Sea kale salad: delicious recipes with photos. Dried seaweed salad

Sea kale is not on the list of products loved by the mass audience - which is a pity. Few of its connoisseurs know how tasty it can be, let alone its benefits and dietary qualities. seaweed There are even legends. True, they mainly walk from the kitchen to the dining room of sanatoriums, and even between the tables of Asian restaurants. They are prevented from going further by social prejudices and the deep-rooted stereotype that seaweed is unappetizing, not beautiful, too salty/bland/slippery and simply not tasty. Although, in reality, it turns out that most adherents of such rumors not only do not know how to cook it properly themselves, but have simply never tried truly high-quality and properly prepared seaweed. Meanwhile, not only from fresh and spicy pickled, but even from dried seaweed, you can create such cooking masterpiece, that henceforth in response to the question “What to cook?” your household will ask you for seaweed. Want to pull off this trick? So, let's learn how to cook from dry seaweed.

Sea kale: composition and properties. The benefits of seaweed
Sea kale is a colloquial and gastronomic name, but the real name of this brown algae is kelp. Since it is found mainly in the waters eastern seas(Japanese, Kara, White), it has long been and to this day remains a traditional food product for the peoples inhabiting their coasts. Many of them, not distinguished by a rich diet, sometimes survived precisely thanks to seaweed - or rather, its nutritional qualities. Laminaria has a unique chemical composition, in which the lion's share is occupied by microelements: chlorine, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, calcium, iron, zinc, vanadium, manganese and even nickel, molybdenum and cobalt. But this entire spectrum simply pales in comparison with the amount of iodine contained in seaweed in a form that is easily absorbed by the human body. That is why kelp is highly recommended for use by everyone who suffers from diseases thyroid gland and others associated with iodine deficiency, and indeed everyone - for the purpose of prevention. The list of indications includes: goiter, atherosclerosis, a tendency to increase blood sugar, cholesterol deposition and the formation of blood clots. Wounds, swelling and burns heal much faster under the influence of kelp, and largely due to the organic form of iodine in its composition. Special pharmaceutical preparations have been created based on dried kelp, but it is no less effective as part of daily nutrition.

In addition to trace elements and mineral salts, seaweed contains vitamins, amino acids, polysaccharides and even the popular sweetener mannitol. And the structure of kelp fibers and its ability to absorb large volumes of water made it a natural remedy for stimulating intestinal motility. But kelp also gives up moisture as readily as it absorbs it - that’s why the nutritional value Dried seaweed is in no way inferior to fresh. After being extracted from water, dried and pressed, it is still actively involved in the processes of normalizing metabolism, improves immunity and raises the overall tone of the body. When consumed regularly, seaweed has a positive effect on balance nervous system, strengthens bone tissue, cardiac muscle and vessel walls. The ability of kelp to remove heavy metals, radionuclides, breakdown products of antibiotics and others from the human body is widely known. toxic substances. Seaweed in baby food helps nourish the blood vessels of the brain and the proper development of the visual organs, and it increases endurance and improves memory at any age. In addition, it has been noted that in Japan, where kelp is eaten more than in other countries of the world, a uniquely low number of cases of breast cancer has been recorded.

Preparation of dry seaweed
Dried seaweed is deprived only of water, and all vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances remain intact. After drying, it is packaged in sealed bags and briquettes under vacuum, so that the benefits are preserved even during long-term transportation and storage. But, of course, few people dare to eat dry kelp. Before eating or adding to other dishes, dry seaweed must be prepared. This is not difficult to do and does not take much time. But it is better to observe the order and correctness of actions, so as not to disturb the natural composition at the last moment and not deprive the seaweed of its unique qualities. You can use seaweed from any manufacturer and any packaging that you find on sale: the manufacturing technology is the same all over the world. And then, as necessary, prepare dry seaweed in this way:

