Quotes about Russian nature. Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of great people on the topic of nature

Sayings/sayings famous people about nature

    “Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if you exceed the measure of nature”

    “The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals”

Hippocrates (born around 460 BC) – ancient Greek physician

Cicero Marcus Tullius - ancient Roman politician and philosopher

    “Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn”

    “In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.”

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - Italian artist

    "Experience nature native land either with your own eyes or with the help of a book.”

Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich (1711-1765) – Russian scientist

    "How great artist, nature knows how to with small funds achieve great effects"

Heine Heinrich (1797 - 1856) - German poet, publicist, critic

    "Nature is the creator of all creators"

    “Nature does not have organs of speech, but creates tongues and hearts through which it speaks and feels.”

    “Nature is the only book that contains deep content on all its pages”

    “Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people.”

    “Nature’s plays are always new, because new audiences appear every time”

    “God forgives and people forgive. Nature never forgives"

Goethe Johann Wolfgang (1749-1832) - German poet, thinker

    “Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -She has a soul, she has freedom,There is love in it, there is language in it...”

Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich (1803 -1873) - Russian poet

    “Grandiose things are done with grandiose means. Nature alone makes great things for nothing.”

    “All the aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by man; they strive towards it, they flow into it like into the ocean.”

    “In nature, nothing arises instantly and nothing comes into being in a completely ready-made form.”

Herzen Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870) - Russian writer, philosopher

    “Humanity on Earth and the living and living things around it inanimate nature constitute something unified, living according to general laws nature"

    "The man committed huge mistake, when he imagined that he could separate himself from nature and not take into account its laws"

Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich (1863-1945) – Russian scientist

    “Love for one’s native country begins with love for nature”

    "Understanding of nature, humane, careful attitude to it is one of the elements of morality, a particle of worldview"

Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich (1892-1968) - Russian writer.

    “Man, not being clothed with beneficent nature, received from above the gift of tailoring.”

    "Human! Raise your gaze from the earth to the sky - what an amazing order there is there!”

    "Wind is the breath of nature"

Kozma Prutkov is the collective pseudonym of Alexei Tolstoy and the brothers Alexei, Vladimir and Alexander Zhemchuzhnikov.

    “Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.”

Coelho Paulo (b. 1947) – Brazilian novelist, poet

    “Nature submits only to those who submit to it”

    “Nature can be conquered only by obeying its laws”

Bacon, Francis (1561 - 1626) - English philosopher

"I live and breathe nature,

I write with inspiration and simplicity,

Dissolving my soul in simplicity,

I live on earth in beauty"

I. Severyanin

    ...We are all flying away into the distance on the same planet - we are the crew of the same ship. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Without the belief that nature is subject to laws, there can be no science. Norbert Wiener

    Good nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. Leonardo da Vinci

    The closest thing to the Divine in this world is nature. Astolphe de Custine

    Wind is the breath of nature. Kozma Prutkov

    In an immoral society, all inventions that increase man’s power over nature are not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil. Lev Tolstoy

    In undeveloped countries it is deadly to drink water, in developed countries it is deadly to breathe air. Jonathan Rayban

    In nature, everything is connected to each other, and there is nothing random in it. And if a random phenomenon occurs, look for a person’s hand in it. Mikhail Prishvin

    In nature there are both grains and dust. William Shakespeare

    In nature, nothing is lost except nature itself. Andrey Kryzhanovsky

    Time destroys false opinions, and confirms the judgments of nature. Mark Cicero

    In its own time, nature has its own poetry. John Keats

    All the best in nature belongs to everyone together. Petronius

    All living things are afraid of torment, all living things are afraid of death; recognize yourself not only in man, but in every living creature, do not kill and do not cause suffering and death. Buddhist wisdom

    In all areas of nature... a certain pattern prevails, independent of the existence of thinking humanity. Max Planck

    In his tools man has power over external nature, whereas for his own purposes he is rather subordinate to her. Georg Hegel

    In the old days, the richest countries were those whose nature was most abundant; Today the richest countries are those in which people are most active. Henry Buckle

    Every thing in nature is either a cause directed towards you or an effect coming from us. Marsilio Ficino

