Where to start learning English on your own? English from scratch: how to start learning successfully.

The phrase “nowhere without English these days” has become a kind of cliché, but, nevertheless, it is difficult to disagree with it. Modern world together with its technologies, it provides us with a lot of opportunities, but, at the same time, it increases its requirements.

A good job now goes not to those who have the best or most expensive education, but to those who have skills that are valuable in practice, not in theory.

One of these skills is, among which English occupies a special place. Yes, knowledge rare languages is valued higher, but the demand for such a skill is several times lower than the ability to express oneself in one of the world’s most popular languages.

Is it so complicated? English language? ? How long will it take?

These are the most common questions among those who are about to take the path of mastering a foreign language. Well. let's figure it out.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), in this article you will not find a miracle recipe that will allow you to learn a language in one day or week. There will be no stories here about how you can learn 200-300 new words a day; you shouldn’t expect unconventional shamanic rituals either.

All new information, entering our brain is divided into necessary, potentially necessary, and useless. And one main criterion helps the brain determine the place of new knowledge: the frequency of use of knowledge or skill.

We use our native language every day, so we can’t just forget it. But as soon as we live in another country for several years, we begin to notice that it becomes as if we are formulating sentences, and we have to literally recall words from memory.

There are also words in our native language that we once heard, perhaps even used for some time, but then stopped.

An example would be school terminology in a certain subject. And now, when we hear this or that word or term, we recognize it, but do not use it in our speech.

The same is true with the study of any foreign language: divided into active, passive, and potential.

If everything is more or less clear with active and passive vocabulary, then what is the third type?

A potential dictionary is a set of words that we supposedly don’t know, but we can easily guess their meaning if we are familiar with certain rules.

An example is words that are formed by adding affixes. For example, knowing any and being a little familiar with the topic of participle (participle), we will be able to form new lexical units on our own: read - to read, reading - reading, reading.

Knowing the meaning of the ending –er, we can create names of professions from the verbs we know (work – worker, teach – teacher, swim – swimmer etc.).

Develop a solid active stock There is only one way - by constantly practicing.

A resource with a lot of materials for listening, grammar tasks, quizzes, and board games.
Users can take tests online or download assignments in pdf format.

Site with many interesting stories for reading. completely free.

Some adults believe that only children can start learning English from scratch. Some people think that it’s a shame for an adult to start with the basics and learn basic rules and words, someone believes that only children can successfully learn foreign languages, because they have excellent memory and learning abilities. Both the first and second opinions are wrong. There is nothing shameful in the fact that you start learning a language as an adult, quite the contrary: the thirst for knowledge always inspires respect.

So it doesn’t matter how old you are, what matters is your desire to learn and your willingness to improve your knowledge. Many people ask the question: “What is the best way to start learning English?”

Below are the main 9 steps that should be followed consistently when studying.

1. Learn the rules of reading English

Theater begins with a hanger, and the English language begins with reading rules. This is a basic piece of knowledge that will help you learn to read English and pronounce sounds and words correctly.

2. Check how words are pronounced

Even if you know the rules of reading by heart, when learning new words, check how they are pronounced correctly. Tricky English words don't want to be read the way they are written. And some of them completely refuse to obey any reading rules. Therefore, we advise you to check the pronunciation of each new word in an online dictionary, for example, Lingvo.ru or on a special website Howjsay.com. Listen to how the word sounds several times and try to pronounce it exactly the same. At the same time, you will practice correct pronunciation.

3. Start building your vocabulary

Use visual dictionaries, for example, use the website Studyfun.ru. Bright pictures, voiced by native speakers and translation into Russian will make it easier for you to learn and memorize new vocabulary.

What words should you start learning English with? We recommend that beginners refer to the list of words on Englishspeak.com. Start with simple words general topics, remember which words you use most often in your speech in Russian. In addition, we advise you to spend more time studying English verbs. It is the verb that makes speech dynamic and natural.

4. Learn grammar

If you imagine speech as a beautiful necklace, then grammar is the thread on which you place word beads to ultimately get beautiful decoration. Violation of the "rules of the game" English grammar is punishable by misunderstanding the interlocutor. But learning these rules is not so difficult; all you need to do is study using a good textbook.