  • Pour cool seaweed in the quantity you plan to cook at one time. drinking water in a deep bowl of sufficient volume (to completely cover the kelp) and leave to soak for several hours. Depending on your capabilities, aim for a time of 2 to 8 hours, but it is most convenient to soak the kelp from evening to night.
  • You will need a lot of water, because fresh seaweed consists of almost 80% of it. Take this into account when choosing dishes and the amount of water for soaking.
  • In the morning, drain the water, transfer the swollen seaweed to a colander and rinse under running water several times to remove any remaining sand. IN last time Rinse the seaweed with drinking water, not chlorinated tap water. Gently squeeze the kelp or allow excess water to drain through a colander.
  • Using scissors or a knife, cut the seaweed into manageable pieces.
  • Pour the kelp with a small amount of vegetable oil: linseed, sesame, but you can also olive, sunflower or any other. Stir.
There is no need to cook seaweed. Firstly, it will destroy the microelements and vitamins in its composition. Secondly, it simply doesn’t make sense, because kelp is completely ready to eat after the moistening procedure described above, but after cooking it becomes tough. This recipe is the simplest, least labor-intensive and, as a result, the healthiest of all. As a result, seaweed is suitable both for independent use as a salad or side dish, and for adding to other, more complex dishes. Of course, recipes that do not involve heat treatment are preferable. Therefore, we specially selected those that have been tested by the experience of chefs, the taste of gourmets and simply the author’s personal preferences. You are free to choose at your own discretion and find new, tasty and healthy options for preparing dry seaweed.

Recipes for dishes with seaweed

  1. Sea kale with soy sauce. Take 100 grams of dry seaweed, 3 tablespoons of natural soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cedar oil (can be replaced with other virgin vegetable oil), 1 teaspoon of Korean soy sauce seasoning. Soak the seaweed in water and rinse. Mix soy sauce with vegetable oil, add seasoning mixture and beat lightly with a fork. Chop the kelp and place it in a salad bowl. Pour over the sauce and stir.
  2. Spicy seaweed. Take 100 grams of dry seaweed, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying, a pinch of salt, sugar and ground red pepper. Soak the seaweed for several hours, then rinse and cut into manageable pieces. Peel the carrots, grate them on a coarse grater and fry them in vegetable oil in a frying pan with high sides. Chop the garlic and add to the carrots along with pepper and salt. Let the vegetables cool slightly in the pan, then add the cabbage to them, pour over the soy sauce and stir. Serve as a warm salad or side dish.
  3. Salad of sea and white cabbage. Take 50 grams of dry seaweed, half a kilo of white cabbage, 200 grams of low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt without additives, 1 medium-sized cucumber and lettuce pepper, a few green onions, a pinch of salt. Soak the seaweed, rinse and chop. White cabbage chop, salt and lightly crush in a deep salad bowl. Cut the pepper and cucumber into small cubes and add to the salad. Chop the onion, place in a salad bowl, pour over yogurt or sour cream and mix the salad again.
  4. Sakhalin seaweed salad. Take 50 grams of dry seaweed, 1 onion, 3 eggs, 200 grams of crab sticks, 100 grams of caviar (red or black), 50 ml of unrefined vegetable oil, 20 ml of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar. Soak the seaweed, rinse and cut into convenient pieces. Hard-boil the eggs and cool, then cut into small cubes. Cut the crab sticks into cubes the same size as the eggs. Cut the onion into thin half rings and pour boiling water over it. Mix sugar and vinegar and pour this mixture over the onion. In a deep salad bowl, mix cabbage with onions, eggs and crab sticks. Mix soy sauce with oil, season the salad and stir. Place and distribute the caviar on top and serve.
  5. Hearty seaweed salad. Take 50 grams of dry seaweed, 5 medium-sized potatoes, 3 eggs, 1 onion, 100 grams of low-fat sour cream and a pinch of salt and ground pepper. Soak the seaweed, rinse and chop. Boil potatoes and eggs, cool and cut into cubes. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Mix sour cream with salt and pepper. Mix potatoes, eggs, cabbage and onions in a salad bowl. Season with sour cream and serve.
When choosing a recipe, remember that an adult who constantly lives in conditions of iodine deficiency (and this characteristic applies to the vast majority of our compatriots) needs to eat at least 30 grams of seaweed to replenish daily requirement in this element. But, if even that weighty argument has not made you get used to the specific marine aroma of kelp, try chopping dry seaweed and sprinkling it on other dishes. You will not feel the taste or smell of seaweed, but your body will receive the necessary benefits. Don't believe me? Then it’s time to be surprised: marmalade and marshmallows also contain seaweed, or rather, the jelly-like component agar-agar made from it. Here’s another reason to love and cook seaweed more often.

