Christmas photographer. Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya: biography and private collection

The daughter of the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky released a book of memoirs about her childhood and family, and it so happened that a few weeks earlier on Channel One, the series about the sixties, “Mysterious Passion,” based on the novel of the same name by Vasily Aksenov, triumphantly aired. After the presentation at the Moscow store, Ekaterina celebrated the event with a small circle in her Beryozka cafe, which her son recently opened on Prospekt Mira. Colleagues noted how Rozhdestvenskaya had lost weight and looked prettier.

Among the invitees was Andrei Malakhov, who at first decided that he was invited as a journalist, but it turned out that they were waiting for him as a friend. Singer Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin came straight from the filming of “New Year's Light.” Director and TV presenter Alexey Pimanov and his wife, actress Olga Pogodina, joked and said warm words to the hero of the occasion, despite the troubles - the day before it was discovered that about $500 thousand had disappeared from Pimanov’s cell at Gazprombank. Opera diva Lyubov Kazarnovskaya and her husband were worried that Dmitry Hvorostovsky canceled his performance in Bolshoi Theater. The toastmaster of the evening was the actor Euclid Kyurdzidis, and he was helped by Yulia Rutberg, who, as in childhood, suddenly stood on a chair. The guests quietly envied Maxim Averin - during two weeks of touring in Israel, the actor acquired a chocolate tan. Among the guests were also makeup artist Lyudmila Rauzhina, she works on all of Catherine’s photo projects, Evgeny Margulis, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Olga Lapshina, Nikas Safronov, Anna Yakunina.

All those present were impressed by the presentation of the book and happily took apart several copies in order to get acquainted with the writer’s new creation in a relaxed atmosphere.

“It was a fun evening in the company of wonderful and very talented people,” Prigozhin wrote on his microblog.

Apparently, fans of the journalist and fashion designer were delighted with literary work Rozhdestvenskaya. They were sincerely interested in the plot and rewarded Catherine with thunderous applause and compliments.

Despite the workload, my daughter famous poet finds time not only for creativity. Five years ago, Rozhdestvenskaya became interested in creating her own line of scarves, which she named after her father.

Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya. Born on July 17, 1957 in Moscow. Russian photographer, translator fiction from English and French, journalist, fashion designer.

The couple has three sons: Alexey (born 1986), Dmitry (born 1989) and Danila (born 2001).

The eldest son Alexey is a musician, leader of the rock band “F.P.S.”, graduated Faculty of Economics, is fond of e-sports, according to Ekaterina, he has a poetic gift from his grandfather: “When he was little, he wrote poetry well. Then it all went somewhere.”

The middle son, Dmitry, is a professional karter and has repeatedly won various competitions.

Younger son Danila draws well.

Filmography of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya:

2006 - Carnival night-2, or 50 years later - episode
2008-2009 - Crown Russian Empire, or Elusive Again (documentary)
2012 - Secrets Soviet cinema. Elusive Avengers(documentary)

Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya is the daughter of a famous Soviet poet. A talented, intelligent, educated woman, Russian by nationality, with Polish roots inherited from her father. Translator, photographer, journalist, writer, editor of the magazine “7 Days”, known to the public from the photographic portraits of the “Private Collection” series published in the magazine “Caravan of Stories”.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya was born in Moscow on July 17, 1957 in the family of the famous Soviet poet Robert Rozhdestvensky and Alla Kireeva, literary critic. Katya was eldest daughter, her younger sister name is Ksenia. WITH youth the girl absorbed the cultural atmosphere of the family: they constantly came to the Christmas interesting people, literary evenings were organized.

Ekaterina attended the kindergarten of the Literary Fund, and from the first grade she began to study English language. As a teenager, I dreamed of becoming a doctor, but by my senior year I changed my mind and entered MGIMO. At the Faculty " international relationships» mastered the French language. Graduated in 1979.

Career and creativity

In her youth, Katya worked on television as a translator foreign programs into Russian. Then I started doing literary translations from English and French. She worked on the works of John Le Carré and others, and translated more than a dozen books.

In 1985, the USSR State Television and Radio Committee sent Rozhdestvenskaya on a business trip to India. On the banks of the Ganges, Ekaterina made reports for the programs “International Panorama” and “Time”. Then came a break from work dedicated to raising children.

