Actress pogodina personal life. The love mysticism of Olga Pogodina

Olga Pogodina is a talented actress of modern cinema. The girl is also a successful producer and founder of the ODA-film studio, which produces films with the participation of foreign actors. Now Pogodina is in great demand. During her creative career, she starred in almost sixty films, in some of which she was a producer. Often her heroines are mysterious, independent and charming women.

Childhood actress

The future movie star, Olga Stanislavovna Pogodina, was born in September 1976 in Moscow. The girl’s big problem since childhood was her weak and fragile health. As a result, she attended school irregularly and often studied at home. If not for her mother, Olga would not have been able to master curriculum. Mom taught the girl in all school subjects, including trigonometry and algebra in the eleventh grade.

Mom, Lidia Alexandrovna, was engaged in acting and was a comprehensively developed woman. Thanks to her, Olga graduated high school semi-external. The woman was able to instill in her daughter perseverance and the ability to achieve her goals, despite obstacles. These qualities repeatedly helped Olga in life.

Youth years

Already at the age of 5, the girl was absolutely sure that she would become an actress. Olga decided to continue her mother’s acting line, and when it was time to get a passport, she took it maiden name- Weather.

After graduating from school, Olga easily entered the Shchukin Theater School. The girl chose this educational institution, because it was located near the hospital on Arbat, where she spent almost all of her childhood. Studying did not bring her joy; Olga had very difficult relationship with the artistic director. Only with the support of other teachers was she able to graduate from school in 1997.

After graduating from college, the girl was forced to look for work by any means. A dark streak came in Pogodina’s life: her mother fell ill, her father was fired from his job and he was suing over debts. The last straw was the death of my grandmother. Olga did not hesitate to appear in advertising and even participated in a political PR campaign.

Olga's filmography

The actress’s studies ended at the very peak of the crisis of the nineties. It was almost impossible to find work for an aspiring actress without money, name and connections. Olga did not lose hope and stubbornly attended castings at Mosfilm. However, the actress was rejected everywhere because there were no available roles. Pogodina decided to make herself a portfolio with photographs, and then began to storm the casting directors, who also could not help her.

Pogodina considered her chance to be an agency that guaranteed the role, but outside actors were not allowed to get there. But Olga did not give up and decided to get on television by any means. She began to spy on the director, minutely studying the work schedule and habits. Based on this, the girl made a lucrative offer to the director.

The head of the agency was impressed by the persistence of the young actress and sent her to the casting of the film “If the Bride is a Witch,” where the girl was given the main role. She had to film with Sergei Bezrukov. The only drawback of this offer was the lack of a fee. But Olga was not upset, because she needed roles for her portfolio.

The most famous film roles:

  • The film “If the Bride is a Witch” appeared on screens in 2001 and received incredible success among viewers. Olga began to be recognized, and offers for filming fell upon her. The actress began acting in TV series and feature films.
  • Next leading role Olga was the character of Dasha in the films “Women’s Intuition” and “Women’s Intuition-2”. The plot of the romantic comedy film tells about a girl who came to work as a nanny in the house of a young and rich man. Subsequently, the girl marries a businessman and replaces the mother of his little daughter.
  • Pogodin played an interesting role in the television series “In the Rhythm of Tango.” The actress got the character of Olga Venevitova - a seductive and charming woman. The heroine of Pogodina is a smart, beautiful, but very unhappy girl. To play in this film, the actress had to learn Spanish and master the basics of tango. Afterwards, in an interview, the girl recalled that during her work she managed to find mutual language with Natalia Oreiro - star of Argentine television series.
  • In 2003, the actress played the role of Elena in the action-packed drama Firefighters.

Throughout her career, Olga played many diverse roles, she had the characters of a bandit, an oligarch’s wife and lyrical heroines. But her talent left no one indifferent.

At the peak of her popularity, Pogodina’s hand suddenly began to hurt. The girl went to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a tumor. Due to illness, the actress was forced to give up a very promising role. Olga believed that health is more important than any job. When the test results came, it turned out that the tumor was benign, but surgery was required to replace the joint, which was subsequently successful.