1. Leave frozen seaweed in a saucepan on the counter until it melts.

2. Melted seaweed is covered in mucus. Moreover, it is almost impossible to wash off this mucus. There is a desire to wash the cabbage with soap. The mucus remains on the cabbage, on the hands, and on the dishes. However, there are housewives who still manage to wash the mucus from frozen seaweed. In fact, it is not necessary to do this; during the preparation process, the mucus will be washed off without difficulty.

3. Pour water over the thawed seaweed and put it on fire. Bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes.

4. Drain the seaweed in a colander and rinse under running water. At this stage, almost all the mucus will be washed away without any effort.

5. Fill the seaweed with water again, put it on the fire, and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes

6. Drain the seaweed in a colander and rinse under running water. If there were any mucus particles left in the cabbage, now it will be washed clean

7. If you use frozen seaweed as an additive to a salad, you need to boil it a third time in the same way. Ready seaweed should be soft. If you cook soup, then the third time it will be cooked in the soup.

How long to cook frozen seaweed

2 times for 10 minutes (after boiling water) to remove mucus + 10-15 minutes in soup, when preparing seaweed soup

Sea kale salad - benefits and harm.

Details about beneficial properties seaweed and contraindications for its use, as well as how to obtain it, we talked in the previous article. The same can be said about salads consisting of seaweed. If you do not add frankly harmful additives to them, then salads will be extremely healthy. Now we’ll tell you how to cook seaweed at home.

Laminaria most often comes to our table in the following forms: fresh, dried, frozen and boiled. Types are listed in descending order of usefulness. But since our site is about switching to a raw food diet, I believe that it is permissible here to provide recipe options for all of the above types of seaweed processing.

How to cook seaweed?

The first, most useful option...

How to prepare fresh seaweed salad (aka seaweed salad in Korean (raw version)):

Required Products:

  • fresh, frozen seaweed - 0.250 kg;
  • pickled onions - 1 pc. (more is possible if desired);
  • lemon juice 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic 3 large cloves;
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, ground black pepper and korean seasoning for carrots - to taste.

Place thawed or fresh, cut into thin noodles, kelp in a deep bowl and wash for 30 seconds in warm water.

The thinner you cut the cabbage, the easier it will be to chew later 😉

Drain in a colander and rinse for about a minute under running water. You may have to spend more time washing the seaweed. The goal is to get rid of mucus and sand, if any. Place the washed kelp in a salad bowl. Place on top. Sprinkle the onion with lemon juice and add spices. Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. You can add greens if you wish. Then mix the salad well and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Then add unrefined oil and you can eat - Korean-style fresh seaweed salad is ready. This salad seriously and for a long time satisfies hunger.

How to cook dry seaweed?

Laminaria is also found on sale in a dried state. What to do in this case? — We soak it for several hours (from 2 to 8), and then use it in the same way as raw.

How to cook dried seaweed?

Fresh kelp can be used to prepare delicious and delicious at home healthy salt , and then dress her salads. It is done like this: well-washed kelp thalli are crushed on a grater, laid out on a tray in a thin layer and dried for about a week (drying time depends on weather conditions, room humidity, etc.). When the seaweed dries, it must be ground in a coffee grinder. By adjusting the degree of grinding of dried kelp, you can get healthy salt, both coarsely and fairly finely ground.