    Until people listen to the common sense of nature, they will be forced to obey either dictators or the opinion of the people. Wilhelm Schwebel

    The one who is not happy with what happens according to the laws of nature is stupid. Epictetus

    They say one swallow does not make spring; But is it really because one swallow does not make spring that the swallow that already feels spring should not fly, but wait? Then every bud and grass will have to wait, and there will be no spring. Lev Tolstoy

    Great things are done with great means. Nature alone does great things for nothing. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

    Even in his most beautiful dreams a person cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature. Alphonse de Lamartine

    Even the smallest pleasure given to us by nature is a mystery, incomprehensible to the mind. Luc de Vauvenargues

    Ideal human nature lies in orthobiosis, i.e. in human development with the goal of achieving a long, active and vigorous old age, leading in the final period to the development of a sense of saturation with life. Ilya Mechnikov

    The search for goals in nature has its source in ignorance. Benedict Spinoza

    He who does not love nature does not love man is a bad citizen. Fedor Dostoevsky

    Whoever looks at nature superficially easily gets lost in the boundless “Everything,” but whoever listens more deeply to its wonders is constantly brought to God, the Ruler of the world. Karl de Geer

    Our callousness, our selfishness encourages us to look at nature with envy, but she herself will envy us when we recover from our illnesses. Ralph Emerson

    There is nothing more inventive than nature. Mark Cicero

    But why change the processes of nature? There may be a deeper philosophy than we have ever dreamed of - a philosophy that reveals the secrets of nature, but does not change its course by penetrating it. Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    One of the most difficult tasks of our time is the problem of slowing down the process of destruction of living nature... Archie Carr

    The fundamental law of nature is the preservation of humanity. John Locke

    Let us thank wise nature for making what is necessary easy and what is heavy unnecessary. Epicurus

    Until people know the laws of nature, they blindly obey them, and once they know them, then the forces of nature obey people. Georgy Plekhanov

    Nature will always take its toll. William Shakespeare

    Nature is the house in which man lives. Dmitry Likhachev

    Nature is dispassionate towards man; she is neither his enemy nor his friend; It is either a convenient or an inconvenient field for his activities. Nikolai Chernyshevsky

    Nature is an eternal example of art; and the greatest and noblest object in nature is man. Vissarion Belinsky

    Nature has invested in every kind heart a noble feeling, due to which it itself cannot be happy, but must seek its happiness in others. Johann Goethe

    Nature has endowed humans with some innate instincts, such as hunger, sexual feelings, etc., and one of the strongest feelings of this order is the sense of ownership. Peter Stolypin

    Nature is always stronger than principles. David Hume

    Nature is one, and there is nothing equal to it: mother and daughter of herself, she is the Divinity of the gods. Consider only her, Nature, and leave the rest to the common people. Pythagoras

    Nature is in a sense the Gospel, loudly proclaiming the creative power, wisdom and all the greatness of God. And not only the heavens, but also the bowels of the earth preach the glory of God. Mikhail Lomonosov

    Nature is the cause of everything, it exists thanks to itself; it will exist and operate forever... Paul Holbach

    Nature, which endowed every animal with the means of subsistence, gave astrology as an assistant and ally to astronomy. Johannes Kepler

    Nature mocks the decisions and commands of princes, emperors and monarchs, and at their request she would not change her laws one iota. Galileo Galilei

    Nature does not make people, people make themselves. Merab Mamardashvili

    Nature knows no stop in its movement and punishes all inactivity. Johann Goethe

    Nature does not presuppose any goals for itself... All final causes are only human inventions. Benedict Spinoza

    Nature does not accept jokes, she is always truthful, always serious, always strict; she is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. Johann Goethe

    Patience most closely resembles the method by which nature creates its creations. Honore de Balzac

    What is contrary to nature never leads to good. Friedrich Schiller

    A person has quite enough objective reasons to strive to preserve wildlife. But, ultimately, only his love can save nature. Jean Dorst

    Good taste suggested good society that being in contact with nature is the most the last word and science, and reason, and common sense. Fedor Dostoevsky