In 2005, the actress was invited to star in the film “Echelon”, where she met the producer and teacher of VGIK Vladilen Arsenyev. Then Olga had the idea of ​​creating a studio to make films herself. The girl did not have the opportunity to study to get the necessary education, so she herself worked with textbooks and drew up a business project.

When her business plan was almost ready, the girl decided to get the approval of the teacher, who helped and supported the aspiring producer in everything.

An investor was needed to bring the project to life, so Olga went to financial institutions. But all the banks refused her. When she lost hope of making her dream come true, a friend recommended that she talk to a former classmate who became a banker and happily agreed to help the actress.

Together with Alexey Pimanov, the girl created the ODA-Film studio and started filming my first film, which was called "Hate". In 2007, the film was released. The melodramatic film, which told about the difficult relationships between people in a small seaside town, found its audience. This allowed the novice producer to prepare other films.

The next film that appeared on television was the melodrama “Three Days in Odessa.” Pogodina played the role of Lida Sheremeteva in the film. During filming, the girl performed almost all the stunts herself, even running under bullets. The best stuntmen were shooting at Olga, and she had to run between shots. The actress herself plunged into cold water, jumped on the cars, which delighted even experienced stuntmen.

Personal life

The private life of the actress has always been the focus of attention of journalists and fans.

On the set of the series “Quiet Whirlpools” the actress met Mikhail Dorozhkin. Things started between the actors romantic relationship, which lasted about eight years. Journalists dubbed them the most beautiful couple in Russian cinema and got married a long time ago, although the actors did not enter into an official marriage. But the relationship between the young people was far from ideal and ended when Olga packed her things and moved out of the shared apartment.

The actress quietly and secretly married a little-known businessman Igor in 2007. At that time she hid her personal life, so journalists learned about the actress’s wedding much later. The marital relationship lasted several years, then they divorced. There were no children in this marriage.

Olga met producer Alexey Pimanov during the filming of the film “Three Days in Odessa.” Then a friendship began between them, which later developed into a love affair. Actress Olga Pogodina married Alexey Pimanov secretly in 2014. Journalists learned about the wedding 2 months later from friends of the newlyweds.

The actress is doing well in her personal life now. She and her husband not only have family life, but also many joint film projects. The couple often appears together on various events and photo sessions. The actress has not yet been pregnant, but does not exclude the possibility of this event in the near future. Pogodina is a very busy person; she does not have time to maintain VKontakte or Instagram pages.

Olga Pogodina today

Now Pogodina and her husband live away from the bustle of the city. She really enjoys being surrounded by nature. IN free time she loves photographing birds, landscapes, and animals. The girl still acts in films.

In 2016, Olga played the role of the famous trainer Margarita Nazarova. The film's partner was Andrei Chernyshov. The actors themselves worked in all the fragments where wild animals took part. The actress learned to communicate with tigers under the strict guidance of the famous Zapashny brothers.

There is not a single film in the world where actors perform such feats. It was Pogodina’s idea to make a film about a Soviet trainer. She is not only an actress who played the main role, but also a producer of the film. The girl thought about the idea for three years and was very happy to make it a reality. Working with dangerous animals did not frighten the actress; on the contrary, she found it very interesting.

In 2017, another film with the participation of Olga Pogodina appeared on the screens. The actress played the role of the wife of the main character - Stalin's security chief, Nikolai Vlasik. This man left a big mark on the history of the country, saving the great leader from danger more than once.

In the spring of 2017, the actress received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Fans can only hope that this wonderful actress will continue to please her in the future. creative activity.

Attention, TODAY only!

Olga Pogodina – Russian actress, which gave viewers many interesting and memorable programs, films, and TV series. Her talent was evident from early years, and, despite all the difficulties, she continued her successful creative path.