We recommend taking the first book in the Grammarway series of manuals translated into Russian. Do you find textbooks boring? It doesn’t matter, fortunately, you can find everything on the Internet, including blogs from English teachers. There you can find clear explanations of grammatical nuances and get advice from experts in the field.

5. Listen to podcasts at your level

As soon as you start taking your first steps, you immediately need to accustom yourself to the sound of foreign speech. Start with simple podcasts ranging from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. You can find simple audio recordings with translation into Russian on the website Teachpro.ru.

6. Watch the news in English

After you have developed a basic vocabulary in English, it's time to start watching the news. We recommend the resource Newsinlevels.com. News texts for the first level are simple. There is an audio recording for each news, so be sure to listen to how words that are new to you sound and try to repeat them after the announcer.

7. Read simple texts

While reading, you activate your visual memory: new words and phrases will be easy to remember. And if you want not just to read, but also to learn new words, improve pronunciation, listen to texts voiced by native speakers, and then read them. Simple short texts you can find them in textbooks at your level, such as New English File Elementary, or on the Internet.

8. Install useful apps

How to start learning English from scratch on your own if you have a smartphone or tablet at hand? Applications for learning English are mini-tutorials that will always be in your pocket. Famous application Lingualeo is ideal for learning new words: thanks to the spaced repetition technique, new vocabulary will not fade from your memory after a month. To study the structure and how the language “works,” we recommend installing Duolingo. This application will allow you, in addition to learning new words, to practice grammar and learn how to build sentences in English, and will also help you develop good pronunciation.

9. Study online

If you ask Google where to start learning English on your own, caring search system It will immediately give you a couple of hundred sites with various lessons, online exercises, and articles about language learning. An inexperienced student is immediately tempted to make 83 bookmarks of “well, very necessary sites on which I will study every day.”

We want to warn you against this: with the abundance of bookmarks, you will quickly get confused, but you need to study systematically, without jumping from one topic to another. Bookmark 2-3 indeed good resource, which you will study. This is more than enough. We recommend doing online exercises on the websites Correctenglish.ru or Wonderenglish.com.

Nowadays, ignorance of the English language is turning into a disadvantage that can poison life. Fortunately, fixing it is not that difficult.

Why is it necessary to know English?

Nobel laureate Joseph Brodsky wrote that until 1917, bilingualism was the norm for an educated Russian person. Alas, the social cataclysms of the twentieth century led to the fact that by the beginning of the third millennium only a few could boast of knowing foreign languages. Fortunately, awareness of the deep depravity of this practice has nevertheless come, and at the moment the percentage of people who speak at least English is steadily growing. This is largely due to positive changes in the education system - if previously English was ranked at the level of labor and physical education, now it is one of the main subjects in the school curriculum.

All this means that in the near future a huge number of specialists will enter the market who will not only be young and ambitious, but will also have an excellent command of the language of Shakespeare. Naturally, this will make their resume especially attractive to employers. Experts say that in the near future it will be impossible in principle to get an adequate place without knowing English. This is probably why the sacramental questions “How to learn English in a month?” are increasingly being typed into Internet search engines. And

If you are still not comfortable with “English”, it’s time to close this gap. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities these days.

How to do it?

If you are a schoolboy or student, then everything is simple - you just need to gather your willpower and prepare harder for classes. If you have missed too much and cannot understand what the teacher is talking about with such interest, contact him for
individual consultation. Schools and universities are still full of enthusiasts who will happily answer your questions at odd hours, and for free.

If the days of your youth have already passed, it is worth considering the option of courses. There are a huge number of options - for every pocket and any level of training. Somewhere they teach English from scratch, somewhere they purposefully prepare for exams to obtain
certificate or work visa, somewhere they pay primary attention to specialized vocabulary - for example, English courses for IT specialists are now gaining popularity.

How to combine this with work?

As a rule, companies offer a variety of training formats - you can work individually (this will cost more), or in large groups. The second option will be cheaper, in addition, it will be easier to practice skills in a group oral speech. On the other hand, if there are more than 5-6 people in the group, you will rarely speak, and there is also a high probability that there will be an obvious outsider in the group, because of which the teacher will have to spend more time explaining trivial things.