    Man will not become master of nature until he has become master of himself. Georg Hegel

    Humanity - without being ennobled by animals and plants - will perish, become impoverished, and fall into the rage of despair, like a lonely person alone. Andrey Platonov

    The more one delves into the actions of nature, the more visible the simplicity of the laws that it follows in its actions becomes. Alexander Radishchev

Nature cannot stand uncertainty: if a person does not know the truth, he will replace it with fiction. – Antoine Rivarol

The main business of man is the battle for the lives of people and his own with nature. – L. N. Tolstoy

Everything in nature is filled with Tao, and no persuasion is needed to become imbued with its goodness. Every thing has no superiority over others and, being in serenity, achieves harmony. – Huainan Zi

The study of nature shows how simple and natural the laws it follows are. – Arthur Schopenhauer

Nature is like a cloud: it constantly changes, while remaining itself. – V.I. Vernadsky

Everything born in nature necessarily dies, but this is not final destruction, for from the death of the old the new arises, and this happens continuously. – N.V. Stankevich

People are inherently imperfect by nature, but it also provided a shield from adversity: family and homeland. – Hugo Foscolo

Having learned to cook food, people began to eat twice as much as nature should. – F. I. Tyutchev

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Nature does not tolerate loneliness.

In nature there are grains and dust. – Marcus Tulius Cicero

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals.

Nature will always take its course - William Shakespeare

When Nature wants to create something, she creates a genius to do it - Ralph Emerson

Nature does not presuppose any goals for itself. All final causes are merely human inventions. – Antoine Rivarol

How could nature be so bright and beautiful if man's destiny were not the same? – Henry David Thoreau

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Nature... awakens in us the need for love... - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Nature has endowed man with the desire to discover the truth.

The craving for rural life and the desire to get out into nature are especially widespread in countries with a bad climate - Aldous Huxley

When I contemplate the wonders of a sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows in awe of the Creator - Gandhi

The search for goals in nature has its source in ignorance.

Natural science serves no other purpose than the serenity of the spirit. – Epictetus

Even in his most beautiful dreams, a person cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature. – Alphonse de Lamartine

Nature gave people one tongue and two ears, so that we listen to others more than we speak ourselves.

Nature is like a magician: it requires an eye and an eye - Lorenzo Pisano

And what nature does to man! – Ranevskaya Faina

There is nothing more inventive than nature.

It is in the nature of rational beings to feel their imperfections; That’s why nature gave us modesty, that is, a feeling of shame in front of these imperfections - Charles Montesquieu

All the aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by man; They strive for it, they fall into it like into the ocean - Alexander Herzen

Nature has arranged it in such a way that it is common not only for madmen, but also for sages to harbor illusions: otherwise the latter would suffer too much from their own wisdom - Nicolas Chamfort

Nature is like a woman who, showing from under her clothes first one part of her body, then another, gives persistent admirers some hope of knowing her all someday - Denis Diderot

God is cunning, but not malicious. Nature hides her secrets by her inherent height, and not by tricks - Francis Bacon

Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people - Johann Goethe

We all sooner or later come to the conclusion that if there is anything natural and rational in nature, then we invented it ourselves - Samuel Johnson

Not only has nature at all times produced only an extremely few real thinkers in the form of rare exceptions, but these few themselves have always existed only for a very few. That is why ghosts and delusions continue to maintain their dominance all the time. – George Bernard Shaw

An individual person is not a necessary being in nature. – Leonardo da Vinci

The main purpose of nature, apparently, is to illustrate the lines of poets - Oscar Wilde

It is said that natural Sciences raised the strength of a person, gave him some unknown power. They, rather, reduced nature to man, made it possible to predict its pettiness, to predict that after proper investigation it would appear of the same order as human nature - Faina Ranevskaya

Nature itself does not give us the ability to know the limits of things.