Olga Pogodina and Alexey Pimanov: history of relations

In 2007, on the set of the film “Three Days in Odessa,” Pogodina and Pimanov met for the first time. Famous TV presenter 14 years older than Olga; at the time they met, he was married. Valentina Pimanova, with whom he went through a long and difficult career path hand in hand, she gave birth to his daughter Daria. In addition, Alexey has two sons from his first wife. Pogodina gave the man a second wind, he broke up with Valentina and decided to build his life with another woman, a popular actress.

The lovers decided to officially register their marriage 7 years after their first meeting. The couple did not advertise this event, did not celebrate the wedding magnificently and under the watchful gaze of the press. Alexey and Olga signed in the capital's registry office, and then celebrated in a narrow circle. To date famous actress and the presenter are happily married, they can be seen at various events together, but they try not to tell strangers about their relationship. The couple does not have children together; perhaps in the near future a baby will appear in the lives of such bright and self-sufficient personalities. Olga herself, despite the fact that she has been married for the third time, still has no children.

Olga’s personal life: how many marriages there were

Despite her attractiveness and incredible charm, the actress was in serious relationship only 3 times, and her third man was TV presenter and journalist Pimanov.

Her first serious romance was with Mikhail Dorozhkin, they met on the set of the series.

The handsome actor charmed the girl and quickly won her heart. Having gotten married, they lived together for a long time; journalists considered their union ideal, but in fact, disagreements and conflicts appeared more and more often in the lives of lovers. After 8 years of marriage, the couple decided to divorce.

The second man in Olga’s life - successful businessman named Igor.

The couple carefully hid their relationship, the wedding passed quietly, the lovers never gave interviews about where exactly they met and how their romance began. A few years later, Olga decided to end the relationship, and literally immediately after that her feelings for Pimanov became known.

Olga Pogodina is one of the many excellent actresses of Russian cinema who were able to give viewers true pleasure from watching films and TV series with their participation. Viewers can mainly remember this actress from two parts of the wonderful film “Women’s Intuition.”

The weather is still young and very beautiful. It should be noted that acting talent began to manifest itself in her from childhood. And no matter what obstacles come her way, Olga does not give in to difficulties, and always overcomes them with her head held high and the pride of a real woman.

“Height, weight, age. How old is Olga Pogodina” - these and other questions are of interest to all novice admirers of the actress who have only recently joined her fan club. Currently, the actress is already 41 years old. If you look at the photo of Olga Pogodina in her youth and now, we can say that age did not affect her face too much, still allowing Olga to look young and beautiful.

This woman is the true embodiment of femininity for her fans. Take her luxurious figure, for example. With a height of 174 centimeters, the woman weighs only 65 kilograms. Slim figure Beautiful face, gorgeous hair - a true queen.

Biography 👉 Olga Pogodina

Olga was born in Moscow on September 21, 1976. Her father, Yuri Bobovich, was a civil servant, and her mother, Liya Pogodina, was an actress who left her career after the birth of her child.

As a child, Olenka was often sick and spent a long time in the hospital. For this reason, my mother transferred Olya to home schooling and the girl eventually received secondary education as an external student. However, as they say, everything that is not done is for the better - and at home Olya received an excellent, comprehensive education. Perhaps even much better than at school.

Later, in her interviews, Olga herself admitted that her mother became everything to her. So much so that after receiving her profession, Olya even took her mother’s last name. Despite her poor health and almost complete absence of a normal childhood, Olya grew up to be a beautiful, strong and confident woman. It was her mother who taught her to always go forward, not to be afraid of difficulties and not to give up. Little Olya always took her holidays with her grandmother in the Baltics. Thanks to a favorable climate change, it was there that the girl was much less sick and could spend at least some time outside.

The biography of Olga Pogodina is a vivid example of the fact that you should never give up. After all, even after graduating from school, the problems in her life did not end. Deciding to follow in the footsteps of her beloved mother, Olga entered Pike. She entered easily, but the training itself became a real hell for the young girl. All for the reason that she did not have a good relationship with the teachers. But Pogodina overcame these difficulties. And I was able to graduate from college.

