4. orders are accepted, but are not carried out well and quickly;
5. His orders cause dissatisfaction among his subordinates.
9. The manager’s attitude towards criticism from subordinates:
1. the manager usually does not take offense at criticism and listens to it;
2. listens to criticism, even promises to take action, but does nothing;
3. does not like to be criticized and does not try to hide it;
4. accepts criticism only from superiors;
5. does not respond to criticism.
10. Manager’s behavior in case of lack of knowledge:
1. decides on his own even those issues with which he is not entirely familiar;
2. if he doesn’t know something, he is not afraid to show it and turns to others for help;
3. we can say that the manager does not seek to fill the missing knowledge;
4. when he doesn’t know something, he hides it and tries to independently fill the gaps in knowledge;
5. if the manager does not know how to solve an issue or complete a job, then he entrusts this to his subordinates.
11. Distribution of responsibility between the manager and subordinates:
1. one gets the impression that he is afraid to be held accountable for his actions and wants to reduce his responsibility;
2. distributes responsibility between himself and his subordinates;
3. places all responsibility only on himself;
4. often emphasizes the responsibility of senior managers and tries to shift his responsibility onto them;
5. It happens that a manager, being responsible for some matter, tries to shift it to his deputies or subordinate managers.
12. The manager’s attitude towards his deputies and assistants:
1. tries to ensure that his deputies are qualified specialists;
2. achieves the unfailing submission of deputies and assistants;
3. the manager does not care who works as his deputy (assistant);
4. is careful in relation to his deputies because he is afraid for his position;
5. does not want to have very qualified specialists nearby
13. Emotional satisfaction of the performer in the absence of the manager:
1. performers are happy; when the leader is absent, they feel some relief;
2. It’s interesting to work with the manager, so they expect him to return;
3. the absence of the leader is not noticed by the performers;
4. at first the performers are happy that the leader is absent, and then they get bored;
5. At first, the absence of the leader is felt by the performers, and then quickly forgotten.
14. Predominant methods of influencing subordinates:
1. to do some work, he often has to persuade his subordinates;


1. Vendrov E.E. Psychological problems of management. M., Economics, 1999.
2. Goncharova N.E. Organizational culture: Lecture notes: A guide for preparing for exams. -M., -Prior, 2007.
3. Siegert W., Lang L. Leader without conflicts. M., Economics, 1990.
4.Kitov A.I. Psychology of economic management. M., 2004.
5.Kovalev A.G. Team and socio-psychological problems of management. M., Politizdat, 1998.
6. Kozlov V.V. Corporate culture: the “suit” of a successful business. // Personnel Management. - 2000. - No. 11. - pp. 35-38.
7. Maksimenko A.A. Organizational culture: systemic psychological descriptions. Textbook allowance. – Kostroma: KSU named after. N.A.Nekrasova, 2003.
8. Mikheev V. Social and psychological aspects of management. M., 2000.
9. Nemov R.S. Social psychology: A short course / R.S. Nemov, I.R. Altunina. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. – 208 p.
10. Osipova E. Models of organizational culture. // Express Elektronika, No. 4-6, 2002.
11. Parygin B.D. Social psychology / B.D. Parygin. – St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2003. – 616 p.
12.Platonov Yu.P. Psychology of collective activity. Leningrad, Leningrad University Publishing House, 1990.
13. Pochebut L.G., Chiker V.A. Organizational social psychology. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2000.
14. Workshop on developmental psychology // edited by Golovey L.A., Rybalko E.F., “Speech”, St. Petersburg, 2008. – 640 p.
15.Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests. Tutorial. Ed.-comp. D.Ya.Raigorodsky - Samara, 2001. – 360 p.
16. Robert M., Tilman F. Psychology of the individual and group. - M.: Progress, 1988.
17. Sidorenko E. V. Methods of mathematical processing in psychology. – St. Petersburg: Rech LLC, 2007.
18.Spivak, V.A. Organizational psychology / V.A. Spivak. St. Petersburg: Ne-va, 2008.
19. Shepel V.M. Managerial psychology. M. “Economics”. 1994. 284 p.

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Managerial culture is a culture associated with the conscious activity of public institutions and individuals, aimed at regulating spontaneous and conscious, objective and subjective principles, and the expedient ordering of social relations. Based on this, management culture is understood as an optimal system of management actions that more or less fully corresponds to current, future and global challenges development of society. Political, legal, administrative, organizational, managerial culture are types of management culture. Management of social processes has always been supplemented by self-government in various areas - industrial self-government, local, student, etc. Management and self-government presuppose a certain level of management culture of each citizen of the country, necessary for understanding the entire system of management of social processes and legislative acts. executive power, as well as for making management decisions, in the case of vesting a citizen with management functions.

Managerial culture is a synthesis of business, professional and personal qualities of a manager necessary for the successful implementation of administrative and socio-psychological management functions.

The components of management culture are: axiological, technological and personal-creative.

The axiological component of the managerial culture of a school leader is formed by a set of managerial and pedagogical values ​​that have significance and meaning in leadership modern school. In the process of management activities, the head of the school assimilates new theories and concepts of management, masters skills, and depending on the degree of their application in practical activities, they are assessed by him as more or less significant. Knowledge, ideas, concepts that are currently of great importance for effective management act as managerial and pedagogical values.

The technological component of the school director's management culture includes methods and techniques for managing the pedagogical process. The technology of intra-school management involves the solution of specific pedagogical problems, which is based on the skills of the head-manager in the field of pedagogical analysis and planning, organization, control and regulation of the pedagogical process. The level of management culture of the school director depends on the level of mastery of techniques and methods for solving these types of problems.

The personal and creative component of the school director’s management culture reveals the management of pedagogical systems as a creative act. Despite all the predetermined, algorithmic management, the activities of the school director are creative. Mastering the values ​​and technologies of management, the leader-manager transforms and interprets them, which is determined both by the personal characteristics of the manager and the characteristics of the object of management. It becomes obvious that the management of pedagogical systems is the sphere of application and implementation of individual abilities. In management activities, the school director self-realizes as an individual, as a leader, as an organizer.

A more detailed gradation involves identifying the following interrelated components in the structure of management culture:

Success in implementing administrative and management functions. Collection and processing of information: determining the purpose of collecting information; compliance of the information content with the purposes of the analysis; system creation; creation of a system of intra-school information (operational, thematic, summary); degree of completeness, timeliness, objectivity of incoming information; standardization of forms for collecting and storing information; use of a computer in systematization, processing, and operational use of information.

Management decision-making culture. Comparison of goal and result; identifying deviations and bottlenecks in school development; development of measures to adjust the pedagogical process. Clearly and timely pose the problem, identify and define the problematic situation; diagnose the problem; define criteria and limitations for decision making; involve team members in decision-making, delegate authority to make decisions; provide information support when making management decisions; find and evaluate possible alternatives; make decisions under conditions collective discussion(discussions, brainstorming, business game etc.); make sole operational management decisions based on their competence and official authority; give a clear formulation of the decision made, indicating the executors and deadlines; mobilize for implementation decision taken teaching staff, induce positive motivation; control and follow through on the decision made.

Development of innovative activity, its management. Generate promising ideas, the implementation of which leads to a significant improvement in quality educational process; motivate and inspire the teaching staff to work on mastering innovations; informationally support the innovation (informing about its goals, essence, significance for each student and teacher); ability to estimate required resources and costs; encourage the initiative of teachers, create creative groups capable of becoming research, experimental and producing high results; provide timely and qualified assistance to teachers involved in the process of mastering innovations (consultations, seminars, demonstration of experience, workshop, recommendations); help teachers overcome barriers psychological nature(uncertainty, failure, etc.).

Professional and pedagogical culture of the leader. Traditionally, the idea of ​​professional pedagogical culture is associated with the identification of norms, rules of pedagogical activity, pedagogical technique and skill.

For a school leader, these are the following skills: to see the pedagogical process holistically and systematically (from goal setting to the final result); analyze the holistic pedagogical process from a scientific point of view, organize and build it on a scientific basis; analyze, compare and select the most promising concepts and educational technologies to build the pedagogical process; analyze school curricula, programs, textbooks, teaching aids; possess professional skills in teaching the subject (the director is a master of pedagogical work), modern pedagogical technologies; provide qualified methodological assistance to teachers; analyze the lesson from scientific, psychological, pedagogical, and methodological positions; draw up programs for observing and analyzing a lesson (full, comprehensive, aspectual, brief); carry out diagnostics of the teacher’s holistic professional activity; analyze the system of educational work.

Social and psychological culture of the school leader (creation of a creative teaching team). Ensure cohesion and unity of the team, direct it to achieve the goals of the school; find ways to transform external goals into a subjective need of the employee (the ability to make a common goal subjectively significant for each member of the team); to form the value-normative unity of the team (similarity of ideas of team members about expectations, norms, requirements, duty, etc.); put forward pedagogical ideas and concepts that unite creative teachers around the leader and contribute to the transformation of the team into an integral social and pedagogical system; create an asset (core) of experienced and highly professional teachers, transform employees into a team of like-minded people; stimulate the development of the team with a gradual transition to self-development mode; preserve and develop school traditions that strengthen collective ties.

Motivating the team. Stimulate positive work motivation for teachers; create conditions to satisfy the needs of teachers for self-realization in the process of work; create a situation of success at work in which positive motivation appears and is consolidated; maintain a sustainable dominance of productive work activity; support the manifestation of independent research by teachers, giving them the opportunity to choose textbooks, programs, tools and teaching methods; encourage the development of original programs, defense of one’s own plans, various forms of pedagogical creativity, based on professional expediency; the ability to adequately self-assess a teacher’s professional activities and personal qualities based on diagnostics and reflection; create a creative microclimate, a system of professional communication that encourages teachers to engage in creative search; create a comfortable material-spatial learning and working environment.

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team. Organize productive work of the team, giving teachers a feeling of satisfaction; regulate interpersonal relationships in the team, do not single out anyone with your special attitude (do not create “favorites”); create and maintain an optimistic, cheerful, “major” mood; to form a healthy public opinion; to form a style of collective management, wide publicity, which ensures team cohesion; ensure consistency and unity of actions of teachers; achieve organization and order, conscious discipline; maintain faith in the reality of the goals facing the team; create a situation of success in the activities of the teaching staff, ensure that belonging to the team brings joy and arouses a feeling of pride; strengthen the trust of team members in each other and in the leader; competently and effectively resolve conflicts that arise in the system of business and interpersonal relations.

Leader communication culture. Effectively use methods of persuasion (reasoning, evidence); encourage and lead business discussions; use methods of suggestive influence on the team, on the individual; systematically analyze the style of communication with teachers, students, parents; flexibly change management style depending on the situation; the ability to empathize (the ability to see a situation through the eyes of others, the ability to listen, to penetrate into the state of the interlocutor, to understand what he feels); the ability to reflect, taking into account the opinions of others about oneself and one’s activities; initiative in communication - a tendency to take an active position in communication, the ability to establish contacts, readiness to get down to business in a situation requiring active intervention; listen carefully to your interlocutor, encourage frankness; show tact when communicating with colleagues in any situation; remove psychological barriers to mutual understanding, thereby providing the opportunity for cooperation; show self-control and endurance; in case of tension in relationships, show emotional stability and tolerance; constantly control yourself in communication; study the interlocutor using non-verbal channels of information; regulate interpersonal relationships; adjust the style of activity and communication taking into account the situation and the emotional and mental state of the interlocutor; if necessary, demonstrate strong-willed qualities, be able to say “no”, defending the interests of the business, production and the team.

Business and personal qualities of a leader. Business qualities: ability to organize; personal organization, the ability to organize oneself, one’s time, work; efficiency and hard work; sense of responsibility; management; activity; persistence in achieving goals; creative and executive initiative; the ability to complete a task and demand it from others; discipline in work and social activities; ability to see positive sides and shortcomings in the performance of employees; self-demandingness, self-criticism; demanding of others; practicality - the ability to quickly and flexibly apply one's knowledge and experience in solving management problems; the ability to find the best use for each employee; the ability to establish a fair measure of influence.

Organization of work of a school leader: classify types of management activities according to essential characteristics, determining the time spent on each type; clearly plan your work, regulate it in time; determine priorities in the long term and for every day; perform the most important, key tasks during the working day; start the working day on time and with solving the most important tasks, without being distracted by minor current issues; delegate certain types of work to subordinates, in accordance with the abilities and capabilities of employees; regulate the work of subordinates when performing various types of activities; keep track of personal time spent; improve forms and methods of labor organization.

Personal qualities of a leader: objectivity in assessing the teacher’s performance; goodwill in relationships with people; the ability to notice and celebrate the positive in the work of colleagues; the ability to see shortcomings in the activities of employees and criticize without bias; the ability to show warmth in relationships with colleagues; the ability to see the individual characteristics of employees and find the best use for them; the ability to understand the individual psychological characteristics of colleagues and build a line of behavior taking them into account; psychological and pedagogical tact; critical thinking; the ability to observe, study people by their actions, words, as well as with the help of non-verbal information; the ability to charge your colleagues with creative energy; the ability to listen to criticism from teachers, strive and be able to overcome one’s shortcomings.

Natalia Borzykh
Ways to form psychological culture and authority of the head of an educational organization

Leadership is the art of leadership use all your professionalism and scientific knowledge about management to achieve the goals and objectives set by the team of employees.

Efficiency manuals directly depends on the authority of the leader and his management culture.

Personality head is determined not by deliberate severity, ostentatious solidity and the ability to speak beautifully from the podium, but organizational talent and truly human spiritual qualities. Only like this the leader is capable prove yourself to be the best way at all stages of the management process, in all management activities.

It is rightly believed that both order and disorder begin with head: It is difficult to straighten the shadow if the trunk is crooked. Other immature supervisor, without meaning to, ruins the economy, established many years of work others leaders. Significant differences in work style and performance educational organizations due to the main way different levels of quality manuals. Truly true statement: « The organization couldn't be better than her managers».

Determining role head is a consequence of the fact that leader - person, empowered to make decisions, who decides what to do and how to do it, and is responsible for it. Possessing real power leader in a significant way influences the work collective, and through it - the nature and results of functioning organizations. It is especially important to note that he "reproduces" system frames in their own way likeness: authoritative leader surrounds himself with qualified colleagues who know their business, and the weak one surrounds himself with even weaker subordinates. As a consequence, the first supervisor leads the system to prosperity, and the weak, with his personnel, ultimately drives it into a dead end. Skillful The leader clearly formulates the tasks of the team, clearly understands his role in their solution, capable use internal incentives for independent action and anticipate possible difficulties, prevent failures and find the best solution in each specific situation.