Nature is never mistaken... Nature hates any counterfeit, and the best thing is that which is not distorted by either science or art - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Nature does not provide for marriage - Napoleon I

And a stalk of grass is worthy of the great world in which it grows. – Rabindranath Tagore

The higher the poet’s genius, the deeper and more extensively he understands nature and the more successfully he presents it to us in connection with life - Vissarion Belinsky

Nature has endowed woman with enormous power, and it is therefore not surprising that laws limit this power - Samuel Butler

God was a good success with nature, but with man he misfired - Jules Renard

Some days are almost like twins, only the weather is different - Haruki Murakami

Every day nature itself reminds us how few, how small things it needs. – Cicero

Every day nature itself reminds us how few and how small things it needs.

He who does not love nature does not love man is not a citizen - Albert Einstein

Everything in nature is mutual. Who knows - in order for a person to take one step towards his moral ideal, shouldn’t the whole world move along with him? – Jean Guyot

All nature strives for self-preservation. - Benjamin Franklin

Animals, living with us, become tame, and people, communicating with each other, become wild.

Nature pleases, attracts and inspires only because it is natural - Wilhelm Humboldt

As in nature, so in the state: it is easier to change many things at once than one thing - Francis Bacon

Nature has no organs of speech, but creates tongues and hearts through which she speaks and feels - William Shakespeare

Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him - Vissarion Belinsky

Nature... awakens in us the need for love - Karl Marx

In nature there are no rewards or punishments, only consequences - Robert Ingersoll

The great book of nature is open to everyone, and in this great book so far... only the first pages have been read. – Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

The wisdom of nature is amazing, which, with such endless diversity, managed to equalize everyone! – Erasmus of Rotterdam

There is nothing more inventive than nature. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

In every person, nature grows either as grains or as weeds; let him promptly water the first and destroy the second - Francis Bacon

Nature is the creator of all creators. – Johann Wolfgang Goeth

The joys of a naturalist: lifting nature's skirts - Jean Rostand

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life - Leonardo da Vinci

Nature has flour and chaff, both vile and lovely - William Shakespeare

All nature is a conjugation of the verb “to eat” in the passive and active voice– William Inge

A painter's painting will be less perfect if he takes the paintings of others as an inspiration; if he learns from the objects of nature, he will produce good fruit - Leonardo da Vinci

It’s wonderfully established in nature after all. Any man who is not at all attractive in appearance is sure to become the chosen one of some woman - Agatha Christie

Art is like nature. If you don't let it in the door, it will come in the window - Samuel Butler

Ignorance of nature is the root of those unknown forces before which the human race has trembled for so long, and of those superstitious creeds which have been the sources of all its disasters - Paul Holbach

Nature does not tolerate inaccuracies and does not forgive mistakes - Ralph Emerson

In everything that nature works on, she does nothing hastily - Jean Lamarck

Nature says this: “Either study my laws, master me, benefit from me, or I will enslave you and, without giving any benefit, I will also cause you deprivation” - Mikael Nalbandyan

If nature had as many laws as the state, God himself would not be able to control it - Mikhail Lermontov

Let us thank wise nature for making what is necessary easy and what is heavy unnecessary. –

Nature gave birth and created us for some big things.

Nature is known through itself, and not through any other thing. It consists of infinite attributes, each of which is infinite and perfect in its kind; existence belongs to its essence, so that outside of it there is no longer any essence or being, and it exactly coincides with the essence of the only majestic and glorified God.

Man, slowly and gradually freeing himself from the slavery of things, removes the dead cover from nature and recognizes the forces that create it - Sergei Bulgakov

There is nothing useless in nature - Michel Montaigne

If nature is matter striving to become soul, then art is the soul expressing itself in the material - Oscar Wilde

There is nothing really pleasant or unpleasant in nature - it’s all a matter of habit. – Arthur Schopenhauer

The main inclination of man is directed towards what corresponds to nature.

Nature has provided us with temporary shelter, but not permanent housing.