The turning point for Rozhdestvenskaya’s biography was 1998: she, not being a professional, took up photography. At the TEFI award ceremony, the keen eye of a woman noticed that celebrities in luxurious outfits looked like the heroes of paintings by artists of the past. The idea arose to recreate these paintings using a camera. This is how the “Private Collection” project appeared, which the author called “a game based on art.” Photos of this series began in 2000 and now continue to be published by the magazine “Caravan of Stories”.

In addition to the “Private Collection”, Rozhdestvenskaya created such photo projects as “Kinfolk”, “Fairy Tales”, “Vintage”, “Associations”, “Classics”, “Still Lifes” and others. In the filming, the woman involved more than 3,000 models: actors, singers, athletes, public and politicians, journalists, TV presenters.

In 2001, the newspaper “Seven Days” began publishing the series “The Most beautiful people peace." Ekaterina participated in this project.

An exhibition of works from the “Private Collection” series was first held in 2002 at the Moscow House of Photography. Personal exhibitions of Rozhdestvenskaya’s works are visited by galleries in Russian cities, near and far abroad.

On the eve of her 50th anniversary, in 2006, Ekaterina Robertovna was awarded the Olympia Prize in the Art Style category for her original style in art. In 2009 Rozhdestvenskaya was elected honorary member Russian Academy arts

In 2011, Ekaterina became a fashion designer. Her line of photographic clothing, ROB-ART by Katya Rozhdestvenskaya, named after her father, was an experiment, but became popular. Dresses and tunics with the author's print (photos from the author's personal archive) were first demonstrated in 2011.

The “Clothes according to your mood” collection attracted attention at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia in Moscow in 2012. Currently, “ROB-ART by Katya Rozhdestvenskaya” is presented in TSUM. Along with clothing, the brand presents home textiles and a line of scarves.

In 2012, Rozhdestvenskaya took over the post of editor-in-chief of 7 Days magazine. On July 28, 2012, President V.V. Putin awarded Catherine the Order of Friendship “for great services in the development of national culture and art, many years of fruitful activity.”

Since 2006, Rozhdestvenskaya has participated in several films: 2006 – “Carnival Night-2, or 50 Years Later” (episode), 2008-2009 – “The Crown of the Russian Empire, or the Elusive Again” (documentary), 2012 – “ Secrets of Soviet cinema. Elusive Avengers" (documentary).

Since 2015, Rozhdestvenskaya’s books began to be published:

  • “Once upon a time, they lived and ate and drank. Family stories"(2015) - a culinary encyclopedia about traditional and ancient family recipes, birthday menus, famous guests (, and others), also contains sketches from life.
  • “My random countries. About travels and incidents! (2016) - about the author’s life in India, France, Spain, Finland. At the presentation of the book, the author appeared in a dress in oriental style with homemade Indian flatbreads.

  • “Adult Games” (2016) – in the work, the author revealed the secrets associated with working with the stars on the “Private Collection” project.
  • “The Yard on Povarskaya” (2016) - a book about the writer’s childhood home on the street. Vorovsky, 52, about his life and amazing inhabitants.
  • “Mirror” (2017), “Girl from the Patriarch’s” (2018) - memories of childhood and family.
  • "Private collection. How the photo project was created" (2018) - a work about the work on the main photo project.

Personal life

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, a mother of three children, was married to Dmitry Biryukov, a journalist and president of the Seven Days publishing house. The young people met in Jurmala, they were 17 years old. A year later they got married. Their relationship was witnessed by Joseph Kobzon from the bride's side. Now the couple is divorced.

Huge place Children occupy my personal life. The eldest child, Alexey, was born in 1986 in India. He is an economist by training and a creative person by nature: a musician (group “FPS”), Russian champion in e-sports. The middle son, Dmitry (born 1989), is fond of karting. The younger Danila was born in 2001, when Rozhdestvenskaya was 44 years old.

In one interview, Ekaterina said that she really wanted a girl, but the birth of a boy was “a great happiness.” Children bear their father's surname.

Ekaterina Robertovna is an avid traveler. She's against the popular ones tourist routes, loves to explore the outback. The photographer visited Cuba in the company of a TV traveler. I always dreamed of visiting Altai, my father’s homeland.