Most companies are ready to adapt to your schedule - there are weekend groups, there are "early" groups, there are "evening" groups.

Is it possible to learn English at home?

Despite a large number of offers, not everyone goes to the courses. Some people lack the motivation to do this, others are put off by the price, and others are too embarrassed to expose their lack of knowledge of English to the public.

If you fall into any of these categories, don't despair. Of course, you can learn English on your own. Of course, this option has disadvantages, but there are also many advantages. Firstly, you will solve the problem with "English" completely
free of charge, secondly, you will be able to study according to the most flexible schedule.

There are many examples of how people went from zero to B1 in just a few months - the only question is perseverance, desire and willingness to regularly devote the necessary time to learning the language.

Where to start learning English on your own?

The first important step is to understand that “on your own” does not mean “alone.” The main thing in learning a new language is systematicity. There is always a risk of spending
time for unnecessary things, so at least at the very beginning it is advisable to get advice from a person you trust - professional teacher or just a friend who knows the language very well. It’s even better if there are several such people. They will suggest literature, websites and what words to learn in English.

Once you've collected your recommendations, you can begin to develop a clear plan. There is nothing more useless in the world than taking on a global project without a clear idea of ​​​​how to implement it. Learning English is just such a global project. Practice shows that people who set such vague goals as “Learn English in a month... or more” rarely achieve success. Much more often, goals are achieved by those who initially divide a large task into several smaller tasks and methodically solve them, smoothly moving from easy to more complex ones.

For example, for the first month you can set yourself the task “Learn 800 words and understand the structure of the verb.”

It is very important to immediately choose for yourself some basic way of learning the language. The options here are, by and large, limited to a textbook or the Internet.

In both cases, it is critical to find the source of information that best suits your needs. There are hundreds of textbooks in bookstores, millions of websites on the Internet, but for some reason not everyone still speaks English. This means that not all of these textbooks and sites are suitable for solving such a complex problem. Meanwhile, there are really high-quality manuals, but finding them is not always easy - that’s why we recommended starting language learning with a consultation. There are many ways to learn English, and a person who teaches the language professionally will probably be able to tell you exactly which one will be most suitable for you.

Having decided on the leading method and drawn up a schedule, start working. At the same time, always remember that a foreign language is akin to a beloved girl who does not forgive betrayal. If you relax and give up working on the language for one or two days, your chances of overall success will drop. The work must be systematic and targeted. You can achieve your goal only if you regularly devote 1-2 hours to the language.

Where can I find time?

Let us immediately anticipate the traditional cry “Where can we get the time?!” Believe me, you have it - just think about how much you spend every day aimlessly surfing the Internet, browsing social networks or talking with colleagues. All this can be replaced with additional English exercises.

On the way to work and back, it’s also not necessarily sad to look out the window - after all, you can have fun looking at your textbook! Or on your phone screen - if this option is closer to you, then it’s worth taking a closer look at the impressive market of applications for language learners. There are many options there - from simple programs in the spirit of “We give you the word, you translate for us,” to full-fledged educational platforms “How to learn English in a month.”

By the way, most of these programs are absolutely free.

Once again about the benefits of reading

Few people can boast of loving monotonous work. As a rule, we are all much more productive by regularly changing our activities. This fully applies to learning a foreign language. Yes, you should have some basic way of working in your stash, but it just needs to be combined with others - perhaps more pleasant ones. " Constant shift activities" - this is the best answer to the question "How to easily learn English on your own and for free."

A great way to test your achievements in practice and at the same time seriously expand your vocabulary is to read in a foreign language. This is where the bookstore and the Internet can come to the rescue again. At a bookstore you can buy books in English, and very often you can find specially adapted books for people who are just starting to learn the language, or who speak it at an intermediate level.

Many stores also sell English-language newspapers and magazines. Of course, when choosing publications, you need to start from your own interests - for example, a football fan will be truly interested in trying to read an English-language article on his favorite topic, and the likelihood that he will get bored and put the newspaper down will noticeably decrease.

The Internet is an even more bottomless well of materials. There are a large number of sites offering you adapted reading texts - of various sizes and for various levels of preparation. In addition, there are billions of English-language portals on the Internet, including about your favorite music group, favorite actor and favorite sports team. We believe the hint is clear!