Head of educational organization have to do multiple functions. It's about mainly about administrator functions, organizer, specialist, public figure, educator.

Performing functions organizer, the leader creates the conditions, necessary for fruitful joint work, purposeful and coordinated actions of subordinates engaged in management and production processes. Such work requires a clear understanding of the goals of one’s activities, the ability to identify the most significant tasks in a given period, and determine the prerequisites, methods and resources required to solve them.

Work head of an educational organization truly multifunctional and comprehensive in nature. Professional knowledge alone is not enough supervisor must perfectly master the art of managing people, the ability to educate subordinates and, through them, solve social and economic problems.

Of particular importance is the ability head create a moral atmosphere in the team that would spontaneously stimulate effective activity. Possibilities head satisfy these requirements find an integrated expression in its authority.

The main thing for the formation of authority is the psychological state of the leader’s personality. Skill leader to manage himself, your behavior, mood, emotions (psychological culture of a leader) serves as a guarantee of a balanced mood in the team.

Authoritative leader enjoys respect, has the opportunity to influence decisions, beliefs, opinions of others, exercises control, combining administrative ways and power of your authority.

Official (formal powers) .

Functional (competence and business qualities).

Moral (moral and personal qualities).

It can be said with all certainty that without there is no authority, no worthy leader. Not tall enough authority, and even more so its absence usually causes many difficulties in relationships leader with subordinates and, against, supervisor, enjoying authority, has no communication problems and implements the tasks facing the team with relative ease.

The authority of the leader based on two sources: his official status (objective factor) and the prestige he himself has won (a subjective factor that may be in organic unity or in some contradiction with each other. Complementing each other, they create the prerequisites for the normal functioning of the work collective.

There are several ways to increase authority.

1. "Personal"- creating reasonable confidence among subordinates in positive and strong personality traits head. Such How:

Active leadership position. Remove the words and expressions of the victim from your vocabulary, For example: “I have to, I’m forced, it just so happened, I didn’t succeed...” There are no victims of circumstances authoritative. Track your speech - both written and spoken

Confidence. It develops and is perceived by others from forms expressing your thoughts, business communication. Rules for confident communication. (Stop asking - start offering where such an opportunity exists. You can ask when you know in advance that the other person will happily fulfill the request, otherwise why? If you offer, then it should be an offer that cannot be refused.

Replacing a request with a statement. Requests in business communication are acceptable, but a confident person more often makes statements to feel the importance of what was said).

Responsibility, discipline and dedication. About such executives say: “If I said something, then it will definitely happen”. He promised, he did. He gave the task and asked for execution. I set a goal and got results. Authority increases with each confirmation of the correctness of the decision made and the achievement of the goal.

Emotional stability. Supervisor He should not be subject to uncontrollable emotions; he must be able to tune himself to the task and easily create the atmosphere necessary for work around him.

2. "Professional"- Creation authority due to the possession of professional skills and abilities at a high level. Subordinates must be convinced of competence head. Why promotes:

A large amount of knowledge on all issues that arise during the work process.

Experience - learned capabilities, skills, abilities. Supervisor must have personal experience in solving professional problems.

Quick understanding of subordinates' questions and the ability to respond to them correctly.

Authority depends not only on the nature of communication manager with subordinates, but even more on the style of work - business qualities, direct results of activities, capabilities, to independent actions without instructions from above.

Style leadership is expressed in that, what methods supervisor encourages the team to proactively and creatively fulfill the duties assigned to it, as well as monitors the results of the activities of subordinates.

From this position, it is customary to distinguish three styles manuals:

The democratic style develops sociability and trust in relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of imposition of decisions from the outside, "above". Participation of team members in management characteristic of this style manuals, promotes optimization of social psychological climate.

Authoritarian style usually breeds hostility, humility and ingratiation, envy and mistrust. But if this style leads to success that justifies its use in the eyes of the team, it promotes favorable social psychological climate.

Conniving (liberal) style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to formation unfavorable social psychological climate.

Individual style is being formed depending on the ratio in which they are realized organizational, professional and moral and ethical qualities head. The type of style is determined by those of the named components that dominate his personality.

In real life, in the behavior of almost everyone head There are common features inherent in different styles, but with the dominance of any one of them.

Even The manager uses an authoritarian management style, he can be positive if, when making a decision, he takes into account the interests of his subordinates, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and justified, in other words, he begins to pay more attention to establishing a strong and close connection with his subordinates.

So way, supervisor can significantly affect the nature of interpersonal relationships in a work team, the attitude towards joint activities, satisfaction with the conditions and results of work, i.e. social psychological climate, on which the effectiveness of activities largely depends organization as a whole.

B weak organized team, where there are few proactive and conscientious workers, and interpersonal relationships leave much to be desired, to the manager It is very difficult for someone who adheres to a democratic style of work to solve economic, social and educational problems. More in demand in such a team authoritarian type leader, with his characteristic energy and strict demands. That's why authoritarian the style, in principle, is not contraindicated today, especially in extreme situations, when it is necessary to quickly make decisions and take full responsibility, demanding unquestioning obedience from subordinates.

Style manuals is not given once and for all, frozen: It can and should change as needed. At the same time, style is a category that is, of course, quite stable, and its updating in most cases requires leader of serious efforts.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Biktagirova Alsou Rashitovna. Features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders: dissertation... of the candidate psychological sciences: 19.00.05 / Biktagirova Alsou Rashitovna; [Place of protection: Ros. state social University] - Moscow, 2009. - 191 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 09-19/569


Chapter 1. Socio-psychological culture of managers as a psychological problem

1.1. Theoretical and methodological prerequisites for studying the socio-psychological culture of the subject of activity 16

1.2. Management activity as a systemic factor that determines the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers 33

1.3. Socio-psychological culture of managers as a factor in the success of management decisions 49

Conclusions on the first chapter 61

Chapter 2. Empirical study of the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders

2.1. Approach, methodology and tools for empirical research into the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers 63

2.2. Identification of the substantive features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders 77

2.3. Research of mechanisms and features of the relationship structural components socio-psychological culture of managers 103

2.4. Analysis of the dependence of management success on the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers 112

2.5. Development of a scientifically based program for the development of socio-psychological culture of modern business leaders 120

Conclusions on the second chapter 130

Conclusion 135

Literature 138

Applications 157

Introduction to the work

I.Relevance of the research problem. The modern situation is characterized by dynamic transformations, which initiates an analysis of man’s place in a changing world. The changes taking place have a noticeable impact on management activities, which develop and improve in the context of social evolution. The manager, as a subject of management, makes socially significant decisions and ensures their implementation, thus influencing the process and result of socio-economic transformations, development And self-realization of a specific person, organization and society as a whole.

Improving the quality of management activities is largely determined by the potential of the manager’s personality and his socio-psychological culture. The study of socio-psychological culture is relevant, since in its cross-section it reflects the cultural component, determined by the social, spiritual and moral situation of the development of modern society; a mental component that allows self-determination, self-development and self-realization of the individual in professional activities and everyday relationships, showing internal culture. Despite the relevance of this problem in the field of formation of socio-psychological culture, there are unresolved contradictions between:

society's need for energetic, enterprising leaders,
those with knowledge in the field of management psychology and insufficiently developed
the essence of the phenomenon of socio-psychological culture as a factor in the success of
professional activities;

the readiness of managers for maximum self-realization and it is necessary
the importance of mastering socio-psychological culture as a professional component

socially and economically determined by the need to predict the success of managers and the insufficient development of theoretical and methodological issues of assessing the socio-psychological culture of managers in the success of decisions made.

The professionalism of a leader as a systemic organization of consciousness in a cumulative form is expressed in management decisions (E.A. Klimov). Research results indicate that the management apparatus spends 78-82% of its working time on preparing, adopting and implementing its own and received decisions. The relevance of increasing the efficiency of management personnel determines the need to study the socio-psychological culture of a manager as a determining factor in the success of implementing management decisions. Researchers argue that the socio-psychological culture of a professional is manifested in optimal self-realization of the individual and is a means of improving professional activity, as the basis for analysis and criterion of effectiveness (A.A. Derkach, N.S. Glukhanyuk, F.Sh. Mukhametzyanova, N.V. Selezneva ).

State of scientific development of the problem. In the last decade, the study of socio-psychological culture has moved from descriptive logic to theoretical-empirical logic. Observed trends in the study of social,


psychological culture correspond to the needs of society in improving the quality of personal and professional activity and improving various forms of interaction between people. Domestic experience of theoretical and empirical research of socio-psychological culture in psychology is considered in the context of psychological counseling (G.I. Marasanov), the culture of a person’s relationship to reality (A.S. Polyakova), intra-family interaction (A.V. Gumnitskaya), spiritual- moral development of a person (T.E. Egorova), psychological health (O.V. Puzikova). The objects of the study of socio-psychological culture are heads of municipal structures, civil servants, heads of education, teachers, psychologists, pupils and students, which does not allow us to unambiguously extrapolate the data obtained to the heads of business associations.

Thus, the insufficient development of the problem of socio-psychological culture of leaders in a situation of intensive transformations of society and the practical significance of resolving this problem in social life determined the relevance and choice of the research topic.

Object of study- professional activities of business association leaders.

Subject of study- features, structure, functions and role of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders.

Purpose of the study- identifying the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers and its impact on the success of management activities.

Research hypotheses.

The socio-psychological culture of a leader is formed and developed as a multidimensional integrative formation, which has characteristic features of manifestation and structural originality, determined by individual characteristics and external factors, primarily management activities and professional relationships.

The level and characteristics of the development of a leader’s socio-psychological culture significantly influence the success of the implementation of management decisions.

In accordance with the goal and the hypotheses put forward, the research objectives were determined.

    Analyze the theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture in the context social psychology, based on which to describe the essential characteristics of this phenomenon.

    Systematize the results of studies of management activities, on the basis of which to establish its influence as a systemic determinant on the content and characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of the manager.

    To develop criteria and indicators of the formation of a leader’s socio-psychological culture and, using them, to identify features in the content of this phenomenon.

    Empirically explore the nature of the relationship between the socio-psychological culture of managers and the success of their adoption and implementation of management decisions.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. Fundamental provisions of general and social psychology: cultural-historical approach to the consideration of mental phenomena (A.G. Asmolov, L.S. Vygotsky, etc.), subject-activity approach (B.G. Ananyev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya , A.V. Brushlinsky, E.A. Klimov, etc.), the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity (A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.), the principle of consistency (B.F. Lomov, etc. .), organizational approach (A.A. Bogdanov, G. Munsterberg, etc.), socio-psychological and psychological concepts of management activities (A.I. Kitov, R.L. Krichevsky, A.V. Petrovsky).

Particular grounds for the research were approaches to the study of socio-psychological culture (T.E. Egorova, L.S. Kolmogorova, T.N. Selezneva, V.V. Semikin); studying important qualities that contribute to achieving success in a managerial career (A.Ya. Kibanov, L.G. Laptev, E.N. Mogilevkin, E.G. Moll, B. Schwalbe); study of factors for optimizing management decision making (O.S. Anisimov, A.A. Derkach, L.I. Lukicheva, S.K. Sergienko, D.N. Egorychev, R.A. Fatkhutdinov, A.L. Lomakin, I G. Ivashkin).

Research methods. To test the hypotheses put forward and solve the problems posed in the theoretical part of the study, methods of analysis and synthesis, modeling and generalization were used, which made it possible to identify the characteristic aspects of the phenomenon under study.

In the empirical part of the study, as organizational method The cross-sectional method was used. To collect empirical data, well-known standardized methods designed as self-reports were used, as well as a method of expert assessment of indicators of success in making and implementing management decisions. The study of the characteristic features of the regulatory component was carried out using a questionnaire of stylistic self-regulation of behavior (V.M. Morosanova, 1994); social-cognitive - using the social intelligence test (J. Guilford, M. Sullivan, adapted by E.S. Mikhailova, 2001), cognitive lability as an individual psychological characteristic of the social-cognitive component of culture - using the intellectual lability test; axiological component - based on the methodology for studying value orientations (M. Rokeach’s questionnaire adapted by A. Goshtautas, A.A. Semenov, V.A. Yadov). The features of personal support for the socio-psychological culture of managers were studied using the 16-PF questionnaire by R. Cattell, form A (adapted by A.A. Rukavishnikov, M.V. Sokolova, 1995).

Empirical data were processed using methods of mathematical and statistical analysis adequate to the research tasks: average values, correlation and factor analyses.

Empirical basis of the study The Neral group of companies (Bashkortostan), which included 33 commercial organizations of various forms of ownership, spoke. Representatives of senior management - 27 people and line managers - 87 people took part. In addition, the study involved

employees of enterprises subordinate to the managers of the sample - 65 people.

To realize the purpose of the study and test the hypotheses put forward, it was developed dissertation research program, which covered the implementation of tasks in three stages.

The first stage (2006-2007) is theoretical modeling. An analysis of theoretical and empirical material published in the domestic literature on the problem of socio-psychological culture of the subject of activity was carried out. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are determined, the goals, hypotheses and tasks of the work are formulated.

The second stage (2007-2008) is empirical. The content and structural features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders have been identified. Research tools for expert assessment of the success of management decisions have been created and tested. The nature of the connection between indicators of socio-psychological culture and the success of making and implementing management decisions is determined.

The third stage (2008-2009) is the final stage. The results obtained are generalized and analyzed, and conclusions are formulated. Theoretical and empirical generalization of the results was reflected in the development of scientifically based recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, educational and methodological material and articles.

Reliability, validity and validity of research results are provided by the theoretical and methodological basis of the study, the representativeness of the sample, the use of a set of reliable and proven techniques that are adequate to the subject and objectives of the study, and the use of mathematical statistics methods in the processing and analysis of empirical data.

During the study, a scientific problem was solved, which consisted in identifying the features of the content and structural uniqueness of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders, studying its role in ensuring the success of making and implementing management decisions, developing a program and scientifically based recommendations for the development of a manager’s socio-psychological culture.

The difference between the theoretical and empirical data of the study and the results obtained by other authors is is that the work is the first to systematically reveal the features, structure, functions and role of socio-psychological culture among top and line managers of modern business associations, taking into account which a criteria-evaluation framework has been developed to identify the level of development in the context of the success of decisions made and The concept of “social and psychological culture of a leader” has been clarified. The author's program and recommendations for the development of socio-psychological culture of business association leaders using socio-psychological means are substantiated.

The main scientific results obtained personally by the applicant and their scientific novelty:

1 . Theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture in the context of social psychology are systematically presented.