Frozen seaweed - how to cook?

There are two options:
- defrost the kelp, rinse it well and prepare salads from it;
- Boil after washing.

How much and how to cook seaweed?

During the transition to a raw food diet, you can make a salad from boiled seaweed, you just need to cook it for 5 minutes, when open windows(if you use frozen kelp) because its smell is not very pleasant. And, finally, a gentle cooking method - wash the thawed kelp thoroughly in warm water to remove the mucus, throw it into boiling water, wait until the water boils again and immediately turn it off. Pour out the water and prepare a delicious salad from the seaweed.

List of recipes

Thanks to the processing method, dried seaweed has all the valuable qualities of fresh kelp. The benefits that it can bring are due to its chemical composition. This is, first of all, a rich set of amino acids and microelements, such as iodine, sodium, calcium, chlorine and iron.
To this we must add a unique vitamin complex, which includes vitamins B1 and B2, known as stimulants of the endocrine system, B6 and PP, responsible for the condition of the horny integument, as well as immunostimulants A, C and E.
At the same time, most of the dried kelp is protein, which the human body easily digests. Therefore, even a small amount of this product can create a feeling of fullness.
Its calorie content is only 5.9 kcal. Few products can compare with it in this regard.
These properties could not help but attract special attention nutritionists who actively use dried kelp in weight loss diets. There are hundreds of recipes for weight loss that include dry seaweed.
Before preparing a dish from freeze-dried cabbage, it must be placed in water for a time sufficient for it to swell. Depending on the drying method, this period can range from 2 to 20 hours.
Dried seaweed should be boiled for 20 to 30 minutes, then washed again.
We will offer recipes whose benefits for weight loss have been experimentally proven.

The following set of ingredients will help you prepare this dish:

We will prepare this salad for weight loss in the following sequence:

  1. Place dry kelp in water for an hour, then boil it. Cook for no more than twenty minutes, checking for doneness so as not to overcook.
  2. The degree of readiness of the product is checked by touch. If it retains its elasticity when pressed, it means it can be eaten. If it spreads when pressed, it means the product is overcooked.
  3. We thoroughly wash the boiled cabbage and cut it into pieces 20 cm long, roll each into a tube and chop into strips.
  4. Place the straw in vinegar for a minute, then rinse.
  5. Sauté the onion in oil, transfer the kelp to the frying pan and season with soy sauce, stirring. Add sesame seeds, crushed garlic cloves, salt and pepper, then mix again.

The weight loss benefits of this salad are not limited to just weight loss. One serving can satisfy the body’s weekly need for vitamins and microelements.

Recipes for hot dishes in weight loss diets are not very common. Let's give one of them. The benefits of this soup for weight loss are obvious, just look at its composition, which includes:

We will prepare this low-calorie soup like this:

  1. Soak and thoroughly rinse the seaweed. When the foam stops releasing during washing, cut the kelp into thin strips.
  2. Heat the oil at the bottom of the container and fry the straw until it becomes limp.
  3. Pour the rice water into the container and, when it boils, continue to cook until the soup becomes matte.
  4. Season the soup with sauce, add salt, and continue to cook until boiling again.

It should be said that soup recipes for weight loss do not always look so ascetic. Some recipes clearly show that the process of losing weight can be made not only useful, but also enjoyable. Calorie content of nutritious and very tasty chicken soup Only 200 kcal, its preparation will require four servings:

The soup should be prepared in the following order:

  1. We peel the skin from the ham and set it to boil in cold water. You need to cook for at least 40 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  2. After this, strain the broth, put kelp in it and continue cooking for another 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the bones and finely chop the chicken.
  4. Saute the onion, cut into cubes, in oil with grated carrots.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. Beat raw quail eggs.
  7. Place chicken with vegetables in the broth and add salt.
  8. When the broth boils again, pour in the beaten eggs.