In 2004, Rozhdestvenskaya presented her studio apartment in the “Where Celebrities Live” program on the “Real Estate” and “RIA Video” websites. The photographer arranged the space in the office building herself without the help of designers.

The photographer loves dogs. She became her friend's assistant at a homeless animal shelter. She has four-legged friend- a beagle named Basho, whose photo Ekaterina often publishes in Instagram.

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya now

In 2017, Ekaterina participated in the program “Alone with Everyone.” She admitted that her main merit is that “she is the daughter of the outstanding poet Robert Rozhdestvensky.” After the broadcast, there were rumors that Rozhdestvenskaya had plastic surgery on her face, since at 60 she looks 40.

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya in the program “Alone with Everyone”

Ekaterina organizes literary evenings. At one of them, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Robert Rozhdestvensky in the Moscow bookstore, the host was.

Photo projects

  • "Private collection"
  • "Man and woman"
  • "Leaders"
  • "Commanders"
  • "Photo tests"
  • "Cards"
  • "Still Lifes"
  • "Christmas cards"
  • "12 months"
  • "Black and white"


  • 2015 – “Once upon a time, we ate and drank. Family stories"
  • 2016 – “Adult Games”
  • 2016 – “My random countries. About travels and incidents!
  • 2016 – “The Yard on Povarskaya”
  • 2017 – “Mirror”
  • 2018 – “Private collection. How the photo project was created"

Famous photographer Chief Editor magazine "Caravan of Stories", author of the project "Private collection".

Photographic works Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya saw everything. It is impossible to call them simply photographs; they are works of art. Philip Kirkorov in Catherine's project reincarnated as Peter the Great, Valery Meladze as Joseph Stalin, Igor Ugolnikov as Vladimir Lenin. Rozhdestvenskaya has a unique gift for noticing the smallest details and recreating images. With her light hand, Maria Poroshina became Elina Bystritskaya, and Alexander Oleshko became Sergei Ezenstein. Through the efforts of a photographer, Ekaterina Strizhenova turned into Audrey Hepburn, and Yulianna Shakhova became an amazing Marilyn Monroe.

Ekaterina worked, in fact, with all public people of our country, among the people who starred in her works were athletes, actors, musicians and even politicians.

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya. Biography

Ekaterina is a native Muscovite. She was born in the family of literary critic Alla Kireeva and the famous poet Robert Rozhdestvensky.

“My family was unique, even as a child I understood that it was impossible to repeat this. There was an amazing relationship between the parents. The relationship between mom and dad was built on Great love, on mutual respect, on patience, etc., but all this was so casual, smooth, natural and reverent... They lived together for forty years. It was not a holiday every day, but a lot of daily work.”

After school, Ekaterina entered MGIMO and became a translator of literary texts from English and French. In 1998, Katya’s family experienced a severe shock: the Rozhdestvensky family house burned down. Trying to distract herself, Catherine was looking for a new interesting activity for herself. By chance, her choice fell on photography.

At the TEFI Award ceremony, Ekaterina drew attention to the luxurious dresses of the stars, which reminded her of famous paintings and portraits. This is how the idea of ​​filming was born famous personalities in images different eras, paintings by various artists.

“In one photograph, this is outright kitsch, and it has a right to exist. In another - one hundred percent similarity. In the third, it is adjusting a person to how he wants to see himself, and vice versa. Therefore, the project is already good because everyone perceives it differently. There are no rules or conventions, because I came up with it for myself. This is my view of the world!”

On this moment Ekaterina is the author of almost thirty unique photo projects, in which 2000 people took part. famous people. Rozhdestvenskaya publishes all projects in the magazine "Caravan of Stories", of which she is the editor-in-chief.

In addition, Ekaterina is interested in web design and owns an atelier fashionable clothes, creates images for cinema. In 2006, the photographer tried herself as an actress. She starred in the film "Carnival night -2".