This made it possible to systematically describe the essential characteristics, structural components and features of this phenomenon, which is described by a refined categorical apparatus.

2. The professional activity of a manager is designed to ensure achievements
development of a system of organizational goals based on optimal adoption and implementation
management decisions. At the same time, it acts as a systemic determinant, op
defining the content and characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of the sub
management project.

3. A criterion basis for the formation of social
psychological culture, which takes into account the purpose and essence of manual activity
driver, combines criteria and indicators, the use of which allows the operator to
determine the degree of compliance of a particular manager with professional requirements
nal activities and evaluate the success of management activities.

4. The nature of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of a leader on the success of making and implementing management decisions has been empirically identified, and the features of the relationship between them have been determined.

5. Program provisions and recommendations for their implementation have been developed in the interests of forming and improving the socio-psychological culture of managers. They determine the system of its development in the process of management activities, in targeted classes and in the process of self-improvement, significantly influencing the success of making and implementing management decisions.

Theoretical significance of the work is that the obtained results of theoretical and empirical research significantly specify, complement and deepen knowledge about socio-psychological culture as a phenomenon of the mental reality of modern leaders, enriching the space of its understanding in social psychology; psychologically substantiate the component composition and features of the manifestation of the socio-psychological culture of leaders; reveal the socio-psychological features of the stages of decision-making and implementation, determine the research tools for expert assessment of the success of management decisions; establish the specifics of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of management decisions.

Practical significance of the results The research lies in the possibility of using the obtained data in organizing intensive group training of managers in order to update the processes of self-realization and self-development in activities, including by consulting firms in the course of psychological counseling of managers, in the process of socio-psychological monitoring of personnel for promotion.

The results obtained during the study can be included in lecture courses and seminars for psychologists, HR specialists, managers, and can also become the basis for subsequent psychological research.

The conclusions of the theoretical and empirical research became the basis for the development of a program of recommendations for the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, educational and methodological recommendations for the course program “Management Psychology”, “Personnel Management Psychology”.

Basic provisions submitted for defense.

1. Concretized theoretical and methodological provisions of cultural
historical and subject-activity approaches, systematic principles,
unity of consciousness and activity, as well as adequate socio-psychological
methods and procedure of cognition of the study made it possible to clarify and systematically analyze
cover the content and features of socio-psychological culture
lei of business associations.

From the perspective of social psychology, this phenomenon is revealed as an integrative multidimensional personal formation, which acts as a factor in the success of making and implementing decisions of modern leaders.

Structurally, in socio-psychological culture, axiological, socio-cognitive, regulatory and personal components are present and combined in relationships, which, under the influence of professional activity, determine the characteristics of this culture among the leaders of business associations.

Social and psychological culture in management activities and in the relationships between the personnel of a business association provides the manager with personal and professional development and self-realization as a subject of management.

    The professional activity of a leader and its character determine the content and characteristics of socio-psychological culture, which in turn significantly influences the direction, content and organization of adoption And implementation of management decisions, being present in the management process as a whole. The socio-psychological culture of a leader is a factor in the success of decisions made, because acts as a value-oriented regulator of activity, manifesting itself in the ability of conscious self-regulation of behavior And activity based on cognitive analysis and subjective interpretation of its content, organization and conditions.

    The developed criteria-evaluation framework allows us to systematically assess the level of development of the socio-psychological culture of the head of a business association. The criteria act as the main standards for assessing the socio-psychological culture of a leader, and the indicators provide its assessment based on specific qualitative and quantitative criteria.

The criteria of the axiological component are associated with personally significant and value beliefs, views, and social attitudes. The criteria for the formed regulatory component are determined by the processes of planning, programming, modeling and evaluation of performance results. The criteria for the social-cognitive component are related to the level of development of social intelligence and the lability of the intellectual processes of a modern leader.

The socio-psychological culture of a leader is a systemic personal and professional education of a leader, the structure of which is represented by interconnected axiological, social-cognitive, regulatory components, which together determine the character, characteristics and

the success of his management activities and interaction with himself and the world around him.

    New empirical data introduced into scientific circulation reveal the nature of the relationship between the socio-psychological culture of a leader and the success of his adoption and implementation of management decisions. At the same time, the profile of the expression of socio-psychological culture in the success of management decisions is specific and depends on the characteristics and stage of decision making and implementation. The dominant influence on the success of a manager's management decisions is exerted by the regulatory component, and at the stage of implementation of the decisions made - by the social-cognitive component.

    A program of recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers has been developed on the basis of the obtained theoretical and empirical results. These developments consist of a phased implementation of diagnostic (self-knowledge of personal and professional qualities), analytical (self-analysis of one’s own shortcomings and advantages in management activities), developmental (harmonious formation of all structural components, including the use of consulting and training opportunities aimed at personal and professional self-development ).

Psychological impact in accordance with the program and recommendations is focused on the socio-cognitive and regulatory processes of the manager’s mental activity, which determine the success of management activities.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions on the research problem were discussed and approved at the International scientific and practical conferences: “Personality in the intercultural space” (Moscow, 2008), “Problems of forming and realizing the potential of the individual in modern Russia"(Ufa, 2009), "Transitive modern society" (Ufa, 2008), "Innovations of young scientists - the basis for sustainable development of regions" (Ufa, 2009); All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: “Organizational psychology” (Ekaterinburg, 2007), “Quality of life of the population in a transitive Russian society: legal, sociocultural and socio-economic aspects" (Penza, 2008), "Psychology of individuality" (Moscow, 2008), "Psychology - the science of the future" (Moscow, 2008), "Psychological culture and psychological health" (Barnaul, 2008) , “Youth, education, science” (Ufa, 2009); Regional scientific and practical conference: “Psychology - today” (Ekaterinburg, 2009). 17 works were published on the research topic, with a total volume of 17.55 pp.

The author's model for the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers has been tested, introduced into the practice of the group of companies and forms the basis for the concept of development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, developed within the framework of the bilateral agreement “Russian State Social University - Neral Group of Companies”. The economic effect from the implementation of the developed model amounted to more than 100 thousand rubles in 2009.

Structure And scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, bibliography and appendices, contains 19 tables, 12 figures, 15 appendices. The bibliography includes 210 titles.

Management activity as a systemic factor that determines the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers

To reveal the features of managerial activity, we used the profession analysis scheme outlined by E.A. Klimov, which is represented by three areas: 1) subject area of ​​activity; 2) profession as an area of ​​personality manifestation; 3) characteristics of the professional sphere18.

The subject area of ​​a manager's activity has been studied since the birth of management (A. Fayol). In relation to the subject area of ​​a manager’s activity, we can distinguish: 1) a constant component, which consists in organizing the activities of other people, that is, at its core, management activity is an “activity for organizing activities”, denoted by the concept of mega-activity; 2) a variable component, which depends directly on the sphere of practical activity of the people managed by the given manager.

Management activity is characterized by the organizational status of its subject - the manager. This status is twofold. The leader, by definition, is both a member of the organization (group) and stands above it - due to his hierarchically higher position. Based on this, the success of the leadership process largely depends on how and to what extent the leader combines formal status and informal leadership functions in his activities.

Consequently, another feature of management activity is the combination of two basic principles of its organization: hierarchical (subordination) and collegial (coordination), as well as the need for their optimal coordination19.

The purpose of the leadership profession is to carry out the work of managing people and organizations, achieving the solution of assigned tasks using labor, intelligence, and the motives of behavior of other people.

The goal of management activity: optimization of the functioning of the system as a whole, obtaining the greatest possible beneficial effect with the least effort and cost on the part of human and material resources, i.e. creating a productive organization that is more than the sum of the resources put into it. The managerial work of a manager consists of four types of activities: 1) organizational and administrative - receiving and transmitting information, communicating decisions to executors, monitoring execution; 2) analytical-constructive - perception of information and preparation of appropriate decisions; 3) information technology - computational and formal logical operations, documentation; 4) educational - training of personnel, advanced training, creation of a positive moral and psychological climate21.

A profession as an area of ​​personality manifestation includes the idea of ​​a certain systemic organization of a professional’s psyche, i.e. carries information about the nature of the requirements for the psychophysiological characteristics of the subject of labor and its value-motivational components22.

Analysis of studies on the personality of managers (I.V. Antonenko, A.V. Batarshev, V.V. Boyko, A.G. Kovalev, O.M. Zalenina, L.D. Kudryashova, V.S. Lazarev) made it possible to systematize and identify four blocks professionally important qualities of a leader, the connection of which with the components of the socio-psychological culture of a leader is presented in Table 3.

Systematization and analysis of research into the characteristics of a leader’s personality that contribute to the success of activities made it possible to establish: 1) the presented blocks of professionally important qualities were studied in isolation from each other, the study of the socio-psychological culture of a leader will allow us to study these qualities in combination, in a certain psychological originality; 2) the content of the socio-psychological culture of managers is determined by the specifics of management activities, namely, the professional requirements; 3) the professional activity of a manager determines the content and features of his socio-psychological culture.

Characteristics of the professional sphere. Management activity is considered as a process for the implementation of management functions necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization. For the first time, the actual management functions in the work of organizational personnel were identified within the framework of the “classical school of management” by the French management theorist A. Fayol. He divided the general administrative function into primary or fundamental components. In accordance with this, the main management functions: planning, organization, management, coordination and control are defined as “relatively isolated areas of management activity that allow for management influence.”

In domestic science, it was proposed to discuss the solution to the issue of identifying the main management functions and determining the content of management activities within the framework of the cybernetic approach (T.S. Kabachenko, O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov, G.S. Nikiforov). The main management functions that meet the criteria of necessity and sufficiency include planning, organization, control and regulation (in this context, management and motivation of employees are specific regulatory options). In order to reveal the features of management functions, we will consider their main characteristics. The planning function is key and involves deciding what the organization's goals should be and what members of the organization should do to achieve those goals. Through planning, the manager establishes priority areas efforts and decisions that will ensure unity of purpose for all members of the organization. The essence of the organization's function is to create and maintain a system of functional roles in the organization, defining areas of responsibility for achieving specific goals for each department and employee of the organization. Control functions reflect the content of the process of ensuring the achievement of goals at the organizational level. Performing control functions involves comparing set goals and achieved results, identifying deviations and analyzing the causes of these deviations. Through the regulation function, it is achieved that controlled processes are maintained within the framework specified by the adopted program of action, time and material regulations and a step-by-step plan for achieving goals.

According to research, the implementation of basic management functions involves cyclical repetition of the processes of obtaining and processing information, developing measures of influence - making a decision, implementing an influence - transferring the decision for execution (P.F. Drucker, T.S. Kabachenko, M.H. Mascon). At the same time, the content of the activity, the scope of the functions and powers of the manager are determined by the level of the position in the organizational hierarchy.

Socio-psychological culture of managers as a factor in the success of management decisions

The area where the foundations of the concept of “social-psychological culture of a leader” are laid and various aspects and components are studied is organizational psychology. The founder of the scientific direction of organizational psychology, American Professor E. Schein, pays great attention to the concept of “organizational culture.” In their book “Organizational Culture and Leadership,” they are offered the following definition: “Organizational culture is a phenomenon that deserves independent study, the form of existence of an organization and the manifestation of its behavior in the internal environment and in relation to subjects of the external environment.”

What is the reason for such close attention in modern society, the business world and science to organizational psychology? E. Schein formulates the answer to this question as follows: “... because they began to see in it not just an idea that makes it possible to explain many organizational phenomena, but also something with the help of which managers can create a more effective organization”31. The authors of another work on organizational culture, K. Cameron and R. Quinn, note that most scientists and specialists involved in organizational problems today realize that culture has a powerful influence on improving performance and long-term efficiency of enterprises. An impressive picture of the influence of culture on improving the performance of enterprises is demonstrated by the results of foreign empirical studies by K.S. Cameron, D.R. Ettington, D. Denison, H. Trice, J. Beyer. The impact of organizational culture on individuals has also been well studied, including morale, commitment, productivity, physical health, and emotional well-being.

In the work “Organizational Culture” V.A. Spivak creates a concept whose essence is that organizational culture and leadership are inextricably linked32. The leader creates and manages culture in the organization, i.e. internal personal culture creates (shapes) the culture of a social organization. The internal psyche is exteriorized to a certain extent and passes into the external - social. The psychological internal culture of the leader subsequently acts not only as a source, but as the core and main regulator of the sociocultural context of the organization and its life activity in general. “We can say with complete certainty,” notes E. Shein, “that the only thing truly important issue The leader’s task is to create and manage culture, and the leader’s talent is determined by his ability to understand the culture and work with it.” The culture of an organization is the result of the interaction of its constituent members and the individual contributions of individuals, including the leader. At the same time, the culture of an organization as a special transpersonal systemic formation lives its own life, according to its own specific laws, and has a certain impact on the mental state, consciousness and life of all members of the organization.

According to A.N. Zankovsky: “the carriers of organizational culture are people, however, in organizations with an established organizational culture it seems to be separated from people and becomes an attribute of the organization, a part of it that has an active influence on employees, modifying their behavior in accordance with the norms and values ​​that constitute its basis." Thus, the leader of the value-semantic formations of his personality makes a fundamental contribution to the deepest foundations of the culture of his organization - to its basic values. The socio-psychological culture of a leader is the framework of organizational culture, forming the philosophy and ideology of the organization. The philosophy of the organization is formed by business owners, heads of organizations, and depending on the level of development of their socio-psychological culture, the level of formation of the organizational culture will be determined. Consequently, the leader, through the value and semantic formations of his personality, makes a fundamental contribution to the deepest foundations of the culture of his organization - to its basic values, thereby indirectly influencing the efficiency of the enterprise, subordinates and society as a whole.

From the perspective of our research, the fundamental point of view is T.E. Egorova, that socio-psychological culture enables an individual to apply his general culture to the sphere of his professional activity3. Indicators of a specialist’s socio-psychological culture can be considered as a means of allowing one to grow professionally, taking into account the requirements of professional activity and adjust one’s professional actions.

We are based on the idea that management activities are aimed at optimizing the functioning of the organization’s system as a whole, obtaining the greatest possible beneficial effect with the least effort and cost on the part of human and material resources, i.e. creating a productive organization that is more than the sum of the resources put into it35. According to researchers, the success of management activities is determined by the level of formed professional skills and certain individual psychological properties and formations. We came to the conclusion that the personal qualities of a leader, which determine the success of their activities, are associated with manifestations of their culture, acting as a factor in the self-development and self-improvement of the leader in his activities.