Sprinkle the soup poured into bowls with herbs.

Sea kale is useful in any dish, but most of all it is useful in vegetable salads. After all, the benefit of anyone vegetable salad consists of useful qualities its ingredients. To prepare three servings of our dish you will need:

We will prepare the salad like this:

  1. Soak the kelp without squeezing out the water and mix it with Chinese cabbage.
  2. Grate the apple and carrots and finely chop the pepper.
  3. Put all the products into one bowl and mix them.

The calorie content of the finished food will be 140 kcal. Its benefits for weight loss are obvious.

Dried kelp is useful not only for those who want to get rid of excess weight. Thanks to its valuable qualities, it is useful for almost all areas of the human body. But besides this, it is also very tasty. You just need to know how to cook it correctly.
To prepare this delicious salad, we must take:

Let's break down the cooking process into the following stages:

  1. Clean and wash the squid fillet, lower it into salted boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Remove the squid, let the broth cool and add vinegar to it.
  2. Finely chop the squid meat and place it in the cooled broth for 40 minutes.
  3. Chop the washed and peeled carrots and onions, put them in boiling water for a few seconds, and then transfer them to the broth for 6 hours.
  4. Soaking dried cabbage, after washing, cut into noodles and mix with squid, mackerel cut into pieces, onions and carrots. Then pepper to taste.

Dried seaweed sauce

This sauce is interesting for its versatility; it can be seasoned with many dishes. To cook this original dish, you need to use the following components:

A glass of dry kelp;

To prepare the sauce, we perform the following operations:

  1. Place the kelp in a liter bottle glass jar, pour boiling water over it, cover the jar and leave for six hours so that the cabbage swells.
  2. Pass the spices through a coffee grinder, put the mixture in a jar and mix with kelp.
  3. Chop the peeled onions and mix with the contents of the jar. Add oil to it based on your taste preferences, and beat the sauce with a spoon.
  4. Seal the jar and leave the sauce to steep for a day.

Before use, the sauce must be generously mixed with chopped herbs.
It should be remembered that the finished sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

For borscht we will take the following products and spices:

To prepare this dish, we will do this:

  1. Soak the dried cabbage, rinse, boil, and finely chop.
  2. Next you should prepare the marinade. To do this, place salt, cloves, sugar in heated water and cook for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, cool it and add vinegar.
  3. Chop carrots, parsley, onions, beets and simmer them for 20-25 minutes with water and tomato paste.
  4. Add seaweed to the vegetables and then simmer for another 10 minutes.
  5. Boil the broth again, put chopped potatoes in it, after 10 minutes add vegetables, kelp, pepper and bay leaf.

Ready borscht is seasoned with sour cream and chopped herbs.

We will prepare a pie from the following products:

Let us describe the step-by-step procedure:

  1. Soak the cabbage and chop it into noodles.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in warm water and add sugar, set aside for 20 minutes.
  3. Pour kefir into an empty bowl, pour in the egg, add salt and mix. Pour the yeast into a bowl, put the kelp into it and add the flour.
  4. Knead the dough from this mixture, set it aside for an hour and, after kneading again, place it in a baking tray with vegetable oil. Then brush the top of the pie with egg.
  5. We will cook the pie for half an hour in the oven at 180 degrees.

The list of components from which we will prepare pickle looks like this:

You can also cook this dish with sausage, ham or frankfurters instead of beef.
Let's proceed as follows:

  1. Soak and boil the kelp, then finely chop it.
  2. Sauté chopped onions and carrots.
  3. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes.
  4. Chop the washed sorrel leaves and chop the cucumbers.
  5. Let the diced meat cook and after 20 minutes add cabbage to it. When the broth boils again, add potatoes, onions and carrots into the broth. After the pickle comes to a boil, pour cucumbers, parsley, salt and spices into it and remove from heat.
  6. Season the finished borscht with sour cream before serving.

Video recipe: Seaweed salad with vegetables