You can control nature only by obeying it - Alexander Herzen

Nature is a pleasant mentor, and not so much pleasant as cautious and faithful - Michel Montaigne

What is truth? The correspondence of our judgments to the creatures of nature - Denis Diderot

How could nature be so bright and beautiful if man's destiny were not the same? – Henry Thoreau

Man will not become master of nature until he has become master of himself - Georg Hegel

Like a great artist, nature can achieve great effects with small means. –

Human! Raise your gaze from the earth to the sky - what an amazing order there is there! – Kozma Prutkov

Nature is simple and not luxurious unnecessary reasons- Isaac Newton

Nature can do everything and creates everything - Johann Goethe

Nature has four large settings - the seasons, always the same actors - the sun, the moon and other luminaries, but it changes the audience, sending them to another world - Karl Börne

Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him. – Vissarion

Contact with nature is the very last word of all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Nature never makes mistakes; if she gives birth to a fool, it means she wants it - Ivan Turgenev

Great things are done with great means. Nature alone makes great things for nothing - Alexander Radishchev

Nature must never have created a woman so ugly that she could remain completely indifferent to the praise bestowed on her appearance - Philip Chesterfield

Nature is by no means the mother who nurtured us. She is our creation - Oscar Wilde

Let us not... be too deluded by our victories over nature. For every such victory she takes revenge on us - Friedrich Engels

Nature does nothing for nothing - Thomas Brown

Nature is the only book that contains deep content in all its pages - Johann Goethe

The moral influence of nature on any man is measured by the truth which she has revealed to him - Ralph Emerson

The earth never returns without surplus what it has received. – Cicero

Man does not create anything anew that is not already in nature in a latent or potential form - Paulo Coelho

The wind is the breath of nature – Kozma Prutkov

Nature said to the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent - Pierre Beaumarchais

Nature never deceives us; It is we who are deceiving ourselves - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if it exceeds the measure of nature.

Forests teach people to understand beauty. – Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

Custom could not overcome nature - for it always remains undefeated.

There are many wonderful forces in nature, but stronger than man- No. – Sophocles

From communion with nature you will take away as much light as you want, and as much courage and strength as you need. – Seime Johann Gottfried

Man lives by nature - Karl Marx

Nature cannot be caught untidy and half-clad, she is always beautiful - Ralph Emerson

Nature is monstrously unfair. Talent is evidence of this - Aldous Huxley

Nature is content with little.

The main inclination of man is directed towards what corresponds to nature. – Cicero

Nature abhors lies - Thomas Carlyle

The people are a roundabout way of nature to come to six or seven great people. - Yes, - and then to get around them - Friedrich Nietzsche

All nature strives for self-preservation. – Cicero

There is nothing more orderly than nature.

Aphorisms and quotes about nature

IN Lately There are fierce debates on the topic of nature conservation, with various aphorisms and quotes about nature often used as arguments.
Someone even declared humanity a malignant tumor on the long-suffering body of planet Earth.
But we are all created by nature, and it surrounds us on all sides. It is enough to read aphorisms and quotes about nature to be convinced of this.

“Nature does not have organs of speech, but creates tongues and hearts through which it speaks and feels.”
Johann Goethe

“Nature can do everything and creates everything”
Michel Montaigne

“There are no omens. Nature does not send us messengers - she is too wise or too ruthless for that.”
Oscar Wilde

"There is a disease healing agent nature itself in order to eliminate the disorder in the body; therefore, medicine only comes to the rescue healing power nature"
Arthur Schopenhauer

“The more one delves into the actions of nature, the more visible becomes the simplicity of the laws that it follows in its actions.”
Alexander Radishchev

“Grandiose things are done with grandiose means. Nature alone makes great things for nothing.”
Alexander Herzen

“You can control nature only by obeying it”
Francis Bacon

“God is cunning, but not malicious. Nature hides her secrets by her inherent height, and not by tricks."
Albert Einstein

“Whoever does not love nature does not love man is not a citizen”
Fedor Dostoevsky

“Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.”
Paulo Coelho

“Man does not create anything anew that does not already exist in nature in a latent or potential form”
Sergei Bulgakov

“In everything that in nature rejoices in its grace, abounds in fertility and shines with beauty, love is manifested, but the mark of its violation is carried by that which languishes from lethargy, pallor, weakness and the proximity of death.”
Lorenzo Pisano

“Nature is like a magician: you need an eye and an eye for it”
Samuel Butler

“Nature has endowed women with enormous power, and therefore it is not surprising that laws limit this power.”
Samuel Johnson