Socio-psychological culture in the structure of a leader’s personality acts as an urgent psychological problem:

Rapidly changing conditions require managers to be able to make decisions in non-standard and uncertain situations, with a lack of information and time, to respond flexibly to changes and innovations; this requires managers to be highly self-regulatory.

As a result of studies of the physical and mental state of representatives of various segments of the population, including managers, it was found that, due to psycho-technogenic influences of various nature, active participation in political life, environmental violations, unhealthy lifestyles, human qualities are lost, and the system of values ​​and norms of social society is revalued.

In the context of socio-economic and political transformations, intellectual and mental stress The leader's stress becomes so great that management activities are stressful. As a result of constant stress, neurotic conditions intensify, leading to psychophysiological devastation and chronic fatigue syndrome. A manager needs psychological literacy that allows him to regulate his mental states and develop new patterns of professional action.

In the work of a manager, 85-90% of the time is devoted to interpersonal contacts and the ability to build relationships, program methods of action and behavior of subordinates to achieve intended goals, i.e. be socially competent. This quality is a manifestation of a developed culture and, accordingly, determines the level of professional skills of managers.

As a result of a theoretical analysis of management activities, we identified the main functional unit of activity - management decision-making, which acts as a central point in the activities of the manager, being present in planning (the process of searching and making decisions regarding the choice of goals, objectives and means of achieving them), in the organization (decision aimed on the activities of people and the combination of various types of resources), strategic and tactical management, motivation, control.

Identification of the substantive features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders

This stage of the empirical research consisted of testing the first empirical hypothesis: the socio-psychological culture of a leader (a) is a complex integrative formation of the individual, (b) has characteristic features of manifestation (content) among leaders, (c) is distinguished by structural originality, represented by socio-cognitive, axiological, regulatory components, (d) provided by individual psychological, in particular personal characteristics.

Hence, two directions for empirical analysis of the results were identified: firstly, according to individual features(indicators), secondly, according to combinations of indicators characterizing the structure of the socio-psychological culture of managers. These areas of analysis were implemented within the framework of descriptive and correlational approaches.

Within the framework of the first direction of empirical analysis, the following empirical task was formulated - to identify characteristic features in the content of the socio-psychological culture of managers. In the second direction of analysis, the empirical task of determining the uniqueness of the structure of the psychological culture of managers was solved.

The assumption that socio-psychological culture has characteristic features of manifestation (content) among managers (the first empirical hypothesis in part (b)) was tested by calculating and analyzing the criteria of descriptive statistics and frequency analysis.

The areas of descriptive analysis were the theoretically identified components of socio-psychological culture: socio-cognitive, axiological and regulatory, as well as indicators of individual psychological support for culture - personal dispositions.

Social-cognitive component of the socio-psychological culture of managers. The social-cognitive component in the content of the socio-psychological culture of a leader in this work is represented by indicators of social intelligence and intellectual lability, and the characteristics of this component can be evidenced by indicators of the intellectual sphere in terms of the theory of personality proposed by Cattell.

The results of a descriptive analysis (Appendix 5) of indicators of social intelligence, their graphical representation (Fig. 1 of the text of the work), as well as the results of a frequency analysis of values ​​(Appendix 6) made it possible to identify the following features of the manifestation of managers’ abilities for interpersonal cognition. Based on the analysis of measures of central tendency, it was established that managers of both senior and middle management are characterized by an average level of expression of all indicators of social intelligence, as well as the final composite indicator in relation to the test norms proposed when adapting the methodology of E.S. Mikhailova. This result indicates facts of two kinds. Firstly, about the lack of specificity and originality in the characteristic manifestations of social intelligence among managers in comparison with other groups of people (teachers, students). It follows from this that the representatives leadership positions who took part in this study, the abilities associated with increased interpersonal sensitivity and the accuracy of predicting the behavior of other people (CBI) are not updated in the conditions of professional management activities; their nonverbal reactions (NVR); as well as with high role flexibility, an individual approach to the interlocutor (IAT); virtuosity in recognizing causes, logic and consequences interpersonal communications in dynamics (CBS). The results obtained based on the calculation of arithmetic averages give reason to assume that social intelligence is not a characteristic, specific education required by the structural and functional specifics of the management activities of business leaders.

As a consequence of the first reasoning, secondly, the obtained average values ​​of intelligence indicators appeal to the need for further analysis in two directions: 1) based on the results of measures of variability in the values ​​of intelligence indicators of managers in each of the subtests; 2) by correlating the results of subtests with each other.

Measures of variability of values ​​for subtests of social intelligence (Appendix 5, Fig. 1 of the text) provide grounds for judging the following characteristics of managers. Firstly, about their homogeneity (homogeneity, similarity), low variability of individual intelligence values ​​in the group (Ex 0) as a whole in terms of the ability to cognition of the results of other people’s behavior (CBI) (Ex = 0.9); as well as a greater representation among managers of high values ​​of this indicator than low ones (As 0; As = -0.97). These data confirm the results of frequency analysis (Appendix 6). The fact indicates that the managers who took part in the study are able to anticipate people’s future actions based on real communication situations and are able to clearly build a strategy own behavior to achieve their goal, they are well acquainted with the norm-role rules governing the behavior of other people.

Study of the mechanisms and features of the relationship between the structural components of the socio-psychological culture of managers

The basic theoretical position about the content of socio-psychological culture in this study is the idea of ​​the structural and functional unity of the cognitive, axiological and regulatory components of culture, as well as its determination by personal characteristics.

This stage of the work is devoted to testing the first empirical hypothesis, regarding the assumptions that the socio-psychological culture of a leader (a) is a complex integrative formation of the individual, (c) is distinguished by structural originality, represented by social-cognitive, axiological and regulatory components, (d) is ensured by individual psychological, in particular personal characteristics.

The methods of empirical testing of the hypothesis were canonical and correlation analyzes according to Spearman. Using canonical analysis, the measure of the relationship between the entire set of indicators as a whole, explicating the individual components of culture - cognitive, axiological, regulatory - was determined in order to determine the nature of the relationship between them. The calculation of canonical correlation coefficients was carried out on quantitative data from measuring cultural indicators (Table 4).

The results of the analysis demonstrate that there is a directly proportional relationship between the components of culture (p = 0.02) or a tendency towards it (p = 0.11; p = 0.09). Thus, it was found that of all the components of psychological culture, a highly significant positive correlation was found between the indicators of the regulatory component and the personal support of culture (Rc = 0.67; p = 0.02). The cognitive component showed only a tendency to be associated with the regulatory component (Rc=0.37; p=0.11) and personality dispositions (Rc=0.45; p=0.09). The exception is the axiological component of culture, which did not reveal reliable relationships with other components (p 0.1). This fact indicates the close connection between the regulatory characteristics of the behavior of managers and their individual psychological personality traits, as well as the relative isolation of the axiological and social-cognitive components in the holistic content of psychological culture.

Correlation analysis using the Spearman method made it possible to detail the overall picture of relationships obtained using canonical analysis. A visual visualization of the identified relationships in the form of a correlation galaxy is presented in Appendix 10.

With regard to the assumption that the socio-psychological culture of a leader is a complex integrative formation of a personality (the first empirical hypothesis in part (a)), in terms of a correlation design, it was operationalized into a hypothesis accessible to empirical testing. Operationalized empirical hypothesis (a): indicators of the regulatory and cognitive components of psychological culture are closely related to each other.

With regard to the assumption that the psychological culture of a leader is distinguished by structural originality, represented by cognitive, axiological and regulatory components (the first empirical hypothesis in part (c)), it was also reformulated in terms of a correlational design. Operationalized empirical hypothesis (c): the nature of the relationships between the indicators of the regulatory, axiological and cognitive components of culture has certain characteristics, thereby determining the structural uniqueness of the psychological culture of the leader.

Within the framework of both operationalized empirical hypotheses, the following facts were discovered. Thus, significant (p 0.05) local inversely proportional correlations were found between such regulatory personal properties as behavioral flexibility and independence and instrumental value orientations “independence” (gamp = 0.220, rcrit = 0.220 at p 0.05, n = 83) , “self-control”, (gamp = 0.231, p 0.05) “efficiency in business” (gamp = 0.231, p 0.05). No other correlations have been established between the axiological and regulatory components of culture. These facts support the assertion that these components are relatively isolated in the structure of the psychological culture of managers. With the exception of both semantically and phenomenologically close personal qualities in the field of volitional regulation of behavior: independence, independence, self-control, etc.

No reliable correlations have been established between the indicators of the axiological component of culture - values ​​- and the cognitive component in the field of social interaction - social intelligence, which indicates the absence of conjugation between these components in the structure of the psychological culture of managers.

Significant (p 0.05) directly proportional relationships were identified between the indicator of behavioral flexibility (G) as a regulatory-personal property and such cognitive indicators in the field of social interaction as knowledge of the results of behavior (CBI) (gamp = 0.287, rcrit = 0.220 at p 0, 05, n=83), cognition of behavioral systems (CBS) (gamp = 0.239, p 0.05) and the integrated factor of cognitive behavior (composite indicator of social intelligence) (gamp = 0.274, p 0.05). The fact indicates that the more behavioral flexibility is developed among managers, i.e. the ability to adequately and quickly restructure their behavior in connection with changing conditions of any situation or event, the more accurately they are able to predict the behavior of other people, possessing interpersonal sensitivity, virtuosity in recognizing the causes, logic and consequences of communications in dynamics, and are also characterized by greater social intuition and success in relationships with people (which is legitimate and vice versa in terms of correlation design).

Earlier in this study, when studying the personal characteristics of managers, it was found that they are characterized by high personal flexibility (Q1+; average value is 8.5). A meaningful description of this disposition is that the Q1+ personality has critical thinking, strives for constructive changes, and will not experience great remorse if he “tramples on someone who will interfere with her in making changes.” The authors note that a survey of a large number of business leaders revealed that they scored high on this factor. It follows that managers are more likely to have high rather than low values ​​of social intelligence.

Abstract of the dissertation on the topic "Features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders"

As a manuscript

BIKTAGIROVA Alsou Rashitovna


Specialty: 19.00.05 - social psychology

dissertation for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences

Moscow 2009

The work was completed at the department general psychology and labor psychology GOU VSTO "Russian State Social University"

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Political Sciences

Savchenko Ivan Sergeevich

Official opponents: Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Sekach Mikhail Fedorovich

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Rina Sergeevna Khammatova

Leading organization: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir Academy" civil service and management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan”, Department of Management

The defense will take place on October 27, 2009 at 15.00 at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.341.05 at the Russian State Social University at the address: 129226, Moscow, st. Wilhelm Pieck, 4, building 2, conference hall of dissertation councils.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Russian State Social University at the address: 129226, Moscow, st. Wilhelm Pick, 4, building Z.

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council,

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor


The professionalism of a leader as a systemic organization of consciousness in a cumulative form is expressed in management decisions (E.A. Klimov). Research results indicate that the management apparatus spends 78-82% of its working time on preparing, adopting and implementing its own and received decisions. The relevance of increasing the efficiency of management personnel determines the need to study the socio-psychological culture of a manager as a determining factor in the success of implementing management decisions. Researchers argue that the socio-psychological culture of a professional is manifested in the optimal self-realization of the individual and is a means of improving professional activity, as the basis for analysis and criteria for effectiveness (A.A. Derkach, N.S. Glukhanyuk, F.Sh. Mukhametzyanova, N.V. Selezneva).

State of scientific development of the problem. In the last decade, the study of socio-psychological culture has moved from descriptive logic to theoretical-empirical logic. Observed trends in social research

psychological culture correspond to the needs of society in improving the quality of personal and professional activity and improving various forms of interaction between people. Domestic experience of theoretical and empirical research of socio-psychological culture in psychology is considered in the context of psychological counseling (G.I. Marasanov), the culture of a person’s relationship to reality (A.S. Polyakova), intrafamily interaction (A.B. Gumnitskaya), spiritual and moral development of a person (T. E. Egorova), psychological health (O.V. Puzikova). The objects of the study of socio-psychological culture are heads of municipal structures, civil servants, heads of education, teachers, psychologists, pupils and students, which does not allow us to unambiguously extrapolate the data obtained to the heads of business associations.

Research hypotheses.

The socio-psychological culture of a leader is formed and developed as a multidimensional integrative formation, which has characteristic features of manifestation and structural originality, determined by individual characteristics and external factors, primarily management activities and professional relationships.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. Fundamental provisions of general and social psychology: cultural-historical approach to the consideration of mental phenomena (A.G. Asmolov, J.I.C. Vygotsky, etc.), subject-activity approach (B.G. Ananyev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya , A.B. Brushlinsky, E.A. Klimov, etc.), the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity (A.N. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.), the principle of consistency (B.F. Lomov, etc.), organizational approach (A.A. Bogdanov, G. Munsterberg, etc.), socio-psychological and psychological concepts of management activities (A.I. Kitov, R.L. Krichevsky, A.B. Petrovsky).

Particular grounds for the research were approaches to the study of socio-psychological culture (T.E. Egorova, L.S. Kolmogorova, T.N. Selezneva, V.V. Semikin); studying important qualities that contribute to achieving success in a managerial career (A.Ya. Kibanov, L.G. Laptev, E.H. Mogilevkin, E.G. Moll, B. Schwalbe); study of factors for optimizing management decision making (O.S. Anisimov, A.A. Derkach, L.I. Lukicheva, S.K. Sergienko, D.N. Egorychev, P.A. Fatkhutdinov, A.L. Lomakin, I.G. Ivashkin).

In the empirical part of the study, the cross-sectional method was used as an organizational method. To collect empirical data, well-known standardized methods designed as self-reports were used, as well as a method of expert assessment of indicators of success in making and implementing management decisions. The study of the characteristic features of the regulatory component was carried out using a questionnaire of stylistic self-regulation of behavior (V.M. Morosanova, 1994); social-cognitive - using the social intelligence test (J. Guilford, M. Sullivan, adapted by E.S. Mikhailova, 2001), cognitive lability as an individual psychological characteristic of the social-cognitive component of culture - using the intellectual lability test; axiological component - based on the methodology for studying value orientations (M. Rokeach’s questionnaire adapted by A. Goshtautas, A.A. Semenov, V.A. Yadov). The features of personal support for the socio-psychological culture of managers were studied using the 16-PF questionnaire by R. Cattell, form A (adapted by A.A. Rukavishnikov, M.V. Sokolova, 1995).

The empirical basis of the study was the Neral group of companies (Bashkortostan), which included 33 commercial organizations of various forms of ownership. Representatives of senior management - 27 people and line managers - 87 people took part. In addition, the study involved

employees of enterprises subordinate to the managers of the sample - 65 people.