“To become happy, you need to do something for this. I remember during the period developed socialism they sold perfumes - first “Klima”, then “Mazhi Noir”, and “Zhe Oze”. When I started learning French, it turned out “Zhe ose” - “I dared.” Which I really liked. A very correct name for our life. You don’t have to sit, you have to babble, I can’t do anything, my husband is an alcoholic and a fool, he’s of no use, he can’t do anything, he won’t bring you any money... You have to try to do something yourself, and then everything will work out, if not with a camera, then with a jigsaw, not with a brush, but with a ladle!”

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya. Personal life

Ekaterina married at the age of 17 the owner of the 7 Days holding, Dmitry Biryukov. The couple have been happily married for thirty-five years and have three children.

Catherine talks about the secret of a successful marriage: “Don’t interfere with each other. Listen. For a very long time I was such an outlet, a “hole” where all the negative information is dumped according to the principle - I don’t know what to do. This is the problem... I listened, figured it out, and together we came up with something and somehow got out of the situation..."

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya. Photo projects

Private collection


My fair lady

History of underwear

Man and woman

One-man theater

Brothers and sisters

Childhood dreams


Film stars

Gluck "oZa photo project "Private Collection" Billy de Worth "Dictator" Billy De Worth was one of the few self-taught artists. Billy De Worth sold his first Pin-Up works to a calendar company around 1933. Until that time, he worked as a bank teller in St. Joseph, Mo. There he met a stunning woman, Glenna, who became his wife and first official model.

Ekaterina Guseva photo project “Private Collection”. Katya, the daughter of the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky, after graduating from MGIMO, began as a professional translator. It was she who first translated into Russian the famous detective story by Sidney Sheldon ‘If Tomorrow Comes’, on the basis of which a series was filmed that has become a cult favorite in our country.

About eight years ago, the wife of the president of one of the most successful publishing houses in Russia, Seven Days, Dmitry Biryukov, at that time a mother of two children, a housewife, decisively changed her lifestyle and took up a camera, which she had never held in her hands before. Katya begins to photograph her girlfriends, friends and acquaintances, placing them in paintings by famous artists different centuries and countries.

Since 1999, her “Private Collection” began to be published in the magazine ‘Caravan of Stories’, subsequently other equally spectacular projects were added to it - ‘Reincarnation’, ‘Association’, ‘Christmas cards’. Today it's hard to find Russian celebrity, which, under the leadership of Mrs. Rozhdestvenskaya, would not have survived the magical transformation into heroes of paintings.

Opening the door to Rozhdestvenskaya’s studio, your correspondent seemed to have traveled from 2007 to the 80s and 90s of the 19th century. Antique armchairs, sofas, antique telephones: The walls are hung with old photographs and copies of paintings, among which, by the way, are many works by Alphonse Mucha, Ivan Lendl’s favorite artist.

Against the backdrop of this calmingly archaic surroundings, the studio was in full swing with vigorous activity: its owner was photographing one of her favorite models - actress, and more recently also figure skater Katya Guseva. During the half hour that I observed the creative process, Rozhdestvenskaya took more than a dozen photographs, until finally she was satisfied and sent the ‘life’ home.

Anastasia Makeeva photo project “Private Collection”. Josef Ripple-Ronai (Hungarian painter) photo reproduction of the painting “Lady with a Black Veil” 1896

Daria Moroz photo project “Private Collection”. Pimen Orlov photo reproduction of the painting “Girl with a Jug”, 1848

Olga Shelest photo project “Private Collection”. Unknown artist photo reproduction of the painting “Harrods” “Harrods” is the most famous department store in London. It is considered one of the largest and most fashionable department stores in the world.

Liza Arzamasova photo project “Private Collection”. William Hogarth photo reproduction of the painting “Girl with Shrimp”. 1760 “Girl with Shrimp” in the context of the artist’s entire work is like a diamond of realistic painting. This is the subtlest image of charm, sincerity, radiant temperament. It's a pity that the work remained unfinished!

After the artist's death, the painting remained in his house. The widow told customers who came: “You often hear that he supposedly could not paint human flesh. Here's flesh and blood for you! The fullness of young life is the main impression from this painting.