It is important that such reading will enrich you not only lexically, but also intellectually.

You can become an expert in English grammar, but what good will it do if no native speaker can understand you? The English language has quite complex phonetics, for working with which there are its own methods and techniques.

Firstly, you should love foreign music. Listening to songs in English is a great way to master pronunciation. Many people who are fluent in English admit that they learned it from the songs of their favorite bands, and not from school classes.

A more difficult, but at the same time more reliable way is to watch films in English. At the same time, forget about Russian subtitles - our brain is tuned to search for the simplest paths, so at some point you will simply start reading subtitles, not paying attention to what the actors say there. And here English subtitles can be used, especially at first - not all actors have Moscow Art Theater articulation, and it will be difficult to understand the intricacies of pronunciation. Text insurance won't hurt. In addition, do not forget that many films are shot in the USA, and American English is a topic for another discussion.

How to learn English in a month? This is impossible. In order to proudly call yourself an English-speaking person, you need to spend years, and then do not forget about practice - without training, language skills disappear very quickly.

Successfully working on a new language starts with motivation.

There is so much information about English that it is easy to get confused!

Dear readers! I know from my own experience how difficult English is for beginners. And the point is not a lack of textbooks or information, but rather an excess of them, information noise that is impossible to understand.

In this article, I have collected and systematized materials from the site that will be useful for beginners, those who are learning English from scratch. In these articles, I share my opinion on where to start learning a language, what online resources and books are best to use, where to find good video lessons, how to choose courses and where to find an online tutor.

Where to start learning English?

If you decide to learn English “from scratch,” then you need to go from simple to complex, from the most necessary to the rarer. First of all, try to lay the foundation for future knowledge and skills and learn the basics of the language. The most basic knowledge includes:

Having laid the foundation, you need to practice a lot and variedly in all types speech activity: read, listen, write and speak English.

Actually, that's all. You just listened short course language learning! The rest is details and particulars.

You can find the necessary materials both on this site (links above) and in textbooks and online training courses for beginners. I recommend on initial stage study using a textbook for self-study (self-instruction manual). In my opinion, the most convenient way to learn the basics of a language is from a textbook, using interactive materials, such as vocabulary cards, as auxiliary materials.

You can also use mine as a tutorial.

What websites are there for English language beginners?

The main advantage of the textbook is that the material is presented in a methodically correct order, in convenient portions. You don’t have the feeling that you are wandering in the dark; the textbook literally leads you by the hand, giving extremely specific instructions. But in addition to textbooks, you can also study using educational programs - they contain a lot of audiovisual materials, and the learning process is built in a game form. The following sites are suitable for beginners:

“Teacher Method” – a step-by-step course for children and adults

“Teacher Method” is an interactive course for different levels, starting from almost zero. It includes courses of three difficulty levels for adults and children, as well as a separate children's course for the little ones.

In the course for beginners, learning begins with the alphabet, all explanations are made in the form of short videos in Russian with explanations from teachers, and tasks are given in the form of interactive exercises. The material is chewed down to the smallest detail. The service is paid, but is available free of charge in a limited form.

Lingvaleo is a service for self-study English using:

The lesson plan is created automatically and looks like a list of “Today's tasks”, but it is not necessary to follow it. The site has a lot of audio, video and text materials of different levels of complexity - from simple to original materials of foreign TV, so it is suitable not only for lesson-based language learning, but also for practice in reading and listening. Most of the features are free, but for an additional fee you can purchase interactive courses (for example, grammar or English for children) and unlock some word learning modes.


A free interactive course, in which, like in the “Teacher Method”, you need to go from lesson to lesson. But there are almost no explanations here; training is built on a different principle. You need to complete tasks, studying the practical side of grammar and applying the vocabulary learned at the beginning of the lesson in practice: constructing and translating phrases. It is not advisable to take this course as a basis for learning English, but it is suitable as an auxiliary educational game.

English for beginners: free video lessons

Useful Internet resources are not limited to just educational sites. Fortunately, there are now a lot of useful, interesting and free video lessons. Lessons are available in both Russian and English.