The second stage (2007-2008) is empirical. The content and structural features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders have been identified. Research tools for expert assessment of the success of management decisions have been created and tested. The nature of the connection between indicators of socio-psychological culture and the success of making and implementing management decisions has been determined.

The third stage (2008-2009) is the final stage. The results obtained are generalized and analyzed, and conclusions are formulated. Theoretical and empirical generalization of the results was reflected in the development of scientifically based recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, educational and methodological material and articles.

The difference between the theoretical and empirical data of the study and the results obtained by other authors is that the work is the first to systematically reveal the features, structure, functions and role of socio-psychological culture among senior and line managers of modern business associations, taking into account which criteria have been developed -an assessment basis for identifying the level of development in the context of the success of decisions made and the concept of “social and psychological culture of a leader” has been clarified. The author's program and recommendations for the development of socio-psychological culture of business association leaders using socio-psychological means are substantiated.

1. The theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture in the context of social psychology are systematically presented.

This made it possible to systematically describe the essential characteristics, structural components and features of this phenomenon, which is described by a refined categorical apparatus.

From the perspective of social psychology, this phenomenon is revealed as an integrative multidimensional personal formation, which acts as a factor in the success of making and implementing decisions of modern leaders.

Social and psychological culture in management activities and in the relationships between the personnel of a business association provides the manager with personal and professional development and self-realization as a subject of management.

The criteria of the axiological component are associated with personally significant and value beliefs, views, and social attitudes. The criteria of the formed™ regulatory component are determined by the processes of planning, programming, modeling and evaluation of performance results. The criteria for the social-cognitive component are related to the level of development of social intelligence and the lability of the intellectual processes of a modern leader.

The socio-psychological culture of a leader is a systemic personal and professional education of a leader, the structure of which is represented by interconnected axiological, social-cognitive, regulatory components, which together determine the character, characteristics and

the success of his management activities and interaction with himself and the world around him.

4. New empirical data introduced into scientific circulation reveal the nature of the relationship between the socio-psychological culture of a leader and the success of making and implementing management decisions. At the same time, the profile of the expression of socio-psychological culture in the success of management decisions is specific and depends on the characteristics and stage of decision making and implementation. The dominant influence on the success of a manager's management decisions is exerted by the regulatory component, and at the stage of implementation of the decisions made - by the social-cognitive component.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions on the research problem were discussed and approved at the International Scientific and Practical Conferences: “Personality in the Intercultural Space” (Moscow, 2008), “Problems of Formation and Realization of Personality Potential in Modern Russia” (Ufa, 2009), “Transitive Modern Society” (Ufa, 2008), “Innovations of young scientists are the basis for sustainable development of regions” (Ufa, 2009); All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: “Organizational psychology” (Ekaterinburg, 2007), “Quality of life of the population in a transitive Russian society: legal, sociocultural and socio-economic aspects” (Penza, 2008), “Psychology of individuality” (Moscow, 2008), “Psychology - the science of the future” (Moscow, 2008), “Psychological culture and psychological health” (Barnaul, 2008), “Youth, education, science” (Ufa, 2009); Regional scientific and practical conference: “Psychology - today” (Ekaterinburg, 2009). 17 works were published on the research topic, with a total volume of 17.55 pp.


In the introduction, the relevance of the research topic is substantiated, the degree of development of the problem is determined, the goal, object, subject, hypotheses and objectives of the research are formulated, the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work is revealed, the main provisions submitted for defense are formulated, and information about the testing of the research results is provided.

The first chapter, “Socio-psychological culture of managers as a psychological problem,” systematizes and analyzes studies of the phenomenon of socio-psychological culture and its manifestations in a specific socio-professional group - managers; described psychological characteristics management activities and the theoretical basis for studying its success, as well as the stages of making and implementing management decisions and highlighting indicators of their success.

The term “culture” indicates an endless process of interaction between a person and the sociocultural environment, which is a condition for the continuous process of education, development, and improvement. According to researchers, psychological culture is component general culture of the individual, which is formed in the process of socialization and professionalization (N.V. Abaev, A.A. Derkach, E.A. Klimov, JI.C. Kolmogorova, etc.)

A retrospective look at the degree of study of socio-psychological culture in the humanities made it possible to systematize and highlight the following factors of this phenomenon: 1) general cultural, spiritual and moral development of the individual (T.E. Egorova, J.I.C. Kolmogorova, A.B. Korneeva, V.V. Semikin); 2) successful adaptation to the sociocultural environment and the development of creative potential, the effectiveness of social interaction (E.V. Burmistrova, O.I. Motkov, A.S. Polyakova, O.V. Puzikova); 3) optimization, humanization of the educational process and pedagogical interaction (N.I. Lifintseva, E.E. Smirnova, V.V. Semikin); 4) self-improvement of professional and personal positions in professional activities (A.A. Derkach, E.H. Grishina, G.I. Marasanov, F.Sh. Mukhamet-zyanova, N.Yu. Pevzner). In the indicated areas, what is in demand for our research is the study of socio-psychological culture as the basis for general cultural development of the individual, promoting self-improvement of professional and personal positions.

Socio-psychological culture as an integral systemic formation has its own structure. In order to solve the problem of identifying the component composition of a leader’s socio-psychological culture, we identified axiological, regulatory and social-cognitive components that reflect its content. The regulatory component is due to the peculiarities of self-regulation, which make it possible to manage different types and forms of voluntary activity directly implemented in achieving the goals accepted by the manager. THOSE. Egorova argues that this component assumes responsibility for oneself and one’s professional plans. Harmonious self-regulation as a manifestation of developed socio-psychological culture, according to O.I. Motkova, promotes self-development, which manifests itself in the self-education of personal attitudes and behavior. The social-cognitive component is determined by the level of development of social intelligence and determines the success of assessment and

forecasting the development of interpersonal situations, the ability to interpret information and behavior, readiness for social interaction. Revealing its content, N.I. Lifintseva states that this component, performing a cognitive-epistemological function, on the one hand allows you to explore and explain the positions of modern science and attract modern psychological knowledge to solve professional problems, on the other hand, to be at the center of the processes being studied, to be “conversed”, to understand, “ to give another the right to individuality and freedom. The axiological component is determined by the values ​​and beliefs in accordance with which the leader builds his professional activities and behavior.

Socio-psychological culture is a personal formation; it allows the individual to apply general culture to the sphere of professional activity. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the level of development of socio-psychological culture can be determined by a certain combination of personal qualities. According to T.E. Egorova, personal qualities determine the general culture of human behavior in society and can be considered as a means that allows: 1) to show a specialist psychological culture; 2) develop this personality trait taking into account the requirements of professional activity; 3) adjust your professional actions. Thus, the level of development of a leader’s socio-psychological culture will be determined by qualitative indicators of personal characteristics that provide the effects of axiological, regulatory and socio-cognitive components.

We consider this phenomenon as a complex integrative personal formation that performs a design-regulating and optimizing function. The socio-psychological culture of a leader, as a socio-psychological characteristic, manifests itself in his consciousness, becoming entrenched in individual characteristics its structural components, it determines activity, behavior and actions.

Systematization of the results of studies of management activities made it possible to establish: 1) the managerial activity of a manager lies in the effective functioning and development of the organization, achieving a system of goals through optimal decision-making and implementation; 2) the functional features of management activities play a decisive role in the manifestations of the socio-psychological culture of management personnel; 3) criteria and indicators of the socio-psychological culture of managers make it possible to determine the degree of compliance of the subject of management with the requirements of professional activity.

There are contradictory ideas about indicators of success in management activities, while researchers do not have fundamental contradictions, generally recognizing both its versatility and the multifactorial nature of success, which is determined by a complex of individual parameters of a manager (professional self-determination, self-awareness, self-development, internality of the locus of control, personal potential) and the characteristics of the external and internal environment of the organization (humanism, cohesion, trust, socio-psychological climate of the organization).

As a result of the theoretical analysis of studies of management decisions, it was established: 1) these works are largely devoted to economic aspects, they are speculative in nature, the theoretical basis is the ideas of foreign authors; 2) in psychology, the psychological determinants of the success of management decisions have been studied and identified: the intellectual potential of the manager (A.K. Gastev, I.A. Zimnyaya 1999), the personal construct of a professional manager (O.S. Anisimov, 2000; V.F. Rubakhin, 2001; V.N. Stepanov, 2002); mechanisms of motivational regulation of leader behavior (V.G. Aseev, 1997); manager's style of activity (V.G. Zazykin, 2002; M.F. Sekach, V.A. Tolochek, 2003); professional self-awareness (S.B. Tarasenko, 2003); 3) there are two directions for studying decision making. The first focuses on the stage of selecting alternative solutions. In the second, researchers consider a management decision as an “act”, a “command” of a management subject, including not only the choice of an alternative, but also control, planning, implementation and evaluation of the final result. The second direction seems to us to be broader in the problem field of research and is the basis for revealing the socio-psychological characteristics of the stages of making and implementing management decisions in our research.

As a result of identifying and disclosing the socio-psychological characteristics of the stages of management decisions, a draft of success indicators was compiled (Table 1), which served as the basis for the creation of a research tool “Expert assessment sheet of the success of making and implementing management decisions.”

Table 1.

Indicators of success of management decisions._

Stages Indicators of success in making management decisions

1. Statement of the problem The ability to recognize and accept the problem situation that has arisen. Ability to structure and detail a problem. A vision of the basic difficulties that caused the problem to arise. Skills in analyzing the causes of problems.

2. Gathering information The ability to obtain a single, logical consequence from the information presented. Predictive skills conditioned by intellectual potential.

3. Developing a goal The ability to define a goal clearly and specifically. The ability to choose a method for solving a problem. Vision of a logical sequence of actions to solve a problem.

4-Evaluation of alternatives Ability to create an invariant model for solving a problem. Ability to predict the effectiveness of each alternative. The ability to objectively evaluate the future effectiveness of a decision made.

5-Planning Ability to plan activities. Ability to make realistic decisions. Ability to delegate authority.

b.Implementation The ability to program methods of action and behavior of subordinates to achieve intended goals. The ability to rebuild and adjust management activities in the event of changes in external conditions.

7.0evaluation - The ability to quickly respond to possible causes of failure, result evaluation - The ability to adequately evaluate the implemented solution from the point of view of success/failure._

Theoretical analysis showed that an important factor influencing the success of making and implementing management decisions is the ability for conscious self-regulation of activity (regulatory component), based on cognitive analysis and subjective interpretation of its conditions (social-cognitive component), value-oriented regulation of activity ( axiological component).

The results of systematizing data on the stages of decision-making and implementation and identifying success indicators of these stages made it possible to correlate success indicators and criteria for the optimal development of the components of a leader’s socio-psychological culture.

Thus, the systematization and analysis of research on the problem made it possible to consider the socio-psychological culture of a leader as a factor in the success of making and implementing management decisions.

The second chapter, “Empirical study of the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders,” presents a description and justification for the choice of research approach and data analysis methods; characteristics of the participants and instruments are given; The results of the study, their discussion and conclusions are presented.

The purpose and hypothesis determined the choice of content and organization of the empirical study. Identification of the specific content and structure of the socio-psychological culture of managers was tested within the framework of correlation analysis(according to the Spearman method), data analysis was carried out using descriptive, frequency, and canonical methods. The second empirical hypothesis about the influence of management culture on the success of making and implementing management decisions was tested within the framework of an ex post facto design, using one-way analysis of variance ANOVA. Quantitative data processing was carried out using SPSS 11.5 and Statistika 6.0 programs for Windows.

Measuring the success of management decisions and the influence of the manager’s socio-psychological culture on this required the construction of a research methodology and the study of its psychometric capabilities.

The conceptual foundations of the methodology were the idea of ​​considering management decisions within the framework of the management system and psychology, as a set of systemic (a set of works on the development, justification and implementation of decisions), activity-based (the most important integral characteristic of the management system and the leader) scientific approaches. The content of the methodology consisted of developed indicators of the success of management decisions, their description and indicators. In the study, the methodology was used as a tool for external examination and did not imply a self-report form of work with it.

Psychometric testing of the content validity of the “Expert Assessment Sheet for the Success of Making and Implementing Management Decisions” method was carried out using the method of expert validation (A.A. Bodalev, V.V. Stolin, 1987). An examination of the composition of success indicators and their indicators was carried out by

leaders of the constituent and administrative direction of business associations “Ne-ral”, 8 people in total. The number of experts and the assessment of their competence were determined according to the formulas proposed by G.G. Azgaldov, E.P. Reichman, 1973. Statistical evidence was established in favor of satisfactory content validity of the developed composition of indicators and indicators of the success of management decisions. Further in the study, the same group of experts carried out an examination of the success of management decisions among real participants in the study - top and line managers of the Neral group of companies. The condition of the examination was the presence of experience of professional cooperation with the examinee. One participant was assessed by 2 to 4 experts, depending on the position of the examinee.

The choice of empirical research tools was guided by theoretical ideas about the phenomena being studied, the goal and objectives of understanding the socio-psychological culture of a leader.

Testing the hypothesis made it possible to establish the following characteristic features of the content of the socio-psychological culture of managers and the uniqueness of its structure.

The socio-cognitive component of culture was evidenced by indicators of social intelligence and intellectual lability, as well as indirectly by indicators of the intellectual sphere (in terms of R. Catgell’s theory) as a resource for the functioning of socio-psychological culture.

It has been established based on an analysis of the average values ​​of social intelligence indicators that managers are characterized by a lack of originality in the manifestations of intelligence in social interaction in comparison with representatives of other socio-professional groups (students, university teachers). The data give reason to assume that the social intelligence of managers is not a characteristic, specific education required by the structural and functional features of management activities in business.

Analysis of empirical data using measures of variability of values ​​and their frequency distribution made it possible to establish the following characteristic features. Firstly, low variability of individual intelligence values ​​was found in terms of the ability to recognize the behavior of other people (CB1) (Ex>0; Ex=0.9); as well as a greater representation of high rather than low values ​​of this indicator (AvO; A5 = -0.97). The fact shows that the majority of managers who took part in the work are able to accurately anticipate people’s actions based on real communication situations, are able to clearly build an interaction strategy to achieve a set goal, are well acquainted with the norms and rules of role behavior and are situationally inclined to share them. Secondly, it was revealed that managers are similar to each other in terms of their ability to cognition of behavioral classes (CBC) (Ex>0; Ex=0.95) and the majority of managers have low rather than high values ​​of this indicator (Ab>0; Ab=0.8) . It follows that managers are more focused on the verbal, verbal and logical content of communications rather than their non-verbal accompaniment. The indicator, based on its additional diagnostic capabilities (according to research by E.S. Mikhailova, 2001), allows us to assume that managers have the following individual psychological characteristics: low sensitivity to emotional

the natural state of other people in a communication situation, caution in showing friendliness and openness, emotional stability.