Irina Pegova photo project “Private Collection”. Boris Kustodiev photo reproduction of the painting “Young Merchant's Wife in a Checkered Scarf” 1919

Andrey Grigoriev - Appolonov photo project “Private Collection”. Jan Molenaar photo reproduction of the painting “Young Man with a Lute”

Nani Brigvadze photo project “Private Collection”. Nathan Altman photo reproduction of the painting “Portrait of Anna Andreevna Akhmatova” 1914

Victor Rakov photo project “Private Collection”. Tamara de Lempicka photo reproduction of the painting “The Unfinished Project of Tadeusz de Lempcik” 1928

Olga Aroseva photo project “Private Collection”. Henri Toulouse-Lautrec photo reproduction of the painting “La Goulue” 1895 On the stage of the Moulin Rouge, La Goulue danced the cancan, which was often called “the madness of the legs”; she was the most famous cabaret dancer in Paris. Toulouse-Lautrec adored La Goulie. The artist spent whole nights admiring her dances, and in the morning he returned home and painted the red-haired beauty.

Boris Grachevsky photo project “Private Collection”. Boris Grigoriev photo reproduction of Boris Grigoriev's painting “Portrait of Vsevolod Emilievich Meyerhold” 1916 Vsevolod Meyerhold, known for his acting and directing work and shocking behavior, delighted Grigoriev so much that he said, “People like you need to be in the museum!”

Prone to farce and grimacing, Meyerhold became the creator of an expressive system acting- “biomechanics”. The artist captures Meyerhold in the image of the main character of the film “Dorian Gray” filmed shortly before the portrait sessions.

But what the viewer sees is not a sleek dandy, but a tragic parody of man and fate. The essence of Grigoriev's genius lies in his visionary solution to the canvas - the mystic director will become a victim of the revolutionary elements, personified in the guise of a strong, earthly Janissary.

Maria Mashkova photo project “Private Collection”. Pablo Picasso photo reproduction of the painting “Woman with Crossed Arms” 1902

Ville Haapasalo photo project “Private Collection”. Konstantin Makovsky photo reproduction of the painting “Coachman” 1900s

Alexander Galibin photo project “Private Collection” Vincent Van Gogh photo reproduction of the painting “Self-Portrait” 1888

Marina Golub photo project “Private Collection”. James Abbott McNeil Whistler photo reproduction of the painting “Symphony in Black No. 5: Madame Meu”. 1881

Eleonora Filina and Eduard Uspensky photo project “Private Collection”. Marinus Van Reimerswaele photo reproduction of the painting “Tax Collector with his Wife” 1638

Konstantin Kryukov photo project “Private Collection”. Albrecht Durer photo reproduction of the painting “Self-portrait at the age of 22” 1493 “Self-portrait with a thistle” (this plant is also called “marital fidelity”) There is also a version of “Self-portrait with a holly” Durer created in 1493 in Basel, where he worked in workshop of an unknown artist.

This is the first self-portrait painted in oil, but not on board, as was common among German artists at that time, but on parchment glued to canvas. He sent this portrait home, accompanying it with the couplet “My work is going on, as heaven ordered.” The self-portrait is in the Louvre

Olga Lomonosova photo project “Private Collection”. Ralph Amrmstrong photo reproduction of the poster “Portrait of Anna Nilsson” 1924

Garik Martirosyan photo project “Man and Woman”. Gustav Klimt photo reproduction of the painting “Portrait of Elisabeth Bakhoven-Echt” circa 1914

Yuri and Eleonora Nikolaev photo project “Duet”. "Erri and Merry" 1920

Maria Berseneva Photo project “Private Collection” Photo of a reproduction of Pablo Picasso’s painting “Woman with a Hairpiece” 1901. Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya’s photo project “Private Collection” is a fantasy on the theme famous works visual arts, a collection of works by a famous photographer

Vera Brezhneva Photo project “Private collection.” Gustav Klimt Photo reproduction of the painting “The Lady in the Black Hat”. 1910

Lolita Milyavskaya Photo project “Private collection” Pablo Picasso “Woman in Jewels” 1903

Sergey Penkin photo project “Private Collection” Peter Lely “Sir Jeremiah Smith” circa 1666

Kristina Orbokaite, Oksana Fedorova, Olga Lomonosova, Ekaterina Guseva in the “Film Divas” photo project.

Elena Malysheva, Evdokia Germanova, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Zhanna Friske, Valeria in the “Film Divas” photo project.