For beginners, it is better to start with lessons in Russian. For example:

I believe that it is better for beginners to study with Russian-speaking teachers, and here’s why:

  • He better understands the peculiarities of teaching Russian-speaking students.
  • At the initial stage, it is better to explain tasks and rules in Russian.
  • It will be too difficult for you to understand a teacher who does not speak Russian.

The principles of language learning are very simple and have been known for a long time.

1. Set specific and achievable goals

It is much more convenient to move towards a goal when it is marked than when it is an unclear fog over the horizon. Why did you decide to learn the language in the first place? To get a job as a chief engineer at New Development Engineering? To move in with your aunt in Sydney? Your goals will largely determine how you go about achieving them. For example, if you want to study at a foreign university, you will need to be able to write correctly, which is not so important for a trip to the USA under the Work and Travel program.

It is advisable to set short-term goals in addition to long-term ones. For example, complete lessons 1 – 6 in two weeks, learn 100 words in a week, read the first chapter of Harry Potter in a month, etc. No need to set unrealistic goals. It's better to take small steps, but without stopping.

2. Try to exercise regularly, preferably every day!

Ideally, you need to practice every day for 1-2 hours. In practice, not everyone will be able to do this, but if you really want to, you can set aside at least half an hour a day. The main thing is not to deceive yourself by coming up with excuses about lack of time and crazy busyness. It's okay if you watch half an hour less TV or get things done half an hour earlier.

Even if you are a businessman/supermodel/pizza delivery guy, finding at least 15 minutes a day in your crazy schedule is exactly 15 minutes better than 0 minutes. And don’t forget that you can listen to audio lessons while you’re dying of boredom in a traffic jam.

There is no need to organize crazy marathons once a month either. It is better to exercise for 30 minutes 7 times a week than 210 minutes once a week. What's the point of running a 3-4 hour marathon a day if everything is forgotten within a week?

3. Practice makes perfect

You don't need any great intelligence or talent to learn a language. You just need to practice regularly - that’s all. Pay attention to all aspects of the language: vocabulary, grammar, practice in reading, listening, speaking and writing– and everything will be ok. Don't get hung up on theory and try to practice more.

Language is a means of communication, transmission and perception of information, knowledge, and expression of emotions. They need to be used. Learning a language but not using it is like learning swimming from books without diving into the water. Read and listen more, don’t hesitate to communicate!

English is one of the languages international communication. Wherever you are, no matter what continent you end up on, knowledge of it will help you establish contact with the locals. Therefore, most people want to know this foreign language, if not ideally, then at least at a conversational level.

Why study English

First, let's identify the main reasons that can serve as excellent motivation for learning English.

  1. Education abroad. Almost all foreign universities require knowledge of English from foreign students. One of the conditions for successful admission is passing an international language exam, at least at the Upper-Intermediate level.
  2. Internship or work abroad. Many international companies want smart, hardworking employees among their ranks, but it is important not only to be a specialist in their profession, but also to speak English at a fairly high level.
  3. Vacation abroad. Do you want to relax? Then it will also be useful for you to know at least a little English Intermediate level. Even though you may not be able to fully understand English, you can ask for directions to a museum or order lunch in a cafe without any problems.
  4. Self-development. You strive to be better and not just physically. Learning English will be a wonderful opportunity not only to broaden your horizons, but also to train your memory, thinking, and also get the opportunity to read your favorite books in the original and not wait for voiceovers new series favorite series.

Who can help with language learning

Of course, the best way to learn English is through courses or with the help of a tutor. But what if this is not possible? There is not always time to travel to a tutor, and this pleasure is not cheap. In this case, you can try to learn the language on your own.

Friends and acquaintances can help you with this. First of all, find a practicing translator or English teacher. Ask him to help determine your level of language proficiency, as well as select the necessary textbooks and materials for studying. After talking with you and asking you to take certain tests, he will be able to tell you what exactly you should pay attention to when learning a language, and will identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Next, you will need a friend or acquaintance who speaks English or is fluent in it. With its help you will develop your speaking skills. It’s good if you have a friend who is studying English and is ready to communicate with you periodically, but it’s even better if you meet a native speaker in social network and you will periodically correspond with him and even call him using Skype.