Analysis of measures of variability in intellectual lability values ​​showed their homogeneity (Ex>0; Ex=0.71) and a greater representation of high rather than low values ​​(Ab>0; Ab= -0.72). It has been established that managers are characterized by high efficiency and concentration of effort, quick thinking, and the ability to quickly switch from solving one problem to performing another, while making a minimum number of mistakes.

The features of the cognitive sphere of managers are revealed (in terms of R. Catgell's theory). They are characterized by highly developed intellectual functions and developed abstract thinking; speed, organization and not a tendency to laziness of thought processes (B+); pragmatic orientation when analyzing problem situations (M-); moderate insight and prudence (I-). The data support the assumption that general intelligence is an essential resource for the implementation of successful management activities.

The study of the axiological component of the socio-psychological culture of managers showed that their prevailing value and semantic guidelines are such areas as “attitude to life in general,” “I” and “work.” Such characteristics of life as activity, productivity, information and material security have high subjective significance. In the sphere of “I”, freedom and self-confidence are valuable. Managers, to a lesser extent than the spheres of “life,” “I,” and “work,” value happy marital relationships, having friends, and the emotional and aesthetic side of life (love, beauty, entertainment, creativity).

Identification of the characteristic features of the values ​​of managers through their comparative analysis with the control group - ordinary employees various enterprises of the Neral company (a total of 65 people aged from 26 to 47 years) allowed us to establish the following results. Managers, in comparison with employees, attach greater importance to such terminal values ​​as “active active life” (p<0.05), «жизненная мудрость» (р<0.05), «познание» (р<0.01) и «развитие» (р<0.01). Для сотрудников в сравнении с руководителями достоверно большую значимость имеют такие ценности-цели как «интересная работа», «материально обеспеченная жизнь» и «уверенность в себе».

Thus, the features of the terminal value orientations of the managers who participated in this study are, firstly, a pronounced focus on an active life position, development, “I” and career in comparison with relationships with other people and emotional and aesthetic manifestations in life (love , happiness, beauty, creativity); secondly, the presence in the values ​​of “vectors” of activity, development and knowledge in comparison with employees focusing on stability, security, and confidence.

The study of instrumental values ​​showed that the most significant personal qualities for managers as a means of achieving values-goals are the traits that ensure success in a certain activity, in particular a career. The least significant qualities in comparison with “business skills”

“Characteristics” are qualities related to the field of interpersonal relationships.

The study of the regulatory component of the socio-psychological culture of managers, explicated in this study by indicators of self-regulation of behavior, allowed us to obtain the following results (Fig. 1).

27 24 21 18 15 12 9 V 3

Rice. I. Results of descriptive analysis (minimum and maximum value, zone of two standard deviations, median)

Pl - planning, M - modeling, Pr - programming, Or - evaluation of results, G - flexibility, S - independence.

Pl M Pr Or

The similarity of managers among themselves has been established in relation to the regulatory indicator programming behavior and activity (Pr) (Ex>0; Ex=2.83) with a pronounced predominance of high values ​​over low ones (Ab<0; Аб= -1,53). Факт свидетельствует о высокоразвитой способности продумывать способы своих действий для достижения цели, самостоятельности разрабатываемых программ действий, их детализированное™, развернутости и гибкости, способности к изменению в новых обстоятельствах, а также устойчивости в ситуации помех. При несоответствии полученных результатов цели большинство руководителей способны корректировать стратегию своего поведения и деятельности до получения субъективно приемлемой успешности.

In relation to the regulatory indicator, the assessment of results (Op) of managers characterizes the similarity in the development and adequacy of the assessment of oneself, the results of one’s activities and behavior (Ex>0; Ex = 0.83). Average statistical values ​​on this scale indicate sufficiently formed and stable subjective criteria for managers’ assessment of the success of achieving a goal, the adequacy of behavior in a situation of mismatch between goals and results, as well as reflection of the reasons that led to it.

The study of regulatory-personal properties - flexibility (G) and independence (C) - allows us to talk about the following features. Managers differ from each other in their flexibility of behavior (Ex<0; Ех= -1,22), что свидетельствует о выраженных индивидуальных различиях в склонности учитывать значимые условия деятельности и в зависимости от этого гибко определять тактику поведения и деятельности. По показателю самостоятельности у большинства руководителей установлено явное преобладание высоких значений над низкими (Аб<0; Аб= -0,84). Факт позволяет говорить о склонности руководителей к независимости и самодостаточности в отношении собственного поведения и деятельности.

The level of general self-regulation of managers’ behavior is characterized as quite high, well-formed (As<0; As= -0,71).

The study of the personal characteristics of leaders as an individual psychological profile of socio-psychological culture allowed us to arrive at the following results. Leaders are characterized by pronounced emotional stability in the regulation of behavior (C+), independence, dominance with a tendency towards power (E+), high personal flexibility, a tendency to innovation (Qi+), low interest in social standards and moral values ​​in the regulation of behavior with high awareness about the norms and rules of role behavior (G-), moderate risk appetite (H+).

Thus, the results of the empirical study made it possible to identify and systematically characterize the features of the manifestation of the content of socio-psychological culture and its components among managers.

The study of the mechanisms and features of the relationship between the structural components of the socio-psychological culture of managers allowed us to establish the following results and conclusions. The data from the canonical analysis indicate the close connection between the regulatory mechanisms of behavior of leaders and their individual psychological personality traits (Rc=0.67; p=0.02), as well as the relative isolation of the socio-cognitive and axiological components in the holistic content of socio-psychological culture .

Detailing the picture of relationships using the Spearman method revealed the following features. Significant values ​​were established (p<0,05) прямо пропорциональные взаимосвязи между показателем гибкости поведения (Г) как регуляторно-личностным свойством и показателями социального интеллекта способностью к распознаванию результатов поведения (CBI) (гэмл=0,287, гкрит=0,220 при р<0,05, п=83), к познанию систем поведения (CBS) (гэмп=0,239, р<0,05) и интегрированным показателем социального интеллекта (гэмп=0,274, р<0,05). Установлено, что чем более сформирована у руководителей поведенческая гибкость, тем более точно они способны прогнозировать поведение других людей, обладая межличностной чувствительностью, виртуозностью в распознавании причин, логики и последствий коммуникаций в динамике, а также характеризуются большей социальной интуицией и успешностью в межличностных отношениях (что правомерно и наоборот в терминах корреляционного анализа).

A study of personality dispositions showed that managers are characterized by high personal flexibility (Q1+; average value - 8.5). The meaningful description is that the Q1+ personality has critical thinking, trusts logic more than feelings, is prone to intellectualized authority, and will not experience great remorse if “he tramples on someone who will interfere with her in making changes” (A.A. Rukavishnikov, M.V. Sokolova, 1995). The authors note that a survey of a large number of business leaders revealed that they scored high on this factor. It follows that managers are characterized by the interpretation of correlation dependencies we presented earlier.

Significant values ​​were established (p<0,05) прямо пропорциональные взаимосвязи между показателями интеллектуальной лабильности и саморегуляции: моделированием поведения (г,мп=0,237, гкрит=0,220 при р<0,05, п=83), оценкой результатов достижения цели (г„„=0,279, р<0,05), поведенческой гибкостью (гэмп=0,281, р<0,05), общим показателем саморегуляции (гэмп=0,264, р<0,05). Факт свидетельствует, что чем в боль-

The higher the degree to which managers have formed regulatory mechanisms of behavior, its flexibility and plasticity, the greater the intellectual endurance, efficiency and strength they possess.

Significant values ​​were found (p<0,05) обратно пропорциональные связи между ре-гуляторными свойствами гибкость поведения и самостоятельность и инструментальными ценностями «независимость» (гэмп = 0,220, гкрит =0,220 при р<0,05, п=83), «самоконтроль» , (гэмп = 0,231, р<0,05) «эффективность в делах» (гэмп = 0,231, р<0,05). Иных корреляционных зависимостей между аксиологическим и регулятивным компонентами культуры не установлено. Факты свидетельствуют в пользу утверждения об относительной изолированности этих компонентов в структуре социально-психологической культуры руководителей. За исключением как семантически, так и феноменологических близких личностных качеств в области волевой регуляции поведения: независимости, самостоятельности и др.

No reliable relationships have been established between the indicators of the axiological component - values ​​and the socio-cognitive component - social intelligence, which indicates the absence of conjugation between them in the structure of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

Thus, the study of the unique structure of the socio-psychological culture of leaders allowed us to come to the following conclusions. The relative isolation of the regulatory, axiological and social-cognitive components in its content has been established, with the exception of regulatory-personal properties - behavioral flexibility and independence. Stable relationships have been identified between intellectual lability, as well as regulatory-personal flexibility and self-regulation of behavior through mechanisms of modeling and evaluating the results of goal achievement. No obvious relationships have been identified between intellectual lability and social intelligence, which indicates their different phenomenological nature and content.

Analysis of the correlation galaxy shows the greatest density and closeness of relationships between indicators of personality dispositions and the regulatory component of culture, rather than the social-cognitive, axiological one. The fact is consistent with the results of canonical analysis and indicates that certain personal properties, in particular emotional and volitional, act as instrumental support for the processes of self-regulation of behavior. Thus, detailing the content of the relationships allows us to identify the following features characteristic of this group of participants.

The greatest correlation, predominantly directly proportional, in relation to self-regulation of behavior is shown by personal properties of the emotional-regulatory order (factors C+, b+, 01+, (23+). Thus, the nuclear factor that showed the greatest correlation with self-regulation indicators in the group of managers was indicator of emotional stability (C) (gamp = from 0.229 to 0.413) Hence, the greater emotional stability and maturity leaders have, the higher their strength of “I”, the more they have formed mechanisms of self-regulation of behavior, its flexibility and independence.

Intelligence factor (B) is directly proportional to such regulatory processes of behavior that require appropriate cognitive support,

as modeling behavior to achieve a goal (gamp=0.273, p<0,05) и оценка результатов достигнутого (гэмп=0,258, р<0,05).

The factor of pragmatism-dreaming (M) showed an inversely proportional relationship with the ability to plan behavior (gamp = 0.271, p<0,05) и самостоятельностью (гэмп=0,373, р<0,01).

Outsider factors i.e. Those that did not find any correlation with regard to self-regulation were, firstly, the communicative properties of the individual (A, E, N, Fa), and secondly, the indicator factors of anxiety (O, Q4, Ft).

The weak connection and, rather, even the isolation of social intelligence and personality dispositions shows that the social-cognitive component of culture is not determined by the individual psychological properties of the personality of leaders. Based on previously obtained facts, we can conclude that the manifestation by managers of socio-psychological culture in the field of social interaction, on the one hand, is not associated with their ability to purposefully and consciously regulate their behavior, on the other hand, it is not ensured by the individual psychological characteristics of their personality .

Empirically, a close connection between the personal properties of leaders and their ability to purposefully self-regulate behavior has been established. The relationship between the personality traits of managers and the manifestation of their socio-psychological culture in the field of social interaction has not been identified.

An analysis of the dependence of management success on the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers allowed us to establish the following results. Self-regulation of behavior revealed the main effect of statistical influence on all stages of management decision-making (range of values ​​F3Mn=3.61-8.06, Fxpn^Jl at p<0,05), кроме таких этапов как постановка проблемы (F (3,11)=2,02, р=0,10), сбор информации (F (3,11)=2,86, р=0,08) и оценка альтернатив (F (3,11)=2,97, р=0,08), которые показали лишь тенденцию к статистическому влиянию, т.к. 0,05<р<0,1.

These empirical data allow us to reliably assert that the level of self-regulation of behavior affects the success of management decision-making. Comparisons of average values ​​(post hoc comparisons using the LSD statistics method) indicate that the success of management decisions of managers is higher at a high than at a low level of development of their self-regulation of behavior (range 0.004<р<0,05). Отсюда, руководителям с высокой саморегуляцией свойственна большая успешность в управленческих решениях, чем руководителям с низкой саморегуляцией поведения и деятельности. В отношении таких этапов принятия решений как постановка проблемы, сбор информации и оценка альтернатив, показавших лишь тенденцию к изменению под влиянием саморегуляции поведения, мы склонны опираться в рассуждениях на результаты цикла исследований, проведенных В.И. Моросановой (1998). Предположительно, на эти этапы значимый эффект оказывают когнитивные способности руководителей. Анализ содержания этих этапов также свидетельствует, что руководителям необходимо обладать определенным «складом» интеллектуальных способностей для успешного выполнения этих управленческий функций. Гипотетически общеинтеллектуальные способности выступают модераторами в цепочке «саморегуляция - успешность управленческих решений». Эмпи-

The theoretical basis of this assumption opens up prospects for further study of the problem stated in this study.

The results of the study of the influence of the social-cognitive component of culture on the success of making and implementing management decisions allowed us to come to the following conclusions. It was established that there was no main effect of the statistical influence of social intelligence on all stages of management decisions and its overall success rate (p>0.05). The fact indicates that the social intelligence of managers does not affect the success of management decisions. However, this empirical hypothesis received local support in relation to one of the stages of a management decision - its implementation. The effect of the influence of social intelligence of managers on the success of the implementation of their management decisions was discovered (P (3.11) = 3.10, p = 0.055). The comparison results indicate differences between high and low levels of social intelligence for this indicator (p = 0.056). The success of implementing management decisions is higher among managers with a high rather than a low level of social intelligence. A content analysis of the indicators included in the implementation stage of management decisions shows consistency with the detected statistical effect. Thus, its content included such indicators as the ability to program methods of action and behavior of subordinates to achieve the intended goal, the ability to make the necessary adjustments to the program of action in the event of possible changes in the external conditions for achieving the goal.

Thus, the hypothesis about the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of their adoption and implementation of management decisions has been confirmed.

At the conclusion of the dissertation, the general results of the research are presented and the following conclusions are formulated.

Theoretical analysis of the scientific prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture made it possible to clarify the essence, structure and features of the phenomenon being studied. The socio-psychological culture of a manager is considered as an integrative personal education that performs design, regulatory, optimizing functions in management activities and acts as a factor in the success of management decisions.

Management activity, first of all, determines the content and characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders, which in turn affects the success of making and implementing management decisions and management in general.

The component composition of socio-psychological culture, which covers the axiological, socio-cognitive, regulatory and personal components that determine the characteristics of the manifestation of various aspects of this culture among the leaders of business associations, has been reasonably revealed and characterized. The uniqueness of the structure of the phenomenon was discovered. At the same time, the nature of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of making and implementing management decisions has also been established.