“Sooner or later we all come to the conclusion that if there is something natural and rational in nature, then we came up with it ourselves.”
Aldous Huxley

“I adore nature.
“And this after what she did to you?”
Faina Ranevskaya

“They say that natural sciences have raised the strength of man, given him some unknown power. Rather, they reduced nature to man, made it possible to predict its pettiness, to predict that after proper investigation it would appear of the same order as human nature.”
Vladimir Vernadsky

“Nature is an ever-changing cloud; never remaining the same, she always remains herself.”
Ralph Emerson

“It seems that as humanity subjugates nature, man becomes the slave of other people, or the slave of his own meanness.”
Karl Marx

“Nature... awakens in us the need for love”
Ivan Turgenev

“Nature never makes mistakes; if she gives birth to a fool, that means she wants it.”
Henry Shaw

“Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again the same as it once was and, most likely, will be someday again.”
Mikhail Lermontov

“If nature had as many laws as the state, God himself would not be able to control it.”
Karl Berne

“Nature has four large settings - the seasons, always the same actors - the sun, the moon and other luminaries, but it changes the audience, sending them to another world”
Antoine Rivarol

“The higher the poet’s genius, the deeper and more extensively he understands nature and the more successfully he presents it to us in connection with life.”
Vissarion Belinsky

“The life of nature is continuous creativity, and although everything that is born in it dies, nothing perishes in it, is not destroyed, for death is birth.”
Nikolai Stankevich

“God was very successful with nature, but with man he misfired.”
Jules Renard

“Nature is simple and does not luxury with unnecessary reasons”
Isaac Newton

“Nature must never have created a woman so ugly that she could remain completely indifferent to the praise given to her appearance.”
Philip Chesterfield

“A person cannot influence nature, cannot take possession of any of its forces, if he does not know the laws of nature, does not know how to measure and calculate them. Knowledge and learning are the joy and right of mankind; they are parts of the people’s wealth and are often a replacement for benefits that are too poorly distributed by nature.”
Alexander Humboldt

“Nature doesn’t do anything for nothing”
Thomas Brown

“It’s still wonderfully established in nature. Any man who is not at all attractive in appearance will inevitably become the chosen one of some woman.”
Agatha Christie

“How could nature be so bright and beautiful if man’s destiny were not the same?”
Henry Thoreau

"Human! Raise your gaze from the earth to the sky - what an amazing order there is there!”
Kozma Prutkov

“Nature told the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.”
Pierre Beaumarchais

“All the aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by man; they strive towards it, they flow into it like into the ocean.”
Alexander Herzen

“Nature, having created people as they are, gave them great consolation from many evils, endowing them with family and homeland.”
Hugo Foscolo

“Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people.”
Johann Goethe

“The moral influence of nature on any person is measured by the truth that she revealed to him”
Ralph Emerson

“All nature is the conjugation of the verb “to eat” in the passive and active voice.”
William Inge

“Nature is never mistaken... Nature hates any counterfeit, and the best thing is that which is not distorted by either science or art.”
Erasmus of Rotterdam

“Nature says this: “Either study my laws, master me, benefit from it, or I will enslave you and, without giving you any benefit, I will also cause you deprivation.”
Mikael Nalbandyan

“Nature is by no means the mother who nurtured us. She is our creation"
Oscar Wilde

“In everything that nature works on, she does nothing hastily.”
Jean Lamarck

“Nature is, in a sense, its own physician, and in its natural activity lies that natural method of treatment, thanks to which the inappropriate is eliminated, and the expedient remains.”
Ludwig Büchner

“In the nature of rational beings lies the ability to feel their imperfections; That’s why nature gave us modesty, that is, a feeling of shame in front of these imperfections.”
Charles Montesquieu

“Some days are almost like twins, only the weather is different”
Haruki Murakami

“Nature is a pleasant mentor, and not so much pleasant as cautious and faithful”
Michel Montaigne

“Man, slowly and gradually freeing himself from the slavery of things, removes the dead veil from nature and recognizes the forces that create it.”
Sergei Bulgakov