Learning English on your own

You have decided to start learning English on your own. Then you should familiarize yourself with a number of tips and recommendations that will help you not only quickly, but also effectively learn a foreign language.

Study methods

First of all, it’s worth saying a few words about the basic methods and techniques of learning a foreign language. Textbooks and courses are based on them.

  1. Communicative method, implies active communication with native speakers or with people learning English. Its main task is to teach a person to speak and not be afraid of communicating in English. At the same time, not only speaking is trained, but also listening and writing.
  2. Intensive methodology involves studying and practicing stable phrases and expressions, which are most often found in English.
  3. Linguistic and sociocultural method involves learning English with immersion in the culture and history of Britain, studying its traditions.

You may be wondering how to choose the right method. There is no clear answer to this question. One technique is more suitable for some, and another for others. But it's best to use all three, which will help you master the English language better.

Finding out the level of knowledge

Before you start learning a language, you need to determine your level of knowledge. To do this, you can take special tests or, as already mentioned, communicate with a practicing teacher.

There are six levels of English proficiency:

  1. Beginner level or Beginner, involves learning English from scratch.
  2. Elementary involves knowledge of simple phrases and individual words.
  3. At Intermediate level you know the basic rules of grammar and can construct simple sentences.
  4. Upper-Intermediate - average level, implies understanding English speech, the ability to independently construct stories and translate texts.
  5. Advanced– assumes an extensive vocabulary, the ability to speak at the same pace as native speakers.
  6. Upper-Advanced- advanced level, which allows you to pass international exams for high marks.

Depending on your level of proficiency, you will have to select textbooks and Additional materials.

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From the course “ENGLISH BEFORE AUTOMATION” you:

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Selecting textbooks

One of the most important stages in learning English is the choice of a textbook or self-instruction manual.

When choosing a benefit, you should pay attention to several important points.

  1. The year of publishing. You should not use old textbooks and tutorials from the end of the last century. The newer the textbook, the better. The language is constantly evolving, rules and vocabulary change.
  2. Dictionary. Be sure to make sure that at the end of the book there is a dictionary with which you can translate the texts given in the textbook.
  3. Answers to the exercises. Another important point. If you intend to learn the language on your own, then you will probably need to check the exercises you have completed.
  4. Availability of reference diagrams and tables.
  5. Disc with audio materials to the exercises.
  6. Try to find a textbook, each lesson covering a new topic.
  7. Make sure each topic has exercises not only on grammar, but also phonetics and vocabulary. Try to choose a study guide that uses different kinds tasks – translation of texts and sentences from English into Russian and vice versa, construction of sentences, insertion of missing parts of a sentence, phonetics exercises.
  8. A huge advantage would be the presence of exercises in the textbook. on phraseology.

Certainly, the best option there will be an acquisition teaching aids from well-known British publishers specializing in English language teaching, such as Oxford University Press or Cambridge University Press.

A set of textbooks from these publishers usually includes: a reading book, workbook, a grammar notebook, a CD with audio materials, as well as a teacher’s book in which you can find answers to all tasks. True, such a kit is not cheap, and not everyone will be able to study books in which even the tasks are given in English.

Selecting audio and video aids

It’s not enough to study from a textbook. It will help you master only the basic rules and expand your vocabulary, and the use of audio and video materials will help you improve your proficiency skills.

You can use audio aids when traveling to school or work, or listen to them before bed. It is best to use a selection of thematic audio lessons.

Watching films in English helps not only to expand your vocabulary, but also to master pronunciation and remember intonation stress in a particular type of phrase.

When using films for learning, follow these simple tips:

  1. Select movies with subtitles.
  2. Try to find a movie or TV series that you have already seen. In this case, focus on your level. It is likely that you will have to start learning the language from children's cartoons or the TV series “Extra”.
  3. Watch the movie in small portions initially., 10-20 minutes a day.
  4. Write down unfamiliar words and expressions in order to translate them.

Use thematic video courses to learn English. These could be video lessons on English phraseology and grammar. Dmitry Petrov’s video course “Polyglot” is quite popular, in which simple and accessible language The rules of English grammar are explained.

Books to read

For development vocabulary, as well as improving writing skills should be read fiction in English. This will help you remember how to spell this or that word, get acquainted with the construction of phrases and sentences, and phraseological units.