The developed criteria-evaluation framework allows us to comprehensively and systematically identify and evaluate the level of formation of the socio-psychological culture of the subject of management of business associations.

Taking into account the results of theoretical analysis and empirical research made it possible to develop a program of scientific and practical recommendations for the development of socio-psychological culture of managers.

Prospects for further research into the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders focus on: identifying psychological mechanisms and its place in the entire structure of management activity; development of a socio-psychological model, algorithm, technology, mechanisms and conditions for the development of socio-psychological culture of a modern business leader; study of the relationship between socio-psychological culture and professional strategy of managers; studying the conditions and factors for effectively attracting the potential of a manager’s socio-psychological culture into the process of managing subjects of professional activity at the individual, group and corporate levels.


1. Biktagirova A.R. Problems of development of socio-psychological culture of business association leaders. Monograph, - M.: RGSU, 2009, - 163 p. (10.15 pl.).

2. Biktagirova A.R. Psychological culture of a leader: theoretical analysis // Art and Education No. 11. - M., 2008. - P. 240-244. (0.4 p.l.) (Scientific article published in a journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation).

3. Biktagirova A.R. Study of the psychological culture of leaders // Education and self-development No. 1(11). - Kazan, 2009. - pp. 218-224. (0.5 pl.) (Scientific article published in a journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation).

4. Biktagirova A.R. The influence of the psychological culture of managers on the success of decisions made // Higher Education Today No. 5. - M., 2009. - P. 65-68. (0.5 pl.) (Scientific article published in a journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation).

5. Biktagirova A.R. Theoretical aspects of the study of the psychological culture of managers // Vestnik VEGU. Pedagogy. Psychology No. 1(39). -Ufa: Academy of VEGU, January 2009. - pp. 126-133. (0.7 pl.).

6. Biktagirova A.R. Psychological culture of top managers in modern business conditions // Man and the Universe - St. Petersburg: 2009.P. 29-35. (0.6 pl.).

7. Biktagirova A.R. Features of the systems approach in psychology // Facets of knowledge: Collection of scientific works of young scientists. - Ufa: Academy of VEGU, 2009. - No. 1 (13). - P. 34-43. (0.4 p.l.)

8. Biktagirova A.R. Management psychology: Course program, methodological recommendations // Ufa: Eastern University, 2008. - 32 p. (1.9 p.l.)

9. Biktagirova A.R. The influence of organizational culture on the effectiveness of an organization // Organizational psychology: Materials of All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. - In 4 parts - 4.1,2 - Ekaterinburg: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "RGPPU", 2007. -P.12-16. (0.3 p.l.)

10. Biktagirova A.R. The effectiveness of a manager in a market economy // Collection of articles All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. Quality of life of the population in a transitive Russian society: legal, sociocultural and socio-economic aspects. - Penza: Privolzhsky House of Knowledge, 2008. -S. 34-36. (0.2 pl.)

11. Biktagirova A.R. Prerequisites for the genesis of the concept “Psychological culture” // Psychology of individuality: Materials of All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. -M.: November 12-14, 2008. - pp. 63-65. (0.1 pl.)

12. Biktagirova A.R. Psychological content of criteria for successful management activities // Personality in the intercultural space: Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of social psychology - M.: RUDN University, November 20-21, 2008. - P.283-287. (0.3 pl.)

13. Biktagirova A.R. Prerequisites for the genesis of the concept “psychological culture of a leader” // Psychological health and psychological culture in education: Materials of the III All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. - Barnaul: BSPU October 23-24, 2008. - pp. 15-18. (0.3 p.l.)

14. Biktagirova A.R. The success of a leader: the psychological aspect // Psychology - today: Materials of the XI Regional Scientific and Practical Conf. students and graduate students. - Yekaterinburg: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "RGPPU", April 16-17. 2009. - pp. 76-79 (0.2 pl.)

15. Biktagirova A.R. Psychological content of making and implementing management decisions // Problems of formation and implementation of personality potential in modern Russia: Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Ufa: Academy of VEGU, March 27, 2009. - pp. 51-53 (0.1 p.p.)

16. Biktagirova A.R. Psychological features of assessing the success of management decisions // Youth, education, science: Materials of the All-Russian Federation. Interuniversity Conf. graduate students, young scientists. - Ufa: Academy of VEGU, March 3, 2009. - pp. 15-18. (0.2 pl.)

17. Biktagirova A.R. Features of the psychological culture of managers in Russian business conditions // Innovations of young scientists - the basis for sustainable development of regions. Proceedings of the International Conf. within the framework of the I Forum of Young Scientists of the Volga Federal District. - Ufa: RIC BashGU, May 13-15, 2009.-S. 58-68. (0.7 pl.)

Bnkgagirova Alsou Rashitovna

Features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Savchenko Ivan Sergeevich

Production of the original layout: Biktagirova Alsou Rashitovna

Signed for publication on September 25, 2009. Format 60x90/16 Offset paper. Offset printing. Circulation 100 copies. Zakhaz No. 287 Conditional oven.l. 1.5

Russian State Social University.

Printed in IPK RGSU "Soyuz". Order Kg 287. 129256, Moscow, st. Losinoostrovskaya, possession 24.

Contents of the dissertation author of the scientific article: candidate of psychological sciences, Biktagirova, Alsou Rashitovna, 2009



1.1. Theoretical and methodological prerequisites for studying the socio-psychological culture of the subject of activity.

1.2. Management activity as a systemic factor that determines the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

1.3. Socio-psychological culture of managers as a factor in the success of management decisions.

Conclusions on the first chapter.


2.1. Approach, methodology and tools for empirical research into the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

2.2. Identification of the substantive features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders.

2.3. Study of the mechanisms and features of the relationship between the structural components of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

2.4. Analysis of the dependence of management success on the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers.

2.5. Development of a scientifically based program for the development of socio-psychological culture of modern business leaders.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

Introduction of the dissertation in psychology, on the topic "Features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders"

Relevance of the research problem. The modern situation is characterized by dynamic transformations, which initiates an analysis of man’s place in a changing world. The changes taking place have a noticeable impact on management activities, which develop and improve in the context of social evolution. The manager, as a subject of management, makes socially significant decisions and ensures their implementation, thus influencing the process and result of socio-economic transformations, the development and self-realization of a particular person, organization and society as a whole.

Improving the quality of management activities is largely determined by the potential of the manager’s personality and his socio-psychological culture. The study of socio-psychological culture is relevant, since in its cross-section it reflects the cultural component, determined by the social, spiritual and moral situation of the development of modern society; a mental component that allows self-determination, self-development and self-realization of the individual in professional activities and everyday relationships, showing internal culture. Despite the relevance of this problem in the field of formation of socio-psychological culture, there are unresolved contradictions between:

The need of society for energetic, enterprising managers who have knowledge in the field of management psychology and the insufficient development of the phenomenon of socio-psychological culture as a factor in the success of professional activity;

The readiness of managers for maximum self-realization and the need to master socio-psychological culture as a professional component;

Socially and economically determined by the need to predict the success of managers and the insufficient development of theoretical and methodological issues of assessing the socio-psychological culture of managers in the success of decisions made.

The professionalism of a leader as a systemic organization of consciousness in a cumulative form is expressed in management decisions (E.A. Klimov). Research results indicate that the management apparatus spends 78-82% of its working time on preparing, adopting and implementing its own and received decisions. The relevance of increasing the efficiency of management personnel determines the need to study the socio-psychological culture of a manager as a determining factor in the success of implementing management decisions. Researchers argue that the socio-psychological culture of a professional is manifested in optimal self-realization of the individual and is a means of improving professional activity, as the basis for analysis and criterion of effectiveness (A.A. Derkach, N.S. Glukhanyuk, F.Sh. Mukhametzyanova, N.V. Selezneva ).

State of scientific development of the problem. In the last decade, the study of socio-psychological culture has moved from descriptive logic to theoretical-empirical logic. The observed trends in the study of socio-psychological culture correspond to the needs of society to improve the quality of personal and professional activities and improve various forms of interaction between people. Domestic experience of theoretical and empirical research of socio-psychological culture in psychology is considered in the context of psychological counseling (G.I.

Marasanov), the culture of a person’s relationship to reality (A.S.

Polyakov), intrafamily interaction (A.V. Gumnitskaya), spiritual and moral development of a person (T.E. Egorova), psychological health (O.V. Puzikova). The objects of the study of socio-psychological culture are heads of municipal structures, civil servants, heads of education, teachers, psychologists, pupils and students, which does not allow us to unambiguously extrapolate the data obtained to the heads of business associations.

Thus, the insufficient development of the problem of socio-psychological culture of leaders in a situation of intensive transformations of society and the practical significance of resolving this problem in social life determined the relevance and choice of the research topic.

The object of the study is the professional activities of business association leaders.

The subject of the study is the features, structure, functions and role of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders.

The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of managers and its impact on the success of management activities.

Research hypotheses.

The socio-psychological culture of a leader is formed and developed as a multidimensional integrative formation, which has characteristic features of manifestation and structural originality, determined by personal characteristics and external factors, primarily, management activities and professional relationships.

The level and characteristics of the development of a leader’s socio-psychological culture significantly influence the success of the implementation of management decisions.

In accordance with the goal and the hypotheses put forward, the research objectives were determined.

1. Analyze the theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture in the context of social psychology, based on which to describe the essential characteristics of this phenomenon.

2. Systematize the results of studies of management activities, on the basis of which to establish its influence as a systemic determinant on the content and characteristics of the socio-psychological culture of the manager.

3. Develop criteria and indicators of the formation of a leader’s socio-psychological culture and, using them, identify features in the content of this phenomenon.

4. Empirically explore the nature of the relationship between the socio-psychological culture of managers and the success of their adoption and implementation of management decisions.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study.

Fundamental provisions of general and social psychology: cultural-historical approach to the consideration of mental phenomena (A.G. Asmolov, J.I.C. Vygotsky, etc.), subject-activity approach (B.G. Ananyev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya , A.V. Brushlinsky, E.A. Klimov, etc.), the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity (A.N. Leontiev, S.JI. Rubinstein, etc.), the principle of consistency (B.F. Lomov, etc.) , organizational approach (A.A. Bogdanov, G. Munsterberg, etc.), socio-psychological and psychological concepts of management activities (A.I. Kitov, R.L. Krichevsky, A.V. Petrovsky).

Particular grounds for the research were approaches to the study of socio-psychological culture (T.E. Egorova, L.S. Kolmogorova, T.N. Selezneva, V.V. Semikin); studying important qualities that contribute to achieving success in a managerial career (A.Ya. Kibanov, L.G. Laptev, E.N. Mogilevkin, E.G. Moll, B. Schwalbe); study of factors for optimizing management decision making (O.S. Anisimov, A.A. Derkach, L.I. Lukicheva, S.K. Sergienko, D.N. Egorychev, R.A. Fatkhutdinov, A.L. Lomakin, I G. Ivashkin).

Research methods. To test the hypotheses put forward and solve the problems posed in the theoretical part of the study, methods of analysis and synthesis, modeling and generalization were used, which made it possible to identify the characteristic aspects of the phenomenon under study.

In the empirical part of the study, the cross-sectional method was used as an organizational method. To collect empirical data, well-known standardized methods designed as self-reports were used, as well as a method of expert assessment of indicators of success in making and implementing management decisions. The study of the characteristic features of the regulatory component was carried out using a questionnaire of stylistic self-regulation of behavior (V.M. Morosanova, 1994); social-cognitive - using the social intelligence test (J. Guilford, M. Sullivan, adapted by E.S. Mikhailova, 2001), cognitive lability as an individual psychological characteristic of the social-cognitive component of culture - using the intellectual lability test; axiological component - based on the methodology for studying value orientations (M. Rokeach’s questionnaire adapted by A. Goshtautas, A.A. Semenov, V.A. Yadov). The features of personal support for the socio-psychological culture of managers were studied using the 16-PF questionnaire by R. Cattell, form A (adapted by A.A. Rukavishnikov, M.V. Sokolova, 1995).

Empirical data were processed using methods of mathematical and statistical analysis adequate to the research tasks: average values, correlation and factor analyses.

The empirical basis of the study was the Neral group of companies (Bashkortostan), which included 33 commercial organizations of various forms of ownership. Representatives of senior management - 27 people and line managers - 87 people took part. In addition, employees of enterprises subordinate to the managers of the sample took part in the study - 65 people.

To realize the purpose of the research and test the hypotheses put forward, a dissertation research program was developed, which covered the implementation of tasks in three stages.

The first stage (2006-2007) is theoretical modeling. An analysis of theoretical and empirical material published in the domestic literature on the problem of socio-psychological culture of the subject of activity was carried out. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are determined, the goals, hypotheses and tasks of the work are formulated.

The second stage (2007-2008) is empirical. The content and structural features of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders have been identified. Research tools for expert assessment of the success of management decisions have been created and tested. The nature of the connection between indicators of socio-psychological culture and the success of making and implementing management decisions is determined.

The third stage (2008-2009) is the final stage. The results obtained are generalized and analyzed, and conclusions are formulated. Theoretical and empirical generalization of the results was reflected 8 in the development of scientifically based recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, educational and methodological materials and articles.

Reliability, authenticity and validity of the research results are ensured by the theoretical and methodological basis of the research, the representativeness of the sample, the use of a set of reliable and proven methods that are adequate to the subject and objectives of the study, and the use of mathematical statistics methods in the processing and analysis of empirical data.

In the course of the study, a scientific problem was solved, which consisted of identifying the features of the content and structural originality of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders, studying its role in ensuring the success of making and implementing management decisions, developing a program and scientifically based recommendations for the development of socio-psychological culture leader.

The difference between the theoretical and empirical data of the study and the results obtained by other authors is that the work is the first to systematically reveal the features, structure, functions and role of socio-psychological culture among senior and line managers of modern business associations, taking into account which criteria have been developed -an assessment basis for identifying the level of development in the context of the success of decisions made, and the concept of “social and psychological culture of a leader” has been clarified. The author's program and recommendations for the development of socio-psychological culture of business association leaders using socio-psychological means are substantiated.

The main scientific results obtained personally by the applicant and their scientific novelty:

1. The theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture in the context of social psychology are systematically presented. This made it possible to systematically describe the essential characteristics, structural components and features of this phenomenon, which is described by a refined categorical apparatus.