“Nature does not provide for marriage”
Napoleon I

“We are still far from the time when it will become possible to unite all our sensory intuitions into one concept of nature. It is doubtful whether such a time will ever come at all. The complexity of the problem and the immeasurability of Space make hope for this almost vain. But no matter how unattainable a complete solution to the problem may be for us, a partial resolution of it remains possible, the desire to understand the world of phenomena is the highest and eternal goal of any study of nature.”
Alexander Humboldt

“Nature cannot be caught sloppy and half-naked, she is always beautiful”
Ralph Emerson

“The first and undoubted duty of man is to participate in the struggle with nature for his life and the lives of other people.”
Lev Tolstoy

"Man lives by nature"
Karl Marx

“As in nature, so in the state: it is easier to change many things at once than one thing”
Francis Bacon

“The painter’s painting will be less than perfect if he takes the paintings of others as inspiration; if he learns from the objects of nature, he will produce good fruit.”
Leonardo da Vinci

“The joys of a natural scientist: lifting up nature’s skirts”
Jean Rostand

“Contact with nature is the very last word of all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners”
Fedor Dostoevsky

“Whatever you say, but human dignity recognized even in nature. Wanting to drive the birds away fruit trees, they put up a scarecrow, and even the remote resemblance of this scarecrow to a person is enough to inspire respect.”
Søren Kirkegaard

“The wisdom of nature is amazing, which, with such endless diversity, managed to equalize everyone!”
Erasmus of Rotterdam

“The very spots and imperfections of nature are not without a certain benefit, introducing pleasant variety and elevating the beauty of the rest of the universe, just as shadows in a picture serve to highlight its clearer and lighter parts.”
George Berkeley

“The peasant is perhaps the only one of all people who does not like the rural landscape and never looks at it”
Jules Renard

“In nature there are no rewards or punishments, but only consequences”
Robert Ingersoll

“There is nothing useless in nature”
Michel Montaigne

“Art is like nature. If you don't let it in the door, it will come in the window."
Samuel Butler

“Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him”
Vissarion Belinsky

“In nature, every phenomenon is a tangled ball; in society, every person is a pebble in a mosaic pattern. Both in the physical world and in the spiritual world everything is intertwined, there is nothing pure, nothing separate.”
Nicola Chamfort

“There is always a reckoning in this world. There are two attorney generals: one is the one who stands at your door and punishes offenses against society, the other is nature itself. She knows all the vices that elude the laws."
Denis Diderot

“Nature pleases, attracts and inspires only because it is natural”
Wilhelm Humboldt

“If nature is matter striving to become a soul, then art is the soul expressing itself in the material”
Oscar Wilde

“When I contemplate the wonders of a sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows in awe of the Creator.”

"Wind is the breath of nature"
Kozma Prutkov

“When Nature wants to create something, she creates a genius to do it”
Ralph Emerson

“There is a strong in man an unconscious desire for nature (the only path of his life); This desire is so strong that man does not hesitate to use pathetic parodies of nature - gardens and even indoor plants.”
Nicholas Roerich

“Let us not... be too deluded by our victories over nature. For every such victory she takes revenge on us.”
Friedrich Engels

"Nature will always take its toll"
William Shakespeare

“Man as an individual, placed face to face with nature, is insignificant. Man, as a race, is powerful, and only the immutability of the laws of nature can be the limit for his self-lawful development. For him, as for a rational being, as having a consciousness of the laws of nature, there is nothing insubordinate in the universe, there is nothing supernatural, something that would not be contained in his nature and would not develop from it: he is for himself both a microcosm and a macrocosm.”
Mikhail Petrashevsky

“Give up intrusive guardianship - and generous nature itself will find the path to perfection”
Edmund Burke

“In nature, opposing causes often produce the same effects: a horse falls on its feet equally from stagnation and from excessive riding.”
Mikhail Lermontov

“Nature always acts slowly and economically in its own way”
Charles Montesquieu

“Even in his most beautiful dreams, man cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature”
Alphonse Lamartine