Having finally received a profession, she immediately began looking for work. And she managed to start starring in excellent films with interesting plots without any problems. Her first place of work was the capital's theater center "The Cherry Orchard". She then moved to the Center for Directing and Drama, where she also performed in several plays.

The young actress first appeared on the set in 2000. Her first role in cinema was the role in the TV series “Maroseyka-12”. After this film debut, Olga was literally inundated with interesting filming offers. One of these offers was the main role in the film “If the Bride is a Witch.” The girl’s surprise knew no bounds when she learned that her filming partner would be Sergei Bezrukov, an actor who by that time was quite famous.

So to this one wonderful actress and real glory came. And some of the character traits that were passed on to her from her mother only helped her “catch” truly significant roles.

Personal life 👉 Olga Pogodina

It must be said that this magnificent actress had only three beloved men in her entire life.

She met the first one on the set of the series “Quiet Whirlpool.” It was actor Mikhail Dorozhkin. Journalists called them a wonderful couple and expected news of their marriage year after year. But the actors were in no hurry to get married. And they broke up after eight years of a relationship that never led to anything. To outsiders, their life seemed excellent, but, according to Olga herself, it all only seemed so. In fact, their relationship was far from ideal, and one day Pogodina simply left her lover.

Olga’s next beloved man was a certain businessman named Igor. He had great wealth and excellent plans for his life. The couple even got married, but not for long. After some time they divorced.

At first glance, it may seem that Olga Pogodina’s personal life is filled only with failures, but in fact this is not at all the case. Currently, Olenka is very happily married.

He took a woman down the aisle famous producer Alexey Pimanov. The actress met him on the set of the film “Three Days in Odessa.” Before officially legitimizing the relationship, the couple dated for several years, and only recently they decided to get married. Not only journalists, but also fans of the actress showed great interest in this event. This can be judged by numerous search queries, such as: “Olga Pogodina and Alexey Pimanov wedding photo.” It is noteworthy that the event itself was not exactly hidden from the press, but was not particularly advertised. And at the same time, journalists learned about Pogodina’s marriage quite by accident - through mutual friends of the couple.

In any case, even despite the fact that it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out any details about the wedding of this couple, fans and admirers still express the hope that Olga will continue to be happy with her husband. They are not planning children yet, but fans hope that sooner or later Olga will decide to become a mother.

Family 👉 Olga Pogodina

Currently, Olga Pogodina’s family is her beloved mother and husband. The actress is absolutely happy, she loves her life and her work very much. On the theater stage or film set, Olga completely devotes herself to the process, allowing us to see interesting stories and no less interesting characters performed by her.

Of course, Olga’s fans hope to soon hear about the actress’s pregnancy, but Olga and her husband are in no hurry to have children, preferring to devote themselves entirely to their career for now.

Children 👉 Olga Pogodina

Actress Olga Pogodina can be called a true fan of her work. She, in fact, is ready to devote her whole life to it. She had three men, only two of whom became husbands. But, one way or another, she never had children with any of them, including last husband. And what actually lies behind this - fear of childbirth, complete dedication to work or something else - is known for certain only to her. Olga herself is also in no hurry to comment on the situation.

In any case, her fans express hope that Olga Pogodina’s children will be born sooner or later. Such feminine woman with such strong character, undoubtedly, would become a great mother.

Ex-husband of 👉 Olga Pogodina - Igor

Olga Pogodina’s ex-husband, Igor, was the second man in the actress’s life. Olga hid any information about this relationship so much that, apart from his name, all that is known about this man is that he held a certain own business and he had big plans for the future. Journalists found out that the couple decided to get married when everything had already happened long ago, and it was too late to congratulate and celebrate. However, the cover of secrecy under which Olga kept her personal relationships did not save her marriage. The actress separated from her husband after just a few years.