For reading, use adapted literature. These books are written using the most commonly used and used words and expressions that you know. Most books indicate the level for which it is intended. It would be good if audio versions were attached to them. This way you can not only read the book, but also simply listen to it, while following the text.

If your level of English is already quite high, then you can try reading your favorite English authors in the original.

It will be a big plus if the book comes with additional materials, such as summary books, biography of the author, exercises on grammar and vocabulary, tests, questions for discussion. Answers must also be provided for the exercises.

We create favorable conditions

To successfully learn a language, you should adhere to the following tips:

  1. Be sure to create a study schedule. Classes should be systematic. Try to set aside three or four days a week for this. Classes should last at least an hour, or even two.
  2. Alternate grammar lessons with vocabulary lessons, watching movies. If today you focused on studying the rules, then next time you will spend most of your time translating the text or composing dialogues and letters.
  3. Practice in a quiet, peaceful place. You should not watch TV or listen to music at the same time. Try to make sure that no one distracts you during this time.
  4. Take breaks from studying. Exercise for 25-30 minutes, then allow yourself a break for 5 minutes.
  5. Use different programs and applications for learning English, solve crosswords, play various linguistic games.

The right approach to learning is the key to successful language acquisition


Phonetics implies knowledge of the alphabet and the sound of each letter or their combinations. When starting to learn English, you should learn the English alphabet with the pronunciation of each letter.

Considering that in English words do not always sound the way they are written, you will have to devote a lot of time to learning new vocabulary. In this case, it is worth using a dictionary, studying and remembering the transcription of each word.

When working with the textbook, be sure to do phonetics exercises. Usually such exercises are accompanied by voice acting on the disc. You will be asked to read and repeat new words or phrases after the speaker. At the same time, not only the pronunciation of a particular word will be practiced, but also the intonation for various types phrases.

Reading and vocabulary

You can read texts in English either with or without reading comprehension. In the first case, you need a significant vocabulary, which you develop over time by reading new texts, doing exercises, listening to audio courses or watching videos.

Reading without comprehension means that you can simply read the text without understanding its essence. To do this you will need knowledge English alphabet and the correspondence of letters and their combinations to sounds. But even in this case, no one will give you a complete guarantee that you will be able to read this or that word correctly. In any case, you will have to resort to the dictionary every now and then, checking yourself.

To replenish your vocabulary, you need to read new texts, watch films in the native language. In this case, all unfamiliar words should be written down in a special notebook, and then their transcription and translation should be found.

A big advantage would be the creation special cards. On one side of the piece of paper it is written English word, on the other - his translation. Go through these cards and try to translate the words into free time, and you will quickly expand your vocabulary.


There is an opinion that it is not necessary to have a large vocabulary, the main thing is to know English grammar. In part, this is true. Knowing the correct construction of a particular construction, you can easily compose a sentence or even write whole text by consulting the dictionary.

Basic exercises that will help you master grammar - translating sentences from Russian into English, constructing phrases and sentences from the proposed set of words, filling in gaps in the text or choosing one of several answer options, opening brackets in which you are asked to put this or that word in the correct form.

Very popular are exercises in which you are asked to reconstruct a sentence, making it interrogative, affirmative or exclamatory, and change the tense.

For effective learning all types of exercises should be used.


Writing is closely related to grammar and vocabulary. During exercises for the development of written speech, not only knowledge of grammar is consolidated, but also vocabulary, the ability to write words correctly, without errors.

The most used exercises for developing written speech are filling in gaps in words and correcting texts. But the most commonly used method is writing various letters and essays, compiling autobiographies and resumes.

Oral speech

The last component is oral speech. It is practiced by composing and voicing dialogues and oral answers to questions posed. To improve oral speech, the method of retelling texts, composing and memorizing topics is used.

If you are learning English on your own, then it will be enough for you to communicate at least 10–15 minutes a day with a native English speaker or an acquaintance who is also learning or speaking English.

Despite the fact that many are sure that it is almost impossible to learn English on your own, this is far from the case. The main thing is the presence of strong motivation, a properly selected textbook and additional materials for it, as well as systematic and diligent learning. Follow our advice and you will definitely succeed.