2. The professional activity of a manager is designed to ensure the achievement of the organization’s system of goals on the basis of optimal adoption and implementation of management decisions. At the same time, it acts as a systemic determinant that determines the content and features of the socio-psychological culture of the subject of management.

3. A criterion basis for the formation of socio-psychological culture has been developed, which takes into account the purpose and essence of the manager’s activity, combines criteria and indicators, the use of which makes it possible to determine the degree of compliance of a particular manager with the requirements of professional activity and evaluate the success of management activities.

4. The nature of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of a leader on the success of making and implementing management decisions has been empirically identified, and the features of the relationship between them have been determined.

5. Program provisions and recommendations for their implementation have been developed in the interests of forming and improving the socio-psychological culture of managers. They determine the system of its development in the process of management activities, in targeted classes and in the process of self-improvement, significantly influencing the success of making and implementing management decisions.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the obtained results of theoretical and empirical research significantly specify, complement and deepen knowledge about socio-psychological culture as a phenomenon of the mental reality of modern leaders, enriching the space of its understanding in social psychology; psychologically substantiate the component composition and features of the manifestation of the socio-psychological culture of leaders; reveal the socio-psychological features of the stages of decision-making and implementation, determine the research tools for expert assessment of the success of management decisions; establish the specifics of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of management decisions.

The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of using the data obtained in organizing intensive group training of managers in order to actualize the processes of self-realization and self-development in activities, including by consulting firms in the course of psychological counseling of managers, in the process of socio-psychological monitoring of personnel for promotion.

The results obtained during the study can be included in lecture courses and seminars for psychologists, HR specialists, managers, and can also become the basis for subsequent psychological research.

The conclusions of the theoretical and empirical research became the basis for the development of a program of recommendations for the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, educational and methodological recommendations for the course program “Management Psychology”, “Personnel Management Psychology”.

Basic provisions submitted for defense.

1. Concretized theoretical and methodological provisions of the cultural-historical and subject-activity approaches, the principles of consistency, the unity of consciousness and activity, as well as adequate socio-psychological methods and the procedure for cognition of the study made it possible to clarify and systematically reveal the content and features of the socio-psychological culture of business leaders associations.

From the perspective of social psychology, this phenomenon is revealed as an integrative multidimensional personal formation, which acts as a factor in the success of making and implementing decisions of modern leaders.

Structurally, in socio-psychological culture, axiological, socio-cognitive, regulatory and personal components are present and combined in relationships, which, under the influence of professional activity, determine the characteristics of this culture among the leaders of business associations.

Social and psychological culture in management activities and in the relationships between the personnel of a business association provides the manager with personal and professional development and self-realization as a subject of management.

2. The professional activity of a manager and its nature determine the content and characteristics of socio-psychological culture, which in turn significantly influences the direction, content and organization of the adoption and implementation of management decisions, being present in the management process as a whole. The socio-psychological culture of a leader is a factor in the success of decisions made, because acts as a value-oriented regulator of activity, manifesting itself in the ability of conscious self-regulation of behavior and activity, based on cognitive analysis and subjective interpretation of its content, organization and conditions.

3. The developed criteria-evaluation framework allows us to systematically assess the level of development of the socio-psychological culture of the head of a business association. The criteria act as the main standards for assessing the socio-psychological culture of a leader, and the indicators provide its assessment based on specific qualitative and quantitative criteria.

The criteria of the axiological component are associated with personally significant and value beliefs, views, and social attitudes. The criteria for the formation of the regulatory component are determined by the processes of planning, programming, modeling and evaluation of performance results. The criteria for the social-cognitive component are related to the level of development of social intelligence and the lability of the intellectual processes of a modern leader.

The socio-psychological culture of a leader is a systemic personal and professional education of a leader, the structure of which is represented by interconnected axiological, social-cognitive, regulatory components, which together determine the nature, characteristics and success of his managerial activities and interaction with himself and the world around him.

4. New empirical data introduced into scientific circulation reveal the nature of the relationship between the socio-psychological culture of a leader and the success of making and implementing management decisions. At the same time, the profile of the severity of socio-psychological

13 culture in the success of management decisions is specific and depends on the characteristics and stage of decision making and implementation. The dominant influence on the success of a manager's management decisions is exerted by the regulatory component, and at the stage of implementation of the decisions made - by the social-cognitive component.

5. A program of recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers has been developed on the basis of the obtained theoretical and empirical results. These developments consist of a phased implementation of diagnostic (self-knowledge of personal and professional qualities), analytical (self-analysis of one’s own shortcomings and advantages in management activities), developmental (harmonious formation of all structural components, including the use of consulting and training opportunities aimed at personal and professional self-development ).

Psychological impact in accordance with the program and recommendations is focused on the socio-cognitive and regulatory processes of the manager’s mental activity, which determine the success of management activities.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions on the research problem were discussed and approved at the International Scientific and Practical Conferences: “Personality in the Intercultural Space” (Moscow, 2008), “Problems of Formation and Realization of Personality Potential in Modern Russia” (Ufa, 2009), “Transitive Modern Society” (Ufa, 2008), “Innovations of young scientists are the basis for sustainable development of regions” (Ufa, 2009); All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: “Organizational psychology” (Ekaterinburg, 2007), “Quality of life of the population in a transitive Russian society: legal, sociocultural and socio-economic aspects” (Penza, 2008), “Psychology

14 individuality" (Moscow, 2008), "Psychology - the science of the future" (Moscow, 2008), "Psychological culture and psychological health" (Barnaul, 2008), "Youth, education, science" (Ufa, 2009); Regional scientific and practical conference: “Psychology - today” (Ekaterinburg, 2009). 17 works were published on the research topic, with a total volume of 17.55 pp.

The author's model for the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers has been tested, introduced into the practice of the group of companies and forms the basis for the concept of development of the socio-psychological culture of managers, developed within the framework of the bilateral agreement “Russian State Social University - Neral Group of Companies”. The economic effect from the implementation of the developed model amounted to more than 100 thousand rubles in 2009.

Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, bibliography and appendices, contains 19 tables, 12 figures, 15 appendices. The bibliography includes 210 titles.

Conclusion of the dissertation scientific article on the topic "Social psychology"


The study of the socio-psychological culture of managers in the context of the success of their adoption and implementation of management decisions allowed us to come to the following conclusions.

1. The characteristic features of the content of the socio-psychological culture of managers have been established.

1.1. The features of the social-cognitive component of culture are:

Developed ability to anticipate the behavior of other people based on real communication situations, clarity in building a strategy for one’s own behavior to achieve a set goal, awareness of the norms and rules of role behavior; high focus on verbal-logical rather than non-verbal forms of communication during direct interaction; average level of intelligence in the field of social cognition and communications;

High level of development of intellectual functions, a tendency towards abstract and pragmatic thinking, prudence, insight, criticality, adequate skepticism, lack of laziness in thinking, a harmonious combination of creativity and pragmatic orientation in analyzing the situation;

Lability and organization of thought processes, high performance and concentration of effort during its relative duration, lack of tendency to get “stuck” in solving problems and laziness of thought processes.

1.2. The features of the regulatory component of the socio-psychological culture of managers are:

Formation of such individual-style processes of self-regulation of behavior as planning, modeling, programming and evaluation of results;

Purposefulness in regulating one's own behavior, its focus on a subjectively developed program and subjective criteria for the success of achieving a goal, as well as flexibility in relation to changing conditions;

The determinism of self-regulation is highly expressed among managers by regulatory-personal properties - independence and self-sufficiency.

1.3. The features of the axiological component are:

A pronounced value orientation towards an active life position, knowledge, development, “I” and career in comparison with relationships with other people and emotional and aesthetic manifestations in life (love, happiness, beauty, creativity);

The presence in the values ​​of managers of “vectors” of activity, development and knowledge in comparison with ordinary employees of the company, focusing on stability, security, confidence;

The greatest importance of those personal qualities as instrumental values ​​that ensure success in certain activities, in particular, a career; the least importance of personality traits related to interpersonal relationships.

2. Characteristic individual psychological properties of the personality of managers have been identified, such as pronounced emotional stability, independence, dominance with a tendency to be overbearing, high personal flexibility, a tendency to innovation, low interest in social standards with high awareness and acceptance of norms and rules of role behavior, reduced moral regulation of behavior, moderate risk taking.

3. The originality of the structure of the socio-psychological culture of leaders was discovered, manifested in the following features.

The relative isolation of the components of cultural content studied in this study - regulatory, axiological and social-cognitive in the field of social cognition. The exception is both semantically and phenomenologically close regulatory personal qualities - flexibility and independence of behavior and instrumental values ​​of “self-control”, “independence”, “efficiency in business” as qualities in the field of volitional regulation of behavior. Significant inversely proportional relationships were found between these qualities. Also, an exception is the regulatory-personal property of behavioral flexibility, which is directly proportional to the ability of managers to adequately understand the causes, dynamics and consequences of interpersonal interactions, with their social intuition.

Lack of conjugation in the structure of leaders' culture between indicators of the axiological component of culture - values ​​- and the cognitive component in the field of social interaction - social intelligence.

Multiple relationships between intellectual lability as an indicator of general subject-oriented intelligence and the processes of self-regulation of behavior in the field of its modeling and evaluation of the results of goal achievement, as well as a regulatory-personal property - behavioral flexibility. Presumably, intellectual performance, plasticity and strength act as resources for the successful self-regulation of leadership behavior.

The isolation of intellectual lability and social intelligence, which indicates their different phenomenological nature and content.

4. The specifics of individual psychological support for the content of socio-psychological culture have been established.

4.1. A close connection between the personal properties of leaders and their ability to purposefully regulate behavior has been revealed.

The greatest sensitivity, predominantly directly proportional, in relation to self-regulation of behavior is demonstrated by personal properties of the emotional-regulatory order (factors C+, G+, Q1+, Q2+, Q3+).

Intelligence (B) is directly proportional to such regulatory processes of behavior that require certain cognitive support, such as modeling a behavioral program to achieve a goal and critically assessing the results of what has been achieved.

Pragmatism-dreaming (M) showed a local inverse relationship with the tendency to plan one’s behavior and behavioral independence.

Outsiders, i.e. those who did not find conjugation in relation to self-regulation were, firstly, the communicative properties of the individual (A, E, H, ¥e), and secondly, indicators of anxiety (O, Q4, Ft).

4.2. The relationship between the personality traits of managers and the manifestation of their socio-psychological culture in the field of social interaction has not been empirically identified. It was found that the social intelligence of managers is not associated with their ability to purposefully and consciously regulate their behavior, and is also not ensured by the characteristics of their personality.

5. The influence of the regulatory component of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of their management decisions has been established: managers with a high level of self-regulation are more successful in making and implementing management decisions than managers with a low level of self-regulation of behavior. It was discovered that there was no influence of the social-cognitive component of the psychological culture of managers on the success of their decisions. With the exception of the stage of implementing a management decision: the success of its implementation is higher among managers with a high than with a low level of social intelligence.

Thus, the central hypothesis of this study about the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of their adoption and implementation of management decisions has found partial empirical support.

6. A program of recommendations to ensure the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers has been developed on the basis of the theoretical and empirical results obtained. These developments consist of a diagnostic part, the purpose of which is self-knowledge of personal and professional qualities, self-analysis of one’s own shortcomings and advantages in management activities, as well as a consulting part with training elements aimed at personal and professional self-development.


1. Theoretical analysis of the scientific prerequisites for the study of socio-psychological culture made it possible to identify the essence, structure and features of the phenomenon being studied. The socio-psychological culture of a leader is an integrative personal formation that performs a design and regulatory function in management activities and acts as a factor in the success of management decisions.

2. The specifics of management activities determine the content of the socio-psychological culture of business association leaders, the formation criteria of which determine the degree of compliance of a particular manager with the requirements of professional activity, and also allows one to evaluate the success and effectiveness of making and implementing management decisions covering management as a whole.

3. The component composition and features of the manifestation of the socio-psychological culture of managers are scientifically substantiated. The specific features of the content of the socio-psychological culture of managers have been established. The study of the social-cognitive component of culture showed that managers are able to clearly build an interaction strategy to achieve a goal, are more focused on the verbal content of communications, are characterized by low sensitivity to the emotional state of the interlocutor, and are cautious in showing friendliness and openness. The characteristic features were the lability and organization of thought processes, high performance and concentration of effort during its relative duration, the absence of a tendency to “get stuck” in solving problems and laziness of thought processes. The axiological component of culture establishes a clear focus of leaders on an active life position, cognition, development of the “I” and career. Features of the regulatory component of the socio-psychological culture of managers are the high level of development of individual-style processes of self-regulation of behavior - its planning, modeling, programming and evaluation of results; purposefulness of behavior, its focus on an independently developed program of action and subjective criteria for the success of achieving a goal, as well as flexibility.

The uniqueness of the structure of the phenomenon was discovered. The relative isolation of all components of socio-psychological culture has been established. The exceptions are both semantically and phenomenologically close regulatory personal qualities - flexibility of behavior and independence, and instrumental values ​​of “self-control”, “independence”, “efficiency in business” as qualities in the field of volitional regulation of behavior, which showed significant inversely proportional dependencies. Also, an exception is the regulatory-personal property of behavioral flexibility, which is directly proportional to the ability of managers to adequately understand the causes, dynamics and consequences of interpersonal interactions, with their social intuition. Multiple relationships between intellectual lability and self-regulation have been identified. The more managers have developed regulatory mechanisms of behavior, its flexibility and plasticity, the greater intellectual endurance, efficiency and strength they have.

4. The nature of the influence of the socio-psychological culture of managers on the success of making and implementing management decisions has been established. The influence of the regulatory component of leaders' culture on the success of their decisions has been proven: leaders with a high level of self-regulation are more successful in making and implementing decisions than leaders with a low level of self-regulation of behavior. It was discovered that there is no influence of the social-cognitive component of leaders’ culture on the success of their decisions, with the exception of the stage of implementation of the decision. The success of implementing management decisions is higher among managers with a high rather than a low level of social intelligence.

5. Analysis of theoretical data and analysis of the results of empirical research made it possible to develop the main directions of scientific and practical recommendations. The program of recommendations for the development of the socio-psychological culture of managers may be implemented in the system of professional training of management personnel; in the process of consulting managers on issues of personal and professional growth; in socio-psychological monitoring of personnel; during psychological counseling of managers by consulting firms.

Prospects for further research in this direction suggest a more in-depth study of the mechanisms for the formation of the socio-psychological culture of the leader of a modern business; study of the relationship between socio-psychological culture and life strategy of managers; studying the features and mechanisms of the leader’s management of socio-psychological processes in the team, depending on the level of development of his socio-psychological culture.

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