Husband 👉 Olga Pogodina - Alexey Pimanov

Olga Pogodina’s husband, Alexey Pimanov, is a famous producer, whom, as mentioned above, the actress met during the filming of another film. The couple dated for two years and then secretly got married. Journalists, as in the first case, already learned about this event as a fait accompli.

It’s probably worth mentioning that Alexey never thought of becoming like this as a child. famous person. While studying at school, Alyosha dreamed of becoming a historian, but the teacher dissuaded him, saying that what he loved could be just a hobby, and that it would be better to choose something more serious as a job. Thus, after finishing technical school, Alexey went to the army, after which he joined the capital's Institute of Communications. Only after this university did he understand what he really wanted to do, and entered the second higher education - the Faculty of Journalism. Which allowed him to bring his life to what it is now.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Olga Pogodina

You can rarely “catch” Olga online on some social networks, because in her life, of course, there are other, more interesting ways spend time. However, Olga Pogodina’s Instagram and Wikipedia are aimed at helping fans – long-time and new arrivals – always stay up to date with everything that’s happening in working life actresses.

On Wikipedia, for example, in addition to short biography Olga, you can read her full filmography. And on Instagram, Pogodina often posts pictures from concerts or official events. Personal life is also prohibited for fans.

Olga Pogodina And Alexey Pimanov familiar with 2007 year this happened significant event during the filming of the film "Three days in Odessa", Olga Pogodina played one of the main roles, and Alexey Pimanov was a producer, director and screenwriter. And oddly enough, from this year Olga I seriously decided to start producing films, because it’s so cool to decide for yourself where to film. It should be noted that Olga Pogodina She has always had business acumen, she knows how to organize a process, unite a team, and solve non-trivial problems. Naturally soft, trusting and calm Olga Pogodina reincarnated at the age of forty into iron lady, a predator shark, now she is rushing ahead like a tank, sweeping away everything in her path. This actress decided to take everything from life, believing that a person already has enough to give up something else. Why suffer and suffer, you just need to take, conquer, fight for your desires and dreams. This is how she Alexey Pimanov took me away from the family. She came, saw, admired, fell in love and adopted it. Undoubtedly, at one time the previous wife Pimanova did the same thing, though she didn’t win back, she was just being herself, but what about the fact that Alexey Pimanov fell in love - it's her fault. Cunning ladies, even if you have a modicum of beauty and intelligence, you risk breaking up someone’s family. Light flirting, daily communication and you already see a man at your feet, he can’t eat or drink, he’s still thinking about how to leave his wife, who still seems to be not completely hateful, just six months ago it seems like she loved her, still just as dear and cozy , but how the light of a new light beckons.

In this photo you see Alexey Pimanov and his previous wife Valentina Pimanova.

Judge for yourself, the program "Steps" started airing somewhere in 1989 year, they prepared it Valentina And Alexei together. And by the way in the same 1989 year Alexey Pimanov second son was born legal wife, and my first son turned nine. IN 1991 year Alexei And Valentina have already conducted a program together “ Behind the Kremlin wall". By this time Pimanov managed to fall passionately in love and declare his love Valyusha. IN 2007 year Pimanovs give joint interview, in which they confess their love to each other. He remembers his first meeting with her, smiles, laughs, says - all this is fate! And she is already wary, some small details come to light. For example, when she became seriously ill and did not leave the apartment for almost a year, the first bells rang and it became clear that she could lose her husband. “Who needs a sick wife,” the attending physician warned her. “How so? Not mine Lesha" - I thought Valentina. But after a short period of time, still sick, and seeing how anxiously her husband cared for her, but still moved away, she finally realized that the thread was breaking. Then Pimanova Still, she recovered, but a residue remained. Confidence has diminished, but faith in Leshu didn't disappear. The interview ends with her saying that since they were able to go through such a thing together serious challenge, like her illness, then nothing threatens their family anymore. But how wrong I was Valentina Pimanova, the snake was already warming up on her chest. Olga Pogodina and her husband Igor were entering the house Pimanovs who would have thought that Olenka put her green eyes on someone else's husband.