“On a green, blooming shore, above the dark depths of a river or lake... imaginary passions will subside, imaginary storms will subside, selfish dreams will crumble, unrealistic hopes! Nature will enter into its eternal rights, you will hear its voice, drowned out for a time by vanity, trouble, laughter, screaming and all the vulgarity of human speech!
Sergey Aksakov

“A thing that exists in nature becomes much more beautiful if it resembles an object of art, but an object of art does not become truly beautiful by resembling a thing that exists in nature.”
Oscar Wilde

"Nature is the creator of all creators"
Johann Goethe

“Nature was created in order to emancipate us in conspiracy with the spirit”
Ralph Emerson

“Nature intended to make woman the pinnacle of creation, but she made a mistake with clay and chose one that was too soft.”
Gotthold Lessing

“There is nothing in the world that is done against the laws of nature. That which contradicts the laws of nature is false."
Mikael Nalbandyan

“By nature, people are not at all enemies of each other”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“In nature, nothing arises instantly and nothing comes into being in a completely ready-made form.”
Alexander Herzen

“We want not only to know how nature works (and how natural phenomena), but also, if possible, to achieve a goal, perhaps utopian and daring in appearance, - to find out why nature is exactly the way it is and not another. Scientists find the greatest satisfaction in this.”
Albert Einstein

"Nature does not tolerate lies"
Thomas Carlyle

“Nature is monstrously unfair. Talent is evidence of this."
Aldous Huxley

“Everything in nature is mutual. Who knows - in order for a person to take one step towards his moral ideal, shouldn’t the whole world move along with him?”
Jean Guyot

“In every person nature grows either as grains or as weeds; let him water the first in a timely manner and destroy the second.”
Francis Bacon

“The people are a roundabout way of nature to come to six or seven great people. - Yes, - and then to get around them.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“What is truth? The correspondence of our judgments to the creatures of nature"
Denis Diderot

“The main purpose of nature, apparently, is to illustrate the lines of poets”
Oscar Wilde

“Nature has arranged it in such a way that it is common not only for madmen, but also for sages to harbor illusions: otherwise the latter would suffer too much from their own wisdom.”
Nicola Chamfort

“In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.”
Leonardo da Vinci

“Ignorance of nature is the root of those unknown forces before which the human race has trembled for so long, and of those superstitious creeds that have been the source of all its disasters.”
Paul Holbach

“The craving for rural life and the desire to get out into nature are especially widespread in countries with a bad climate.”
Aldous Huxley

“Nature does not tolerate inaccuracies and does not forgive mistakes”
Ralph Emerson

“Nature never deceives us; It is we who are deceiving ourselves.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Nature is like a woman who, showing from under her clothes first one part of her body, then another, gives persistent admirers some hope of someday recognizing all of her.”
Denis Diderot

“Man will not become master of nature until he has become master of himself.”
Georg Hegel

“Nature has flour and chaff, both vile and lovely”
William Shakespeare

“Nature is the only book that contains deep content on all its pages”
Johann Goethe

“Nature imitates art. It can demonstrate only those effects that are already familiar to us through poetry or painting. This is the secret of nature’s charm, as well as the secret of its flaws.”
Oscar Wilde

“Nature teaches animals to know their friends”
William Shakespeare

“But why change the processes of nature? There may be a deeper philosophy than we have ever dreamed of - a philosophy that reveals the secrets of nature, but does not change its course by penetrating into it."
Edward Bulwer-Lytton

“Always remember that nature is not God, man is not a machine, a hypothesis is not a fact.”
Denis Diderot

“People obey the laws of nature, even when they fight against them”
Johann Goethe

“We must not invent, not invent, but look for what nature creates and brings”
Francis Bacon

“Man, not being clothed with beneficent nature, received from above the gift of tailoring.”
Kozma Prutkov

“Nature can only be conquered by obeying its laws”
Francis Bacon

“Our callousness, our selfishness encourages us to look at nature with envy, but she herself will envy us when we recover from our illnesses.”
Ralph Emerson

“Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn”
Leonardo da Vinci

“When art becomes more varied, nature will no doubt also become less annoyingly homogeneous.”
Oscar Wilde

“Nature knows no stop in its movement and punishes all inactivity”
Johann Goethe