Olga Pogodina has already begun to penetrate into consciousness Alexey Pimanov and fill his heart with your feminine image. And at this time, everyone admired the couple Pimanovs, they have been together for so many years, they understand each other perfectly. Valentina Pimanova she was sure that Alexey would always be with her, and not surprisingly, everything went perfectly. They were together around the clock general projects, friends, interests, vacations and everyday life. And here she is, a homewrecker, sneaking up unnoticed, drawing attention to herself.

On this photo Olga Pogodina with her previous husband Igor

Olga Pogodina looked at Alexey Pimanov with admiring, wide-open eyes, although at that time she had just married a certain businessman Igor. Be that as it may, in 2014 year, seven years after we met Alexey Pimanov And Olga Pogodina got married. That is, they checked their feelings and realized that they could not live without each other. Valentina Pimanova She was having a hard time with her breakup with her husband, although outwardly she seemed calm and cold. What was going on in this woman's head at that time? Did she remember that she herself had once taken this man away from her family? That he admired and reveled in her just as much as he admires her now Olga Pogodina? Only Olga Pogodina it will probably already be his last wife. Pimanov at the time of writing this article there was already 55 years old and he may well have calmed down. Although it’s difficult to call this macho flighty: he’s been married to his first wife for 10 years, more than twenty with his second, and can easily live all thirty with his third.

Why does this happen? What is the reason for leaving the family Alexey Pimanov? Well, this comrade had already left his wife and small children once, which means he could well have done this a second time. Probably such a man needs a muse, and of course a passionate, sensual cupcake. Partnership, kinship of souls, intellectual intimacy are not enough for him; he needs healthy carnal pleasures. A Weather 15 years younger and one feels that this film star still has a lot of gunpowder in her flasks. In here Valentina, it is possible that she could no longer surprise her husband with anything. It's a shame, but it happens.

On this photo Olga Pogodina And Alexey Pimanov

In this photo you see a small Olga Pogodina with own parents. Her mother was 37 years when she gave birth to her first and only daughter. Olenka Growing up as a sickly child, her mother left the theater in order to provide her with decent care and upbringing.

Look at this photo, see how many trinkets there are Olga Pogodina? She loves jewelry very much and puts everything on herself like a magpie.

Small in this photo Olga Pogodina with my mom.

On this photo Alexey Pimanov along with his Daughter Daria.

Valentina Pimanova- previous wife.

As soon as Olga Pogodina was born, difficulties fell upon her. So, in the maternity hospital she was infected with tuberculosis. According to the actress, doctors incorrectly calculated the dose when they were vaccinated. And in general, Olga turned out to be such a sickly child that her mother had to quit her job in order to constantly be there.


Further more. At school, the future actress studied in a class with disadvantaged children. One day her shoes were taken away. Then Pogodina attacked the offenders with her fists and managed to win back the shoes. And then, at school, she had difficulties with her environment. Thus, Pogodina admitted that she was in confrontation with the group leader. Olga was not expelled only because other teachers supported her.

At dawn acting career Pogodina was diagnosed with a tumor in her left arm. Then the artist underwent emergency surgery, after which she had a long recovery. For almost a year, Olga walked with her arm in a cast.

Fortunately, all troubles are now in the past. The actress is in demand, and she is also involved in producing. Pogodina is happily married to TV presenter, producer and director Alexei Pimanov.

Only in February 2014, rumors appeared about the marriage of Pimanov and Pogodina. Then the news was confirmed in close surroundings couples, but the actress and TV presenter did not comment on this information. Finally, Olga Pogodina herself made a statement.

"He is very decent and truly kind. Alexey is sociable, there are a lot of people around him, but there are moments in his work when friendly relations fade into the background, he says little, but very convincingly. We understand each other well, we are both workaholics. It would seem that by working together, spouses put themselves at risk, and quarrels are inevitable. But we both have enough wisdom and patience to hold back in some places, give in, and sometimes insist on our own. Alexey for me is the best in the world,” said the actress.
